Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood- OCs and Canon 2

Elf Liddian

The Forest Alchemist
You can play up to 2 characters, but only 1 canon character. So you can play either 2 OCs or 1 OC 1 canon.

When you make an Original Character, please provide a picture (an avatar can be created here) and as much information as you possibly can. (I suggest creating or using a charahub.com account to layout your infor before putting it in Character Sign-up.)

When you wish to be a canon character simply state why, maybe an example of your understanding of the character if you want to be an overachiever, and if the character has not yet been taken then you will probably be guaranteed the spot.

Taken Characters:

-Kerena Von Brandt, belongs to @Elf Liddian

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c10b76b42_KerenavonBrandt.jpg.7914b631c07c6d810d4a47e14b1eec46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36730" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c10b76b42_KerenavonBrandt.jpg.7914b631c07c6d810d4a47e14b1eec46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kerena von Brandt

19 years old

(Birthday: 8/16/1895)

Height: 6' 1" tall

She's a self-taught Alchemist, but works as either a thief or just does odd-jobs. She knows a lot about the basics of most alchemy types in Ametris, and has a journal filled with notes about all different kinds.

Personality: She is generous and helpful when it doesn't involve things getting in her way. If you need help fixing your lemonade stand, she'll help. But if it was her rival lemonade stand, be assured that she's the one who destroyed it in the first place. Speaking of, if something is in her way, she won't hesitate to get rid of the issue, nor will she consider other people's feelings. However, she avoids physically hurting people as the sight of blood brings up bad memories from her past- at the same time, she also avoids places with dogs and Military men when she can, as they can have the same effect on her. She used to be a dog person, but now is very much a cat person.

Backstory: Kerena used to be a very very kind girl who loved her family and friends more than anything. Now she is alone, due to the conflict in Ishval. Her parents and elder Siblings- her older Brother and Older Sister- all died in the war itself, because they had been hiding Ishvalan children and families, trying to smuggle them out of Ametris. The Miltary found out and sent a State Alchemist to find them. Kerena had been in her bedroom when the man showed up, reading up on the basics of Alchemy. The Alchemist tracked them down with a chimera created from a wolf and an eagle- giving the creature intense eyesight and wings that let it glide, but not fly. The chimera's sense of smell and eyesight was used to find the Ishvalans in hiding, leading the Alchemist to their door. As stated before, Kerena had been reading in her room, the thirteen year old about to go to bed, when she heard screaming downstairs. She ducked under her bed, pulling the blankets down just enough to hide herself, as her parents had taught her. She heard the man walking around her house, and heard him calling out for survivors to "help them." The chimera, however, smelled her and immediately ran to her hiding place, dragging her out by the shoulder. She screamed in pain and fear, smacking the chimera in the face until it let her go- leaving her at the feet of the Alchemist. She never found have survived the rest of the encounter if it wasn't for her elder sister, who tackled the man to the ground before he could even speak or move to harm Kerena. The man ended up killing her sister before her very eyes, and Kerena was soon running away. She hid out in the forest that night, using her shirt to bandage her wound with the knowledge she had gained from helping to heal the refugees, and the man thinking her dead left. When she came back the next day, she found the mutilated corpses of those she had called family, friend, mother, father, sister, brother. She cried for hours, before giving herself better care, cleaning her wound and wrapping it in real bandages. She then lined up the corpses as best she could, changed her clothes and grabbed provisions- then lit her house on fire as a funeral. She left to go farther into Ametris, determined to take revenge on the Alchemist who destroyed her home. She studied for years using books from any library she could find, as well as any books she could steal from anyone she could find. She became quite the pick pocket, and to this day lives off of money from odd jobs and stupid tourists.

Likes: Alchemy, animals, shiny things, and books.

Dislikes: Dogs, military, guns, and blood.

She is average at Alchemy but an amazing thief, and a pretty good at hand-to-hand combat. However, if she sees any blood she tends to immediately run away or begin screaming in terror. She also is not the best at saving her money....​



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