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Fantasy ๐† ๐” ๐ ๐’ ๐‹ ๐ˆ ๐ ๐† ๐„ ๐‘ โ€” western



  • tumblr_dce577f88783f2471d8a5ff4c54a160d_a1182c2b_540.gif
    ๐† ๐” ๐ ๐’ ๐‹ ๐ˆ ๐ ๐† ๐„ ๐‘
    wild west monster hunters babeyyy
    'cuz ya gurl's bored and wants to shoot some shit.

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What kinda supernaturals are available to play as? ๐Ÿ‘€
Not ten minutes ago i was talking about cowboys and vampires with a friend and now i see this??? yes please
Very much interested! I have a wandering doctor with a long rifle in mind that'd join up to support the rest of the party, if that sounds interesting!
it's open ended!
Would they need to creatures you would normally find in the U.S.? So no Kitsunes or creatures from cultures outside of America?
Would they need to creatures you would normally find in the U.S.? So no Kitsunes or creatures from cultures outside of America?
cultures from outside america can work! they would probably be immigrants from their home country looking for a fresh start, or however you wanna spin it ~
Interested! Do we post applications onto the thread or DM you directly?
Western isn't my go-to genre, but I'd love to try this out. Would you be open to apparition adjacent characters?

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