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Fantasy Frozen Midnight


Rotting in Paradise
"..Once the clock handles creaked their way to twelve o' clock and the bells rang their final tolls, it was as if the very darkness around us had stopped, frozen over our lands, everywhere all at once.. I remember waiting what felt like days just to once again see the sunlight.. But it never came.."


"..And that is when they appeared.."

Creatures of the night, unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. Sure, when you're an adventurer you may come across your occasional boss monster or otherwise hard person to battle, but these things weren't your average monster. They were nightmarish beasts that ripped and tore they way through human villages and settlements with ease, devouring flesh and bone alike and pillaging the goods for their taking. It's rumored that some even ended up becoming experiments, a fate much worse than death awaiting them.

But the question that everyone has on their mind, is where did they come from? Where and how did these savage creatures even appear in the first place? Who was controlling them? Clearly they had some sort of intelligence that other monsters didn't possess, so how did they aquire it if they don't have some sort of master giving it to them? And the most common question of all.. How do we stop them?
That is what you, the reader, must discover. For the sake of this world and it's people, before the darkness takes us all. Your role in this world is that of an adventurer, part of the Extermination Guild. A group that has formed, dedicated to the investigation and extermination of the infinite darkness and her creatures of terror. Only the strongest of you will be accepted, as no ordinary adventurer would be able to survive out there when they can barely see a thing. Especially when up against your not-so-average monster and possibly other people.

The guild is located in the kingdom of Grandiose, one of the cities that are holding their ground against the demonic attacks, despite the numbers of monsters appearing every 'day' that passes. Their strong military force and research has aided them in this time of darkness thus far, but with farmlands being destroyed left and right.. It's safe to say that food is dwindling fast. And they can only focus their might on defending their walls for the time being. Guild members are the only ones that are permitted to leave the city for supply runs, missions, investigations, ect. They're seen as some of the most important people in the city, for this very reason. That and they're taking a stand against the beasts.

Hey all, this is my first Idea for a group roleplay on this site and I'd appreciate any feedback that you can provide (I want to learn how to be a better gm lol) if you're interested, lemme know below and if enough people join I'll see if I can post a character sheet thread :) Thank you for reading and have a good rest of your day/evening!

(P.S. If anyone can help me flesh out/run this story, dm me as I'm very new to actually controlling a large scale group story lmao and I want to make it fun and enjoyable for everyone involved.)

Character sheet page:

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Hmmm, may have a character concept I'd want to use for this. Might wait until a couple more characters are posted so I get a better idea of the group's power level before deciding.
Hmmm, may have a character concept I'd want to use for this. Might wait until a couple more characters are posted so I get a better idea of the group's power level before deciding.
Sounds good to me, I hope you can find what you're looking for
I was thinking that maybe we should do a posting order? That way everyone gets a chance to respond without others taking their turn
I was thinking that maybe we should do a posting order? That way everyone gets a chance to respond without others taking their turn
Yeah, that's a good idea. I think for right now, we should focus on introducing our characters and then we can go in order from whoever introduced first, second, third, etc
Would that apply to combat as well since people may want to change up the order in order to coordinate actions with another character? For example someone casting a buff on another character, or people getting out of the way before an AoE is use.
Would that apply to combat as well since people may want to change up the order in order to coordinate actions with another character? For example someone casting a buff on another character, or people getting out of the way before an AoE is use.
You raise a good point. Maybe it'd be a better idea to allow posting after 2 others have posted. So for example if I were to post, I'd have to wait until two others have posted before I can post again. Another GM did this and it worked out well with the rp we were in.
If anyone has another suggestion though, I'm down to hear it. :) I don't have any other ideas apart from those two
I agree that something should be in place so everyone can get a chance to respond but my only thought was that if I was busy one day I'd feel bad about holding the RP up if it was my turn to post (though I figured if that happened I could always just tell everyone in the OOC that its cool to skip my turn that round). Fanatic has a good point also

I'm honestly fine with both ideas ^_^
You raise a good point. Maybe it'd be a better idea to allow posting after 2 others have posted. So for example if I were to post, I'd have to wait until two others have posted before I can post again. Another GM did this and it worked out well with the rp we were in.
That's part of the usual RP etiquette I'm used to. Either wait for a couple of other people to post first, or if a week or so goes by with maybe one response then it's free game to post again. That's what I'm used to doing anyway. Plus it lets conversations go more organically then everyone always speaking in the same order.
That's part of the usual RP etiquette I'm used to. Either wait for a couple of other people to post first, or if a week or so goes by with maybe one response then it's free game to post again. That's what I'm used to doing anyway. Plus it lets conversations go more organically then everyone always speaking in the same order.
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense, I think that's how we'll do it then

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