Games for Autumn

Really? I thought it was out already... Ah well, silly me. I am still unfamiliar with them enough that my interest is unchanged.
Greater of Two Weevils!!!!!!!

I am CALLING a slot in the Abyssal Team as I don't want to pick up the Infernal book. Thus I wont 'know' my enemy meta-gaming either.
I'd be up for any of these barring any unforeseen circumstances (which admittedly are the only kind I seem to encounter), though I'm particularly interested in Ergo Proxy Autochthon.
I'm reaffirming my interest in Greater of Two Evils. I'm just totally unsure now which group I want to play in now...

Edit: It just clicked. I'm in an Abyssal mood. I even have a character idea: A murderer who hunts down people in the night for sport and guts them for parts. Big focus on stealth and necromancy. Even thought of a name for him: The Night Surgeon.

2nd Edit: And here I go getting carried away with myself...
If I got into that game, I'd probably go Infernal. I've been wanting to play one ever since I read about the acts of villainy.

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