Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

Sky followed after him getting a clip filled with bullets that were hanging from his belt and snapped them into the gun and looked causitisly around the room.
ooc//I made a form thingie for Kumo. :3

Name: Kumo (Vargas)

Age: 18(?)

Species: Werewolf (a tiny bit of vampire)

Looks: Slightly curly brown hair and amber eyes. He's very short. He has been mistaken many times for a girl.

Personality: Usually happy. Girly.. Very girly. He gets ashamed of himself very easily (not much self esteem.)

Background: Kumo is Kenta and Death's first child. At that time, Sky(twi's charrie) was "attacking" them alot. He came to steal Death, but Kumo tried to save Death and convinced Sky to take him instead. So, Sky took him and some things happened and Kumo ended up falling in love with Sky. Before he (YES, there was mpreg .3.) gave birth to Aimi, he ran away from Kenta and Death and lived with Sky and has ever since.

Other: Kumo has a slight growth defect, leaving him to be short and a little young looking. (Aimi got her small/child-like-ness from him) He has a scar that goes around his neck from when he was kidnapped and forced to wear a collar with spikes on the inside.

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