[SIZE= 14.6667px]Summery:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]It is 373 years after the conquest of King Aegon I Targaryen, and 71 after the conquest of his ancestor, Queen Daenerys I, the mother of Dragons. Westeros is currently experiencing the longest period of peace since the reign of King Jaehaerys the Conciliator, over three centuries ago, which is in no small part due to its reigning monarch Maegor II, known amongst the commons as King Maegor the Magnificent, a king well regarded for his valour and strong sense of duty. However Maegor is old and his mind has begun to fade, leaving the realm addled and without proper leadership, whilst the small council hurry the preparations to crown his son and heir, many of his rivals begin to stake their claims upon the iron throne, not least the prince’s jealous younger brother, the prince of summerhall, or even his uncle who lies brooding across the Narrow Sea in the ancient fortress of Dragonstone. Westeros may be about to plunge into its largest war since the dance of the dragons, bringing chaos to all those involved. [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Crownlands:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Targaryen of King’s Landing, the Crownlands is the smallest region in the Seven Kingdoms and the only one never to have been its own sovereign Kingdom. Despite this its inhabitants tend to be merchants and other traders and it is one of the richest places in all of Westeros. Combined with its large fleet strategically located in the Narrow Sea, and its position surrounding the capital of King’s Landing it is one of the most important places in Westeros.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Targaryen of Dragonstone[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Velaryon of Driftmark[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Celtigar of Claw Isle[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Stormlands:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Baratheon of Storm’s End, the stormlands is known for its fierce weather and hardy warriors, it has a strong martial culture and is known to breed some of the finest soldiers in all of Westeros. Despite a rebellion against the crown over seven decades ago, resulting in three Baratheon kings sitting the iron throne House Baratheon has remained loyal since Princess Shireen Baratheon forfeited any rights to the crown in exchange for the return of the ancient Baratheon stronghold of Storm’s End.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Dondarrion of Blackhaven[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Caron of Nightsong[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Seaworth of the Rainwood[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Swann of Stonehelm[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Iron Islands:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Greyjoy of Pyke, the iron islands are known to the mainland of Westeros as pirates and marauders and have produced some of the finest sailors in the known world. They worship the Drowned God and hold fiercely to their ancient traditions, preferring to pay for their possessions in blood rather gold, due to a tradition that they call paying the iron price. Many years ago House Greyjoy made an unsuccessful bid for kingship though they were pushed back by Queen Daenerys, who only granted them back their seat after learning the hard way that those of the iron islands will not bend to outsiders. [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Harlaw of Ten Towers[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Goodbrother of Hammerhorn[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Blacktyde of Blacktyde[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Orkmont of Orkmont[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Saltcliffe of Saltcliffe[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Farwynd of Lonely Light[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Riverlands:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Tully of Riverrun, the riverlanders are no strangers to war and as such are a hardy folk, prone to petty squabbles and fighting amongst themselves. The riverlords rule one of the most fertile regions of Westeros, and as such their land is contested by many of the surrounding regions. The riverlands have seen peace as of late and ever since the death of Lord Walder Frey, seventy years prior and the revolution in which Lords Tytos Blackwood and Jonos Bracken worked together to rescue Edmure Tully from the clutches of the House Lannister, squabbles amongst riverlords are less frequent, though still fairly common.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Frey of the Crossing[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Bracken of Stone Hedge[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Blackwood of Raventree Hall[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Mallister of Seagard[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House _____ of Harrenhal[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The North:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Stark of Winterfell the north is the largest, though also most the sparsely populated of the seven kingdoms, its people worship the old gods and as such have built up a strong sense of honour and duty, remaining loyal long past the point where others would abandon a cause. House Stark was returned to their seat of Winterfell when Rickon Stark, found upon the isle of Skagos by Lord Davos Seaworth, was given to Queen Daenerys I who appointed the boy to a lordship in exchange for the loyalty of the north. This came only after the three dragons flew to Dreadfort and incinerated most of the Bolton forces outside of its walls. They have remained a strong force in the seven kingdoms ever since and are the realms largest supplies of timber and other such commodities.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Manderly of White Harbour[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Dustin of Barrowton[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Umber of Last Hearth[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Glover of Deepwood Motte[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Stark of the Dreadfort[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Ryswell of the Rills[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Reed of Greywater Watch[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Reach:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Tyrell of Highgarden, the reach is the most populous of the seven kingdoms, and the largest supplier of food and luxuries. The reach is considered the home of chivalry in westeros and has strong ties with knightly tradition, valuing their knights greatly. House Tyrell retained their seat of Highgarden when Queen Daenerys I came to westeros due to the shrewd planning of their matriarch, Olenna Redwyne, the Queen of Thorns and they have served House Targaryen ably ever since.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Hightower of Oldtown[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Redwyne of the Arbor[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Tarly of Horn Hill[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Rowan of Goldengrove[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Westerlands:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Lannister of Casterly Rock. Amazingly, the Rock still held gold all these years after Lann the Clever took it from House Casterly. Likely one of the most hilly region outside of the Vale, the Westermen boast some of the best infantry in the world, with their knights more willing to fight dismounted than those of the other regions. After the fall of Cersei Baratheon and Tywin Lannister, Queen Daenerys I offered Tyrion Lannister first choice of being Warden of the West and the title of Lord of the Rock. After he refused, the title went to his surviving brother, Jaime Lannister, who had wedded Brienne of Tarth in order to continue the Lannister line. The Lions have served the Red Dragons dutifully since, though there had been rumors about their returning ambition with the rise of the new Lion, Tiber Lannister.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Crakehall of Crakehall[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Spicer of Castamere[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Brax of Hornvale[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Swyft of Cornfield[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Lefford of the Golden Tooth[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Marbrand of Ashemark [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Dorne:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear, Dorne is the southernmost kingdom in westeros and the only one not conquered by King Aegon I. The Dornish are a proud people, and their leaders still bare the titles of prince or even princess, since Dorne’s succession rules allow a firstborn daughter the same rights as other kingdoms give to first born sons.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Yronwood of Yronwood[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Dayne of Starfall[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Fowler of Skyreach[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Vale:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Governed by House Arryn of the Eyrie, the vale of arryn is home to a pious people, devout in their worship of the faith of the seven, their stock provides reliable warrior and the knights of the vale are renown throughout westeros as a great fighting force. House Arryn remained mostly neutral during the second conquest and as such when Queen Daenerys seemed safe in her victory they swore their allegiance to her, remaining a dominant force in westerosi politics for the next half a century, as the only kingdom with their military force still intact.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Houses:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Grafton of Gulltown[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Royce of Runestone[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 12px]House Corbray of Heart’s Home[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Notable Roles:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Targaryen:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]King Maegor I Targaryen, the Magnificent [NPC][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s eldest son. Heir to the Iron Throne[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s eldest daughter. Married to _____ [ailurophile][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen Maegor’s second daughter. Married to _____[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s second son. Prince of Summerhall [ArisenMoon][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s third son. Married to an Arryn[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s fourth son. A septon.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s third daughter. Married to the Prince of Pentos[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s fourth daughter. Married to a rich merchant.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen, Maegor’s fifth son. Betrothed to a Baratheon.[Akio][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Targaryen, Grandmaester[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Targaryen, Maegor’s brother. Prince of Dragonstone[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]______ Targaryen(s), Maegor’s nephews[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Targaryen, Maegor’s sister.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Targaryen, Maegor’s sister. Married to the Lord of Driftmark [Hypnos][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]The Small Council:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ _____, Hand of the King [Hypnos][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Targaryen, Grandmaester[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ _____, Master of Coin[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ _____, Master of Laws[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ _____, Master of Whispers [TheTraveller][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ _____, Master of Ships[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ _____, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard [Red][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Greyjoy:[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Lord Reaper _____ Greyjoy. Married to ____ [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_______ Greyjoy, _____’s eldest son. Heir to Pyke [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_______ Greyjoy, _____’s second son. [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_______ Greyjoy, _____’s third son. [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_______ Greyjoy, _____’s fourth son [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_______ Greyjoy, _____’s daughter. [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_______ Greyjoy, _____’s younger brother. [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_______ Greyjoy, _____’s exiled 2nd cousin.. [Lancelot][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Stark[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Stark, Lord/Lady of Winterfell [Ms MistyEye][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Lannister[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Tiber Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock [WanderingJester][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Leanne Lannister nee Brax, Lady of Casterly Rock[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Martyn Lannister, Heir to Casterly Rock [WanderingJester][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Celena Lannister, Tybolt Lannister’s daughter. [WanderingJester][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Tyrell[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Tyrell, Lord/Lady of Highgarden [Savagai][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Tully[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Tully, Lord/Lady of Riverrun [TheTraveller][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Martell[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Martell, Lord/Lady of Sunspear [Akio][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Arryn[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Arryn, Lord/Lady of the Eyrie[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]House Baratheon[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]_____ Baratheon, Lord/Lady of Storm’s End [ailurophile][/SIZE]
[SIZE= 14.6667px]A Game of Thrones/ASOIAF roleplay set seventy years after the events in the books. The roleplay will work from book canon however since it takes place almost a century after any show watchers or really anyone who hasn't either read the books of watched the show should be fine.[/SIZE]
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