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Fantasy full moons and brighter dawns [Character Sheets]


there's magic in a bard's song
greetings! I have a couple of OCs that I wanted to start transferring on their own individual thread so I could refer back to it instead of switching between this site and google docs all the time. Feel free to take a look around! This isn't finished so I'll probably be updating semi-regularly too :)

Faene Elmdale
Basic Info

  • Name: Faene Elmdale
  • Nickname(s): N/A
  • Gender: Gender-fluid (he/she/they)
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Personality: Easily excitable and curious, extraordinarily stubborn, hardheaded, and loyal
  • Mannerisms: Chewing their fingernails, fiddling with their necklace
  • Likes: Large crowds, rain, mysteries, animals
  • Dislikes: Being alone, clowns, dark magic, needless death
  • Animal Companion(s): N/A
Physical Stats

  • Age: 35 (can be altered with extra discussion w/ rp partners)
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Race: Elf
  • Class: Bard/Scholar
  • Bodytype: Muscular, lithe
  • Height: 5’11
  • Weight: 160 pounds
  • Complexion: Warm light brown skin with red undertones
  • Hair: Dark brown shoulder-length hair, usually tied into a bun
  • Eyes: A bright, striking green
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous
  • Notable Features: They have multiple vine and flower tattoos wrapping around their ankles and calves
Detailed Info

Faene is kindhearted and patient around people who have shorter tempers or extreme anxiety, and this is a welcome calming presence in most large groups. She’s open about her experiences and perhaps a little too trusting of strangers and their motivations. Faene is also fiercely loyal and stubborn to a fault-even when it would benefit both parties to leave someone she cares about alone, she doesn’t enjoy it and sometimes ends up making things worse instead. With her natural sunny disposition, Faene is slow to anger, but quick to hold a grudge. Despite being unfailingly kind and understanding, Faene doesn’t have many qualms about running verbal circles around people who are unnecessarily rude.

Her talent in some magic is unmistakable, especially when she uses it to change her appearance into something that fits her. Still, Faene isn’t gifted in the art of fully shifting her appearance; she can only alter herself and her clothes enough that it’s a noticeable difference. All her forms have warm honey brown skin with a reddish undertone, shoulder-length black hair that she prefers to keep up in a bun or ponytail, bright green-hazel eyes, bright yellow magic, and a lithe build corded with muscle. Faene prefers brown, green, red, and blue clothing. She has a brown hat with a large peacock feather she only really wears for performances. She has a jewel necklace with a gold chain that helps her calm down and channel her magic. She also has well-worn but sturdy black boots that go up to her knees. The specific type of clothing (other than shoes) depends on what gender she presents herself as.

While she doesn’t have a pet of her own, Faene adores volunteering for animal shelters and simply taking care of the creatures there. She also likes writing observations about the world around her into a leather-bound journal she keeps with her at all times.

Martial Arts [5/5]
Sleight of Hand [4/5]
Climbing [4/5]
Swimming [1/5]
Running [3/5]

Charisma [5/5]
Reading Body Language [3/5]
Cooperation [3/5]
Conflict Resolution [ 5/5]

Appearance Alteration (Magic) [5/5]
Duplication Casting (Magic) [4/5]
Illusions (Magic) [2/5]
Protection Charms (Magic) [3/5]
Teleportation (Magic) [1/5]


Faene, having grown up in a relatively wealthy family, knows three different languages: Sign language, elvish, and one other.*

(*The last one depends on the fantasy rp setting).

Faene was born into a small family that was not exceedingly rich, but still owned a significant amount of farmland. His mother Buttercup, a Deaf half-elf, and his father Henry, a noble-born human who had eloped with Faene's mother at the first chance, both adored him endlessly. He was endlessly getting into trouble around town, quickly earning the a reputation of one of the most rebellious children many of his neighbors had ever known. He was told to sit still and wait for his mother to come back? He ran off in the opposite direction to go chase a stray duckling into the forest.

At six years of age, Henry sat him down and began to teach him sign language so he could properly communicate with Buttercup. This seemed to be the thing to curb his mischievous streak, and instead kickstarted his adoration for learning. Faene quickly began to pick up other lessons that the townsfolk readily taught him; how to prepare the perfect loaf of bread, how to properly wield a dagger and if he had no dagger with him how to take down an opponent with his hands alone. It was not long after he started learning how to read and write in earnest that his magic began manifesting in sparks of bright golden light across his skin. It wasn't a surprise to anyone but Faene himself. Henry's bloodline was filled with powerful mages, untrained or otherwise.

Henry and Buttercup hired the local witch to teach him how to control his abilities and use them to their full potential. As his understanding of his own magic grew through the months, so too did its unpredictability. Faene was thirteen when he woke up one day as a girl and, instead of shrieking in panic, shrugged. For the first time, she felt comfortable in her own skin. Her parents were bewildered but accepting when she showed them her new talent, and their unquestioning faith in her helped her become more confident in interacting with people outside of her small circle.

It didn't feel that long after when Faene finally reached adulthood and left home to instead attend a prestigious music and magic academy a continent away. Determined to do well and eager to learn, Faene thrived in both academic and social settings. For her twenty-fifth birthday, she received a gorgeous elven-made lute, polished and new. She worked even harder to learn everything she could about lute playing and incorporating magic itself into music she played. She managed to imbue her own necklace, a gift from Buttercup, with an incredibly powerful luck charm. Soon after, Faene graduated with high scores.

She continued to exchange occasional letters with her parents in her hometown whenever she had a stationary address for more than a few days. She traveled on foot from tavern to tavern to perform (and find willing bed partners), listened avidly to local legends whenever anyone was willing to share, and got herself in a fare amount of trouble when she went chasing after the stories themselves. Soon enough she'd gained enough of a name for herself to be known as Hummingbird the traveling bard (for the way her clothes, green and blue as they usually were, vaguely resembled a hummingbird).

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