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Fantasy Fun Times with Magical Girl/Boy Superheroes/Senshi/Sentai based off the Zodiac Constellations Space

Pretzel Heart

Afterimage of Broad Daylight
I couldn't tell if this would be more future (cause aliens) or fantasy (cause magical girls), but since I'm not going to be very scientifically accurate and I prefer the freedom of saying it's fantasy I'll try it out here. :'D 

Right now we are in need of someone to fill the Sagittarius role! Let us know if you're interested! :D

I just think this would be a really fun idea to run wild with and I don't know much about writing science fiction, superhero stories, sailor scouts, or magical boys...but damn does it sound lit to try!

And this isn't even a fraction as fully developed as my other RPs because it's 3AM and I just felt like there was a serious lack of sentai on this site, but I guess I'd like to see how much interest there is before I decide to go balls to the walls or not. Also I keep praying the coding function will get fixed before I work on other RPs...

Here's some flavor text:

۞ Humanity has finally established first contact, but it's not going so great. Large ships float idly above the Earth's surface, seeming to lay in wait for something that none of the world governments can quite figure out. But underneath the shadows of these impressive behemoths, life goes on...

۞ And so it is for our heroes. They could be friends, they could be strangers, they could be enemies, but they all share one thing in common: a unique and visceral reaction to the appearance of the alien ships. While it first manifests itself as light headaches and dizzy spells, the attacks begin to grow in power, transforming into full-on hallucinations, sleepwalking, and night terrors. No one can quite place the cause of the phenomenon or produce a cure. Eventually your character sees no other choice but to submit to their visions. So late one evening they venture out, finding themselves drawn towards an ancient meteorite site on the edge of town. Though it has been little more than a tourist attraction for as long as your character can remember, on this night it glows with an almost supernatural presence. The light is coming from a set of plain metal artifacts excavated from the site long ago and left on display as a mystery over an informational placard. But for the first time your character makes out symbols alight in the metal circles, and they're calling their name. 

۞ At first touch your character is transported into another world, a fantastical utopia beyond their wildest technological imaginings. A regal figure descends, informing your character that if they are experiencing this virtual recording, it means their planet has been chosen as the site of an inter-galactic battle between the twelve Zodiac realms and their perpetual foes. As the new soul-bonded owner of this Zodiac Charm, your character now has the power to transform into a Star Scout, a warrior imbued with the alien powers of  the Twelve in return for putting a stop to the war and saving the universe.

۞ The vision ends, leaving your character and their new companions with many more questions than they have answers for. The only thing they know for sure is that they now hold an identically-shaped charm, each burning with a different symbol of the Zodiac.

۞ Not only do these unlikely heroes have to figure out the particularities of their new powers and responsibilities, but they are also confronted with the atrocities of an inter-galactic past revived through the discovery and reactivation of the charms.

۞ And what they believe they are fighting for might not be all that it seems... ۩

Given the Zodiac Charms (these could be pendants or earrings or belts or dog collars or brass knuckles or whatever), our characters now have the power to transform into the Star Scouts, all with special superhero-like powers related to one of the Zodiac constellations. Each Scout is basically a gladiator chosen by an associated alien race which live in "planets" associated with the constellations, and thus gain a portion of their powers when they transform. The Scouts are tasked with fighting the growing threat of alien invasion, led by the wannabe Scout Ophiucus, member of a race that used to one of the twelve (well, the thirteen), but was since banished due to their evil doings. Now Ophiucus wants revenge, and needs the Zodiac Charms in order to get it...something not so easy to recover once they've been activated and their Scout is alive.

I was thinking that it would be more interesting for them to just figure shiz out on their own (the initial recording is basically the same as the Tomorrowland advertisement, from that movie no one watched but was actually not half bad), but we could also have a mentor-like character if people wanted it. We could start at a point before they get their powers, as they are getting their powers, or wherever, really.

Potential Ideas:
* Familiars / Weapons / Special Attacks for each Zodiac Sign. Hell the Familiars could turn into weapons that perform special attacks who knows.

* Pimpin uniforms (most of the Zodiac are furry so yeah you could give into your inner sin and have ears and tails or some shiz if you'd like)

* Unique histories / cultures for each of the constellation races / planets

* Unique attributes based on each Zodiac (can be provided by players or assigned by yours truly)

* Element-based powers

* Cross-dressing

* Romance

* Wangst

* Star-crossed lover wangst (literally /star/crossed, hehehehehehawkjadkjg)

* Need to protect secret identities

* Could be NIPPON or AMURICA or even an international coalition (who wants to see a superhero from Laos or Azerbaijan? this guy )

I would be totes down to play at least one villain so we won't have to worry about that (anyone else can feel free to tho as well). 

Things to Note: 
* For tone I was thinking something that could be both lighthearted with humorous moments / characters but also could get hella dark because I live for hella dark and I love deconstructions. Also the OG Sailor Moon and a lot of these sentai shows are pretty damn grim and gritty with their over-complicated plots and crazy characters. That's why I threw up the term "Space Opera," if you can dig it. Depending on how deep people wanna go down the world building rabbit hole this could get pretty political with the relationships between the planets and governments being played out on through these unlikely heroes, ect. ect.

* I'd prefer this to be a semi-detailed / detailed RP because I don't want to be kink-shamed for writing 20 paragraphs. But also I think this could be a chill thing that peeps with a dream should be allowed to join.

* If you can draw that would be baller I mean how cool would it be to see someone design uniforms or some shiz...or maybe this is just wishful thinking and I've always loved Zodiac Gijinka lmao.

* We wouldn't need every scout to start because hot damn that's a lot of characters. We could theoretically start with any number because I'm willing to play a villain, NPCs, and at least one Scout. A plot point could be collecting them all as we go along.
* This would not be first come first serve because that shit is stressful and quality over speed or quantity or whatever it is the kids take these days. Will have some sort of reservation system though so I can see who is interested for which role (please be interested...this could be so much fun. you guys).
* Bras who want to contribute to developing world building shiz / plot arcs are most welcome. Like I said I am a genre newb who needs to get educated. If there is enough interest I'd probably even like to find a co-GM because lmao honestly I'm busier than a rabbit couple during mating season and I don't want that to be the thing that clips this birdie's wings.

A lot more of the Lore has been fleshed out since I posted this but you can find all that (and more!) at the RP:
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Seems a little over-complicated, but I´m in such a magical girl mood right now (even got my own magical girl roleplay going) that I´ll take this.
Seems a little over-complicated, but I´m in such a magical girl mood right now (even got my own magical girl roleplay going) that I´ll take this.

Overly complicated? Haha maybe. I didn't think through very much before posting. Then again these kind of shows are most fun with their over-the-top overly complicated plots imo. Taking any and all suggestions though!
Yooo guys! So I made the RP but it's super under construction! However, feel free to get started on your CS and play around in the OCC! Let's try and build a community because we're all going to have to work together as Star Scouts! (title still pending :P )

Here it is but I'll go ahead and invite everyone too.

@SomeAnimeWeirdo  @Dannytm @Anno Bane @Idea @SP3CT3R @MaskedHeroZ

I imagine it will take me at least a week to get the thread straightened out, please forgive me and have patience oTZ. I have to do millions of pages of writing / reading every week for my IRL existence but I try to work on RPing when I can. :D
Hmmhmm this looks interesting :0

I think I'll hold off on actually joining until some more worldbuilding is decided on (commitment anxiety whoops), but I'm very into space opera/magical girls/worldbuilding so feel free to shoot me a PM or whatever to bounce some ideas.

I can also draw but no promises
@octopi Well if you're interested in all those things I'd love to have you join. ;)
All of the development from now on will be centered in the main RP thread if you want to follow us there. Hoping to have the bulk of things fleshed out by Friday.

I'll go ahead and invite you in case you want to join OOC world building talks but feel no pressure to sign up if you don't want to.  
This looks neat!  I'd be interested in either of magical girl or Super Sentai themes as long as I can play one of my Japanese characters.  The OU I have them in for my own purposes is as Sentai hero(ine)s though.  I'd just have to match up what they are now with the proper zodiac.  
Bumping to say a lot of the Lore has now been fleshed out and we're still looking for Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio, and Libra! 
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Sounds cool, I'm new to RP and would probably do better with a low-impact role anyway, lol

Well welcome! We accept everyone as long as they're willing to put in the effort to read and follow the rules and stuff.

Here's the link where you can sign up.

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