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Gaia, the Lonely Skies | D&D 5th Edition (Closed)

I don't mind. Hilda was meant as a bit of spice so I chose a type of devil that would be some what cooperative and flexible. After all, there is a city in one of the rings of hell run by them that forbids physical and magical violence so people have to sort out their problems with their wits and cunning. And let's say you got in trouble with the law and got taken to court then you would be given a Erinyes as a defence lawyer who would fight for you to keep things as fair as possible.
StorybookParagon StorybookParagon

Are we allowed to sell any of our inventory to switch it out?

For example, if I wanted to switch my leather armor for hide (same price) or buy me a shield or sell some stuff I don't plan to use?
the team comparison between the two groups with the two most similar classes next to each other

Cleric - Druid
Rogue - Ranger
Monk - Fighter
Archfey Warlock - Fiend Warlock

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