Fun Things That Happen During Calibration!


New Member
So, my game has reached Calibration in game, and the PCs are currently back home (as it were), training up new toys, and generally minding their own business.

The group is a mixed Celestial group: 1 Dawn soldier/strategist/monarch, 1 Full Moon wild warrior/skald/collateral damage master, 1 Secrets caste advisor/social-fu obsessor/ignorer of Martial Arts entirely, plus one or two other NPCs of my devising that accompany them when they need to do something and can't cover it with their own skills. This is currently a Changing Moon battledancer/spy/dirty harem boy.

I intend to shake things up quite a bit for them, and have a number of ideas, but I thought that I'd solicit some opinions and ideas from the collective mind of the ECR forums. So, drag out your strangest ideas for an Exalted story arc ever, it's Calibration, and anything goes (I mean anything!)
Saturn and the Unconquered Sun take turns arm-wrestling The Kukla.

The Empress reappears from the Imperial Manse, but behaves as if she were merely propelled forward through time by several years, knowing nothing of the time in between and initially believing that it is the same year she disappeared.

The Ebon Dragon somehow trades places with Daana'd, and all the water of Creation turns to liquid shadow.

People begin to fall asleep, and do not wake. The reason? The world of Dreams is in fact a sleeping primordial, who has begun to awaken for the first time since before the primordial war, and like Autocthon he must take humans into himself to maintain his body and keep him active.
Big stuff that happens during Calibration? Well:

House Cynis hosts the year's biggest, most luxurious party during Calibration. You'd be able to find pretty much every vice known to man during a bacchanal of that magnitude.

Calibration is the ONLY time of the year you can cast Demon of the Third Circle. So there's always the possibility of some serious cult problems arising, or powerful exalts bringing big nasty demons into creation.

The Carnival of Meeting takes place in Yu~Shan. Open invitation for anyone to enter the heavenly city for a little revelry. Numerous hidden gates across creation can be activated to grant access to Yu~Shan to ANYONE who steps through the gate. Anyone includes: Mortals, Exalts, Gods, Elementals, Cows, Salamanders, Fair Folk, Behemoths (assuming you can find a gate big enough to admit them), packs of panic monkeys, 3rd circle Demons, etc. Granted, not all these beings would be WELCOME in Yu~Shan, but they can get in through the gates.

How's this for a wacky idea? A Demon worshipping cult led by a handful of Infernal Exalts summons up a fair sized Demonic army, led by Second and Third Circle Demons, and on the third day of Calibration, opens the gates to Yu~Shan in numerous locations. The army of demons pours into Yu~Shan, causing all out chaos during the Carnival of Meetings, as Heaven has to defend itself against an invasion from Malfeas. Of course the forces of Yu~Shan will repel this invasion, but the cult and its Infernal masters are only using the invasion as a front to steal something from Yu~Shan, A key of sorts to the Yozi's prison, while the Gods are distracted. Can the characters figure out what's going on and stop the Infernals before they make off with something with the potential to shatter their master's bonds and set the Yozi free?
Well, I blew up Nexus....Twice.

Mostly because the character invoked a 3rd circle Demon and bid him to take care of a problem in Nexus.

Well no more problem.
How's this for a wacky idea? A Demon worshipping cult led by a handful of Infernal Exalts summons up a fair sized Demonic army, led by Second and Third Circle Demons, and on the third day of Calibration, opens the gates to Yu~Shan in numerous locations. The army of demons pours into Yu~Shan, causing all out chaos during the Carnival of Meetings, as Heaven has to defend itself against an invasion from Malfeas. Of course the forces of Yu~Shan will repel this invasion, but the cult and its Infernal masters are only using the invasion as a front to steal something from Yu~Shan, A key of sorts to the Yozi's prison, while the Gods are distracted. Can the characters figure out what's going on and stop the Infernals before they make off with something with the potential to shatter their master's bonds and set the Yozi free?
I really liked this idea.
Nah, the demons are too sickened by the commercialism of what Calibration has become. They like to just enjoy a quiet evening with their family.

But seriously, Wordman's stuff is pretty great. Thanks.
The Carnival of Meeting takes place in Yu~Shan. Open invitation for anyone to enter the heavenly city for a little revelry. Numerous hidden gates across creation can be activated to grant access to Yu~Shan to ANYONE who steps through the gate. Anyone includes: Mortals' date=' Exalts, Gods, Elementals, Cows, Salamanders, Fair Folk, Behemoths (assuming you can find a gate big enough to admit them), packs of panic monkeys, 3rd circle Demons, etc. Granted, not all these beings would be WELCOME in Yu~Shan, but they can get in through the gates.#[/quote']
Technically, this isn't true. The Carnival of Meeting allows mortals into Yu Shan, not demons, Fair Folk or anyone else. I know it says in the Core book that anyone can enter, but in CoCD: Yu Shan, it does specify mortals. I'm pretty sure demons would be thrown out and/or killed if they entered. The same with Fair Folk. Invitations are still somewhat necessary; if you don't have an invitation, then it's just blind luck that gets you into the Carnival. But, again, this only applies to mortals.

On the other hand, Abyssals would be another matter, since they are Exalted - and, by extension, mortal. Or, at least they were mortal. Since they are Exalted, though, it would be interesting to see how they were received in Heaven. I actually had a story idea similar to Nightmare's, except it wasn't demons who spearheaded the invasion, it was Abyssals. I never got to run the story, but the idea was there....
There's an Abyssal embassy somewhere in Yu-shan. That probably means that Abyssals are allowed to enter Yu-shan to some degree...
Vanman said:
The Carnival of Meeting takes place in Yu~Shan. Open invitation for anyone to enter the heavenly city for a little revelry. Numerous hidden gates across creation can be activated to grant access to Yu~Shan to ANYONE who steps through the gate. Anyone includes: Mortals' date=' Exalts, Gods, Elementals, Cows, Salamanders, Fair Folk, Behemoths (assuming you can find a gate big enough to admit them), packs of panic monkeys, 3rd circle Demons, etc. Granted, not all these beings would be WELCOME in Yu~Shan, but they can get in through the gates.#[/quote']
Technically, this isn't true. The Carnival of Meeting allows mortals into Yu Shan, not demons, Fair Folk or anyone else. I know it says in the Core book that anyone can enter, but in CoCD: Yu Shan, it does specify mortals. I'm pretty sure demons would be thrown out and/or killed if they entered. The same with Fair Folk. Invitations are still somewhat necessary; if you don't have an invitation, then it's just blind luck that gets you into the Carnival. But, again, this only applies to mortals.

On the other hand, Abyssals would be another matter, since they are Exalted - and, by extension, mortal. Or, at least they were mortal. Since they are Exalted, though, it would be interesting to see how they were received in Heaven. I actually had a story idea similar to Nightmare's, except it wasn't demons who spearheaded the invasion, it was Abyssals. I never got to run the story, but the idea was there....

[QUOTE="Compass of Celestial Directions III]

Mortals, Dragon-Blooded, and other lesser beings

have no such rights in Yu-Shan (in fact, they have

no rights at all) and must rely upon their allies or

patrons for protection. The only exception is during

the Carnival of Meeting (see p. 32-35). All visitors

to Yu-Shan who remain within the boundaries of the

Carnival are accorded full rights. Abyssal Exalted

and Fair Folk nobles who visit Yu-Shan are also

accorded full rights, as the Bureau of Heaven does

not want to precipitate a serious or uncontrolled

diplomatic incident.
In a wakeful moment Autochthon decides to retun to Creation. It is akin to getting a midnight snack attack. And in that moment he decides to return in order to receive his rightful dues.

The Locusts are released to retrieve resources yet receive a message through a brief vision to establish themselves in Creation, perhaps a chance to create a bridge between Elsewhere and Creation. And given that the Great Maker was never banished or marked as an enemy Yu-Shan cannot deny his presence lest they anger an old ally.

The Great Maker decides that his creations, the Exalted, are flawed and in need of repairs. He decides to scrap the whole program and begin new, mainly from noting the Great Curse combined with all of the changes since his departure. And some would whisper he has discovered plans of some his brothers and sisters having found a way to escape Malfeas and invade Creation. This could prompt him to improve on his original design.

The world seems to stand still, as if all time had ceased to function. For some reason, as discovered by the Sidereals, the Pattern Spiders have ceased all duties for the first time since the beginning of Creation. None of the Incarnae seem to care, and not even the Maidens are sending any replies back to their Exalted. The only ones tht seem to notice these suddence changes are Exaled, The Deathlords, and various high-Essence gods. What will be done to solve this? What has caused it?
Coyotekin said:
In a wakeful moment Autochthon decides to retun to Creation. It is akin to getting a midnight snack attack. And in that moment he decides to return in order to receive his rightful dues.
The Locusts are released to retrieve resources yet receive a message through a brief vision to establish themselves in Creation, perhaps a chance to create a bridge between Elsewhere and Creation. And given that the Great Maker was never banished or marked as an enemy Yu-Shan cannot deny his presence lest they anger an old ally.

The Great Maker decides that his creations, the Exalted, are flawed and in need of repairs. He decides to scrap the whole program and begin new, mainly from noting the Great Curse combined with all of the changes since his departure. And some would whisper he has discovered plans of some his brothers and sisters having found a way to escape Malfeas and invade Creation. This could prompt him to improve on his original design.

The world seems to stand still, as if all time had ceased to function. For some reason, as discovered by the Sidereals, the Pattern Spiders have ceased all duties for the first time since the beginning of Creation. None of the Incarnae seem to care, and not even the Maidens are sending any replies back to their Exalted. The only ones tht seem to notice these suddence changes are Exaled, The Deathlords, and various high-Essence gods. What will be done to solve this? What has caused it?
I love it. It would have to be a relatively high powered campaign if the players are intended to be able to do anything about it, but it's a great idea. I may make use of this in the future if I have an appropriately high level group of characters at some point :3

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