Advice/Help Further writing and roleplaying tips.

Do you mean like, we can talk in PMS and expanding horizions that way or?

Am I reading you wrong lol.

PMs are fine to start, although on top of the threads I linked, I believe in your case reading a lot of fiction is going to pay off.
And if you feel up to it, I more intended that you're welcome to join one of my RPs.

I've been thinking of reviving a thing I did on this site years ago where I specifically collected some players to help them improve and teach them to GM RPs like I do.
-- When you are in a life decision --

So...Who are the evil people and who are the good?
There's no such thing in this RP, only as your character chooses to portray themselves. Everyone is picking a different side for their own reasons.
PMs are fine to start, although on top of the threads I linked, I believe in your case reading a lot of fiction is going to pay off.
And if you feel up to it, I more intended that you're welcome to join one of my RPs.

I've been thinking of reviving a thing I did on this site years ago where I specifically collected some players to help them improve and teach them to GM RPs like I do.

Well, this sounds... Nice too.
Just post something in chat.

The other members will likely be more than willing to help you.

And as for sides, there are rebels, and there are loyalists, to the king that they're trying to defend.
Post it in the thread I sent you to first. Ideally, you make a CS, and then once it is approved, you can continue on to the OOC.
I'd ask them outside of that to keep it neat. Of course, you may always PM me if something immediate comes up and I can answer right away.
Honestly, I think one of the best ways to expand your vocabulary is to read some books! Read books that might use a lot of words you don't know the meanings to, and google is your friend. It might take awhile at first, but slowly you'll get faster at remembering the definitions of certain words, and they'll start sticking as good descriptors in your head.

I admittedly don't read a lot of books... But I've grown up in a family that does, and their natural lingo sort of rubbed off on me in that way.
I've messaged the owner of the RP-group.
Hope he responds.
Once more, you're free to open up a PM with me and I'll be able to answer all of your questions in a much more speed-efficient manner.
Just like everyone said, reading helps. A lot. You’ll expand you vocabulary and start to see plot devices more clearly, how a story is structured, etc.,

You also have to write of course, and along the way you’ll develop your own style.Try keeping a journal and describing your own emotions to the things that happen during the day.

A big part of making characters come to life is making them feel real, and once you get used to describing all sorts of emotions that’s when you can dig deep into a character’s head and make them really unique.

World building is also similar, but describing things, or how well you do it, depends more on your vocabulary. Don’t be afraid to google pictures to help you with that. And I feel like watching movies tv shows also help with describing those visuals.

And my last piece of advice would be to look at synonyms of words you use to get more variety and find even better descriptors or verbs. And again, that also helps with expanding your vocabulary.
Just like everyone said, reading helps. A lot. You’ll expand you vocabulary and start to see plot devices more clearly, how a story is structured, etc.,

You also have to write of course, and along the way you’ll develop your own style.Try keeping a journal and describing your own emotions to the things that happen during the day.

A big part of making characters come to life is making them feel real, and once you get used to describing all sorts of emotions that’s when you can dig deep into a character’s head and make them really unique.

World building is also similar, but describing things, or how well you do it, depends more on your vocabulary. Don’t be afraid to google pictures to help you with that. And I feel like watching movies tv shows also help with describing those visuals.

And my last piece of advice would be to look at synonyms of words you use to get more variety and find even better descriptors or verbs. And again, that also helps with expanding your vocabulary.

Man feels like I gota expand my vacabulary a bit more
Hey my lads! Do you guys want to see a RP sample?

The guards looked at eachother and seemingly gave a signal to call Nesy. "One moment, I will summon our chieften." Nesy? Yes, he was the chieften of the entire village. "HEY NESY! WE HAVE VISITORS!" One of the guards ran over to the door of his house and began to throw his hand at the door seemingly pounding on it. "Sir! I believe we have visitors!" The guard hoped to see Nesy coming out because otherwise the whole meeting would be cancelled. However, the one guard waited for the other guard to come back. He was staring at the elves including Ariawen. He did not speak.

Considering Nesy's village is democratic indeed but the people were watching in the distance. "Who are those? Elves?" One asked the other and the other ones didn't know. "..I don't know, cmon' let's get back to work." Some of the people went back to work and some went to watch the scene. Most of the people in the village became warped in confusion to who these strangers were.

Nesy who was in his own house heard the door pounding. "What the- Alright alright I'm coming!" Nesy would force himself out of the chair and would be headed towards the door. In hopes to see who was knocking, he decided to open the door and saw the guard who gave a salute. "...Sir! I believe we have visitors. They seem to want access." The guard escorted Nesy over to the elves. "...I see..." Said Nesy, and he would see them ultimately.

"...Oh hey there budds!" He decided to give a wave to the elves. Nesy sounded very lighthearted and seemingly welcomed the elves. Nesy gave a nodd towards the guards to let them in. "You shall be permitted access. Our chieften welcomes you." That was fairly quick they let them get access but he was very curious who the elves are and what alliance they came from. He decided to ask them later because he had a lot to do now!
Not a bad start, but you weaken some of your verbs by using 'seemingly' and there's some repetition. I could give you a little line-by-line editing as an example of what you could change, if you like.
The guards looked at eachother and seemingly gave a signal to call Nesy. "One moment, I will summon our chieften." Nesy? Yes, he was the chieften of the entire village. "HEY NESY! WE HAVE VISITORS!" One of the guards ran over to the door of his house and began to throw his hand at the door seemingly pounding on it. "Sir! I believe we have visitors!" The guard hoped to see Nesy coming out because otherwise the whole meeting would be cancelled. However, the one guard waited for the other guard to come back. He was staring at the elves including Ariawen. He did not speak.

The guards exchanged a look. "One moment, I will summon our chieftain," said one.
To the surprise of anyone who didn't know the village, the guard ran to Nesy's front door and started pounding on it.
"Sir," The guard yelled, "we have visitors!"
Meanwhile the other guard eyed the elves, curiously (or suspiciously).

Considering Nesy's village is democratic indeed but the people were watching in the distance. "Who are those? Elves?" One asked the other and the other ones didn't know. "..I don't know, cmon' let's get back to work." Some of the people went back to work and some went to watch the scene. Most of the people in the village became warped in confusion to who these strangers were.
I do not understand the opening statement here, but consider:

The villagers watched from a polite distance, talking amongst themselves about the strangers. Elves? Here? Who are they? What could they want? Some folk decided to mind their own business and go back to work, but more curious souls gathered to watch.

Nesy who was in his own house heard the door pounding. "What the- Alright alright I'm coming!" Nesy would force himself out of the chair and would be headed towards the door. In hopes to see who was knocking, he decided to open the door and saw the guard who gave a salute. "...Sir! I believe we have visitors. They seem to want access." The guard escorted Nesy over to the elves. "...I see..." Said Nesy, and he would see them ultimately.

Nesy was relaxing in his favourite chair when a pounding at the door reached him. "What the- Alright! Alright, I'm coming!" He shouted, grumpily, heaving himself out of his chair and across the room. When he opened the door, his guard saluted. "Sir. We have visitors - I think they'd like to come into town." Nesy gestured for him to lead on, and the guard escorted his chieftain back to the elves.

"...Oh hey there budds!" He decided to give a wave to the elves. Nesy sounded very lighthearted and seemingly welcomed the elves. Nesy gave a nodd towards the guards to let them in. "You shall be permitted access. Our chieften welcomes you." That was fairly quick they let them get access but he was very curious who the elves are and what alliance they came from. He decided to ask them later because he had a lot to do now!

After a pause, Nesy grinned and waved. "Oh hey there, buds!" He said, light and welcoming. He nodded to his guards; "let them in lads," he said, before addressing the elves again. "As chieftain, I welcome you." He was full of questions for these visitors - who sent them? Why? Asking would have to wait, for he had a lot to do now.

See? You can express some intents and emotions with actions and the right descriptors. You can trust the reader to fill in gaps, because everyone is acting in a way that makes sense, and you don't need to repeat yourself.
I'd also include some of Nesy's thoughts about things - about elves, about being disturbed in his home, about whatever he was thinking before the guard knocked.
Naw, I've been doing this for nearly nineteen years. Benefit of experience.
You'll catch up.
You get what I mean, though? I'm happy to explain or breakdown anything that I took for granted which isn't obvious for you. I want to help you improve rather than just point out there's room for improvement.
Naw, I've been doing this for nearly nineteen years. Benefit of experience.
You'll catch up.
You get what I mean, though? I'm happy to explain or breakdown anything that I took for granted which isn't obvious for you. I want to help you improve rather than just point out there's room for improvement.

If you want, we can discuss more about this in PMS!
Drop me a PM anytime and I'll try to get back to you. It's a busy time of year for me but I'll just be slow rather than unavailable.

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