Frozen In Time

Marie Rain

Two Thousand Club
Character Sheet


Age: (15-22 any others must be discussed first )


Appearance: (pictures please)



Background: (optional)




Other: (optional) 
Name: Lilith Alexander

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.653ee0577999d9f6a1206e8808aab3a4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.653ee0577999d9f6a1206e8808aab3a4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Strengths: Acting strong in scary situations, stealth.

Weaknesses/Fears: Refusal to back down, the dark, small spaces.

Personality: Lilith is good at pretending like things don't bother her. She hides her true feelings most of the time because she doesn't want to burden others. She can be a very valuable friend if she trusts you and will always have your back. She tends to also put the safety of others before her own, even strangers.

Likes: Sweet things, rabbits, guys who are protective, and the forests.

Dislikes: Cruel people, discussing her feelings by force, and spiders.

Other: Time still continues.



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Name: Alhara Williams

Age: 17

Gender: female



Strengths: Logical thinking and calculation, brawling,

Weaknesses/Fears: a distinct "shoot first, ask questions later" tendency, despite her logical attitude. Is very distrusting and somewhat antisocial. Fears: being judged, being hated by others.

Personality: Alhara is short tempered, terrible at talking to people, and automatically dislikes everybody that she doesn't know. Because of her poor people skills, she keeps quiet and stays away from social areas. Because of her tendency to lash out at people, sometimes violently, people often steer clear of Alhara. Though this seems to be preferable, she absolutely hates being alone. Underneath her rough exterior, Alhara is actually rather kindhearted.

Likes: The color violet, areas with only a little noise, sleeping, good natured people

Dislikes: Being alone, talking about herself, large groups of people, bland colorations such as all white/gray/black, noisy/annoying people

"time can't continue"
Name: Lance Cykes

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: (pictures please)


Feels there is a solution to every problem, has high amounts of courage.

: Doesn't like heights. If mad, he starts to act rash and not think logically. Can't handle high amounts of peer pressure.

Lance is a very kindhearted individual, usually calm in bad situations. He usually likes his peace and quiet, but he doesn't mind company when its around. He usually is very laid back, but if one does manage to get him mad, he'll throw logic out the window and not think clearly. Luckily, it takes a lot to push him over the breaking point.

The color green, his fedora, exploring, solving problems.

Boring things, rude people, heights, and awkward silences.

: (optional) " If time can't continue, then I have all the time I need to figure out what's wrong."
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Name: Jayce Carter

Age: Recently turned 18

Gender: Male



No strap or microphone

Strengths: Is very logical when approaching a situation, good at analyzing a person, unarmed combat.

Weaknesses/Fears: Doesn't trust or get close to many people, gets very competitive even in serious situations, doesn't think with emotions. Fears: Being betrayed by someone close to him.

Personality: Jayce can be very robotic most of the time, not showing any hint of emotion or human care. He jokes around from time to time and tends to take things less seriously than he should. However, when needed to, he can be very serious and pick apart a situation at its core and figure out the most efficient solution. Jayce also has a firm belief in 'doing what is necessary', even if this entails doing horrible things. As he doesn't talk to people, most just leave him alone, and the few that try to get to know him are pushed away by his cold and sarcastic nature. He has a very self-preservative mentality and will often look out for himself and use others in order to keep himself safe. Despite this, Jayce is very open and kind to the few people who actually get close to him.

Likes: Challenges, logical people, fighting, cold weather, Ambient noise.

Dislikes: 'Goody-two-shoes', being weak, illogical thinking, warm weather, brightness, absolute silence, too much noise.

Other: Time can't continue
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Name: Carter Bellatreaux

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: See picture

Strengths: He seems to be unfeeling toward the thoughts of danger. He is a courageous one, very calculating but also has the point to know whom he could be dealing with. Analytical.

Weaknesses/Fears: Phobia is solitude. He cannot handle too long being by himself at all, as he has held the idea that the world is out to get him due to his life before the freeze.


Carter Natheniel Bellatreaux is a boy who has been raised in the streets of hard knocks. With street smarts, a no-die attitude, and some real fighting skills in the art of Muay Thai, he worked to keep his life away from his adopted parents whom held nothing but contempt for him. A bad boy in his own right, he can surely keep to himself sometimes when it comes to thinking. But it won't take too long before he comes back to a crowd. When the freeze hit, he was hysterical and looking that instant for someone to talk to or to interact with.

Personality: It depends on how he seems to be. All depending on mood. When angered, he is ruthless and can be quite cold. When happy, he shows a bubbly and quirky personality. And when saddened, he can be quite depressing and very distant.

Likes: Being around nice people

Dislikes: Solitude

Other: Carter has always held a gift to judge the moods of those around him, due to the scrutiny he holds when he is around others. A living contradiction, to be precise.

Time can't continue

(I apologize for not remembering the Time Can't Continue point.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6767d41_CarterNathanielBellatreaux.jpeg.b95c58781f0cc48dabb14a700f3850c9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf6767d41_CarterNathanielBellatreaux.jpeg.b95c58781f0cc48dabb14a700f3850c9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Cecilia Suzuki

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Strengths: Remaining calm in any situation. Good at giving some advice at times.

Weaknesses/Fears: Doesn't get close to many people. Constantly questions peoples choices. Fears: Losing those closest to her.

Personality: Cecilia does care for those she considers "friend". But, she doesn't really show her true emotions. Normally liking the peace and quiet of being alone she has a habit of talking to herself. Although, she is normally careless and constantly wanders off regardless if it affects those around her.

Likes: Pizza, Books, mysteries, and belittling people

Dislikes: Dishonest people, Boring things, People who cause unnecessary problems.

Other: Time can't continue.
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Name: Fiona Brooks

Age: (15-22 any others must be discussed first ) 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: (pictures please)

Strengths: Reads a lot and thus knows a ridiculous trivia. Very trusting and optimistic.

Weaknesses/Fears: Easily startled and thus overreacts to things. Not in the lest bit athletic. Fears: Agoraphobia and Hemophobia.

Personality: Annoying what with the constant recitation of random facts. Her initial plans tend to be overblown and ridiculous but if you can get her to focus she's a hard worker.

Likes: The violin. Gourmet food. Books.

Dislikes: Being unprotected. Blood, she tends to faint at the sight of it. Food that's not up to her 'standards'.

Other: (optional) Plays the violin. Time can not continue!
Name: Alice Wyther

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Strengths: Agile, quick to adapt

Weaknesses/Fears: Careless, not at all stealthy, really overconfident

Personality: Cheerful and bubbly. Alice is a very confident person, and doesn't really understand 'quiet'. Why would she want to be quiet, after all-being loud makes her happy! Although she won't admit it, she's so loud and exuberant all the time because she has been rather secluded for most of her life, and she feels lonely. She's exuberant to keep herself company, and is desperate for friends, but often drives them away with her attitude.

Likes: Sweets, people, awesome things, music

Dislikes: being alone, sadness, being trapped, spicy things

Other: time can't continue
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Jordan Tye






-Easy to talk to.

-Strong willed





-Easily stressed


Being alone for forever, not being remembered.


Jordan is flirty, open minded, brutally honest, quiet, shy at first, charismatic,childish, playful.



-Boys and Girls.


-Fluffy things




-Being alone



Time Can't Continue


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