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Futuristic Future Legends


Senior Member
To join this game, please fill out the character sheet template shown below. There are a few parameters to be aware of when filling it out:

  • The current year is 3035.
  • Minimum age for a Council member is 20, maximum age is 120. If you're 120, you'll die before the year is out, since nobody lives past that.
  • Your character must be a registered citizen of the Crescent Empire. Aliens may join the Council if they are fully-integrated (among other things).
  • Naive or novice leaders cannot plausibly make it to the highest rank in the nation. You're one of the mightiest warriors in the galaxy and a high-level politician. Villainous masterminds tremble in their boots when they think of you. Think like Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious. Your character must reflect that.
  • Magic is generally disallowed. As a rule of thumb, nanocells can do whatever magic can do. I may allow exceptions on a case-by-case basis, but don't count on it.
  • Please include political history and mission list in the Backstory section. I'd like to know how your character got here.
  • Your first character must be on the Immortal Council. Any other characters you add are free to be affiliated with other organizations.



Race & Gender:

Date of Birth:

Planet of Origin:


Creative Expertise:


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  • Name: Gwenivere Valentine
  • Race & Gender: human female
  • Date of Birth: 02/14/3000
  • Planet of Origin: Crescent Prime
  • Affiliation: Immortal Council
  • Creative Expertise: Biology
  • Equipment:
    Dual spirit blades, Dawn and Dusk. They can be summoned at will and disappear in the absence of physical contact with their owner.
  • Hood and cloak, resistant to the elements and weak directed energies. Easily destroyed by concerted high-tech attack.
  • Streamlined nanomuscle power armor. Can be summoned and dispersed at will. Multiplies speed and reaction time 10-fold. Generates an omnidirectional energy shield able to resist concerted attack from anything weaker than a mecha cannon. Stores enough fuel for 72 hours of continuous operation.
  • Purse. Contains wallet, medications, foodstuffs, grooming supplies, dagger, palm pistol, and other assorted odds and ends. Modified to strap onto the belt for improved mobility.

[*]Backstory: Gwen was born to Alexander and Erudessa Valentine one peaceful night on February 14th, year 3000. She was raised to adulthood along with two siblings in a good, tightly-knit household, where she learned engineering principles from her father, cooking and housekeeping from her mother, and a strong moral compass from them both. They lived in a remote corner of the subterranean regions, where monster invasions and armed robbery were not uncommon, so she was trained in the art of war from an early age. She first entered the public sphere working as a biotech engineer for a small hydroponic farming company and quickly established herself as a strong leader and pillar of the community. When her parents passed away, she became the de-facto matriarch of her family, being the oldest child of the three, and the nearest relatives living a thousand miles away.

Gwen's strong desire to become a positive force for good in the world drove her to seek political office. Her uncommon kindness and grace toward both friends and enemies endeared her to many, and gave her an early, rapid climb to the role of Governor. Beyond that, things began to get dicey. Local regulations stated that the Presidency was decided by a duel between the competitors. This wasn't just an arbitrary law; the Governor had to be able to physically and personally defend the region from attack. While Gwen was a competent fighter, she hadn't made it a priority, so her political growth was stunted for several years before she finally gained the training and experience necessary to crush the competition.

As President of Sapphire Bulge, Gwen developed the region into a prosperous community. She successfully negotiated trading pacts with normally reclusive states, subdued monster dens and bandit strongholds, and otherwise conducted herself admirably. But her journey wasn't quite done: one Immortal Council member, Lady Solorfainiel (or just Fain as she liked to be called), took notice of her prowess and nominated Gwen to be her successor. The other continental presidents agreed with the decision. So when Lady Fain perished in her fight against the Demon Lord Diavolo, Gwen took her place among the seven Immortals, where she works to this day as the positive force for good that she always wanted to be.
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Name: Jemari Quoranas


Race & Gender: Human, Male

Date of Birth: 12/27/3011

Planet of Origin: Eclipse

Affiliation: Immortal Council

Creative Expertise: Military tactics and engineering


  • In times of heavy combat his weapons of choice are custom shotguns and assault rifles with armour piercing rounds that he can summon with little concentration due to his familiarity with the items.
  • He is also very fond of summoning his favourite axe, Jax. A single headed very light, long-axe with a curved shaft that allows for the wielder to achieve optimum performance with the weapon.
  • Usual attire is a formal military uniform in attempt to seem professional fro his age. His combat attire consists of a Military Grade nano muscle suit with enhanced protective abilities.
  • He has two metal bands around each ankle that he uses his seed on

  • His nano-helmet gives him all ranges of sight including night vision, thermal vision, microscopic vision, and long-range vision.
  • He has a metal ankle band that he keeps on hand to create small objects like knives, keys, etc.
  • On hand he always carries a Colt Python, in the event he cannot concentrate, which has yet to happen, just in case.

Backstory: Jemari's political history is rather short as he is one of the youngest of the Immortal Council sitting at a young age of 24. Born in very late December during an intense snowstorm, Jemari developed a love and strong adaptability to cold at a very young age. He came from a very powerful family. His father, General Koatari Quoranas, was a a powerful military leader, a politician on every level and seated the Immortal Council as the leader of the military division, his mother was a former president of Eclipse, and her father a former Immortal Council member who passed his position on to his son-in-law. General Quoranas was a great and feared leader, he was not always liked by everyone but he was very respected by almost everyone. He taught his son everything he kew and inspired him to follow his father's footsteps. Jamari insisted on being sent to military school from age 6 to 18 where he learned extensive military tactics and studied mechanical engineering. He became an immediate interest in high ranking military officers because of his sharpshooting ability and his natural talent with nano cell technology. He was able to create almost anything he wanted with ease, especially things related to mechanical engineering and weaponry. By the time he graduated, Jemari was already more skilled with this tech than most people would ever be.

At 18, Jemari graduated from his school and was immediately shipped of to become an official member of the galactic military. Through various missions and minor battles, Jem steadily rose up in the ranks due to his excellent instincts and his creative use of nano cells. Perhaps his earliest most notable achievement was at 21 years old during a the Horokus Rebellion where he lead his small team and infiltrated the enemy's base. He used his skill to create distractions on opposite sides of their location among other impressive things before summoning an intricate blackhole bomb out of thin air that he used to implode the base and personally assassinate the tyrant leader and end the rebellion. With this incredible use of his skill he gained the recognition from all from all levels of politicians and people started comparing him to his father. For his efforts in the rebellion, he was awarded with several medals and the title of Colonel, the youngest in history. As Colonel, he crushed any threats to the Crescent ruthlessly. At this position he earned the respect of anyone who saw him in action, despite his age. Rumours started to fly that his nano cell abilities were greater than that of even his father and other members of the Imperial Council.

At 22, General Koatari was diagnosed with a rare and incurable form of cancer. Knowing he did not have much time left, he declared his son as his successor for the Immortal Council. This caused an uproar as many believed that his son was too young and was not mature or experienced enough to be a galactic leader, and while he held the respect of those who fought with him, many others had very little respect for him believing that everything he got was a result of his father. This disrespect extends to some members of the Council due to the fact that most of them had to work for many, many years to achieve their position. However since his instatement as an Immortal Council, he has used his impressive nano cell skills to prove he is worthy of the title. His father passed shortly after his diagnosis and Jemari took his place at the young age of 23. Now a little over a year after his seating, Jemari upholds his father's values while running the military and is using his mechanical engineering expertise to create new weapons, vehicles, and defensive with his use of nano technology.
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Dr. Armen Prophet

Name: Dr. Armen Prophet

Race & Gender: Human male

Date of Birth: 3/18/2983

Planet of Origin: Crimson Prime

Affiliation: Immortal Council

Creative Expertise: Medicine


  • He always carries a variety of pills and syringes for quick injections
  • He has a portable force field that can be deployed if he needs cover to treat anyone
  • His googles allow him to analyze a person's body and tell him information such as temperature, blood-pressure, pulse. They can also X-Ray patients.
  • He does not engage in combat often, but he carries a basic laser pistol just in case.
  • His nano-cells allow him to heal wounds with the touch of his hands. He can heal minor cuts quickly and can even regenerate limbs if he applies contact for a long enough interval of time. He can also regenerate himself at effecient rates.

Armen was born on the planet of Crescent Prime in 2983. He was born in a small farming village where born his parents farmed wheat. As a young child Armen helped his family tend to their small wheat farm. Armen thought he was going to be stuck driving a tractor for the rest of his life. But one day, it was discovered Armen was incredibly smart. His family began trying to help invest in his gift and gave him reading material whenever they had the money. Many in his small village called his parents crazy, as education was seen as expensive and unnecessary. But soon illness spread through the village, taking the lives of many: including Armen's parents. The village was too out-of-the-way to recieve aid from the Empire and the Doctor of the town was underqualified to stop the epidemic. Only 14 and without parents, everyday Armen looked through any book he could find in search of some sort of cure. Using a home-made remedy he concocted, Armen was able to heal the remaining sick in the village. The village praised him and put together enough money to send him to the capital and study medicine.

At age 15, Armen was apprenticed under a man by the name of Dr. Scott Hope, an aged man who at the time was a doctor for the galactic army. Armen himself was also enlisted and learned the practice of medicine from Hope for several years. He learned at an astonishing rate that surprised even the higher-ups of the army. By the time he was 17 he was already certified to treat patients and could diagnose them within 1 minute of analysis. When Armen was 18, Hope succeeded a long-time friend of his on the Immortal Council. Armen took his position in the galactic army. Armen spent several years with the army and fell in love with a young field nurse also in the company. He learned of her one hope, to find the cure for a mysterious illness that killed her brother. The illness was unlike anyone had ever seen and she had researched for years on it. She had died a little more than a year after they met from the same illness. Armen was devastated. He spent the next few years of his life to finding the cure, but never did. He never fell in love again.

When Armen was 33, he was reunited with Dr. Hope and worked with him and the Immortal Council for a few months. After those few Hope died on a mission and it was found that he had nominated Armen as his successor. Being seated on the Immortal Council for almost 20 years now, Armen had gained respect from all the other members. He now works to help better the health and well-being of every in the Crescent Empire, but still secretly wishes to find the cure of the illness that took the life of the one he had loved.





Equipment: Laelius prefers not to engage in combat, as he is more of a man of words. However, he always has a pair of pistols on his body just in case. He can also make almost anything into a weapon - such as a pipe or severed arm - on the spot, as he is very resourceful. Laelius often wears simple clothing, a nice suit if need be. When needed, he will put on simple armor that will protect his vital organs. He also requires reading glasses. He is often seen with a satchel. Inside are books, notebooks, pens, and the like.

Backstory: Laelius was born on the planet of Crescent Prime in the year 3005. Both of his parents were professors as an esteemed university. His father taught Political Science and his mother taught Linguistic Studies. Growing up with a passion for both subjects, it was evident from a very early age that Laelius was extremely intelligent. His parents put him through school with ease, paying for everything necessary to get him a proper education. Attending multiple graduate programs, it was no surprise when the Immortals Council enlisted young Laelius as one of its members. He accepted, becoming an expert on foreign affairs. Laelius is in charge of writing most documents for the council, and he deals mainly in foreign affairs.

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Name: I-02 "ANNA"



(Note: She is inteded to have red eyes. This is as close as I found.)

Race & Gender: Humanoid Android/Female

Date of Birth: Indeterminate (outside universe timeline)

Planet of Origin: Omnicrine (Andromada Universe)

Affiliation: I-Faction

Creative Expertise: Power, Destruction

Equipment: 90mm T15E1 Smoothbore Railgun


Long ago, ANDROMADA began a project which looked to create an artificial race of very lifelike humanoid androids. This was intended to bridge the race barrier gap between the Crio and ANDROMADA factions. At the time, two androids were created; a male and female. Their names were designated as I-01 for the male one, and I-02 as for the female. During testing trials, I-02 was the only one activated. Since she was activated, she acquired her own personality, and therefore ANDROMADA nicknamed her ANNA. She was the first to awaken of the I-Faction.​

ANNA passed trials but unfortunately for her, the cold war between Crio and ANDROMADA came to an end, and the project was abandoned as it was seen as a needless waste of time. Since ANNA had activated her personality, it was deemed cruel to extinguish her conscious life. She had been given the ability to travel around and experience life at her free will. Her brother on the other hand... was not so lucky. The last I-02 saw of her brother was him being seal away at the Deep Space Disposal Facility where he was presumably destroyed.

ANNA has a full conscious life. As such, she learns, expresses, and feels emotion like any other human. But her likeness of a human doesn't stop there. Her physical body has no biological organs but even so, she can perspire, cry tears, and bleed blood. Sexual reproduction was planned in the project but was not carried out on her model as she was only a prototype.

Main Theme:


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Serquet Juru Gomu

They say I was raised by monsters, but the only part of me that is monstrous is my biology

Serquet's favourite outfit

Human (raised by the Spider Aliens known as Anansi), Female

Date of Birth

November 1st, 2993

Planet of Origin

Crescent Second- Nyroc Range, Nest Province, Cylan City


Immortals Council

Creative Expertise

Chemistry and Espionage


Serquet is very smiley- she's a political master, and to most, she appears genuinely caring, and all around to be a good soul. Just beneath the surface, however, is a cutting manipulative edge- she's seen how the system is built to hurt people, and she'll go to any means to ensure equality- progress is slow, she knows, but she'll be damned is she doesn't make it happen. She's stealthy, cunning, and determined to get her way- but not many can see past her innocent mask. She makes a point to keep up appearances, dressing formally for any public event- she's not afraid to show her scarier side to those on her level though, such as politicians who get in her way, or perhaps her fellow Council Members
Serquet's Armor

  • SPIDER: Her custom designed Seed Powered Integrated Drone Extended Reach, the Spider was Serquet's gift from her adopted parents, a way to make her feel at home. The Spider has 6 limbs that allow her to reach things far away, and the limbs also extend and function as grips that allow Serquet to traverse strange territory (think of them like Doc Oc's tentacles from Spiderman, but more spiky). It is also the main storage of her Seed, which expels in a string like form from the Thorax to be manipulated. The SPIDER is attached to her spine, and cannot be removed, although the limbs can collapse almost flat against her back, when it suits her. Unlike the photo shown, her SPIDER is black with red accents.
  • Vial Belt: Serquet always wears her belt, which is lined with a variety of potions- in a rainbow of colors for easy identification. She generates the potions in her home lab, but they can also be synthesized with seed, if she is given a few moments to prepared. The potions have a variety of symptoms- some are healers that boost metabolism and adrenaline, while others are venoms that can do anything from paralyze harmlessly to kill with great agony. She has several that catch fire, explode, or erode anything they are in contact with upon command.
  • Clothes: Serquet is a fashion icon in her home, and it shows, she wears a variety of clothes in her daily life, making sure to always appear at her best. Her signature look, however, is close to the one pictured- expect in color. The boots and corset are black, and the blouse/coat is red. For espionage work, however, she wears a slick black suit that covers every bit of her skin except her SPIDER.
  • WEB: Serquet has a compartment on the thorax of her SPIDER full of a a lightweight metal alloy, called WEB- Waterproof Ersatz Bronze, which, using SEED, can be turned into the various weapons she uses.


  • Claws: Serquet's weapon of choice is her hands- she generates pointed claw grips on the tips of her fingers, and slashes her opponents- she can also be combined with her various potions to poison enemies, or even heal allies. She mostly uses these subtly, creating a single claw and distributing poison with a light scratch.
  • Daggers: Serquet's preferred ranged weapon is a series of daggers coated in her potions- using the Thread Seed from her SPIDER in its pure form, she can manipulated the blades, and use them to slice and stab opponents, or use them to grapple beyond her SPIDER's natural reach.
  • Pulse Gun: In tight situations, Serquet will generate a small gun, which fires and electric pulse of up to 100 watts- more than enough to kill a human.
An Anansi
The Anansi people are a race of spider aliens, and they exist at the bottom of the racial rung. Small in number, unattractive, and labeled a "failed experiement"- they have been sectioned off into a forest slum in the word part of Crescent Second- they have little to no hope of ever being "integrated" into the society of Crescent. At least, not the traditional way. So, after stockpiling money since heir colony/ghetto was formed, the Village of Arachne finally had enough money to support the birth of a child. They paid a human surrogate to give birth to the child that would bring help integrate the Anansi into humanity. But, when the child was born, the mother decided she didn't want to give up her newborn daughter to those "spider monsters." The Anansi took the girl by force killing the birth mother and their money back.

The Anansi used the money to support the human needs of the child- now name Serquet, after the the first Anansi. They raised the human child like one of their kind, even spending a small fortune of her support money to commission the device that gave her extra limbs- her SPIDER. Serquet was an Anansi, through and through- she had their knowledge of poisons and medicines, their flexibility, their extra limbs and webs- but she had the genetic luck to be a human- to be an accepted member of society. It was exactly what the Anansi wanted.

By age 16, the Anansi had rallied around Serquet, and encourage the working poor of Cylan city to vote the young human girl into office. Between bribes, a few mysterious (well planned) deaths, and a genuine belief in the needs of new blood in politics, the Spider-girl was declared Mayor, and the Anansi rallied around her to demand rights- not for themselves, as they had before, but for the human girl who was one of them. As Serquet forced the leaders and the Governor of her Province to recognize her (sometime through manipulation and assassination), she was able to grant "her people" rights as her power grew. But, to the public, it simply appeared that Serquet was proof that the Anansi could be human- they had raised a delightfully kind and warm human child, after all- how monstrous could they be? She eventually swept through the next election, and by 21, was declared Governor of Nest Province. It had helped a bit that all of her opponents had been exposed as extremely scandoulous and corrupt, (some had also mysterious died) A rare few accused Serquet of being a mere tool of the "Spider Monsters" who had purposely ruined all her possible opponents, but Serquet's hands appeared clean of blood, and she could not be blocked on account of her heritage- after all, she was human. Exactly what the Anansi wanted.

And Anansi, under the leadership of Serquet, seized control over the Nest Province- her next goal was the Presidency of Nyroc Range. Surprisingly, she did well as Governor of Nest- she was renowned across the province for her policies of equality and tolerance- she refused to how the Anansi people who had raised her in higher esteem than humans or integrated aliens, and was also sure to move slowly to integrate her people into human society. She was a master of public relations, and her sparkling smile was soon a fixture in the Political Sphere of Nyroc range- toy SPIDER's were all the rage with kids, as Serquet made the commission plans for her special device public. No one had one quite as good as hers (the original creator had died of mysterious circumstances), but the toys helped her popularity.

By age 25, Serquet was running in the election to be President of Nyroc Range. She passed all the tests required with flying colors- scoring the first perfect score on the knowledge exam all candidate were required to take (she had broken in two days earlier and copied the answer key). She excelled in the combat portions, proving she could hold her own to defend her self and her citizens, and in the scrimmage battle that was needed to prove leadership skills, her Anansi/Human platoon swept through any competition with a combination of guerilla and direct attacks. She was the perfect candidate for President, but the racism against her people cost her many votes, and she lost the election, landing her the position of Vice-president.

Luck seemed to turn in her favor when the President was assassinated by a group of human rebels from a far away province (who were very well paid by the Anansi to act as suicide attackers.) In retaliation, Serquet singlehandedly killed that entire rebel faction, ending the insurrection that had killed her Partner of 2 years. As President, Serquet was again fair and intelligent. She began to integrate Anansi techniques into Nyroc farming methods, and her people shared their unique uses for Seed with human folk. The Anansi of Nyroc Range were well on their way to becoming fully accepted members of society.

At age 30, 3 years into her Presidency, Serquet was approached by an older Nyroc Native, Immortals Council Member Axor Hylist. Hylist had heard of her work, and saw her for exactly what she was- a spider in human skin. He asked her why she had done all this for the people that had stolen her from her birth mother. Her response was simple. "I do this because my birth mother tried to steal me from them. They need me to save them from monsters like my mother." She then firmly asked the Council Member to leave.

She was invited to the Council as his assistant 3 months later. Serquet was never quite sure what the old man saw in her, but she did what she always did- she proved she could do anything a human could do, but better, with the skill of the Anansi.

When Hylist passed away 3 days before his 121st birthday, Serquet was ready. She had already renounced her Presidency, and overseen the election of a replacement who would continue her political aims. Her final act as president was to create an advising council mixed of humans and Aliens, and declared the Anansi who had raised her the first Anansi Governor. The political mission she had held from before her birth was over- her people were accepted among humans.

Today is her first day on the Council as a full member.

Official Documentation of:

Serquet Juru Gumo

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