


IDK What to post

Sorry Stew! You'll never get to RP

@Stew - Side note, I highly doubt you'd guess a zombies weak point from one kill. That's illogical. It would take a plethora of kills before you jumped to that assumption. It would be more reasonable that you'd just assume you'd just finally made enough shots to stop the sucker.
Well, I just kind of thought of it from my standpoint. If I smashed one in the leg and shot another one several times, but that didn't stop either of them, and yet a shot to the head put one down, I would assume that's a good place to aim. Plus, Hellman and his father have been across the U.S.A. so I would think they would have had some experience with zombies in their travels. But if I have to edit my post, I'll have to do it tomorrow, I'm typing this with an on-screen keyboard.
Eh, it's whatever

Not the most important thing

Just something I felt I should've pointed out

Sorry I didn't post xD I'm not a good writer
Guessing it after such a conflict is fine. Besides, if I am attacked by something and multiple shots everywhere else doesn't kill it and a head shot does, even if that isn't the kill point, you can be damn sure I'll aim there first next time. amirite?

@Wastes Storyteller Accepted! You can stay out in light snow for 2 hours and heavy snow for 1 hour. Running speed is unimpeded.
Thank you! Now, could you please describe what is going on and when I can come into the scheme of things?
I'll leave that to @Roo as she is in charge currently due to my limited availability. Availability that's about to have me gone in around five minutes and I have a few more things I need to do. Deepest apologies.
Atom said:
I'll leave that to @Roo as she is in charge currently due to my limited availability. Availability that's about to have me gone in around five minutes and I have a few more things I need to do. Deepest apologies.
But can I join at any moment that seems fit?
Most of the posts so far have been backstory, things have been going on for a couple of weeks

What is happening is out on the outskirts of the town is some people on top of the police station is people shooting at a mob, and a few other people doing other miscellaneous junk
@Roo, thanks for the information. I'll use this to start!

So... Is this what it is? What could we do to get the roleplay starting again?
Stew said:
I'm just waiting for Roo. Ever-so-patiently.
Sorry xD

After I do the dishes I'll try and post

[QUOTE="Wastes Storyteller]What do you mean by fast?

Like a few posts a day as opposed to a few dozen a day?

IDK I haven't been in a simple/casual RP in awhile, mostly detailed stuff
I do like detailed stuff. I mean, this seems somewhat more detailed than an average simple RP.
It does! It took me about an hour and a half to make my profile. Then another hour for my first RP.

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