• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy ๐† ๐” ๐ ๐’ ๐‹ ๐ˆ ๐ ๐† ๐„ ๐‘ โ€” characters



  • tumblr_dce577f88783f2471d8a5ff4c54a160d_a1182c2b_540.gif
    ๐† ๐” ๐ ๐’ ๐‹ ๐ˆ ๐ ๐† ๐„ ๐‘
    wild west monster hunters babeyyy
    'cuz ya gurl's bored and wants to shoot some shit.

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๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ง๐š๐ฆ๐ž โ€” sgt. benjamin ross. pawnee name โ€” tbd

๐š๐ ๐ž โ€” 45

๐ ๐ž๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ โ€” m

๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ž๐œ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ โ€” mortal

๐ฌ๐ž๐ฑ๐ฎ๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ โ€” heterosexual

๐ก๐ž๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ โ€” 6'2"

๐›๐ฎ๐ข๐ฅ๐ โ€” lean and strong

๐ก๐š๐ข๐ซ โ€” jet black, styled in a mohawk, with braids down the back.

๐ž๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌ โ€” brown, and perpetually glaring.

๐ ๐ž๐ง๐ž๐ซ๐š๐ฅ ๐š๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž โ€” a blend of pawnee and western clothing โ€” union army jacket over a deer-skin tunic with fringes. black moccasin boots. silver cone and ball earrings. war paint when the situation calls for it.

๐ฌ๐ค๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฌ โ€” conflict resolution (read: will shoot your ass at the first sign of trouble). scouting and tracking. potions. general first aid โ€” he ain't no healer, but he knows enough to save your life if you're in a pinch. star navigation. a deadly sharpshooter.

๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐ข๐ง๐ฏ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ โ€” aside from his rifle and gun, and whatever necessary supplies he can carry on the back of his horse? he doesn't own much. still wears his father's old cross. it's a small thing, nothing flashy, tucked beneath the collar of his shirt.

๐ฉ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ๐จ๐ง๐š๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ โ€” blunt, kinda grumpy. a man of few words. if he does have something to say it's usually heavily laced with sarcasm. skeptical. minds his own business, doesn't judge people regarding situations that don't involve him. ain't one to hold grudges. has the supernatural ability to let things go, and accept them as they are. analytical and pure gut-reasoning. doesn't pry or ask probing questions, and is far from being an open book himself. doesn't trust anyone as far as he can throw em. certainly not as open to lending a helping hand the same way his father/the group's former leader was, but he'll still do it, with enough convincing. it is also important to know that he isn't an authoritarian leader by any means. he respects the opinions of the other members of the group and values their feedback. that being said โ€” he can be a real stubborn son of a bitch sometimes, and will go against their opinions if and when he sees necessary.

๐ก๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ โ€” former soldier in the union army. lost his entire family in a werewolf attack when he was young. was adopted and raised by a white hunter โ€” a preacher of all things โ€” after that. reformed the group after the war's end in '65. recruited some long-lost members that hunted with him and his adoptive father in the years prior. the rest he picked up along the way.

๐ž๐ฑ๐ญ๐ซ๐š ๐๐ž๐ญ๐š๐ข๐ฅ๐ฌ โ€”

his adoptive father's name was eugene ross.

was married at one point, with two children. they died years back. (see: massacre canyon.)
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massive wip - the relationship section is left purposely blank if accepted, i'll be filling them out w/ those that were also accepted

coded by phnx.


royal baggs

  • basics


    youkai zankoku


    old man


    phantom reaper


    late 60s


    wolf shifter












    dirty white


    dark brown


    henry cavill



    youkai appears to be in his late 60s with broad shoulders tapering off into a slim waist with thick thighs. He's tall for an old man, roughly 6'5 and weighing 220lbs with dirty white locks that had once been an obsidian hue that had gradually lost its hue in his early thirties. His eyes are normally a dark shade of brown but can glow a vibrant molten copper much like boiling lava ( a telltale sign that Youkai sure as hell isn't human ). There isn't an inch of skin that doesn't have some blemish or faded scar, evident by the long gash across his right eye, just to the left of his hairline in a diagonal line to the right side of his cheek causing him to lose most of his vision. It's nothing more than a bunch of blurry figures shrouded in monochrome colors that's downright painful in the direct sunlight ( " damn thing gives me a headache just thinkin' about it " ). Another gash went in the opposite direction just below his right eye, barely nicking the waterline till it reached his top lip and cut through to his bottom lip to his chin. Another nasty gash across the bridge of his nose with various knicks, gashes, and odd-shaped scars across his body for things Youkai ain't too willin' to say. Reasons unknown, Youkai has quite the bite mark on his left shoulder of some predator that has quite the story if your into hearin' an old man blabber about ancient history.

    Smells like frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, myrrh, and rose.

    Youkai's tone is intimidatingly confident with a smokey tinge, allowing for a raucous pitch gravelly to the earโ€”fatherly, yet smoothingly monotonous, and guttural sounding like approaching thunder. Although his voice is mostly based on Geralt of Rivia, there are subtle notes of Nanami Kento ( Kenjiro Tsuba ), and Soma Schicksal / Tsume ( Lex Lang ).

    include usual outfit + personal items

    [ pinterest + playlist ]

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Full Name โ€” Sebastian John Rorick
Nickname โ€” Jack
Age โ€” 29
Gender - Male
Species โ€” Human
Sexuality โ€” Exhausted
Height โ€” 6'4", 6'0" Hunched
Build โ€” Lean and quite lanky.
General appearance โ€” Sebastian is, for all intents and purposes, a runner.

A skinny man with a very toned physique, Sebastian is not an intimidating fellow once you get past his height. His size is often downplayed by his hunched posture from how frequently he travels by foot with his equipment, and he exudes exhaustion. Much of his lanky build is covered by a cloth shirt, vest, and trousers, his outfit once a nice dress wear now tinted brown and orange by the wasteland that is Wyoming. His shoes are the only thing of quality, clearly demonstrated by how they have not completely disintegrated yet. His hands are especially unique, with long digits perfect for working with medical tools with great delicacy, they're often shrouded by two thin leather gloves to keep his working tools from being contaminated with his own blood.

In the face, his chin thoroughly covered with a layer of stubble, and his hair is struggling to stay slicked back and neat after weeks of travel and hitchhiking. A pair of round spectacles linked at the back with a silver chain keep from falling off. Adorning his expression is a constant scowl, yearning for the next night's sleep and praying it'll be better than the last. His eyes are marked with dark bags and his forehead constantly dotted with sweat. A cross necklace hangs from his neck, though often tucked under his shirt while doing business.

He's never seen without his medicine bag, marked with the Caduceus of Hermes and clearly stitched and restitched together, hanging from his side and strapped across his body. On his back is his backpack, sporting only the very essentials alongside a journal, a shotgun, and a plethora of shells marked by different colors. Despite the volume, none of it seems particularly heavy.

Skills โ€”
  • Practicing Physician - Sebastian's trade is in the medical field first and foremost, a healer of men tutored by a veteran of the Civil War, who taught him not only how to save a man's life and limb, but how to do so quickly under dirtied conditions. Drink this, bite hard, and try not to pass out!
  • Natural Tinkerer - Only recently having been in contact with modern machines powered by steam and incredible force, Sebastian seems to be quick on his senses to figure out how things move in what way. He's not a machinist, so he doesn't know the correct words or terms, but he could probably take apart mechanical knick-knacks without breaking them.
  • Shotgun Aficionado - The only weapon he trusts under any circumstances is his custom-made lever action shotgun. Holds eight shells in the barrel and is very thoroughly practiced with such a fine piece of craftmanship. As he likes to say: "Buckshot spares me the concern of accuracy."
  • Runner - Short or long distance does not matter, nor does a full kit of equipment or just his bare self. A sprinter, a jogger, long or short distance, it takes a lot for Sebastian to tire out and he can reach some serious speed very quickly from a dead stop. It's saved him plenty of times, and no doubt more in the future.
  • Quiet as a Mouse - A skill developed creeping around his family home to not wake his sprawl of siblings, Jack is one of the few that can lug a whole bag of medical supplies and not even rustle the tall grass he skulks through. It's helped him hunt out in the country and dodge shady folk, and sometimes he uses it to duck out of strange interactions, too.
  • Educated - Jack's a college-educated man, whether he regrets it or not. He can read and write quite well, and can usually present himself quite decently to more civilized folk. He's got no issue discussing terms of contract or giving his opinions on modern affairs, which has been handy in the city, but in the sticks it's caused some ire for sounding so smart.
Personal Inventory โ€” A journal full of scribblings is the most important thing to his person, alongside a fountain pen and bottle which he takes great and delicate care for. When there's enough time and sunlight for it, he's often jotting his thoughts on the day down for the future.

Additionally, strewn across his body is a pair of bandoliers occupied by shotgun shells. They've been painted or marked in some way or another to represent different loads, including bird/buckshot, slugs, silvered pellets, firespitter (pure gunpowder, basically no range), flare (Slug wrapped in a thin cloth soaked in oil, for igniting volatile materials at range), primitive flechette (filled with sewing needles), and a few without any load at all, should it need to be improvised in the field.

Personality โ€” Jack's a layered man. First and foremost, he's a helper, but atop his eagerness to help is an exhaustion over the task. He'll huff as he puts in stitches, or sigh assisting moving equipment into the cart, but its rare to get a no out of him. It's not that he's better than the work presented, but there are just things he wants to get to before the sun goes down. Sebastian prides himself on his eloquence, and tends to speak with more syllables than total words, often prompting him to pause before giving a response because it just must be a little more interesting than a simple yes.

Under pressure, he's far more direct, taking on an orderly role to make sure everything is sorted and all is accounted for. He's no commander, but he's the man you'd want on your side to make sure a job gets done right. A particular skill he despises to utilize is to be a cat herder for the more troubled or airheaded of comrades, keeping the journey going when things begin to stall.

Extra Details โ€” Sebastian's entry into the world of hunting dangerous game was by pure mistake, as he was hired to be a doctor for a hunting expedition. Poor man didn't read the fine print and ended the journey with four dead hunters, torn apart by some foul beast, and a smoking shotgun in his hands that put an end to its rampage. Between the pay from being the only one to come back and the odd sense of satisfaction and exhilaration from the fight, Jack decided to stay on the frontier and find more work of this caliber.

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everything i loved became everything that i had lost.

full name. Kiku Akizuki
nicknames. Kiki
age. Unknown (looks to be in her early 30s)
gender. Cis. female
pronouns. She/her
sexuality. Unlabeled
species. Yuki-onna
alignment. True Neutral

face claim. Anna Sawai
height. 5'1"
build. Mesomorph
hair. Black
eyes. Dark brown (appears black to some)
scars. Nothing notable
distinguishing features. Unblemished skin, 'smiling' eyes, long eyelashes, beauty marks, full lips, pale skin
modifications. None

general appearance. Small in stature, her body is toned from years of hard work, allowing her to hold her own when it comes to physical altercations, at least for a period of time. but after becoming a yuki-onna, her skin paled and her hair darkened before growing in length, far beyond what she normally kept her hair at. Her skin is unblemished by age or scars, allowing her to eternally look like a young woman regardless of how much time passes. During the winter months, her appearance reflects that of her true nature, her skin losing all warmth, her lips reddening, and her eyes growing dark and swallowing all light that passes by. She keeps herself well-groomed and spends a lot of time brushing and styling her hair as well as bathing whenever she can. Her clothing is a mix of practical Western wear, cotton, and linen, but she also owns a few kimonos that she will wear if she isn't doing anything strenuous. Her general color palette consists of whites, reds, and cool winter colors.

silver hair ornament. An ornate silver and gold hair ornament from her time working as a geisha back in Japan. It had been a gift for her birthday and she has kept it since. It features the Chrysanthemum flowers as well as various butterflies. It causes a soft twinkling noise when she wears it as it freely moves, catching the light and attracting attention towards her. (xo)

wagasa umbrella. A pale cream-colored umbrella with brilliant red Chrysanthemum petals painted in a spiral pattern, starting from the middle and moving out towards the umbrella's edge. It can be used year-round as long as she properly maintains it. She uses it during sunny days, or when it snows or rains. This umbrella was something she acquired when she awoke as a yuki-onna. During the winter, it hides the fact that snow does not melt when it lands upon her skin.

likes. Birds, flowers, fall, winter, animals, traveling, learning new things, music, dancing, sewing, storytelling, beautiful things, colorful things, art, company, tea, feeling useful

dislikes. Liars, useless information, arguments, stubbornness, broken things, crying children, losing loved ones, loud noises, crowded spaces

strengths. Medical knowledge, conversational talents, insightful, the arts
weaknesses. Hot water, sweltering heat, physical strength (she's small lol), relying on others

skills. These are various skills she has learned over the last 300+ years.
Medical Knowledge โ€” She has grown accustomed to creating and maintaining her own personal inventory of medicine for anything from a small infected cut to a deadly illness. She can create tinctures, potions, salves, teas, and other things in order to aid others in getting well or healing. She is very familiar with using natural plants and other ingredients as that is all she has access to at times. She has created a small notebook that contains various information about things she uses in her medicines. She is also knowledgeable about fixing injuries (ie. resetting bones, helping with dislocations, stitching things, etc.) This is due to how long she's been alive and needed to acquire such skills.

The Arts โ€” Due to her many, many years working as a talented geisha in Japan, she has developed quite the inventory of skills that can be used to entertain people but also gain information. She is skilled in conversation, singing, dancing, playing instruments, reciting poetry, and simply transporting her customers (or targets) into a world of beauty and grace. She has used these skills to extract information or to simply keep people occupied while a robbery or bounty is carried out.

Long-range Gunfire โ€” Because of her small stature, Kiku generally avoids direct confrontations as it is more strenuous for her to fight that way. So she prefers to be supportive at a distance, her reflexes and trained gaze are able to help her hit her marks from a safe distance. She can hold her own if needed in close quarters but she will avoid it at all costs if possible. Keeping her at a safe distance also ensures that a major medical member of the group does not get harmed.

Poisons โ€” In a world as harsh as the one she has lived in, she quickly realized that her position as a supernatural being could easily be outed if she wasn't careful. Mostly fearful of men who would discover her secret, she developed a talent for procuring poisons that could be discreetly distributed or applied. Rarely does she give lethal amounts, only enough to cause great stomach pains or potential issues regarding a person's senses.


yuki-onna myth. Translating to the 'snow woman', these creatures inhabit the mountain passes and areas of Japan that deal with heavy amounts of snow. They are known for their otherworldly beauty, with long flowing black hair and dark, piercing eyes. Their skin is ageless, holding not a single blemish and as white as snow, but cold to the touch. It is said that merely touching a Yuki-onna is enough to give any human a deep, unnerving, and unshakable chill. It is said that when a Yuki-onna kills her prey, she will suck the life force from her victims with her icy breath, freezing them instantly. Tricksters at heart, these creatures will hunt their prey disguised as animals, pretend to need help carrying supplies/a child, or enrapture a human with their songs.

Most depictions of the Yuki-onna describe these spirits as creatures that hunt all that pass them by or get stuck in the snow. Whether they are innocent or not, these creatures will kill them and live off of their life force. It is unknown if they target animals as well. However, some tell stories of the Yuki-onna who are not cold-blooded killers but can be kind and almost mortal. There are reports of young women staying with those stranded during harsh winter storms or even marrying a mortal and spending their lives together. But they all end the same. Eventually, the woman disappears into a cloud of steam after taking a hot bath, leaving behind only melting icicles on the ceiling.

the truth. Unlike the stories, Kiku does not turn into steam if she bathes or warms up, nor does she melt when the spring eventually comes. Instead, she becomes quite weak and translucent, allowing her to pass through walls like that of a ghost so that she may recover in peace. The only way to know she is in this form is by the icicles she will leave behind. This is only if she has been submerged in extremely hot water for a few minutes. During the warm months, she is noticeably less pale, though she tends to weaken easily from long exposure to the sun during the summer. She has to stay very hydrated and generally shaded to prevent her from becoming ill or weak. In the winter, if she takes a warm bath or stays by a fire, she will become lethargic and weak, often passing out or being unable to think clearly. She recovers if she is returned to a cold room or is taken outside. She is unaffected by silver or general holy objects/metals and can heal from injuries that she obtains. The only sure way to kill her or any yuki-onna is to destroy the body all at once, usually by burning. However, Kiku assumes that decapitation or removing the heart would also kill her.



- Her horse is a nine-year-old Arabian chestnut mare. Her name is Kuri and she is quite an intelligent and gentle creature. She does not seem to mind the supernatural traits of her owner and so their relationship is strong and full of trust. She was acquired as a reward for completing a large bounty with (x).

- She has a colder body temperature than anything someone may encounter but most don't think anything of it. Her body becomes truly chilled in the winter and can cause great unshakable chills if someone touches her.

- Her hair cannot be cut short. If it gets cut, it will regrow overnight.
coded by social
currently a wip
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use right arrow key to scroll

You are shaking fists and trembling teeth. I know: you did not mean to be cruel. That does not mean you were kind.

The Grim

full name

Linnea Blackwell




Looks to be 19 but is older than she appears


Female | She/Her


Church Grim






A thousand eyes they see all the worst in me


4'11" | 150 cm


110 lbs (50 kg)


Long curls that tumble towards her waist, ash blonde in color though in certain lighting it will take on a pale golden hue. Most days Linnea will wear her hair loose with small braided sections on either side of her temples that is secured at the back of her head or she will braid it to the side with some loose pieces framing her heart-shaped face.


Forest Green, though in certain lighting it almost seems like her eyes glow; though surely it's just a trick of the light.


Slender and lithe, Linnea has delicate curves and a slightly toned frame from her years of living on the road.


Her supernatural healing doesn't allow for many scars, unless she is wounded by silver.


Freya Allan as Ciri from The Witcher.


A thousand nights I've spent counting all my sins

Charismatic: With quick smiles and a laid-back personality, Linnea comes across as a charming person. She is quick to try and use this charm to defuse situations or calm those that are angered.

Courageous: Linnea is never one to back down from a fight and will meet any in-coming challenge with her head held high.

Determined: Once she sets her sights on something, hardly anything can deter Linnea from reaching her intended goal.

Loyal: Though her trust is hard-won, once she grows to care for someone she would do whatever it took to keep them safe. She is a stead-fast friend and is quick to jump to the defense of those that she cares for.

Stubborn: There are times when Linnea digs her heels into the sand and refuses to back down, even if it means her own life is at stake.

Reckless: When it concerns the people she cares deeply for, Linnea would toss her own safety aside and rush head-long into danger to try and keep them safe.

Annoying: Often times Linnea gets the urge to press someone's buttons just to see how far she can push them before their patience snaps, especially those that present as cold or distant; she can't help but want to break their icy exterior. Her proclivity towards dramatics can also wear on the nerves, a skill she wields with glee.

Emotionally Repressed: Linnea avoids talking about her problems like it's a game of tag. Instead of confronting her negative emotions in a healthy manner, she simply shoves them down and refuses to address them. This, of course, can lead to her bottle up feelings over-whelming her and causing her to break down.


Sweets, The sound of rain, The colors of the sunrise


The smell of smoke, Intense scents, Crowds


Large amounts of fire, it reminds her of when she lost her mother


Is redemption out of reach? Is this all I'll ever be?

โžณ Died next to the grave of her last remaining family, with no one else to care for the child
โžณ Returned as a Church Grim and prowled the graveyard for several years
โžณ The graveyard she protected was destroyed and it lead to her terrorizing the nearby village
โžณ A wandering witch disguised as a traveling doctor was able to bring her consciousness back and stop her rampage
โžณ She took on a human form and traveled with the witch who she began to associate as her mother
โžณ One town they stayed in saw her mother using magic and burned her at the stake for it while Linnea was forced to watch
โžณ In her rage and grief, Linnea slaughtered everyone in the town
โžณ She traveled alone after that, stealing where she could to survive
โžณ Until one day she tried to steal from the group
โžณ As punishment for her actions, she was tasked with using her skills to help the group with their hunts to repay what she tried to steal
โžณ She could have left easily, but after a while she started to feel that same warmth she had felt when traveling with her mother


Laying down my past I scream, this is not the end of me


So this is my origin, can't take back who I've been

Katrina Blackwell

Her adoptive mother. She is still haunted by her mothers screams as the fire consumed her body tied to the stake.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.


But it's where I start again


Church Grim are considered guardian spirits that protect graveyards from vandalism and robbers. In other cases, they are often heralds of death and seen as a ominous warning, appearing nearby when someone is destined to meet their end. They often take the appearance of large, black dogs and rarely do they ever leave the graveyard they manifested in.

generic skills

โžณ Agility: Linnea is quite flexible and light on her feet, using her smaller build to her advantage as she flips and dances around her opponents in a fight.
โžณ Stealth: Linnea just seems to melt into the shadows, passing unseen through the night like a spectre, unseen and unheard.
โžณ Sticky Fingers: Linnea has grown quite adept at stealing, with her victims being none-the-wiser of their liberated items.

supernatural skills

โžณ Being a prior guardian of a graveyard gives Linnea a sixth sense towards death. While she may not know who death is coming for, she gets a chill down her spine in warning that it is coming.
โžณ Linnea can become one with the shadows, at time being able to teleport from shadow to shadow, though they must be in close proximity for her to do so.
โžณ Her eyesight in the dark is better than most, though she has learned over the years to downplay just how good her night-vision is.

personal inventory

โžณ Her mothers necklace, she keeps it tucked beneath her shirt and never takes it off.
โžณ In the era of guns, Linnea had never developed a taste for firearms. She has two daggers sheathed in her boots and throwing knifes that she never seems to run out of (in reality it's just five blades but they are spelled to return to her after they are thrown.)


โžณ She will find your last nerve and tap dance on top of it
โžณ Love language is physical touch, most definitely touch-starved
โžณ Problems? Whatโ€™s problems, sheโ€™s fine
โžณ Dramatically leans on stuff
โžณ Does not sit on furniture the way it is intended: Drapes herself across armchairs, sits backwards in chairs, etc
โžณ Uses sarcasm and snark to hide her pain
โžณ Has frequent nightmares but will pretend she doesn't know what you're talking about if asked about them
โžณ Careful of waking her up, she wakes up swinging
โžณ Very protective of those she cares about
โžณ Can and will throw hands to keep them safe
โžณ Bares her teeth when she is displeased or mad
โžณ Don't touch her food, she'll bite you
โžณ Seriously you will lose a finger, even if she likes you
โžณ Hunches over her food and barricades' it with her arms as if she's afraid someone is going to steal it
โžณ Sticky fingers; don't leave your valuables near her, they will be gone before you can blink
โžณ Scrunches her nose when she is confused about something
โžณ Fidgets with things like her hair whenever she is nervous
โžณ Terrible to share the same bed with, tends to cling to whoever has the unfortunate circumstances of having to sleep in close quarters to her
โžณ Enjoys spicy foods, has yet to find something that is too spicy for her palate
โžณ Hums softly to herself whenever she is concentrating on something
โžณ Wraps her arms around herself to self-sooth
โžณ Restless at night due to nightmares, sometimes gets very little sleep because of it
โžณ Likes to sit and listen to the rain, it helps calm her over-whelmed mind
โžณ Sketches in her free time, is actually a good artist despite what her hand-writing might make you think
โžณ Can read and write, though her hand-writing is atrocious
โžณ Terrible sweet tooth, can absolutely be bribed with something sweet
โžณ Don't let her near the fire, she would somehow manage to burn water

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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Deirdre O'Connor

#fc: carey mulligan

# banshee

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


Full Name. Deirdre O'Connor
Age. She's been 28 for quite some time
Gender. Cis Female
Pronouns. She/Her
Sexuality. Heterosexual


Height. 5โ€™7
Hair. A light brown that borders on blonde after time in the sun
Eyes. Brown
Build. Thin, delicate
General Appearance. At one point, Deirdre had a more filled out, softer figure and color in her cheeks. Though by the time she died she had become rather pale and bony, bordering on fragile. Her long hair is often secured out of her face by being pinned up or plaited down her back. Her dresses are often simple, but well kept. Deirdre often opts for practicality over aesthetics (of course, she still enjoys when she feels pretty). She mends any tears and defects until the garment is no longer wearable.


Banshee. Banshees are harbingers of death. They let out a powerful cry that alerts those that hear it that death is near. Though it is never truly known who. Of course, if someone is quite ill, it can often be assumed, but there have been stories of battles called off after a banshee released a cry. The cry can range from wailing to shrieking, though some have reported keening as well. The cries can be powerful enough to shatter glass, stun others, and cause a lingering ringing of the ears. Banshees cannot suppress their cries as it comes on involuntarily. However, they can produce their cry at any time, even when there is no death to follow. They often weep and sob while they let out their cry.

While their cry signals death, it does not directly cause it. On rare occasions, one can even save themselves from their death (though they must have some idea of the circumstances that will cause their death, like choosing not to go off to battle). They may be immortal, but they are not invulnerable. Banshees can be killed by decapitation and fire (or likely anything equally as damaging, such as being blown up). However, they will not age or be scarred otherwise. Banshees are not bothered by the usual weapons of silver and religious itemsโ€” Deirdre has never had trouble going into a church for mass either.


-A Silver Comb. Banshees are known to possess combs made of silver and Deirdre is no different. However, when someone other than her touches it, it would chill them to the bone and give off an aura of death.
-Cloak. Deirdreโ€™s cloak is grey in color and looks quite light and airy, almost weightless. However, it does keep her warm when necessary


Likes. Music, singing, a nice breeze, mild weather, hearing stories, fresh bread, animals, sitting by a fire, flowers, moonlight
Dislikes. The English, displays of wealth and opulence, silence, swimming, people who donโ€™t understand โ€œnoโ€, wasting things, scratchy fabrics, heavy rains, excessive heat, liars
General Personality. Deirdre is calm, cool, and collected. She has always kept a rather level head. However, everyone has their limits. Pushed too far, she will become spiteful and unforgiving. She has always been the type to keep busy and feels uncomfortable when she is idle. She is honest and straightforward, not one to beat around the bush. She sees no use in lying, unless thereโ€™s good reason for it. She can be cool towards strangers, but warms up with time. Additionally, she carries a rather mournful aura, no matter her mood. She also tends to cry quite easily, even if she isnโ€™t all that emotional. These two traits are likely are related to her becoming a banshee as she did not carry them when she was living.
Skills. Cooking,


-Born on a farm in the Connemara region of Ireland.
-Third of nine children.
-Life wasnโ€™t easy, but it was nothing compared to what was to come.
-The years of the Great Famine, or as Deirdre calls it in Droฤ‹-แน aoฤกal (the Hard Time), were the most significant years of her life.
-She lost countless family and friends to death or emigration.
-Food was scarce and diseases spread rapidly
-Deirdre caught the eye of an Englishman, Peter Cavendish
-Deirdre frequently rejected his advances. One evening in 1850, she turned down a proposal despite his promises for wealth and food for both her and what remained of her family.
-Peter was offended at the dismissal of his kindness and became enraged. He killed Deirdre in his fury.
-The next thing that she remembers, she was standing next to her own grave. In her possession was a silver comb and a grey cloak that she did not previously own.
-She didnโ€™t need explaining on what she was. She just knew.
-Upon learning that Peter fled to America after his crimes, Deirdre made the decision to follow.
-She intended to be the one to foretell Peterโ€™s own death. However, she was not going to let him live his life unpunished.
-She would hide and wail and keen outside his home, despite having no indication of his death. However, he didnโ€™t know that it was a farce. He lived in constant fear and paranoia.
-On occasion, heโ€™d get a glimpse of her and move elsewhere, thinking she was a ghost haunting her. He wasnโ€™t totally incorrect, but she was no ghost.
-She followed him from place to place, until finally the day came that he was to die. Her shrieks shattered the glass in his home.
-Afterward, she spent her time living a semi-nomadic lifestyle.
-She met the group by chance and ended up falling in with them about five years ago.


-Speaks Irish, specifically Connacht Irish
-Although her wailing and shrieking can be quite painful, she does have a lovely singing voice
-Sean-nรณs singing and lilting are generally what she sings, though on occasion she will step outside of her comfort zone
-Didnโ€™t have much of an education but can read and write well. She knows enough math where she could run her household.
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Full name โ€” Spencer Wyatt
Nickname โ€” Spence, Sir, Penny, Angel, Dreadful
FC: rainiana
Age โ€” 23
Gender โ€” Female (she/her/hers)
Species โ€” Human
Sexuality โ€” Panromantic asexual

Height โ€” 5'4"
Build โ€” Slender, nimble, packed with lean muscle
General appearance โ€” A curly mane of blonde hair tangles to her mid-back but is more often tied up in some kind of braid. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black, and doe-like with long lashes. Four beauty marks dot a line down the fair skin of her right cheek, beginning on the bridge of her nose to her collarbone.
Clothing โ€” Spence most often wears dresses with linen trousers underneath and a sturdy pair of boots, otherwise she's barefoot. A belt that sits low on her hips holsters two pistols and a large butcher knife. A second dagger is sheathed on a garter under her skirt. Her best accessory is a bright, toothy smile with a warm wildness in her eyes that's just as unsettling as it is charming.

Skills โ€” Adaptable, deceptive, quick on her feet, dual-wielding, skilled with knives.

Personal inventory โ€” Some teeth (not hers), a couple lengths of ribbon, and a wide-brimmed hat

Personality โ€” Sweet, sunshiny, indulgent, most certainly a good bit unhinged, committed where it counts, genuinely just bloodthirsty.

Likes โ€” Salty food, alcohol, physical affection.
Dislikes โ€” Medicine, snakes, cheaters, sleeping alone.

History โ€” Spencer grew up hunting with her pop and their pack of dogs until he vanished when she was about 10. Having been pretty isolated otherwise, she found family and survival with the pack as they went feral in their leader's absence. Somebody heard a rumor of a kid out in the woods and when somebody finally came along to check it out she was found a few bites deep into a dead rabbit, caked in blood and mud. The discovery was in the papers for a little while and in the meantime she was whisked away to be raised in a girls' home just outside a little town. Spence surprisingly didn't put up too much of a fight, except when they tried to medicate her, but she was always a little too wild to be wanted by anybody else, despite being generally well behaved. Soon as she could, Spence got herself out, eager to get her hands back on some guns and a bit more freedom back in her life. A gambling game a couple drinks deep at a saloon is how she found out about the monster hunting business and she never looked back.

Extra details โ€” Spencer loves dogs, wolves, dog-adjacent creatures. It's very much the energy of every dog is a puppy. That being said, she doesn't let it affect her job when it comes down to it.

Full name โ€” Spencer Wyatt
Nickname โ€” Spence, Sir, Penny, Angel, Dreadful
FC: rainiana
Age โ€” 23
Gender โ€” Female (she/her/hers)
Species โ€” Human
Sexuality โ€” Panromantic asexual

Height โ€” 5'4"
Build โ€” Slender, nimble, packed with lean muscle
General appearance โ€” A curly mane of blonde hair tangles to her mid-back but is more often tied up in some kind of braid. Her eyes are dark brown, almost black, and doe-like with long lashes. Four beauty marks dot a line down the fair skin of her right cheek, beginning on the bridge of her nose to her collarbone.
Clothing โ€” Spence most often wears dresses with linen trousers underneath and a sturdy pair of boots, otherwise she's barefoot. A belt that sits low on her hips holsters two pistols and a large butcher knife. A second dagger is sheathed on a garter under her skirt. Her best accessory is a bright, toothy smile with a warm wildness in her eyes that's just as unsettling as it is charming.

Skills โ€” Adaptable, deceptive, quick on her feet, dual-wielding, skilled with knives.

Personal inventory โ€” Some teeth (not hers), a couple lengths of ribbon, and a wide-brimmed hat

Personality โ€” Sweet, sunshiny, indulgent, most certainly a good bit unhinged, committed where it counts, genuinely just bloodthirsty.

Likes โ€” Salty food, alcohol, physical affection.
Dislikes โ€” Medicine, snakes, cheaters, sleeping alone.

History โ€” Spencer grew up hunting with her pop and their pack of dogs until he vanished when she was about 10. Having been pretty isolated otherwise, she found family and survival with the pack as they went feral in their leader's absence. Somebody heard a rumor of a kid out in the woods and when somebody finally came along to check it out she was found a few bites deep into a dead rabbit, caked in blood and mud. The discovery was in the papers for a little while and in the meantime she was whisked away to be raised in a girls' home just outside a little town. Spence surprisingly didn't put up too much of a fight, except when they tried to medicate her, but she was always a little too wild to be wanted by anybody else, despite being generally well behaved. Soon as she could, Spence got herself out, eager to get her hands back on some guns and a bit more freedom back in her life. A gambling game a couple drinks deep at a saloon is how she found out about the monster hunting business and she never looked back.

Extra details โ€” Spencer loves dogs, wolves, dog-adjacent creatures. It's very much the energy of every dog is a puppy. That being said, she doesn't let it affect her job when it comes down to it.


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A work in progress here -- I do have multiple ideas, if something doesn't work.


FC: Eliot Sumner

Judas / Abigail Cloud
"Kid"; Occasionally goes by the names Judah, Elijah, or Morgan, sometimes with the surname "Walker"
24 years old
(Technically, in the 1800s, Judas wouldn't have these words, but this is the easiest way to describe Cloud's gender)
Judas is a human, to the best of his knowledge. He does, however, have a sort of innate supernatural connection to water.
Pansexual, probably, and loving it

100lb//45kg, on a good day
BUILD: Cloud is of a light, skinny build. He's short of stature, and unassuming to look at for the most part. He doesn't have to work hard to hide his feminine frame, and when dressed as a man, generally appears lithe, wiry, and fairly flat-chested. That being said, though, it isn't because Judas puts forward any particular effort to bind or hide his more feminine features -- they're just barely there to speak of. Even with a corset and dress to cinch her waist down and create the illusion of hips and bust, it's still mostly an illusion.

Judas Cloud is a short person. It's not immediately clear at first glance that Cloud is female-bodied under his clothes; he hides that fairly well, to the point that he often passes well. He's thin, wiry, and short, with bony wrists and a slight, effeminate swing to the way he moves. He can nearly always be found wearing a thin white shirt in hot weather, usually with a red vest over the top, and a fine pair of those fancy new denim jeans -- something he seems somewhat proud of. Other times, when it's cooler out, Cloud can be found wearing a baggy, dark red plaid flannel. He doesn't own any corsets or dresses at the moment, but he does like them and might even miss them a little.

Cloud's hair is shoulder-length, thick, and wavy, and frames his face from a middle part. It's brown, and has a slight red sheen in the sun. He has a somewhat odd face, with a thin, hooked nose, and pretty, moderately full lips. Cloud's eyes are light brown and framed with thick eyelashes. There are soft freckles spattered across his high cheekbones under his eyes and across his nose. Judas has a somewhat strong jawline and cheekbones, and isn't particularly soft-looking. When he smiles, it's a crooked thing, and when he smiles big enough or gets to talking, you can see a little gap in his lower teeth off to one side.

HORSEMANSHIP: Cloud's a remarkable horseman who specializes both in training and riding horses. He's great with them and he loves them more than anything. He can handle a bronco, he can shoot, maneuver, turn around in the saddle, or even lean over and pick a flower or grab a hat at a full gallop. Judas is also fairly knowledgeable when it comes to horse care, and can tell you what's wrong with a lame animal's leg, hoof, shoe, or teeth pretty quickly, and might even be able to fix it or offer a solution to an ailment, if he can get the tools.

GUNSLINGER: Like most, he can fight. Cloud prefers an old confederate LeMat he lifted off a dead soldier, which can fire grapeshot or bullets, but loves any revolver. Shooting from horseback at a full gallop is a specialty of his.

WATER: Judas has a strange, intuitive connection to the water that even he doesn't entirely understand. He always knows where to find it, though he attributes that to spending time with the Paiute (and shrugs off that he still finds it, even when he leaves the familiar lands of Utah and northern Arizona). It seems that water just won't kill him, even in a flash flood, or when it's muddy, salty, or sulphuric, though it might still beat him up a little. Judas always intuitively knows when storms are coming, and what waterways will flood.

BRAWLER: He don't look it, but Judas Cloud is vicious and highly effective in a hand-to-hand fight. Everything is a weapon.

OUTLAW SENSIBILITIES: Need to rob a train, or figure out how to effectively close in on a building? Judas can case a spot out and knows how to do that.


TOXO'UV ("RATTLESNAKE"): Cloud's old confederate LeMat. It's engraved. Cloud named the gun Toxo'uv, or Rattlesnake in Shivwitz Paiute. Judas didn't ask the last owner what he did to the gun before he reminded the man of the penalty for treason(despite not considering himself a member of the Union). All he knows is that Toxo'uv fires as long as there's one bullet in the chamber, and it doesn't seem to run out.

SIDEBAG: Cloud keeps a variety of charges for Toxo'uv on him.
  • Silver, for vampires or werewolves
  • Brass, for other pesky inhuman vermin
  • Cold iron, for ghosts like la llarona and the good neighbors
  • Lead, for the bad neighbors
NECKLACE: Judas always wears a turquoise and jet necklace he bought from the Navajo.

In a word, gregarious. Judas is a cheerful extrovert, and enjoys spending time with other people, whether they like it or not. One might even call him a motormouth, if only the term existed yet. He's not easy to offend, and tends to be fairly good at rolling with the punches. There's little that gets on his nerves -- but bullying weaker folks does the trick. When it does, as talkative and friendly as Judas is, he likes to flex his muscles and cause a bit of trouble: There's little he likes better than terrorizing people who step on the meek, and causing fear in those who cause fear to others.

That part of Cloud stems from a sense of compassion more than anything -- he likes being feared by bad people. He likes being liked more, though. Despite having something of a rough, violent side, he still spends much more of his time on things he loves, whether that's his horses, writing poetry, or surrounding himself with women. He seems more comfortable with them than men more often than not, and while that could be because they're pretty, it could also be because he still considers himself a woman, too, at least in part.

He also has a few idiosyncrasies that stand out: The obvious ones would be things like his outlaw persona, juxtaposed against his adoration for any animal he meets, the way he plays with his horse's ears, and would even advocate to let a rattlesnake live, so long as it wasn't preparing to strike. The less obvious ones include his raised-from-childhood devotion to Mormonism, but only sometimes. Judas won't drink coffee, but he likes whiskey (bourbon, if he can get it). He reads his scripture fairly regularly, but nothing he's read in there has ever stopped him from spending a little too much time with a pretty girl he might meet. He still calls Utah "Deseret", too.

Judas Cloud was born with the name Abigail Mills, and throughout her childhood in the lonely frontier towns of southern Utah, was nicknamed "Ragdoll" by her friends and family in the LDS church. She had no complaints and no questions or qualms about her life in the small city of St. George, right up until she was twelve, and her parents were asked to send her to live with her uncle in the tiny settlement of Grafton, out in the vibrant, golden-orange canyons of Zion. Abigail chaffed under the hostile eye of an uncle who didn't want her, and a community which was much more conservative and demanding than her previous home. By fourteen, well... uncle got tired of her, and married her off. She didn't like that much.

One poorly-fated affair later, with a boy her age -- seventeen or so, at the time -- and Abi had enough. She took off and made her escape in August. It was a hot time of year, but the more important thing was that it was monsoon season. Abigail's escape was a dangerous one, and a poorly planned one, and on her way out, while running in the dry wash, she was caught in a flash flood. Abigail was swept downstream, where she dragged herself out on the sand. Certainly, Grafton must've presumed Abigail was killed in the water. Even so, she made it out alive.
To evade capture, she had to be he, and pretty quickly, the newly rebranded Judas "Kid" Cloud found he liked that quite a bit. From there, he started a gang and played outlaw for a little while. He got tired of preying on folks, though, after passing through a few too many little towns that reminded him of Grafton or St. George, where the monsters out there had taken their toll. There was a lot less money to go around, anyway, when you found your cattle desiccated or a demon got summoned and ravaged your little hometown.

So Judas took that gang of his and turned it into something else: More outriders than outlaws. Pay came, sometimes, but more than anything, he still kept unruly former criminals in line with charm or fear according to what was needed at any given time. He did that for a few years -- long enough to jokingly get called the governor of Utah, or The Prophet by those who wanted to poke fun at his roots. He never liked that one much. Nothing lasts forever, though, and Kid Cloud's well-known governance over Southern Utah came to an end. He doesn't talk much about that bit.

What he is willing to mention is how he came upon this little group shortly after leaving his beloved home among the red rock canyons behind. Cloud never got better at staying out of trouble or keeping his nose out of other people's' problems, which resulted in a handful of freelance hunting jobs and bounties -- until one of those solo missions resulted in him crossing paths with members of this merry band, and once Judas attaches himself to someone, well... he's hard to get rid of.

  • Judas Cloud is trilingual, and fluent in English, a couple Paiute dialects including Shivwitz and Cedar Mountain, and Spanish. He also knows sign-talk, and uses it more often than any other language when talking to different tribes. He can also speak very broken Cantonese on a good day, courtesy of his adoptive father, who he's since parted ways with. He can't get the tonal aspect right and his vocabulary is lacking. He's a little embarrassed by how bad at it he is.
  • Cloud has a horse named Sundial, a champagne beast he keeps conditioned for endurance. Sundial's a strong horse who can go for miles -- sometimes up to twenty or more, if Judas is pushing -- before needing a break. He's fearless, very loyal to his person, and kinda mean.


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Giselle St. Laurent

# vampiress

# eva green

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก



the lady in white



full name

Giselle ร‰lise Delphine St. Laurent



Appears: 25
Actual: 250




  • aยทbomยทiยทnaยทtion (n)

    a thing that causes disgust or hatred.
    "Be careful in the company of monsters that you do not become one."

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
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josephine cassidy dawson
โ€” high society runaway.
โ€” mortal with medium abilities; straddling the line of mortal and supernatural.
โ€” not afraid to use a gun?! to the shock of most
โ€” fc: katherine mcnamara (walker independence)
โ€” nothing set all be warned particularly the name

Wilhelmina Craven

# dark witch

# eleanor tomlinson

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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mi capitรกn
full name.
Nakoa Kai
Koa, Kai
Twenty-seven years old
Male, He/him
Panromantic Pansexual
Avian shifter
โ€” Said Iโ€…heedโ€…you, your everyโ€…need my heart, my liege, mi capitรกn.
Hazel, expressive.
Dark brown, long, wavy.
Tanned, sun spots.
6 ft 2 inches
Bears a trident tattoo at the center of his neck, just below the adam's apple. His feathers, when transformed, are an earthy brown color with splashes of dusty copper and grey. His avian shifting layers on a spectrum from growing feathers along his arms and cheek bones, sprouting wings on his back, or fully taking the form of a giant golden eagle.
Feugiat convallis curae metus, sagittis vivamus mauris. Pellentesque placerat blandit ornare maximus himenaeos torquent libero. Venenatis dolor maximus himenaeos ex rhoncus vulputate. Pellentesque augue sociosqu amet neque curabitur arcu metus. Sodales consectetur in non mattis senectus. Augue ut magna fringilla sociosqu habitant vehicula. Enim orci mattis in accumsan pharetra. Vivamus tincidunt augue odio nisl suscipit euismod lectus. Vulputate nam fusce sem enim dignissim.
โ€” Cause these hands build and break just what you ask they do. And these bones are etched in scars there left defending you.
Augue ut magna fringilla sociosqu habitant vehicula. Enim orci mattis in accumsan pharetra. Vivamus tincidunt augue odio nisl suscipit euismod lectus. Vulputate nam fusce sem enim dignissim. Sed facilisis dapibus habitasse placerat iaculis donec ad himenaeos suspendisse. Fames netus bibendum taciti potenti lacinia facilisi ad platea aliquam.

Quam quis nulla in mattis netus. Hac torquent nisl leo aptent volutpat. Fames natoque habitasse odio; eros ipsum pretium quis. Etiam tellus diam fames augue lacinia eget nascetur aenean tellus.

Facilisi iaculis semper ante cras, himenaeos augue nisl porttitor vestibulum. Scelerisque tempus torquent iaculis facilisis nibh non ultrices. Sed facilisis dapibus habitasse placerat iaculis donec ad himenaeos suspendisse. Fames netus bibendum taciti potenti lacinia facilisi ad platea aliquam.

Nisi tortor at nisi dignissim cursus nulla hendrerit. Rutrum suspendisse nisi nec odio cras iaculis duis vestibulum. Inceptos et fringilla a lectus bibendum consequat etiam morbi aptent.

Vulputate eleifend dolor diam nam; eget finibus lectus. Mollis in sollicitudin lobortis himenaeos nullam inceptos dapibus potenti ex.

Bibendum habitasse feugiat ac litora porta iaculis? Ante metus primis; dictum vehicula nisl ullamcorper ipsum. Mi neque blandit auctor platea litora nullam eleifend vehicula.
positive 1
positive 2
positive 3
positive 4
positive 5
negative 1
negative 2
negative 3
negative 4
negative 5
โ€” Now let me rack 'em up and let me show you what we're worth. Some days, on the up and up, man. My heart, my liege, my loss of words.

Feugiat convallis curae metus, sagittis vivamus mauris. Pellentesque placerat blandit ornare maximus himenaeos torquent libero. Venenatis dolor maximus himenaeos ex rhoncus vulputate. Pellentesque augue sociosqu amet neque curabitur arcu metus. Sodales consectetur in non mattis senectus. Augue ut magna fringilla sociosqu habitant vehicula. Enim orci mattis in accumsan pharetra. Vivamus tincidunt augue odio nisl suscipit euismod lectus. Vulputate nam fusce sem enim dignissim.

Fames natoque habitasse odio; eros ipsum pretium quis. Etiam tellus diam fames augue lacinia eget nascetur aenean tellus. Lacinia magna eu ultricies dignissim maecenas habitant molestie cursus.

Nisi tortor at nisi dignissim cursus nulla hendrerit. Rutrum suspendisse nisi nec odio cras iaculis duis vestibulum. Inceptos et fringilla a lectus bibendum consequat etiam morbi aptent. Facilisi iaculis semper ante cras, himenaeos augue nisl porttitor vestibulum. Scelerisque tempus torquent iaculis facilisis nibh non ultrices. Sed facilisis dapibus habitasse placerat iaculis donec ad himenaeos suspendisse. Fames netus bibendum taciti potenti lacinia facilisi ad platea aliquam.

Augue ut magna fringilla sociosqu habitant vehicula. Enim orci mattis in accumsan pharetra. Vivamus tincidunt augue odio nisl suscipit euismod lectus. Vulputate nam fusce sem enim dignissim.

Quam quis nulla in mattis netus. Hac torquent nisl leo aptent volutpat. Fames natoque habitasse odio; eros ipsum pretium quis. Etiam tellus diam fames augue lacinia eget nascetur aenean tellus.
Suspendisse natoque penatibus, nostra montes primis nunc.
Rutrum suspendisse nisi nec odio cras iaculis duis vestibulum.
Rutrum suspendisse nisi nec odio cras iaculis duis vestibulum.

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FC: Martin Sensmeier

full name - Reid Atwater

nickname -

age - 31

gender - Male

species โ€” Mortal/mutated

sexuality โ€” Closeted Bisexual and suffering

height - 6'

build - Broad shouldered and strong

general appearance โ€”
Hair: Straight, black hair that's been cut to jaw length

Eyes: Dark green, piercing and suspicious

clothing: Reid goes heavy on the demon hunter aesthetics, heavy black coat and so many belts, he jingles wherever he goes with the innumerable trinkets and protective sigils that he wears.

skills โ€”

Sharpshooter -

Strength -

Night vision -
Although it's not perfect, Reid has better nightvision than normal. This is a result of genetic enhancements he's embraced to better stalk the creatures that he hunts.

personal inventory โ€” A necklace of claws, a bolt action rifle intricately engraved,

personality โ€” At first you'd expect Reid to be stoic, cold, and brooding. He likes to keep to himself and can come off as standoffish, but under all of that you'll find a man who cares deeply about people, who believes everyone deserves another chance or at least a fair trial.

history โ€”

extra details โ€”

Occult Knowledge: Soothsaying, alchemy, astrology, Reid has studied the field of Occult Sciences and found ways to treat himself and other people, warding off lycanthropy and other infectious diseases.
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full name: Clayton Dawson

Nicknames: Stubborn. Fingers. Clay.

age: late thirties, early forties

gender: Male

species: Revenant. An undead, brought back for revenge. Clayton made a deal with another worldly being to return to life as an undead.

sexuality: The downside of being undead is the plumbing doesnโ€™t work, but he was straight when he was alive.

height: 5โ€™11

build: Athletically built

general appearance: Clay is a middle aged man with a full beard and shoulder length hair. Probably the most distinct feature is his right hand. It has runes etched/burned into it as a sign of the pact he swore. To hide the nature of his existence, he often wears gloves to cover the runes.


skills: As far as skills go, when Clay was resurrected, he was gifted the appropriate โ€œtoolsโ€ to complete his mission. When he came back he found he had gained the muscle memory of an experienced fighter. He also found a battered old notebook, written in his own handwriting, that he doesnโ€™t remember writing, detailing the art of HexSlinging. The book is written in code, and Clay is in the process of unlocking its secrets.
HexSlinging is the rare art of using runes and magic to enchant bullets and guns. While it is possible for mortals to learn this art, it normally must be taught by someone or something with magic. Most mortals will also require a talisman or object of power to enchant the bullets or gun but Clayโ€™s tattoos on his right hand act as his talisman.

personal inventory โ€” this ain't a full list of all the weapons they're carrying. just one or two items that are personal to them.

personality โ€” a brief description, not a full psychological analysis.

history โ€” brief, bullet point or short paragraph, idgaf. **MUST INCLUDE HOW THEY ENDED UP W/ THE GROUP**

extra details โ€” likes, dislikes, fears, other fun facts. whatever you want goes here.
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Full Name: Elijah Granger
Nickname/Aliases: โ€œEli,โ€ โ€œPadreโ€
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Mortal)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6โ€™0โ€ (183 cm)
Build: Lean and weathered

General Appearance
Eli has a rugged, sun-worn face with deep-set, weary eyes. His dark hair is streaked with gray, kept short but slightly unkempt. He sports a full but well-kept beard, showing signs of age and hard experience. His skin is tanned from years of exposure to the elements, and he typically wears a long preacherโ€™s coat over simple, rugged clothes. Beneath the coat, he conceals a revolverโ€”an old weapon he swore never to use again. His hands are calloused, and his body bears enough scars for two lifetimes.


  • Skilled marksman
  • Tactical and experienced in battlefield strategy
  • Fluent in both English and Spanish
  • Knowledgeable in scripture and preaching
  • Well-versed in wilderness survival
  • Competent in hand-to-hand combat
Elijah "Eli" Granger, also known as "Padre", carries a quiet intensity, embodying a man whose spirit is burdened by guilt and driven by vengeance. He is a man of few words, choosing silence over unnecessary conversation, but when he speaks, itโ€™s often with a calm yet chilling authority. He frequently quotes scripture, twisting it to reflect his pursuit of justice, as though using divine words to justify his bloody path. This gives him an eerie, almost sermon-like demeanor in battle, offering his enemies final prayers before delivering their end. Granger is methodical and patient, hunting his enemies with the precision of a predator but maintaining an air of righteousness as if each kill is a form of penance. Despite his hardened exterior, there are still moments of unexpected compassion, especially for the innocent. Granger has a particular soft spot for children and dogs, viewing them as truly innocent and blissfully ignorant. He often goes out of his way to help children, even if it creates unnecessary obstacles. His quirks include always polishing his old cavalry revolver before a fight, an act of ritual, and occasionally humming old hymns under his breath. Granger is unrelenting, viewing his pursuit of vengeance as a divine mission, turning scripture into his weapon as much as the bullets he fires.

The Civil War
Elijah Granger served in the Union Army during the Civil War, enlisting in the cavalry. He fought in several brutal campaigns, witnessing the horrors of war firsthand. During the conflict, he developed a reputation as a capable officer and an excellent horseman. Granger fought at key battles in the Western theater. His unit was commanded by Colonel Solomon Creed, a cruel but cunning leader. Creed developed an infamous reputation for being a merciless opponent who often reveled in surprise attacks. Granger would come to both fear and respect the man for his ability to inspire fear in his foes and awe among his men. By the end of the war, his faith in both the Union cause and humanity itself had been shaken by the bloodshed he saw on both sides. Still, he remained loyal and continued his service after the war concluded.

The Red River War
After the war, Granger and his unit were dispatched to Texas to fight a war of conquest against the Commanche and Kiowa nations. Under the ruthless command of Colonel Creed, their unit participated in harsh campaigns that targeted both combatants and civilians. Granger, initially loyal, grew increasingly disillusioned with Creedโ€™s cruelty as they committed numerous atrocities against defeated enemies and defenseless villages. The final straw came when Creed ordered the massacre of an Arapaho community who were known to be neutral. Unable to stomach the brutality any longer, Granger shot Creed in cold blood. In the ensuing chaos, Granger was branded a traitor and forced to kill several of his former comrades before being grievously wounded and left for dead.

A Second Chance
Granger was saved by a Commanche hunter who found him and nursed him back to health. The experience of being saved by those he once fought against further deepened his guilt. Unable to continue living with the violence he had committed, Granger renounced his old life, adopted the name โ€˜Elรญas,โ€™ and fled to Northern Mexico. There, he began preaching in a small, isolated village, seeking atonement by helping the poor and guiding them toward peace. He built a new life there, raised a family, and became an integral piece of the community. For a time, Granger believed he had found some measure of redemption and chance at a peaceful end.

The Shadows of the Past
Alas, this peace would not last. Unbeknownst to Granger, Colonel Creed had returned as a revenant. Fueled by supernatural hatred and a pact with foul magic, Creed was cursed to walk the earth once more as a vengeful and spiteful spirit. With a ghostly posse of soldiers who had died under his command, Creed tracked Granger to his village in Mexico. One fateful night, Creed and his undead army razed the village to the ground, killing his family and the people Granger had come to care for. Creed, the cruel man that he was, Granger for last, murdering everyone he loved in front of him and burning away his newfound life. Yet, in that final moment of despair, Creed left Granger alive. Creed would leave Granger to walk this earth, stripped of the peace he had found--the life he had built. Creed relished more in allowing Granger to suffer in living than allowing him to leave this earth.

After Creed and his ghostly soldiers had left, Granger wandered the smoldering ruins aimlessly. He traveled to the graveyard at the top of the hill where he had buried his revolver, a weapon he swore never again to touch. Granger decided the last life his gun would take should be his own. As he hesitated, he thought of his family and the people he inadvertently doomed to a terrible fate. Granger realized he did not feel sadness or regret, he felt--hatred. A seething desire for vengeance stirred in his breast. Instead of ending his life, Granger returned to the graveyard to bury his family. On their memory, he swore vengeance not only against Creed but the monsters that lurked in the night, the spirits that found joy in razing the life he had built to the ground. His quarrel was with the unseen world, if the monsters saw fit to make his life hell he would return the gesture in kind.

A New Beginning
After taking the path of the monster hunter, Granger adopted the alias "Padre" as a nod to both his methods and the life he lost.
[Recent History WIP]

Extra Details:

  • Granger kept the name "Padre" after he turned to monster hunting as an ode to the life he once had.
  • Granger's weapon of choice is an old cavalry revolver and saber, which he perceives as tools of righteous vengeance.

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