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Fandom Game of Thrones - Original 1x1 Roleplay


New Member



(I'm not certain whether this thread should be on the Fandom section or not but here goes!)

What am I looking for?

I am looking for someone interested in doing a one-on-one roleplay that takes place in the Game of Thrones universe. More specifically I would like the story to take place just before the television-show begins; Robert Baratheon is king and no-one is at war.

I would like our characters to be original and have no connection to the canon characters of the show or books. I have no plot or story planned out as of the moment as I enjoy setting things up from the start with my partner, but I have some ideas I am happy to share and use. I am open for anything from a romance-based story to one revolving around combat or exploration.

I would prefer someone that writes around 100 words per post and is able to reply at least once a day. I do not expect you to be a writing expert but I appreciate good grammar and decently detailed posts. In regards to the theme of the roleplay, Game of Thrones, I do not expect you to be an expert on that either. As long as you know of the houses, where things are and
some history you should be fine!

About myself!

I have been roleplaying on and off for six years now and I think I am quite good at it. I am no expert by any means but I get around. My
English is not the best as it is not my main language, but I have not had any complains so far in my roleplaying journey. I tend to write around 100 words per post but naturally it varies depending on the situation. Basically, I'm a casual roleplayer.

So yes, if you are interested or have any ideas to share you are more than welcome to write here on this thread or send me a private message. I will most likely reply the same day!

Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a good day.

- Q

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Hi! I might possibly just maybe perhaps be interested. I just don't know what the plot would be! Could you maybe elaborate on what we'd be doing and stuff?
Nivi said:
Hi! I might possibly just maybe perhaps be interested. I just don't know what the plot would be! Could you maybe elaborate on what we'd be doing and stuff?
Well, I don't think you will be pleased with my answer. As I've stated up there I don't really want to present a plot and then find people that like it. I would much rather find someone that is interested in creating something with me from scratch. I have some basic ideas for plots and whatnot but nothing thought out. In reality I'm up for anything pretty much, romance between two people, fighting and more fighting, adventure/exploring, kings waging war against each other, diplomats negotiating peace, etc. I'm really into romance and the generic adventure types of roleplays but I'm open to create something around my partners preferences.
Hi there, I'm new to the site but I'm wondering if you were still looking for a partner. I'd be willing to create a plot with you. I know this was posted a while ago but if you are still looking for a partner let me know!

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