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Futuristic Future meets Past {semi advanced}


Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
Important note; THIS ROLEPLAY WILL NOT START UNTILL 2015. Also co masters of this roleplay will be @iShyShy and @DemonicFairytale

A group of young adults (ages 20-30) share the same interest on some levels regarding the future, scifi and aliens and other things like that. One of them might fiercely believe in Aliens taking over the world, while the other might think that mankind is doomed and a zombie apocalyps will start within the next decade. Whatever view they have on the future they like talking over it, discussing the possibilities and looking for prove of their theories together. Their questions however might be answered a lot earlier than they thought...

As they prepare for the usual meet up of the group they suddenly find a stranger. Or better said a stranger finds them. This person tells them that they are from the future, to be precise from 3265. They have traveled back to the past to collect more information about the 'old' cultures and find out where it all went wrong. The 33th century is one with advanced technology and science. Everything has to be reasoned and logical. There is no place for animalistic things like feelings (yet they do possess them, they just don't know). All nature that they do know are well kept parcs and animals are also something strange for them. Their 'pets' are robotic mechanims.

The couples for now; (again a friendly reminder, this has no influence on any feelings! Also this does not mean the 2014-person has to be nice towards the 3265-person!)

1) I.N.A 917/349 x Lucian

2) Q.I.L 343/117 x Felix

3) H.E.L 592/364 x Livia

K.A.Y. 148/245 x Trevor

5) S.K.Y 569/478 x Alaina
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I.N.A 917/349

The grey haired female didn’t care about the people around them, who all had their own reasons to be in this project. All of them had just received the latest bit of information about their departure. And as soon as she could she made her way towards the rooms that had been prepared for them. In there they would find objects from the 21st century that had already been received on earlier trips. This however would be the first big scale investigation towards the human behavior and such in that time. They were allowed to take everything they wanted with them from that room or leave it here. There were only two things they HAD to take with them and that was the traveling bracelet, which would bring them back and forth, and the so-called money, papers with numbers on them the project leader had showed them earlier.

Purple eyes examined the colored papers that had been lying ready on the little counter in the room. She wondered how people could give any value to these, since the number in the upper corners indicated they had different values. It is just paper... so fragile and worthless. She sighed as she laid the papers back and placed the other stuff she wanted to take with her next to it. Her fingers had found the travelling bracelet and she shoved it carefully over her hand and for a moment it was far too loose around her wrist. As she watched the bracelet shivered shortly and as promised lost its width adapting to her arm. She watched the display that now only gave away the time, but she knew it could be used to record her findings if she pressed the side button. Also if she tapped it three times, she would automatically be returned to the room she stood in now, no matter where she was. However they were only allowed to use that option when they were in high danger, not for any other reason. Also there was no way to travel back to 2014 once returned to this room, whether that was out of own will or the project beind closed.

They only had little information about the 21st century so she had no idea what to expect once she would be there, but she would make sure to record all her findings and make sure they would have a lot more information once she would be taken back at the end of the week. Her main interest was, as expected, the mechanics they used in 2014. She looked through the room to see if she needed anything else, before making her way over to the clothing rack. She didn’t like the clothes of the past, the fabrics they used were stinging and itchy, so she decided to keep the clothes she was wearing. She walked back towards the counter, putting the fancy papers carelessly in the back pocket of her leather skinny jeans. The hair brush, a pocket knife, some weird wooden sticks, matches or something, and pen and paper found their way into the small black shoulder bag she had.

Her heeled army boots made no sound as she walked over to the little step that was in front of a screen. “I. N.A. nine one seven three four nine” She spoke to the computer screen that hung from the wall before her. The black screen slowly came alive and she moved her hand towards it, she dragged the clock from the screen up in the air to her right. It was counting down indicating there were still a few minutes left. On screen she scrolled to her own information, which indicated her vitamin C level was a bit on the low side. Nothing new about that and she swiped the information away, changing to picture of a person she had never met. She held her finger on the screen for a moment, till it buzzed and she dragged the person to her left. There the picture changed into a holograph of a young man.

She studied him as he stood there in his labcoat and seemed to be simply dressed underneath it. She frowned as she guessed he was some sort of scientist, nothing knew from what they had here. “Give me more information” She asked as she continued to turn the holograph around, taking in the details of this person.

“Name; Lucian DeVille

Age; unknown

Bloodtype; unknown

Unable to receive any further information”

After that it stayed silent for a moment. That was all the information she had on her guide, nothing more than his name and appearance. The rest she would found out once she would be there. Exciting...

She left both the clock and the holograph hanging in the air as she walked away again. She went through the clothes on the rack for a second time, but stayed with her earlier decision. The bracelet buzzed for a moment and showed a lighted up ten. Her eyes moved to the clock which had counted down to eight already. Her eyes fixated on the holograph as she placed her hands on her hips. Goodbye 3265, welcome 2014. The world around her started to blur, making her close her eyes, before opening them to a complete different sight around her. Though nothing in her appearance had changed, she pulled straight the leather corset she was wearing as her eyes skimmed the surroundings. Her purple gaze was only searching for one thing, a hazel eyes and brown haired male whom was wearing a labcoat.

Felix Visnjic

“And that is why Romeo and Julliet is not a lovely happy love story but a tragedy” A male ended the guest college he was giving. Right on cue a buzzer went off and the large group of people in front of him started to shuffle. He had a soft smile on his face as no one object his words or came forward to ask him question. It was quite curious how socially awkward he could be at times and uncomfortable in large groups, yet have no problem with standing in front of several students telling his story or giving his lectures on literature. Most of the students weren’t that much younger than him, some even his own age. The room quickly had emptied itself, since it was lunch break now. He packed his books into an old dark brown leather shoulder bag and he handled the items with the utmost care. He might be married to Math, but that did not mean literature and books were not important lovers of him.

With a few mouseclick he removed the USB safely from the PC and let it slip into the pocket of his jeans. He took up the papers that had the sheets from his poperpoints with some keywords written upon them. Just to be sure, since he knew the whole story he was gonna tell by heart and otherwise he had read Romeo and Julliet so many times he could improvise. He ticked them against the plastic stance they were laying upon, before putting them back into the binder so they would get folded or wrinkled or something. He took the paper cup and sipped from his dark coffee only to cringe his nose at the taste of it. Of course the hot liquid was no longer hot, since he had been standing her talking about one of his most favourite stories for the past 50 minutes. His feet took him towards the little sink and mirror in the corner of the college room. As the coffee stained the virgin white for a moment, Felix Visnjic couldn’t help but to wonder about the though behind placing a sink inside a classroom. Of course it came in handy for moments like this, or when students wanted to fill up their bottles, but other than that he failed to see what was so good and necessary about it.

Hazel eyes found identical hazel eyes as he looked at himself for a moment. The mirror above the sink was only a great distraction as he had seen many girls be taken away by it. Their need to reapply their make up or redo their hair had caused many classes to start late. Though in his own classes were only few females for some reason. He was surprised as he could see a young male standing in the background of the mirror. The room had been empty right? And he quickly turned around to not seem like a vain person. “Can I help you with something?” He asked as he looked the other male over. He had never seen his face before in the hallways and to be honest he didn’t seem like a student. Then again, he was really bad with faces and he didn’t know everyone on campus by far.

He checked his watch, which only told him he had still half an hour before he was suppose to meet up with his group of friends. They were a weird bunch, but they liked spending time together at their cafe ‘Ruckus’. Unlike its name it was a quiet and cosy place with not too loud music. They would discuss things and sometimes even have fierce debates over the future or just play a game or whatever while enjoying a beer, or wine in his example. Due to not being the most social person he always looked forward to spend the Friday Afternoon with his friends, sometimes even the evening, depending on how much school work he had to do. He stopped his mind as he focused back on the person that just seemed to have appeared from nothingness in the room. Had he heard the door open? Cut it out.. that was impossible. It was not usual that students would come back to ask a question and definitely not during lunch time. Also it was too early for this being the student of the next class, or he was extremely early.

“I was actually planning on going somewhere, but if you have a question you can walk with me? Or you can email it to me” He suggested as he grabbed his shoulder bag. For a moment he debated about putting on his black blazer, before deciding against it. It was a quite warm spring day and summer was around the corner, so the olive coloured shirt would have to do. His skin already looked a bit sun kissed, even though it would never really see much sun. He knew that if he had the skills he could easily use it to his advantage to get girls, but he didn’t care about that. The cafe was only 15 minutes away from the school, but he hated being late and besides he wanted to drop his stuff of at his room, before meeting up with his friends.
Q.I.L. 343/117

The heels of his shoes echoed through the corridor, green eyes staring blankly as he made his way along nonchalantly. The thought of his upcoming journey was met with apathy. It was not an honor, or a bother, just another facet to his work. He held little hope of the past containing anything of true value; their civilization had mastered the manipulation of DNA and worked out the many unknowns of the genetic code. Granted, more potent viruses always appeared to challenge modern medicine, evolving from more primitive sources, but humanity had done the same from their humble beginnings. Now, virtually anyone born emerged in a state of bodily perfection, marred only by the imperfections of the world around them, though technology was quickly working to fix that. Those were the problems to be solved by others, however. His focus was the proper matching of male and female partners through the analytic systems set in place under his care. The system was self-sustained, for the most part, not having needed much of an overhaul for much of its existence, though any glitches were his main priority. Aside from that, the actual matchmaking was done with the algorithms set in place. It was a science.

However, a unique opportunity had arose, and his superiors believed there was a possibility of useful information to be gained from the past. He had his doubts, of course, but voiced none. He planned to simply observe, take notes, and deliver his findings to his superiors, that was all. Though, to him, the system in place seemed perfectly efficient: he and his wife were perfectly compatible, agreeing and disagreeing on the same subjects, having the same likes and dislikes. It was a perfectly manufactured relationship.

The door faded as he approached it to allow him access. New technologies had developed the malleable metals that engineers clamored to work with, and the fact that they were being used as a simple door in this instance led him to believe a lot of resources were being placed in this project's success, or, at the very least, the structure that housed it. He rid himself of the useless thought with a shake of his head, the clack of his shoes on the metal floor coming to a stop once he entered the designated room, a seemingly empty room of tiled metal walls. He clasped his wrist behind his back and spoke clearly.

"Q-I-L three four three one one seven, accept." The room vibrated momentarily, the tiles flying off the walls and assembling themselves before him like a three dimensional jigsaw puzzle. A table took form, with the tiles composing the flat portion on top spinning to reveal an item under each. Without hesitation he took the bracelet off one of the tiles and placed it over his wrist. A few other items littered the table: a pile of a fragile appearing substance in the form of flat rectangles. They were made of an obsolete substance called paper, he recalled. Apparently a form of currency in the past used to exchange for goods or services, an obsolete concept that was considered one of the downfalls of earlier civilizations. It was deemed necessary for the task at hand, however, so he took it with his hands. It was an odd feeling, needing to grab something to take it with you, but current technology aside from what was provided was forbidden, so he was forced to actually grab the item and put it in a cavity known as a 'pocket' on his clothes.

A bag of some ductile material with a strap connected to it sat on another tile. It apparently stored things. He slid it before him and called out. "Information." A screen appeared in mid-air, a calm female voice explaining the bags properties and displaying how it was used and worn. "Was everything in the past so soft?" He muttered to himself. The computer's voice resumed. "In the past, bags and other obje-"

"Cancel!" The computer acknowledged and ceased it narration of the information. He sighed and grabbed some more items off the table, placing them in the bag: a small glass container with a yellow fluid, what was known as a book, composed of sheets of the same material as the currency in his 'pocket', and a metallic circular band barely larger than the diameter of one of his fingers. "What peculiar items they had in the past..."

"Subject Information." His crystal voice echoed, a screen displaying an image of his guide in the past. The subjects name displayed above. "Felix Vis..." He struggled to pronounce it. He marveled at the odd name, though assumed many in that time period had such distinct names. He threw the bag over his shoulder. "Detailed view, full body." The image of the man floated out into a three-dimensional image in the center of the room. He took in the appearance of the man, hoping to easily find his guide. He'd unfortunately have to rely on him to make his way around the environment of the era, so finding him quickly was paramount.

"Exit." The images vanished, the tiles that composed the table floating with precision to their designated place on the wall. The bracelet on his wrist vibrating, denoting he would soon be transported. 'Impeccable timing.' He mused to himself. An illuminated number displayed, counting down. He exhaled and inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, waiting for the process to begin. After a few seconds, he felt a tingle over his skin, spreading along his body before dissipating. He opened his eyes, new surroundings greeting his sight.

He found himself in a moderately sized room, chairs and desks cluttering the area. 'How messy...' Ahead stood a man with his back to him. He had a comparable size and frame to the hologram which displayed his guide earlier. 'Fortunate it would be if this is the man.' The man addressed him, though he was unsure how to approach him. The social characteristics of the era were mostly lost in history, and he was unsure of how to proceed.

“I was actually planning on going somewhere, but if you have a question you can walk with me? Or you can email it to me.” He understood it as an invitation and so spoke. "Felix, correct? You are to be my guide. I am in your care, and hope against hope that something can be learned of this experience."

Trevor Isaac Morris

"Aannnddd BOOM!" Trevor's voice rang loudly in celebration the data on the computer screen displaying his success. A fellow engineer in the department and friend of Trevor, Adam, walked over to review his performance.

"Wow, color me impressed. NASA is lucky to have you."

He smiled and shook his head, abandoning Trevor and the top score in Space Invader's displaying on the screen, escaping to do some actual work. "Honestly, Adam, they really are, I know you know that!" He called out after Adam's retreating figure among the clutter of workstations and computers. It was a Friday afternoon, he had reasoned, and he would make no meaningful progress on the project he was assigned to before it was time to go, so he figured he had time in his schedule to shatter Adam's high score on the game. "He's just jealous..." He said to no one in particular. He turned his wrist to get a view of his watch, the digital readout showing 5:55. "Well, time to go!"

He walked briskly past the security checkpoints, nodding with a smile at the security guards and showing his badge before finally reaching the parking garage. 'Ugh, finally.' He thought to himself. 'Finally can kick back with a beer, this project's been killing me." He smiled to himself, excited for some time off from his work. He shoved his hand in his pocket, pulling out his keys as he turned the corner of section K in the garage. "Ok, section K1, section K1, there we go." He found his humble hatchback and walked over to the driver side door, inserting a key into the lock. He stopped as the feeling of being watched overcame him. Turning his attention to the rear of the vehicle, Trevor discovered a man standing there, observing him.

"Jesus Christ!" He exclaimed, faltering backwards. "You scared the crap outta me, man!" He sighed in relief, regaining in composure. The guy didn't seem like a criminal or having any intentions of harming him. "So, uhh, is there something I can help you with?" He inquired of the strange man.
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Livia scribbled furiously on her notebook, her handwriting a neat slanting. The professor was firing off terms like a machine gun, and it was hard for Livia to keep up. She was sure it would come out in the next exam, and she wanted to ace it. She was a perfectionist after all, and really liked getting As. Her pen flew across the paper, and she put it down triumphantly as the professor said the last word. She had a sudden urge to pat herself on the back, but decided against it.

"That is all, thank you." The professor switched off the slides with a click of the remote, and the students hurriedly stuffed their items into their bags. That was the last lecture of the day for her. She'd specifically made time today for the meet-up, and there was maybe an hour or two before she had to reach the café. Plenty of time to ask the professor a few questions. Livia made her way past the throng of leaving students down to the stage, gripping her notebook. "Um... Professor Carter?" The woman turned, and smiled down at Livia.

"Yes, dear?" Livia returned with a shy smile, and flipped open her notebook, lines and lines of words becoming a blur as the pages went by. Her brown eyes scanned the pages until she found it, and pointed to the word. "Well, I'd really like to know more about the Attribution Theory." Professor Carter nodded, turned and wrote down something on a piece of paper before handing it to Livia.

"Well here's my email address, drop me a message sometime and I'll explain more, s'that alright?" Livia smiled and placed the paper into a pocket of her bag quickly and thanked the professor, before turning around and heading up the stairs. She wouldn't want to be late for their meet-up.
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