Full Metal Alchemist


Heir of the Shadows
Shadowblade017 submitted a new role play. @Shadowblade017, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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State Alchemist:

Transmutation Circle:




-Soul bound Armour-




Alchemist who made you:




-Not Alchemist-








Name: Kaylec

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Alchemist who made you: Sebastian Wakefield



Bio: Once was Sebastian's closest friend, Kaylec died from getting too close to explosives in an experiment. Later waking in a suit of bad ass armour. Now serving Sebastian still as a friend and as a protector Kaylec refuses to let any further harm come to Sebastian.

Other: Hates fighting unless absolutely needed, was born in Resemboul, Loyal to Sebastian. Most of what is known about Kaylec is in Sebastian's Bio.

Name: Aran Tierney

Age: 18

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: At the moment, no. He currently believes looks on the military with disgust, but can be persuaded.

Transmutation circle? Yes. For most transmutations, he has one drawn on the back of his coat that he can access easily.

Appearance: View attachment 61273

Bio: Aran was born in the village of Himeba near Semoy, North Area. This village had no definitive roads and very little contact to the rest of Amestris. As a result, the warnings of a sudden Drachma advance didn't reach them in time. In fact, they weren't even aware until their houses started to burn. Aran was woken in the middle of the night to screaming. As he ran down the stairs of his house, he was just in time to see his mother and little brother killed by a falling beam. He was left with his sister, Anna, and his cowardly father, who had already fled the scene. Aran had learned a few techniques of alchemy from an old man in his village. It probably wouldn't even warrant him being called an alchemist, but it was enough to help him escape with his sister. They were only one year apart, but he was the older brother. Eventually, they caught up with fleeing caravans. Yet in the frenzy, Anna and Aran were separated. Aran ended up on a route leading to North City, and eventually to Central. However, Anna ended up on a different route with a crazed family trying to go to Central by taking the roads through the West Area. They had more or less dragged Anna along, and by the time Aran found out Anna was gone, she was nowhere in sight. Now Aran is in a refugee sector put up in Central. His sole concentration is to find an alchemy instructor, yet he is also searching for his sister, hoping she is still alive. He plans to use alchemy to exact vengeance on the people of Drachma, and perhaps to bring his mother back to life (which I hope he will be discouraged from doing).

Other: He currently lives in a badly organized and dirty refugee sector, by himself. Pretty much the only alchemy he knows how to do at the moment is transferring his own brainwaves into a sort of electric energy outside of the body, and a few other basic transmutations. Every time he performs this energy transfer, he usually gets tired and needs to eat something soon after. A few people who know him call him the "Pureblood" Alchemist, as a way of mocking the military.

Name: Kerena von Brandt

Age: 19

Gender: Female

State alchemist: No, probably never will be due to a grudge

Transmutation circle: Basic circle on a pair of gloves, used to simply help move matter around (i.e. giant hands, creating/breaking walls, etc.)

Appearance: 6ft 1' tall, with ice blue eyes and ginger hair, cut short save for two long pieces of bangs. She has very tanned skin and often wears a black zip-up suit that is very similar to certain shirts in Xing. She also wears a brown, leathery jacket with many pockets, black gloves with a basic, white transmutation circle on each hand, and a plain pair of black pants, along with her boots.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/MyStyle.jpg.34f25cbcda3e3a5ac9d3a0871651cde5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/MyStyle.jpg.34f25cbcda3e3a5ac9d3a0871651cde5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Kerena used to be a very very kind girl who loved her family and friends more than anything. Now she is alone, due to the conflict in Ishval. Her parents and elder Siblings- her older Brother and Older Sister- all died in the war itself, because they had been hiding Ishvalan children and families, trying to smuggle them out of Ametris. The Miltary found out and sent a State Alchemist to find them. Kerena had been in her bedroom when the man showed up, reading up on the basics of Alchemy. The Alchemist tracked them down with a chimera created from a wolf and an eagle- giving the creature intense eyesight and wings that let it glide, but not fly. The chimera's sense of smell and eyesight was used to find the Ishvalans in hiding, leading the Alchemist to their door. As stated before, Kerena had been reading in her room, the thirteen year old about to go to bed, when she heard screaming downstairs. She ducked under her bed, pulling the blankets down just enough to hide herself, as her parents had taught her. She heard the man walking around her house, and heard him calling out for survivors to "help them." The chimera, however, smelled her and immediately ran to her hiding place, dragging her out by the shoulder. She screamed in pain and fear, smacking the chimera in the face until it let her go- leaving her at the feet of the Alchemist. She never found have survived the rest of the encounter if it wasn't for her elder sister, who tackled the man to the ground before he could even speak or move to harm Kerena. The man ended up killing her sister before her very eyes, and Kerena was soon running away. She hid out in the forest that night, using her shirt to bandage her wound with the knowledge she had gained from helping to heal the refugees, and the man thinking her dead left. When she came back the next day, she found the mutilated corpses of those she had called family, friend, mother, father, sister, brother. She cried for hours, before giving herself better care, cleaning her wound and wrapping it in real bandages. She then lined up the corpses as best she could, changed her clothes and grabbed provisions- then lit her house on fire as a funeral. She left to go farther into Ametris, determined to take revenge on the Alchemist who destroyed her home. She studied for years using books from any library she could find, as well as any books she could steal from anyone she could find. She became quite the pick pocket, and to this day lives off of money from odd jobs and stupid tourists.

Other: I used charahub.com to make a lot of very specific details about this character, as well as a photo of reference, so here is the link to her character: https://charahub.com/character/322844/Kerena-von-Brandt/public/



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Name: Sebastian Wakefield AKA The Shadow Alchemist

Age: 17

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: Yes

Transmutation circle? No (Lost both legs and an arm)

Appearance: (How he looked before the human transmutation)


Bio: Sebastian was born in Resembool and became friends with Kaylec when he grew older. His mother always hated him but the only reason she never hurt him or got rid of him was because of his father. Later on his dad died and the family went into havoc. His mother started beating him and barely fed him. Sebastian fell into a depressive state and tried to bring his father back which cost him losing his legs. Kaylec barely got their in time and brought him to an automail shop and begged the owners to save his friend. The owners agreed and fixed Sebastian up free of charge. After recovering from all of this his mother left and he was alone with the only person he could trust...Kaylec. But one day Kaylec and Sebastian were screwing with explosives and experimenting with them when Kaylec got to close and blew up. In a desperate attempt to save Kaylec he bound him to some badass looking armor but lost his arm in the process. Sebastian ran to the automail shop and begged them to make him an automail arm and that he would do anything for it. The owners did it but he had to work around the shop to pay for the supplies he used for the arm. Sebastian at the age of 15 decided to go become a state alchemist and passed and soon got the name The Shadow Alchemist.

Other: He likes to sit in dark areas and think. He is called The Shadow Alchemist because of his dark past and the things he does with alchemy.


Name: Lilith Akylas

Age: 20

Gender: Female

State Alchemist: Yes. 'Ice Alchemist'

Transmutation Circle: Different basic transmutation circles are engraved onto the charms in her bracelets and necklaces. Her ice transmutation circles are stitched onto her gloves, and a few are engraved on her rings and earrings in case of backup. Area splash transmutations require her to draw the circle beforehand.

Bio: She is an orphan leftover from the war, and both of her parents were soldiers in the military. Her family has served the military for generations, and wields considerable influence in political circles. She was raised be her grandparents, and she became an alchemist as a way to escape the political meddling of her family.

Other: She fits her title, and appears to be a cold and unforgiving person.
Name: Luna McCann (The Astral Alchemist)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

State Alchemist: Yep (was accepted at the age of 15)

Transmutation Circle: yes. The circle is Engraved onto her necklace and on her left-hand glove.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfe907c1b_MyStyle(2).jpg.94e3019c9cb2f0e60f79e8e28e65db42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfe907c1b_MyStyle(2).jpg.94e3019c9cb2f0e60f79e8e28e65db42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Luna McCain had a wonderful family, A mother and Father, and a baby sister who has recently born. At the age of 5 a large storm had hit Resembool, it had left her baby sister dead. In an Atempt to bring her sister back, her mom and her dad had been left dead. After crying and screaming, she went on leaving the house and Thankfully Sebastian's parents had brought her in making her a small part of the family. Over the years she watched Sebastian and Kaylec practice alchemy, she soon took intrest after Sebastian lost his legs. She Began Alchemy and soon studied for the Alchemy Exam. at the age of 15 she became a State Alchemist. Named the Astral Alchemist, after Creating large balls of Hydrogen with the objects they gave them for the Exam.

Other: She Travels with Kaylec And Sebastian. She has a cat that Follows here Named Hallow



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Name: Allen Waller A.K.A State Alchemist name (metal alchemist)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

State Alchemist: Yes

Transmutation Circle: No

Appearance:(How he looked after he leaves the lab)


Bio: in the small town called Dublith this child was born in a small laboratory. and they raised him and as soon as he could read they started reading him alchemy books and a year he started preforming alchemy. very well infect and and a few years later he would be great alchemist at this stage he is he is 12 years old he dose realize that he is just part of lab experiment. he starts to grow hatred to this lab but there is this one women who took care of him and he loves her like a mother. he dose not know his real mother. this women name is ally and she love Allen like a son. a another few year she dies and Allen goes into a has the idea to bring her back with alchemy. three moths later he tries to bring her back. the transmutation falls and he loses his arm and lab staff run in the room and help him. a couple years later he is 17 and now he has a automail arm and he can now use alchemy with just his hands and he hates this lab even more and he tries to escape and he dose he steals some cloth and makes the clothes you see on his back and he has read book and state alchemist and he heads straight for centrol and one month later he becomes a state alchemist. the government gives him a place to live.

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