Gaining From Death (Private for me and fallenseraphim37)


New Member
Sometimes, if I close my eyes I can still see Anthony. I see his sweet smile and I feel like everything is alright. When I dream, I can hear his laugh. In those moments I feel like everything is normal.

When I open my eyes, or wake up, I'm hit with the sharp pain of reality. It's days like today where there is little comfort in waking.

The first thing that I think of when I wake up is "14 days". It has been 14 days since they found Anthony's body in an alley. His arms were broken and his face bruised and swollen. What killed him was being strangled, the police know that by the bruises on his neck.

Not only is today exactly 2 weeks since my best friends body was discovered beaten in an alley, but is also the first day of my support group.

The support group was my mother's idea. The last thing I want to do is sit in a room full of crying people telling me to get over it. The only reason I'm doing it is to make my mother happy.

So I get dressed in my tshirt and jeans, and brush the tangles out of my long brown hair. I head downstairs where my mother is eating a bowl of cereal in her bath robe.

"Good morning Natallie," she says and I can tell she is trying to act cheerful.

I smile and sit down and quietly eat my cereal. I'm 18 and my mother still insists on doing simple things I can do myself, like pour a bowl of cereal.

When I finish I give my mother a pleading look, trying to get her to change her mind about support group.

"Well you don't want to be late," she insists and I know she has made up her mind.

I head out the door and start to walk toward the building where the meeting takes place. Conveniently it is a short 5 block walk away from our apartment.

Even the building looks depressing. It's a dull shade of grey and even sunlight seems afraid of it.

I take a deep breath and start walking up the steps.

It's time for the worst hour and thirty minute of my life.

"Mornin', Kaji." Well will you look at that. Trying to be cheerful again, eh? I glare at my brother. "Stop trying to lighten me up." I snap at him. He frowns at me but shortly turns back into his usual smile.

After finishing my food, I look back at him. "Go. You don't wanna be late." Oh yes I do. Don't wanna be there.

I simply glare at him and leave, purposely slamming the door behind me. I start to walk towards the building. The place was close to our house, anyway.

I examined the building for a short while, and sighed.

I start to head up the steps.

Worse darn day of my life.
As soon as I walk in those doors, I want to bolt right back out. In the center of the room there are chairs all alligned in a circle. Other then me there are about four other people here.

The "Leader is a man in his late thirties with a balding head, and taking one good luck at him tells me that he would rather be any where but here.

The other people in the support group don't look any more excited. Some appear to be on the verge of tears, others look like they want to punch something or someone.

"Pick up a name tag," the balding man says. I go over to a table with name tags and sharpies and write down my name on one Natallie Brewer

I put it on and go sit in one of the chairs. Kids are reading or texting and I desperately wish I had brought a book because none of these kids appear to be big fans of conversation.
I wish I never walked in this place. I would have dashed straight out, but I sort of knew that my brother was following me and was ready as ever to toss me back in.

Some guy told me to pick up a name tag. I grunt and walk over to a table with name tags and sharpies, and I write down my name on one of 'em: Kaji Stigma.

I lazily put it on and sit in one of the chairs, beside a girl that I had seen when I walked in here. I knew I should have brought my book. See, I write stories to pass the time. People here don't seem to be the type to talk a lot.
I glance at the boy who sat down next to me and smile a bit. Looks like he didn't get the memo about these kids either.

Luckily I don't have to suffer through it long. The bald man walks into the center of the circle and starts talking.

"We're going to start this meeting by telling the group your name and why your here."

To my surprise he points at me "We'll start with you new girl."

I sit up a little straighter. "Well," I stutter "My name is Natallie Brewer, and I'm here because my best friend is dead."

"And how did he die?" asks the man.

I stay quiet. I don't want to answer. I don't have to answer. So I just sit there quietly until he mives on to the next person.
Could her friend be the guy I saw in the news?I shake the thought off.

Why should I be plunging into other people's lives?I could have sworn I saw the girl glance at me earlier, but then again, I'm the same as any other guy in here. A no one.

Screw my brother. I have to punch him in the face later.He's the reason I'm here. He made me go since our parents died. Screw him. I ain't telling nobody why.
All I can think about now is Anthony. Not the old Anthony, but the dead Anthony. The pictures the cops showed me of his body to identify him. He was twenty, two years older then me, but still so young. His parents had died last year in a car accident last year, and he had no other family, so I had to be the one to identify the remains.

At that moment I realize, Anthony died alone. He had no family. No, I remind myself, he had me. Two tears fall down my face and I quickly brush them away hoping no one noticed.

I find myself staring at the boy next to me. He looks so calm. He is the only one who has not said anything this whole time.

I glance at the girl beside me- And find out that she's staring at me.

W-What?! I-Is there something on my face!? Is there something wrong with me?!I shake it off.

N-Not like I'm trying to impress her or anything.....I just remain silent, closing my eyes.

I realize that I might look a little creepy just staring at him, so I averted my gaze to the bald man.

"Now does anyone have something new they would like to share?" he asks.

A tall Blondel girl who looks about 17, raises her hand. "I just went to my boyfriend's grave for the first time."

I can't help but roll my eyes. Seriously? That isn't an accomplishment. I've visited Anthony's grave about 5 times, and his funeral was just a few days ago.

Nobody else wants to talk and the bald man just sighs, "Okay everyone get with a partner we're going to work on trust excersises, since you may be feeling abandoned."

Great pairing up. Whenever we do this in school I end up with the weird kid that always smells like they hadn't showered in daydays, or wears thick glasses and braces. I can't wait to see who I end up with here.
Went to her boyfriend's grave. Oh, how sad.

I think sarcastically. I've been to my parents' graves thousands of times already. No one else wanted to talk, so being the person that hates this place, I remain silent.

"Okay everyone get with a partner we're going to work on trust exercices, since you may be feeling abandoned."

I'll be damned. With who the hell will I be paired up now?
I sit in my seat watching as people scurry, trying to find a person that isn't a weirdo.

Maybe there will be an odd number, and I won't get a partner so I won't have to participate

With that happy thought, I continue to sit there. Hopefully no one will come and try to partner up.

Nobody tries to partner up with me, but there wasn't an odd number. The only person left was the guy sitting next to me. He appears to be just as excited about this whole thing as me.
So I'm paired with the girl next to me. Well, what are with these coincidences? People were running about just a while ago, and I was hoping that no one would try to partner up with me. Because if someone did, then I'm screwed. Well, the girl next to me isn't that bad, anyway.

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