Game of thrones RP


New Member
This rp is based on George Martin's Game of Thrones Series. It follows a completely different story line from the books and TV show. Players will battle for the Iron Throne and their lives. I will instigate certain predetermined events throughout the rp. Sign ups are found in the link at the end of this post. This thread will be used as the ooc. The oc is found here.

The Targaryens ruled Westeros with a fiery fist from an iron throne. With the dragons by their side no one could hope to overthrow them. Luckily, they were good and just rulers, for the most part. However, it only takes one bad king to ruin a kingdom.

Dragons are powerful and intelligent creatures. Ageon I saw them as companions and recognised that they were as smart as humans. However, years of dragons and men living side by side changed this way of thinking. Slowly the kings began to see the dragons more and more as pets. The pride of humanity thrust the dragons to a lower social level. There is only one creature with more pride then a human, a dragon.

The dragons grew weary of how each new king treated them with less and less respect. They became rowdy at being disrespected so. King Aenar I Targaryen, the fifth king of the iron throne, saw the dragons a wild beasts and sought out to discipline them for their disobedience. This only angered the dragons more. They only wanted to be respected for their power, but Aenar was vain and did not understand. When Aenar killed the first dragon a battle between men and dragons should have commenced, but the dragons did something strange. Rather than attack and kill the feeble stupid men, they simple vanished.

The last dragon was seen by the Night's Watch flying over the wall. One solitary magnificent creature heading to the Land of Forever Winter. Aenar was convinced that all the dragons had gone north, for how could something as immense as a dragon hide in Westeros? With so many, someone would have seen one. Or so Aenar thought.

Aenar concluded that the dragons would band together with the wildlings, giants, mammoths, snarks, and whatever other vile creatures lived north of the wall. He feared that with the might of the dragons the wildlings would conquer the wall and Seven Kingdoms.

With an assembled army of 200,000 men Aenar foolishly marched on the free folk. "Winter is coming" the northern men told him. But Aenar took no heed of the warning. For months the army swept the land interrogating and killing wildlings, but there was no word or sign of dragons. Finally after eight months only the Frostfangs were left unsearched. Aenar's generals begged him to return home but Aenar had lost whatever sanity he had retained during the last few months. Many of the men deserted. Over half the remaining army froze in the Frostfangs before they barely started the search. Aenar returned with only 20,000 men.

No one knows exactly where the dragons went. Some believe they are all hidden in the Frostfangs, others think that they hide across the seas in the shadow lands. Some say they never left Westeros, and through some magic have hidden themselves. Others are convinced they are dead, for when they disappeared all the magic in the land slowly diminished as well.

Aenar lived as King for ten more years. He never left his room and left the the ruling to his hand, Caster Tully. Caster was not a bad hand, but the realm had lost faith in Aenar Targaryen. Without the dragons the Crown had no hope of maintaining order. The Reach and Dorne began to fight again. Greyjoy longships began to raid the coast. The Lannisters refused to pay taxes. The Baratheons even went as far as claiming independence from the Crown. War broke out between the Crownlands and Stormlands, but only the Tullys sent an army (just a quarter of their forces) when the hand called.

When Aenar died his son Aegon III became king. He was a decisive and intelligent king who was able to win back a little trust from the realm. However, he enjoyed war immensely. Aegon III quited the Baratheon rebellion efficiently and restored a little peace. When the Lannisters still refused to pay taxes the king made the mistake of declaring war. No other house wished to engage in war with the Lannisters. The king, having no support, was forced to shamefully retract his declaration of war. All the faith Aegon III had gained was now lost.

After Aegon III followed two awful Targaryen rulers. By this time, one century after the dragons disappeared, the realm had had enough of Targaryen rule. War is imminent.

While the Realm squabbles and fights something mysterious is happening to the land. There are many earthquakes. In the mountains avalanches are commonly occurring. The trees in large forests seem to shift and move. Strange hot bubbles have been spotted in rivers, lakes, and marshes. Strangest of all Dragonstone was evacuated because the volcano beneath it became active once more. With all the chaos few people noticed that magic was slowly returning to the land.

The RP starts here. The nine regions of Westeros are in disarray. They all agree that the king must be overthrown but cannot agree on who the new king shall be. Players may either play as a warden of one of the nine regions and command an army or choose to make up their own character. I will leave it up to the players to choose who they wish to unite with and who they want to war with.

Character Rules:

(Sorry for so many rules :( They are their to make things more fun.)

1. Regional wardens may not learn magic.

2. Start by creating a main character. As the game progresses you can create sub characters.

3. You may have two main characters if you choose one to be a regional warden. You may not have two main characters that hold different armies. For instance you cannot play as two wardens (until I say otherwise). You cannot play as a banner man for a different warden. You CAN play as a warden and one of his banner men (a Stark and an Umber).

4. Players may not kill another player's main character, but I can! If you are careless your chances of dying will increase. When this happens I will notify you via pm and tell you that you must kill off you character in the next battle, or i will do it my self. You will have a chance to argue my decision. If this happens you may switch your main character to a supporting character you have made.

5. If you kill someone's supporting character beware of repercussions.

Battle rules:

1. If you wish to use a siege tower, battering ram, trebuchet, or ballista you must construct them first. They can only be constructed on the edges of forests. The maps I have included show the largest forests but there are smaller woods scattered around Westeros that are not shown. These war machines will slow travel speed.

2. If engaged in PvP combat you may say what your character intends to do, not what you actually do. For example: Edric gave a tremendous upward swing with his battle axe, intending to follow with a shield bash and a side swing.

3. After each battle players can debate over how many troops each side lost in the ooc. I will take everything into account and try to give a fair verdict.

General Rules:

1. Given the time period this should not be a problem, but try not to allude to events that may happen in the books or TV series on the behalf of players who have not read all the books.

2. No god moding.

3. Due to the nature of this rp there are two different play styles. First is the usual character development and interactions. Second are the large battles which will take place. These two styles bring up a time issue. Character interaction takes place over a period of hours where a battle can take weeks. As a result I am asking players to basically speed up time when going to war. I don't want it to take to long to fight one battle.

4. Only I may control other people's main characters. I will probably never have to do this though if players stay active. Can can post limited actions for other players side characters if it is something the person would actually do.

5. If you use magic and try to do something drastic, such as calling on the god of light to kill someone, I will decide if the gods have listened or not.

6. You cannot react to another players post if you have no way of knowing what their character is doing. For example: If the Tullys decide to march on Stormsend the Reach can't magically come to Stormsends aid right away. A raven must be sent first, which takes time. Likewise, if a Reach army does make it in time the Tullys can't just change their mind halfway through the march.

7. Aspects of travel times will have to be discussed in the ooc.

8. Heads will roll, for the night is dark and full of terrors.

Needed characters:

Wardens/Usurpers: I would like at least three of these before the rp starts. I will control untaken ones when need be until they are claimed. Eventually I might let people control multiple wardens.


Iron Islands(open)







Hands of the kings: I would prefer that players name themselves king that they choose another player to be their hand. This can't always be possible I know.

Hand of King Daeron Targaryen of the Iron Throne (open)

House Army and Navy sizes:

Horsemen are generally worth 3 footmen in battle and are more mobile.

House Stark of the North:

-27,000 footmen

-8,000 horsemen

-Takes thrice pas long to summon entire army

-Hard to invade

House Arryn of the Eyrie:

-18,000 footmen

-9,000 horsemen

-Various mountain clansmen numbering around 3,000 will rob travelers and villages. They can be bought with enough money, but it is risky business

-Hard to invade

House Tully of the Riverlands:

-18,000 footmen

-7,000 horsemen

-25 small ships used to patrol rivers. Each ship holds 50 men.

House Lannister of the Westernlands:

-25,000 footmen

-15,000 horsemen

-25 small galleys with 50 oars and 100 soldiers

-17 medium galleys with 100 oars and 200 soldiers

-15 large galleys with 200 oars and 500 soldiers

-3 war galleys with 200 oars, 250 soldiers, 20 scorpions, 5 ballistas, and 3 trebuchets.

-Much wealth

House Tyrell of the Reach:

-40,000 footmen

-30,000 horsemen

-20 small galleys with 50 oars and 100 soldiers

-20 medium galleys with 100 oars and 200 soldiers

-5 large galleys with 200 oars and 500 soldier

-2 war galleys with 200 oars, 250 soldiers, 20 scorpions, 5 ballistas, and 3 trebuchets.

House Baratheon of the Stormlands:

-15,000 footmen

-5,000 horsemen

-Very strong castles

House Martell of Dorne:

-5,000 footmen

-10,000 horsemen

-Hard to invade

House Greyjoy of the Iron Islands:

-50 small longships with 60 oars and 50 soldiers

-30 medium longships with 150 oars and 100 soldiers

-40 large longships with 250 oars and 300 men

King and the Crownlands:

-10,000 footmen

-8,000 horsemen

-10 small galleys with 50 oars and 100 soldiers

-5 medium galleys with 100 oars and 200 soldiers

-5 large galleys with 200 oars and 500 soldier

-5 war galleys with 200 oars, 250 soldiers, 20 scorpions, 5 ballistas, and 3 trebuchets.

-Center of politics

-Rules all regions loyal to the crown and may call on any army

Ship specifics:


Galleys are large and hold many soldiers. Horsemen can replace soldiers, but a galley can hold three times as many solders as horsemen. Galleys are equipped with rams that are used to cripple other boats. Small to large galleys must stay near the shore and stop often for supplies. War galleys are sea worthy and can go longer without supplies.


Longships are much faster then a galley and don't need to as many supplies. A small longship would be faster then a medium galley, and a medium longboat is faster then any galley. Longships have two fronts so they do not need to turn around to go in reverse. Longships can also land on the shore. Longships must stay near the coast.

Trading ships:

All kingdoms have a variety of sea worthy trading ships and fishing ships. They are not suited for combat but can be used for transportation of individuals or very small groups.

Helpful maps:

Nine great houses

Westeros and Essos

Other useful information:

Throughout the land I have scattered information, helpful characters, and major events. All of these have something to do with the dragons. I will give you hints in the game on how to find these things. A bar man may give you some very interesting information, or a load of crap, if you ask. If you pay attention and do the right things you may find yourself with a dragon egg...or eaten by a dragon.

At last! The character sheets can be found here.

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