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Fandom FTL: Faster Than Light (Always Open)


Please use this to create your character:





(Overview lists all available races)

Role: (Pilot/Repair/Shields/Weapons/etc.)




Be aware you can still sign-up while the RP has begun, though you will not be a member of the federation. (You can be a slave, someone in a crashed ship, random traveler, etc.)
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May be improved later

P4S-1U8L, tends to be called "Paul" by people who consider him a friend.

Age: Recalls 109 years in his memory banks

Gender: Neither

Height: Mutable, but his usual bipedal form is 5'11"

Race: Engi

Role: Repair

Personality: P4S-1U8L, hereafter referred to as Paul, is very much an Engi. He is highly logical, rational, and calculating. Emotion doesn't exactly enter into his mind, which tends to disconnect him from everywhere else. He is, however, one of the more impetuous and adventurous Engi, with an incredible thirst for knowledge.

Appearance: Uh, he's an Engi. Doesn't exactly have a lot of artwork to draw on.

Bio: Paul is one of the more adventurous Engi, and went out to explore and gather knowledge. He spent much time with the other races, working on various scientific projects. He became something of an auxiliary to the Federation Fleet, becoming all-but a crew member on one of their ships.
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We'll need about 1-2 more people before we can start as I'll be focused on GMing rather than playing a crew member.
Hey there, I hope this is a good enough CS. Also thank @Fezzes for showing me this RP.

Name: Torazel

Age: 30

Gender: Hard to tell but acts very much male

Height: Usually 6 ft but can change sometimes and its hard to tell when he hovers sometimes.

Race: Zoltan

Role: Shields

Personality: Torazel is one of those strange people. If you were to meet him (because it is a lot easier to say that), you would probably think that you were meeting the most overactive, caffeine addict in the world by the way he constantly talks and going off into tangents but when meeting him, he seems like the nice kid that always helped you study when it was the day of the test... (if that happens). He also seems like a ticking atomic bomb when it comes to pissing him off, and he probably can make the explosion happen.

Appearance: Like other Zoltan, he glows a very yellowy green glow but he has figured out how to tone down his brightness as to not blind his friends.

Bio: Torazel found himself at the wrong place, at the wrong time. He happened to be researching the lifeforms on an undiscovered planet when he heard the Rebels had begun their attack. It just so happened that the first worlds that were taken included the one that he was on at the time. The Federation had saved his life by sweeping the systems and saving as many as they could and for this act, Torazel joined to "Do His Part", so to say.

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Name: Trr'Kit

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 4'11

Race: Mantis

Role: Weapons / Boarding

Personality: Trr'Kit is quite unusual for a Mantis, something that is often attributed to a slight mental defect. For one, he prefers to use actual weaponry in combat instead of his natural blades, a unthinkable thing to most of Mantiskind. In addition to this, he has an intense interest in the other spacefaring species, and not in the common way of pirating or how fun it would be to engage them in combat. He wants to learn more about other species, their societies and the ways they think, just to satisfy his own curiosity. He one day hopes to find a way to get his people to form an alliance with one, if not multiple, of the other species, as he believes that the constant attacks and warlike nature of his own race will lead to their eventual downfall. As it is, his is very thoughtful and calm in demeanor, even when being forced to kill.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.631c0a651b07487e722f0e3304d44d3c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113716" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.631c0a651b07487e722f0e3304d44d3c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Hatched on the barren world of Zrr'Lrrk, Trr'Kit was an outcast since his pupation. While his hive mates where more interested in learning the finer points of bisecting living organics (and some nonorganics), Trr'Kit was busy reading the the sparse literature the Mantis had wrote, mostly about grand warriors and the great victories in battle. He was even able to get his manipulators on text about other space faring species. He was enthralled by the prospect of species that differed from his own not only in biological makeup, but in mindset as well. Wanting to learn more about these aliens, he tried to hitch a ride on one of the numerous pirate ships that docked at Zrr'Lrrk for repairs and planetside refreshments. Unfortunately, he was noticed as a stowaway and ejected out of the ship in an old escape pod, doomed to eventually suffocate and die alone in the vastness of space. Luckily for him, a Federation ship happened to find his pod. Now he serves as a member of the crew, trying to learn about his alien teammates as much as possible while they journey across the cosmos.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-23_10-45-27.jpeg.d64475352c7c69db66fe33064c518260.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113860" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/upload_2016-3-23_10-45-27.jpeg.d64475352c7c69db66fe33064c518260.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Lola Red

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: Small

Race: Human

Personality: Kind, Caring, Reckless

Bio: TBR



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Name: Allishin'Gaether

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5

Race: Mantis

Role: Ship Boarder

Personality: He's a bit grumpy at times, doesn't say much about himself- just that he's a mercenary for hire- usually does his job of just slicing and dicing. He's a bit open when he's offered quantities of food, but much.

Appearance: He's a shade of very dark orange with red tinted leaf-like patterns on his exoskeleton, as well as dark golden eyes.

Bio: Bought by traveling tourists in need of a guard, "Gunther" as the folks called him, took up the job to get some open space- out of his planet- and explore what the universe had for him. Sooner or later, it became boring for him so then he left the ship and instead, joined a ship that was sorta of like a agency employment but, again, he had to wait for his job come to him as they were going through Galactic Federation stations.
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Height:5.2 feet



Personality:Like the rest of his race, he has a unsated hunger for money, however he does not take part in manipulating people, since who would trust a giant slug. Angular however cares about robots, and ships more than living things.

Appearance:He is a bright white color, with a shell that is patterned in black spirals.

Bio:Angular is a store worker, and up for hire in a nearby space station. He was brought there since his ship left him there, because he was so overly not caring to his crewmates. Angular usually, checks on the repairing parts when ships come by, and repairs him to the best of his ability.

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