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Game of Three (private)


Mysterious Character

Power is a huge motivator. Because of the desire for acquisition and maintaining of this power, the land has a huge problem.

There are very few positions of power available, namely the power that comes with royalty and ruling, or the power that comes to sway the minds of the multitudes of followers gained from a faith in a higher power. This gives two essential positions of power: The King and his family, and the church patriarchs. While the king has been fair with his laws, the church has been hard at work twisting the minds of its’ followers.

This story is not to say that the church is false—only that it may be corrupted. For hundreds of years, those in power within the church have been slowly causing the population to become more complacent, more obedient. The basic duties for every person are still performed, but now, instead of aspiring for something more, people become contented with their day-to-day lives. They sacrifice their goals, dreams, and intention with the obedience to their prophets.

This is not an easy feat. Starting hundreds of years ago, the church developed a way to brainwash people, through torture and repetition, to do as they commanded. This was easiest accomplished through children. First, they find a way to inflict a great trauma upon a child, one at a malleable age. This trauma causes the child’s personality to split- and this split personality is taught many essential commands. Then, this personality split is taught to blend in with the community, only to come out in order to deflect suspicion or when commands are given for certain actions to be performed. This makes everyone an accomplice, and the duty becomes the parent’s to traumatize, brainwash, and help suppress the child’s new second personality.

Those with magic and gifts tend to be resistant to the brainwashing. When the church comes across these gifted individuals, their names are documented and they are watched more closely. When the brainwashing fails, they instead use a liquid to make the child forget that this event ever took placed, a forced memory suppression through an administered drug. The leaders of the church have even found a method to immortality through magic gained by study—dark magic at that. This means that they will be, forever, in their positions of power, and some are even recognized as gods.

Those who were not born to a family who believe in the church are more fortunate. Brainwashing is rare, as it is rare to get these children alone. In such a case where this happens, the member that is in the situation attempts to perform the same trauma and brainwashing as they had gotten when they were young. Because they are to blend in with the community, this requires one brainwashed adult and one child to be alone.

The kingdom in place covers the entire continent. While the King and his family are believers in the church, they are not included in this brainwashing, for there could be no chances with the royal family discovering this devious plot, or the leaders of the church would be tried and put to death for their manipulation.

The only flaw found in this plan now lies in those with discovered talents and abilities. The beings of the supernatural world become much too busy blending in, to appear human to the country. Those who are human and have discovered their talents become hunted by the church—a secret hand of those few with abilities that were successfully brainwashed. These individuals that have not been captured have found ways to hide their abilities, or disappear so they could no longer be found by the church’s hand. Recently, more and more individuals have gone into hiding, and are trying to reveal and destroy the church’s plot to take over.

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Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ Gulp. Gulp. Gulp! "Ahhh! Waiter give me another round!" Smiling broadly, the lady looked about her. Today is glorious! This is the best bar in this city. I don't know why there aren't many customers.. Her eyes caught the sight of a few men snickering at her from the farthest end of the bar. "Hey! You weren't making fun of me, were you?" Eydis glares at them, as the bartender poured her another glass.

"You act all high and mighty, but all you're drinking over there is milk. Why don't you try some of the real stuff?" One of the men chided in response. His smirk still visible as he took a sip of his mug of beer. The other man with him burst into chuckles again.

Turning red, Eydis looked away with a scowl.
"No way! It is broad daylight out and milk suits me just fine!" She swigged the next glass of milk and then wiped her mouth with her napkin. "Plus it is healthier too!"

"You mean to say...that it'll help you grow taller?" Hoots of laughter as the other man commented next. "You're far too short for your age! You hardly look a day over 16! Ladies your age have left that height to their childhood. Are you sure that milk of your's is helping?" The laughter continued. Their howling started to draw a crowd from the passerby, who curiously paused to look and find out what was so funny.

Frustrated and growing with embarassment at her disposition, quickly paid the bartender for the five glasses of milk that she had finished and stood up.
"Comparing me to other women does not make a difference. It just tells me that you men--or should I say boys?" She pointed her nose to the sky and continued her retort. "...that you boys like to stereotype us women. We don't all look the same and if you can't treat a lady with respect, then please allow me to teach you how..." Eydis' eyes flashed with an eager rage to display her strengths as a way to silence their taunting.

Her warning did not shake them, for they could not take her seriously. The moment she stood up, her entire stature simply made their gay laughter stronger. In reality, she really wasn't all that short. These particular blokes just enjoyed teasing her because she so willingly allowed their comments to get to her. And what man didn't enjoy getting a rise out a lady?

Eydis began to raise her newly clenched fist.
I want to punch them right out! What's the big deal if I'm drinking milk or not? Grr!! Eydis' tolerance level was depleting drastically, and her energy levels were coursing through her body, preparing to thrust out in an explosive attack. Maybe I should knock them out with something else? A devilish smirk was starting to form across her lips and the bartender saw it immediately.

"Not today miss! They're not worth the time and energy. We don't want to repeat what happened last time, right?" He cut in, hoping she'd get the hint. I hope she catches my drift. It wouldn't do my bar any good if she scares away all of the customers with her hidden explosives. I know she carries them on her somewhere..I still don't understand how she did it. The bartender was familiar with Eydis and he had the unfortunate experience of dealing with her the day she arrived in the city. It had been about two weeks ago that she had first arrived in this city, claiming to be on a journey of some kind, and she had stopped at his open bar and ordered a similar beverage. All was fine until a fight broke out and she joined the fray. What came next really surprised the man and his guests. An explosion errupted from the crowd and the wall of his building had been damaged. The only reason he allowed her to come back was because she had the funds and the free time to help him repair the damages she had caused. However, today was seeming a lot like that first day and the last thing he wanted was to repeat the damages and injuries.

With a total let-down feeling, Eydis looked to the bartender with an apologetic smile.
"Ah yeah.. sorry! I almost forgot." She turned back to face the two guys and held her hands up in the air is a lazy shrug. "Nevermind. I've completely lost interest with you boys. The bartender is right, you're not worth my time. Besides, I'm not the lowlife sitting at a bar drinking heavily in broad daylight!" With a cocky sniff, Eydis sat back down in her stool and ordered another glass of milk, with the intent to completely ignore any more of their jeers. }


Local Coordinate ~ Small City Outdoor Bar

Associations ~ Bartender

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'Explosions! Its the best way to get rid of guys like them! '

Out Of Command ~ *KAPOW!!* >=D But anyways, I don't know if you want to start in the same city/town or what. So let me know if I should change a detail or two. =]
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The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Rin, The Mediator

Rin walked down a dimly lit hallway, gray cobblestone all around him. He had been here once before, but the first time, there had been torches lighting the wall, now he only navigated by touch. Not because he couldn't make a light, but because he loved the feel of the roughly hewn stone. This hallway had always felt endless, though the end of it would always take him where he wanted to go. "I wish they would not always fight..." Rin whispered to himself. "Julius...Nicholas...but they must never know of each other..."

How long had he been down here? A day? Two? Time never seemed straight down where there was no sun. Every bump in the wall had been in an attempt to make the hallway smooth--only here, an anomaly. Rin stopped walking, stepping back to the other wall. This was his destination, he knew, where Julius would wake up. Staring at the rigid bump in the stone wall, he knew only one thing: Someone there was gifted. This was the path he would take. Focusing his attention, the bump in the wall began to grow, open into a stone archway. An outdoor bar stood before him where he watched a spectacle--an explosion, one large enough to render most unconscious and do major damage. He touched his hand to the side of the archway, swiping his hand left as the scene went forward--one week, two weeks. The bar was repaired. The lady that had caused the explosion still sat at the bar--and the barkeep kept her at bay with a few warning words. This was his entry point.

He plunged through the portal--people on the other side would experience a strong wind that picked up for only about 10 seconds. They wouldn't be able to tell that he was the source--it didn't take him 10 seconds to cross to where he needed to be. A place where prying eyes would not have seen him come through. Taking a deep breath, he went around the corner, picking the seat nearest to the woman. "
I will have a glass of milk, please." Rin stated, getting the barkeep's attention. He reached into his trousers, quickly procuring the amount that was needed to pay for the beverage. "I am quite parched."


Can you see who I truly am?
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Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ Sipping her milk, she noticed that the expressions of the men from earlier were glaring at her. Oh so they did catch on..I suppose they're not as dumb as they seemed. Eydis giggled and waved at them, with a mocking smile on her face. Just then a refreshing breeze passed through the air. It was no more than a few minutes before a young man came to sit beside her. She was delighting in the warm gentle breeze and was partially startled by the presence suddenly beside her. Eydis shifted in her seat to view him a bit better.

What the man did next caught her off guard. The bartender raised his eyebrow at him, but delivered the milk promptly. Eydis stared at the bartender and then back at the guy. Her thoughts were easily read by the bartender.
Is he mocking me? It sure seems fishy that he'd order milk right after those guys and I made a big deal about it... Eydis cleared her throat after side glancing at him and settling herself back into her seat. He doesn't seem like he's making fun of me though..

"See? This guy gets it!" Eydis looked over at the other men to find their seats empty. She had forgotten all about her taunts and the men had made their way over to her side, ready to rustle her up. "Who're you calling a lowlife?" One of the men said gruffly, placing his rough hand on her shoulder.

"Uh-um...I--" Eydis paled at his touch. Playing mind games was one thing, but she knew that she had no chance in a physical brawl, not unless she used her abilities. Unfortunately for her, the bartender had already asked her discreetly to keep her talents to herself. I can't use that one.. but maybe the leaves..? Eydis kept silent and used her eyes to search eagerly for any signs of leaves. Alas, she couldn't find any, for the people in this area kept things far too tidy. Mentally swearing, she sought another way out of it. "You--You know..I didn't mean for it to be taken so personally.." She attempted to buy herself some time with words, but it seemed that her words could make no difference now. What can I do? His grasp is far too strong. Is there anything I can summon? A pry bar..? Haha no...Help! Someone? "I-I just thought it was bad taste to choose such a strong liquid...at this time..?" She grasped for words to not much avail. }


Local Coordinate ~ Small City Outdoor Bar

Associations ~ Bartender, a young man, and these buffoons

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'Milk? He ordered milk!'

Out Of Command ~ My glass of ice water tastes like milk right now...like really?
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The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Julius, The Hero

Rin, with the promptly delivered milk, downed it in one go, slamming the glass loudly on the table, standing promptly, turning to the men, he smiled. This smile was eerily empty, as if his soul were devoid of emotion. "If you please, unhand my friend, and I will not have to get violent." He stated. He seemed like a frail kid--the idea of him taking on the rough men at the bar was...laughable. He winked towards Eydis, his green eye glinting in the sunlight. "Too late."

Then his body went limp, but for such a short moment that it appeared as a stumble. Blinking his eyes once, their color had suddenly changed to blue--his expressionless face took on a confused look. Where am I? Julius wondered, glancing around the scene before him--it was men, roughing up a girl. This would not stand. "How do creeps like you get off beating defenseless women?" he challenged, taking advantage of the situation. This was not the first time he had woken up in a strange place with the need to act, so he recuperated from his vertigo quite quickly. Already, his hand was balled into a fist, which promptly connected with the man's jaw who had his hand on Eydis's shoulder. He didn't know why he needed to protect this girl--but then, he had stopped asking questions when he had gotten into these situations. The man stumbled backwards, the boy much stronger than he looked. Julius looked each of them in the eye. "If this is a drunken brawl, you are all outmatched." Julius threatened. "I'm much faster than any of you could hope."

Of course, all this did to people was get them enraged. A couple of swings came at him, but he dodged them rather easily, moving away from the bar stools, through the crowd enough that they wouldn't break any of the barkeeper's chairs. More punches came at him, along with a couple of kicks, which he only had to step back for them to miss. "
You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!" he taunted, ducking low and launching himself forward with his toes, making two punches connect with two men's guts, causing them to double over. The momentum definitely helped the strength. "You okay, lady?" Julius called over to her, though it was obvious his focus was on the fight, dodging punches.


Can you see who I truly am?
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Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ "Y-Yeah. I'm fine..." Eydis stumbled on the words. She was baffled by his sudden eagerness to fight for her. Who is this guy? Is he one of those people that are looking for fights on purpose? He must be..it would explain why he decided to order milk like I did, almost like a hint that he saw what was coming just by watching me and preparing himself for the fight. Eydis' expression turned to a scowl. She didn't like what she was thinking. People who purposefully go looking for a fight bothered her. It was one thing to defend yourself when being attacked, but causing fights on purpose left a nasty taste in her mouth. (Ironically, taunting people did not occur to her to be problem behavior). Hoping it wasn't the case, she got off her stool, paid for her last drink, and walked closer to the fighting scene.

The men had been throwing punches but Julius's swift movements rendered them to the ground. He managed to finally get them doubled over on the ground, groaning and cursing. Studying the boy for a moment, she took note of his stature and tilted her head arrogantly.
"Those were some pretty aggressive punches. They didn't deserve a beating like that. They were a pair of deadbeats." Eydis couldn't believe what she was spouting out, especially since those lowlifes were about to do some pretty unsavory things to her. I know that I should be thanking this guy for helping me, but I don't feel comfortable praising him when I have suspicions about him. I need to get him alone and out of this crowd. I'd hardly be given the chance to discern his intentions otherwise.

Realizing the crowd had become so large made her blush with embarrassment. Eydis bowed to the crowd quickly and then immediately decided to grab Julius' arm.
"Excuse us.." She turned on her heel and dragged him away with her. Idiot. He's drawing way too much attention now. And if we stick around too long, those guys will recover and attempt to lash out at us. As she was guiding him away, Eydis remembered one of the statements that Julius had spouted out before the fight. '...unhand my friend...'? What did he mean by that? Am I supposed to know him from somewhere? Why would he call me his friend when I don't recall ever knowing him prior? Puzzled and slightly annoyed, she continued to drag him away without saying a word. }


Local Coordinate ~ Small City

Associations ~ A young man--er friend?

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'His eyes..they were green, but suddenly...they're now blue! How is that possible?'

Out Of Command ~ Now.. should I add more or leave it as is?


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Julius, The Hero

His arm was grabbed, and soon Julius was being pulled away from the place he had woken up, away from the crowd that had gathered for the outdoor bar brawl. A couple of people from the crowd attempted to follow the two, but as Julius caught his balance, they couldn't keep up with Eydis and him. Once Julius was certain they were no longer being followed, he stopped his jog quickly, grabbing Eydis' hand and darted into a small, secluded area that was between two houses--unseen from the main road. It was a little dusty, but Julius didn't mind, hopefully the girl wouldn't either.

Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt them that much. I just can't stand people who try to take advantage of women." He stated. He was not even remotely out of breath, even after having just been running--which meant he was obviously in a decent shape for himself. Bowing cordially to Eydis, he introduced himself. "My name is Julius. And you are...?" He did not know how he had gotten to the bar, though she may have some idea. This had happened to him a few times before--where he had woken up in strange areas with strange people in strange situations. Perhaps she would know. "And I apologize--I'm a bit confused. Do you know how I got to that bar?"


Can you see who I truly am?


Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ Eydis did not have much of a choice when she got pulled into the side street with Julius. His grip on her was surprisingly strong. Thankfully, the goons did not see them turn off onto this smaller path, giving them the slip. Eydis ducked behind some barrels, until she knew for certain by Julius' gaze that the coast was clear. His eyes are blue. Why did I think they were green earlier? No longer hiding, Eydis dusted her clothes and listened to his apology. "Thank you for that, though. I really did not think that they would attempt to physically attack me." Looking up at him, she felt a sudden pull towards him. It was alluring and made her want to learn more about him, but part of that alluring feeling made her feel sick. Something was off about him and she didn't like the way it was making her feel. Curiosity growing stronger, Eydis felt that she needed to know what was bothering her about him.

"Julius, huh? My name is Eydis. It is a pleasure to meet you." She gave a slight bow in return. Julius seemed to waste not a single second in asking her about how they met. Incredulously, Eydis blinked a few times while staring at him. Do I know how he got to the bar...? Is he serious? Of course I don't! My back was facing him the moment he showed up. I was far too focused on those men at the time. Eydis looked about them, taking in their surroundings then sternly back at him. "So this is where we start..huh?" She replied as if talking to herself. "Quite honestly, I do not know how you came to that bar. You kind of just showed up out of nowhere and sat down beside me.."

She leaned against the stack of empty barrels, folding her arms across her stomach.
"I was actually going to ask you if you knew me from somewhere, but now I realize that you must have just made that statement, about us being friends, as an excuse to start that brawl." With her right hand, she started to twirl her finger around a strand of her loose hair. "If you don't even know how you got there, then does that mean you don't even know where you are?" Her brows were furrowed as she gazed at him. Where did he come from? And why do I feel as though I shouldn't let him leave my side? }


Local Coordinate ~ Small City Alley Street

Associations ~ Julius

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'He is quite athletic..He took those guys out fairly easily and even after we ran away he didn't seem the least bit out of breath...he could prove useful to me..'

Out Of Command ~ Blah I feel like there should be more.. but this is all I got.


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Julius, The Hero

At her confirmation of not knowing where he came from, he sighed, and shook his head. He always woke up in random places. Then there was her comment about him calling her a "friend" - no, would he have said that? He had always seemed to say things that were completely out of character for him, only to find out later that they had been said with no recollection. He closed his eyes for a moment and paid attention to the taste in his mouth--milk, though it was faint. He must have ordered milk. Better than any of the other drinks at the bar, that was for sure.

At her inquiry about knowing where he was, he only shook his head again. "
I don't recall calling you friend--all I know is that when I came to, I was standing, and some guy looked like he was going to hurt a wo...I mean, you. Yesterday...or earlier today maybe? I was in a city named Lyre, some port-town." This much was clear. He had met briefly with a guy there regarding a pendant--though the guy had no knowledge of it.

To be honest, this is not the first time I've woken up with no idea where I am...but somehow it always ends up being significant. I think I'm supposed to meet you." Opening his eyes again, he looked into hers with an intent gaze, reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a wire-wrapped sapphire that looked like it had a ruby in it's center. "Have you ever seen this pendant before? I've been trying to find the owner for some time now. Maybe that's why I was supposed to meet you?"


Can you see who I truly am?


Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ He doesn't remember calling me his friend? Hmm maybe it was just a slip of the tongue and he just forgot? Letting it go, she focused on his following statement. "L-Lyre? You must be joking!" Her incredulous expression from earlier returned with a lot more surprise and confusion. "There's no possible way for you to get from Lyre to here within two days time! We're in the small city of Baladae, in the mid-east." Eydis stopped leaning against the barrels and scanned the area for any eavesdroppers. Seeing no one, she continued in a lowered tone. "Julius, that port town is hundreds of miles away. It would take a single person two weeks to get here by foot. And that is not counting rest stops and other misfortunes." Eydis didn't know what to do with him. He was making strange claims about practically blacking out for weeks at a time to find himself in new places and with strange people. No wonder he was confused. "And this happens to you alot? So..you black out for weeks without a single memory of any of it?"

She tried to calm herself down by taking a deep breath and looking at him warily.
"I can't confirm your safety. But I suppose you're in better hands with me than anyone else in this city.." She looked away from him, his eyes far too intense for her to keep staring into. Eydis watched him dig into his pocket for a strange pendant that he held up for her to see. It was a stunning and mystical looking gem, but she had never seen its likes before. Shaking her head she replied, "I'm sorry, but I have no idea what that is or who it could belong to." However.. if he is looking for it's owner, I guess I could introduce him to that broker I heard about...it is along the way.

Eydis patted his hand down.
"However, I could help you find someone who might be able to help you more than I could. And put that away. I don't think it is wise to flaunt your possessions in this place. I feel like there are more eyes watching me than I can see." She looked over her shoulder, and still found no one in the area. Am I just imagining it? }


Local Coordinate ~ Small City of Baladae

Associations ~ Julius

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'I feel like there are people watching me..but where are they hiding? I can't be imagining it.'

Out Of Command ~ So ther is my lame-ish post. I have many thoughts/responses to this post but my writing has taken me in this direction. I hope you can work with it??


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Julius, The Hero

Baldae...Julius had never heard of it, but at least he knew his location now. She proceeded to tell him his idea was impossible--that he was there within the past two days. Julius only smiled and shook his head. "I know it seems impossible--but my blackouts never last more than two days. If you know the date, I can confirm it for myself." After her response, he pocketed the jewel once more, hesitant. She hadn't known what it was, but he knew he was supposed to have met her.

Oh no, it is not my possession. I'm attempting to find its' owner. If you have a contact that specializes in lost jewels, then maybe that is the reason we were supposed to meet." Rolling his shoulders as if to loosen a little tension, he glanced around. Eydis seemed suspicious of something, though his instincts were not going off. He tilted his head inquisitively, "After that, I have no tasks to accomplish. would you mind if I joined whatever journey it is you may be on? You don't look to be from around this town--these people are dressed much differently.'


Can you see who I truly am?

Thoughts of the Inner Me: She seems like someone's watching her...I don't think she is supposed to be just showing me the way to a broker. Maybe she shall let me stay a while?



Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ "Today is the 27th of Lune." Still a bit skeptical, she told him what day it was. Eydis did manage to relax a bit when he pocketed the gem. I wonder how he got that gem? He says it isn't his. Maybe a girl friend perhaps? Eydis shook the thought away. It doesn't matter who it belongs to, so long as he gets it to who he thinks it belongs to. Her eyes still continued to look about them, on guard.

"Well the broker I am thinking of deals with all sorts of stuff...if they don't know who it belongs to, I'm sure they could tell us any rumors or warrants for missing items. Those types of people tend to have many contacts, you know?" Eydis walked around him, ready to depart. "I'm not on a very big journey, but you are welcome to tag along."

She turned and faced him as he guessed her business in the city.
"That is true..I am a traveler as well. The thing is..I'm looking for someone." Scratching her arm and looking away, she murmured, "My journey is a bit of a farse.. I'm sure I'll never find them.." Snapping herself back to the present, she smiled at him mischievously. "Is my attire the only thing you've noticed about me?" }


Local Coordinate ~ Small City

Associations ~ Julius

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'If he really has only just got here, that must mean he doesn't have a place to stay, right??'

Out Of Command ~ Words. Words would go here if I knew what I wanted to add. ^-^'


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Julius, The Hero

The 27th? I was there...tomorrow. How can my time become so mixed up? Julius took a moment to ponder his answer before nodding. "It must have been 2 days this time. I was there on the 25th of Lune." Julius said, nodding as if to confirm his statement in his head. He would like to meet with the broker, even if it did not offer any progress on his personal mission. Julius stretched, nodding at her invitation to join her on her journey. He had nothing better to do, after all.

Her next question caught him off guard--how much had he been paying attention to Eydis? What he had just noted wasn't even something he had particularly paid attention to--it was something he did out of habit. "
Well, I guess I've noticed your slender build, a strange hair color, and your odd aversion to someone kicking a lowlife's butt because he threatened you, but I haven't really known you very long." Cocking his head a little, he decided to ask, "Is there something in particular you were trying to draw my attention to?"


Can you see who I truly am?

Thoughts of the Inner Me: Is she trying to get me to notice...something else?

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Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ "The 25th?! That's crazy!" That is some serious magic right there! I wonder how he does it..? "I wish I could travel as fast as you do.." Eydis' eyes sparkled with envy for a brief moment, before she caught herself staring and forced herself to look away. He claims that he blacks out each time though..I wonder if I'd be able to find out how he does it when he blacks out next time?

Eydis' face turned beat red as he described what he had noticed about her. Her automatic reflex was to attempt to cover certain portions of her body even though she was decently covered already.
"M-m-my..N-no..umm! I-I meant something else...!" She didn't know how to explain what she had really wanted him to notice. "Just--er nevermind!" She turned around again and started walking away a little too quickly. How embarrassing! I didn't mean for the topic to go in such an awkward direction! I just thought that if he could magically travel here within two days, then at least he'd be able to notice that I'm not 100% human..Its not every day that I meet someone who can wield magic like I can... Her thoughts continued to assume that he had magic abilities, even though he didn't outright say he did.

If he was in Lyre two days ago and just arrived today, then the chances of him having a place to stay for the night are next to none. But..with observations like his..do I really want to offer him a room? Peeking over her shoulder at him, she sighed. "If you don't have a place to stay, I can help you with that. Come on, I'll show you to a decent inn where I've been staying.." She waved for him to follow her. }


Local Coordinate ~ Small City

Associations ~ Julius

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'Now that I think about it.. he's all chivalrous, right? So he thinks a lot about girls and their well being..do I even want to know what other things about women he thinks about??'

Out Of Command ~ I find this post kind of lame.. and tangenty...


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Julius, The Hero

"That sounds wonderful. Thank you!" Julius stated, though his head tilted when she got flustered. He hadn't meant anything dirty--he figured he had missed what she had intended he notice. He followed, without another word, when she motioned to him. It didn't take long before they arrived at the place Eydis had mentioned. Before he approached the counter, he felt his pocket again--his eyes widened. He did not remember having as much coin as he did.

He would not allow himself to stay in the same room as Eydis--perhaps he could get the room next door. As he approached the counter, he asked, "
How much for one night?"

The clerk looked up at Julius, who looked like a younger man than would have much coin. He rolled his tongue into his cheek, trying to gauge how much the boy had. "Ten silver falcons for one bed." he stated.

"That's highway robbery! I'd pay no more than three silver falcons for a bed." Julius stated, turning, he began walking away from the counter.

The clerk had definitely overpriced it--he held out his hand. "W--wait! I was just foolin'. It's five silver falcons--these beds are higher quality than your average inn, so we had to bump up the price."

"I suppose the quality can't be helped." Julius knew that the man would probably go lower if he haggled a little more, but he wasn't trying to keep the man from a bit of profit--10 falcons was just...over shooting it. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out only one silver falcon at a time, placing it carefully in a stack, perfectly lining up the sides before placing it in the clerk's hand. "But don't take me for a fool. I know you'd still make a profit off of three. You're lucky I'm a nice guy." Julius whispered. The clerk's face turned red as Julius was handed a key. He turned, approaching Eydis again. "Thanks for showing me a decent place. I appreciate it."


Can you see who I truly am?

Thoughts of the Inner Me: Haggling at it's finest.



Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ Eydis was glad for their silent walk to the inn. It gave her time to talk with herself about what she had learned about him and mentally discuss what she thought of him. When they entered the inn, Julius was self-sufficient enough to haggle for his own room. That is good..at least he's not a total idiot. And for a bonus he has his own money! Eydis watched him haggle and giggled at the inn-keeper's expression. She winked at him and nodded to Julius. "Sure! No problem. You seem to have a nack for haggling. Do you do that often?"

Looking around, Eydis noticed the dining area was starting to fill with customers.
"Hey are you hungry? We could get a bite to eat since we're here.." Eydis used her thumb to point over her shoulder towards some empty tables. "I've dined here once before. Their food is pretty good and they have a waitress!" Eydis was giddy at the idea of being waited on. Back where she came from, everyone who wanted to eat had to get up and get their own food (unless dining at home). It was like a real treat to be able to have someone else go around delivering her meals to her as she relaxed. The thought of food prompted her stomache to voice its opinion. She blushed and made her way over to a table without waiting for Julis' reply. }


Local Coordinate ~ At a Baladae inn

Associations ~ Julius

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'Food. Food must enter my body right now.'

Out Of Command ~ Food. And snacks. =]
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  • big_thumb_f04adbd783dccf6eaf80ba12b85e3c15.jpg

    The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


    Julius, The Hero

    Julius looked at Eydis with a start at her comment on his haggling. "Well...umm, no, not really. I just know the prices for things--and how much is needed to make a profit. I didn't mean to make a scene, that guy was just charging 7 falcon over what a room normally costs..." Julius seemed to say this defensively, as if he didn't like that he knew how to haggle. Her change of topic to food was welcome, though, as he heard his stomach growl--he realized he probably hadn't eaten for a very long time. "Sure. Let's get something quick." He stated, choosing an empty table as the serving wench approached them, taking their order. Knowing he had enough, he offered to pay for Eydis , as a thank-you for showing him the inn and taking him to the broker.

    They didn't really have much to say to each other during dinner, so they ate in silence. Julius seemed to pay attention to the whole bar at once--almost as if he was afraid of getting attacked at any random moment--certainly showed that he didn't trust the environment well. After eating, the sun went down, and Julius bid Eydis a good night. Laying in the bed that was provided, Julius closed his eyes. It wasn't that he was exhausted, but he quickly drifted to sleep.


    Can you see who I truly am?

    Thoughts of the Inner Me: Haggling at it's finest.

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Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ Their dinner had been silent and uneventful, leaving Eydis too much time to think about her own problems. The food was a temporary comfort and she appreciated Julius' kindness to pay for both of their meals. She wasn't expecting him to do that. Eydis did manage to leave a tip for the waitress as she got up to leave. Julius had parted with her to go to his own room, which conveniently was next door to her own. "Goodnight.." She responded to him as she opened up her own door and went inside.

She no longer felt as though there were eyes watching her every move. Allowing her guard to relax, she wondered why she was so stressed. Nothing had happened to her, so why did it seem like she had been holding her breath all of this time? She could not figure it out as she unpacked her belongings and settled herself into her bed. Leaning over the edge of her bed, she lazily reached for her satchel and dug around inside it. When she found what she was looking for, she withdrew a small velvet pouch with a pearled
ring inside it. Laying back on her pillow, with the candle light flickering, Eydis stared at the ring.

"It is completely black now, huh..?" Sighing, she caressed the black pearl. I cannot do anything for her. Why did it have to come to this? She laid there for nearly a half hour, staring at it. Finally growing tired, Eydis put the ring away and turned over to attempt to get some sleep.

No sooner had she started to drift did she hear a door open and close nearby.
"Julius?" Curiosity clearing her mind of sleep, she got up, put her boots back on, and went to her door. She opened it but saw no one in the halls. With her imaginary tension from earlier, she tiptoed over to Julius' door and tapped on it a few times. He didn't answer the door. Did he leave his room? Looking down the hall one last time, she turned and went towards the stairs. I heard a door open nearby and it hasn't been that long since I left Julius to his privacy..so he could still be awake. Maybe he needed some fresh air?

Eydis was now in the main inn room looking around. Many people were walking around socializing and others sitting at tables and booths chatting amongst themselves. Eydis didn't spot Julius until the man had placed a hand on his shoulder. She watched, unsure if she should approach, until Julius responded to the guy with a clear challenging retort.
Oh mother of pearls! Is this for real? Eydis promptly made her way over to Julius, unaware of Rin, who was in control. This pinhead is going to get himself into another fight! I should've known.. }


Local Coordinate ~ At a Baladae inn

Associations ~ Julius--er Rin?

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'I guess I was wrong about him.. he is definitely one who looks for fights, doesn't he?'

Out Of Command ~ She'll notice his eye color when she gets closer. ;]
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The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Rin, The Mediator

As the old man's punch stopped about an inch from Rin's temple, Rin took another sip of his beer, slowly spinning around to see the astonished look on the man's face. Slowly he put down his beer on the table, rising from his seat. He reached out slowly to the man's temple. The man had at this point recovered from his astonishment, though despite his struggles, he seemed unable to move himself. "Sleep." Rin whispered, touching his index and middle finger to the center of the man's forehead before his form slumped over on the bar. Eyes weren't really on him, as the fight hadn't really be a large ruckus--though a couple of people gasped. Taking his seat again, Rin picked up his beer, turning to watch the entrance once more. He spotted Eydis, and gave a small smile.

Hello, friend." Rin stated, loud enough to call her over. He tilted his head to indicate the empty seat on his right side, and that she should join him. Rin noted that she looked slightly confused and also annoyed, as if he were about to start a fight with the gentleman...no, that had not been his intention. His smile was slightly smug, as if he were feeling superior to the other people in the bar. "I'm glad you could join me."


Can you see who I truly am?

Right in the head: People...such a hassle...


Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ How did he--? No..I know how he did it..with magic! I knew he could wield magic! This just proves it. Still a bit stunned by his near-late-night-brawl, Eydis walked over to him, feeling eyes upon her once more. She looked warily around her, but could not make eye contact with anyone else in the room except Julius. As Eydis drew closer to him, she noticed that something about his demeanor was definitely different, especially when he called over to her. Finding it odd that he called her "friend" again made her wonder what he was up to.

Sitting next to him on his right, Eydis hailed the bar tender over and requested a glass of water.
Best to keep my wits about me tonight..I'm feeling those eyes on me again. It's unsettling. As she waited for her drink she drummed the bar and glanced at him curiously. "So...Julius...you couldn't sleep?" }


Local Coordinate ~ At a Baladae inn

Associations ~ Julius--er Rin?

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'Why did he call me 'friend' instead of by my name? Odd...'

Out Of Command ~ Sorry it took so long! My internet has been really crappy all week! Dx


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Rin, The Mediator

"Julius is asleep." Rin responded quickly, taking another sip of his beer as he watched people turn their attention to the young woman ordering water. Fortunately, many of them returned to their conversations soon after, taking drinks and being loud and obnoxious. Rin closed his eyes, taking in the scene before spinning around to face the bar again. "He will probably wake up come morning." It sounded as if some of the patrons behind him were trying to rile up a fight. Rin didn't mind, so long as he was not a part of it.

Suddenly, Rin's hand went to his pocket, pulling out the necklace, he put it on, closing his eyes. For a moment, his form seemed to go translucent, as if his grip on reality were slipping--though his form returned very quickly. "
Two weeks ago. That was a wondrous ability you displayed. Not many people can make cause such a large explosion." While Julius was straightforward, blunt even, Rin seemed to have a more calm personality about him. He carried his back straighter, he focused his eyes more--and right now, they were focused on Eydis. "My Half-elf friend." He said this last part in whisper, to ensure it would reach only her ears.


Can you see who I truly am?

Right in the head: Subtle hints. Pick up on them, Eydis.


Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ Eydis sipped her water, raising her eyebrow at his reply. "What do you mean Julius is asleep?" The confusion she was encountering with his statement was clear on her face as he spun around to face the bar and continued. "Wait..wait. So you're not Julius?" Eydis stared at him, getting ever so more confused as she watched him slip the necklace that Julius had over his neck.But isn't that...Julius' pendant? Eydis thought.

Her eyes bulged and she nearly choked on her water when she saw Rin go translucent. His next comments to her only added to her shock.
"My-my explosion? You were there? When did you..?" Rin's piercing eyes bore into her shortly afterward, causing her hand to fumble with her glass. At his mention of recognizing her race, she tipped her glass of water over and it spilled all over the bar. Embarrassed on many levels, Eydis did her best to clean up her mess. Her mind was whirling with all of the mysterious things about this "friend" of her's. He claimed to not be Julius, yet he was a living, breathing replica of him, the only thing that made this guy different from Julius was his eyes...His eyes! They're green! As soon as her mind clicked, she stopped sopping up the water and stared back at his eyes. "Your eyes. Is that what makes you different from Julius?" }


Local Coordinate ~ At a Baladae inn

Associations ~ Julius--er Rin?

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'If he doesn't consider himself "Julius" Then what name should I call him?'

Out Of Command ~ I had conflicting scenes in my head for this one. lol


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Rin, The Mediator

Rin tapped his nose, a gesture that meant she was correct. On many levels. Oh where to start the explanation? She needed to know what she was getting into--though tipping her glass over and frantically wiping it up made some of the patrons look at HIM strangely--as if he were bothering the poor lass. A small smile crept onto his face as she asked her questions--her conclusions were right, but just off enough for an understanding to not be reached. He looked forward, sipping the beer once more. "No, I am Julius. But I am also not Julius. That is...we share a body."

Letting that sink in for a few moments, Rin stretched his arms above his head. "
I am the one who sat next to you at the bar. Julius woke up when the patrons were about to get rough with you. Granted, I did provoke them. I enjoy seeing how Julius handles himself in a fight." Now Rin's smile had grown, and his face seemed to be holding back a little laughter--her reaction was simply too funny. "No, I was not there with the explosion." He said, returning his voice to a happy whisper. "But I did witness it. Oh, and Julius did lie to you. He was at Port Lyre tomorrow, not two days ago."


Can you see who I truly am?

Right in the head: Correct! Genius! I guess I'll fill in some blanks.


Eydis: The Scriptist - An Explosionist - A Bullwark


{ Eydis looked away from him, her mouth agape as his confirmation began to sink in. She absently continued to mop up her watery mess with the rag that the bartender had given her with a bit of annoyance. That's why Julius didn't know that he had called me "friend" because this part of him said it and not Julius himself.. "I see.." A little grimly, Eydis frowned at the mention that Julius had lied to her, though she let her frown fade because she knew that even if he had told the truth, it would have confused her too much. Even now, it still confused her, but she couldn't put her question into words. So this version of Julius is why Julius doesn't remember how he got to certain places. Poor Julius..At least now it makes sense to me..

"But wait...you are Julius, but you're not?" She turned to face him properly, ignoring the water that was still dripping from the counter and onto her lap. "Do you have a name that you'd prefer to be called...since you're not Julius mentally?" Eydis blushed as she realized that she had asked such a bizarre question. My question should be okay..I mean he did say that he shared the same body..and earlier he said that Julius was sleeping, as though Julius was another person entirely. With that in mind, maybe this other Julius likes to be called by another name instead. She reasoned with herself, hoping this version of Julius wouldn't be offended. }


Local Coordinate ~ At a Baladae inn

Associations ~ Julius--er Rin?

Hidden Thoughts ~ 'If Julius lied to me about when he was in Lyre..does that mean he lied about knowing how he got here to Baladae? Does he even know about this other self?'

Out Of Command ~ More Words.


The eyes are the windows to the soul, yet mine are cloudy...


Rin, The Mediator

"My apologies. I get caught up in the explanation sometimes. I go by Rin. But it is not only our eyes and our personalities. Julius doesn't know that he has...special abilities." Rin responded, as if her question was a perfectly natural thing. He looked down at his beer, the smile slowly fading from his face. He was starting to get buzzed--he didn't like the sensation alcohol gave him, only that it tasted bitter. Best stop now. He pushed the glass away, nodding to the bartender so he knew he could put it away. He tilted his head slightly to keep his eyes on Eydis. "He...uhh...will not find the owner of the necklace through any broker. It belongs to a man named Nicholas. He is not a nice man." Shaking his head, he stood, taking two steps away from his stool as he stretched left and right. "I want to go for a walk. The patrons here are beginning to bore me. Will you join me, Eydis?" This was the first time he had used her name, though he used it in a manner as if he had known her his whole life. "Perhaps we'll end up running from something and Julius will wake up again."

Only just realizing that the man was still asleep, he stepped up to the man's seat, placing his fingers on the man's forehead again, allowing the slouched-over man to stir, but only enough to realize he was tired--he would not try to fight Rin again--he wouldn't remember the encounter, per se.


Can you see who I truly am?

Right in the head: Oh! Forgot to give her my name... let's go for a walk.

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