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Fantasy Fushizen akademī (Unnatural Academy)

Mediocritys Muse

~Great minds think Differently~
Post your character and then I will look it over if it is up to snuff I will okay you and you can post.

PS: Read Overview first.

Will be on every day at some point so simply be patient.


: A photo required, anime or real is fine.




Sexual Orientation:

Good Neutral or Bad:

Grade: Freshman/Sophomore/Jr/Sr?




Powers :Short description requested, don't just say one word.

Likes: At least three

Dislikes: At least three

Hobbies: At least one

Short Background:One paragraph at the least but feel free to do more.

****Personality: Not needed but it would be helpful

When I like your Character sheet that means you are Accepted.

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: When embracing her demon half.


: When she is not embracing her demon half.

Name: Lilian Alucard

Age: 16 (Just turned)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Good Neutral or Bad: Neutral

Grade: Sophomore

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 99 lbs or so

Species: Darkness Manipulator ((Ie: Half demon and half human))

Powers : The ability to manipulate darkness, as in shadows and so on. She is able to form things out of the shadows, them rather malleable. Such as a makeshift weapon, a crude wall to hold off attackers, and even deadly projectiles if needed. Although it is rather useless if there is no darkness nearby.

She is also gifted in the musical arts, despite first appearances.

Likes: White chocolate treats, cats, night time, and mochachinos.

Dislikes: Dark chocolate, aresol spray, reality tv, and jerks.

Hobbies: The piano, singing, reading, and writing.

Short Background:Her mother was a demon and her father was a human, and when that happens you can expect a heck of a family life. She took after her mother more than her father in every aspect. She has her mother's hair, she has her mothers lack of emotional presence, she has her mothers honesty, and she has her mothers powers. Suffice-it to say this school year will be an interesting one for anyone that makes her acquaintance, her not being your typical high school girl in more than one regard. Never-the-less she agreed to go, even though her mother thought that she would have not wanted to go to such a school.

****Personality: Stoic, short spoken, virtually emotionless, blunt, can be rude at times, but underneath all that gristle she is really nice...Perhaps..?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6a4dd545_HeadMistress.jpg.0af998763da75a1d68689c512433beec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6a4dd545_HeadMistress.jpg.0af998763da75a1d68689c512433beec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Miko.jpg.829999a9ff64a96828252f2e86e894ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94824" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Miko.jpg.829999a9ff64a96828252f2e86e894ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name:Takashi Kuro



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good Neutral or Bad:Neutral





Powers:Takashi can create and shape ice

Likes: Reading,Teasing idiots,Being right

: Idiots,Being wrong,sweets


Short Background:At a young age Takashi and Tomoko showed they were gifted with powers. Making both their parents proud they were told to train and get stronger. Takashi wanted to focus more on reading and making sure he wasn't just an idiot that relied only on his powers. Takashi found his sister wasn't as good as him at studying or being smart period deciding to help by teasing and making fun of her giving her a goal beat him. The downside was he to had to train in order to make sure she never reached her goal. After receiving their invitation Takashi and Tomoko immediately wanted to go a portal opened and they waved goodbye grabbing their stuff and leaving.

Personality:Takashi is in simple terms is a jerk and enjoys making fun of others and picking fights. He has a big mouth always saying something rude and seeming to be unable to even come close to being a nice guy.


Name:Tomoko Kuro



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good Neutral or Bad:Neutral





Powers:Tomoko can create and shape fire


:Reading,Takashi teasing her,Know-it-alls

Hobbies:Tae kwon do

Short Background:Same

:Tomoko in simple terms is an idiot while Takashi is all talk but no action she is all action no talk. Never standing down from a fight and always diving head first into action She kicks first and ask questions later.

Name: Juri Dastuva

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, Bi-Curious

Good Neutral or Bad: Neutral

Grade: Jr

Height: 172cm

Weight: 54kg

Species: Demon

Powers: As a Demon, Juri can manipulate 'Hellfire' in a large variety of ways; from spewing, to synthesizing shapes and creating solidified 'Hellrock'. These are simply magical incarnations of Earth and Fire with a demonic twist. Furthermore, she has the capability of flight and contract sealing, topped with superhuman strength and speed. A Demon such as herself can only come to their full potential after establishing a contract with a human or demon, which is why they are very often considered 'servant demons'. Once a contract is formed, the demon taps magic from their master rather from their own, small 'pool'.

Likes: Bitter food, praise, mischievousness and bothering humans

Dislikes: Sweets, spices, demons competing for the same 'contract'

Hobbies: Bothering others (if that counts), art and baseball

Short Background: Belonging to a very low-serving Demon family, Juri quickly wished to climb the ranks of demonhood. Therefore, she went to Earth very young and found a multitude of masters. However, she was notorious for switching masters very often, despite the fact that it was considered dishonorable. This was practically her life from the age of 9 to 16, after which she was enrolled in school after having gained sufficient influence. She then proceeded to break it off with her most recent Master and become independent, hoping to find an even stronger one whilst on school grounds. In only that year, she has become the Manager of the baseball team, a paragon in Art class and a proud academic. Lives on school grounds.

Personality: The single word that would best categorize Juri would quite simply be: mischievous. Juri is very outgoing and friendly, but has a tendency to manipulative and express several forms of deviant behavior. This can range from not respecting personal space, to being far too friendly with strangers, to straight up beating people. She can also come across as rather cocky to some, depending on her current mood, which shifts often. Being hard-working and successful in school is not enough for her, meaning she will often be found attempting to 'create an interesting scenario' here or there. Usually, this results in scolding from her upper-classmen. Finally, she is abnormally daring. Even with her quirks, she seems to fit in quite well in most groups as she is naturally social and friendly.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.7d501537cc623744c41afd3fc1173e8a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94675" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.png.7d501537cc623744c41afd3fc1173e8a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elyzuh Vedis





Sexual Orientation:


Good Neutral or Bad:











-Has the ability of whistling certain musicale tunes which have certain affects on the listener.

Swaying Swan: Calms the specific listener and relaxes them.

Crazed Crane: Enduces adrenaline and energy into specific listener.

Dillusional Dove: Throws a specific listener into a confused state of mind.

Ravenous Raven: Paralyzes the specific listener for as long as the tune plays. Though it gradually affects Elyzuh as well so it is rarely used.

-Has sensitive hearing.


-Others brushing his hair

-Playing his flute


-Meeting others

-Kind physical gestures


-People touching his flute

-Negative confrontation

-Unecessary violence

-Birds ironically

-High pitched/Loud noises

-People commenting on his horns


-Attempting to play the Flute

-Styling hair

Short Background:

Elyzuh was born into a rather wealthy household with his small sibling Reed. His mother having lost her life during their birth and their father an impressive musician their attention was mainly brought to them by the maids which lived in the other quarters of their household. Before their birth Elyzuhs father held great intention to ensure their life being with a wind instrument but upon their arrival the thought was abandoned on sight.

For Elyzuh and Reed hadn't been regular twins but Siamese twins connected by their upper bodies. The pair survived fine for three years or so but soon Reed grew weak and ill in such a way that he wasn't something someone could save and for what was explained to be humane reasons after surgery Reed was no more and Elyzuh no longer had his small companion with him to go everywhere with. But, he had as well lost one of his arms in the process.


Elyzuh on the surface is much alike to how you could infer him to be based on his uprising, he is rather arrogant in his nature on instinct in such a way that he can cause others to not wish to be in his presence in most social scenarios. Though it is but an attempt at appearing strong, he is indeed kind and gracious, his formality having been forced into him at a young age. You can discover him to be actually quite forgiving and loving to those who take the time to truly interact with him. Though he may not like it he creates relationships with others quite easily and grows attached.



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:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/asdfghjk.png.9e62923a89b007427d3b468d328476dd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/asdfghjk.png.9e62923a89b007427d3b468d328476dd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kanori Azakia (Kano)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good Neutral or Bad: Neutral

Grade: Junior

Height: 5'6

Weight: 112 lbs

Species: Human

Powers : Fire manipulation. Able to manipulate fire or fire related things at will. Also able to manipulate body shape to fire related items for tactical reasons.

Likes: Quiet, Music, Joking around

Dislikes: Annoying people, Loud noises, Jerks

Hobbies: Singing (Usually done in alone time) Drawing

Short Background: Being abandoned at a young age, she grew up alone. A few choice experiences had shown her not to trust people and led to her emotional walls. After 8 years on the streets she was taken in by an old woman who knew about her powers when they first met. Before she passed away, she forced Kanori to go to this school saying that she would get to know people with similar interests. Kanori is only doing this for the woman, no more, no less.

****Personality: Kanori keeps to herself most of the time and talks only when needed. Acts strong but is a very big softy for people she cares about or anything cute.



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Lydia Peters

16 || Female || Heterosexual || Good || Sophomore || 5'9" || 124 lbs || Metahuman


Lydia is a person who would think ahead, and not to think out of impulse. Calculative and patient, if she needed to shut someone up or take something, Lydia would do it in the shadows. Even though she never engages in such actions anyways. She cared more about the grander scheme of things, worrying about permanent successes more than temporary wins. Lydia plans everything slowly and carefully, making sure she succeeds at every turn and she looks at every perspective, sometimes causing her to act slowly. This is her main downfall, for all that time spending with planning, she hasn't put any of this in action and it could be too late by then.

A direct person and not worrying about what she says unless it will hurt her reputation, Lydia finds it easy to get her point across to others. A pro at persuasion as well, Lydia could often tell others to ignore what happened in front of them. And these things that 'happened in front of them' are usually fights caused by Michael.

Lydia plays the hero better than Michael as well, taking account of any consequences if she does something, she acts accordingly so something worse won't happen in the future.


Lydia was born as a twin of an opposite sex along with her brother Michael, who, was born four minutes after her own birth. Born into a high-class family within Lambeth, a borough in London, England, she lived an easy life style. Unlike her brother, she focused on her studies more than the things around her. However, some time was spent getting Michael out of trouble, more than she'd like. This often forced her to get involved with the fights Michael starts, which made her a more hardened individual. The siblings usually criticized each other quite often. Lydia would tell Michael to stop starting these pointless fights and such, while Michael told her to stop worrying about her studies too much. They both never listen to each other when it comes to this, and it sometimes leads to them hating each other for a few days, only to become friends again. At some point however, Lydia gave in and joined him with solving mysteries and other such things, though tried to stay away from the battles. The twins soon got letters to Fushizen academ?, and they both went, studying there for a couple years.

Other Info


Invisibility - Like Michael, this power is limited. Only when she stays still, her invisibility can start. If she walks or runs to another location, the invisibility won't work.


  • Mysteries
  • Reading
  • Plans
  • Knowledge


  • Fights
  • Ignorant individuals
  • Acting hastily


  • Solving mysteries
  • Reading
  • Stopping fights


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Michael Peters

16 || Male || Heterosexual || Neutral || Sophomore || 5'10" || 142 lbs || Metahuman


Michael is a charismatic man with a quick wit, coupled with a sharp sense of humor. It's pretty easy for him to make friends, however, Michael usually chooses to not do it. Humor is the only tool that he uses when he gets criticized for his actions. If not, retaliation would take place.

When making plans or decisions, Michael decides on what he does quite quickly, though he would sometimes would throw out any plan and would just go improvise. Michael only thinks of something one way, and his actions sometimes lead to more consequences than successes. This is mostly because of his recklessness, and would rather get something over with as quickly as he can rather than wait it out. Oblivious to the destruction caused by him, when people mention it, Michael quickly dismisses these claims. Instead of thinking about the consequences of a task, he only thinks of the successes. This usually leads to him playing the hero improperly. Sometimes, you would find him stopping thieves and doing other selfless takes and some other times, you find him starting pointless fights because he's bored. Most of the times, he could be an unintentional flirt as well, wether it's people he doesn't or does have feelings for.


Michael was born as a twin of an opposite sex along with his sister Lydia four minutes after Lydia's birth. Born into a high-class family within Lambeth, a borough in London, England, he lived an easy life style. He maybe enjoyed his personal liberties too well, and began to get into trouble. It wasn't that fun for him to simply study and get a good job like his sister was attempted. No, instead he spent most of his time solving mysteries and catching thieves. This helped his physical condition greatly with all the fights and running he does, at the cost of his grades. Michael has to potential to become a great student, however, he never cared for it. Soon enough, he and his sister were invited into an academy in which he didn't bother to remember the name.

Other Info


Matter manipulation - Well, to make it sound cool and OP, you could call it matter manipulation. However, this power is extremely limited. For the best results, he manipulates manmade objects, and even then, he can only so 'small' things. Such as moving walls, turning shelves into different shapes, in general; he only uses this for designing. To manipulate natural objects however, it takes concentration.


  • Fights
  • Mysteries
  • Various weaponry


  • Criticism
  • Plans
  • Over-calculative people
  • Waiting


  • Starting fights
  • Solving mysteries


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(I am a bit iffy about a couple of things on this CS, specially with the bio and power part, so I might apply some minor changes here and there)




Agatha Villalobo





|Sexual Orientation|

Appears to be asexual

| Alignment|

Neutral with a bit of bad

| Grade|


| Height|


| Weight|

115 lbs

| Species|




-Agatha has named her power "The spirit of the Gorgon".

-When activated this power transforms Agatha's long hair into six pitch black snakes whose sharp fangs and crimson red eyes strike a foe's heart with fear. With her mere thoughts Agatha is able to control all their actions through simultaneous or individual actions.

-These snakes carry a very powerful toxin inside of their fangs, which will cause a severe burning sensation when coming into contact with exposed flesh.

-The length of these snakes is directly linked to the length of her hair, which is why Agatha never cuts it.

-If one of the snake's head is cut off during battle it will take a total of 1 hour before it grows back.

| Likes|

-Glamorous food/drinks

-Good literature

-Art exhibitions



| Dislikes|

-Overly emotional people

-Loud noises

-Junk food

-Small talk


| Hobbies|





Agatha spent most of her childhood living a surprisingly quiet life in the outskirts of a small village. Her mother Felicia, a Gorgon, and her father Frederick, a human, lived a happy life with their three daughters, the youngest of which was Agatha. Frederick owned a successful vineyard that allowed the family to live a luxurious life, hence why Agatha has always been attracted to the extravagant way of living.

Even though life seemed to be going well for Agatha and her family something always bothered her: Humans. This, of course, wasn't the case with his father or the workers at the vineyard, but instead the people that lived in the nearby village. Neither Agatha, her sisters nor Felicia could set a foot outside of the vineyard as the villagers would always look and treat them as if they were some kind of freaks of nature, and such was the case that Agatha and her sisters were forced into homeschooling in order to get some kind of education. Because of this Agatha developed a deep rooted hate for human beings that has yet to fade away even to this day.

As the three sisters continued to grow up a strange event took place that would surely change their lives forever. One day while browsing through the mail Felicia discovered a card that was directed towards her eldest daughter. It was an invitation to an institution that went by the name of "Fushizen akademī". Though she was a bit reluctant at first Agatha's eldest sister decided to accept the invitation and began assisting this strange academy. A year later Agatha's second sister received a similar invitation and another year after that Agatha received the same letter. Even if she is now beginning her last year in Fushizen akademī little to nothing has changed about Agatha's personality.


The power of Agatha’s nature awakens her elusive instinct and the way she is alert for unusual nooks looking for dark places full of mysteries. While she may seem lonely at times, Agatha is always directing her plans discreetly and quietly; her cunning and analytical skills lead her to be always in the right place at the right time not to miss opportunities.

Agatha seems to be attracted by the “good things”, such as: money, books, music, classy clothing, good food with a fine wine and everything that could be considered elegant; she is always seeking the best to feed her own body and spirit. Agatha hates frivolity, small-minded people and talks that lead nowhere. She does enjoy social gatherings where there is interesting conversation. She is confident of herself, focused and ready to accept different opinions.

Agatha will never listen to a constructive advice, her intuition is her only guide; Agatha will be shown smiling but then follow her inner guidance. She uses this ability to look at a problem from all angles; then acts on convictions and speed.

Agatha can be at times of few words, but the thing is that she thinks a lot before talking; even when angry she can hold back and think, but will be relentless, her “venom” is pervasive, deadly; although she may behave cold and silent Agatha will be full of rancor. She isn’t upfront, if Agatha has a goal, she will be seen as tireless, calculator, lucid and intriguing; her cold blood proves to be immovable and shows an imperturbable calmness. Agatha will continue with her objective until she achieves success, but if she decides it is not yet the time; Agatha will use the least of energy.

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Appearance: http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q495/LilChii/Anime Guys/5a927b3c.jpg

Name: Icelas



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good Neutral or Bad:Neatral

Grade: Jr

Height:6 foot even


Species:Ice/star demon

Powers : He can use his power to move through ice but only for a limited time, his ice can be used for defense or offense such as ice shards or ice dome, healing rite he can use this to heal himself or others.

Likes: learning new things through reading and interacting making his own food intelligent people

Dislikes: arrogance tactless or thoughtless actions and words, having his thoughts invaded

Hobbies: cooking crafting magic items

Short Background:One paragraph at the least but feel free to do more.

****Personality: diplomatic for the most part and try and talk things through so people understands, but not afraid to tell you when your being stupid, my char would have an air of mystery around him, and his mood depend on each situation at the time, doesn't talk much about himself has an air of mystery around him. Comes over as distant and uncaring

need help with the past
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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpeg.f83273906552a13ad1c38d7ed2d428aa.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpeg.f83273906552a13ad1c38d7ed2d428aa.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Sebastian Verlac



Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good Neutral or Bad: Neutral





Powers :Enhanced strength, senses, agility and endurance

Likes: Death, Cute girls, Punk music

Dislikes: Talking about his true past, popular people, happiness

Hobbies: Demon hunting (More of a job but whatevs

Short Background:(I'll update this as the RP goes on.)



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Her Human Form: (Her eyes are slate grey, instead of this electric blue you see in the picture).

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/3123233721_1_3_w5ZEp1ns.jpg.fc0337121a49c1998b62d714c30dabbe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97407" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/3123233721_1_3_w5ZEp1ns.jpg.fc0337121a49c1998b62d714c30dabbe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Her True Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Siren-l.png.c31df8df02e920864b607ff88589cfda.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97408" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Siren-l.png.c31df8df02e920864b607ff88589cfda.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Leila ‘Lei’ Ayre

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, Bi-Curious

Good, Neutral or Bad: Neutral

Grade: Junior

Height: 161 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Species: Siren

Powers: Being a siren, Leila possesses an extraordinary singing voice. She has the ability to compel people to do as she wills simply by speaking to them. Although creatures with strong wills may offer resistance, thus far, nothing has been able to break through her control entirely. She can also plant ideas into people’s heads by whispering to them while they are unguarded (such as during sleep). As an extension of her abilities, Leila can also sense people’s emotions and, in turn, introduce emotions into their heads. The effect will fade over time. A weakness posed by her abilities is the fact that the more she uses them, the more the person develops resistance against her. She is freely able to change between her true form and her human form, although this appears to be extremely painful and leaves her fatigued and weakened. Leila is also highly proficient with a spear.

Likes: Spicy food, singing, music, stargazing, reading and being cheeky amongst a great many other things.

Dislikes: Snobs, people who are emotionally weak, touchy people, bullies, insects

Hobbies: Being mischievous, playful flirting, writing, playing the harp.

Short Background: Leila was born as the third in line to the Azure throne. However, the rumours that had floated about her entire life were revealed to be true. She was a bastard child, an illegitimate that only brought disgrace to the Sapphire Court. Her father, who loved her despite her bloodline, arranged for her to be sent away from the ceaseless whispers of the court nobles. And so she ended up at the academy with nothing to her name and much more freedom than she was ever used to.

Personality: Having been raised at court, Leila knows how to be a proper young lady. However, given that she’d always been the third in line to the throne, she’d elected to ignore most of her etiquette lessons anyway. As such, the young woman is cheeky with a sarcastic sense of humour. She is outgoing and friendly, but has a tendency to be honest to a fault. She’s always looking for something new to do and isn’t afraid of anything. Leila isn’t above abusing her abilities to get people to go along with her reckless plans. Despite all of this, however, she has a tendency to hide her true emotions. She has troubles truly opening up to anybody and dislikes having to rely on others. She is highly independent and keeps her royal blood a close secret.



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(Mizuti's human form)

(mizuti's illimbic form)

: mizuti soulfire

Age: 17

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: heterosexual

Good Neutral or Bad: nuetral

Grade: junior

: 4' 5"

Weight: 150 lbs.

Species: illimbic

Powers the ability to control electricity light and fire (though only to an extent as mizuti has not yet gained full control of this ability and if pushed too far can injure himself greatly) psychokinesis (mizuti's least used ability. Has little to no control of this power because he had learned it during the middle part of his sophomore year) flight without wings (note: did not know if this was levitation or not so I decided to name it as is)

Likes: high places (mountains are no exception) quiet environments, creatures. (Snakes birds and spiders spesifically) science.

Dislikes: high frequency noises (they hurt his mind greatly. Sonic booms are no exception) bullies, being disrupted when conducting scientific research

Hobbies: science, technology, raising pets (mainly snakes as well as their lizard cousins and spiders of all variety and species. Currently though he only has a pet eagle named kestral)

Short Background: mizuti did not know of what he was or about his powers until the age of 13 upon discovery mizuti fled his home into a forest in the mountains behind his home where he built his own cabin and lived among the wilderness. Where he then discovered his ability to use psychokinesis though because it had overwhelmed his mind had stopped using it having had little to no control. A year later mizuti discovered his ability of flight without the need for wings when he had fell from a cliff while climbing a mountain peak. Mizuti had gotten a letter from a mysterious address when he was able to enter freshman year at school and has since then been a part of the academy and is currently a junior at 17 years old. Mizuti had developed a knack for science and technology since he was only 5 and was once the youngest researcher in the marine biology industry. Until he left to join the academy where he then developed his tastes for technology as well as his liking to spiders and snakes as well as birds.

Personality: quiet. Kind hearted (despite his usual irritated look) shy.
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