Future's Bright

Found and read them. I may not be able to add a photo right away, doing this all from my Ipod


Name: Conner McKinley

Age: 21

Hieght: 6'10

Sexuality: Hererosexual



Build: long limbed but muscled.

Weapons: M240G medium machine gun, rocket launcher when available, and a hand connon as a side arm.

Mask: A black mask that wraps around his head with a yellow face with a demented smile painted on, the mouth appears stitched shut.

Personality: Considering the drugs he did and does, it has fried his brain. He is smart, in a crazy, maniacle sort of way. He can be ruthless and caring, either way he'll be smiling

Likes: Drugs, big guns, things that go boom, interogating with knives, a nice warm spot for him to be alone in.

Dislikes: Withdrawl, his sleep being disturbed, be called crazy or people giving him nicknames like "Giggles"

Fears: Oddly enough, over dosing.

Strength: Strong, can see things from a different angle, has a really big gun that he likes to shoot people with.

Weakness: As stated before, he is ever so slightly unstable. A big drug junkie, so blows his cut almost right away.

Other: N/A

Bio: He was raised in a rough family in a rougb neighborhood in a rough town. Whatever could go wrong, did. He joined up with a gang, started doing drugs. Later his gang died and he slaughtered those that did it. Now he joined up with a new gang that was looking for some members. 
Am I accepted? I know I fon't have anything for picture or mask, going to describe it shortly.
Doing most of this from my Ipod. I can't copy paste with it else there would be pictures. Sorry if it's a problem. As soon as I can, I'll add pictures.

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