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Graded [Frontier] May Even This Assassin Catch His Break!


One Thousand Club
Hello everyone, this RP is set in the world of Isekai Hell; you can find information about the world here.

This follows a group of adventurers who have somehow crossed paths in this miserable desert. One of them is looking for the assassin stronghold of Arenvale Castle which lies deep in the desert. While the medic has us tagged along for the ride. What are the motives for these two? Well, funny you should ask, well read on! May Even this Assassin Catch His Break is now rolling!

Mentions: Bionaire Bionaire Rev IX Rev IX
Location: The Desert
Time of Day: 3 pm
Weather: Hot, sandy, wind coming from the north, Sun high in the sky
OOC: Please include links to your character sheet in your first post!

The sun sat high in the sky the rays of heat beating down upon whatever it hit. Even the lizards of the desert were hiding under rocks. Many of them not ever daring to get into the sunlight, every so often a cloud would pass over the desert as they were now entering a mountain range in the desert. There were rumors of assassins living in the desert that were often paid by anyone who could hire them to eliminate a person.

Not much is known about them other than they exist, though many have often gone looking for their castle, for it is said those looking to become assassins that the desert holds the secrets. Though the trip is perilous many lose their way or wander for much longer than they think and run out of supplies.

The only thing to guide these travels are these words, "Seek the mountain of knowledge for there you will find what you seek. Death stalks the sands." Many have tried to decipher the exact location those that stumble upon the right place are often lost travelers. While the Assassins are said to be hospital to their guests these guests never reveal a lot about the group.

Arkh and Leviticus now stand upon the thresholds of something, off in the distance lies a castle on the side of a mountain. Though the sand has started to shift almost sensing the presence of something as a stone walkway is unearthed from the sand that leads to the castle. What could you call this Fate? Is there even such a thing as fate in this world? One thing is for certain their presence hasn't gone unnoticed. They now stand at the crossroads do they risk going back or press further on into the breach?
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Arkh Jager

link in image​

After the shady deals he witnessed going on with The Brothers back with Lupa and Kasumi, Arkh realized he was far too green for his own good. After giving it some thought, while doing odd jobs as he travelled to earn some coin, he concluded that a pilot could never learn the ropes of a world like this by himself. And that's not even considering the fact that he was still a stranger to the world. Talking the possible least, not taking on the same clients regularly, and so on. He wanted to lay low for a while. But that had to come to an end. Doing some casual asking around, as well as hitting books here and there. He found a couple of potential paths to improve his skills, not as a pilot, but as a warrior. Bodily instinct could only carry him so much.

It took some effort, but Arkh found some scattered information on a group of assassins that dwelled in the Arenvale Castle. Assassin didn't quite sound like his ideal profession, but at the same time, his skillset lent itself for such a thing. Who knows? There might lie his potential of this body of his. He was already prepared to kill. This wasn't that much of a leap.

Fast forward some days, Arkh, still going by the alias "Schwarz", met a wandering physician named Leviticus. This guy seemed to have his own motives to chase down the castle lost amidst the sands, as he tagged along while Arkh was preparing the final details for his incursion to the desert. Although curious, Arkh would let the guy speak of his intentions at his own pace.

Now in the last stretch of their travel, or so it seemed, the afternoon heat struck hard on Arkh's robed body. His supplies would last a few more days since he used them rather sparingly "Seek the mountain of knowledge for there you will find what you seek. Death stalks the sands." Arkh thought out loud, as he took a hefty swig of water. With the stone path revealing itself, it showed a clear way to the castle in the distance "I think we may be onto something. What do you think, Leviticus?" Luckily the death mentioned in the passage passed by them unnoticed. While the weather was awful, it wasn't lethal if one was careful. It probably meant the assassins themselves.

Pondering on it harder wouldn't make much sense, so Arkh made his way through the stone path. Wondering who and how were they being observed. That said, what choice did they have anyway? Going back to wandering the desert? If this was the actual assassins' keep, they'd be dead regardless, should they be wanted dead.

With that in mind, Arkh kept a calm pace. Wary of traps and with a hand on his sword, just as precautions.
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Leviticus White | Character Sheet

Not blinded by his logic, Levi adapted well to his apparent rebirth. It was a shame that he left behind the career he had built up and invested it, but aside from that, he had no true worldly attachments that would make him regret his untimely passing.

Levi would be a fool to not make use of his talents as a physician, but he believed that trying to simply replicate his previous life would be equally as foolish. Maybe in this lifetime, he was fated to become something else. As someone who knew how to heal the human body, Levi believed that with the same knowledge, he could destroy it or at least do significant harm to it.

Wandering the roads, Levi offered his services to those in need in exchange for whatever he needed at the time to get by. This ranged from coin, food, water, shelter, or means of travel. Though merchants and travelers made up most of his encounters, Levi would occasionally meet your typical mercenary or adventurer. They were a respectable profession, but not to Levi's liking. He was well aware that he lacked the physical capabilities and brawn to survive the type of work they go through. However, after an interesting conversation with a brute of a man who had failed his mission as guard, Levi was introduced briefly to the concept of assassination. Although it was a profession that required immense skill, those who had little of it, still managed to get by with wit and cunning.

Jumping into the near future, Levi found himself wandering through a desert. With only an ebony cloak helping him to endure the heat and sandy winds, he couldn't help but scoff in dissatisfaction at the treacherous journey he chose to embark on. Powering through the elements, Levi responded to his travel companion who was leading the way, his voice obviously a bit raspy.

"I believe that would be our mountain, Schwarz." Levi coughed before taking a drink of water, partially addressing his parched throat before continuing to speak. "However, if we're this close, death is probably close by." This could pertain to anything from assassins in hiding and stalking their pray, or well set traps that were laying in wait for anyone who dared go near Arenvale Castle. Either way, Levi decided to put his fate into Arkh's hand. Albeit a bit secretive - like all should be - he seemed like a capable young man who knew what he was doing. All Levi was looking for was someone who had overlapping goals as he did, but had to show no malice or hostility towards him.
As the group continued upon the path that had been laid out before them, with the sun still high in the sky they pushed onwards. Though as they followed the stone road, they would find that the path was not trapped. However, the sands shifted over the path here and there as it occasionally was picked up in the wind. Though as they got within 3000m of the castle the two would not that they felt as if something was watching their movement. The castle from this point still looked abandoned there didn't seem to be any sign of life.
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As they approached last dune several figures popped out of the sand. One of the men had two twin swords, black cloth armor with some leather pads on his shoulders. His long blonde hair somewhat shimmering in the light. "What stalks in the desert?" The man asked as the others around him looked like they were ready for a fight should the need arise. However the man in question took a few steps toward the group.

He scanned the two individuals up and down, on of them looked like a child and the other well he didn't look like a fighter. If the two were to look at the castle know they would noticed that many men no stood on the walls with bows drawn. "I would encourage you answer quickly, we are not fond of strangers that we do not know the reason to their visit."

Mentions: Bionaire Bionaire Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Arkh didn't notice any traps as he ventured further, nor did he detect any signs of life. Still, he remained vigilant as the scorching sun carried its heat through the sandy winds. The pair were still a few ways off the castle when Arkh started feeling the unpleasant sensation of being watched, and yet everything still felt empty, including the castle. "Leviticus, do you feel that?" He asked, as his grip on his weapon remained firm.

The emptiness in their surroundings was short lived, however. Figures appeared left and right just as they were on the last stretch of the path. One of them, a blond man donning black robes confronted them directly. Asking a question that confused Arkh at first, the man approached them as he spoke.

Just like the man was scanning them, Arkh scanned the group. The figures were unrecognizable from this distance, other than a few details. Like the tone of their clothes. On top of that, the figures standing in the castle had bows. And without doubt, they were all aimed at the pair. It was then that the man approaching them gave them an ultimatum.

While Arkh had his doubts, the question sounded familiar enough for him to answer. Quoting the passage that he had seen numerous times, he answered "Death. Death stalks the sands." After a few moments of thought, he added "As for my reason for visiting... I humbly request to learn of your ways" His eyes remained trained on the blond man, occasionally checking on those bows aimed at him. He wasn't nervous, he sort of expected a greeting of this nature when we're talking of an assassins' hold.

Despite all of this, Arkh's focus did not waver. He remained calm and collected. He always had a stronger will than most, and this new world just made him able to use it more.
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_fantasy, Assassin, male, upper body, anime s-42664053.png
Martulius eyed the two for a moment as the boy spoke the passphrase which some would have found hard. After all being ambushed in the desert with many people with bows aimed at you tended to make people forget some of their common sense. Had the group reached for their weapons they would have been cut down in an instant. The blonde haired man looked at the other one who had been silent walking towards the pair he paced around them. "Huh, well I guess we have to wait for you to talk then won't we, well boys take this one inside, the other one we can leave and return on their way." Martulius called out as Arkh was motioned to follow as he started to make his way towards the keep.

"Many wonder this way in search of us, few make it to the castle and even fewer than that make it past the gate. Well if you are here follow me, we can't just give away all of our secrets and ways. If you want to learn you will be tested," Martulius stated as he reached the gate the door swung open revealing a courtyard full of various people drilling there was an obstacle course that started on the ground and then led up to the wall and around the citadel though beyond that there wasn't much he could see from this position.

"Many people spend years here learning the secrets and techniques while others simply a few months before they move on. There is always a price to pay for knowledge here, as I stated you will be tested," He warned as he stoped in the center of the yard a few younger recruits were sparring using wooden weapons. On another side there were two men in white and red robes using real weapons sparring. Off to the far right there was what looked to be a pavilion where people were sitting under as someone was explaining something.

"Now are you ready to be tested?" Martulius inquired as he waited for the boys response.

Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Arkh remained still, waiting for an answer. Which he hoped didn't come in the form of a rain of arrows. His eyes remained steely with determination, however. To face what this world had to offer, he had to step up his game. The blonde man scanned them, it seemed that his paraphrasing of that one quote he saw a few times when looking for this place did the trick. Leviticus likely had a blast of panic overwhelm him, as he remained quiet. Because of this, he was given the boot. He felt a sting of pity for the guy, coming all the way here for nothing. Then again, he was the one who froze, meaning he probably wasn't ready for whatever was inside the keep. With that out of the way, Arkh nodded as a goodbye, and followed the blonde guy.

The jobless swordsman wasn't surprised by the information the blonde man was giving him. It wasn't an easy place to find, and like Leviticus, facing such a greeting must be intimidating. "I understand" Arkh confirmed to the man. Being tested sounded very logical, which made Arkh a tad bit more thankful that they still let him in. He then started pondering on how exactly was he going to be tested. Taking note of the obstacle course, which was something he could probably handle.

"I can imagine there's an incredible depth to what you can learn here. So spending years here doesn't sound all that crazy." He thought out loud. Arkh took a good look around as the man asked yet again if he was ready to be tested. He carefully and slowly dropped his bag while at the ready for any sudden movement, in case this test was of physical nature. He took a deep breath to loosen up and nodded to the man "I'm ready"
_fantasy, Assassin, male, upper body, anime s-42664053.png
Martulius eyed the boy for a moment as he walked into the courtyard, many had come to try and learn about the secrets of this place. Fewer had even scratched the surface before they left or were killed on a mission or just by their own stupidity. Though he wasn't sure what to make of the boy yet and he wasn't about to take it easy on the kid either. Martulius had been living on the streets stealing and killing for years before the only place he wouldn't be tracked through was the desert.

He had wondered for what seemed like weeks until he stumbled upon the castle here and only passed the first test himself by remembering the rumors he had heard about the place. "Well I suppose we will see, fewer are able to grasp the knowledge that we teach here many leave when things become too difficult to comprehend," Martulius explained as he crouched down and picked up some sand letting the grains escape from his hand and fall back to the ground.

"Very well, go see Master Trycondus over there under the pavilion, he will administer your test and then if you pass it he will show you to your quarters for the duration of your stay." Martulius stated as he stood up and dusted the sand away before walking away from Arkh and into the deeper parts of the castle. At the pavilion a man who seemed to be in his 80s stood at a lectern made of sandstone. The students around him varied in their age many of them were young and others were grown adults. Though many had come here knowing it was the only way to escape their past life.

"Now, the first part of being an assassin is blending in, if you can't blend in with the common folk who do you expect to get close to your target?" Trycondus explained as he paused for a moment looking around. "Blending into your environment is equally important and its one of the most fundamental skills our order focuses on," He explained.
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Arkh took a careful look at his surroundings, with all his senses sharp. He didn't know what awaited in this test, but being vigilant was a very sensible choice when inside a castle full of assassins, or so he thought. The blonde man commented on his thought. This set Arkh's mind to think. Was he prepared? He ruminated the thought. He went from fearless driver, to monster-killing vagrant, to now trying to learn the ways of an assassin. He cleared those intrusive thoughts by reminding to himself that he was already here, he would win nothing from just giving up. Arkh also took note of the man's gesture, unsure of if it meant something.

"Understood." Arkh confirmed to the assassin after he was given instructions. He carefully picked up his bag and headed towards the old man he was pointed to. He noticed the amount of students, and the fact the lecture was just starting. Not wanting to put the spotlight on himself, Arkh silently and carefully placed himself near the other students without touching any of them. Starting to try and implement what the old man explained, Arkh decided to simply limit himself to listen. Still, the thought of the test didn't leave his head, so he remained attentive to every detail around him without making a noise.
Master Trycondus took note of the new arrival that had come over, this group was the newest training group to have started. Pausing he cleared his throat, "Ah it seems we have a new arrival I'm Master Trycondus and my specialty here is blending in with your surroundings. My primary focus is to sharpen the assassin's tool to blend in. Wither that be hiding in the sand or simply blending into a crowd. They all have their purposes, since you don't have our uniform that would mean you still have yet to be administered the test," The old man stated. Bringing his hand up this peppered beard, he stroked it a few times pondering the matter. Typically it was Martulius that often gave them the test which was strange that he had sent the boy over here first.

"Hmmm very well then, you have shown up at a great time, tomorrow we will be testing everyone knowledge and ability to make a sand cloak our most basic form of blending into the sand. I'm sure you noticed how we appeared out of the sand. Well that's not going to be your test, you shall have a fight with another student tomorrow. In the mean time, ill assign someone to show you around and where you will be sleeping in the meantime," Trycondus stated as he pointed out a red haired kid who didn't look much older than 14. "Kyle will be happy to assist you," He stated as the boy stood up and nodded his head. "Well that is all for the class today," Trycondus concluded before walking away.

Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Despite his attempt at not interrupting, the elderly man was quick to notice Arkh. He did a brief introduction of himself, and what his role here is. With a tone of visible respect towards the assassin master, Arkh confirmed his assumption "Indeed. The man who came out to meet me outside guided me to you for the test, Master Trycondus".

Taking a mental note of the information Trycondus gave about the other students, Arkh silently listened, while also trying to gauge the fellow students along with their master in an attempt to see how he stood among them. He was the new one here, so he had low hopes even with the young ones. Almost as if on cue, Arkh was informed that his test would be a fight against another student tomorrow. That was relieving, in a way. He wasn't being thrown off the deep end from the get-go. That said, that fight could prove to be very difficult, so he didn't feel a sense of relief in its entirety.

Class was dismissed and the master left. Kyle, a young red-haired boy, was tasked to show him around and where he'll sleep. Not wanting to disrespect a person striving to be an assassin from such a young age, Arkh did not talk down to him when he addressed Kyle after walking up to him "I'm ready to follow you, Kyle."
Kyle stood up from his seat as Master Trycondus mentioned he would be showing the new guy around the red haired boy gave a bow as the class ended for the day. "Well then, might as well get you acquainted with the castle," Kyle stated as he motioned for Arkh to follow him, the first place he was led was to the side door in the courtyard. Opening the door, it was a barracks room with rows of bunk beds, at the far side of the room was a bed with some clothes on it. Walking down the line until he reached the bed he stopped and turned around.

"This is your bed and the training clothes have already been set on your bed. Everyone wears generally the same uniform around here though the higher in rank it does change a bit." Kyle explained as he motioned to the clothes. The door at the other end of the room opened up and several of boys of various ages walked into the room laughing and joking. Once of them carried a mug of water. "Down that way is the kitchen, just follow your nose and you will be able to find it," He pointed out as he leaned against the post of the bed. The boys continued on their way a set of bed and sat down.

"Well that is pretty much it for the tour at least for what you need to know. Though I would strongly encourage you to pass the test tomorrow unless you want to be stuck here," Kyle pointed out as he started to walk away and went over to his bed and flopped down. "So what brought you here? Everyone always comes here for a reason be it running from the law or simply being lost." Kyle inquired.

Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Arkh silently nodded when the boy addressed him, and silently followed. As they walked, he tried to take notice of as much of his surroundings as he could. Making a stop on the bed on the barracks that had a set of clothes. "I'll try them on then" Arkh answered to Kyle when he explained this was his spot and his corresponding uniform.

As he was changing, some boys walked out the door on this side of the barracks. Kyle pointed out that led to the kitchen, and once again, Ryan made a mental note of it. Just as he finished changing clothes, he put away his own clothing in his backpack. Kyle affirmed that's all he needed to see for now, and recommended to pass the test tomorrow if he didn't want to be "stuck here". Arkh assumed Kyle meant as someone in charge of cooking, cleaning or something of the sort.

As Kyle laid on his bed, Arkh imitated that. It was surprisingly comfortable, but then again, his standards as a wanderer who slept on isolated streets from time to time weren't high. Being this deep into becoming an assassin, Arkh didn't mind Kyle's question all that much "You could say I'm lost. I'm a wanderer without a purpose. And while at some point that wasn't the case. I can no longer return to that... I'm just making the best from what cards I was given" Arkh omitted the "I'm from another world and this body already knows how to fight... But I have nothing to my name" purposefully to not look insane. "How about you?" he asked back, already expecting something grim.
Kyle looked over at Arkh as he explained his reasoning for coming here, giving a simple nod. "I suppose that is as good enough a reason as any I suppose. As you stay here, you'll see there are people from all walks of life here. For example, Master Trycondus is a noble from the Eastern Empire probably wouldn't guess by the looks of the old man. He's a wanted man in the Empire, as the story goes, he killed his own father by accident as it goes. Apparently, the drink he bought as a gift contained poison, well the empire didn't care and ordered his execution. Narrowly escaped due to a riot in the dungeons, and he wondered here after hearing about the story of the assassins in the desert." Kyle explained as he sat up in his bed, glancing over at the wall.

When Arkh asked about why he was here, he shift his gaze back to him, "Simply, this is the life I have only ever known. I was apparently a witness to an assassination, and the rules prohibit the murder of anyone but the mark unless it's self-defense." Pausing for a moment, he ran his hand through his hair. "So I guess you can say I was raised here, and well we all have to do something to earn our keep. I worked with the cooks until I was old enough to start training," he concluded as he looked over toward the group that was getting louder and louder as the seconds passed by.

"Hey Marcus, keep it down there, you know there are people about to go on their final test and you know well it's in the middle of the night so they are sleeping,"
Kyle scolded the group who paused for a moment and rolled their eyes. A brown haired half-elf walked out from the group and approached Kyle. Causing Kyle to roll his eyes as he stood up and started to walk toward the half elf as well.

"Why don't you go mind your business," Marcus stated as he went to give Kyle a shove, as he took a step forward kyle swiftly swept the legs out from under the boy causing him to fall to the ground. A second later Kyle placed his foot on the half elf's chest.

"I think I proved my point, yes? So go back to your group Marcus and settle down," Kyle ordered as he spun around and walked back over to his bed, letting out a sigh. "As you can see, sometimes things get a little chaotic here people always have something to prove here always." He concluded, leaning against the bedpost before glancing back toward the group. "Well then I suppose I will let you prepare for tomorrow, if you need anything else let me know," Kyle stated as he sat back down on his bed.
Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Arkh listened attentively to Kyle, who first spoke of everyone having their own particular reason for ending up here. Like Master Trycondus, a former noble accidentally involved in the death of his father. Then he answered his question. He has been here most of his life due to witnessing one of the assassins from here in action, resulting in him being brought here to work in the kitchen until he could train.

Kyle's attention was taken by the group who was growing noisier by the second. He took it upon himself to scold them, which wasn't taken well by the group. A half-elf who answered to "Marcus" tried to scare off Kyle, only to be taken down with a swift move. Kyle reiterated his order and returned to his bed. "Right" he answered with a calm tone, taking note of Kyle's potential higher status he had despite his apparent young age. Arkh was asked if he needed anything, otherwise Kyle would let him prepare. Arkh thought briefly about this, and asked Kyle "Is there some place I can wash myself in here?" The cloak he was given in the city he last was kept him mostly sand free, but it had been a while since he last had a bath.

saxon saxon
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Kyle looked over at Arkh and nodded his head, "yeah if you go down the hall take the first hallway going right and look for an orange door should be the second door on the right." Kyle paused for a moment as he glanced over at the group from earlier for a moment. "Just whatever you do don't enter the yellow door that is in that hallway if you truly value your life I would advise against it." Kyle warned Arkh as he stood up and then started to walk toward the door to the hallway.

"Well if you need anything else I will be over in the dinner hall, but as I said I would prepare for the test tomorrow. You never know what it might be its not always a test of strength or a test of intelligence." He advised before walking out the door to walk toward the hall. At this point Arkh was free to wonder or prepare however he felt he needed to. Though a few eyes from the group from earlier tended to glance over at him from time to time.

Mentions: Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Arkh took note of Kyle's instructions, particularly so when he mentioned that one of the doors where he was headed was most likely to get him killed. "Not entering the yellow door, got it". Kyle then stood up and gave him one last piece of advice, before leaving to the dinner hall. "Understood. Thank you, Kyle". Ryan took a deep breath as he stared at the bottom of the bed above him. It has been one crazy life the one he's been living, from being a homeless vagrant, to sabotaging a crime network operation, to having tryouts to be an assassin. As a pilot in his world, he would have never lived anything remotely close to this.

After a while lost in thought, ignoring the glances thrown his way, he finally sat up. With a sigh, he picked up his belongings and went where Kyle instructed him, merely glancing at the 'danger door' before entering the bath area. And after a quick, but refreshing rinse with water, he returned to his bed. Laying down yet again, he thought of possible ways to prepare for the test. But preparing for a test where you don't know what you will be tested on was very tough. In the end, he decided the best he could do was rest. He had to consider he was in a den of assassins, however. Whether he should consider himself lucky or not about the fact that being homeless trained him for this was up for debate. Yet lucky or not, that's how it was. Resting with his hand on his sword, at the ready in case someone tried to jump him, he closed his eyes. And focused on all the sounds around him, taking note of one's growing closer to him. His brain ready to respond to unexpected noises near him, especially so when surrounded by assassins of various levels instead of common folk.
The night would come and go everything was quiet, and no one attempted to jump the new kid sleeping in the barracks. As the new day started Kyle would start with his daily routine. After that was complete, he walked toward the bed with Arkh, "Hey, wake up, get ready for the day and meet up at the same area we were at yesterday when you first arrived," Kyle stated as he then started to walk away to let Arkh to start to get ready and prepare himself. The test still hadn't been announced and would not be announced until he arrived at the area from the day before. Though it could be a simple test of agility or a spar, and only at the class area would the test be announced to him.

An hour passed as Kyle and the others were in the class area as they were talking among themselves. The air was cool this early in the morning which was refreshing compared to the heat as the day went on. Many people took time to wrap themselves up in heavy clothing to keep cool. Though the downside to all of this was the fact that they were less mobile and it restricted their flexibility. Though that didn't stop them from at least being comfortable as the day went on; many of them dropped the extra layers during practical exercises. But for now the class didn't seem to care about what was going to happen next as they waited for the new arrival to appear.

Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Arkh opened his eyes the moment he heard Kyle address him. Being visibly refreshed from such a comparably better night's rest from the usual, he nodded "Understood, I'll be there soon". Arkh took a deep breath, and jumped out of bed. After taking a bath to relax his muscles, he donned the assassin uniform once again. On his way to the class area, he pondered what kind of test would they put him through. Strength? Agility? Intelligence? Only one way to find out, he thought to himself.

The wandering swordsman entered the class area from yesterday. Nodding as a quiet greeting to those who turned to meet his gaze, he sat in the nearest free spot and patiently waited. He noticed there were plenty of students wearing thicker layer of clothing to stave off the cool morning air. Personally, Arkh didn't mind it, since yet again, living in the streets makes you tough on aspects like those.

saxon saxon
As Arkh appeared Master Trycondus walked out to the class taking his position from yesterday. "Good, it seems you are still here well then I suppose it's time to announce the test. Your test will be a test of skill, winning or losing it doesn't matter. Simply put do your best and you will be judged based on your skill," Trycondus stated as he cleared his throat as pointed to the wooden weapons that were on a nearby weapons rack. "You will be using wooden weapons, the test will go on until someone cannot fight anymore or they surrender," He explained as he glanced around the students that were present in the class.

After a moment he looked over at Marcus, "Marcus you will be his challenger, go get your weapons off the rack and meet me at the circle." Trycondus stated as he then moved toward the center of the empty morning courtyard where a large circle was outlined by white stones. The area was fairly large and covered in sand as was much of the courtyard. This was going to be the place where the test was going to be administered. Once the group had retrieved their weapons of choice, he spoke up again, "As I stated earlier this will be a fight until someone cannot go on or they surrender. Also if you are pushed out of the circle, you will also lose, use whatever tools you have at your disposal. However you should not be going in with true intent to kill however fight as your life depends on it," He explained as he waited for the two to signal they were ready to begin.

Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Master Trycondus wasted no time in revealing the test for him. A display of skill in the form of a duel, while keeping it safe by making Arkh and his opponent use wooden weapons. His opponent in question was none other than Marcus, the one Kyle had to put in his place the previous night. Arkh debated whether or not that was a thing advantageous to him. Shaking off his thoughts on how this is going to play out, he picked a wooden sword with a similar weight to his iron weapon and headed to the courtyard.

Once Arkh took the wooden sword and was in the circle within the courtyard, he listened to Master Trycondus go over how they should approach this. Having said that, Arkh took an offensive stance with his sword between him and Marcus, nodding with an audible "Ready" voiced to nobody in particular. His sights were set on the opponent he had in front of him, taking notice of even his slightest motion.

saxon saxon
Marcus looked at his teacher with annoyance as he had been selected. He walked over to the wooden weapons and returned with 2 wooden daggers. Walking over to when he took his spot he looked over at Arkh. The Half elf let out a sigh and looked at the master, "Do I really need to fight the new guy?" Marcus inquired as Trycondus simply nodded his head. When Arkh said he was ready Marcus nodded his head.

Trycondus dropped his hand and the match began. Marcus was eager to bring this fight to a close as she kicked a wall of sand up and then disappeared from sight. He then moved toward Arkh using the sand cloak that Arkh would remember from when he arrived at the fortress. As Marcus moved around he got behind Arkh as he then attacked with his daggers as he struck at Arkh with two swings at Arkhs shoulder.

Notes: Combat has started and you are limited to 3 A per post.
Action 1: Marcus used Sand Cloak
2. Moves Toward Arkh
3. Attacks with daggers.
Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

Marcus was not thrilled to be Arkh's opponent, but complied regardless. Arkh did his best to keep Marcus within his sight, but that proved to be a rather difficult task when he hid within the sand he kicked up, not leaving hints of his location at all. One of two things could happen here: Either Marcus is going straight at him expecting an easy hit since Arkh can't see him, or he'll play it safe and strike from behind, assassin style. Meaning that it was a coin toss whether or not Arkh could respond properly to Marcus' offensive, and that was not even considering he had to guess how he would strike no matter if he faced the right direction or not.

With that much risk involved, Arkh dashed away from where he stood, keeping an eye on his back in case Marcus decided to chase him down. With a quick pivot turn, he faced the area where he was standing, looking for any trace of Marcus using [Appraisal E] on him if possible. In the vein of trying not to be left behind, Arkh tested his [Undetected [Sight] F]. staying still and with his eyes still sharp on any irregularities that could be Marcus.

1 - Moving away from previous location
2 - Observing using [Appraisal E]
3 - Using [Undetected [Sight] F]

saxon saxon
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Marcus two strikes landed with the wood daggers, Arc would notice the pain as it shot up his arm. Now that Marcus had struck he appeared to the left of Arkh as the sand cloak disappeared. However, when Arkh tried to use his appraisal he only got a name and then everything else was ???. Marcus moved back away from Arkh and kept his eyes on his position. Once he stops moving at the center of the ringed area he gets ready to defend himself and is watching for Arkhs next move.

Notes: Combat has started and you are limited to 3 A per post.
Arkh: Brused Shoulder F
Action 1: Moves away from Arkh
2. Defends
3. N/A
Rev IX Rev IX
Arkh Jager

"Tch!" Arkh grunted to himself as he felt the wooden weapons hit him on the shoulder. Arkh noted where Marcus was once the cloak vanished, and the direction the attack came from, trying to catch a pattern. Hopefully while he still could fight. The fact that the [Appraisal] failed was quite worrisome. Despite the ill omen, however, Arkh didn't falter and focused on his opponent immediately. Wasting time wouldn't help at all.

Seeing Marcus on the move, Arkh chased after him. With the wooden sword at the ready for a downward slash, but before he committed to an attack, his whole body was enveloped in an inscrutable shroud of shadows. Once engulfed in shadows, he feinted that downward slash. Though in a fluid, singular motion, he switched the path of his sword and went for a slash on the back of his right knee. He could've gone for the neck, but like Marcus, be it intentional or not, didn't go for a killing blow. They were instructed not to kill, after all. [Shadow Speed Slicer E]. As the shadow veil vanished, Arkh reappeared standing near Marcus, taking a few steps back to brace for Marcus' next move.

1 - Chase Marcus
2 - [Shadow Speed Slicer E] on the back Marcus' right knee
3 - Get back on his feet and away from Marcus

E rank - 1/1

saxon saxon

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