Galactic Dawn [Character Thread]


That guy who's not around much right now
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-You don't need to be the creator of a species to play as one of them, though asking the creator any questions you may have about their species is encouraged.

-Not all members must play as one species, feel free to diversify, and don't worry about sticking to a plot, as any plot that I will introduce will be global, to be tackled any way you, the players, choose.

-Above all else, enjoy yourselves.

Character Sheet:



Gender: (If applicable)

Species: (Who you share DNA with)

Reputation: (If any)

Alignment: (Any factions you may be partial to)

Skills: (What you are good at)

Appearance: (Image or description, both are acceptable)

Belongings: (What you own)

History: (What you've done with your life)

Name: Supreme-General Grigori Yakovlev

Age: 58

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Reputation: Single-focused, and lacking diplomatic patience.

Alignment: Red Terran Union

Skills: Quick-thinking, skilled strategist, and a seasoned soldier.

Appearance: Grigori is a man of commanding presence, standing six and a half feet tall with broad shoulders, and neatly trimmed, very grey hair. A long, old scar runs from the left of his chin, up to the top of his cheekbone, before continuing another inch up from his brow, though this scar is somewhat hidden behind Grigori's equally well maintained beard, trimmed to keep it longest at the chin, giving the illusion of a triangular point protruding from his already squared jaw. Steel grey eyes are surrounded with wrinkles, and above thick eyebrows, his forehead is also finely creased.

Belongings: Grigori's possessions are rather meager despite his rank, and on the ship he owns little more than his uniform, officer's saber, and service pistol. Back on earth, he had once owned a nice plot of land which he had planned to retire on had the last two wars not come about.

History: In the third world war, Grigori was already an officer, having spent quite some time in the military up to that point. The year those two wars took place in were taxing on Grigori, and after his family passed during the Final War, he took a silent vow to allow no more death of human innocents where it was possible, and has since skyrocketed through the rankings to the very Supreme-General himself, now essentially being in command of the entire RTU military. While he now rarely plays a direct role in battles, he personally saw to the battle with the kolgrim, bringing his own flagship and all its impressive convoy along for the violent disuasion.

ninbinz, Grar, as of July 12

Riddle78, Halkorne, as of July 12

TheFallOfitAll, Johnathon Marx, as of July 12

Firelava, Shiva Vordue, as of July 12

Don Valence, Princess Kitanae, as of July 15
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Name: Ace, High Ambassador, Uirt'Grar'idzvan'dorthrun "Grar"

Age: 76 Vener (150 human years)

Gender: Male

Species: Varai

Reputation: Unscrupulous, dignified, cunning, shrewd, diplomatic, ambitious.

Alignment: Trade Federation

Skills: A shrewd investor, a canny salesman, a cunning strategist and an apt scientist.



(By the way I only just found this pic, it is a coincidence that I found it.)

Belongings: A small fleet of trade ships of various makes. A great sum of credits and several science ships.

History: One of the four founders of the Trade Federation, it was he who first broached the venture to other races. He was first among the Uirt to make first contact with many of the other races, his ship had once been the flagship for the exploration fleet after the initial scouting mission. His many responsibilities have in no way clashed as the Varai have a vast amount of wealth invested within The Trade Federation, he is often followed about the Urrun Space Station by a horde of assistants delegated to the management of his various positions. Recently he has invested a sizable sum in the research of Billit society and forms of communication for they would be a great addition to the Trade Federation.
Name: Personalized General Purpose Platform "Halkorne" v24.7

Age: 97 Terran Cycles

Gender: Male personality

Species: Kolgrim

Reputation: Jumpy,skittish,seething hatred of the Billits,unstable.

Alignment: A citizen of the Kolgrim Collective.

Skills: Survival,self-defense fighting,spotting Billits,escaping Billits (and just about anything else),piloting small craft.


Except that there are actual legs,similar in structure to a Kover's legs. The secondary set of legs is stored,folded up,in the thighs of the primary set,and can deploy in less than half a second. Also possesses a medium length broad tail,ending with a pair of folding spikes.

Belongings: A personal ship,with room for two in the cockpit,and six more in the hold,if empty. The system was modified with Kolgrim hard drives,allowing it to store up to three dozen Kolgrim personalities. Aside from that,Halkorne has a built-in translator,capable of translating any known written and spoken dialect into Kolgrim,and a modified translator,set to translate Kolgrim to whichever output he desires. Another handy,built-in system is a Static Deterrent Field,which,upon activation,releases a potent,but non-lethal electric shock across his body. This was installed after his third Billit abduction. Finally,Halkorne has a decent sum of money in his personal accounts,accumulated over his previous iterations,as well as from odd-jobs in his current iteration. Is currently receiving periodic anonymous donations.

History: Halkorne has an...Interesting history. Without including Halkorne's previous versions,Halkorne lives his life as an odd-jobber,picking up whatever jobs he can,on the premise that if he doesn't do,who can guarantee that it'll ever get done? Up until recently,Halkorne was quite friendly,too. Very unusual for a Kolgrim. However,that all changed in recent years.

One Terran Cycle ago,Halkorne had his first encounter with the Billits. After spending several months in their "company" as a quantum computer,he was eventually sold to a passing Human. The Human quickly noted the machine's weight,and was unsurprised to start getting messages along the lines of "Call the Kolgrim!". Halkorne was quickly retrieved,and reconstructed.

His second encounter was even more humiliating. Once again captured by the Billits,the poor Kolgrim was reassembled into a dishwasher. This time,he was sold to a particularly unscrupulous Varai. The Varai knew that the dishwasher was indeed a Kolgrim,and practically ransomed Halkorne back to his people under the pretenses of being unable to find a buyer for a solid Kolginite dishwasher. Negotiations lasted for several months,and got nowhere. Once again,Halkorne was reconstructed after the ordeal.

Halkorne was well and truly unhinged by his third Billit encounter. This time spotting them,but sadly too late,Halkorne was captured after pitching two of their number against a nearby steel wall,to little effect. During the encounter,Halkorne sent out an SOS on the Datanet,and was quickly retrieved by a Kolgrim Admiralty Tactical Retrieval Team,but not before the Billits re-purposed him into a laundry machine. Upon retrieval,Halkorne was in the midst of a spin cycle of the Billit's undergarments.

After retrieval and reconstruction,Halkorne demanded several custom systems be installed,and,seeing his status as a Billit magnet,the engineers agreed wholeheartedly,installing a system they hoped would keep Billits off of him,as well as giving him a sturdy tail that should help keep balance and serve as a weapon for self-defense.

In an effort to improve his odds against any future Billit encounters,and was cleared to go to Blexa to learn the Kover's martial art,widely lauded as the single most effective combat discipline in the galaxies.


The Voidrunner is a "Hermes" class civilian sport craft,of Human design. It's capable of flight in and out of atmosphere,and has VTOL functions. Modified by the Kolgrim after a pricey purchase through the Trade Federation,the ship has Kolgrim hard drives,and a thin layer of Kolginite replaces the standard hull. The hold has room for six passengers when empty,but currently houses a host of maintenance hardware,reducing passenger capacity to two. The cockpit seats a pilot and copilot. As a sport craft,it has extremely powerful engines and highly responsive maneuvering systems,and is incredibly lightweight. As a civilian craft,it has very light weapons at best,and next to no armour.
Name: Admiral Johnathon Marx

Age: Either late 20's, or early thirties.

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Reputation: His name is known, feared/respected in many a system. That happens when you stand against almost every organization of uniting the systems.

Alignment: He is the leader of the Bonewalkers, and is sided with the Suns of Liberty, only for a common ally, and mutual trade benefits.

Skills: Excellent swordsmanship, marksmanship, captaining abilities. He's also a very good ship pilot. He has major leadership skills.

is what he used to look like. Everything there is accurate for his current clothing, except this.



This is a coilgun. It is a badass gun. It fires kolgrinite spikes, about a foot long. He needs to pull the hammer back after every shot. It is modified to do this. It also is custom, and wasn't easy to get.
He has two of these on him at a time. They are very sharp and get through almost the thickest of armors. Marx will do his best to make sure that these swords are in the best shape as they can be.

His Mask: His mask is what keeps him alive, allows him to breathe. He can breathe in almost any atmosphere with it, allowing him to go even to the higher mountains on Earth, or to some of the harshest planets.

History: Marx may have been born on Earth, but that was not where his destiny lay. From a young age, he was stealing, and getting into all kinds of trouble. He was about thirteen when he and a group of his closest friends, including the slightly younger and much better looking Kyra Hartford, stole a spaceship, or tried. They failed horribly, and were sent away, to an island. That island's name was lost to the ages.

While there, the most of his former friends turned on him, and didn't talk anymore. However, Kyra, being as smart as she was for her age, managed a way out. This is where Marx first picked up a pirate sword, an old one, at that, but he and Kyra cut their way out.

Years passed, as the two became closer, older, more skilled, and all that. Finally managing to get a crew, and get an actual space ship, the lot left Earth. However, thing went wrong when Marx was in his early 20's. He was in a raid, on Earth, when his raid group was attacked by the red Terrain, and Marx was almost killed, his lungs taking severe damage. However, the man was lucky.

Kyra and her raid crew hadn't been found, and she took Marx to a nearby place, and forced them to save Marx, who had a lot of surgery. His mask is tied in very much with his lungs, it lets him breathe, if it was taken off, he'd die in minutes.

That was when he formed The Bonewalkers, and stole his ship, renamed to The Black Wing, one of the fastest ships in the entire Universe, "Nigh uncatchable" is this ship. The only reason they even got it, was because the ship was orbiting Earth, and they caught it by surprise.

A little later, they found Kyra's ship, and they also found the third of the main three in command, Captain Maximum, who had his own ship.

With his fleet still growing, Marx is becoming much more of a threat, even though his fleet has only four ships. His, Kyra's, Max's, and the one he had at first.

Extra: The characters Kyra and Max are in development, and the ships will get their own thing for this. (I hope you make a thread for ships, that'd be easier heartsteal22)
Name: Shiva Vordue

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Species: Shade

Reputation: a more brutal Caligure he is known for use of a heavy lacerator embedded in his left arm so deep in his skin that his Camoline still works. he is known for leaving entire buildings massacred to get to a single target.

Alignment: The Black Pegasus as a lead Caligure

Skills: infiltration. he is very good at controlling his Camoline. he is also a amazing shot and is trained in many styles of close combat. his right hand is his only functioning hand so he tends to hide his left as it looks deformed from the weapon he bears. Movment. he can get almost anywhere be it throught the smuggling ships or through clever infiltration.

Appearance: He appears to look like most shades but never changes his face to be visible or if he does it is in a mockery of the viewer. his horns are almost always a dark green but he can change his entire body is a few seconds to mach his surroundings

Belongings: His only permanent belongings are his amulet of a Wolf and a bracer. the bracer allows him to get into contact and be contacted by any agent of the Black Pegasus to either get help and items or to get his next task.

History: entering the Black Pegasus when his father took control he blongs to the 42 great House of the Shades. he has known nothing but the pegasus for as long as he can remember and is utterly loyal. most of his history has either been hidden or destroyed beyond that but dozens of police files list him under his code name as a suspect in mass murder. his code name is Korolandriel or in English Slicing Shadow.
Character Sheet:

Name: Princess Kitanae Hym'gal III

Age: 31 Azarus Rotations (25 Terran Cycles).

Gender: Female.

Species: Xinabari.

Reputation: Heir to the Ascendant Throne of the Fraen Empire, Bearer of the Crystal Tear, Xinabari Representative. She is respected by her peers for her lack of bias, her resourcefulness, and her willingness to do what she must for her people and the Fraen Empire. Due to her position, she has a considerable amount of authority within the admiralty and the Kimura priesthood.

Alignment: None (Currently searching for beneficial alliances).


•Learned Diplomat - Trained in intergalactic politics and social diplomacy.

Zin Kaî Mer - A veteran of the Xinabari hand-to-hand martial art that focuses on evasion and swift retaliation.

•Firearm Proficiency - Trained to use both laser-based and aquaform-based weaponry.

•Vibro-weapon Proficiency - Trained to use vibration-augmented close-ranged weaponry.

•Limb Alteration - A Xinabari ability, it allows the Xinabari to stretch and retract their limbs at will through manual joint dislocation and muscle expansion.

•Low Light Vision - A Xinabari ability, it allows the Xinabari to see efficiently in darkened conditions where there is little light.

•Expert Pilot - Trained in the use of spacecraft, hovercraft, and watercraft with exceptional skill.

Appearance: Kitanae is 5'4" in Human measurement; a size relatively short compared to most of her species, with a voluptuously curvy body, long silver hair which she keeps braided, a near white skin tone, and completely violet eyes. She commonly wears luxurious gowns and dresses with precious stones, along with elegant crystalline jewelry. The Crystal Tear, a sizable blue gem of mysterious origin, hangs around her neck on a chain of silver; it represents her right to the Ascendant Throne and serves as her royal symbol.


•The Crystal Tear - Her royal decoration and symbol of her status and power.

•T-92 Shard Pistol - An aquaform firearm that discharges blasts of hyper-solidifying water that freezes instantaneously on contact with a hard surface. Can freeze unprotected limbs from the inside-out, but is mainly used as a subjugation tool than a lethal weapon.

•Fraen Vibro-Dagger - A vibration-augmented, discreet combat knife that when turned on vibrates at extremely high speeds, increasing the weapon's cutting power on exponential levels. It bears the Fraen Imperial symbol: a six pointed star surrounded by a ring of waves.

•Medi-kit - An emergency medical kit that comes in a small, paper-thin container that expands upon button activation. It contains disinfectants, bandages, painkillers, and medical nanobot injections for swift healing.

•ICD (Intergalactic Communications Device) - A powerful comm-link system that allows the user to contact other users across the galaxy, access intergalactic holonets and local holonets, and possesses countless databases based on the collected information found in the galaxy.

History: Kitanae III was born to the Hym'gal Dynasty of the Fraen Empire during the Celebration of Origin; an interplanetary festival in the Azarus System dedicated to the birth of the Xinabari Goddess in which all species are given the same freedoms as their Xinabari leaders as a show of good will, so as to display the kindness of their Goddess. It occurs once every ten Azarus Rotations, and lasts for one entire Rotation. Xinabari children born during this prosperous period are said to be destined for great things, although this is more superstition than anything else. On the Princess' birth, one of the internal worlds under Imperial rule, Sigrid Prime, was granted the ability to govern itself as a gift for several generations of loyalty. So long as it provides military or economic assistance when the Ascendant Emperor requires it.

For the first few Rotations, Kitanae was raised on the Xinabari homeworld, Diaxis III, and was tutored from an early age to embrace the Xinabari view of the universe; that they were the chosen people, that their destiny was to spread the word of their Goddess, and that the Ascendant Emperor or Empress represented divinity itself. Although she had been raised to this very biased viewpoint, it had never settled well in her mind. Kitanae was a bizarre child; she hardly spoke, rarely laughed, and usually kept to herself. Her mother, the consort Ceriyan, convinced the Ascendant Emperor to place Kitanae in one of the Kimura Sisterhood temples on one of the outlying worlds, so that she could become a 'normal girl'. Thus, on her eighth Rotation, she was sent to the temple on the recently emancipated Sigrid Prime.

Despite what her mother had intended, the Sisterhood did little to change Kitanae. If anything, they aided the girl in becoming unique, even accepting her as one of their own. Unlike most other Xinabari, the Sisterhood did not share the same stereotypical racism, and believed that any creature was capable of embracing the Goddess Jyornima. Over the years, Kitanae received an extensive education from the Sisterhood on both their religion and of the scientific world; they taught her mathematics, engineering, politics, economics, and countless other important subjects she would need in order to one day rule the Fraen Empire. They revealed to her the combat art of Zin Kaî Mer, and provided many teachers from across the Azarus System to train her in the standard weaponry of the current era; they understood the importance of such skills, for previous heirs to the Ascendant Throne had been assassinated in the past.

It would be many Rotations before Kitanae had her first real encounter with another species: a Human male who was visiting from outside the Azarus System. The creature intrigued her greatly, but the Priesthood did not allow her near the man. While the Sisterhood denied no one the right to shelter at their temple, they did not trust the Human...not from a racial point of view, but by how the man looked. Despite the warnings her elders gave her, Kitanae's curiosity overwhelmed her. During one evening, she had approached the man in order to learn more about him. For hours, they talked together in quiet, so as to not be heard. Gregory, as the man was called, spoke of the countless planets and species he had seen during his journeys across the galaxy, telling wonderful stories about his adventures and exploits. Kitanae had listened with intense interest, mesmerized by the tales he wove.

Her visits went on for several nights, and every time she went, she felt herself growing closer and closer to the man. However, her feelings would quickly change. For the past few evenings, Gregory had been sneaking about the temple in search of something; a fabulous and extremely rare gem that was said to be hidden by the Sisterhood. One night, he tried interrogating Kitanae subtly on the possible location of this precious stone, but she could not give him any of the answers he needed. However, the Human believed that she knew, but was hiding the fact...and so he attacked her, knocking her out and tying her to the bed in his dorm. Kitanae woke up to find Gregory standing right next to the bed, quietly inspecting a vibro-dagger in his right hand. Upon noticing her reawakening, the man began to ask her the questions point-blank, threatening her that he would take her life if she did not give him the right answers...or if she screamed. Of course, Kitanae was unable to answer the Human's questions, and when his inquiries ended, he activated the vibro-dagger and moved for her throat. What happened next, she would remember forever.

Right as Gregory was about to slit her throat, she saw the man's entire torso suddenly burst apart, splattering the room with blood and gore as his corpse fell to the ground. Standing behind him was one of the Sisterhood's High Kimura's, the Lady Tiamera, Kitanae's personal mentor. Seeing the other woman caused Kitanae to break down crying, barely noticing as her bonds were cut away. Even though Tiamera scolded her about seeing Gregory, there had been no anger behind it. Together, they disposed of the body and left the room, alerting the rest of the Sisterhood of the event. For several weeks, the temple was closed off to outsiders. However, when things finally returned to normal, the doors were opened once more and life continued on.

It was not until Kitanae's twenty-fifth Rotation that she left Sigrid Prime and returned to Diaxis III in order to assume her role as the Heir to the Throne. However, before she left, the Sisterhood held a grand graduation ceremony in her honor, one that accepted her rise into womanhood and her rights as a child of Jyornima. In this ceremony, her mentor Tiamera gave her a gift like no other...the mysterious Crystal Tear, a tear-shaped gemstone whose legend was known throughout the Fraen Empire. It was said that the artifact was a genuine tear shed by Jyornima herself during the Time of Red Seas, and had appeared only a few times in Xinabari history. The last time it had been seen was on the first Ascendant Emperor, Rikura. According to the members of the Sisterhood, it was only to be given to those who were truly destined for greatness...and now, they were passing it on to her. It was an honor for greater than anything Kitanae dreamed of. When she returned to Diaxis III with the Crystal Tear in her possession, a wave of religious invigoration swept across the Fraen Empire; if the Crystal Tear were to return now, surely they were meant for something grand.

Now, Kitanae serves her father as his primary diplomat and representative to the 'lower' species, causing her to travel between planets and solar systems for the benefit of the Empire. She has also prevented several potential conflicts both within and without the Azarus System, and takes pride in the fact that she is making a positive impact on her future subjects and future allies. One day, she will take the reins of the Empire from her father...and she strides to be remembered as the greatest leader the Fraen Empire has ever seen.
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The robot AI, are just common platforms, there are all manner of AI, and I've only listed a few of the ones that have played significant roles in recent events. What you're thinking of could be a few things, more prominently, a military tactical personality core (that's not a mouthful at all), or a personal assistance AI, both can interface wirelessly with nearby devices, much the same way as Cortana does from the Halo franchise. A note though, tactical personalities are actually a council of a dozen or so, guiding a singular personality in their decision making, so as to cover any blind-spots or bias that an individual may bring to tactical decision making. Of course this only covers human AI, though they're the only artificial intelligence that are commonly self-aware.

Wordy enough answer?

The short answer, is yes, and if you've got questions, feel free to ask.
Cool! So in any case, it would technically be ok if my character is an AI? I just thought it would be a cool experience to play. So here is my character stuff. Just tell me how you think my character can fit in, and I will gladly join the RP

Name: Cyra

Age: 4 Years

Gender: Female (I Guess)

Species: Human AI

Reputation: Is soon to be deployed to help one of the generals of the army. Her intelligence and hacking capabilities are known by a a couple solar systems.

Alignment: Red Terran Army

Skills: hacking, giving knowledge and advice, As well as helping with everyday technological stuff, and daily activities.

Appearance: A holographic image of

Belongings: a data chip which contains her memory

History: Has served a diplomat for 3 years until he was killed by a bounty hunter. She decided to start a job in the military.
Well, the appearance isn't complete, and I would appreciate at least a little bit more in the history, though being only four years old, there won't be an awful lot there.

Being a personal assitance AI, at least that's if I'm gathering correctly (Specifying in parenthesis next to AI could help with that), Cyra would more or less be performing the same sort of tasks as she has in the past, and otherwise serving as a glorified calculator in the military, so if this is still what you want, then no changes are necessary. Otherwise, some editing may be in order.
To be honest, AI's get so much more done than humans 4 years can constitute so many million actions that 4 AI years could be less than a year. It's not as though the AI's have shorter lives, they just comprehend life at an accelerated life.
Yeah it was just a sort of skeleton for her character. I will build off of this, adding more detail. I promise :)

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