• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings Game Addicts and the Real World [CS]



Oddity is the mother of creation. Be weird.
Okay, so the game system is set up to level 200. You are allowed as many levels as you want in any given class or race as you want. Overall level is racial levels and class levels combined. As stated in the recruitment tab, you can even make some up if you want. If you have any questions on how you want to set things up, please contact me and I will personally help you piece it together.

I will say that you should probably limit how spread out you go into classes. Spreading too thin will weaken your build and I will be looking at your stats to determine how effective you are against certain enemies or while doing specific things. I will also be held to these standards, so don't worry.

Keep in mind that certain classes will be harder to get. For example, you can't take High Priest without first taking at least 10 levels in Priest. Things like that. All required classes to advance to a higher class will only require 10 levels in the class below it.

Below is the character sheet. You may add anything to it that you see fit, but this is the base and everything must be filled out. If you need an example, I will have my sheet posted in short notice.

IRL Section:

(Anime or art, but description is also acceptable)
(At least 2 paragraphs)
(At least 2 paragraphs)

In Game Character Section:
Guild Rank:

Overall Level:
Race Level:

(List classes and level in that class)

Party Role:
(What is your role in a party? This is to let the other players know what you do so that way if they run into a quest where they need your specific role, they know which character to interact with.)

(You are allowed up to four skills. These can be racial or class skills. Keep in mind that there needs to be a drawback. Limit how many times you can use them, how strong they are and everything should be balanced.)

(Make as many as you want. Abilities in Terra Maxima are player made, so you are responsible for making them. These can be spells, an attack, an item activation. Sky's the limit.)

Real Estate:

(The game allows you to purchase land, so if you have bought some land around the guild hall, then just let me know.)
Theme Song:
(not required, but still cool.)​

You are allowed to use any code you like, but please keep our friends on mobile in mind.
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IRL Section:

Jason Riley
Bisexual (Top with a female lean.)
Dutiful and responsible, Jason was the epitome of what everybody wanted their child to be. Hard-working with a drive that nobody could really explain. Sensitive, caring and empathetic to a fault. He rarely made a decision without considering the feelings of everyone around him. Most people we're always shocked by the amount of work ethic that somebody his age had. When others were out having fun, he was dutifully doing his work and opening a business. He's careful, considerate and a gentle person at heart. However, there is more beneath the surface.

Deep down he feels a sense of shame. Shame for enjoying video games and fantasy. Embarrassed to admit what he is. Despite all his success, his ego and self-esteem are fragile. Easily broken. This makes it hard for him to put himself out there or take any risks. Closeted nerd, lover of all things geeky, yet never able to show it. A very repressed and sad life, ironic given that he would seem to have everything.

Jason was born into a very financially well-off family in the Midwest of the United States. He never needed or wanted for anything, except of course his parents approval. While his parents didn't hire nannies or pretend he didn't exist, he could always tell that they're love was conditional. Since they were so successful, they expected him to be as successful as they are. He would get grounded for an a- on a spelling test, his hand was struck with a ruler every time he missed a note during piano practice. To be honest, he hated having to excel at everything, but eventually learned that it was the only way his family would ever love him.

It wasn't long before he began to ignore everything that a child his age should do. He was focused on school work and excelling. He had no free time at all. Every second was devoted to some sort of excellence. Working endlessly to earn his parents approval. This only compounded his deep issues. Being autistic made it even harder, but his parents wouldn't hear any excuses. He had to be good, no, the best at anything he did. Any lesson that they randomly signed him up for, any skill that they wanted him to acquire, he had to be the best.

Growing up like this took its toll. Despite all the success he was having, he had no social life and didn't know how to interact with people outside of a business perspective. He told himself that he didn't need friends, no matter how much he longed for them. No matter how much he longed for a genuine connection with others, he simply didn't have the time.

By the time he was 12 he had graduated high school and was looking into Ivy League schools. The only school that his parents would accept. Eventually getting into Yale at the age of 15, most of those years being filled with different tasks at his father's law firm. Through his time at Yale, he graduated with a major in business and a rather impressive investment portfolio. Soon after leaving college, once again without making any friends, he opened his own consultant business for other hopeful investors. Throughout the years he gained a lot of business in the upper echelons of society. Making already rich people even richer. However, he had a plan to finally win his parents approval. Using his own money he made a series of investments. These investments would prove very helpful. He became the major shareholder for over a dozen different wildly successful companies. He bought a few properties and hired a few people to maintain these properties for him. With the rent from his tenants, the investments that he made and all the money he made with his business, he was able to retire at age 20 and never have to work another day in his life.

It was a Thanksgiving Day when he went home and announced to his parents that he had made enough to retire at the age of 20 and that he planned to spend some time traveling and pursuing different interests. He was hopeful, praying that this would be enough for his family. Of course, this was not the case. They scolded him for not continuing to work and asking why he stopped before he was the number one investment consultant in the nation. This shattered him. He had worked his entire life, pushing himself to boundaries that he should never have had to see. Worked himself to the point of exhaustion and became more successful than most people would ever even be able to dream of and it still wasn't enough. It was in that moment that he realized his parents would never approve. He wasn't even sure if they ever really wanted a kid. Was he just a mistake to them? He didn't know what to say. He didn't know what to think. He had spent his entire life trying to get approval from these people who couldn't care less about him. This moment made him numb. He simply stood, ask them never to contact him again and vanished from their life.

Now what was he to do? He didn't feel like going on his trip anymore, since the whole reason he was doing it was to impress his parents. Now, he just didn't know what to do. Eventually he just became a shut in. Spending his time loving the things that he was never able to love before. Games, fantasy, sci-fi and all of the things that he was deprived of as a child. Eventually, he came across the game that seemed pretty fun. A game called Terra Maxima.

Jason was absolutely baffled by the amount of creative freedom that this game offered. It gave you no quests. Didn't even give you an end goal. It just told you to have fun however you decided to have fun. Of course, Jason adopted a role that allowed him control. Control over everyone and everything. It was his way of taking back control from his family. Of course he rose through the ranks of the game very quickly. Being a shut-in and not having to worry about money at all, he spent nearly every waking second in that game. With that being said, he's still lacked companionship. Begin to wonder if there were others in this game like him. Those who preferred to live their life in the virtual world. So, using his gained reputation and his incredible funds he decided to put together a guild. This was how the most infamous guild of Terra Maxima was born. As a wounded young man's attempt to find people like him.

In Game Character Section:

Title Given by Players:
Nightmare King, Dream Demon
Guild Rank:
Guild Master

Overall Level:
200 - Max Level
Race Level:
Oni: Level 5
Magician: 10 Levels
Advanced Class- Conjurer: 40 Levels
Evolved Class- Seal Magician: 35 Levels

Illusionist: 10 Levels
Advanced Class- Master Illusionist: 10 Levels
Evolved Class- True Illusionist: 50 Levels

Rogue: 10 Levels
Advanced Class- Shadow Walker Rogue: 20 Levels
Evolved Class- Assassin Rogue: 20 Levels

Party Role:
Crowd and Battlefield Control

True Illusionist Unique Skill- Realistic Level Illusion: A passive skill that increases the level of reality in illusions. Any illusion cast by a true Illusionist with this skill is completely indistinguishable from reality. Even those with true sight only have a one in five chance to see through his illusions.

True Illusionist Legendary Skill- Solid Images: An activated skill that allows an Illusionist to turn their illusions solid in order for attack. Only a minimal portion, but still enough to cause damage.

Combination Skill- Real Illusion: With At least 10 levels in True Illusionist and at least 30 in the advanced class Conjurer. This allows all non damaging illusions to become solid This effect become permanent at True Illusionist level 50 and Conjurer level 40. At these levels, all illusions that cause no damage are completely solid and tactile.

Epic Skill- Hidden Rogue: This is a passive skill that allows the user to hide in any place that is half covered, hidden or darker than the surrounding area. This does not mean the user is impossible to find, rather it's just easier for them to hide away. Simply stepping into a shadow will make them harder to find.


Abilities: (Keep in mind that you can still do simple attacks and different things. Abilities are just the main set of abilities either created or purchased by your character for combat, farming or gathering.)

It should be noted that his abilities are mainly for controlling the battlefield and crowd control. Of course his abilities work on single targets, but it's a great waste as they are built to handle multiple enemies at once. With that being said, he can still do damage, but that is not his main goal. His goal is to control everything and allow his companions and guildmates to deal the damage. He deals very little damage.

Sneak Attack: When an enemy is distracted by another player, monster, not expecting it, engaged in combat or simply not paying attention, all damage dealt by the user is doubled.

Nightmare Realm: The target/targets are placed inside of an illusion that is filled with horrors and monsters. The point of this ability is to instill the Frightened status. This status, while active, prevents those affected by it from approaching the one who placed this status upon them. Those affected by the frightened status will also be forced to move away from the user at any given chance. Frightened status activated after dealing at least 40 damage.

Prison World: A combination of sealing magic and illusion magic. This ability allows the user to temporarily lock a single opponent or multiple opponents into a prison realm of illusions. This completely locks them down, but at the cost of 3/4 the users remaining HP. This only lasts for 30 seconds, but within that 30 seconds he has complete control over everything. Including the perception of time, the feelings and sensations of the opponents. However, after using this ability, the caster cannot use any other abilities or skills for 2 minutes. As such, this is very much a last resort.

Infinity Tag: trapping opponents inside of an illusion that is completely controlled by the user of this ability. Time, perception, laws of nature, and basically anything else you can imagine is completely at the user's discretion. Unlike Prison World, the opponents trapped by this ability are completely able to move, but they have one goal. They must attack or touch the one that used this ability on them. This is the only way for them to break the illusion, aside from the user dissolving it themselves. However, once the illusion is finished, it leaves the caster without any protection, resistances or methods of escaping. It completely shuts off all items, skills, abilities and even passive effects.

Kishin Pipe: Legendary Item. This pipe acts as a conduit for casting spells. Spells casted using this pipe cost 20% less MP.

Real Estate:
With his specific talents he was able to charge a lot of in-game currency and IRL currency, so he was able to purchase the castle ruin the guild calls home, as well as all the land within a 20 mile radius around the castle. He named the castle "Ithika" and the guild now uses the land for farming, defenses and traps.
Theme Song:
IRL Section:
Teo Aquinos
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Biromantic

In real life, Teo is a pretty introspective and reclusive young man, preferring to stare at the open waves or curl up and sleep over a thermal vent when he’s not fulfilling his duties or whittling away the hours in the virtual world of Terra Maxima. He’s always far preferred the company of the natural world to people. Despite spending most of his time on a pretty noisy ship, Teo is easily agitated and overwhelmed by certain noises, like the click and clatter of utensils on metal meal trays, slurping thick, viscous liquids through a straw, and the cacophony of chatter and cheering when the other crew members on the rig are watching some of their weekly football or boxing. Conversely, he does find the melody and aroma of the cascading waves, thunderstorms, and even the engine level oddly relaxing. Maybe that’s why he seeks similarly numbing noises in the world of Terra Maxima as well- the hum of of a grav drive, the sounds of virtual rain hitting the leaves of an arboreal forest, the bubbling of a boiling ocean.

There are times when Teo maybe longs for more connection than he’s able to get on the open sea, but not with the other crew members, who he’s more or less grown endless irritation with. If anything, he misses his childhood dog Atari, or even the pigeons that used to nest under his windowsill in the winter and spring when he lived in a cold northern town. Of course, there are other times when even through the white noise and virtual escapism, he’ll think about other things- how his parents are getting older and older with nothing but his sent paychecks to keep them company in the retirement home, his old best friend Sravya who he hasn’t even seen since graduating secondary, and even the taste of some freshly grilled cauliflower.

But there’s no point in milling about the unchangeable when there’s treasure hunting and grinding to do in Terra Maxima!

Military family meant that Teo spent most of his life in state-sponsored housing, and hardly for more than a few months at a time. The friends he made were too few and far in between- there were the kids at the bases and ones at school he’d play kick the can with, but no one who could be bothered to learn his name or that he actually hated being called Matteo. Never quite fitting in anywhere, Teo took to lashing out by stealing his classmates’ things and hiding them somewhere, behavior which eventually landed him in a juvenile facility. His parents responded by buying him a puppy, a scrangy mutt that he later called Atari.

Fitting in even less among some of his more rough-and-tumble classmates, Teo finally found a single friend- Sravya, a young girl who had committed arson once or twice- but her foster family wouldn’t buy her the chemistry set she wanted, so she was just improvising, was all! Even after Teo moved on and became a fairly well-adjusted teenager, he continued to write to Sravya, bonding over comics, games, punk metal bands, and trying seasonal fast food items regardless of their respective locations, like the Pumpkin Filet Burger or the Blue flavored smoothie.

Even though Teo never stopped moving around until his father’s retirement, he knew there was one place he’d rather be more than anywhere else. Until the letters stopped coming, of course. The young man did some digging, but it was no use since he didn’t even know his friend’s last name- she could be anywhere in the world, or nowhere at all. His parents were getting older, and he’d buried Atari somewhere in the mountains, where they’d been stationed at the time. Without any real interest to pursue a career that involved talking to anyone, Teo eventually fell into being a technician for a private merchant naval vessel, where he spent most of the year in a grueling cycle of awake and asleep.

That was, of course, until he started playing Terra Maxima. What was it exactly? He and Sravya used to play all sorts of games and chat for hours, but there was no way she was playing a game like this- she always thought MMOs were trite. Still, it had a monster taming system, so once his job was finished for the day, Teo the ship technician dissolved and Dyros Dragon-Tamer took his place.

[Enter Terra Maxima]

Dyros’ journey in the world of Terra Maxima was an odd one. He stayed in the tutorial for hours, insistent on taming a very weak but in his opinion, adorable monster in the tutorial called a ‘Lesser Wobbler’. Dyros slayed monster after monster until he could ReSpec his class into Beast Tamer, after which he happily named his new friend Tatou and embarked on an adventure. Dyros soon found that Lesser Wobblers were hardly ever tamed due to their weakness, but he felt too guilty to throw Tatou out and start over- in fact, the thought never even crossed his mind. So even though no one would party up with him, Dyros embarked on an adventure with his new pal.

When Tatou died too often, Dyros temporarily dual-classed into a cleric so he could heal it. When Tatou‘s damage output was too low, Dyros learned abilities to boost the tame’s defense. When temporary party members begged Dyros to just lift his whip and fight himself, he staunchly refused. Dyros’ entire gameplay strategy revolved around Tatou, and he was easily once of the least optimized Beast Tamers that most players would ever see.

Of course, not everyone had the desire to sink hundreds of hours a week into Terra Maxima, and even less people were as one-track minded as Dyros such that his entire build revolved around healing a single Lesser Wobbler that did a measly 5 points of damage if it even hit, maybe 8 if it landed a crit. Still, despite the overwhelming reasons not to, Dyros continued to hyperspecialize. He took skills that made it so his healing was ineffective on anything but beasts, making him worthless as a healer. He refused to raise his own whip in a fight, relying purely on his bumbling tame to soak and deal all the damage. He played alone most of the time.

One night, Dyros was happily farming away in the undead game areas, when Tatou’s wobbling accidentally triggered the limited time event boss- the Necrodrake. An unholy dragon of unfathomable size caked in undead energy, it should have been a quick fight- but due to Tatou’s rapid healing, the two were… somehow… able to defeat the superboss despite only doing around 2 damage per hit. It… took a laughably long time, and Dyros’ player had to use several sick days in real life to even complete it. Still, the accomplishment allowed him enough points to respec into an evolved class, and due to his bizarre choice of skill and class allocation, Dyros was the first player to discover the Primordial Rejuvenator class.

That, paired with an artifact that was meant to disrupt his healing but instead made his offensive potential... intriguing… made Dyros a bit of an internet legend. When the time came to join a guild, there was only one other group of gamers that shared his obsessive determination… and the rest is history.

In Game Character Section:
Dyros Dragon-Tamer
Guild Rank: Beast Wrangler
Overall Level:
Lvl. 200 (Max)
Race Level: Tiger Hanyou: (5 levels)

: (5 levels)

Cleric: (20 levels)

Beast Tamer: (20 levels)
Advanced Class (Cleric Req.): Monster Medicant: (50 levels)
Evolved Class: Primordial Rejuvenator: (100 levels)

Party Role:
Medic, Support, Beast Specialist

  • Tiger Claws (Tiger Hanyou): All unarmed basic attacks do twice as much damage. You can harvest basic level monster hides without a skinning knife. If you do not eat meat at least once every game-day, all abilities are only half as effective.
  • Healer of Beasts (Monster Medicant): All outgoing healing abilities are increased depending on the target’s maximum health. However, healing spells now only work on beast-type targets.
  • Beast-Tongue Fluency (Beast Tamer): You can now understand and speak the language of beast-type monsters. However, you can only speak a very formal dialect, which is often unintelligible to more localized dialects.
  • The Nature of Life (Primordial Rejuvenator): You can sense the very fabric of life force, from microbes in a drop of water to the most colossal celestial whales in the blackest sea. All health-related abilities are even more effective than before, but at the cost of now using ‘life force’ instead of mana. All previous class abilities are forgotten, but you can now create Primordial Life-Force abilities.

Primordial Flow
: [Buff] “Dyros and Tatou sat on the edge of Creation’s Forge and watched the molten earth beneath them. The lava flowed as water.
- Draw from the life force all around you, and attune it to a target. Each time the target is healed, they have a small percentage of temporarily boosting a random attribute.

Overflowing Vessel: [Buff] “Dyros and Tatou watched the cup-shaped flowers of Vandiraja Falls- when they filled with too much water, they simply grew more flowers.
- Draw life from your own reserves, and attune it to a target. Each time the target receives healing which is more than their maximum health, they will receive bonus HP that scales on the heal amount.

Wellspring Tap: [Heal] “Dyros watched Tatou bounce and play in the streets of Maxima, overflowing with cosmic energies as the city where all adventures began.
- Create a healing spring at the desired location that depletes the local environment of resources but provides bursts of healing for all targets

Hands to Remake the World: [Heal] “The lost city of Hyorus had been destroyed by the mighty Necrodrake, and the wraps on Dyros’ hands were all that was left of a once proud people. Across the ages, he could feel their pain, their cries- but he also held their memories and hopes in his hands. He could feel traces of the people they used to be.
- Draw life from all things and focus rejuvenating energies into your hands. Causes massive healing via tactile contact.


Tatou the Lesser Wobbler:
(Lvl. 200)
HP: 98443
Attribute: None
Description: “
A tamed Lesser Wobbler. Wobblers are common sights in the world of Terra Maxima, especially around the city of beginners, Mistral. A low-level, hapless monster that often finds itself at the end of many an adventurer’s sword. Be warned, for in numbers, they can fuse and cause quite a ruckus… not to mention their more exotic variants that exist in the far-stretches of the world.”

  • Wobbler Wiggle: Enemies being scary? Time to give them a little wiggle-waggle! Enemies might be more likely to target the user.
  • Wobble Slap: Smack an enemy with an ear-like appendage for low damage.
  • Warble: Why battle when you can sing? Warble-Warble! Enemies might be more likely to target the user.


Basic Tamer’s Whip:
(never used)
Weapon Abilities:

  • Repel Beast: Strike your whip to the sky and send out a shockwave that startles low-level beast-type monsters.
  • Spur Beast: Strike your whip at a tamed beast to boost their damage.


The Necrodrake’s Dreadlourde Handwraps
: [Artifact] [Equipment] [Monster Drop] [Legendary] [Cursed]
“The handwraps of the Necrodrake, one of the Nine Dreadlourdes of the Undead Legion. They are said to be the funerary wrappings of thousands of legions who once stood between the mighty Dreadlourde and the city of Hyorus. When worn, all outgoing healing spells and abilities are boosted by a random exponential factor. However, all healing spells have a 5% chance to remove health instead of restoring it.

*Once equipped, this item can only be removed by a holy blessing.“
Real Estate:

Rancho de Tatou
: After defeating the Necrodrake, rather than spending his loot money on more powerful equipment or a strategic base location, Dyros bought a huge land parcel in the beginner’s area of Emerald Grove. Not really suited to setting up a shop or starting strategic battles or farming locations, Dyros instead spent a lot of time building a comfortable and relatively well-defended little homestead where Tatou could be safe and relaxed when Dyros logged out for the day.

Eventually, upon joining the guild, Dyros begrudgingly agreed to use the rest of the ranch to breed tamed monsters for profit. He didn’t mind- on the condition that 15% of all the profits went back to Tatou’s needs- not that a Lesser Wobbler needed Chaos Elixir or a playpen filled with fine Wyvern Feathers.

Theme Song:
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  • The Grimm Reality
    Freed Wolfe
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Age: 19
    Height / Weight: 6ft 8, 154lbs
    Place of Birth: UK

    In the real world, Freed is quite the submissive and meek individual; often preferring to shy away from any and all form of social contact. He will very rarely voice any form of disagreement with others and will do his best to appease their wishes to the best of his ability. Treated like an outcast from a very young age, Freed severely lacks any sort of confidence in himself, much less when put into a social environent.

    Freed lacks any real social skills with the outside world and may often come across as being quite naive in regards to the modern social norms. While he has watched and observed others when they converse, he does not have the confidence within himself to mimic his observations which in turn only makes his situation worse. Diminished of confidence and lacking the social skills, he tends to come across as creepy whenever he does muster the courage to try and talk; especially with the opposite gender. He is quite easily flustered and will more often than not, run away due to his nerves and anxiety. He has also broken into cold sweat when attempting to converse.

    Truthfully, had Freed's coin landed on the other face; then he may have had quite the fulfulling upbringing. Only ever really having good intentions and the desire to be treated like everyone else, he is at his core; a genuine and honest lad. Someone that simply seeks the companionship that all people seek; as opposed to the cold, harsh and quite often traumatizing loneliness that he had been forced to endure, simply because he looked different.

    That being said, this honest and kind individual has been buried so deep under the mountain of pain he has endured, that all he can ever really express now is a dark, depraved anger towards the world around him. This side of him has bubbled to the surface now that he has found a world in which he can express himself without being the target of malice. Terra Maxima has opened a new realm for Freed, able to look like whatever he wants and simply be judged by how he acts rather than by how he looks.

    With PVP being a significant portion of the game, Freed's inner frustration and oppressed anger to the world has flourished in the form of being a toxic player. A form of mental stress relief, he will quite happily unleash a flurry of expletives at those standing at the other end of his blade, uncaring to consequences of his actions.


    A socially awkward outcast and generally lacking the motivation that many his age possess, it takes quite the forceful prompting from others to get Freed to attempt to put genuine effort into anything that he does and even then he will often times fall short of expectations.

    Given his ghoulish appearance, Freed was quite often bullied as a child and treated like some sort of freak, the target for jokes and jibes from his fellow classmates who were entirely successful at decimating any form of confidence that he may have once had. Given the rough treatment he had to endure, he would most often find himself isolated and alone; unable to form any real friendly relationship with kids his age.

    Middle school was no better. Tall, lanky and ghostly pale, Freed was often the subject of much ridicule back in middle school; his appearance being the main point of mockery. With a creepy grin to booth, it wasn't hard for his fellow classmates to jump on the 'odd one out. Due to this, Freed never really did develop the social skills one tends to hone during their formative years in school. During the rare occassions where he would muster the courage to communicate with his fellow classmates, there would inevitably be the class bully right there to push him back down to rock bottom; worse when he even considered talking to the other gender. That would only ever provide an opportunity for the other students to 'swoop in' and save the 'damsel in distress' being harassed by the class ghoul. A social outcast preyed upon for his garish appearance, he was often only ever included in schoolyard play as being the bad guy that all the heroes would subdue and defeat. With parents too busy with work and never really had time to dote on their child, Freed would soon withdraw into himself.

    As a result, Freed was often seen as being the quiet, gloomy and weird child of the class, the person picked last for group projects and the one others tended to avoid. Shunned from general human contact, it came as no surprise that Freed would eventually turn to the world of online games, anime and manga, the social outcast finding acknowledgement and acceptance within this world beyond direct human interaction. As such, he tries to avoid human contact as much as possible.

    Due to this he is what many would call an 'Otaku' or a 'Hikkikomori'. Freed's genuine interest lies within the world of anime, manga and online gaming. It is these three pillars of modern day ingenuity that sustains him on a daily basis. Leaning more towards 'Online games', Freed can easily lose himself to the world of MMORPGS and MOBA's for days on end, often times putting their priority ahead of his academic studies. Given the rough upbringing and his social anxiety, Freed has been allowed to attend his current studies whilst at home, often participating via video call though it is not uncommon that he would feign being on the call whilst actively gaming on the side.

    A hot-headed keyboard warrior, Freeds online persona is quite different to the seemingly frail and unenthusiastic otaku that many have come to know. In the virtual world of the internet, Freed is able to unseal the persona hidden away inside of him. With a ferocity that would put even the king of beast's to shame, Freed truly comes to life in the world of games and will not hesitate to spit fire at those sitting on the other side of the computer screen. The power behind anonymity has given him a place to voice his true thoughts, to shout at the top of his lungs and fight against anything he admonishes. The true face of Freed will habitually make an appearance during intense gaming sessions, a persona devoid of tact and spirit of competitiveness, he is quiet the trash talker when it comes to his gaming.

    Alas, since being welcomed into the Guilty Thorn guild he has found a place where the companionship he once sought for is prevalent; as well as a place where he can unleash his stress due to the amount of challenges they get from other players. Freed... or Grimm as he is known in the game is the stalwart guard of the Guilty Thorn, a player that would die upon his sword as the shield between them and their enemies. Loyal, devoted and protective of the one place that has accepted him for who and what he is.
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IRL Section
Sua Lee
Age: 22
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual

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A melancholic and cynical girl who uses the game as an outlet for her desire to explore the world, something that she can't do in real life. She loves doing what seemingly aimless exploring with her own pace. While she tries to hide it as much as possible, sometimes its just quite obvious that she lives a very sheltered life from the way she thinks or the knowledge she lacks. She's an awkward girl who never learn how to socialize normally but hides it well in the game by roleplaying and talking like she's a real android.

Despite her generally laidback attitude, she's very dedicated in her quest of finding the supposed final dungeon. Her archive not only contain in game information about objects, bestiary and places but also various metadata of the files in the game. She's trying to find a clue there all while avoiding direct confrontation like what her group did.

Sua rolled a bad starting dice in this game called Real Life and inherited some serious immunodeficiencies from her mother. A small scratch can turns into life-threatening infection if its not treated correctly and a simple cough from a passerby might spiral into severe fever for her. Thus her life had been mostly confined in her home. The fact that her parents are very strict about who can visit her didn't make it feel any better. To pass the time she started to write stories, create digital arts, learns programming, and eventually, hacking. The Fallen Angel, the small hacker group she joined was quite a shady organization and Sua was well aware of it, yet she didn't want to leave as her activities there was one of the very few things that gives her life some thrills.

When Terra Maxima announced their ridiculous competition, the group was riled up. At least half of the group, some thought the announcement was simply a massive publicity stunt. Still, those who believes started datamining the client program, trying to find any clue to the whereabout of this supposed final dungeon. They found nothing, but they didn't stop. After several more failed attempt they ended up doing a risky move by trying a direct infiltration into the game's server database. Unfortunately, it was also failed. Moreover, they got sued for cyberattack and the leader of Fallen Angel saved everyone else from the court by taking all the blame for himself. With their leader sentenced to jail time, the group quickly fell into chaos and dispersed, each member goes their own way. As one of the member who got covered by the leader, Sua felts guilty about how things ended up. If only she thought things more thoroughly, it may have a different result. So once again she hopped into the game, this time she would finish the mission with her own way.

In Game Character Section
Name: Eclair
Guild Rank: Member


Standing at barely 5 feet, Eclair was designed small to reduce hitbox. Although she's far heavier than she looks due to her mechanical body. While she looks like a normal human, her more mechanical parts would show as she takes damage.
Overall Level: 200

Race Level:
Android Lvl 10
Warforged Lvl 15
Terminator Lvl 35
Angeloid Lvl 40

Priest Lvl 10
Gunner Lvl 10

Demon Hunter Lvl 15
Sharpshooter Lvl 15

Gun Saint Lvl 50

Party Role:


  • Deus Ex Machina : Increase defense the lower the user's HP become. Once per day, the user can choose to revive after taking a lethal damage and shift all defense stats into attack and speed stats.
  • Combat Module - Photon Cannon : The user can shoot continuous photon beam out of various part of their body. These beams cost mana per second and decrease the target's defense with each hit. Output can be adjusted.
  • Divine Favor : Drastically increase the user's overall luck, tilting everything that involves probability to her favor.
  • Analyze : The user analyze the target from a distance, gradually discovering various informations about the target. The target would feel a tingling sensation when they're being analyzed, using it on non-player enemy would immediately draws their aggro.

  • Quickdraw : Instantly switch the equipped weapon into the next guns in the inventory.
  • Godspeed : Temporarily increase the user's movement, evasion and attack speed.
  • Purify : Remove all debuffs and curses from a target, whether its self or allies.
  • Radiant Coating : Imbues the power of light into the current weapon, enabling the weapon to deal holy damage instead.
  • Photon Drones : Summon up to 4 small flying drones to aid her. These drones can shoot photon beam with reduced damage, effect and mana cost compared to her own photon beam.
  • Bullet Time : Creates an energy dome that cover a large area for 30 seconds at most. Everything inside the dome except the user would slow down to a crawl, but the user can't interact directly with other player.
  • Ascension : The user unleash the holy power within them temporarily, granting them ethereal wings that enables them to fly and a halo that greatly increase their detection capability.

Eclair carries a set of legendary weapon which she named after the deadly sins. Each guns has elegant porcelain-like white body with gold accent decorating it.
  • Dual pistol - Greed & Envy : Two handguns that can only be wielded together. Each hit has a chance to temporarily steal a portion of either the target's attack speed or movement speed.
  • Assault rifle - Lust : Semi-automatic assault rifle with high fire rate. Getting hit by 10 attack in short time will trigger the bleeding status.
  • Shotgun - Gluttony : Increase the user's defense and restore HP by a portion of damage dealt by this weapon. Allowing the user's to become a close range fighter.
  • Rocket Launcher - Wrath : Shoulder-mounted rocket launcher with missiles that deals high AoE damage.
  • Sniper - Sloth : A bolt action sniper rifle with the furthest reach and additional critical damage among the seven guns, but also the slowest fire rate.
  • Revolver - Pride : A revolver with high penetrating power and increased critical chance. Highest DPS potential when it comes to one on one duel.

  • Grappling Hooks : A long steel cable with claw-like tips that was installed inside both of her arms.
  • Scooter : Eclair's default mount. She definitely has other better one but she always carries her scooter. Also come with safety helmets.

Real Estate:
  • The Final Archive : A bunker housing extensive research facility about the final dungeon. A number of androids are stationed there to maintain the facility.

Theme Song:
IRL Section
Sua Lee
Age: 22
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual

A melancholic and cynical girl who uses the game as an outlet for her desire to explore the world, something that she can't do in real life. She loves doing what seemingly aimless exploring with her own pace. While she tries to hide it as much as possible, sometimes its just quite obvious that she lives a very sheltered life from the way she thinks or the knowledge she lacks. She's an awkward girl who never learn how to socialize normally but hides it well in the game by roleplaying and talking like she's a real android.

Despite her generally laidback attitude, she's very dedicated in her quest of finding the supposed final dungeon. Her archive not only contain in game information about objects, bestiary and places but also various metadata of the files in the game. She's trying to find a clue there all while avoiding direct confrontation like what her group did.

Sua rolled a bad starting dice in this game called Real Life and inherited some serious immunodeficiencies from her mother. A small scratch can turns into life-threatening infection if its not treated correctly and a simple cough from a passerby might spiral into severe fever for her. Thus her life had been mostly confined in her home. The fact that her parents are very strict about who can visit her didn't make it feel any better. To pass the time she started to write stories, create digital arts, learns programming, and eventually, hacking. The Fallen Angel, the small hacker group she joined was quite a shady organization and Sua was well aware of it, yet she didn't want to leave as her activities there was one of the very few things that gives her life some thrills.

When Terra Maxima announced their ridiculous competition, the group was riled up. At least half of the group, some thought the announcement was simply a massive publicity stunt. Still, those who believes started datamining the client program, trying to find any clue to the whereabout of this supposed final dungeon. They found nothing, but they didn't stop. After several more failed attempt they ended up doing a risky move by trying a direct infiltration into the game's server database. Unfortunately, it was also failed. Moreover, they got sued for cyberattack and the leader of Fallen Angel saved everyone else from the court by taking all the blame for himself. With their leader sentenced to jail time, the group quickly fell into chaos and dispersed, each member goes their own way. As one of the member who got covered by the leader, Sua felts guilty about how things ended up. If only she thought things more thoroughly, it may have a different result. So once again she hopped into the game, this time she would finish the mission with her own way.

In Game Character Section
Name: Eclair
Guild Rank: Member

Standing at barely 5 feet, Eclair was designed small to reduce hitbox. Although she's far heavier than she looks due to her mechanical body. While she looks like a normal human, her more mechanical parts would show as she takes damage.
Overall Level: 200

Race Level:
Android Lvl 10
Warforged Lvl 15
Terminator Lvl 35
Angeloid Lvl 40

Priest Lvl 10
Gunner Lvl 10

Demon Hunter Lvl 15
Sharpshooter Lvl 15

Gun Saint Lvl 50

Party Role:


  • Deus Ex Machina : Increase defense the lower the user's HP become. Once per day, the user can choose to revive after taking a lethal damage and shift all defense stats into attack and speed stats.
  • Combat Module - Photon Cannon : The user can shoot continuous photon beam out of various part of their body. These beams cost mana per second and decrease the target's defense with each hit. Output can be adjusted.
  • Divine Favor : Drastically increase the user's overall luck, tilting everything that involves probability to her favor.
  • Analyze : The user analyze the target from a distance, gradually discovering various informations about the target. The target would feel a tingling sensation when they're being analyzed, using it on non-player enemy would immediately draws their aggro.

  • Quickdraw : Instantly switch the equipped weapon into the next guns in the inventory.
  • Godspeed : Temporarily increase the user's movement, evasion and attack speed.
  • Purify : Remove all debuffs and curses from a target, whether its self or allies.
  • Radiant Coating : Imbues the power of light into the current weapon, enabling the weapon to deal holy damage instead.
  • Photon Drones : Summon up to 4 small flying drones to aid her. These drones can shoot photon beam with reduced damage, effect and mana cost compared to her own photon beam.
  • Bullet Time : Creates an energy dome that cover a large area for 30 seconds at most. Everything inside the dome except the user would slow down to a crawl, but the user can't interact directly with other player.
  • Ascension : The user unleash the holy power within them temporarily, granting them ethereal wings that enables them to fly and a halo that greatly increase their detection capability.

Eclair carries a set of legendary weapon which she named after the deadly sins. Each guns has elegant porcelain-like white body with gold accent decorating it.
  • Dual pistol - Greed & Envy : Two handguns that can only be wielded together. Each hit has a chance to temporarily steal a portion of either the target's attack speed or movement speed.
  • Assault rifle - Lust : Semi-automatic assault rifle with high fire rate. Getting hit by 10 attack in short time will trigger the bleeding status.
  • Shotgun - Gluttony : Increase the user's defense and restore HP by a portion of damage dealt by this weapon. Allowing the user's to become a close range fighter.
  • Rocket Launcher - Wrath : Shoulder-mounted rocket launcher with missiles that deals high AoE damage.
  • Sniper - Sloth : A bolt action sniper rifle with the furthest reach and additional critical damage among the seven guns, but also the slowest fire rate.
  • Revolver - Pride : A revolver with high penetrating power and increased critical chance. Highest DPS potential when it comes to one on one duel.

  • Grappling Hooks : A long steel cable with claw-like tips that was installed inside both of her arms.
  • Scooter : Eclair's default mount. She definitely has other better one but she always carries her scooter. Also come with safety helmets.

Real Estate:
  • The Final Archive : A bunker housing extensive research facility about the final dungeon. A number of androids are stationed there to maintain the facility.

Theme Song:
Oh, she's glorious!
IRL Section:
Name: Futaba Kinsaru
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demi-Romantic Bi-Sexual

(I don't own this image.)
Shy and introverted to a unhealthy level. She dislikes to a huge degree interacting with people in the real world. To her real people are some of the scariest things in the world. Her anxiety and nerves are worn clearly on her face.

Even if she is an anxious mess, underneath all that, she's a sweet girl who is willing to listen and sympathize. Once she considers you a friend she'd back you even if she knows you are wrong just out of sheer loyalty. This has gotten her in a number of awkward and less than optimal situations.

When she's on Terra Maxima, as Kasumi her personality is a far more outgoing and that brings out her extravagant love of money. This love however is dwarfed by the love and dedication she has to her guild family acting like a big sister to not only her core of misfits but to the entirety of Guilty Thorn should they have the need.

~~"Lending an ear, advice, or supplying a safe space to hide away from everything for a little while. It doesn't matter, family will be greeted with a warm smile and an offered hug." -Kasumi~~

When it comes to business, meetings, or matters of guild importance her sisterly vibes are greatly reduced, and replaced with a colder atmosphere. She is far more calm focused on completing her goals and those of the guild.

Futaba's path into gaming has been quite the development. Introduced to her first game in middleschool by a classmate who needed a co-op partner and pressured Futaba into playing. After starting to play she got hooked and started to play more advanced games as time went on. Futaba's parents got her the gift that she uses to this day, her VRMMO dive device. It didn't take long before she had found out that you could make actual MONEY by playing these games. Selling rare items or information on hidden quests. People will pay top dollar to get a head start. Her parents supported her when she had talked to them about it. She'd never need her parents to buy her a new game this way. She'd buy them herself, if they would set up a bank account for her.

That was during her sophomore year in Highschool. Now that she's graduated, and been moved out of her parents house into a small standard apartment. Twenty-three years old and diving into games mining them for income and continues to have fun doing it. Sadly this doesn't save her social life from atrophy. She only speaks with two friends from high-school and her parents outside of gaming. This however has no effect in-game and is a straight forward type of person who enjoys having fun.

Since she has graduated she's poured all her game time into Terra Maxima only logging out to take care of herself physically. She's participated in every event and in her first one she got lucky... insanely Lucky for something so happenstance. While griding in an Event area she found a hidden location while poking around a busted up temple. Upom touching a old looking dusty tome she achieved option to Class change into Cleric of Battle. A Hidden Class with specific conditions. She took the book and decided to work towards this as her goal. Though there was a lot of restrictions before she could become one. At Lv 35 and the required level to use was Lv 130. She had her work cut out for her. The rest is history.

In Game Character Section:
Name: Kasumi

Title given by the players: "Saintess of Ares" / "Solo-Dungeon Rabbit"/ "Soveriegn of Hellgate"

Guild Rank:

Commander of the Heavy Infantry Core.

(I don't own this image)
Overall Level: 200
Race Level:

Beast-Kin (Rabbit)- Lv 30
Avanced Beast-Kin (Rabbit) - Lv 20
*Martial artist (Basic) - Lv 50 (Max)
**Martial Master (Avanced) - Lv 20
***Martial Grand Master (Evolved) - Lv 10

Class Info Martial Artist: This class is primarily chosen to supplement people heading towards The Berserker or Knight Classes to round out their skills or movement. However the true power of the class itself is in maxing out the base line. Then building on that.

*Battle Cleric (Novice)- Lv 40 (Maxed)
**Crusader (Advanced) - Lv 20 (Maxed)
***Saintess of the Battlefield (Evolved)- Lv 10 (Maxed)

Class info: A Class that was hidden for the devot to the art of the battlefield. It matters not of what front you choose to fight. Be it Players or Monsters your mere presence is reassuring to one's allies, and a terror to the enemy! With a crazy Lv Requirement of 130! A the small number that acquired the ability to obtain this Class practically gave up.

Party Role:
Healer and Combat Support.


Martial Arts Unique Skill - Refined Technique: This Passive Skill improves the user's Balance and ability to dodge danger that is visible to the user.

Bunny Beast-Kin Legendary Skill - Ever Alert: This Passive Skill acts as a precious warning when being actively hunted. Targeted by ranged attacks or by unseen attacker gives her a precious few seconds to get out of harms way.

Combination Skill - Martial Crusader: This Skill becomes active when in combat. Unarmed Strikes made wearing wearing Armor such as guantles or Armored footwear deal piercing Damage that ignores 15% of armor.

Epic Skill - Battlefield Regeneration: This Passive Epic Skill is active when in hostile territory or combat. The user buffs their Regeneration abilites by an additional 1% Per 60 seconds in combat to a max of an additional 5%.

= Purchaced
<R> = Reward (By quest or Event)
<C> = Class (Gained by Leveling up classes)
<RA> = Racial (Gained through Racial means)

<P>Regeneration: restores 1% of max HP every 10 seconds.
((Requirement Lv 30.))

~~"I recommend this Ability for everyone. Regeneration works in and outside of combat. It has saved me during my solo runs more times than I care to count." -Kasumi~~

<C>Armored Strikes: Your strikes now get that the extra 'umph!' The armor class of worn armor deal their armor rating as extra damage after armor reduction!
(this bonus only applies to the armor rating of the armor piece striking the opponent not the whole armor set.)
((Requirements: Martial Grand Master: Lv1 and any Armor wearing Evolved class: Lv1. 'Saintess of the Battlefield':Lv1))

~~"If you're going to hit something, be sure to hit it harder than it can hit you." -Kasumi~~

<R>Devistation: A strike upon a surface causing colossal Damage [structures or Land Only].
((Reward for Completing Event Questline: 'Roar of Behemoth!'))

~~"Behemoth was a annoying opponent... This Ability was the cause. It kept me from getting close by busting up the terrain! That was until I got on its back. Now its quite the tool to keep the enemy off-balance and give some breathing room." -Kasumi. ~~

<C>Healing Hands: Restores a targets Health through touch.
(Burns 1% Mana per second to heal 2% of Target health Per second.)
((Given by the Class Battle Cleric at Lv 5.))
~~"I may run solo having a healing ability that is usable not only on myself but others too? It's useful considering I can use it on just about anything with a health bar. Sometimes I heal bosses so I can better learn their Battle patterns. Was really useful during by Battlefield debut as well." -Kasumi~~

<C>Pain Split: When within 100ft. of a ally who's health is below 30% they are cloaked in a aura that shields them from 50% of incoming damage that shielded damage is dealt to the owner of this ability. This ability lasts until either the target leaves the active range, the targets HP raises above 40%, or the players HP is below 30%. This Ability doesn't protect against self assigned damage by the target such as health drain for abilities or splash damage from targets weapons.
((Given by achieving Saintess of the Battlefield: Lv1.))

~~"Since I solo way more than Party up I don't use it much. Though it is invaluable, and it's unique to my Class. This was instrumental in my victory agaisnt the guild who assulted my training session and the raid that followed." -Kasumi~~

<P>HP to Mana conversion: by sacrificing 15% of the user's current HP the user will regenerate 50% of their mana. (HP cannot by converted if the user has less than 30% of their max health.)
((Level Requirement: lv 60))

~~"Bought this ability so i could complete a quest... it's uses are a little niche but hey when it's useful it really puts in work!" -Kasumi~~

<RA>Enhanced Senses- Bunny ears, all the better to hear you with. Boop-able Bunny nose, all the better to detect you with.
((Reaching Lv 5 in Advanced Beast-Kin (Rabbit) ))

<RA>Enhanced speed- Raw Muscle is packed in those legs. Accompanied with a adorable bunny tail!
((Reaching Lv15 of the Beast-Kin (Rabbit) ))

<R>Soveriegn of Hellgate: When entering a Dungeon solo damage dealt to enemies is increased by 20%, damage received is reduced by 10%.
(Awarded to the first player to solo complete the 'S-Rank Event Dungeon: Labyrinth Hellgate' by slaying the Boss.)

~~"LONGEST 18 HOURS OF MY LIFE! Definitely worth it for something I didnt even know I'd get. Now that I have it its irreplaceable and I think the Admins won't let me have another one cause I've done it several times with other Event Dungeons." -Kasumi~~

<C> Fortified Stances: When in a base fighting stance or Martial Arts stance the user is resistant to knockback and knockdown effects.

~~"This one is rather nifty. Takes a bit to get but once you have it Bosses like Behemoth are a lot easier! The terrain shifting in the way is all ya have to worry about." -Kasumi~~

The Heeled Boots and Gauntlets of The Behemoth Armor set.
This armor set is know for its high armor rating, damage reduction, magic Resistance, and Regeneration. Each piece of the armor boasts a 500 armor rating, 5% damage reduction, 5% magic resist, and 1% HP Regeneration every 10 seconds. The full set gives 2500 armor, 25% Damage reduction, 25% magic resist and 5% Regeneration.

Armored Gauntlets and Armored Heels of Behemoth: Due to the use of Martial Arts these gauntlets and Heels are turned from defensive tools into a offensive ones. Dealing the armor rating of 500 as additional damage to those hit with them.

Ring of Fangs:
Damage to Monsters and enemy NPC's is increased by 10%

~~"Couldnt ask for a better tool to help me erase the problem mobs that have huge HP bars." -Kasumi~~

Angel's Wings: These wings are purely for Faster Travel between cities, the guild, and Dungeons.

Real Estate:
The Solo Rabbit Casino:
Connected to Ithika Castle via a VIP Members only portal in is located in the game's central Capital. It is where Kasumi sets her Dungeon loot or Dungeon information for Solo Rabbit Casino Chips. They have to be purchased with real money or in gam currency equivalent to that amount of money. "Don't worry, Guild members get a 10% discount." -Kasumi
Theme Song:
Last edited:
IRL Section:
Name: Futaba Kinsaru
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demi-Romantic Bi-Sexual

View attachment 1121707
(I don't own this image.)
Shy and introverted to a unhealthy level. She dislikes to a huge degree interacting with people in the real world. To her real people are some of the scariest things in the world. Her anxiety and nerves are worn clearly on her face.

Even if she is an anxious mess, underneath all that, she's a sweet girl who is willing to listen and sympathize. Once she considers you a friend she'd back you even if she knows you are wrong just out of sheer loyalty. This has gotten her in a number of awkward and less than optimal situations.

Futaba's path into gaming has been quite the development. Introduced to her first game in middleschool by a classmate who needed a co-op partner and pressured Futaba into playing. After starting to play she got hooked and started to play more advanced games as time went on. Futaba's parents got her the gift that she uses to this day, her VRMMO dive device. It didn't take long before she had found out that you could make actual MONEY by playing these games. Selling rare items or information on hidden quests. People will pay top dollar to get a head start. Her parents supported her when she had talked to them about it. She'd never need her parents to buy her a new game this way. She'd buy them herself, if they would set up a bank account for her.

That was during her sophomore year in Highschool. Now that she's graduated, and been moved out of her parents house into a small standard apartment. Twenty-three years old and diving into games mining them for income and continues to have fun doing it. Sadly this doesn't save her social life from atrophy. She only speaks with two friends from high-school and her parents outside of gaming. This however has no effect in-game and is a straight forward type of person who enjoys having fun.

Since she has graduated she's poured all her game time into Terra Maxima only logging out to take care of herself physically. She's participated in every event and in her first one she got lucky... insanely Lucky for something so happenstance. While griding in an Event area she found a hidden location while poking around a busted up temple. Upom touching a old looking dusty tome she achieved option to Class change into Cleric of Battle. A Hidden Class with specific conditions. She took the book and decided to work towards this as her goal. Though there was a lot of restrictions before she could become one. At Lv 35 and the required level to use was Lv 130. She had her work cut out for her. The rest is history.

In Game Character Section:
Name: Kasumi

Title given by the players: "Saintess of Ares" / "Solo-Dungeon Rabbit"

Guild Rank:

View attachment 1121708
(I don't own this image)
Overall Level: 200
Race Level:

Beast-Kin (Rabbit)- Lv 30
Avanced Beast-Kin (Rabbit) - Lv 20
*Martial artist (Basic) - Lv 50 (Max)
**Martial Master (Avanced) - Lv 20
***Martial Grand Master (Evolved) - Lv 10

*Battle Cleric (Novice)- Lv 40 (Maxed)
**Crusader (Advanced) - Lv 20 (Maxed)
***Saintess of the Battlefield (Evolved)- Lv 10 (Maxed)

Party Role:
Healer and Combat Support.


Martial Arts Unique Skill - Refined Technique: This Passive Skill improves the user's Balance and ability to dodge danger that is visible to the user.

Bunny Beast-Kin Legendary Skill - Ever Alert: This Passive Skill acts as a precious warning when being actively hunted. Targeted by ranged attacks or by unseen attacker gives her a precious few seconds to get out of harms way.

Combination Skill - Martial Crusader: This Skill becomes active when in combat. Unarmed Strikes made wearing wearing Armor such as guantles or Armored footwear deal piercing Damage that ignores 15% of armor.

Epic Skill - Battlefield Regeneration: This Passive Epic Skill is active when in hostile territory or combat. The user buffs their Regeneration abilites by an additional 1% Per 60 seconds in combat to a max of an additional 5%.

= Purchaced
<R> = Reward (By quest or Event)
<C> = Class (Gained by Leveling up classes)
<RA> = Racial (Gained through Racial means)

<P>Regeneration: restores 1% of max HP every 10 seconds.

<R>Devistation: A strike upon a surface causing colossal Damage [structures or Land Only].

<C>Healing Hands: Restores a targets Health through touch.
<C>Pain Split: When within 100ft. of a ally who's health is below 30% they are cloaked in a aura that shields them from 50% of incoming damage that shielded damage is dealt to the owner of this ability. This ability lasts until either the target leaves the active range, the targets HP raises above 40%, or the players HP is below 30%. This Ability doesn't protect against self assigned damage by the target such as health drain for abilities or splash damage from targets weapons.
<P>HP to Mana conversion: by sacrificing 15% of the user's current HP the user will regenerate 50% of their mana. (HP cannot by converted if the user has less than 30% of their max health.)
<RA>Enhanced Senses- Bunny ears, all the better to hear you with. Boop-able Bunny nose, all the better to detect you with.
<RA>Enhanced speed- Raw Muscle is packed in those legs. Accompanied with a adorable bunny tail!
<R>Dungeon Soveriegn: When entering a Dungeon solo damage dealt to enemies is increased by 20%, damage received is reduced by 10%.

The Heeled Boots and Gauntlets of The Behemoth Armor set.
This armor set is know for its high armor rating, damage reduction, magic Resistance, and Regeneration. Each piece of the armor boasts a 500 armor rating, 5% damage reduction, 5% magic resist, and 1% HP Regeneration every 10 seconds. The full set gives 2500 armor, 25% Damage reduction, 25% magic resist and 5% Regeneration.

Armored Gauntlets and Armored Heels of Behemoth: Due to the use of Martial Arts these gauntlets and Heels are turned from defensive tools into a offensive ones. Dealing the armor rating of 500 as additional damage to those hit with them.

Ring of Fangs:
Damage to Monsters and enemy NPC's is increased by 10%

Angel's Wings: These wings are purely for Faster Travel between cities, the guild, and Dungeons.

Real Estate:
The Solo Rabbit Casino:
Connected to Ithika Castle via a VIP Members only portal in is located in the game's central Capital. It is where Kasumi sets her Dungeon loot or Dungeon information for Solo Rabbit Casino Chips. They have to be purchased with real money or in gam currency equivalent to that amount of money. "Don't worry, Guild members get a 10% discount." -Kasumi
Theme Song:

Love the bunny. She is just sweet.
IRL Section:

Peony Lam


Trans woman

Likes women a bit more


A plump woman who tends to dress in a modest, homely style.

Peony is far from unsociable in the physical world, presenting herself with a caring and approachable demeanor. She tends to let others have the first and last word, but rarely hesitates to speak her mind in between. She's not one to condemn anyone out of hand, having a generally tolerant personality. While competition is not her top priority, she likes working and making plans by herself or with others, making games including Terra Maxima a good fit for her interests.

In the role of Black Velvet, her demeanor becomes more provocative, but she maintains a fundamentally diplomatic nature, unlikely to harm, steal from, or deceive a disadvantaged or unaware opponent. However, she applies her abilities fully against those who openly challenge them, using every trick in the book to subdue without long-term damage.

Peony's increasingly tense life experienced a sudden slowing of pace when Rob, her husband of 8 years, agreed with her on a separation. It wasn't like they fought much, or disagreed on a lot. Perhaps that's what made it so easy. While they loved each other, her in-laws certainly weren't a fan of her. When the company that hired him went under and her job as a tech journalist slowed down, a rearranging of priorities was in order, especially considering their adopted daughter had many years ahead of her. Rob's well-off parents agreed to take in their grandchild and their son, provided his...partner wasn't around to mooch off them. Which was fine. She was used to fending for herself. So Peony gathered much of what she had and carried it into a...decently affordable flat.

When Terra Maxima came to her attention by way of a friend's recommendation ("since you have more free time now"), it didn't sharply pique her interest, but it was as good a way to occupy her days as any. Her cooperative nature and the time she eventually put in led to her falling in with the Guilty Thorn guild, often serving as a mediator and one of the calmer heads between not only the members of the guild, but their external allies and adversaries.

In Game Character Section:

Black Velvet

Guild Rank: Ambassador of the Guilty Thorn Guild, the first and often last representative to those that the guild does not challenge outright. For every two enemies, the guild has at least one ally.


Variable based on her flexible tactical role, but reflects her avatar's animalistic features.

Overall Level: 200
Race Level:
Beast-Kin (Vulpine): 40


Hunter: 20

Marksman: 40
Decker: 40

Tactician: 30
Infiltrator: 30

Party Role:
Scouting, offensive support, resource gathering and identification

Vulpine Luck: On a 1 hour cooldown, escape instantly from any incapacitating effect or fatal hit and gain a few seconds of intangibility.

Vulpine Sense: Can concentrate to identify and locate the presence, species, and classes of any entity in a 100m range.

Maker's Mark: At a glance, identify any material or equipment and know how it was acquired and any prominent properties (such as elements, durability, enchantments, or range).

Bottomless Ammunition: On a 1 hour cooldown for a 2 minute duration, arrows become beams when fired and bullets/firearm energy do not run out.

Vulpine Succor: With a touch, grant one ally a few seconds of intangibility and near-instantaneous health regeneration.

Domination Code: Take control of several constructs of the Technological type of a lower level than the Decker level, or one of any level that is created by a player or is an NPC.

Brick Code: Indefinitely disables the Technological equipment and weaponry of one enemy at a time.

Amp Code: Increases the attack rate and accuracy of one ally's Technological equipment and weaponry at a time.

Fairy's Kiss: Fire either an electrical or toxic projectile from a ranged weapon that deals minimal damage, but renders a hit entity "unconscious", with their sensory input and movements reduced sharply, and all abilities impaired for a minute. This ability can be fired three times before going on cooldown for a minute.

Ray Arrow: Projectiles fired from a (cross)bow bypass all magical/energy-based defenses and resistance at will, but can still be resisted by physical defenses.

Drill Rounds: Projectiles fired from a firearm bypass all physical armor and other defenses, but can be deflected by magic/energy-based defenses.

Acid Shell: A small explosive projectile that can be fired to create a large cloud of gas, which causes relatively slight damage over time, persists briefly after exiting, and erodes physical equipment and matter. However, it nullifies sight and all sensory/detection abilities for hostiles caught in the cloud. Allies do not take damage and are not blinded.

Projectile Storm: The user's ammunition reserve cannot be depleted, but weapons still need reloading when Bottomless Ammunition is inactive.

Suppressive Fire: Applies a continuous stream of fire in a cone that cannot deal damage, but limits the movement rate and vision of enemies in the area. Once ended, the weapon used for this ability overheats and must cool down and be reloaded before being usable again.

Prop Hunt: The user can transform their avatar into a replica of an object in the immediate vicinity, which persists until they launch an attack or move swiftly.

Supply Drop: Generates a supply beacon once a day that persists for 5 minutes, replenishing all consumable abilities or resources of allies in the vicinity and allows them to be used without consumption.

Defensive Bombardment: Once a day, throws a beacon that calls a salvo of explosives down that detonate around a wide area, dealing moderate damage to hostiles in the area but disorienting them and heavily damaging structures and objects in the area of effect.

Notable possessions:

Greater Amulet of the Diplomat: When a combat encounter begins, user gains 75% damage reduction until they take any action or use any ability that could cause damage to a hostile, regardless of whether it actually does hit.

Suzuki Mirage: A promotional motorcycle mount that's compact, agile, and quiet like Black Velvet. Modified after the fact with switchable neon highlights, and improved grip and acceleration.

Compact Armory: An unassuming holster usually worn on Black Velvet's back, from which she can draw ranged weapons including but not limited to:

  • Daikyu: A sturdy, full-length bow with extreme accuracy and range. Its arrows tend to impale and even drag targets with less durability and weight.
  • Avelyn: A wrist-mounted crossbow that fires bolts in bursts of three before needing reloading. Less sustained damage but perfect for an ambush.
  • Widowmaker: A combat shotgun that shreds physical armor very effectively.
  • Havoc Energy Rifle: A rapid-fire weapon that spools up to a blistering rate of fire and is considered an energy weapon for defensive purposes.


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IRL Section:

Peony Lam


Trans woman

Likes women a bit more

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A plump woman who tends to dress in a modest, homely style.

Peony is far from unsociable in the physical world, presenting herself with a caring and approachable demeanor. She tends to let others have the first and last word, but rarely hesitates to speak her mind in between. She's not one to condemn anyone out of hand, having a generally tolerant personality. While competition is not her top priority, she likes working and making plans by herself or with others, making games including Terra Maxima a good fit for her interests.

In the role of Black Velvet, her demeanor becomes more provocative, but she maintains a fundamentally diplomatic nature, unlikely to harm, steal from, or deceive a disadvantaged or unaware opponent. However, she applies her abilities fully against those who openly challenge them, using every trick in the book to subdue without long-term damage.

Peony's increasingly tense life experienced a sudden slowing of pace when Rob, her husband of 8 years, agreed with her on a separation. It wasn't like they fought much, or disagreed on a lot. Perhaps that's what made it so easy. While they loved each other, her in-laws certainly weren't a fan of her. When the company that hired him went under and her job as a tech journalist slowed down, a rearranging of priorities was in order, especially considering their adopted daughter had many years ahead of her. Rob's well-off parents agreed to take in their grandchild and their son, provided his...partner wasn't around to mooch off them. Which was fine. She was used to fending for herself. So Peony gathered much of what she had and carried it into a...decently affordable flat.

When Terra Maxima came to her attention by way of a friend's recommendation ("since you have more free time now"), it didn't sharply pique her interest, but it was as good a way to occupy her days as any. Her cooperative nature and the time she eventually put in led to her falling in with the Guilty Thorn guild, often serving as a mediator and one of the calmer heads between not only the members of the guild, but their external allies and adversaries.

In Game Character Section:

Black Velvet

Guild Rank: [To be determined...?]
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Variable based on her flexible tactical role, but reflects her avatar's animalistic features.

Overall Level: 200
Race Level:
Beast-Kin (Vulpine): 40


Hunter: 20

Marksman: 40
Decker: 40

Tactician: 30
Infiltrator: 30

Party Role:
Scouting, offensive support, resource gathering and identification

Vulpine Luck: On a 1 hour cooldown, escape instantly from any incapacitating effect or fatal hit and gain a few seconds of intangibility.

Vulpine Sense: Can concentrate to identify and locate the presence, species, and classes of any entity in a 100m range.

Maker's Mark: At a glance, identify any material or equipment and know how it was acquired and any prominent properties (such as elements, durability, enchantments, or range).

Bottomless Ammunition: On a 1 hour cooldown for a 2 minute duration, arrows become beams when fired and bullets/firearm energy do not run out.

Domination Code: Take control of several constructs of the Technological type of a lower level than the Decker level, or one of any level that is created by a player or is an NPC.

Brick Code: Indefinitely disables the Technological equipment and weaponry of one enemy at a time.

Amp Code: Increases the attack rate and accuracy of one ally's Technological equipment and weaponry at a time.

Ray Arrow: Projectiles fired from a (cross)bow bypass all magical/energy-based defenses and resistance at will, but can still be resisted by physical defenses.

Drill Rounds: Projectiles fired from a firearm bypass all physical armor and other defenses, but can be deflected by magic/energy-based defenses.

Acid Shell: A small explosive projectile that can be fired to create a large cloud of gas, which causes relatively slight damage over time, persists briefly after exiting, and erodes physical equipment and matter. However, it nullifies sight and all sensory/detection abilities for hostiles caught in the cloud. Allies do not take damage and are not blinded.

Projectile Storm: The user's ammunition reserve cannot be depleted, but weapons still need reloading when Bottomless Ammunition is inactive.

Prop Hunt: The user can transform their avatar into a replica of an object in the immediate vicinity, which persists until they launch an attack or move swiftly.

Supply Drop: Generates a supply beacon once a day that persists for 5 minutes, replenishing all consumable abilities or resources of allies in the vicinity and allows them to be used without consumption.

Defensive Bombardment: Once a day, throws a beacon that calls a salvo of explosives down that detonate around a wide area, dealing moderate damage to hostiles in the area but disorienting them and heavily damaging structures and objects in the area of effect.
Our Marksman has arrived. Love the race skills and the abilities are very good. I like her!
temporary wip ~ stay tuned


GENERAL ☆ Kanstantsin "Kostya" Tadovanich
─★ male ★ 24 ★ heteroflexible ★ @tyatya.bedff

✦ Graphic designer extraordinaire
✦ Highschool dropout ordinaire
✦ Ex-internet kid in name

APPEARANCE ☆ my selfie? what for thooo
─★ bland clothes ★ 6'4 - 221★ sweet tattoos

✦ Has a sturdy physique, never explains why
✦ Not too creative with the way he dresses
✦ Dyed his hair five times (sixth incoming)

PERSONALITY ☆ myself? ur desperate
─★ infj ★ phlegmatic ★ chaotic neutral

✦ Charming / Kind / Understanding
✦ Resourcefull / Simple / Vocal
✦ Bold / Apathetic / Rude

To kick things off, Kostya is by no means a recluse. In fact, he had always been a social butterfly, the heart of any bundle of people larger than three. Taking on that role is but one of the many things he learned from his childhood, be it for good or for worse; Kanstantsin grew up to embody the "popular kids" even in the way he interacts with others, lauded as a blessing to be with. When the need arises, he'll flash a smile, or play tease with a witty remark, or offer a well-placed worry. All that he does seems to be in tune with what others need or expect, which works well on anyone but the guy himself: he feels trite and ingenuine. Social skills are to him both the least adored possession and the most prized one. To state the point once more, though he is somewhat detached from the goings-on of his innate likeability, he isn't a shut in. And yet he feels like one.

In the midst of all the ties and acquaintances lies a doubting core. Whenever it comes to interactions that can't be predicted, or which shouldn't be predicted at all, Kanstantsin realises just how immovable he is. Others' concern him not when he can't attach them by the virtue of existing, so he passes by such people with nary a glance. Even so, the fact feels troubling to him, no matter the excuse, and he tried to be more outgoing, particularly when it came to unconventional interactions, such as in games. The result has remained the same ever since, but here and then, whenever he plays Terra Maxima, a bit of his yearning self shines through, producing the well-known spectre of kindness that others see.

HISTORY ☆ wym his story whos he
─★ strict upbringing ★ immigrated to italy

✦ ???

To say that luck is a trustless fellow is to say nothing at all. Healthy and full of energy, Kostya spent the majority of his childhood at tournaments and in trainings, pushing both school and friends aside. It's difficult to tell whether he was chasing a goal or not, but it's certain that his parents are to blame for the rigidity he built in things outside of a neatly outlined schedule. Meaningless banter with those who wanted something genuine, dry weight of his popularity or achievements, unending and unbreakable control... But of course, anything can be predicted. Catastrophic burnout of his late highschool years and a grand ol' scandal at home fell short of that "anything", unfortunately, not unlike him cutting all ties and moving away.

Stillness clung on to him no matter the time spent untangling himself from it. It reminded him of all that he lost when he escaped, all that he could gain by remaining motionless. In the end, it made him leave again, this time his birthplace as a whole, as if a plane ride would make him leave all his worries at home. Luggage came in with a tag, both emotional and factual, and this realisation, which struck right as he was in a taxi, alone, in a country he never though of moving into, finally broke him down. What remained of his strength was spent on half-heartedly settling down, moving in with one of his "friends", who, nevertheless, cared enough to allow it; and picking up his past interests. All other urges generally left Kostya's life, though he kept on longing for a job and, most importantly, a goal. His old passion, creativity, shone brighter than ever, but dulled down with nothing to do. Even going out and about slowly shrunk to exercising at a gym down the street. The new unknown stood as tall as ever, the old familiar kept on whispering about running away.

In hindsight, his reaction was obvious. Why bother tackling that which can be ignored?

Either way, now on to derealisation.

Design & Code by Serobliss
The Antichrist
His Pious Autosacrophagy
General Information
First Sin • Antichrist • Skies' Chosen • Grace Amidst Singers
Guilty Thorn's Master of Ceremonies
Ranged Fighter • Support
200 (MAXLV)
Human-Evolved Vessel (10LV)
Rogue (10LV)⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Awakened Messiah (75LV)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Holy Fool (30LV)
Artist (10LV)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Martyr (45LV)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Intoner (20LV)
Awakened Messiah
Greater Class
The very crux of holy classes is that of Messiahs, who serve as direct actors of plentiful skies and boast the purest connection to divine energy. Known variations differ little in terms of their passive playstyle, but evolving into each requires unprecedented skill and near-impossible hindsight, a trait that is shared by the heights of unholy classes. Awakened Messiah―a variation first unlocked by His Autosacrophagy―is particularly taxing, for it demands a complex arrangement of events to fall into place and even for other players to act in a certain way, which used to be unheard of. The favour of skies is signified by the change in a players' avatar, which becomes sanctity incarnate, and by a favourable status with the game's abstract divinity, represented by the title of Skies' Chosen. Apart from Bythos, players of this class mainly focus on support and are a sought-after novelty that many guilds want to possess, particularly those that try and act as the Tall and Mighty Church™.

Bythos plays the Awakened Messiah in a way that many would be challenged by. The art of thaumaturgy, generally left to healing because of its arbitrary guidelines, became his most powerful weapon. The distance this class maintains from the clergy, which isn't present in other Messiahs, allowed him to bend restrictions and overstep boundaries. At his worst, Bythos is a force to be reckoned with, true to his title of the Antichrist. Even so, he loves to have fun and uses his powers in many different ways, adapting divine energy with varying difficulty.
Fool • Martyr
Lesser Class
One can be left puzzled by the existence of the Martyr class, as the name suggests a person that is venerated after their death. In Terra Maxima, however, it is but a challenging option for those who desire handsomely rewarded difficulty. Attracting trouble by the virtue of existing, a Martyr player, if they manage to evolve, is workable only in connection with a healer or by having heightened HP regeneration. The problem with that lies in class restrictions, however, as innate regeneration cancels out most of the bonuses and abilities Martyrs have, which leaves healing as the only viable option. However powerful they may be when it comes to converting loss of health points into divine energy, the problems with evolution and hefty limits made Martyrs undesirable to the general public. The maniac who needed just the right set of limits took to the scene much later.

A little known fact about Martyrs is that their conversion isn't irreversible, allowing them to reconvert divine energy back into health, said recovery not counting towards regeneration. With some nudging, such a "reconversion" can be made at will, without any prerequisites, and Bythos capitalised on it thanks to technicality, both generating energy as a Holy Fool and using it as a Martyr. He carries on with the trick to this very day, even as a Messiah, because he has developed abilities even on such a small detail as the constant out- and inflow of energy.
Artist • Intoner
Base Class
Though Terra Maxima is diverse, not many players delve into classes outside of those that offer a straightforward model of combat. As much can be said of Intoners, a class in the group of singers with a focus on vocal harmony and setting singing order. Compared to others, such as Troubadours or Minstrels, who influence emotions with their singing, Intoners can only offer mid-level restorative skills and meditative techniques, ever so useful when assembling a group. In combat, however, the class enjoys little to no role, since they don't fit in outside of providing barely tangible support. Vocal capabilities of an Intoner, as well as of the other singing classes, allow it to partially control stamina, mana or even divine energy, but the influence is miniscule enough for vocalisation to be considered ineffective overall, at least as a standalone method.

It's true that singing contributes little to the strength of an ability it brings forth, but the control an Intoner has makes their voice a perfect medium for dispatching commands and giving shape to an ability which cannot be controlled directly. For instance, Bythos combines his Intoner skills with divine energy and thus is able to fine-tune many abilities. His singing is beautiful enough for others to consider it a font, adding an element of surprise to the brewing confusion, and for the skies to look upon it favourably, lending him freedom in his prayers.
Race Strengths & Setbacks
Human-Evolved Vessel
The human, one of the base races offered during avatar creation, isn't too remarkable, but its ability to adapt, giving way to the in-game diversity of evolutions, is the inspiration behind many investigative character builds. The Vessel, for instance, is a human subrace evolution that emphasises increased energy reserve and heightened control over the projection of skills and abilities. This is compensated by the Vessel's relatively miniscule physical strength, which in turn results in greater agility and rather dreary stamina. One may compare a player of this race to an elf, but the crucial difference lies in the endgoal of this race's player, as opposed to that of an Elf, or of any being that focuses on power rather than strength. A Vessel is no ordinary vessel, yet a vessel all the same: the unique internal structure that this race grants the avatar allows players to invite the non-material to settle within them, usually through a contract. This subrace is favoured primarily by those who are looking to go down a demonic or spiritual path, or any such that changes the body even further, allowing for countless specified evolutions.

For Bythos, however, the ability to welcome an energy-based being is particularly useful in his Awakened Messiah playstyle, allowing him to not only channel divinity, but to be granted the honour of being its very presence. As Gods are much stronger than even the most unique of spirits, Bythos cannot sustain such presence for too long, but the authority it grants him is the cornerstone of much of his breakthroughs in terms of the Messiah's passiveness.
Avatar Data
Game Data
▸ One Favoured, One Listened To (Passive)
"Progressing beyond the whispering priests, the Awakened Messiah speaks to that which he worships with clear intent, drawing sanctity into even the faintest of his thoughts."
In spite of the player's status, recharging of divine energy happens at a fixed rate every 25 seconds. Whenever the requirements are met for the class-specific [Worship] action group, the recharge rate increases. Whenever the player is within 4 metres of consenting holy class players, the recharge rate increases and can be stacked with the [Worship] action group increase, granting said players a boost to HP and MP regeneration.

▸ Radiant Thaumaturgy: Dei Gratia
"Miracles performed by the Awakened Messiah come from divinity itself and represent highest intent. After all, he who is close to heavens must further its will; must guard all."
The player's thaumaturgy cannot be vanquished by dark and holy class players of lower evolution. When evolution is comparable, vanquishing takes more time than with other high evolution holy classes; it can also be slowed down if the player is on site. Conversely, the player has more ease when reversing the effects of dark and holy class players' abilities of lower evolution.

▸ Martyrdom Proactive
"Any soul finds shelter behind the Martyr, who weathers all worldly blights in sanctity's name. Resilience comes from but a prayer; with voices innumerable, the Skies answer."
Whenever the player's HP drops below a half of its maximum value, damage dealt with divine energy increases by a quarter every minute for the duration of 30 seconds, ending when HP is restored. Depending on how many attacks drove HP below a half, a small percent of divine damage is added to the increased value (>2 attacks, 2 attacks, single attack). If the damage was received while shielding another character, or if damage was dealt by a [Boss] enemy, damage increase is triggered whether or not HP is below a half and ends after a minute.

▸ Sonata
"Harmony can never embrace that which it serves as the antithesis to; Chaos wanes so as to avoid meeting with its contra. The Intoner has but his skill in this struggle."

First Levels
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IRL Section:
Name: Nicola Thomson
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: gay

Nicola in real life is not at all introverted and was once rather extroverted and energetic, but due to recentish events she has changed much. She has become a bit more cynical and sarcastic, though she dopes try not to take it to far. She has also become more of a home body than before finding outside rather annoying. One trait that has remained the same is that she loves the ocean, though she can't really do much there anymore. She also has developed something of a mild phobia of fire.

In game Nicola or rather Sargiroth is something of a role player She plays the evil manipulative Aboleth enjoying staying far from battle and dominating foes. She will always suggest the or go with the most evil ideas of the guild and dislikes those that play lawful good types ( just the character). She will claim to be using the land dwellers to gain power on the surface until the aboleth can once again take their rightful place as rulers of the world.

Nicola wouldn't call her life all that interesting for the most part. She comes from a rather affluent family and mostly just got to live her life. While not exactly the truly rich the family was never hurting for money. She had very little interest in games back then as she didn't feel the want to escape life and was in her mind to busy with life to spend it playing games. Her biggest hobby was actually diving, and for her 15th birthday her family rented a deep sea submersible ( with expert). Nicola loved the dark depths of the ocean and all the strange life found there, even if the view port was tiny. After this Nicola was thinking that she might go into marine studies, though not sure exactly what she wanted to be , but she wanted to return to the lightless depths.

This all changed when nicola was 19. Despite the family being insulated from most issues of normal people, accidents happen. In the middle of the night a fire broke out in her family's home, unfortunately starting where the most exits were. The cause was latter determined to be wires that had seemingly been scraped a little to thin and thus was ruled and accident. The fire would break out and rapidly consume the home and while they tried to make it out the flames were to much. Nicola herself ended up somehow pinned by a beam that had fallen. This might have saved her life as she was the only one that survived, but at an extreme cost.

Thanks to various insurances and a rather clear will Niccola had plenty of money for medical treatments and rehabilitation along with the building of a new much slammer home. Which she had inspected over and over during and after construction. Nicola with all this was understandably depressed as she had lost her family and in her mind the chance at her half formed dreams. With reality to her now being more work than it was worth to really engage with she started playing games and the rest is history. In Terra Maxima she holds a few records, namely being the most powerful aboleth player ( there aren't many), being one of the few players with only racial classes, She is also known for the fall of the crescent moon guild when she caused the guild to slaughter itself in a fight.
In Game Character Section:
Name: Sargiroth
Guild Rank: Commander- Justice Department

Overall Level:
Race Level:
Aboleth 20 ( all aboleth levels count as psionic caster levels)

Plizeazoth 20 (sub species)

Uldraaghu 20 (sup species)

greater aboleth 20 (evolved aboleth)

Grand Aboleth 20 ( evolved greater aboleth)

Omnipath 20 (grand aboleth sub species)

Vidileth 20 ( grand aboleth sup species)

Nobel aboleth 20 ( rare evolved grand aboleth)

Royal aboleth 20 ( rare evolved Nobel aboleth)

Far realm aboleth 20 (unique aboleth sub species)
None all racial levels.

Party Role:
support/ wild card ( she mostly focuses on causing chaos in the ranks of the enemy)

Skills: ( just some random ones)
Master of the mind: (racial) the greatest of the aboelth's powers than only the most powerful of aboleths can use (Nobel aboleth). This is the power to bend the will of the mindless to control those immune by nature to the aboleths power. This ability allows the user to by pass immunity to psionics making it only resistance IV and completely by pass normal resistances. This also allows controlling constructs and undead.

Psionic mesh (racial): the user can at will attempt to connect the minds of other nearby creatures to its psionic network. Enemy creatures added to the network are dominated by the user. Once a creature is in the network the user can attempt once a day per creature to add a creature near a member of the network to the network. This also allows the caster to cast spells and abilities through any member of the mesh as if they were in the same place as the creature they are currently focusing on. Enemy players will be released from the mesh after 1 minute of active control but until then will remain within the mesh.

Mucus (racial): in their true form aboleths produce a Mucus that when touched causes others to be unable to breathe air for 1 hour. this can be resisted, but will repeat for every minute of contact with the mucus. with higher levels in aboleth the mucus will debuff those that manage to resist the first effect making them more vulnerable to psionic attacks for 5 minutes.

Enslave (Racial far realms aboleth): Three times a day with at least 1 minute between casts the user can force all beings regardless of resistances and immunities to obey a one word command given by the user. The commands are each individual commands so can not be used to form 1 longer command.
Shapeshift (racial): The user can turn from their fture form into another form that is created before hand.

Mind blade: Summons one or more ( depending on psionic levels) sword that scale their damage with psionic levels of the caster. If two or more are summoned the caster can have the swords fight by themselves as NPCs.

Mind fray: Telepathiclly attack a target you focus on ( damage scaling with psionic levels) dealing damage to both hp and mana or equivalent energy sources.

Sleep: Knocks a target out for 30 seconds or until they take some form of damage.

Friend and Foe: A large Aoe that causes those caught in it to turn hostile against the team they were previously on. This doesn't cause players to lose control of their characters but any aoe will suddenly damage allies and can force groups to wait out the 30 second duration ( time lengthened by psionic levels)

Dominate being: The highest form of Dominate allows the user to, if not resisted, force a player or NPC to be their ally. players will lose control and character will be controlled by an NPC. This lasts a full minute on players and can be permanent on NPCs.

Incite greed: iCreate a false event on targets that will resemble a quest to kill their own allies for a large monetary reward.

Suggestion: Create a false event that can be used to mislead targets to do various tasks or perhaps activate a trap.

Mind blast: project a cone ( distance changed by psionic levels that will cause all those caught by it to be stunned for 30 seconds.

Weapons: None she dosen't use weapons and needs no spell focus.

Ring of omniwalking: allows the user to at will walk on water or even air. Takes the form of a silver ring with multi colored runes.

Ring of safe escape: allows the wielder to escape at any moment via unlockable teleportation to a safe location. Takes the form of a plain dark metal ring.

Amulet of plane shift: an amulet with a green gem inscribed with a prepared plane shift spell that takes the user to a established demi plane upon use.

Orb of the mind: a roughly foot wide crystal sphere that allows the user to use abilities and skills through planes. this is kept in the small demi plane that the amulet goes to.

Real Estate: Xar'thru: the sunken realm. A home summoned not built. Xar'thru is part of the far realms on the edge of reality brought into this one in the darkest depths of the oceans. It is connected to the guild base by a gylph covered portal in the waters near the guild hall.

Theme Song:
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IRL Section:
Name: Nicola Thomson
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: gay

Nicola in real life is not at all introverted and was once rather extroverted and energetic, but due to recentish events she has changed much. She has become a bit more cynical and sarcastic, though she dopes try not to take it to far. She has also become more of a home body than before finding outside rather annoying. One trait that has remained the same is that she loves the ocean, though she can't really do much there anymore. She also has developed something of a mild phobia of fire.

In game Nicola or rather Sargiroth is something of a role player She plays the evil manipulative Aboleth enjoying staying far from battle and dominating foes. She will always suggest the or go with the most evil ideas of the guild and dislikes those that play lawful good types ( just the character). She will claim to be using the land dwellers to gain power on the surface until the aboleth can once again take their rightful place as rulers of the world.

Nicola wouldn't call her life all that interesting for the most part. She comes from a rather affluent family and mostly just got to live her life. While not exactly the truly rich the family was never hurting for money. She had very little interest in games back then as she didn't feel the want to escape life and was in her mind to busy with life to spend it playing games. Her biggest hobby was actually diving, and for her 15th birthday her family rented a deep sea submersible ( with expert). Nicola loved the dark depths of the ocean and all the strange life found there, even if the view port was tiny. After this Nicola was thinking that she might go into marine studies, though not sure exactly what she wanted to be , but she wanted to return to the lightless depths.

This all changed when nicola was 19. Despite the family being insulated from most issues of normal people, accidents happen. In the middle of the night a fire broke out in her family's home, unfortunately starting where the most exits were. The cause was latter determined to be wires that had seemingly been scraped a little to thin and thus was ruled and accident. The fire would break out and rapidly consume the home and while they tried to make it out the flames were to much. Nicola herself ended up somehow pinned by a beam that had fallen. This might have saved her life as she was the only one that survived, but at an extreme cost.

Thanks to various insurances and a rather clear will Niccola had plenty of money for medical treatments and rehabilitation along with the building of a new much slammer home. Which she had inspected over and over during and after construction. Nicola with all this was understandably depressed as she had lost her family and in her mind the chance at her half formed dreams. With reality to her now being more work than it was worth to really engage with she started playing games and the rest is history. In Terra Maxima she holds a few records, namely being the most powerful aboleth player ( there aren't many), being one of the few players with only racial classes, She is also known for the fall of the crescent moon guild when she caused the guild to slaughter itself in a fight.
In Game Character Section:
Name: Sargiroth
Guild Rank: member

Overall Level:
Race Level:
Aboleth 20 ( all aboleth levels count as psionic caster levels)

Plizeazoth 20 (sub species)

Uldraaghu 20 (sup species)

greater aboleth 20 (evolved aboleth)

Grand Aboleth 20 ( evolved greater aboleth)

Omnipath 20 (grand aboleth sub species)

Vidileth 20 ( grand aboleth sup species)

Nobel aboleth 20 ( rare evolved grand aboleth)

Royal aboleth 20 ( rare evolved Nobel aboleth)

Far realm aboleth 20 (unique aboleth sub species)
None all racial levels.

Party Role:
support/ wild card ( she mostly focuses on causing chaos in the ranks of the enemy)

Skills: ( just some random ones)
Master of the mind: (racial) the greatest of the aboelth's powers than only the most powerful of aboleths can use (Nobel aboleth). This is the power to bend the will of the mindless to control those immune by nature to the aboleths power. This ability allows the user to by pass immunity to psionics making it only resistance IV and completely by pass normal resistances. This also allows controlling constructs and undead.

Psionic mesh (racial): the user can at will attempt to connect the minds of other nearby creatures to its psionic network. Enemy creatures added to the network are dominated by the user. Once a creature is in the network the user can attempt once a day per creature to add a creature near a member of the network to the network. This also allows the caster to cast spells and abilities through any member of the mesh as if they were in the same place as the creature they are currently focusing on. Enemy players will be released from the mesh after 1 minute of active control but until then will remain within the mesh.

Mucus (racial): in their true form aboleths produce a Mucus that when touched causes others to be unable to breathe air for 1 hour. this can be resisted, but will repeat for every minute of contact with the mucus. with higher levels in aboleth the mucus will debuff those that manage to resist the first effect making them more vulnerable to psionic attacks for 5 minutes.

Enslave (Racial far realms aboleth): Three times a day with at least 1 minute between casts the user can force all beings regardless of resistances and immunities to obey a one word command given by the user. The commands are each individual commands so can not be used to form 1 longer command.
Shapeshift (racial): The user can turn from their fture form into another form that is created before hand.

Mind blade: Summons one or more ( depending on psionic levels) sword that scale their damage with psionic levels of the caster. If two or more are summoned the caster can have the swords fight by themselves as NPCs.

Mind fray: Telepathiclly attack a target you focus on ( damage scaling with psionic levels) dealing damage to both hp and mana or equivalent energy sources.

Sleep: Knocks a target out for 30 seconds or until they take some form of damage.

Friend and Foe: A large Aoe that causes those caught in it to turn hostile against the team they were previously on. This doesn't cause players to lose control of their characters but any aoe will suddenly damage allies and can force groups to wait out the 30 second duration ( time lengthened by psionic levels)

Dominate being: The highest form of Dominate allows the user to, if not resisted, force a player or NPC to be their ally. players will lose control and character will be controlled by an NPC. This lasts a full minute on players and can be permanent on NPCs.

Incite greed: iCreate a false event on targets that will resemble a quest to kill their own allies for a large monetary reward.

Suggestion: Create a false event that can be used to mislead targets to do various tasks or perhaps activate a trap.

Mind blast: project a cone ( distance changed by psionic levels that will cause all those caught by it to be stunned for 30 seconds.

Weapons: None she dosen't use weapons and needs no spell focus.

Ring of omniwalking: allows the user to at will walk on water or even air. Takes the form of a silver ring with multi colored runes.

Ring of safe escape: allows the wielder to escape at any moment via unlockable teleportation to a safe location. Takes the form of a plain dark metal ring.

Amulet of plane shift: an amulet with a green gem inscribed with a prepared plane shift spell that takes the user to a established demi plane upon use.

Orb of the mind: a roughly foot wide crystal sphere that allows the user to use abilities and skills through planes. this is kept in the small demi plane that the amulet goes to.

Real Estate: Xar'thru: the sunken realm. A home summoned not built. Xar'thru is part of the far realms on the edge of reality brought into this one in the darkest depths of the oceans. It is connected to the guild base by a gylph covered portal in the waters near the guild hall.

Theme Song:

Oh my God. My heart. She is....wow. I love this so much. I also like the choice of going with only racial levels. I'm impressed.

  • Name: Catria Romira
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    In reality, Catria isn't the most social person, they have their own small friend group that they barely hang out with outside of video games and they are really lazy when it comes to house cleaning. She typically acts polite to strangers but they are actually pretty callous not really caring about them, but pretends to be nice in order to save face and not become a total social pariah. However when it comes to relationships with friends or people she is comfortable with, she acts very sarcastic and is typically what one would call a smart-ass. The type of person to look at you as you search all around the house for that item you lost, and say nothing until you ask them for assistance or you try to be smart with them. She is typically very loyal when it comes to friends though, and despite all the back-talk she is typically very reliable when it comes to doing things and if she says she will do it, there is a high guarantee that it will be done, though probably not immediately.

    In the game world, Catria is pretty toxic, a blunt pain in the ass who will tell off anyone, no matter who they are, the main thing they do in the game is player kill, and they have become extremely good at it. They typically use the games as a source to outlet their frustrations, and they just find it more fun to target players than it is to fight NPCs. Though there are a few traits that they do share with their game self and their real-life self, that being the fact she will watch people do stupid things and if a person isn't smart enough to pick up on their subtle hints or not smart enough to ask them what is happening then she will just watch as they do something stupid and maybe help later on. She also has their own unique system of honor, she admires people who are skilled enough to beat them though their respect for someone can instantly be toppled if their too toxic. She doesn't typically fight fairly in real battles and sees it as a survival of the fittest type of scenario, where they only thing that matters is if you live or die. But she also prefers to have fun as well, and by fun she means winning and she doesn't care about using cheap tactics to ensure that she does win. She doesn't care about guild ranks or anything like that, she follows people if they earn their respect and if she finds them annoying she will have no qualms with attacking them at a later date.

    Catria was a lazy student who barely passed their classes, though always managed to gain some of the highest test scores in their school, much to the annoyance of their parents and a few of their teachers. After graduating High School, Catria went on to learn Computer Engineering through a training course, as she figured that a Degree wasn't all that necessary for the career path she wanted to pursue and found it to be too expensive anyways. Still, she was able to land herself a government job as a Computer Engineer and wasn't planning on leaving her field anytime soon, though what she did plan on doing was leaving her parent's house which she eventually did in a joint effort with her older brother. After they moved out they split the bills with one another, the money Catria didn't spend on bills was often used to buy high-end gaming equipment or was simply put in her savings account. The games she played though were mostly strategy games or PvP games, where she could test her skills against real people, and occasionally MMOS.

    When Terra Maxima first came out, she was a bit skeptical of the game at first but opted to pick it up after her brother talked about it. When she finally did start playing it, she became addicted to it, and soon started to no life on the game for a while until she got familiar enough with it. She played the game as a lone wolf all the way up to her becoming a max level, and upon reaching max level she went on to attack random players wherever she could, especially targeting members of top-ranking guilds. After a while she joined up with a small guild that was entirely PvP-based, their leader went on to earn their respect after beating them in a duel, and she ended up joining up with them and became their Guilds top PvPer. They enjoyed their time with that guild and learned new tactics and ways to fight, even going on to become really good fighter when it comes to underwater combat. Though their guild soon became inactive after their leader stopped playing much, and while she kept in contact with a majority of its members she eventually went on her own way, after most of them opted to spend their time playing different games.

    She went back to solo playing and became infamous for attacking players at random, and one day when she was out hunting for players to kill she found a few player from Guilty Thorn and attacked them alone, she was able to kill 2 players before retreating into the ocean in order to escape. Unfortunately for them, though one of the Guilty Thorns upper brass members was nearby and it soon turned into a game of cat and mouse, while she fought them heavily it was pretty obvious she wasn't going to win that fight due to their numbers, so she ended up barely managing to flee, only to later talk with the groups leader Sargiroth, and duel them. A duel that they eventually lost, and as per agreement they joined the guild, and became a loyal follower of Sargiroth.
Last edited:

  • Name: Catria Romira
    Age: 23
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    View attachment 1122099
    In reality, Catria isn't the most social person, they have their own small friend group that they barely hang out with outside of video games and they are really lazy when it comes to house cleaning. She typically acts polite to strangers but they are actually pretty callous not really caring about them, but pretends to be nice in order to save face and not become a total social pariah. However when it comes to relationships with friends or people she is comfortable with, she acts very sarcastic and is typically what one would call a smart-ass. The type of person to look at you as you search all around the house for that item you lost, and say nothing until you ask them for assistance or you try to be smart with them. She is typically very loyal when it comes to friends though, and despite all the back-talk she is typically very reliable when it comes to doing things and if she says she will do it, there is a high guarantee that it will be done, though probably not immediately.

    In the game world, Catria is pretty toxic, a blunt pain in the ass who will tell off anyone, no matter who they are, the main thing they do in the game is player kill, and they have become extremely good at it. They typically use the games as a source to outlet their frustrations, and they just find it more fun to target players than it is to fight NPCs. Though there are a few traits that they do share with their game self and their real-life self, that being the fact she will watch people do stupid things and if a person isn't smart enough to pick up on their subtle hints or not smart enough to ask them what is happening then she will just watch as they do something stupid and maybe help later on. She also has their own unique system of honor, she admires people who are skilled enough to beat them though their respect for someone can instantly be toppled if their too toxic. She doesn't typically fight fairly in real battles and sees it as a survival of the fittest type of scenario, where they only thing that matters is if you live or die.

    Catria was a lazy student who barely passed their classes, though always managed to gain some of the highest test scores in their school, much to the annoyance of their parents and a few of their teachers. After graduating High School, Catria went on to learn Computer Engineering through a training course, as she figured that a Degree wasn't all that necessary for the career path she wanted to pursue and found it to be too expensive anyways. Still, she was able to land herself a government job as a Computer Engineer and wasn't planning on leaving her field anytime soon, though what she did plan on doing was leaving her parent's house which she eventually did in a joint effort with her older brother. After they moved out they split the bills with one another, the money Catria didn't spend on bills was often used to buy high-end gaming equipment or was simply put in her savings account. The games she played though were mostly strategy games or PvP games, where she could test her skills against real people, and occasionally MMOS.

    When Terra Maxima first came out, she was a bit skeptical of the game at first but opted to pick it up after her brother talked about it. When she finally did start playing it, she became addicted to it, and soon started to no life on the game for a while until she got familiar enough with it. She played the game as a lone wolf all the way up to her becoming a max level, and upon reaching max level she went on to attack random players wherever she could, especially targeting members of top-ranking guilds. After a while she joined up with a small guild that was entirely PvP-based, their leader went on to earn their respect after beating them in a duel, and she ended up joining up with them and became their Guilds top PvPer. They enjoyed their time with that guild and learned new tactics and ways to fight, even going on to become really good fighter when it comes to underwater combat. Though their guild soon became inactive after their leader stopped playing much, and while she kept in contact with a majority of it's members she eventually went on her own way.

    One day when she was out hunting for players to kill she found a few player from Guilty Thorn and attacked them alone, she was able to kill 2 players before retreating into the ocean in order to escape. Unfortunately for them, though one of the Guilty Thorns upper brass members was nearby and it soon turned into a game of cat and mouse, while she fought them heavily it was pretty obvious she wasn't going to win that fight, so she ended up barely managing to flee, only to later talk with them later on and get invited to join the guild.

I need you to name and explain the location of the real estate. Also, just make the rank Member.
I need you to name and explain the location of the real estate. Also, just make the rank Member.
Ok done with the estate now then, would them be a freshly new join be something or anything like that? Like first day when the roleplay starts.
IRL Section:
Name: Abby Quinn

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual


(I don't own this image)

Abby was a bubbly, happy person who always had a bright smile on her face. Now she's stoic, cold, and cynical. After being ignored because of someone else's Jealousy and Cruelty she lost that smile, happiness, and her kind heart. What replaced it someone who doesn't respond, is distant, and despondent and hardly speaks to anyone aside from her parents and her therapist.

On Terra Maxima as proposed by her Therapist she should try to find herself again. She chose to smile again, even if it felt wrong to do so after so long. She remembered what she was like before and she did her best to be full of smiles, be kind, and most importantly find something to make her happy. Find something she did... a guild. Guilty Thorn a warm place full of smiles and laughter. She devoted herself to trying one last time. She put on a smile, even if it was a little off cause it had been so long. She tried making friends again... she didn't regret trying here and now she has a new home surrounded by people who she can call friends.

In the real world it almost makes her smile when she thinks about it.

It started when they moved away from all her friends to a new place at the age of 16. Her parents had them move for their jobs from the country side to the big city. At first Abby was so excited! She was going to make a bunch new friends at school. Only, that's not at all what happened. She wasn't sure what she did that was so wrong. Sure she talked a little different because of her accent and she was a little enthusiastic about making friends but how was that wrong? It wasn't her fault at all. The first month of school had gone great she was able to keep up with her classes and had little trouble talking to everyone. However after returning from the weekend, everyone closed themselves off from her. No one would speak to her anymore. They all started insulting her, as if she wasn't there. She was so confused why wouldn't they talk to her? Was it something she said? She couldn't think of anything she could have said to upset anyone. She kept trying, and for a long time she kept at it. A year, the silence of her peers lasted for the whole year. Ostracized and ignored no matter how many times she tried and her smile was gone replaced with a blank souless look.

She finally stopped trying, and gave up. When they returned from summer break and the new school year started Abby didn't greet anyone when they walked in the door, didn't smile, didn't say a single word to anyone and just stared down at her desk.

Abby's grades tanked to D's instead of her prior years straight A's. They got to the bottom of it rather quick. It was because of a love note that Abby never received and the jealousy of a popular girl. Once they had got to the bottom of everything and reprimanded those responsible Abby was given counseling. She raised her grades back up but she still refused to interact with anyone outside the teachers, her parents, and the school consilor.

Cruelty and Jealousy made her this way and while going through therapy she was suggested to try gaming. Sometimes the results are a mixed bag but maybe she needed to pretend to be someone else. Put herself into playing and acting. Be who she really wants to be.

Jumping into Terra Maxima and choosing something she thought looked cute and started playing. It took her time but she got into it and before long she had Maxed out her level. One day she logged in and found an invite to the Guilty Thorn Guild along with a few others. Of course she read them all but only one really spoke to her. A warm place to call home. She'd have to see it for herself.

In Game Character Section:
Name: Cassie

Guild Rank:


(I don't own this image)

Overall Level: 200

Race Level:
Kobold: Lv50
Dragon-Blood Kobold: Lv50


-Sorcerer: Lv30
-Mage: Lv30
-Enchanter: Lv30

-Formula Mage: Lv10 (Maxed)

Party Role:
Magical Powerhouse using handcrafted spells for various situation. Integral for any wayward parties.

Racial Skill Dragon-Blood:
Race and Lv Requirements:
Kobold Lv50
Dragon-Blooded Kobold Lv50
The blood coursing through your veins is filled with the magic and resilience of your dragonic ancestors.
Passive  Effect: HP and MP increased by 20%.

Class Skill Leyline Connection:
Class and Lv Requirements:
Sorceror Lv30 and Mage Lv30
A connection has been forged between you and magic Leyline and its raw magical power bestows a gift.
Passive Effect: Magic power increased by 20%

Combination Skill Magic Professor:
Class and Lv Requirements:
any three magic based classes each reaching Lv30.
Your undstanding of the complexities of magic and its effects are known to you. Be it apprasing enchanted gear, a spell used on you or others, and increased power for spells crafted through formulas.
Passive  Effect:
Appraisal of ancient magic now possible. ((Crafted magical formulas are 15% more powerful.))

Epic Class Skill Mastered Formula Magic:
Class and Lv Requirements:
Formula Mage Lv10, Enchanter Lv30, Sorcerer Lv30, Mage Lv30
Description: Your magic grasps and rewrites the laws of magic, molding them to your whims.
Passive Effect: Formula crafting is now 30% faster. Formula crafting of Ancient magic is possible due to Skill Magic Professor.


-Mana Surge: increases MP (Mana Pool) by 50%

-Formula Crafting: Crafting spells from scratch. ((Spells made this way can consist of weaker spells like magic missile all the way to the realm of Grand magic but the more powerful the desired effect the longer it takes to formulate.))

-Evolved Appraisal: Appraisal of all magic is now possible. Appraisal of Ancient magic and its effects are known to you. ((Evolved from purchased ability Appraisal upon gaining Magic Professor))

- Ancient Formula Spell: Dragonic Wraith: This Formula Spell takes nearly five minutes to craft and summons a huge Meteor to fall from the sky. Anything hit by this Spell will be taking huge damage. ((The mana required to cast this currently is 80% of Cassies huge Mana Pool.))

-Formula Spell: Hijack: Designed to steal an opponents spell to regenerate Mana or launched back at the original caster amplified . (1 - 3 seconds depending on Spell size can't use this on ancient magic)

"Nice spell," snickers a bit. "I can do it better." -Cassie

-Formula Spell: Dragon Bullets: This improvised Spell is one of Cassie's go to and only takes a second to draw up and pelts enemies with choice elemental damages: Lightning, fire, ice, or Wind.

-Formula Trap Spell:  Elemental Mine: Another favorite, though it takes about ten seconds to set up. It acts like a well hidden landmine. Enemies that step on it are struck with vast levels of various elemental damage ranging from Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Wind. A max of 30 mines can be active at any one time.

"Wind and Fire are best against mages while Lighting and Ice are best against Knights." -Cassie

- Formula Spell: Fly: A simple formula spell that gives the target the ability to fly. Only lasts about 10 minutes. Magic circles appear around the wrists and under the feet that grant flawless flight.

-Formula Spell: Enchantment Bind: By utilizing Formula Spell crafting and fusing it with Enchantment magic they bind passive abilities to clothing, jewelry, armor, and weapons this allows for more creative enchantments. It however can take a varying amount of time and mana for each Enchantment. Already enchanted items cannot be enchanted through this method.

-Formula Spell: Enchantment Hijack: This Spell utilizes the effects of her first Fomula Spell: Hijack and uses it with Enchantment magic to remove enchantments from already enchanted gear to place it elsewhere.

"I found something with the Enchantment I wanted but it was on a piece of armor that was far to big for me. So instead of keep gear I can't wear I came up with this!" -Cassie


Custom Enchanted Gear made from everyday clothes and jewelry with no Stat buffs.

Cloak of Mana: Increases max mana by 10% (A cloak that hugs her body. Made out of a rather comfortable material.)

Ring of Resistance: Increases Spell resistance by 20% (A ring bought of a Jeweler in the Capital. It's really pretty but that was about it.)

Necklace of Charging: Mana regenerates by 3% Per 10 seconds. (A rather plain looking necklace with a cheap Amethist crystal attached to it.)

Belt of Slow-Fall: gains gliding effect when falling, reducing fall damage to zero. (In all honesty this rather normal looking belt isn't all that special. It's was just a basic leather belt.)

Crimson Bangles: Replicates previous spell for faster consecutive casts of the same spell by holding a copy of the last used spell Formula. (They are ordinary red bracelets made of cheap metal.)

Book of Formula and Enchantment: This book is loaded with a huge number of Formula spells Cassie created. Enchantments that have benn crafted and/or taken from other gear. As well as ideas on how to get Incubō to let her copy his magic.

Real Estate:
She lives in Ithika Castle now. She was renting a place but packed up and moved into the castle when she felt comfortable.
Theme Song:
IRL Section:
Name: Abby Quinn

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual


View attachment 1123357
(I don't own this image)

Abby was a bubbly, happy person who always had a bright smile on her face. Now she's stoic, cold, and cynical. After being ignored because of someone else's Jealousy and Cruelty she lost that smile, happiness, and her kind heart. What replaced it someone who doesn't respond, is distant, and despondent and hardly speaks to anyone aside from her parents and her therapist.

On Terra Maxima as proposed by her Therapist she should try to find herself again. She chose to smile again, even if it felt wrong to do so after so long. She remembered what she was like before and she did her best to be full of smiles, be kind, and most importantly find something to make her happy. Find something she did... a guild. Guilty Thorn a warm place full of smiles and laughter. She devoted herself to trying one last time. She put on a smile, even if it was a little off cause it had been so long. She tried making friends again... she didn't regret trying here and now she has a new home surrounded by people who she can call friends.

In the real world it almost makes her smile when she thinks about it.

It started when they moved away from all her friends to a new place at the age of 16. Her parents had them move for their jobs from the country side to the big city. At first Abby was so excited! She was going to make a bunch new friends at school. Only, that's not at all what happened. She wasn't sure what she did that was so wrong. Sure she talked a little different because of her accent and she was a little enthusiastic about making friends but how was that wrong? It wasn't her fault at all. The first month of school had gone great she was able to keep up with her classes and had little trouble talking to everyone. However after returning from the weekend, everyone closed themselves off from her. No one would speak to her anymore. They all started insulting her, as if she wasn't there. She was so confused why wouldn't they talk to her? Was it something she said? She couldn't think of anything she could have said to upset anyone. She kept trying, and for a long time she kept at it. A year, the silence of her peers lasted for the whole year. Ostracized and ignored no matter how many times she tried and her smile was gone replaced with a blank souless look.

She finally stopped trying, and gave up. When they returned from summer break and the new school year started Abby didn't greet anyone when they walked in the door, didn't smile, didn't say a single word to anyone and just stared down at her desk.

Abby's grades tanked to D's instead of her prior years straight A's. They got to the bottom of it rather quick. It was because of a love note that Abby never received and the jealousy of a popular girl. Once they had got to the bottom of everything and reprimanded those responsible Abby was given counseling. She raised her grades back up but she still refused to interact with anyone outside the teachers, her parents, and the school consilor.

Cruelty and Jealousy made her this way and while going through therapy she was suggested to try gaming. Sometimes the results are a mixed bag but maybe she needed to pretend to be someone else. Put herself into playing and acting. Be who she really wants to be.

Jumping into Terra Maxima and choosing something she thought looked cute and started playing. It took her time but she got into it and before long she had Maxed out her level. One day she logged in and found an invite to the Guilty Thorn Guild along with a few others. Of course she read them all but only one really spoke to her. A warm place to call home. She'd have to see it for herself.

In Game Character Section:
Name: Cassie

Guild Rank:


View attachment 1123348
(I don't own this image)

Overall Level: 200

Race Level:
Kobold: Lv50
Dragon-Blood Kobold: Lv50


-Sorcerer: Lv30
-Mage: Lv30
-Enchanter: Lv30

-Formula Mage: Lv10 (Maxed)

Party Role:
Magical Powerhouse using handcrafted spells for various situation. Integral for any wayward parties.

Racial Skill Dragon-Blood:
Race and Lv Requirements:
Kobold Lv50
Dragon-Blooded Kobold Lv50
The blood coursing through your veins is filled with the magic and resilience of your dragonic ancestors.
Passive  Effect: HP and MP increased by 20%.

Class Skill Leyline Connection:
Class and Lv Requirements:
Sorceror Lv30 and Mage Lv30
A connection has been forged between you and magic Leyline and its raw magical power bestows a gift.
Passive Effect: Magic power increased by 20%

Combination Skill Magic Professor:
Class and Lv Requirements:
any three magic based classes each reaching Lv30.
Your undstanding of the complexities of magic and its effects are known to you. Be it apprasing enchanted gear, a spell used on you or others, and increased power for spells crafted through formulas.
Passive  Effect:
Appraisal of ancient magic now possible. ((Crafted magical formulas are 15% more powerful.))

Epic Class Skill Mastered Formula Magic:
Class and Lv Requirements:
Formula Mage Lv10, Enchanter Lv30, Sorcerer Lv30, Mage Lv30
Description: Your magic grasps and rewrites the laws of magic, molding them to your whims.
Passive Effect: Formula crafting is now 30% faster. Formula crafting of Ancient magic is possible due to Skill Magic Professor.


-Mana Surge: increases MP (Mana Pool) by 50%

-Formula Crafting: Crafting spells from scratch. ((Spells made this way can consist of weaker spells like magic missile all the way to the realm of Grand magic but the more powerful the desired effect the longer it takes to formulate.))

-Evolved Appraisal: Appraisal of all magic is now possible. Appraisal of Ancient magic and its effects are known to you. ((Evolved from purchased ability Appraisal upon gaining Magic Professor))

- Ancient Formula Spell: Dragonic Wraith: This Formula Spell takes nearly five minutes to craft and summons a huge Meteor to fall from the sky. Anything hit by this Spell will be taking huge damage. ((The mana required to cast this currently is 80% of Cassies huge Mana Pool.))

-Formula Spell: Hijack: Designed to steal an opponents spell to regenerate Mana or launched back at the original caster amplified . (1 - 3 seconds depending on Spell size can't use this on ancient magic)

"Nice spell," snickers a bit. "I can do it better." -Cassie

-Formula Spell: Dragon Bullets: This improvised Spell is one of Cassie's go to and only takes a second to draw up and pelts enemies with choice elemental damages: Lightning, fire, ice, or Wind.

-Formula Trap Spell:  Elemental Mine: Another favorite, though it takes about ten seconds to set up. It acts like a well hidden landmine. Enemies that step on it are struck with vast levels of various elemental damage ranging from Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Wind. A max of 30 mines can be active at any one time.

"Wind and Fire are best against mages while Lighting and Ice are best against Knights." -Cassie

- Formula Spell: Fly: A simple formula spell that gives the target the ability to fly. Only lasts about 10 minutes. Magic circles appear around the wrists and under the feet that grant flawless flight.

-Formula Spell: Enchantment Bind: By utilizing Formula Spell crafting and fusing it with Enchantment magic they bind passive abilities to clothing, jewelry, armor, and weapons this allows for more creative enchantments. It however can take a varying amount of time and mana for each Enchantment. Already enchanted items cannot be enchanted through this method.

-Formula Spell: Enchantment Hijack: This Spell utilizes the effects of her first Fomula Spell: Hijack and uses it with Enchantment magic to remove enchantments from already enchanted gear to place it elsewhere.

"I found something with the Enchantment I wanted but it was on a piece of armor that was far to big for me. So instead of keep gear I can't wear I came up with this!" -Cassie


Custom Enchanted Gear made from everyday clothes and jewelry with no Stat buffs.

Cloak of Mana: Increases max mana by 10% (A cloak that hugs her body. Made out of a rather comfortable material.)

Ring of Resistance: Increases Spell resistance by 20% (A ring bought of a Jeweler in the Capital. It's really pretty but that was about it.)

Necklace of Charging: Mana regenerates by 3% Per 10 seconds. (A rather plain looking necklace with a cheap Amethist crystal attached to it.)

Belt of Slow-Fall: gains gliding effect when falling, reducing fall damage to zero. (In all honesty this rather normal looking belt isn't all that special. It's was just a basic leather belt.)

Crimson Bangles: Replicates previous spell for faster consecutive casts of the same spell by holding a copy of the last used spell Formula. (They are ordinary red bracelets made of cheap metal.)

Book of Formula and Enchantment: This book is loaded with a huge number of Formula spells Cassie created. Enchantments that have benn crafted and/or taken from other gear. As well as ideas on how to get Incubō to let her copy his magic.

Real Estate:
She lives in Ithika Castle now. She was renting a place but packed up and moved into the castle when she felt comfortable.
Theme Song:

Spell craft. I like!
I am currently working on completing him.

  • Name: Marco Renau
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Ace
    Personality: Even though he’s been playing the game for a while now, he still isn’t fully aware about a lot of the terms and events that happen, ironic given his high level. At times this means he ends up revealing his newness when it comes to games in general, meaning that it comes off awkward to other players in game. Marco in the real world loves to perform and interacts with his fans often. He does have the classic issue of not being able to act or say what he wants to without it affecting his livelihood. After all, when you’re a performer, how you’re perceived is more powerful than whatever you do. In game, he is more uninhibited and can talk without feeling like he might upset the world if he says something that the world doesn't agree with. He is not afraid to speak up and let the world know what he thinks or wants to do. However this has led him to seem blunt.

    While friendly in game, he doesn't interact with a lot of people and the friends that are on his list are the ones who ask to be but don't reach out to him or ask if he wants to hang out. He also doesn't feel comfortable being the one to ask if they want to. While he does want a genuine connection with other players in the game, the combination of his lack of tact and not wanting to be the one to start a conversation has led other players to think that he doesn't want to make friends in game. If you can get past his tactless honesty then you'd learn he in fact does care and wants to be more social in game. He gets annoyed over constant fighting and might try to be peacemaker.

    Marco grew up longing to sing and play music for the world. Before he even entered the 8th grade, he achieved that dream. He was called a musical kid genius when it came to singing and writing songs and even learned how to play a variety of instruments so he wouldn’t have to hire a band. He got offers for music deals and stadium tours and got to perform with singers from all over. When he graduated from high school he really put focus on his music finally having the time to do that as his parents refused to let him until he graduated. After 7 years though, the pressure of fame got to him and he cracked. The tabloids and paparazzi wouldn’t leave him alone and music company had been putting pressure on him while also attempting to renegotiate his contract. He was done, and his manager and family forced him to take a break.

    Marco received a link to Terra Maxima as a thank you from the developers for making some of the background and battle music for them. He hadn’t even opened it but kept track of all the projects he had a part in, like a trophy list of some kind. Though he had published this one under a pseudonym to prevent any legal trouble. With plenty of free time on his hands he opened it up. He at first wasn’t really sure what he was doing. He didn’t really have time nor did he have an interest in playing video games growing up. He knew what they were but thought that it was a waste of time when you could do or make something worthwhile. After a few hours he was happy that he was wrong. He found great joy in being able to play in a world that had such amazing possibility and potential. To be able to be seen without worrying about a crazy fan wanting an autograph or to hear a cover one of his songs with the thinking that it’ll get them fame or ask him for a kiss or try to kiss him.

    A month later he became totally hooked and managed to get a pretty high level. He’d decided to go with the assassin class as he thought that being a bard was too obvious for him. Marco loved playing music in real life he did want a break from it in his game life however. Month after month he kept playing and eventually reached level 200. While he did play obsessively for half a year he eventually toned down how many hours in game so he wouldn't worry everyone around him.


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