• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom ใ€ ๐‘ฎ ๐‘ถ ๐‘ป ๐‘ฏ ๐‘จ ๐‘ด ๐‘ฒ ๐‘ต ๐‘ฐ ๐‘ฎ ๐‘ฏ ๐‘ป ๐‘บ - the knights. ใ€‘


bite the hand that feeds.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • intro

    this is a call

    les friction


    hello, hello, and welcome to the character sheet thread!!

    as previously stated this will be an application-based roleplay, but roles are gonna work a bit differently- there is a character summary and their alias, but aside from those two, you have complete free reign over the character- name, age, gender, you can even tweak parts of the bio and persona as long as they line up with the character blurb! consider it like one big au. (yes, i shamelessly copy-pasted this from the ic, sue me.)

    anyways, for character sheets, you have mostly free reign, just make sure to include the basics- name, gender, age, alias, sexuality, appearance, and a good few paragraphs each for the persona and bio. how you format it all is up to you, though!




all it takes

one bad day


capepunk, action, mystery



spots open





โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

  • Silence is my weapon, but redemption is my fight!




    hair c.

    rich brown with hints of auburn

    eye c.

    deep brown


    Right Forearm: From a knife wound during a mission.
    Left Shoulder: From bullet graze during a fight.
    Back: A series of scars from training injuries and combat.

    hair styling

    Either tied back into a high ponytail or kept in loose messy waves


    A lean, athletic build, from years of brutal training and combat.

    body mods.

    A black lotus flower tattoo on the back of her neck


    Ana De Armas

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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  • Full Legal Name:
    Jason "Jay" Todd


    Red Hooded Ninja
    Red Hood
    The Flying Todd

    Knight Crime Family
    Bat-Family (formerly)

    League of Assassins (formerly)
    Sloan Circus (formerly)
    Gotham Knights



    Moral Alignment:






    Vigilante (former criminal, assassin and aerialist)
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Timothy Jackson Drake
Basic Information
Full Name
Timothy "Tim" Jackson Drake
Red Robin
Bat-Family | Teen Titans | Young Justice | Wayne Enterprise
Face Claim
Adrian Gallagher
Hair Color
Eye Color
Tim Drake is a lean, mean fighting machine on the cusp of adulthood. He's lithe and flexible, with a fit runner's body that is made for agility and subtle strength. Shirt off, Tim's body is littered with scars from his vigilante lifestyle, perhaps the most prominent being the scar that runs the length of his abdomen from his time spent overseas.

His hair is black and mostly straight, naturally falling into a centre part. When he grows it out, it tends to develop a slight outward curl at the end, though it's rare that he lets his hair get more than a little shaggy. His eyes are an icy blue, and his complexion is nearly translucent, like fine porcelain. The benefit of living in a place like Gotham is that Tim doesn't have to worry too much about frying in the sun, but when he goes anywhere that doesn't have a permanently gloomy atmosphere, he burns in minutes.

In dressing himself as a civilian, Tim swings wildly between skatepark grunge and business casual depending on whether he's on or off the clock. He's got a collection of 90s alt-rock band tees that he rotates through and several pairs of well-loved jeans.
Tim grew up in a brownstone rowhouse in Old Gotham. His parents, Janet and Jack Drake, travelled for work, so Tim spent much of his childhood alone. Despite the apparent parental neglect, Tim had a loving relationship with his parents. They often sent postcards while abroad and called home weekly to check in on Tim, and while they were home in Gotham, they spent much of their time doting on their son.

For his ninth birthday, his father bought him an expensive SLR camera and lens kit, which Tim used to his heart's content. Without regular parental supervision, Tim would often find himself on the roof of his rowhouse, taking photos of Batman and Robin whenever they passed through his neighbourhood. His obsession with the Dynamic Duo grew as time progressed, and during the summers, he'd spend most of his nights outside tracking the pair across Gotham.

It was around this time when he connected the dots between The Flying Graysons and Robin when the young vigilante executed a perfect quadruple somersault while in costume. With some careful research, Tim figured out that Richard "Dick" Grayson was Robin! Not long after, Tim correctly guessed that Batman must be the eccentric socialite Bruce Wayne.

He kept his secret knowledge to himself, amusing himself instead by following the vigilantes around Gotham and documenting candid moments between the duo. He watched as the relationship between Bruce and Dick became strained, eventually leading to what Tim could only guess was Robin hanging up his cape after witnessing a few particularly nasty arguments between the two.

Through his lens, he witnessed the rise and fall of the second Robin, the decline in Batman's care and compassion, and the subsequent darkness that fell upon Gotham. It was then that he decided to take matters into his own hands, so he looked up Dick Grayson's address and tracked the former Robin down, intent on persuading Dick to retake the mantle.

Dick... did not take Tim up on the challenge.

Instead, at the tender age of 12-almost-13, Tim marched up to Wayne Manor and formally introduced himself, announcing his intent with references and charts to back up his claims. It did not go well.

Only after Tim proved himself in the field by rescuing Nightwing and Batman from the hands of Two-Face (with Alfred's help) did Batman-Bruce-Wayne take him seriously. His training began in earnest just after his thirteenth birthday.

When Tim was fourteen, his parents were involved in a terrible accident while overseas, killing his mother and putting his father in a coma. The tragic event left Tim essentially without guardianship, but when Bruce found out, he stepped in and opened his home to Tim until his father recovered... or succumbed. As a distraction from the turn of events, Tim travelled to Paris to study under several martial arts masters and spent the better part of a year honing his skills before returning to Gotham when he got the news that his father had woken up.

Tim convinced his father to sell the brownstone in Old Gotham and buy a much more wheelchair-accessible house in Bristol with the ulterior motive of Tim being closer to the Batcave. Throughout Jack's recovery, Tim kept his identity as Robin a secret, but the guilt weighed heavily on Tim. After a particularly close near-miss, Tim was forced to come clean to his father about his secret identity. Jack, worried about his son's well-being, forbade Tim from going out as Robin anymore, and Tim agreed to the conditions without hesitation. He hung up his cape but occasionally broke his promise to Jack when things were especially dire.

Tim was sixteen when his father was murdered in his home by Captain Boomerang. He'd been called out to patrol that night, leaving Jack home alone. A trip of Tim's security system was the first indication that something was wrong. Tim raced home to ensure everything was alright, but when he got there, it was too late. Jack was lying in a pool of blood, lifeless, a sharpened steel boomerang sticking out of his chest.

After this point, a sea-change in Tim occurred. He became serious, determined, and single-minded, a mirror of Batman from all those years ago after the loss of Jason. He threw himself wholly into his work and honed his detective skills into something almost lethal because he wasn't sure he wanted to keep going without it.

For a long year, Tim spiralled into something darker. Tim finally felt something other than grief and anger when he stumbled across documentation of Lazarus Pits and their effects. There was a chance that he could bring his parents back. His journey of self-discovery took him on a globe-trotting adventure of peril and truth. After a near-death experience where he was practically eviscerated, Tim realised the moral and ethical dilemma of raising the dead. It could not be undone.

Upon his return to Gotham at the age of eighteen after spending a year convalescing overseas, Tim rebranded himself as Red Robin. He debuted not as a sidekick but as a hero in his own right.
If Tim were a weapon, he'd be a spear. He's sharp, focused and extremely agile when solving puzzles and hunting for clues. Not much stands in his way if he sets his mind to it. He'd definitely be a supervillain if he wanted to. Fortunately for the world, he's got his eye on making the world a better place for everyone, even if building a giant space laser would be cool.

Tim is smart. This is an understatement. He sees the world as a series of puzzles to solve, his social interactions as NPC dialogue options which certainly have some interesting outcomes in the real world. He's perhaps not the most socially adept individual, but many people find his awkwardness endearing, which is probably how he managed to score a few girlfriends while in high school.

Tim is kind. He cares about civilians and wants to help. If there is any call to action, Tim will be there! He founded a breakfast club in middle school and frequently centres any of his school projects around social justice issues. He has big ideas and big feelings.

โ€ข Mixed Martial Arts
โ€ข Bo Staff
โ€ข Hand-To-Hand/Close Quarters
โ€ข Free Running/Acrobatics
โ€ข Improvised Weaponry/Low-Velocity Projectile Weapons
โ€ข Stealth


โ€ข Tactics & Strategy
โ€ข Observation & Perception (Detective)
โ€ข Computer Engineering
โ€ข Science & Technology
โ€ข Information Analysis
โ€ข Deception & Subterfuge
โ€ข Photographic Memory


โ€ข Skateboarding
Fun Facts!
Contrary to popular belief, Tim isn't a coffee addict. He's naturally an insomniac but will frequently take naps during the day whenever he's given the opportunity. His greatest vice is Zesti cola, but otherwise, he tries to eat a healthy diet.
Yes, Tim has asplenia after his near-fatal encounter while on his journey of self-discovery. No, it's not an issue as long as he takes care of himself (which he does, such as healthy eating, antibiotics, and careful hygiene). Yes, he will use it as an excuse not to be picked for sewer missions.
He secretly calls stealth missions "Sneaky Time".
Although he uses skateboarding as a cover for his injuries sustained while doing Night Work, Tim's pretty good at it.
code by nano
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