Fullmetal Alchemist

Oh, and if you want someone to protect you, kass and your Char could know each other already. You keep her alive, she protects you
Calamari said:
Oh, and if you want someone to protect you, kass and your Char could know each other already. You keep her alive, she protects you
If you're feeling revolutionary you can join up with Adalrich
Name: Lust (He normally goes by the name 'Zech Crowclock')

Age: 248 (20)

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: No

Transmutation circle?: N/A



Bio: Lust was created by a alchemist who discovered the very marital for making a philosopher stone, Human lives. This Alchemist was named Brain Rosefell, Upon discovery of this, Brian Rosefell created 4 stones with century's far across the sea, and made his finest creations, Lust, Greed, Envy, And Wrath. Upon their creations, he left, Leaving them all behind in the Foreign world, and returned to Xing.

Other: Lust cant use Alchemy.

Name: Tyler Rosefell

Age: 17

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: No

Transmutation circle?: N/A

Appearance: Tyler stands at 5'10, his tan skin and red eyes make his skinny and slender Xing appearance shine (Xing Citizens resemble People from China, Japan, Asia, and Others.) Tyler haves short white and black scruffy hair.

Bio: Tyler and Telreach where born along side their triplet sister on April 18, it wasn't until the twin boys got to the age of five did they take a interest in alchemy. Growing up in Xing both Tyler and Telreach learned Alkahestry, their sister only focusing on school and conman work. As they aged, there bound grew closer, and closer, until finally the bound couldn't grow any stronger. It wasn't until their sister died that the bound fractured, causing the twins to attempt Human Transmutation. Losing Telreach, Tyler lost his arm, and both his feet. Using a blood seal, Tyler bounded his brother in the ancient Isbalian Armor. Searching for their sister murder, the twins set off into the world, following close behind the stranger known as 'Zech"

Other: Tyler haves Automail

Soul bound armour:

Name: Telreach (Tel-Reach) Rosefell

Age: 14 (he is now 17 after 2 years of being in the armor.)

Gender: Male

Alchemist who bound you: Tyler Rosefell

Armour appearance:


Bio: Telreach and Tyler where born along side their triplet sister on April 18, it wasn't until the twin boys got to the age of five did they take a interest in alchemy. Growing up in Xing both Tyler and Telreach learned Alkahestry, their sister only focusing on school and conman work. As they aged, there bound grew closer, and closer, until finally the bound couldn't grow any stronger. It wasn't until their sister died that the bound fractured, causing the twins to attempt Human Transmutation. Losing Telreach, Tyler lost his arm, and both his feet. Using a blood seal, Tyler bounded his brother in the ancient Isbalian Armor. Searching for their sister murder, the twins set off into the world, following close behind the stranger known as 'Zech"

Other: Telreach uses two Short swords, and Little Alchemy.
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Name: Jamie "JJ" Jacobs


Gender: Female

State alchemist?: Yes "Full Inferno"

Transmutation circle?

Appearance: 5'9" Athletic build. Long blond hair a single streak of red hangs out like Marta's hair. When on military grounds she wears the uniform, off she wears skinny jeans. A black tank top, her belt is her pocket watch, the watch always in her right pocket. She wears wrist cuffs they carry her alchemy symbols. She wears a jean half jacket, on the back is also her symbol

Bio: JJ is forward. She's the kind of girl who will tell you, your an ass. She takes all she can but eventually will pop. Something she gets from her father. She grew up with him till she was 14 and an accident happened. She doesn't like to broad cast but her left leg is auto mail as well as her left arm up to her elbow.

Other: JJ is looking for the stone. She was accepted into the military when she was 17. She's trained under Roy Mustang Only a bit. Most is alchemy of her own design.

I hope the Rp is still accepting, has been awhile since I've been on here but it would be nice to Rp again. Or if you want to do a 1x1 if im too late that would be great

Name: Zeus Machiavelli "Lightning Count" "Lightning Flash Alchemist"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: No

Transmutation circle?: no (explained in bio)



Born from the affair between an Ishvalan Alchemist and a State Alchemist. He'd grown up in a pretty unstable ghetto within central his mother now a refugee after the massacre at Ishval taught him alchemy to protect himself from the cruel world around them and to be and kind and compassionate person despite how others looked down upon them. Despite his mother's wishes he'd grown to despise those around him . Zeus's mother fell victim to an illness brought on by years of living in such poor conditions. With her last breath she revealed the identity of his father, an Alchemist of the state and her desire for him to seek him out for she knew her time in the world of the living was short, soon after that she died within his arms. Driven mad by grief he attempted the unthinkable in a vain attempt to bring back his beloved mother, costing him his right eye as well his right arm. He now lay broken horrified by the monstrosity he'd created enraged at his failed attempt to bring back his mother he called forth a bolt of lightning through manipulation of the molecules within the creatures body striking down at the fowl creature and revealing his location to a patrol who'd come to his rescue. He'd remain unconscious for nearly a month before awakening in his father's estate his face heavily bandaged and a brand new arm fashioned out of metal. He'd spend the next two to three years in the manor of his father's family out west in the country honing his alchemy skills of lightning. Due to the nature of their relationship he'd received little pressure in joining the state alchemist from his father who'd attempted to keep his estranged son's identity, as well as where-about's a secret matter. Now that he has reached the age of 18 he has decided to return to central his motives for which are unknown.

Other: I do hope it is not too late for me to join I'm willing to become a state alchemist if necessary

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Name: Acleo lera

Age: 17

Gender: Female

State alchemist?: yes

Transmutation circle?: no

Bio: Acleo grew up with her brother because her mom and dad died when she was young. her brother raised her and they were very close, he taught her a special type of alchemy called shadow alchemy, it could weild shadows and make shadows, and it could make inanimate objects from shadows, one day her brother was coming home from work and he was jumped and killed, Acleo was so heartbroken that she tried human transmutation, it failed (of corse) and she lost her arm, because of that she doesnt need transmutation circles anymore. she joined the state achlemists when she was 15 and became known as "the dark void Alchemist" (*shurgs* all i could think of) or the queen of the shadows.

Other: she has an automail arm and a scar over her left eye

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf97395ee_images(2).jpg.77cfe1c49d92e5c09da266d24da90330.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf97395ee_images(2).jpg.77cfe1c49d92e5c09da266d24da90330.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Anthony Caruka

Age: 21


State alchemist?:No

Transmutation circle?:


Bio: Anthony was raised in a very rough town and had to fight other kids for food. His father used to preform alchemy and was a great alchemist. he had learned a little before his father was killed in a accident in his lab. Like some alchemists his father was not a state alchemist and he had no money but worked like always to try and make a philosophers stone. Anthony had earned a job as a weapon maker and started training to be alchemist. He was a very aspiring Alchemist that had his father die in what was called a accident when he was 7 but it turns out the state was involved. He now distrusts most state workers and wants to become a freelance alchemist and help people out. At age 15 he left home with a guitar case full of weapons and a transmutation circle tattooed onto his hand on the palm. He went from town to town looking for anybody who violated human rights but not always the law. By age 19 he had killed plenty of state officials and left nothing behind but the corpses and a card with a picture of his father behind. He now currently continues wandering hunting for the people who had killed his father and ruined what little family he had.


Name:black star



State alchemist?:no

Transmutation circle?no

Appearance:blue hair blue eyes blacks coat white black kindve sweats black shoes star on front and star tatoo on left arm

Bio: im a kid whos parents where killed in honor or the great star gang im confident and i never lose im the strongest ive even sir'passed god i bet some dog of the military cant do that i have a parnter named subaki i use her as a weapon but most of the time i use alchemy im an assassian fast and strong.

other:nuff said




Quen Long






Unemployed in Amestris, unknown what his Xingese occupation is/was


About two years ago stories started spreading about a Xingese man coming from the desert to the east carrying a massive curved blade with him into town. He collapsed the moment he was in the village's borders and with the generosity of the locals he recovered shortly thereafter. The town had been plagued with recent military officials shaking them down under the table and breaking property and knees whenever people couldn't pay up. The moment he had the strength to walk he went and killed these men, an act that panicked the people of the town due to fear of being blamed for it. The man had hardly spoken since arriving in Amestris but he gave a simple request before leaving. 'Tell then Quen Long did it.'

From there tales of the man spread across the country, the stories usually involving crooked military offers or unregulated ruffians meeting a grim fate at the warrior's blade. It didn't take long for the military to realize that the myth was real and the mysterious foreigner quickly climbed the most wanted list. He's proven difficult to track as he takes unconventional or plain insane routes to get to where he's going and very encounter with the military when they have managed to catch up with him has simply ended in bloodshed.

Aside from a name and appearance, little is known about him. He seems to be searching from something as his travels have taken his far west, north and south with little space being re-tread and he seems to regard the military with annoyance more than a threat. He's obviously skilled and highly dangerous though only a threat to anything he seems as morally corrupt. Despite his body count he has also held up a record for saving people on more than one occasion. Whatever the case, he's still in Amestris and still searching.


On top of being skilled with a sword, Quen is highly athletic and has learned the chi sensing arts of his country.

Name: Misery

Age: Appears 16

Gender: Female

State alchemist?: No

Bio: Misery is an humunculus who was born by an Alchemist named Kyohata who used the taboo to raise his deceased son from the dead but resulted in his loss of one of his limbs and the birth of Misery. She had gained her name because of the misery Kyohata went through to bring his son back which ended up in a failure. However, she isn't currently working with Lust, Envy, Greed, Wrath, Sloth, or Pride. But runs off on her own, hiding from most.

Other: She has the power of driving people into so much misery that she can basically manipulate one's thoughts.


Name: Axel Verbeck

Age: 23

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: No

Transmutation circle? Yes one in the palm of his right hand. While having a transmutation array on his left arm.

Replacements: Caramel skin tone, green eyes his pupils can change from wide to slits much like a cats (explained in bio). Small golden loop in each ear. Generally wears a vest with a face mask attachment to keep his mouth hidden for when he spoke or smiled his fangs would be noticeable.

Bio: Axel grew up a rather unemotional child as his parents thought it a sign of weakness as his parents were both captains in the army by his time of birth, an older couple with a younger child. By the age of five his parents began to mentally force feed him alchemy books and combat prowess, he was sent to a private school specific for training operatives from a young age. The day he was sent away was the last time he saw his parents, but didn't grow to miss them as he was never close to begin with. They were always more so teachers, and wardens molding him to become a soldier. He learned basic alchemy as was the mandatory in the school in cases they wanted to pursue this or be able to go against other alchemists. These students went through spartan training, physical prowess the main goal before even beginning mental training for them all, though once finished they were well trained and lethal forces in there specified tree of operation.

Axel was put through the tree focusing on combat and assassination, graduating the school with the rest of his class at the age of sixteen. Instantly after the graduation the students were put into state military as Corporals. How ever the students who stood out the most would be given Sergeant, there were only four and Axel being one of them. He served without questioning command proofing very useful to his higher ranking officers, never failing a mission. Four years passed and Axel made it to the rank of First Lieutenant though most were displeased with him becoming of such a high rank while being as young as he was(20), though none dared approach him on it. He was a dog to the current General and was feared for it, but not so much feared as he was hated. Then one day, a week before he was to embark on another mission into Ishval he received a call from his General asking for Axel to go to and meet with a state alchemist for he needed an escort. To Axel's dismay upon arriving at such location he discovered it was a trap and it was already too late, he was subdued and experimented on. These experiments being human chimera. Axel woke up seeing other abominations from numerous failed attempts before drifting off again not strong enough to stay awake for long.

He'd later wake up in a room void of windows or light, though for Axel he could manage seeing a little bit once he came to his senses. He was confused and didn't understand hearing the rats crawling through the walls and howls of other chimera. His senses had been intensified he also felt something different in his mouth, his canine were slightly longer and sharpened. Instantly his mind started running through theories and possibility's, Axel bit his hand drawing blood rushing towards the back wall drawing a transmutation on the wall creating a large door which opened up to extremely cold desert winds. He didn't like his chances but he'd take his chances, he rushed out into the desert disappearing going ghost. Until recently, were people on the outskirts of South City mentioned a newcomer with unique eyes.

Other: (He's an 'ultimate' human chimera think Solf's creations. His animal being a panther) You'd know Axel if you served in the military before hand in the West City. But you are to believe he was dead.

((I recently saw this RP start to come back..after that dreadfully long break and will help in reviving it.))
Name: Sebastian Wakefield AKA The Shadow Alchemist

Age: 17

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: Yes

Transmutation circle? No (Lost both legs and an arm)

Appearance: (How he looked before the human transmutation)


Bio: Sebastian was born in Resembool and became friends with Kaylec when he grew older. His mother always hated him but the only reason she never hurt him or got rid of him was because of his father. Later on his dad died and the family went into havoc. His mother started beating him and barely fed him. Sebastian fell into a depressive state and tried to bring his father back which cost him losing his legs. Kaylec barely got their in time and brought him to an automail shop and begged the owners to save his friend. The owners agreed and fixed Sebastian up free of charge. After recovering from all of this his mother left and he was alone with the only person he could trust...Kaylec. But one day Kaylec and Sebastian were screwing with explosives and experimenting with them when Kaylec got to close and blew up. In a desperate attempt to save Kaylec he bound him to some badass looking armor but lost his arm in the process. Sebastian ran to the automail shop and begged them to make him an automail arm and that he would do anything for it. The owners did it but he had to work around the shop to pay for the supplies he used for the arm. Sebastian at the age of 15 decided to go become a state alchemist and passed and soon got the name The Shadow Alchemist.

Other: He likes to sit in dark areas and think. He is called The Shadow Alchemist because of his dark past and the things he does with alchemy.
Soul bound armour:




Alchemist who bound you: Sebastian Wakefield

Before Armour:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfae5e067_MyStyle(4).jpg.ea6e30bc3a5302b2ff4c821a4b15b23a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfae5e067_MyStyle(4).jpg.ea6e30bc3a5302b2ff4c821a4b15b23a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Armours appearance:


Bio:Once was Sebastian's closest friend, Kaylec died from getting too close to explosives in an experiment. Later waking in a suit of bad ass armour.

Now serving Sebastian still as a friend and as a protector Kaylec refuses to let any further harm come to Sebastian.

Other: Hates fighting unless absolutely needed, was born in Resemboul, Loyal to Sebastian. Most of what is known about Kaylec is in Sebastian's Bio.



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TheAlexddm said:
Name: Sebastian Wakefield AKA The Shadow Alchemist
Age: 17

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: Yes

Transmutation circle? No (Lost both legs and an arm)

Appearance: (How he looked before the human transmutation)


Bio: Sebastian was born in Resembool and became friends with Kaylec when he grew older. His mother always hated him but the only reason she never hurt him or got rid of him was because of his father. Later on his dad died and the family went into havoc. His mother started beating him and barely fed him. Sebastian fell into a depressive state and tried to bring his father back which cost him losing his legs. Kaylec barely got their in time and brought him to an automail shop and begged the owners to save his friend. The owners agreed and fixed Sebastian up free of charge. After recovering from all of this his mother left and he was alone with the only person he could trust...Kaylec. But one day Kaylec and Sebastian were screwing with explosives and experimenting with them when Kaylec got to close and blew up. In a desperate attempt to save Kaylec he bound him to some badass looking armor but lost his arm in the process. Sebastian ran to the automail shop and begged them to make him an automail arm and that he would do anything for it. The owners did it but he had to work around the shop to pay for the supplies he used for the arm. Sebastian at the age of 15 decided to go become a state alchemist and passed and soon got the name The Shadow Alchemist.

Other: He likes to sit in dark areas and think. He is called The Shadow Alchemist because of his dark past and the things he does with alchemy.
Whoops sorry I forgot the big bold letters of ALCHEMIST at the top my bad

Name: Kerena von Brandt

Age: 19

Gender: Female

State alchemist: No, probably never will be due to a grudge

Transmutation circle: Basic circle on a pair of gloves, used to simply help move matter around (i.e. giant hands, creating/breaking walls, etc.)

Appearance: 6ft 1' tall, with ice blue eyes and ginger hair, cut short save for two long pieces of bangs. She has very tanned skin and often wears a black zip-up suit that is very similar to certain shirts in Xing. She also wears a brown, leathery jacket with many pockets, black gloves with a basic, white transmutation circle on each hand, and a plain pair of black pants, along with her boots.

Bio: Kerena used to be a very very kind girl who loved her family and friends more than anything. Now she is alone, due to the conflict in Ishval. Her parents and elder Siblings- her older Brother and Older Sister- all died in the war itself, because they had been hiding Ishvalan children and families, trying to smuggle them out of Ametris. The Miltary found out and sent a State Alchemist to find them. Kerena had been in her bedroom when the man showed up, reading up on the basics of Alchemy. The Alchemist tracked them down with a chimera created from a wolf and an eagle- giving the creature intense eyesight and wings that let it glide, but not fly. The chimera's sense of smell and eyesight was used to find the Ishvalans in hiding, leading the Alchemist to their door. As stated before, Kerena had been reading in her room, the thirteen year old about to go to bed, when she heard screaming downstairs. She ducked under her bed, pulling the blankets down just enough to hide herself, as her parents had taught her. She heard the man walking around her house, and heard him calling out for survivors to "help them." The chimera, however, smelled her and immediately ran to her hiding place, dragging her out by the shoulder. She screamed in pain and fear, smacking the chimera in the face until it let her go- leaving her at the feet of the Alchemist. She never found have survived the rest of the encounter if it wasn't for her elder sister, who tackled the man to the ground before he could even speak or move to harm Kerena. The man ended up killing her sister before her very eyes, and Kerena was soon running away. She hid out in the forest that night, using her shirt to bandage her wound with the knowledge she had gained from helping to heal the refugees, and the man thinking her dead left. When she came back the next day, she found the mutilated corpses of those she had called family, friend, mother, father, sister, brother. She cried for hours, before giving herself better care, cleaning her wound and wrapping it in real bandages. She then lined up the corpses as best she could, changed her clothes and grabbed provisions- then lit her house on fire as a funeral. She left to go farther into Ametris, determined to take revenge on the Alchemist who destroyed her home. She studied for years using books from any library she could find, as well as any books she could steal from anyone she could find. She became quite the pick pocket, and to this day lives off of money from odd jobs and stupid tourists.

Other: I used charahub.com to make a lot of very specific details about this character, as well as a photo of reference, so here is the link to her character: https://charahub.com/character/322844/Kerena-von-Brandt/public/
All characters accepted except Acleo lera, I'm sorry but shadow alchemy doesn't exist. Also I won't be putting all of your names in at the top, I'm honestly too lazy, I'll do it another time.
Saul said:
All characters accepted except Acleo lera, I'm sorry but shadow alchemy doesn't exist. Also I won't be putting all of your names in at the top, I'm honestly too lazy, I'll do it another time.
Wait? I called myself Shadow Alchemist is that okay?
TheAlexddm said:
Wait? I called myself Shadow Alchemist is that okay?
It's the controlling shadows part, you can call yourself the jesus alchemist as long as your alchemy isn't overpowered
Saul said:
It's the controlling shadows part, you can call yourself the jesus alchemist as long as your alchemy isn't overpowered
Ah Okay its just because of his past and what he does with his alchemy...He doesnt control shadows
TheAlexddm said:
Ah Okay its just because of his past and what he does with his alchemy...He doesnt control shadows
yeah I know haha, I wasn't talking about your character.

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