Galactic Dawn [Species Thread]

How many species should I make beyond humans?

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That guy who's not around much right now
Related Information:

Current Events

Faction Reference

Persons of Note

Significant Technologies

Common Knowledge

The Galactic Dawn, will be a Science Fiction Roleplay like no other, at least I hope so. With the bare framework from myself, I encourage the community interested in joining, to create anything they so desire, within some semblance of reason of course. There will be no immediate plot created by the author, myself, instead I push the members to create a story their own, and of course I will drive some events in where I may see fit, generally a grand event involving not only creations of mine, but even information that you, the users, post here, in the species creation thread. The events of the roleplay will be established based upon approved species, you are not required to roleplay as your own species, but providing enough information that another player may do so with confidence, is expected.


-Species must not break site rules.

-As creator of the thread, it is my word that is final. I will be open to discussion of course, so do not feel that a general comment is undebatable.

-The earlier approved, the higher the priority, if you create a species after another user, you must in no way break the events established in their history, any of this will result in immediate denial.

-Science must at least be explainable, spontaneous teleportation and energy fields must be explained at least to a rudimentary degree in the Technological Advancements section.

-Pictures are not necessary, but may be used in addition to a brief description in Evolutionary Traits.

-Attempt to maintain a pattern with your species, if you include ideas regarding your engineering, try not to abruptly move from rounded organic patterns to pyramids.

-I am open to suggestion on what should be added, so thinking up new categories that may prove useful in the future will be appreciated.

Species Sheet:

Name: (Names commonly known by, local, or otherwise)

Homeworld: (Where does your species come from, or at least what the majority of them consider home)

Dawn of Civilization: (When did your species first come together to form a society, keep in mind that Galactic Dawn, or year zero, is 1804 AD on Earth)

Intergalactic Stereotype: (What does everyone else think of your species?)

Technological Advancements: (Mentions of your species' primary scientific developments, including significant ones in greater detail)

Evolutionary Traits: (What do they look like, and what is significant about your species' bodies?)

Cultural Insight: (How does your species behave, and what do they do besides fight one another, or anyone else? This includes art, music, and governing bodies among other things)

Significant Historic Events: (What happened for your species after the Galactic dawn? These are only species-wide events, such as world wars, great plagues, or technological revolutions)

Name: Humans, Mankind, Homosapiens, Terrans

Homeworld: Earth, Terra, Blue

Dawn of Civilization: -5004 GD (3200 BC)

Galactic Stereotype: Varying, and dangerous to judge on stereotype.

Evolutionary Traits: Humans are binary gendered, bipedal omnivores with ten-digited appendages, with apposable thumbs to their hands. Humans come in varying skin tones, and have various hair colours, as well as diverse retinal pigments. With two eyes, a simple olfactory receptor, and two protrusions from either side of their head to process sound. Endoskeletal, humans are externally covered with a thin lining of skin, fat, and muscle. Not the hardiest of galactic species, nor the flimsiest, humans are practically the defined average between the Milky Way, and Andromeda galaxies.

Technological Advancements:

-Most effective FTL travel in the galaxies, the Suiard drive, employing Marcas Suiard's Unified Field Theory to warp the laws of physics themselves. Suiard was unfortunately assassinated only three months after his discovery in 1034 GD.

-The most advanced Artificial Intelligence, fathered by a Mister Jonah Penner heralded as a genius beyond his time in the year 222 GD, capable of expressing emotion, and accounting for human morals in their decision making, as was added in the year 426 by a Miss Talia Verrick, from his original notes, two-hundred years prior.

-Subpar medical sciences when compared to other civilizations, barely capable of true prosthetic limbs.

-Mediocre weapons technology compared to other civilizations, lacking in weapons of mass destruction for the most part, little more destructive than nuclear warheads.

-Roughly average agricultural technologies, capable of hydroponic farming and rudimentary terraforming.

Cultural Insight:

-Operate under a communistic government.

-Varying in the arts, and not uncommonly regarded as incredible, though not the greatest as a whole.

-Strongest in the face of danger, humans are often difficult to bring together, but when faced with a greater threat are regarded as unbreakable.

Significant Historic Events:

-The Great War (WW I), was a battle fought primarily on what was once known as the continent of Europe, between all of the major nations on the global scale. The war resulted in an economic depression in Europe, and the continent North America, and led into a second war.

-World War II, was fought once again, primarily in Europe, with a dual front on the Eastern edge of Asia, another of Earth's continents. The second world war resulted in a cold war between former allies Russia, and the United States of America, which lasted for the better part of a decade.

-The Space Race, was humanity's first foray into interstellar travel, though altogether short-reaching.

-The Red Race, humanity's second foray into space travel, which successfully planted a small colony on the planet Mars, in Earth's solar system.

-Birth of Modern Robotics, took place over a single lifetime, much oriented around the life and accomplishments of Jonah Penner, in what later came to be known as the beginning of true artificial intelligence.

-World War III, by far the bloodiest of the wars, taking place in 1035 GD which was fought in open conflict across the globe. Satellites from previous ages were pulled from orbit to be used as kinetic missiles on entire civilian populations, prominent political figures were assassinated only days after their appointment, and soldiers died in the hundreds over the course of mere hours, spread worldwide. The war lasted a brief ten months before a ceasefire was called, as humanity itself would never be able to completely recover from such a war. The ceasefire was later broken by the United States of America, preemptively preparing to fire their weapons on their Russian adversaries, as the two nations harbored much resent with one another for over a century.

-The Final War, was, as the name implies, the last. As the American government prepared to launch their weapons of mass destruction, their vast array of nuclear weapons was armed early by an electronic attack from three anonymous sources, detonating several of the weapons in their silos. Other missiles made it into orbit, detonating in space to rain radioactive debris across the planet, and eventually, some landed on their mark, destroying over sixty percent of the Eastern hemisphere, while the premature detonations obliterated nearly half of the Western continents. The end result was roughly fifty-three percent of the world's surface becoming inhospitable, reduced to little more than a toxic wasteland.

-The Exodus, in the year 1036 GD, was the point that humanity at long last left their scarred homeworld behind, in hopes of finding other worlds to begin anew upon. The Russian government, having maintained the most integrity, assimilated the other nations to form the Red Terran Union, which was the driving force behind the colonization effort.

-First Contact, with the Kolgrim collective, was not the most pleasant introduction to the other intelligent life. Already scant in number, and searching for a new home, when a colonization vessel, the Cartographer came out of jump, headlong into a new asteroid field that used to be a planet. Still coming to grips with what had happened, the ship was destroyed, the exchange rather one sided, and all too brief. Other vessels coming in behind it, the enemy ship fled. Unsure entirely what had happened, the RTU ordered the region blockaded with military craft while the colonization vessels traveled with sizable military convoys, now completely sure that there was intelligent life out there, and no, it wasn't friendly. If it was a war they wanted, a war these aliens would get, humanity was still itching from its last self-destructive conflict, and now they had a new target to focus their hatred on. Months later, when the aliens returned with reinforcements, they weren't anticipating an entire armada on their doorstep. In the initial moments of combat, the difference in firepower was visible, so in a gambit attempt, Supreme-General Yakovlev ordered boarding action be taken, and the repurposed juggernaut patter mining AIs be put on the forefront, as they had in a few key battles in their previous war amongst one another. Once onboard the enemy vessels, the twelve foot tall juggernaut platforms sprinted through the enemy ships. Splitting at every intersection onboard, it only took about a dozen or so machines to each vessel to bring the force to its knees. Massive rotary cannons roaring before the juggernauts as the ammunition chewed through walls, bulkheads, and Kolgrim alike. It was briefly before the dreadnought was left empty of anything more than bullet casings and alien corpses that they surrendered unconditionally. Of the four vessels, and their entire crews, the survivors could be counted on one kolgrim hand, after only fifty or so juggernauts were released onboard, no human casualties taken in this particular battle. A handful of ships were lost, but the crews had managed to evacuate before lives were lost. It was after this that terms were struck, and the kolgrim allowed off, though under the condition that any habitable planets they find be brought to human attention before being destroyed, and should it come to open war again, they would be crushed beneath the RTU's boot like an insect.

Riddle78, the Kolgrim, as of July 6

Ninbinz, the Varai, as of July 6

Phoenix Wright, the Zions, as of July 6

Firelava, the Shades, as of July 9

Don Valence, the Xinabari, as of July 13

GFCat, the Ja'akum, as of July 21
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Names: Kolgrim,Ascended,Scrappers

Homeworld: Original nonexistent. Dyson Prime,Extra-Galactic Anomaly BZ-27.

Dawn of Civilization: -82,00 GD (6,396 BC)

Intergalactic Stereotype: Closed,guarded,vultures. Wages war over discarded scraps.

Major Technological Advancements

Dyson Shells. The Kolgrim have very quickly mastered the fabrication of Dyson Shells,and employ them wherever they can. A Dyson Shell is a cosmic structure 1 AU wide,built around a star.

Magnetic Repulsor Technology. Employing an extremely powerful magnetic field,the Kolgrim can repel most incoming objects,even ones that are not magnetic. On the ship-scale,however,it's limited to preventing ramming attempts.

Relativistic Kinetic Travel. What can only be described as enormous railguns in space,these stations launch ships across the cosmos at speeds approaching lightspeed,as the Kolgrim have not developed FTL technology,as they are effectively immortal. The ships engage a kinetic dampening system to decelerate as they approach their destination.

Lack of FTL. As noted above,the Kolgrim did not develop their own Faster-Than-Light technologies,at least not for solid matter. This is due to their immortality.

The Datanet. The Kolgrim have a proprietary information network,comparable to Ancient Terra's internet. Lag between transmission and reception from the heart of the Milky Way to the heart of Andromeda is ten seconds. For lack of a better term,it's like telepathy between individual Kolgrim.

Neural Patterning. What enables the current iteration of the Kolgrim. They possess data storage media large and complex enough to store and read any organic mind,and allow it to interface with any device it's connected to.

"Black Sun" Strategic Negative Energy Bomb. The result of throwaway research into the impossible-to-control "Antienergy". An unstable dark energy reactor,used as a munition,produces a storm of antimatter and antienergy approximately half an astronomical unit wide,anything caught within is reduced to so much radioactive slop. Including stellar entities. Due to how frighteningly difficult it is to detect and disarm,it is used as a silent ultimatum to galactic society. It was only fielded once,and it's deployment erased an entire species from creation. It is a weapon of last resort,due to it's difficulty of production and deployment,and the fact that it's victims cannot be harvested for resources.

Stellar Harvesting. The Kolgrim are infamous for obliterating terrestrial and gaseous planets via mining and harvesting them into nonexistence. Small,and low-luminosity stars are similarly harvested. While technically a WMD,it's never used in an aggressive posture.

Kolginite. The alloy of Periodic Elements 92 (Uranium),6 (Carbon,crystalline),and 276 (Volokaron) is heralded as the ultimate heavy alloy known. Although it is hyperdense,and therefore obscenely heavy,it is naturally reflective,absorbs force remarkably well for a rigid metal,and is completely nonconductive. Used primarily as a building material and armour.

Installation and Vessel Weapons. These weapons focus on range and accuracy above all else,and generally manifest as railguns firing half-kilometer long spikes of Kolginite. Anti-missile systems are ultraviolet lasers.

Personal Weapons. In stark contrast to the larger weapons,Kolgrim personal weapons are well below par,preferring to fight with their few,yet nearly impervious ships. Personal weapons include sonic cannons,old-fashioned grenade launchers,and localized disintegrator pulse cannons. An average infantry formation consists of four ranks; the front rank bears enormous Kolginite shields and sonic cannons,while the next two ranks wield grenade launchers,and the rear rank wields localized disintegrator pulse cannons. Essentially,a modern phalanx.

Flash Fabrication. Thanks to nanomachines and mutable materials,the Kolgrim are capable of manufacturing things in a much smaller timespan than any other race.

The Kolgrim,in their current state,no longer evolve. They are a race of machines,at this point,their pre-mechanical appearances lost to time. As saved and copied neural patterns,they are infinite and effectively immortal. They cannot feel pain,and their bodies vary depending on their projected activities. However,their bodies are universally made of a hyperdense,naturally reflective alloy,rendering them outright immune to lasers,and highly resistant to kinetic impact. Combat platforms mount extra armour,but do not internalize or otherwise mount weapons,preferring the versatility of holding a weapon. As they are effectively computer programs at this point,it is possible for a ship to be staffed solely from computers,effectively turning ships and other computerized devices,of which there are many,into bodies. Their general purpose platforms are bipedal with a secondary set of legs stored within the primary set,with a set of two arms coming from the back,ending with hands possessing three long and slender digits. All joints on all limbed platforms possess an unhindered range of movement. All things produced by the Kolgrim are as rounded as possible,saving resources wherever they can.

Cultural Insight: The Kolgrim operate under a government that can only be described as a household. Due to near-instantaneous communication,and their collective nature,they answer to a comparatively tiny set of government officials,and their isolationist attitudes mean that they rely on eachother almost exclusively. They view outsiders as potential threats,and if they warm up to you,it's probably because they see the possibility of a mutually beneficial arrangement. Most strikingly is their view on resource handling; use it all,or not at all. Their introduction to galactic society was a brief,yet bloody war over the waste of resources. The exact location of Dyson Prime is a jealously guarded secret,and there is a two lightyear free-fire-zone around any Dyson Shell they establish.

Significant Historic Events

The Unification War. This bloody war was the first major event in Kolgrim culture,said to last several centuries,as one dynasty of the Lost Age attempted to unify the Kolgrim people. This event is the only surviving record of the Lost Age,leading many to believe it to be the ENTIRE Lost Age.

The Jump Zero Incident. An experiment into FTL technologies using Dark Energy,a scant few decades before the development of Neural Patterning. The circumstances surrounding the experiment are lost,but the result is undeniable: The experiment cataclysmally failed,reducing the entire inner region of the Home System to...Nothing. It was as if nothing ever existed there. When the Colonies lost contact with the Homeworld,they investigated,finding nothing.

The Alpha Pattern. In a mad bid to preserve their people in the face of losing their Homeworld,the Kolgrim launched themselves headfirst into neuraldata transfer,achieving a breakthrough in mere decades. The result was widespread adoption of robotic bodies,and the Exodus.

The Exodus. Hoping to prevent the Jump Zero Incident from replicating,the Kolgrim fled to beyond the edge of Andromeda,into Dark Space,vowing to never touch FTL research again,and to maximize their resources. They discovered a rogue system in between the Milky Way and Andromeda,home to an O-Class Hypergiant,and numerous planetoids. They rapidly utilized the resources of the system to construct a Dyson Shell around the star,and insulated it,rendering it invisible to all. The Kolgrim only know it's location due to having saved it's stellar coordinates. They have found their home.

The Harvest. The Kolgrim knew that,eventually,they would have to interact with other life,if they weren't alone in the universe. They set out harvesting as many resources as they could from Dark Space and the outer edge of Andromeda,in anticipation of first contact.

First Contact. When the Kolgrim ran out of easily reached resources,they were forced to admit that they had to seek out and join a galactic culture,thousands of years after their Exodus. Entering the Andromeda galaxy,they harvested whichever stellar bodies they encountered along the way. One of them was a seemingly uninhabitable ball of rock,rich in carbon,uranium,and volokaron. Mere hours after shattering the planet for harvest,an alien vessel dropped out of FTL nearby,upset that their "terraforming prospect" had been destroyed. Disgusted by the willful intent to waste precious resources,the Kolgrim opened fire on the ship,quickly destroying it. When the Human response arrived,they opened fire on the offending ship,weapons generally quite ineffective. The mining vessel retreated out of the system,and brought assistance to the system several months later,in the form of a dreadnought and three cruisers. By this time,Humanity had fortified the system,and the only battle of the Kolgrim Contact Event was waged. After suffering several losses,the Human admiral ordered the hostile ships to be boarded,after observing the absolute ineffectiveness of their own weapons on the armour. Several hours later,the battle ended,the Kolgrim ships captured,but disabled from within. The Kolgrim learned to fear Humanity and their Juggernaut Pattern AI Platforms,and after a surrender,were allowed to join intergalactic society at large,provided they behave themselves.

The Ending. Intergalactically known as the "Canis Majoris Incident",the Kolgrim were responsible for the utter extinction of a burgeoning,if extremely hostile race of silicon based life. The life-forms launched weapons of mass destruction at Kolgrim prospector vessels,destroying many. Seeing no other option,as the other species refused to assist,the Kolgrim deployed their only WMD,the "Black Sun" Strategic Negative Energy Bomb. The weapon destabilized the massive star,causing it to go nova prematurely. The system was completely obliterated,and numerous trade sanctions were enacted on the Kolgrim as punishment for ending an entire species,even though it was non-negotiably hostile.
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  • Varai, The Var, The Mushrooms, The Shrooms, Fungi.
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Name: Zion, Alien, Adun.

Homeworld: Dagun'Xel

Dawn of Civilization: -7124 GD(5320 BC)

Intergalactic Stereotype: Peaceful, Religious, Calm, Cautious, Advanced, Powerful.

Technological Advancements:

Power Suit : The Zions were able to manufacture suits to protect themselves during in times of battle. The suit consists of a series of overlapping segmented shells providing flexibility and protection. The suit may be configured to provide full life support in vacuum or hostile environments and nuclear/biological/chemical (NBC) shielding

Psionic Blade : A Zion Close combat weapon. The blade forms out from the Zion's Psionic Energy. But a forearm unit is required for Zions who have barely enough Psionic Energy in them. Some do not require Fore arm units.

Light Armor Suit : Unlike the Power suit, This is a light weight armor made by the Zions for the ones that support the ones in front. The suit increases the Zion's Psionic Energy through one of the power nodes in the suit.

Psionic Matrix : Unlike humans that needs food for energy and survival. The Zions rely more on the Psionic Energy that is being distributed to them from time to time. The Psionic energy acts as their sustenance. The Zion's don't need food, All they need is Psionic Energy.

Air Vehicles : Just like the Terrans, The Zion also have air transportation. Either for combat, Transporting Very important Zions, Or to go somewhere. Basically, Their basic mode of transportation. The Air units uses Psionic Energy from the Pilot to lift off from the ground. The Channeled Psionic Energy acts as a Lift and Propulsion for the Unit. The more Psionic Energy there is, The faster the Air unit can go.

Cybernetics : The Zion is well known for their Cybernetics. They can attach Psionic cannons, Rifles, or beams to any other crippled Zion depending on their status and capabilities. Also, They have technologies more advanced than the Humans. They can install cybernetics to their Dead comrades and give them back some Psionic Energy so that they have the capability to continue living, But they don't have a beating heart anymore. They are just machines.

A.I.s : Short for Artificial Intelligence. The Zions may seem like an advance race. But they couldn't have done everything in a short a moment of time without the help of the Artificial Intelligence. These AIs are in almost everything you can see in Dagun'Xel. They can be seen building new structures for the Zions. Helping out the Zions in terms of Medical Advancement. And also, Crafting new weapons of war gathered by the same AIs.

Psionic Capsules : They store Psionic Energy in Capsules so that they can be taken anywhere when needed. They can be carried on their suits, two capsules would last a month, Without any use of Psionic of course. Uses may vary the life time of the capsule. In short, They are Batteries.

Psionic : Psionic comes from the core of the planet. It came from Psi Crystals from inside the core of the planet. Slowly, The crystals start to moisturize turning into vapor filled with immense energy, Zions called this Psionic Energy, The stream of vapor would then flow out of the planet's core and into the atmosphere of Dagun'Xel. The energy acts as a Source of life for almost all the living creatures in the planet of Dagun'Xel. The Psionic Energy enters the Body of the Zions, Energizing his cells and giving them nourishment from it. The Psionic Energy acts as the nutrients needed for the bodies of the Zions. Therefore it cannot be easily replaced with something different other than Psionic Energy.

Evolutionary Traits: The Zions have a octagonal head, Vertically. They don't have mouths, They speak through using their mind. The Zions have a power of Telepathy. They can communicate to each other from great distances, And also communicate to other humans. The Male Zions are much more broader than female. Some may have facial hair, Others none, Depending on their Likes and favorites. The females however are slimmer than males. Unlike males, They don't have facial, But hair can grow out of their scalps, or from behind their head. Women who have hair growing out of their head are said to be blessed. Their legs are reversed jointed. The Zions have a longer life span, for an every age of humans by one, The Zions have ten more.

Cultural Insight: The Zions believe greatly believe in their God, Xel. They believe that Xel is the greatest of all Zions, The Creator of Zions and Dagun'Xel. Like God for humans. They are ruled by high councilors. And they are very loyal to their higher ups and will follow everything they say, Even if it leads them to their deaths. And also, The Zions are well known for their great camaraderie with each other.

During the birth of a new Zion, He or she must be tested for his capability. The Zion engineers use their telepathy to forcefully enter in the mind of the newborns. If the Newborn can stay alive after a couple of seconds from the Telepathy. They are spared. If not, The Telepathy will kill the newborn if it is not able to handle.That is why the Zions are strong.

The Councilors of the Zion always pray to Xel. Sometimes Xel gives out instructions in certain things. For example, Redemption, Destruction. After praying to Xel, The Councilors can either choose to share the information that they got, Or keep it to themselves.

Unlike humans, The Zions depend on Psionic Energy. They are everything to the Zions. For humans, They use electricity. For Zions, They use Psionic Energy. The Psionic Energy comes from the Core of the planet Dagun'Xel. Like the how the earth depend on the sun for Light and electricity ( Solar energy ) . Psionic Energy can be formed in any different shapes and sizes, Depending on how One Zion can control it. Psionic Energy is what makes Dagun'Xel one of the brightest planet in a color of light blue. Almost all living creature in Dagun'Xel is using the Psionic Energy as their source of power. But Dagun'Xel is not in danger in dieing out. Because everytime a Zion dies, All the Psionic Energy he possesses would be sent back to the Core of Dagun'Xel and once again giving it out to different Zions.

Significant Historic Events:

- The Zions were once a race without leaders. They kept on doing things they want to do. Until the Councilors, Dien, Zein, Wedr, and Xven stood up and became the Councilors of the Zion. Ruling over the Zions.

- Dien didn't believe about the God Xel. He stood up and started to campaign that the Xel does not exist. After some time, Dien won over some followers and left the civilization of Dagx ( Main city of Dagun'Xel ). Making his own, Kuxal.

- A great war between Dagx and Kuxal. Eventually, Dien lost the battle. Leading to his death and the end of the Kuxal Civilization.

- Another Councilor was chosen amongst the Zions, Vyx. Vyx is the most loyal Zion towards Xel.

- The Zions wanted to know more about other planets and living organisms in it. They sent out 10 Zion observer ships to fly around and scout all planets.

- Only 3 Observer ships came back, Others were Missing, Some where destroyed. The three observer ships Had the same race that they kept on seeing. Humans.

- Zions tried to study more things about the Humans, Just to find out nothing about them except that they have Red liquid for blood.
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Name: official name is Shade. commonly referred to as sneaks

Homeworld: Taalker Gamma.

Dawn of Civilization: 7 AD or -1797 GD

Intergalactic Stereotype: underhanded and crafty

Technological Advancements: FTL: with a relatively sensitive FTL drive the ship uses the gravitational field of the place they are traveling to to manipulate a pocket of distorted gravity. this pocket then moves towards the original gravity field at somewhat slow speeds and cannot be used in system as there is to much gravity interference. the array used to power this drive is very sensitive and is withdrawn into the body of the ship when not in use. if the array is damaged few have the knowledge to repair it.

Weapons: Ship Based: utilizing a high damage technology that fires a trio of rail-gun shots in rapid succession. the first shot is a shaped charge that punches a hole sized for the second round. the second round then smashed through the hole to detonate a small chamber in the other ships armor. then the third round, the same size as the second round goes into the chamber and detonates. The third round is little more that a chamber for a trio of chemicals that do not occur naturally. when combined in frozen form the explosion forms a massively expanding wave of gasses. this, inside the hole in the ships armor is devastating. the ships only carry a trio of these round groupings as the storage is difficult.

Shade Portable: the most common weapon is called a Lacerator. this weapon fires a liquid acid compressed into a semisolid the propelled at massive speeds by a pressure release. This acid is a by product of the Shades body and is wired into the Shade primary arm. the weapon is grown in after a while and only the single slit of weapon muzzle is exposed. This allows there Camoline to function. they have some heavy weapons including a heavy lacerator but requiring modifying surgery on the Shade to allow for increased production of the acid. the acid can melt through almost any armor given time. wounds caused by a lacerator are deep and very scaring as the acid returns to a liquid form upon impact.

Genetic Modification: The Shades have master the art of the Gene. they can replace almost everything in a body and also make upgrades to the existing creature. this allows them to run the most successful Para-Military Medic Force in the galaxy. whatever doesn't kill a shade immediately most likely won't kill it. the tool commonly used is known as the Narthicium. the gauntlet is a large heavy glove with the bottom part completely obscured by saws, blades, needles and vials of liquid. the initial prick is not much but takes a blood sample and isolates and reads the genetic pattern of the subject. it then isolates the individuals pain centers and doses them with a direct injection of heavy pain killers. the saw then makes a small incision into which dozens of small microbiotic sub-strains adapted to the subjects genetic code. the small creatures then plug wounds and regrow tissue at a astonishing rate allowing the subject to be returned to the fight in near perfect condition within minutes of the wound.

Armor: the Shades do not use armor most of the time to allow their natural stealth work. While they do not the ships the use do not have much armor the hull is very thin and needle like and have a small target profile. the ships do use a device called the Shriek thought. this device throws out a wave of pulses of energy at different frequencies that will scramble scanners and sensors until they are re calibrated. this allows for either a sneak attack from a unexpected quarter or a hasty retreat.

Evolutionary Traits: Warning these pictures are giant Male and Female in that order

Camoline: a type of chemical composition in the body of a shade that shifts to match the surrounding area. this is similar to the Octopus.

Micosca: thousands of tiny scales cover the body of a Shade. although the do not protect the Shade they allow them to withstand extreme weather almost unscathed.

Body fluids: while the blood and spit of a Shade are not very acidic the stomach acid their body makes is extremely acidic. the weapons they use take advantage of this.

Cultural Insight: A society of creature that live in half shadow these creatures live in the most inhospitable places they can find. the Micosca allow them to wander around without protective suits and the Camoline allows them to be the masters of the Death Worlds, or worlds of extremely inhospitable environment. the Shades take any sort of environment as a challenge and are known for landing small colony groups with a months worth of supplies and nothing else and the colony surviving

Significant Historic Events:( None of this is official. this is all pending approval) The City of Argonomira: the three main city states are formed and each has dozens of family's competing to rule. this all stops with the complete destruction of two of the cities leaving Argonmira as the sole surviving city of any large size. all factions on the planet are forced to swear into a large Empire or face death

The Contact: a single drone ship is secreted onto the surface of a unknown ship using a localized Shrieker to allow it to be undetected. it witnesed a battle of massive porportions that was later figured to be between Humans and Kolgrim.

The City of Death: the second world ever colonized is discovered to be just as inhospitable as the Home world and the society rises to the challenge. many unique weapons rise from the planets population and the Lacerator is born.

The Death of a World: The Shades locate a settlement of Humans that has gone rogue from their main Government. First Contact with the Humans ends badly as the defense of the World turns violent. The Humans mistake the Shades for a Goverment force and open fire. When Human Forces arrive to bring the World to heel it is found completely dead. all Humans on the surface appear to have died in terror and many are partially dissolved or sliced open by near misses. as the Humans puzzle over this there forces suddenly find themselves surrounded as the Shades revert to their normal colors instead of Guacamole. The leader steps forward and speaks with the Human forces for some time before the two forces part ways. The other races of the galaxy learn of the newest race and also the Humans learn to fear the land forces of the Shades.

The City of Eternal Sorrow: when the 66 Family settles a new World the Empire now has 66 worlds in its fold. the worlds are spread of 17 systems in close proximity and each under a sub-Leader of the local family that reports to the Family that controls the Empire. the city is then attacked by a force of Humans and many lives are lost. when standing in the wreckage of the city the Sub-Leader Kalgaros discovers that the rebels of the Dead world had some off world contacts that supported it. the rebels had become determined to take vengeance on the Shades and almost won. only the use of Lacerator armed troops supported with the modified troops carrying Heavy Lacerators managed to hold a 6 Hive area. the total number of survivors surprised many as the Camoline had saved many and the rebels thought that the seemingly empty streets where truly empty.

The First Conflict of Rage: many Shades demanded that a counter attack be staged against the Humans for the events at the City of Eternal Sorrow. the first and last action of this attack was to use a giant Shrieker emplanted into a small asteroid that hit the moon. the Shrieker cause havoc when a small fleet of Skeron class ships entered orbit. utilising the new Railgun weapon the Skeron ship Nekomat Ividosia blew a Human dreadnought from the Orbit by punching out over 1/3 of the ships hull with use of the tri-shot pattern. the explosion from the third shot entering the small hole in the external armor destabilized the energy core and the ship was lost. then a Surgical strike on the major cities of the world left the Militia disabled and thousands of civilians injured thought none dead. the response from the Humans turned into one of the biggest naval engagements in history. the fleet of Skeron class was confronted by a massive Human battle fleet that had detected the Shrieker on the moon. the conflict ended when the Shade ships surrendered with massive losses on both sides. After this conflict the remaining fleet was escorted to the edge of the system of Taalker. the governments on both sides briefly talked and this ended with the conclusion that both races would suffer greatly from a war. the affects of this talk and the treaties that follow left both sides mostly isolated from eachother with a large no mans land in between both races.

The Ships of Silence travel once more: a treaty with the Kolgrim allows the buying of a full ship and crew equipped with FTL arrays to find and mine planets. the ships would be able to travel anywhere even into the no mans land and into "Human space" to search for planets. however there are strict limits on weapons aboard and also one what class of ships can be used. -----> RIDDLE LOOK AT THIS LAST EVENT! <-------------
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Very good, you are approved!

Phoenix Wright

-Dawn of Civilization should also include the date in GD

-More explanation on psionics would be appreciated since it is featured so prominently in Zion technology.

-In your cybernetics section you say that the Zion have more advanced technology, but you do not explain yourself, this would also be required.

-Your history is relatively empty, and unless it is simply because your species has had a rather uneventful past, I would hope for more.

-Under the light armour, you say that this would allow teleportation, but you say nothing as to how. A miniaturized teleportation device would not be acceptable in this setting.

-While I will not deny a species simply for being heavily based on one that already exists, I would prefer to avoid it when possible.


-Obviously the history needs work.

-Maybe add more explanation to the medical sciences as this seems to be your primary field of expertise?

-Otherwise solid.
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it would seem to fit the Shades very well Fall. Heart i am working with a few people on History thanks for the tips in the other thread.
There are already some very aggressive rogue elements in the Kolgrim Collective,so it would be natural for some of them to be pirates. Go nuts,TheFallOfitAll!
hey guys i made some history but it glitched into one paragraph. anyways tell me what you think
Name: Daran, Spiders, Beanies

Homeworld: Mazub

Dawn of Civilization: -63904 GD (62100 BC)

Intergalactic Stereotype: Lofty, arrogant, and precise.

Technological Advancements:

-Advanced communication technologies, leading the Daran to create the first, and what is now the greatest, universal translator, with the assistance of the other species.

-Subpar space travel technologies, the Daran haven't crafted their own faster than light travel yet, and have contented themselves to travel slowly through the vast expanse of space on ion streams.

-Ion stream technology is used as both transportation, and weaponry, through charging ions in the atmosphere, or in a vacuum, the electrical charge causes a temporary solidification of subatomic particles, forming a solid material with a coefficient of friction nearing zero. In a weapon, this can be used to form blades in the atmosphere to be propelled at light speed, slicing through nearly any material as a hot knife through butter. In transportation, this can be used as a temporary surface to propel oneself along, essentially forming a nearly invisible road of electricity. In space, this is used in pockets to create an optimal travel route for Daran vessels. Adversely for Ion streams, they are inefficient on energy, and take a moment to recharge after use.

-To power their devices, the Daran use a combined fusion of deuterium and tritium, then use fission on the result, producing high yields of energy in bursts, with relative efficiency.

-Advanced agricultural technologies, including the ability to alter atmospheric composition to suit the preferred needs of the Daran, as well as, given decades of time, alteration of a planet's mass through induction of space debris, expanding the core.

-Rudimentary Artificial Intelligence, the Daran can leave an AI to complete simple tasks without supervision, though they are normally a luxury item, and not in common use.

Evolutionary Traits: Daran are tall, slender bipedal creatures with two upper appendages, or arms. With two fingers, and two apposable thumbs on either hand, the daran's thumbs rest on the outside edges of the hands, with fingers in the middle. With eight small, round eyes adorning their face, resting above a wide, flat olfactory receptor, which in turn, is above a series of vertical slits which serve as "mouths" to the daran. The daran are fundamentally different from other species at a genetic level, with vast amounts of Telomerase in their DNA and RNA structures, making them, rather than weaken as they age, grow stronger meaning daran lifespans seemingly have no natural end. Daran have two genders, and are visibly different from one another, with male torsos resembling triangles, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist, while females tend toward a more hourglassed figure, with hips approaching the same width as their shoulders. Universally the daran are slender, and average at just above six feet tall, though they've been known to grow as tall as eight feet. The daran diet is entirely vegetarian, as they are incapable of digesting the direct proteins of flesh.

Cultural Insight:

-Daran are quite empathetic, meaning that they can place themselves in another's position with ease, making diplomacy an easy task for them.

-With a strict sense of dedication, daran often stick to one thing for their entire considerable lifetimes, whether this be careers, or even what humans know as marriage.

-While somewhat lacking in visual arts, daran architecture and music are marvels, containing spectacular detail and organic fluidity without compromising their integrity.

-The daran operate under an republican government.

Significant Historic Events:

-Launch: The daran began their travels into space after a rather uneventful millenia.

-Exploration: Touching down on the several planets in their system, it was on the third planet, in a similar orbit to their own home, that in fact held life, life that was also attempting to reach the stars.

-Contact: In what may have been the worst timing in daran history, they landed on Blexa during the launch of a prototype kover rocket, which proceeded to explode as its engines ignited, making the entire situation appear as though it were an alien invasion.

-Confusion: The following three months can only be described as just that. With only a couple of daran casualties, the kover eventually forgave the more advanced species of their transgression, despite not having played a part in the accident.

-Alliance: Over the following two years, the two fledgling space-farers began to trade with one another, and quickly enough developed a solid trade agreement, which would later flourish into an age-old partnership.

-Exodus: At the date now known as 0 GD, the daran, with kover assistance, began their voyage beyond the solar system. These events have lead to the beginning of the Andromeda Republic, the oldest government in the two galaxies.

-Billits: Mysteriously, tiny blue bipeds abruptly began to spring up all over daran and kover ships without explanation. Somehow, the newest species in the Republic managed to migrate primarily onto daran vessels, where there was more machinery to mess with. Over the course of a few years, the billits were convinced to stop reconstructing essential systems, and instead only repair them, though it cost a pretty penny. Billit mechanics are now a formally integrated part of the Andromeda Republic, though they won't only rob you on paper.

-Humanity: First contact with the humans could have gone better, though no lives were lost that day, as the RTU was merely looking for a new home, and so long as they were not interfered with, they agreed to follow the laws passed by the daran and kover society. The humans however left warning of another civilization just around the bend, mechanical beings seemingly only interested in gathering material resources from planetoids.

-Kolgrim: Contact with the kolgrim went phenomenally well; after the warning given by the humans, no lives were lost once again, as trade agreements were made with the machine-people, including the sale of several star-charts including resource-rich planetoids incapable of hosting life.

Name: Kover, Cavers

Homeworld: Blexa, Axe

Dawn of Civilization: -1906 GD (102 BC)

Intergalactic Stereotype: Brutish, violent, and angry.

Technological Advancements:

-Kover weapons technology is at an incredible high, though they garner great distaste for firearms, and as such prefer bodily protection and close-quarters advancement instead, allowing them to close the distance with their foes.

-Transportation technology is relatively low-tech next to the older species, but it will get the job done, utilizing high-yield combustion engines, and plated with ridiculously thick armour all around. Space vessels are in fact swarms of fighters connected modularly to a larger "booster" engine, which can only be controlled while the ships are together, though scrambling the fighters takes considerably less time with a kover vessel, not to mention the ability to avoid absolute disaster. Lacking in firepower, the kover instead ensure that their ships are mounted with the best in armour, and boarding technologies.

-Most other technologies are barely outside of feudal ages, and metals are still shaped by hand. From armour, to weapons, to ships, everything crafted by the kover, is crafted by hand.

-Metallurgy is by far the kover's most advanced technology, and they use a combination of Plutonium and Graphene to form their prized metal, Nuemo Haern, translated to "Death Stone". This metal is normally regarded as worthless, as it is far too heavy for many practical purposes, though the density makes it perfect for kover intentions.

Evolutionary Traits: Kover are enormous creatures, standing at nearly eighteen feet, with broad shoulders and stocky frames. While having two genders, many other species have difficulty telling the two apart at a passing glance, as male and female both carry a similar silhouette, primarily with differences in facial structure. Thickly muscled, with powerful dual-jointed legs, and long, broad feet, ending in three clawed toes, with a fourth at the heel, the kover also have four-digited hands, with one thumb, and three fingers, each ending in a short, sturdy claw. While carnivorous in diet, the kover are not completely savage, and are capable of advanced reasoning, though still short-tempered. With calcium deposits on their crown, heavy brow, and jaw, kover appear to have bone protruding from a good portion of their face, as well as more growths on their other extremities, backs of hands, elbows, knees, and shoulders. To survive the harsh conditions of their homeworld, the kover developed layered flesh, with a consistency not unlike kevlar, primarily as a defense to the also large, powerful fauna of their high-gravity home. Long, thick tails are also evolved from kover backs, as an additional means of maintaining balance, especially at dead run.

Cultural Insight:

-The kover live under the daran government with relative happiness, though they have representatives on the council as well.

-Kover art and religion is strongly tied to their mining, forging, and hunting, including scraps from the three processes in their ceremonies and masterpieces. Nearly all musical instruments are hand-crafted from slag, bone, and other animal by-products.

-Martial prowess, and forging of metal are focal points in kover culture, and derogatory remarks toward them are generally; not met well.

-While lacking in the refinement of other arts, kover music is jovial, and often listened to in watering holes everywhere, regardless of species.

Significant Historic Events:

-The Bellows: The first in a string of wars held by the kover at the dawn of their nineteenth century, this war is poorly recorded at best, though several major cities, as well as a small nation were wiped out.

-Blaze: The second in its series, the Blaze lasted three decades, and cost nearly three quarters of the entire kover population, extinction seemed like a possibility.

-Embers: The final of the three wars, was much less intense than the previous two, mostly because of reduced population, but it was also the best recorded of the three. Over approximately two years, the remaining three nations battled for supremacy, themselves unsure of what they were now fighting for. Eventually, one of the countries was quashed, leaving only two, which then decided to put the battles behind them, and usher in an era of peace after such a devastating series of wars.

-Temperance: For the next century, kover everywhere bonded, and advanced as a society, shaking of their old resentment for one another to instead push forward. Of course this was not perfect among those with such short tempers as the kover, and several skirmishes were fought between remainders of the old armies, though there were no major battles.

-Slag: At the culmination of their cooperation, the kover were about to launch their first rocket in hopes to reach for their moon, to possibly take great strides in exploration, but as the engines fired, an alien vessel arrived from the stars, destroying the kover peoples' prized device, forged for the past five years.

-Forgiveness: While the aliens pleaded innocence, they would never be believed, though they were forgiven, as in doing so the kover achieved their dreams of space travel, through borrowing the tried and true machines that their new daran friends had arrived in.

-[refer to daran]

Name: Billits, Gubbins

Homeworld: Unknown, some dark hole

Dawn of Civilization: Unknown

Intergalactic Stereotype: Shifty, grabby, and untrustworthy.

Technological Advancements: Billits haven't developed any technology of their own, but scavenge from the daran. While not inventors in their own right, they seem to have an unnatural talent for repurposing technology to suit their needs, occasionally seen dismantling vehicles to craft weapons, power generators, and any other manner of machine needed.

Evolutionary Traits: Three feet tall, and with almost disproportionately large heads, billits occasionally are mistaken as "cute" though it's often a ploy to lift something from the individual. Literally sticky-fingered, with two fingers and a thumb to each of their two hands, billit hands have webbing between their fingers, and their entire body is covered in a mucus-like glue, making virtually any light objects cling to their flesh. Two small slits adorn billit faces, just beneath their enormous, rounded eyes, though they have no mouth. It appears that billits are omnivorous, though they absorb trace amounts of food through their skin. Presumably, billits communicate with one another through pheromones, or some other non-vocal means. When dissected, having been given little other option, it was discovered that billits have an amorphous physiology, each one with a unique anatomy. While fragile in form, billits prove to be difficult in combat as they react unnaturally fast, scampering across an enemy's chest, head, and even back, often dismantling any weapons or armour they may be carrying. The mucus on their skin seems to act similarly to the hairs on a fly, allowing them to sense disturbances in air-currents in defense.

Cultural Insight:

-While billits may not outwardly communicate with others, they seem to have a thriving society of their own, even if it is built on the scraps on another.

-When watched from a distance, billits can occasionally be observed dancing, giving merit to a theory that they communicate in such a manner a bees, though recordings never made it back, as the cameras were stolen on the return trip.

-Outwardly, very little is known about billit culture, though they certainly seem to appreciate fine art, creating sculptures and other works of art with scraps of danar society.

Significant Historic Events:

-The Reveal: The billits simply appeared, their origins a mystery, as they are today. Gradually the miniature kleptomaniacs were accepted into the society established by their older fellows, though they seem unbothered by the tense agreement between the three. While they may occasionally be inflammatory among the Andromeda Republic, for the most part the billits prove themselves useful in their savant-like skill at manipulating all that is mechanical.
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Species List:

Name: Xinabari, Zealots, Cloud Angels.

Homeworld: Diaxis III, Xinabar, The Heart of Storms.

Dawn of Civilization: -9400 GD (7596 BC)

Intergalactic Stereotypes: Religious fanatics, blue-bloods, arrogant as a species.

Technological Advancements: For the Xinabari, technology is a divine gift meant to be used for the advancement of their entire species. Due to this odd belief, they almost constantly renovate their machines to further improve their almost perfect lives. Because of Draxis III's massive oceans and small landmass, the Xinabari build their cities in the sky (previously on the ocean's surface) and use their planet's water as a recyclable resource, and have learned to transform the hydrogen and oxygen particles into a permanent energy source through the use of selective fusion in powerful atomic reactors. To dispose of any possible waste, they jettison the hazardous material deep into space. Space travel was discovered through the use of power hydroelectric rocket technology, eventually being expanded into the vapor-nuclear engines the Xinabari fleets use currently. The Xinabari possess powerful warships fueled by this nuclear energy, and their weapons are in extremely high demand due to their ability to never overheat despite the use of lethal laser technology; this same technology allowed them to conquer the neighboring planets of their solar system with relative ease (despite the inhabitants of these other worlds being practically nomadic and semi-intelligent).

Evolutionary Traits: Despite being from a far off solar system, the Xinabari share a similar body structure to Humans. With the standard height being five to seven feet tall, that is about where the similarities end. The Xinabari have glossy, well-hydrated skin whose colors can range from pure-white to silver-gray, yellow-gold to sky blue, and the only place they grow hair of any kind is on their scalp, which is always white. Xinabari eyes are a single color, and have no pupils. Many mistake them to be blind from this, but in truth their eyes are very photo-receptive and can see efficiently in the dimmest places. They possess two genders, but are very difficult to discern due to both sexes possessing slim, effeminate figures; however, they can be distinguished by a difference in their diet: females tend to be mainly herbivorous, whereas males tend to be carnivorous. Xinabari are often perceived as delicate creatures, and while this is true, they hide a flexibility few other species possess; both males and females and elongate their limbs by stretching special vertebrae and thinning their muscles on mental command, resulting in very elusive movement.

Cultural Insight:

• The Xinabari live in a caste-based social structure whose organization is based on profession and specific bloodlines. They treat foreign species as insignificant, inferior beings, and as a result any off-worlders are viewed with scorn and distrust. The caste system is organized here from lowest to highest: Common workers, lower military, artisans, nobles, engineers, upper military (generals, admirals, etc.), Kimura (priests), the Ascended (the religious and political leader)

• The Xinabari society is centered heavily around the religion of Jyornima; a belief that centers around a single, ethereal goddess that guides all Xinabari in their lives, and dictates their destinies before their birth. According to the Jyorniman belief, the universe began from a single drop of water that emerged from the cosmos, and that droplet of water took on the limitless energies of creation to form their goddess, Jyornima. It is from this belief (and the fact that water dominates their planetary environment) that they cherish water as the source of their existence.

• The Fraen Empire, the ruling government of the Xinabari and their solar system, is ruled by an absolute ruler, referred to as the Ascended. For five hundred years, the Fraen Empire has ruled over the Azarus System with an iron hand, enslaving those who go against their species and Goddess.

• Despite their religious fanaticism and strong distaste for other species, the Xinabari make great efforts to maintain peace with the other great powers of the galaxy. This endeavor has led them to take an interest in the short-lived but fascinating Humans, who appear so similar to the Xinabari. If there is any species the Xinabari treat with respect, it would be the homo sapiens.

Significant Historical Events:

- The Awakening, the time period in which the Xinabari began to gather and create meager civilizations.

- The Time of Red Seas, when the first (and bloodiest) war began between the early Xinabari nations; it led to the destruction of many of the first kingdoms and empires, and reduced the population to about a quarter of its previous size.

- The Rebirth, a time when the Xinabari species began to rebuild, resulting in a surge of population growth and enlightened thinking. The first ocean-surface cities are built.

- The Era of Unification, when conflict once again appeared between rival powers on Diaxis III for controll over the planet's resources, eventually leading to a one hundred year old conflict that ended with the Xinabari species united under the banner of the Ezmara Dynasty and the Fraen Empire.

- The Time of Trials, a difficult period in which countless rebellions and internal conflicts occurred, inevitably resulting in the collapse of the Ezmara Dynasty and being replaced by the Hym'gal Dynasty.

- The Renovation, when an Emperor of the Hym'gal Dynasty, Wivayn IV, led a massive surge of scientific advancement for the Xinabari species with the creation of the vapor engine. His successors would continue his legacy by funding scientific advancements and providing their own discoveries.

- The Revelation, a technological uprising sparked by a 'vision' made by a High Kimura detailing the Goddess Jyornima's desire for their species to expand beyond the stars. The first vapor-nuclear spaceships are developed, and exploration of the solar system begins.

- The Ascendancy, when Emperor Rikura led the first Xinabari invasion against the neighboring planet of Atrameda. Rikura becomes the first Ascendant Emperor.

- The Modern Age, the current period in which most of the Azarus System is ruled by the Fraen Empire. The Xinabari run a powerful raw resource trade due to the mines and factories on the frontier planets under their control. They have recently came into contact with traders from outside solar systems and galactic powers, sparking a sudden change in Xinabari society. With the introduction of these new, potential threats, the Fraen Empire has been expanding their military as a precaution from a dangerous alien threat. Ascendant Emperor Corum III currently rules.

(If this is accepted, I will release other species as well for the Azarus Solar System)
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Don, my only dispute with this species is their FTL travel. The Suiard cores are the most potent faster than light drives in the galaxies, and the formula is still incomplete. I don't have a problem with a similar method of transport, but the complete Suiard formula is very heavy in a plot event that I will be creating later on.
I see. So everything else is fine, with the exception of the explanation for their space travel? I will make edits shortly.

Edits were made.
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Name: Bodrin, Sharks, Fish-head

Homeworld: Kellik Ma

Dawn of Civilization: -804 GD (1000 AD)

Intergalactic Stereotype: Violent, spiteful, and kolgrim-hating

Technological Advancements: As bodrin entered the galactic scene, alien species were an exotic thing to them, and so, like anything else rare, and possibly expensive, the aristocracy ate it up. Much of the recent advancement in bodrin technology was in xenomedicine, non-lethal weapons, and personal containment, so as to better entrap, and enslave other species for sale to the richest of their own kind, and when appropriate, to the Trade Federation. Bodrin weapons have been electro-magnetically propelled for decades now, but the switch from lethal metalloid spikes to coiled carbon-fiber nets came about recently. Travel technology however, has been limited, usually consisting of enormous metal monstrosities large enough to contain the colossal nuclear reactors required to power the machines, and the engines necessary to lift them from the surface. Most would view this as impossible, and had they not created the Staircase, as it was called, it would be. The staircase is, or was, an enormous coilgun, built into the crust of Kellik Ma, used to literally fire their vessels into orbit. Ship to ship weaponry primarily consists of coilgun technology, firing anything from standard spikes, to thermal charges, and electrified nets, so as to either destroy, disable, or capture another vessel. In xenomedicine, while not the most sophisticated, bodrin doctors can sustain a mortally wounded alien for months, and can facilitate recovery from virtually any non-fatal wound. Personal containment, in the past three years, has made leaps and bounds after purchasing AI scripts from the trade federation, haphazardly lifted from human platforms, with only a thirty-seven percent loss in data. The newest bodrin containment units, consist of electrified cages, cages with AI installed in them so as to activate the disabling shock should the prisoner attempt escape.

Evolutionary Traits: Silicon based, bodrin are asexual predators with an omnivorous diet, though they are often mistaken for carnivores. Somewhat resembling hammerhead sharks of ancient Earth, bodrin have a small, bonelike crest above their brow, the size of which normally denotes age. Their eyes set wide, bodrin have four powerful, if small, olfactory receptors in the middle of their face, capable of picking up a scent on the wind, and even tracking a living creature through the harshest of environments. When bodrin pick up the scent of blood, over ninety percent of the time, they go into an uncontrollable rage, removing their subconscious inhibitor on muscle usage. A raging bodrin has been known to ignore even some mortal wounds, and not only damage, but severely dent, most kolginite plating, though at the cost of their own skeletal structure. With two double-jointed legs, and a long, broad tail, bodrin are capable of sprinting at rather high speeds, and the webbed extremities assist ever further in swimming, bringing about a little saying, "If you're running from a bodrin, learn to fly". Wide-set mouths are lined with razor-sharp fangs which rotate out in favour of newer ones every few weeks, much like the sharks they so resemble. Bodrin lifespans are relatively short, though not for reasons expected. As previously mentioned, bodrin are asexual, and their lives end, in the beginning of new life. Near thirty terran years after their birth, a bodrin's eggs will fertilize, and eventually hatch, inside their abdomen. The hatchlings will survive by eating one another until they have grown enough to survive outside their parent, approximately four weeks later, at which point, they eat their way out. Normally less than three hatchlings are born at one time, though there has been a record-breaking six on one recorded occasion. Not only are bodrin excellent swimmers, they also possess a secondary respiratory system, including a set of gills, making them amphibious, capable of breathing both on the surface, and beneath it.

Cultural Insight: Bodrin live in an aristocratic state, in which less than three percent of the population controls ninety-eight percent of the local wealth. This three percent, essentially controls all of bodrin society with their whims, leading the common class to treat themselves as little more than slaves, constantly vying for the favour of the aristocracy, in the hopes of eventually accumulating enough wealth themselves to join them. Music and the arts are constantly changing to fit the fancy of the wealthy, though presently, both are rather amorphous, and make very little sense without context. Currently, the entire bodrin aristocracy has quite the bone to pick with the kolgrim collective.

Significant Historic Events:

-Disappearance: This was the last known historic event, in fact, it relates to the loss of all previous events. Eighty-three years ago, the entire recorded history of the bodrin was erased, wiped from existence, and though there are several theories with merit, most assume that the aristocrats were truly responsible.

-The Great Slave Race: While much of the bodrin still hold deep-seated hatred for the holders of their wealth, when it turned out that the other species of the galaxy, only recently uncovered, could fetch a pretty penny as slaves, the economy exploded, hundreds of thousands of these species were abducted literally overnight, sold for great sums to the highest bidders.

-The Ending: As most prefer to call an incident to this day, there was much more to it than that. When one of the new species arrived in their solar system, known as the kolgrim, and destroyed the second colony what had originally held their foremost medical research facilities, and also several of their birthing pools. Upon this attack to their home, the bodrin felt that action had been necessitated, and responded in kind, launching weapons of mass destruction in vengeance. The sky was lit blue and purple for three full days after the destruction of the vessels picking through the wreckage of their colony. Celebration was in order, and those bodrin still in the home system relished in extravagance for nearly a week, that is, before their star exploded, eradicating every living thing still in-system. Unfortunately for the kolgrim, the entire affair had been recorded, and broadcast to every bodrin out of system, including the aristocracy, all of them, as usual, sunning their leathery hides in paradise. A total of seven vessels survived the cataclysm, one of which being the capital ship. The kolgrim would be made to pay dearly for their crimes...
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Name: Ja'akum, called Jokers by other species

Homeworld: Spaaliz

Dawn of Civilization: -2143 G.D. (661 B.C.)

Intergalactic Stereotype: Overcomedic to a flaw, only understand a somber mood when it is truly troubling or auspicious, like Death or the discovery of Potentially revolutionary artifacts, respectively

Technological Advancements: The Ja'akum are not aggressive or warlike in nature, although they do have a fortified military technology consisting of powered suits using good armouring and a combination of Hydraulic and rocket powering, while maintaining lightness through the high amounts of of Titanium that can be found on their planet. Their primary focus is societal sustenance, and use several reactor-generators across underground facilities deep within the Planetary crust, which is far deeper than the Earth's, spanning about 85% of the interior, with the remaining 15% as a volcanic core. Their facilities are Nuclear-powered with well trained crews, and provide energy to the Planet's cities. Their long-range transportation consists of vast magnetic levitation train systems spanning the entire planet, while short distances are often traversed by running, which they are quite adept at. They also have have Rocket-propelled Spaceships that vary in size.

Evolutionary Traits: Mammalian, similar to a mixture of humans and Earth-Canid families, they posses dog-like snouts, as well as double jointed leg limbs, but have 4 extremely flexible apposable digits on their hands, as well as possessing fur to help them survive the bizarre weather patterns of Spaaliz, which has an extremely elliptical orbit that causes scorching blazes in the summer and deep freezes in the winter. Their legs also assist them in running, which they do for short-range transportation (i.e. Getting to work.) They are Omnivorous. They also can have a lifespan of up to 165-ish years.

Cultural Insight: A lot of association is done by Comedy, those who make better laughs are more popular, while the unfunnier ones aren't always popular but can still be likable. Their government is a Republic-Democracy, they have three Tola elected every 50 years, Who have the Triumvirate power to propose a law to society and/or propose a revoke/ amendment to a previous law. These laws are revised and sent back to the Tola by the Ysmaal, who are elected every 30 years, which there are 29 of. The Ysmaal are a Council who debates laws that should be made or revised, as well as debating distribution to citizens of various resources when in short supply and construction of planetary assets. In extreme peril, experienced military leaders are elected to gain command of larger bodies of troops and gain citizen command in their area for emergencies. When the state of emergency has been lifted at the approval of the Ysmaal, the leaders go back to their average authority power. In order to avoid abuse of the power, the Ysmaal can take citizen and troop complaints as well as observe the leader's actions and appoint a new one if they abuse this power or do an unsatisfactory job. Their judicial system involves a court in which a council reviews evidence filed by the plaintiff or by the prosecuting law enforcement, and reviewed before a verdict is reached. Art for them is often seen as natural, enjoying plenty of realism in their artwork, or as an alternative, enjoy parodies in their artwork, often re-depicting other scenes in odd or humorous ways. They also enjoy very fluid and strong music, often involving their string instruments, and can often also use some of their technology for making the music as well. The sky is the limit, with their musical choices. They are a very open-minded species, and accept travelers with open arms, both offworlders and interplanetary foreigners. They do have a rigorous customs check, however, as they are somewhat meticulous, paranoid, and have a high concern for safety.

Significant Historic Events: Around -1146 G.D, Blight, a tumor-spread disease that causes deformities and disfiguration hit. The cure was found around -1130 G.D, but the blight is still enigmatic and being studied by Scientists, as nobody knows its cause yet, all that is known is that it seems to be some form of Spore. A civil war also broke out in -975 G.D, when a rebellious faction rose up to bring an end to the Planetwide Republic, believing city-states were a better way to live. This was crushed in -964 G.D. Since the war's end a great scientific upturn sent the race skyrocketing as a scientific power up until the current time, 1042 G.D.
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One problem GFCat, there were no species on the galactic scene until 0 GD, so there couldn't exactly be visitors or xeno scares, if there weren't any. The Daran are the oldest species so far, and the first to enter the galactic scene, over a thousand years after your history slates other species being out there.
heartsteal22 said:
One problem GFCat, there were no species on the galactic scene until 0 GD, so there couldn't exactly be visitors or xeno scares, if there weren't any. The Daran are the oldest species so far, and the first to enter the galactic scene, over a thousand years after your history slates other species being out there.
Plothole fixed.
Name: Sessha, Drakes

Homeworld: Drakon

Dawn of Civilization: -6034 GD (4230 BC)

Intergalactic Stereotype: Varied in temperament, from hot-blooded to icy-calm, though, no pun intended, draconian in their perception of the law.

Technological Advancements: In weapons technology, the sessha are second to none in sonic armaments, utilizing a dual-heterodynic soundwave emitter to literally vaporize matter of any kind, though with limited range. Otherwise, they often use magnetically propelled hooks, attached to a heavy-duty cable, used in a rather, creative manner. Advancements in energy have lead to harnessing the magnetic fields of the rare-earths so common on their homeworld. Travel uses directed magnetism to propel ships constructed from magnetic metals, a rather efficient means of transportation, capable of rapid transitions of direction in a vacuum. Ship-mounted weaponry consists of their staple infantry technologies, in combination, and on a larger scale. Primarily, rather than a hook, sessha ships will fire a large magnet, attached to a tether, then send sonic charges along the tether, guaranteeing accuracy after just one shot connects. Defensively, more sonic charges, attached to large magnetic nets, for lack of a better word, which will latch onto a vessel, then detonate, vaporising considerable portions of the hull. Medical sciences have come along reasonably well, though primarily in stabilization of toxin-induced states, such as chlorine poisoning for example.

Evolutionary Traits: Evolved on the mountaintops, sessha are acclimatized to varying temperatures, low oxygen levels, and low atmoshperic pressure, although this is not to say that they are incapable of surviving under other conditions. Primarily, they evolved atop these mountains to avoid the high levels of chlorine in their atmosphere at sea level, using leathery wings to soar from one peak to another. Naturally, sessha live for extremely long periods of time, ranging anywhere from three, to five-hundred years. While they may appear to be predatorial in nature, sessha are capable of surviving on an entirely vegetarian diet, despite being omnivorous. Long of limb, and slender of body, sessha average at nearly twelve feet in height, though may appear quite thin, though on the rare occasion, they are the exact opposite, standing at only five feet tall, and extremely broad, it is presumed that these differences are of subspecies. Four arms grace the torso of sessha, one upper, and one lower, both taloned, though with differing digits. The lower arm is home to six apposable digits, while the upper only has two. The upper arms however, have a membranous wing attached to them, extending down to their hip, giving them a wingspan, on average, of twenty-eight to thirty-two feet. The more stout subspecies has a more muscular frame, with an even wider wingspan, up to an astonishing thirty-six feet, attached instead to the ankle rather than the hip. Scaly on the outside, on occasion the sessha appear similar to some species of reptile from ancient Earth, often have horned crests above their brow, and ranging in coloration from a golden brown to a silvery grey. Inside a sessha however, is ever more fascinating than their exterior. Beginning in their mouth, the sessha have what most would call an abnormal tongue, scaly, and extremely rough, often used to sharpen talons, or even on occasion, to skin a meal. Besides this, is the material of their teeth, a strange reactive organic substance, capable of producing a spark. Deeper inside, there is a unique set of organs, used to seperate light gases from heavier ones, a secondary set of lungs if you will, which can contain several litres of gases, potentially flammable. Connected to these lungs, are two openings at the rear of the mouth, one deeply lined with mucus, while the other remains relatively clean. By forcing the lighter gases through one of these openings, then briefly clicking their teeth, a sessha is capable of literally breathing fire, in one of two forms, a slimy ball, lobbed, which bursts open on impact, or in a concentrated stream. These traits have earned the sessha their nickname as drakes, practically straight out of human myth.

Cultural Insight: Freedom of expression is paramount in sessha culture, and anyone is free to express their opinions on anything, even one another's opinions. From the outside, sessha appear to coexist in some twisted anarchy, though there is an order to the madness, mostly derived of the honour system. Sessha society is divided into tens of thousands of Flights. A flight is a group of sessha sharing either genetics, or simply views. Anyone is free to join, or leave a flight any time they so choose, though the ties among them become unbreakably strong.

Significant Historic Events:

-The Falling Out: In -5002 GD, millions of sessha debated with one another in an attempt to establish some sort of organized government, or caste system, though not all agreed on the idea. For nearly a hundred years, they waged war on one another, nearly eradicating the cave-snout subspecies, known for their strength, nimble flight, short tempers, and shorter stature.

-Unending Night: An astral cloud passed through the sessha home system in the year -4134 GD, only ending nearly thirty years later. This cloud blocked out a vast majority of the solar energy, causing the temperature to drop, and remain in a perpetual state of nightfall. Many died, and few were born for these three decades, but afterward came a time of great celebration, and the population exploded to nearly double its original size over an incredibly short period of time.

-Torn Skies: The second sessha war, which took place in -687 GD, violent skirmishes took place the world over, though it was short lived, as thousands of years prior, they had already experienced a war without equal. This war established the Flights as the primary means of government. Any dispute between flights, was kept between only those flights, which minimized internal conflict a great degree.

-Celestial Wings: In the year of 986 GD, long range telecommunications caught abnormal signals, not reflected, but originating from elsewhere. This was a signal from what would later come to be known as the bodrin, native to a solar system within telescopic view of Drakon. This message prompted the two-decades of advancement, leading to the first flights exodus into space. Within half a century, nearly all of the flights were capable of space travel through a relatively standardized design.

-Distant Horizons: While many sessha were captured for the sake of bodrin greed, by the time the last flights gained their space-traveling mastery, the leading flights had made contact with the daran, and joined the Andromeda Republic, becoming the newest, though steadfast, addition to the group.
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