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fuu's fandom search --- m//


New Member
welcome friends, fuufy's back with another, even more specific search! let's review the basics please:

about me

My name is Katy, I'm twentytwo, and I like cephalopods and horror movies.

I have profiles and sample posts, here.

I try to mirror when it comes to my posts, but I always give something to work with.

I prefer to play male characters, but I'm unopposed to doubling in most cases

Right now, I'm only looking for an m// plot with VERY FEW exceptions.

I enjoy having a romantic aspect in my roleplays, but it isn't necessary, and it's always better when it comes in a dysfunctional flavor.

It's very important to me that my roleplays have some aspect of violence and dark themes.

I loooove OOC talk, and have some IM systems to do it over.

I'm very negotiable, so I'm not gonna do a section about "what I want from you". Tell me what you want from me, first ;3

last, but most importantly PLEASE work with me when it comes to plotting. getting one sentence replies in the plotting stage is a huge buzz kill for me!

keywords and phrases

blood, tears of fear, tears of frustration, choking, sneaking out late, knocking on bedroom windows, more than friends but less than lovers, casual make outs, coughing up blood, violent possessions, not being yourself, running in the rain, shadow people, being alone in the dark, ghosts and spirits, hair pulling, bloody noses, broken bones, kicks to the ribs, hair cutting as a symbol of submission, casual drug use, smokey rooms
the plots below are simple ideas that I've had for a while and would like to try, but at this point i'd literally die for a chance to do either of these plots D:

plot: naruto oc x oc m//

My general idea was our characters would be part of a squad that gets sent on a relatively unassuming mission. While they're gone they get ambushed and one of their team members is killed. When they return to their village, it's reveal that a lot of the other squads were ambushed as well, and the whole thing is linked back to a neighboring nation. War is waged and our characters kind of find themselves stuck in the middle. Down the line it'd be revealed that it was actually a third party that launched the attacks and their goal is to start some sort of war that they can rise to power during the turmoil.
plot: shin megami tensei: persona oc x oc m//

Our characters are contacted by a rather mysterious organization, imploring them to use their ability to control personas to defend the city from shadows. after so long, the shadows get stronger, and they start to encounter other, human, persona users that seem particularly hostile towards them. at first they think it's a battle of good vs evil, but it'd eventually be revealed that the organization is behind it all. experiments are being conducted to potentially weaponize the persona for military use.
other pairings

beside any idea means I'm not currently looking for this kind of RP
beside any idea means I have a plot, character, or further explanation in mind - go on an ask

beside any idea means I'll probably sob uncontrollably from pure joy if you would like to do this

✔★Naruto oc x oc

✔★Persona oc x oc

.hack oc x oc

Mirai Nikki oc x oc

Super-hero-esque oc x oc
finally, here is a link to my original search thread for anyone who is interested!

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