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Graded [[Frontier] (PD)] A Conclave with The Exiled Tycoon [Resurrection RP]


Bringer of Change
Roleplay Availability

Fleeting. Drifting. Falling. Words Horatio would describe the feeling he first felt after he had suffered death, after he had been dismantled and desecrated by those disgusting creatures that ripped him into pieces when darkness fell over him. He felt nothing but the cold hands of death, his own body didn't even emit heat like he thought it would, the wannabe zealot never thought this is where he would be at after death. Darkness all around him, he felt like he was dreaming but awake at the same time, this new afterlife feeling was a scary one, yet he felt comfort. He didn't feel human anymore, he felt like he had failed but also felt like he had achieved much. His memory was pretty hazy about his previous life, but he remembered he was a very faithful man who fought in wars. Horatio felt frozen, he tried to move his body but felt nothing, surprisingly this did not bother him. He wondered if his cognitive thinking had accepted this while he had not as a person. He would like to leave this strange darkness and go back to the real world. Actually, what was his purpose? Why did he live? Was it fear that drove him to belief? Why did he believe? Who did he believe in again? He would feel a presence near but still not be able to move his body or head but only look into the endless void he was floating through.

Horatio Lebac

" W-Who's there? " Horatio's voice would weakly call out, barely a whisper and more of a murmur. A weak whimper. The zealot didn't even realize where he was at and who's presence he was now in, and he had the gall to question.
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The first response that Horatio would hear upon his question to the void was howling silence, before a figure rose up from the nothingness, formed from the red light that was all around, pooling like blood into a singular shape, a beast with six arms and 5 hands, sharp edges all around, and a suffocating presence. The figure turned it's head towards the shape of Horatio, disdain clear from it's very posture. "So this is what the herald I chose has shown for the blessings I gave him. Dying in some unnamed forest, to a bunch of nobodies." He began, staring down at Horatio with his eyeless face, the realm around them swirling in crimsons and reds and blacks.

"Do you not even understand what grander purpose there is for you? That there was more to be done? How could my herald of war fail on the first campaign. Perhaps another would be more deserving of my blessings." He began again, berating Horatio for his failure in the war between the See and the Empire, the realm rumbling with his words as the pressure from his very speech felt crushing. He began to move his hands before himself, taking the posture in the image above as he stared towards Horatio. "Speak, what do you have to say for yourself Horatio."
Horatio Lebac

Horatio would see a dark figure rise next to him in the nothingness that he was floating through. A massive figure that made him seem tiny, miniscule, even inconsequential. Horatio's eyes tried focusing on the entity before him, something he could only describe as something more than a god. The rumblings of this old vital force made it clear to Horatio who this was. " L-Lebacreoth? " He asked weakly, " My lord. I-I was not worthy enough, ignorant that I shouldn't be more aware of other's abilities! " Horatio was trying to make himself more focused on the Tycoon before him, of course this was the scariest moment of his life, dying was that scary to him as it was for his lord. But now he realized that he died in vain for his lord. To a bunch of insignificant rats that he should have killed. That he should have murdered. That he should have mauled.

Horatio winced at the immense pressure of anger that sprawled off of Lebacreoth, the old Tycoon's words were pounding, in his body, mind and soul. He was right, Horatio failed on his first ever campaign, he failed to help the Empire accomplish its goal and they were the last hope of winning the war against The See, the Empire's war machines couldn't destroy the weak magics of the Fae when they should have crushed them. He had failed in helping the Empire win the war which would have been not only beneficial to the Empire but to Horatio and his own goals. His goals of spreading the word of Lebacreoth. " I-I understand my lord! I understand my purpose! I also understand that I was nothing more than a weak fool who thought himself indestructible. I can better than any other Chosen you can find, my lord! " Horatio's eyes finally focused in on the dark Tycoon before him, the Entity of Blood, War and Destruction. He saw his God for the first time, in his true fashion, in his real form. His raw form. " I have failed you. There is no doubt about that. I understand where my shortcomings are, I understand I have much to improve. I understand I am not a worthy herald for you. I want to try again. I want to succeed. I want to destroy the entirety of those god forsaken creatures that live in their own filth! " He screamed into the void, his anger for the Ratmaa became clear as he calmed himself. " I have failed. This I am aware of. I will and have to accept whatever your decision is, my lord. " His voice quiet again as he closed his eyes. Accepting his fate of being ripped asunder into nothingness, never to exist again.
"To enter a battle without any knowledge at all of your enemy is foolhardy." He spoke with a rumble, looking down at Horatio as his hands began to shift around himself, getting close to Horatio. He began to raise one hand above him, as if he were preparing to strike. However, before the blow began to come, he instead place his hand underneath Horatio, bringing him closer to the giant gods head. He began to glare, even without the eyes to do so.

"Normally, you would be consumed here for your failure. However, as loathe as I am to admit it, failure itself is not foreign to me. And if even I am capable of it, then a mere mortal such as yourself could be given a second chance to make yourself useful to me. With some... precautions to prevent further failings in the future." The god rumbled at Horatio, beginning to form a blood ball above his head. As he formed it, a searing pain would begin to form on Horatio's chest on the left side, like a burning iron pressed directly against his skin for a prolonged time, smoke beginning to rise from his chest. "First, a mark to make sure you never forget your failure."

As the pain began to die down, surely leaving a scar under his clothes, the god then stared down at him. "I believe you understand the mercy you are being afforded. Others of my ilk would be none too kind to failure."
Horatio Lebac

Horatio took his God's words to heart, he was right, Horatio was a fool for doing such a ridiculous thing, no preparation, no knowledge, no necessary tools. He deserved this fate. He deserved to be dead. He deserved whatever Lebacreoth would bring upon him. He saw a hand raise over him in which Horatio was ready for to demolish him, he deserved it. A monumental failure. But instead, his God carefully took him into his hand, even admitting he had once failed. Which was a surprising revelation to Horatio, he had heard about Gods never admitting failure, usually they were stuck up in their ways. This was why he believed in Lebacreoth. He was even willing to admit when he was wrong, a God admitting to a mortal he had failed. Now Horatio would watch the massive arm of this unknown entity rise over Horatio's broken body. This all still felt like a dream.

Then the pain came. Horatio unleashed a scream of pain as the searing began, in his chest it would burn like a fire enflaming on him, he would feel the brand of his God. And yet, still was proud of such a gift. " I shall never forget my failure, my lord! You are too kind giving me another chance. " Horatio called out admis the pain until it finally died off. Staring back at Lebacreoth, Horatio was fully aware of this mercy that began given to him, he was not deserving of it, but he would become better than this. Before he was an arrogant bastard who figured he would have solved this problem himself. Now. He knew what he had to do. He had to convince people, rally people, force them. " I understand, my lord. I am undeserving of your second chance. I will prove to you; I am your best choice of a herald. I will bring you back to this world. " Horatio vowed out loud.
"I expect nothing less Herald. Now, I will send you back to the world, but this time, do not make the mistake of believing everything can be done yourself. Followers and allies are just as important to war as your own conviction. When I am strong enough I shall send something with you to the world, but for now my connection to that world is not strong enough for much other than sending you back. Now go, and show me that my belief in you is sound." Lebacreoth announced with his thunderous voice, the ball of blood above his head descending down towards Horation without much warning, the man being thrust towards it.

His vision would be clouded with red, drowned by the sudden overflow of blood and magic, before after what felt like minutes inside an ocean of blood he was thrust to the surface, his body lurching up from the momentum of being thrust through the ocean, finding himself in a field with his clothes and weapons, no evidence of the meeting left other than the symbol of a right hand on his left pec.
Horatio Lebac

Horatio listened to his Lord speak, he knew what he had to do now. Gather forces, make allies, meet people, create the religion. He understood clearly. He was delusional in his previous mindset of being the only one who could it. " Yes, my Lord. I understand, my Lord. " Horatio whispered. His path was true, for Lebacreoth's influence to spread, he needed followers in order for him to have a better grasp on reality, on this new world. He would bring him back. Bring him back into this world. So that he could save them all! He must be their hero! The world's hero! Horatio would barely the ball of red coming for him, Horatio's body being flung through it. Seeing only red, he would begin to feel his body form and morph again, he would see clearly once more before he felt himself surface. He would find himself back in the destroyed tree, Horatio's eyes were open as he sat up, looking around.

The place where he had died previously. Horatio would feel a stinging on his chest, looking down seeing he was clothed in his previous drab. Horatio undid his clothes to look at his chest, seeing a red stained hand on the left side of his chest. Horatio's eyes widen a bit. It wasn't a dream... He had truly met with his God. Horatio quickly got onto his knees as he then held his hands up into the air, looking at the sky above. " Bless you, Lebacreoth! I shall lead your armies! I will bring you back! " Horatio whispered with closed eyes. At that moment he heard movement and groaning, Horatio's eyes opened up. They narrowed as he stood up, feeling his morningstar on his hip and his shield on his back, he took both into his hands as he turned to face whatever threat he would face. Then he would see them, the beings that killed him and desecrated his body. Ratmaa. The disgusting horrid creatures lingered about and moved towards him. Horatio's eyes burned with fury and determination. Horatio smiled as he walked towards his enemies...

Finally, after some time, Horatio would emerge from the tree, his weapons and armor bloody and damaged, his body unharmed by the Ratmaa acid. Horatio's eyes were burning as he took his steps forward out of the tree, sheathing his weapons as he moved down the tree. He knew what he would do next. He needed to raise his status. Meet people. Convert people. Horatio smiled, his true journey starting. He had proof of his God existing on his body. That could convince people to join him as well. Yes. Horatio looked into the sky; the former Imperial watched the clouds as they moved along with a slight breeze blowing pass him. He was ready.


End of Thread

Recommended Rewards

Asset:  Mark of Lebacreoth - D or E - A red handprint on the left side of his chest. Looks similar to a handprint tattoo. This could be used to convince weak minded people that Lebacreoth exists.

OOC: Thank you for reading this and special thank you to Neramo for RPing as Lebacreoth, you did great buddy and I appreciate your help! Thank you! By the way, this was a resurrection RP that I will place in the title as well so don't forget about the double points. Thank you.
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Isekai Hell RP Grade

Skyhunter Skyhunter NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

Welcome back to the land of the living. This is the first Death revival rp. Worked pretty much as they are suppose to. A bit of lore building, a few extra points. A character that's alive again. Now to make good use of the 2nd chance.

Horatio is alive again. Unless rp'd otherwise, the story of his demise will be blown off as a gross exaggeration. Besides, there's a war on. No time for details.


Neramo - 6 points (narration bonus only)

Horatio - 30 points (boosted for death)
  • mandatory title acquired [Dead] - dead
  • optional title acquired [Resurrected] - character has returned from death and they are stronger and wiser for it. If the fact the character was brought back are ever made known, it may draw an interest to the character and the method by which they came back to life.
  • Asset acquired [Mark of Lebracreoth] - A red handprint on the left side of his chest. Looks similar to a handprint tattoo. Can be used along with the Resurrected title to run rp's about increasing Lebacreoth followers.

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