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Fantasy Fruits Basket- A New Generation OOC Chat

Loki777 Loki777 , I would never force anything on you, if you want them to have a difficult relationship, it's fine. Just because they share a compability Zodiac-wise, there are always exceptions.
well anyway for my character zodiac logic, it says that monkeys are most compatible with snakes, rats, dragons.(when all 3 rat, monkey, and dragon come together supposededly gud synergy will be a thing according to zodiac logic and what not), least compatible with tigers. (I would figure that he'd just have a harder time forging a connection with RANGYOKU RANGYOKU 's character, even though he may want to try ect.)
you realize you don't have to follow that right? Cause I don't think any of the characters are following the usual traits.
RANGYOKU RANGYOKU I wasn't even thinking they'd be like doomed to incapability so to speak, but like once the relationship IS forged it'd be really good, just having a harder start and what not, heck it coud already be in the past, and they've reached such status already)
you realize you don't have to follow that right? Cause I don't think any of the characters are following the usual traits.
Indeed i'm aware, i'm not following it word for word, as my character has some differences already. But it does help for relationship development to a degree for ideas.
Loki777 Loki777 , I think I see what you mean, a rocky start to a wonderful friendship, sorta. I like it. If I got it right, I'll try to elaborate on it on my CS, since I am currently editing it for that purpose.
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I feel so left out I pretty much can't do anything while at work cuz it's busy... :closedeyescryingfrown: I'll be active later guys unless I get time until then if I haven't hit you up for relationship talks message me!!
Aside from the role play, I gotta love how I spend my summer-vacation mornings. Just me in front of my computer, a bite of bagel stuffed in my mouth while I sing to YouTube videos and magically not choking, lol XD Btw, if you like acapella, Peter Hollens is the guy to turn to!

Singing this to Mikoto, lol. Literally though, this is one of my favorite songs of all time. SOOOOO pretty! And it was a blast singing this in school choir XD

Christopher Tin, the guy who wrote and orchestrated Baba Yetu, also wrote some other amazing songs I can't help but sing along to, such as this one! :D A gigantic haiku about birth, life, death, and rebirth

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