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Finished [Frontier] Ruining, the Fun! 1

Sealed Section, Target of the Expedition
As Ordella summoned Cheshire once more, Mimi grinned and dropped to a fighting stance, crouching low and holding her hands in front of her. "Let's do this!" With a final shout, Cheshire and Mimi's combined their assault, along with Hideki's assistance and Tomo's supervision, all aimed at the pedestal.

The Explorer's Guild, Chaffton
"Well, I suppose you did bring it with you... so it counts. Our researchers will be excited to study it regardless." Derby stared down at the collection of artifacts that the team returned to the guild, which included the mask, still resting atop the laying pedestal. "These are all great finds, and..." He turned to look over the dismantled construct lying in a heap on his table. "I'm not even sure what to make of this, but it seems worth digging into."

He turned back to the group as a few laborers came to collect everything. "Oh, right, your rewards. A few pieces recovered from a previous outing just finished being examined today. You may each take your pick from among them. And all of you have proven yourselves, so if you ever want to help out again, feel free to come by anytime."

Available Rewards
  • Orichalcum Die F
    • A single die formed of Orichalcum. If it had a partner, it was lost long ago.
    • When rolled, this die has a slightly higher chance of landing on your desired result.

  • Mariner's Dagger F
    • A steel dagger with a silver handle bearing the emblem of an Albatross.
    • The dagger gives of a slight aura, making others more accepting of them.

  • Amber Medallion F
    • An ancient amber medallion on an iron chain.
    • Once a day, the wearer may change their hair color for up to an hour.

Time Remaining: Completed

Available Objectives:

  • Search around the outside rubble
  • Search the unobstructed interior
    • Keep the Implements (A)
    • Use the Implements (A)
    • Open the Panel
    • Smash the Idol (B)
    • Take the Idol (B)
  • Attempt to enter the sealed sections of the temple
    • Force open the secondary door uncovered in the interior
      • Take the Golden Mask
      • Explore the Tunnel
      • Examine the cave in
  • Regroup and discuss
  • Defeat the Enemies?
Remaining Supplies:
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • Excavation Tools (+1 to Effectiveness for check)
  • +Skeletal Arm (+1 to Effectiveness of Ordella's Spirit Reading)
Recovered Artifacts:
  • Standard: 2
    • Ancient Dagger
    • Ancient Wine Container
  • Unique: 2
    • Ancient Silver Plated Crown w/ Precious Stones and Bone
    • Golden Ritual Mask

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Moonberry Moonberry Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
Results Screen New
Narrator Recommendations:
Tomo and Mimi RPed with the intent of gaining favor with the Explorer's Guild as an Asset.

Ordella - Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi
  • Optional Title - Rookie Diver - Has successfully recovered at least one relic for the Ryke Explorers Guild. Is trusted to take on further missions.
  • Narrator's Rewards A Grade
    • Mariner's Dagger F
      • A steel dagger with a silver handle bearing the emblem of an Albatross.
      • The dagger gives of a slight aura, making others more accepting of them.
Tomo - Vaudivolt Vaudivolt
  • Optional Title - Rookie Diver - Has successfully recovered at least one relic for the Ryke Explorers Guild. Is trusted to take on further missions.
  • Asset - Ryke Explorer's Guild Renown F - You are associated with the Ryke Explorer's guild and are recognized as a member
  • Narrator's Rewards A Grade
    • Amber Medallion F
      • An ancient amber medallion on an iron chain.
      • Once a day, the wearer may change their hair color for up to an hour.
Hideki - Moonberry Moonberry
  • Optional Title - Rookie Diver - Has successfully recovered at least one relic for the Ryke Explorers Guild. Is trusted to take on further missions.
  • Narrator's Rewards A Grade
    • Orichalcum Die F
      • A single die formed of Orichalcum. If it had a partner, it was lost long ago.
      • When rolled, this die has a slightly higher chance of landing on your desired result.
Mimi - StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
  • Optional Title - Rookie Diver - Has successfully recovered at least one relic for the Ryke Explorers Guild. Is trusted to take on further missions.
  • Asset - Ryke Explorer's Guild Renown F - You are associated with the Ryke Explorer's guild and are recognized as a member

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