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Active [Frontier] Dunes & Dervishes: An Empire of Sand


New Member

All skills, abilities, and titles are free to use outside of combat, so long as it makes sense narratively. Any combat/obstacles will trigger cooldowns and mechanical limitations. I will be able to post every Monday; Outside of combat there isn't going to be a posting order as long as there isn't excessive double posting. If your posts requires more information on the setting/landscape than you have, by all means, contact me and I will gladly be of help!

It is a hot scathing landscape of endless desert and danger. The Greygarden Elves and Tieflings of Paimon were exiled here long ago, and forced to make do in harsh unforgiving dunes. They were forced to come together and pull a miracle out of the sands, combining all of their talents to create an incredible city that grew to become a vast jewel against the otherwise scorched earth. Shalzahaad (Shal-zuh-hodd) was the culmination of their hard work and revenge made manifest. A city that boasted it's title as The Gambling Gomorrah; Beyond the city walls is known as The Blind Desert. Home to only bandits and a searing death under the unforgiving sun, a place devoid of good or evil, making survival the only tenent that matters. It is the risk that makes these lands worth the venture; untold riches and glory lie hidden beneath dunes, dervishes, and sandstone walls.

At the edge of The Blind Desert, overlooking a horizon swept in glassy storms. Madeline watched with a growing pit of nerves in her stomach, though that could also be foolish amount of rice she had eaten before they started their journey out here. The caravan they had been traveling with were very helpful in providing information on the desert since this wasn't their first trip; continuing to move down the sloped hill, trading grass for sand as a few of the caravan members started to rub the wagon wheels with some strange lacquer before they trekked through the sands. The caravan was made up of four wagons with about twenty people making up the troupe. Roost Rock, The caravan leader, stood next to Mad Maw, and Koralia, starting a familiar process they'd often see him do on breaks along their trip; Roll a cigarette.


"Now this is where our trip really begins" He started, with a chuckle. This was the caravan driver; Roost Rock. A tall elf of the wooden territory, though it seemed he had traded the treeline for aridity. He flicked his thumb, giving him a light. Saoirse was made the head of the this particular adventure; Mad Maw had only scouted it out and set up their trip's transportation. She wanted no hand at actually leading, at least yet. She wanted to shadow Regula for that particular niche. Mad Maw came up with this idea watching Ninelle, and Deliverance, though she never actually got to pick their brain about it. Koralia seemed like the type to enjoy going on periless adventures, and her goal was getting to know Koralia better. She couldn't think of a better scenario than a classic dungeon crawl through treacherous deserts! She wanted to feel surprised about how cavalier she was with taking on slavers and slaves, but the best way she could internalize was that she had become chaotic neutral. Madeline was fine with being selfish for the time being, she had been given a second chance. She wasn't going to worry too much about the needs of others. Perhaps a bit of Koralia's own abrasiveness rubbing off.

"I know it's been alotta information in your ear, but your the boss of keeping us alive so maybe I can run over everything a little easier. How about the rest of ya? The Blind Desert isn't some dust bowl where you only gotta worry about sand in your pits..or uh...utters? Talons" He said with a joking scoff, his one good eye beaming curiously at the minotaur, and dino, for a moment.

"I'm doing everyone here a curtesy and going over the region we will be heading into; The Blind Desert" He quirked his only eyebrow, pulling from his cigarette and looking toward the caravan wagons. "First and foremost, deserts are livings things, and will swallow fools whole. You have to watch your footing and stick to paths we use. We keep our trails as updated as we can, but I can't guarantee your safety if you go off wandering cause you saw something shiny" He said waving his hands. "Mirages here are a little more than hallucination. Something about this place...it's cursed and makes everything that lives in it, unstable. I've done my fair share of fighting, but I'm no up and comer like you lot, and not many merchants know the secrets of this desert like I do, mostly cause they don't survive long enough" The sound of commotion heard from one of the caravans as someone had been caught in a small pool of quicksand. Roost only sighed, gesturing toward the general direction they were heading, a distant sandstorm rumbling with thunder as lightning flashed within it like a primal cocoon.

"I'll have to inform you as we go, we should get a move on if we want to avoid the worst of that. The storms themselves aren't the problem, but what's in them is" he flicked his cigarette off the ridge they were standing on, shouting toward the last wagon that started to cross into the desert, twirling a finger as a signal that they were back on the road. The wagons were now ready for desert travel. "What positions you take up on the wagons is up to you, but make sure someone is watching out blind spots. You can never have enough eyes out here on watch. There are many dangers that are going to be best avoided, but if it can't be helped then at the very least I want to know about it ahead of time. Last thing we need is a Refractadon on our asses"

Roost Rock moved up to the front cart, alongside Saoirse , taking the reigns and beginning the caravan's arduous journey. The storm they saw in the distance continue to rage and roil far off the horizon, leaving them in clear skies that left them vulnerable to Sol and all the light it shined down onto this aqua parched crevasse. It was impossible not to sweat with temperatures nearly in the 120's (48 C); sand sticking like glue to sweaty palms, faces, and arms. Roost Rock held onto the reigns tightly as he lead his people into hardship, and opportunity, preparing for all that lied ahead of them.

"You are bold to take up my contract, especially as a green horn? Sure are looking to jump into the deep end huh? what's driving you? if you don't mind me asking of course"

Melia felt a pang of worry at his overt question, another misbegetton elder assuming far too much based on one's appearance. It was Jastira, however, that spoke up "It seems you may presume too much Mr. Roost? She has a reputation among her circles, how far reaching...is a matter of privacy don't you think?" A fan bloomed from behind her hand as she already started to feel the head bead sweat on her skin. She could not wait for the days when such barbaric ways of travel were behind her. Roost Rock couldn't help but laugh "Perhaps, but knowing what keeps you alive and going, that what will see us through this desert. I'm not hurting feelings, I don't know you from Durhaust, and that's because I keep my head in my work. I only need to know the people that ride this here caravan ya see" He was all about his business, and took great care making sure lives weren't lost.

Scylla was also in this cart, behind both Saoirse and Roost Rock. Melia giving her a curious glance while Jastira seemed content cooling herself with her fan, the heat blistering as winds roiled through the caravan. "What do you make of the desert? I haven't been around it enough to have an opinion....it's almost beautiful" Melia commented, attempting her hand at some small talk, to pass the time if nothing else.

Lei-Cao, Desmond, and Ryuuji were in the cart behind Roost Rock, and Saoirse. The carts were robust and capable of pulling them and two others among Roost's company with ease; their particular cargo being six hogsheads of water; heard sloshing behind them as the caravan moved. "You three are way more interesting than the goobers we picked up last time, man they were a buncha wimps." The pale elven woman among the pair spoke up, brash and brazen. A fiery pair of red eyes nearly hidden by a mane of alabaster hair.

"They died Dodger..."

"Well...they shouldn't have gotten so spooked and ran off!"

The beast-kin next to her bickering with her, a hedgehog variant with an engineering apron and smudged goggled on. His voice lighter and more frenetic, prudent of his friend's arrogant proclivities. He clicked his tongue and looked back toward Lei and Ryuuji "We didn't have time for introductions since Mr. Roost likes to keep to a tight schedule, but I am Throckmorton! It is so very nice to meet you, the mean one next to me is Dodger. We are apart of a group known as The Dervishes, we help people get around in this harsh place...ehh regardless of their moralities. The desert forces us to work together, regardless of our crimes" A pointed stare at Dodger seen through his goggles

"Yeah it must be easy when you got the boss watching your useless hide" Dodger huffed back, equally aware of her friend's hypocrisy.

The pair of Saoirse Slaves, and Desmond would then see them break out in a momentary bout of laughter; Dodger punching his shoulder, causing him to nearly fly out of his seat.

"We get along just fine around here, I think you'll do great. I like the lone ronin vibe you have there chief, and I didn't know Dino's could talk let alone cast magic. We gotta work on that fashion sense though. How are you going attract any Linhenykus otherwise?" She spouted to Ryuuji, and Desmond. She was also a smart ass it seemed.

"Im always eager to learn new data, there is always something fascinating and new out there. Mr. Roost has a way of attracting that to us" Throckmorton said with a chuckle




Mad Maw had chosen the last wagon for her and Koralia; She had set it up so that it was just them. it actually made her a bit nervous, feeling her heart thrum into her throat. A desert rose of love blooming in this absurd gnoll. She had scooched an iota closer to Koralia in the front of the wagon, watching her as she drove the Equastradons. Roost's pack of raptor bred horses that he had spent a lot of coin on. They were damn good at pulling a wagon through the sand. The sand resistant lacquer didn't hurt either. A smile wobbling across her face as she leaned into Koralia

"I can't believe I managed to pull it all together, last minute no less! Thanks for saying yes! I know I kinda summoned you out of the fight you were having, but i'm glad you...stayed" She said, not the best at saying how she felt. It was why she was so drawn to Koralia, it felt like she always knew what she wanted. "Oh!" She poked through the canvas of the back, coming out with a canteen. "I made sure we stocked a bunch of water. I don't know if you get like...really thirsty because you're a shark lady.... a really big o-one" She fumbled over her words, offering the water as a distant sand tornado, a dervish, roared by with a brutal beauty the beast-kin could understand. This was a jungle, a ferocious land of predators like any other. If only much hotter.

"I don't want to spoil too much, but we are going to be exploring some ruins I may have eavesdropped some info on~ Ogg'Machus. A mountainous home to dwarves, deep beneath the sands. It is said their King, Chelgra, was gifted something that led to his people's doom. The Siren Stone" Mad Maw found herself more excited about this adventure when she gave her telling to Koralia "I couldn't find much more than that i'm afraid, but Roost knew the way and said I was an idiot so it's gotta be good! He knows his stuff so if it's dangerous for him, It's the perfect adventure for us huh? huh?" Mad Maw scooching closer until she was sitting on Koralia's lap "So you don't like seasoned food really, have you always lived off the land? I always had a...I guess performer desire? I like people and I like the cities, but what I really like is freaking them out with this-" Mad Maw lolling her tongue out of her mouth and sticking it in her nose, picking it with nose issue as she cackled with glee.

Last edited:
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Garbage. Garbage.

Armes New Kingdom - Suikoden V

Koralia watched in awe at the dunes and hills of sand. It was her first time being in such a place. Who would ever imagine an aquatic beastkin traveling through the desert? The extreme temperature bothered her slightly, yet not enough to bring up complaints. Not that the shark was one to complain, no. She was the type who grinned and dealt with.

In addition, she wasn’t one to shy away from a new challenge. A new place such as that would probably mean she could very well come to clash swords with creatures she would never have the opportunity otherwise. New opponents, ready to be crushed… and then devoured! Of course, she would never miss the chance of trying out new cuts of flesh. Who knew what sorts of animals or creatures they come across?

And, to top it all off, there was that delicious looking morsel Koralia had met: Mad Maw. The gnoll was sure unique: eccentric, chaotic, so different from others she had met thus far. That had piqued her interest in Maddy quite a bit. And, uncharacteristically of her, she was planning to savor that hyena-shaped treat with deliberate slowness, to be sure to not miss any of the nuanced tastes she might possess.

Still, the mercenary would pick up on the information given by the elf, Roost, knowing it to be essential. She was not one to be unprepared in an unknown terrain. With beads of sweat forming all over her form, her eyebrows raised a bit as the elf talked about the desert ‘swallow fools whole’. “Hah! Guess dis desert is just like me!” Her rumbling, deep voice was followed by a sort of chuckle, a voracious grin being present on her mouth. “Refractadon? Uhhh… ain’t never eaten one of those.” She would shrug, wondering how they would taste like.

Eventually, she would be in the last wagon, with a very interesting amount of privacy. With Mad Maw at one of her sides, her Zweihänder resting against the seat on the opposite one, she would easily notice the gnoll scooting closer to her. Caring little about formalities, the shark extended her arm, wrapping around Maddy. Her gloveless hand, because of the heat, falling upon the gnoll’s outer thigh, caressing it up and down.

“No need to mention it, I’m glad ya invited me to dis trip.” The boisterous shark said, giving the gnoll’s leg a tentative squeeze, threatening for a moment to move her hand to Mad Maw’s inner thigh, only to return where it was. “Heh, I was done with them weaklin’ bandits anyway… uh?” Koralia would watch as she began searching for something and producing a canteen. “Ya a thoughtful one, I like dat. Yah, I get really, really thirsty.” Giving Mad Maw a grin, she accepted the canteen with her free-hand, bringing it to her mouth.

She would take quite a few deep gulps of water, droplets of the liquid escaping from the corners of her jaw, trailing down her neck and chest. Her bestial gaze would turn towards the dervish, staring at it, admiring its ferocity almost in kinship. Only to return towards Mad Maw as began explaining her plans a bit better.

“Ruins? I’ve met some fellow by the name of Valen who said to be an expert in those… hope it ain’t that complicated…” She commented, rememberin’, but not quite understand what the adventurer did in the ruins besides killing whatever was inside of them. “... The Siren Stone…sounds like somethin’ worth lots. Perfect adventure indeed…” Koralia’s mouth formed an ‘o’ momentarily, as the Mad Maw sat on her lap, a serrated grin widening from side-to-side on her mouth. The shark’s arm would shift, arm now wrapping around the gnoll’s waist. “Mostly off the land, ya. Sometimes, I visit butcher and such… oh… OH… ya gotta a really long tongue. Ya like to freak folks, huh? Sometimes, I like to surprise dem…” Narrowing her eyes, she would pull Mad Maw against her slightly and, soon enough, the gnoll would feel a distinctive pressure against her underside, Koralia giving her a knowing grin and look.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]"
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob RavenSong RavenSong

Ryuuji would do his best to compartmentalize and remember any information he learned about the area they were heading into. From the sounds of things it was a hash environment with potential natural occurrences which could lead them astray, as well as dangerous people and creatures they could encounter. Thankfully they had numbers on their side, as well as the wagons of course which helped take away a bit of the danger and fatigue, even if it was just a bit it did help him feel more secure indeed. Thankfully there were some familiar faces whom he would have greeted upon encountering, as well as those which were less familiar but who hopefully would be equally as helpful.

He supposed if he wasn't a slave he might end up doing this sort of adventuring anyway, if it was lucrative enough of course..which he hoped this endeavor would be for Saoirse. Since she had decided to come her knew there had to be a good chance it would be, otherwise why would she put herself at risk in such a way? Thankfully Roost Rock sounded like he knew what he was talking about, Ryuuji probably giving a nod here and there if he should detect his eyes looking upon him even with their proximity.

Knowing full well how unpleasant this environment was he would try to do something useful, tapping into new magic which he had learned fairly recently, trying to use the ability I Can't Believe I Have AC In Another World!. If his ability was successful in a 15 ft Aoe around him he would reduce the temperature of the air so it was more palatable as well as adjust the humidity so it was more pleasant, hoping to help those out who were near him. He was aware for conditions as harsh as this he might need to learn something stronger..but at the very least he should be able to improve it.

Ryuuji then looked to Dodger curiously..she was quite striking, in a different way than Jastira was...she sort of reminded him..of what was it again? A moon elf? Lune elf? Something like that he had heard about being in the Fae see, some dark part of it..

"It's..nice to meet you Dodger and Throckmorton. I appreciate both of your assistance with this endeavor." He would speak with Etiquette F And perhaps some somewhat unconscious Seduction F , giving a seated bit of a bow as they were in the cart.

"I will say however, I can understand Miss Dodger's point..it takes a certain resolve to handle environment's like these, you cannot afford to be foolish or weak willed if you want to survive. The Desert favors survival of the fittest.." Or in his case it would favor the most resourceful and effective.. Perhaps some of his Lawful Evil nature shining through with his judgment not exactly being super empathetic to the ones who died, but he was speaking the truth.

At her word he would reply,

"Thank you...and if you do not mind me asking, Dodger, would you happen to be a Lune Elf? From the Shade of the Fae See? Or perhaps you are from elsewhere, I do not mean to be rude, but you are just..quite simply striking in appearance and remind me somewhat of what I read about in the Library, when I was at that monastery studying magic.." He figured this was at least a nicer way of asking, than just randomly unconsentually appraising at least. He said with a small disarming smile, and warm tone.

He would also give Throckmorton a nod.
"I imagine there is much to learn here, hopefully there'd. be some more to be had then." Desmond was someone curious to have a long but would probably be good to have as an ally from the looks of things, Ryuuji would rather not have them as an adversary. Despite the small talk however, Ryuuji would be at the ready to attend to his Mistress and her needs first and foremost. For now he was more so focused on the current conversation.

Ryuuji Actions:
Use I Can't Believe I Have AC In Another World! - Magic E Componentless Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Spell Duration F, Control Environment F - Grade E, 1 post cooldown

Ryuuji attempts to magically adjust the feeling of the surrounding environment to make it more pleasant and or less hazardous to those in a 15 ft radial around him for up to one hour in RP time before needing to cast it again.

2. Combo Etiquette F + Seduction F (albeit less consciously)
Saoirse Desrosiers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Garbage. Garbage. | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong

Saoirse was not the most amused by their current location. The heat was already getting to her. Her fancy, well-kept fur, didn't really help protect her from it. At times, it made her second-guess why a [Lawful] individual like her should even go to a [Gambling Gomorrah], yet the opportunities for Wealth, new slaves and training chances for her current slaves that she might get there were simple too high to ignore. Ideally, she might even capture and enslave herself one of the more promising bandits later. Yet all that was for a later date. Right now, getting to the place was the biggest hurdle.

One thing that would aid with overcoming this hurdle was the group she'd hired. Honestly, having to follow the instructions of someone that was so far below her a caste was... annoying. Normally she'd only listen to commands from the Imperial Family or High nobility. She might be Lesser nobility herself, but she was noble still. The third highest caste. This 'Roost Rock' seemed neither mage nor clergyman, so she doubted he was of their caste. Perhaps he'd be at the Guild Member caste? Then again, considering the crime-related things here... Whatever was the case, he was a fair bit below her. Luckily enough, her sense of self-preservation was working more than well-enough to know she should still play friendly and heed his words. Besides, he'd gotten off on the right foot by making her the head of this trip. At least he had common sense.

At the very least their considerable height difference meant that Saoirse didn't need to deal with the smoke being blown in her face. She might've murdered a man for that. Upon hearing Roost was about to give instructions, she'd immediately look at the Cow. “<You'd better listen to him, for if you get yourself injured or killed, you'll be damaging my property.>” She trusted her other slaves, Melia, Jastira and Ryuuji, well enough to listen and stay out of trouble. “You're free to use force to stop the Cow if it keeps her from acting stupid. I've yet to wrap up her training and she'd be the type to wander off for the shiny thing or after a hallucination. The others are wise enough to listen.” She informed Roost, wanting that to be clear just in case. “What's in them? Some sort of elementals?” She asked, wondering about what he mentioned regarding the storm.

She sighed as he casually mentioned a species she doubted anyone ever heard off. Was it going to be like this? Him just giving them half-assed information form time to time? “If you want us to be able to spot and recognise such things, it'd be easier if you also told us what they look like.” She commented.

As she moved to the front, she was huffing and puffing from the heat. She should really get herself a nice mage. Her current slaves weren't really impressing her either. The cow was large enough to cover her in shade whist she had no clue Ryuuji was putting on the AC in the back. Neither of them were around to cool her down whilst Jastira was fanning the wrong person. That said, it was too hot to get all hot and bothered about it.

She was surprised when Roost asked her about her motivations. “It seems like a good opportunity for training for the four of them, whilst also going somewhere where we can make a decent profit. Should the gods be willing, I might even be able to find another promising enough person to bring in.” She chuckled at Jastria's remark. “Though, yes, I'd normally not desire to share too much. In this case, as a sign of goodwill, I can tell you that I'm also particularly interest in seeing if I can find one of my father's contacts. Whilst he and I disagree on many things regard the trade, he does have a solid network of obtaining new mechanise and I've got reasons to believe that some of his most promising contacts reside in Shalzahaad. If you have traversed these routes as often as you claimed, you might've even met them already, though I must admit I know nothing about them, so I'll just be looking around to decide if anyone can be a worthwhile contact by my own judgement.”

She was curious however, about one thing. “What about you, then? What drives someone to bring strangers through such treacherous areas? It can't be the most fun job to essentially take responsibility for such groups and to have your reputation lean on whether or not they can follow instructions... something I believe we share in our lines of work.” She added, hoping the Cow wasn't already too busy making trouble. “Although, are the rumours that there is someone active in Shalzahaad that can instantly turn anyone into an utterly obedient slave simply by having them sign a contract once correct? Whilst I'm personally not convinced such methods work out long-term, as I believe such magic or alteration would heavily impact their ability to flourish, I am still rather curious to learn how it's done, for the sake of knowing my competition in the craft.”

She'd look back across her shoulder at Melia and Scylla. “Come to think of it, witch. You were interested in Ryuuji, no? I'll consider letting you go on a date with him if you figure out a way to use magic to cool me down. You seemed to know enough magic already during our trip back to Gnollbone, so if any ice or water magic, or anything else that can cool me down for long enough to last this trip is part of it, we can strike ourselves a deal.”


| Garbage. Garbage. [Throckmorton and Dodger] | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece [Ryuuji] | Femboy Femboy [Lei-Cao] |

Waking up from a midday nap, Desmond gave a wide toothy yawn coupled with a big stretch. His feathery tail rustled in the hot air, while his body leaned low to the ground like a cat; his arms and claws stretching outwards. He wasn't expecting to be on this trip traversing the sands of the frontier towards the "The Gambling Gomorrah", but his quick friendship with Mad Maw during his eventful time at Aslan Academy had given him an invitation to tag along for the journey. While slightly hesitant, Desmond would gladly accept; wanting to see more the vast world and go on a whole assortment of adventures with his newfound friends.

Despite the heat of the vast desert taking its toll on the less-adapted and fur-coated folk, the raptor was taking it surprisingly well. Desmond's snout dashed under his feathered wings, preening them to rid of any dust or parasites that might've hitched a ride. Like other Raptor Saurians, his feathery coat was an excellent insulator. It kept Desmond warm during the cold nights and cool during the day via deflecting the sun's heat. This would make his feathers currently hot to the touch, but his skin remained cool and protected. They were a highly adaptable species, being comfortable enough to live in very hot or cold environments.

But even so, with blistering 120 degree temperatures bearing down on them, Desmond wasn't completely immune to the harshness of the desert lifestyle. While no stranger to arid environments, Deinonychians were better suited towards slightly cooler and wetter climates. This was just too dry for his tastes. In the Fantozoica, Raptorans such as Velociraptorans or Linheraptorans, were much more adapted with the High Deserts of central Meslandica. This desert would be no different. And from the warnings given by Roost Rock, extreme heat was not the only thing they had to worry about.

That however, was a problem for future versions of themselves. For now, however, Desmond was resting easily in the second cart, being surrounded by several new faces. The fellow travelers he was with consisted of a fair-dressed human - who was so kind enough as to cool down the surrounding party with his magic - and a large, muscular, coal-black Minotaur woman. Apparently, from what he'd heard, these two were slaves to the rabbit woman up in the front cart. Desmond couldn't help but feel sorry for them. He was opposed to the concept of slavery - and thankful he wasn't in such indentured servitude - but he kept himself quiet on the matter. He didn't want to make the owner mad at him, or worse, force him into that life style.

Meanwhile, the other two members helping them were a gruff Elven woman, Dodger, and a hedgehog folk, Throckmorton, who'd properly explain a bit about what they were part of. They were known as "The Dervishes", a group that helped travelers traverse the Blind Desert. Hearing the fates of the last folks they attempted to help, Desmond gasped audibly; his hands covering his mouth in an exasperated tone. "Oh, how awfulz!" the raptor cried dismayingly. He sure hoped they wouldn't suffer the same fate as their predecessors. Once the two introduced themselves properly, alongside the human Ryuuji's introduction and gratitude, Desmond bowed to give his thanks. "Desmond is Desmond!" he chipped in, introducing himself and giving a small salute, "And Desmond's thankful youz allows Desmond to travel wit youzez! We'dz will be gudz! We'z promise!"

Desmond chuckled along as the two delvers laughed amongst themselves, though wasn't truly sure at first WHAT they were laughing about exactly. Dodger would then remark to Desmond, claiming she'd never heard dinosaurs talk, let alone throw magic around, and threw shade on his attire of choice. "HEY-AY!" he barked, snapping his jaws in flustered frustration as his claws wrapped around his purple polka-dotted robe, "Desmond's robe is totally stylish! I-It'z uh... Aslan attire, yez!"

That being said, them remarking about not hearing a saurian talk seemed puzzling. Nearly all saurians had the capacity for speech, save for the truly savage and mindless. That's when Dodger decided to name drop the name Linhenykus. Desmond's feathered fluffed up in curiosity as he recognized the name, completely disregarding the fact it was meant to be a jab. Though it wasn't so much a name, rather it was the name of a species of Alvarezsaurians - small long-legged theropods famous for their tiny arms typically sporting a singular enlarged claw. They were distantly related to Raptors like Desmond, though preferred an insectivorous diet coupled occasionally with eggs.

Back in the Fantazoica, these saurians were commonly seen in the High Deserts. With excellent hearing and night-vision, they were perfect acting as nocturnal scouts for caravan parties traversing through the desert or as assassins for various warlords and kingdoms by sharpening and extending their claws. Stories of one such assassin, a Mononykus going by the name "Uluq", were infamous along the high desert; with one account recalling the time he successfully was able to kill a Tarbosaurian prince by leaping onto its head and stabbing straight into its skull and brain with both claws. Many have dismissed on what they believe was such a "wildish" claim, being that the act had been exaggerated or the fact it was less impressive act since the prince was not fully-grown and thus not as well-developed. These claims range from him being a juvenile up to sub-adult, though this was typically something the boastful Tyrannosaurians would impose upon. However, those claiming to have personally known "Uluq" swore that this was certainly possible; with a few even claiming they saw the act!

This was a perfect example of a classic "David and Goliath" story; a lesson in not to underestimate your opponent no matter how weak they may be.

"Y-Youz know more Saurian-folk?" Desmond asked Dodger curiously, cocking his head to the side as he wanted to hear more, "D-Do they live here? Where doez they live? Desmond wanna meet em!"

Scylla had been quite overwhelmed during the previous few weeks. Having only recently entered the hellish realms, destroyed a demon lord, and made herself queen shortly after trading a mortal eye for the demon lords it was all very much a whirlwind of adjustments.

The witch had felt better than ever in spite of everything. Having now fused her soul with that of the demon which has possessed her, her mind was no longer split between two personalities. It was a relief, no more throwing up, stomach aches, and a merciless critic in her mind; she could finally sleep.

However, having spent lots of sleepless nights with dreams of the hellish realms, and of the cloaked fiends that somehow would always assure her they'll find her, was all a bit much. She'd do her best to distract herself shopping and otherwise living as normal of a life as she could for an academy student. Not that she'd been to school lately and her mailbox at the post office was packed full of homework.

It was after all of this and her deep exhaustion Scylla had boarded a cart to the dark continent, or so she believed.

"Zzz..zzz..Mmm.." she groaned as she stretched a bit, stretching her legs and taking up two seats. "..are..we there yet?" She asked with her eyes still closed. "Ugh.. it's.." she then got up and rubbed her eyes before beholding he vast desert before her. "..hot."

"Excuse me?" She asked the chatty operator. "This isn't the dark continent." She stayed with a bit of a frown, before looking at her ticket and looking back up in a panic. "Oh no!" She gasped, "Wh.. where am I?"

Then the elf would puff a little cloud of smoke, "Pfft.. can I have some smoke too?" She giggled but then quickly gloomed as a creature ate a poor soul alive. "I.. hm.. well well well.. I suppose I'm in some hellish place all of its own." She muttered to herself.

Then the armored woman Melia would address her, "Hm.. you look oddly familiar." The witch said as she leaned in closer to examine her features. Her red eyes searching for clues. "Hm? Oh yes, it's quite vast and hot and.. and.." she was distracted by a bead of sweat on her forehead pooling and then coming down her face. "..did I mention hot?" She giggled before casting [Control Environment F] on herself in hopes of making her journey here a bit less distracting and uncomfortable. Her demon eye glowing as magic was channeled through it. "Ooo.. it really works." She said with delight at her new catalyst.

It was here that the one Saoirse would look back at her, gasping a bit under her breath. "I beg.. your pardon?" She titled her head innocently before realizing her identity. "OH!! It's.. it's you! Yes! That's right! You.. you.. wait.. you're kind of abusive." Scylla said going from slightly overjoyed to more and more indignant. "Hmph.. you'll have to give me something more than just a date with Ryuuji." Scylla folded her arms and crossed her legs looking away. "At LEAST our date paid for, I want to take him out to eat somewhere really.. fancy and maybe I can get to feel your ears too! And.. and.. oh.." Yet before she could negotiate further she heard Ryuuji speaking to which she immediately ducked down to hide, hitting her head on the hard part of the sear. "Okay.. you didn't say he was here, miss Saoirse. I'm.. you see I just woke up and I'm in no suitable condition to meet him nor see him in any way, shape, or form." Apparently, even a powerful half demon queen still had issues with feelings of attraction as the usual Scylla. Sighing she continued. "Well.. do we have an accord? Or would you like me to cut your hair nice and short to keep you cool? I'm a wonderful hair stylist !" Her confidence returning as she looked up at the slave owner from the two seats. Which in fact, was where Melia sat and rested her head on her lap. "Please, excuse my behavior.. I'm not very comfortable around people I have the hots for it seems." Part of her wished Kalina was here, she always knew exactly what to do and had a way of getting her out of trouble. Alas, it wasn't so and she would have to navigate her way back to Ryken somehow while also navigating this feeling of attraction.
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao wanted to do something a little more... luxurious or comfortable, rather than a trip to a desert environment. It would just be infuriatingly hot, filled with jabs and harassment from her disrespectful companions. At least this time, Saoirse had the littlest respect to have gotten her some new weaponry beforehand so she wasn't just entirely emptyhanded like some sort of glorified tall servant that didn't want to do anything to assist their master. Now, she at least had a right to hitting things. She wasn't even sure where or why they were going, but of course she was forcibly dragged along. Sighing as she listened to Mister Roost or whatever his ridiculous name was, rolling her eyes when Saoirse spoke about listening.

"<I'd best assume you pray there isn't a height requirement, you off-brand glorified rat. You'd best hope that everyone else doesn't lose you along the way, but if you never learn to speak kindly with that little spiteful mouth of yours I don't think people would care>" Lei-Cao answered back, not really caring about 'properly respecting' Saoirse at this point if the rabbit wasn't going to do it back. They still hadn't given her any real training even after promising, so they were just proving to be a big, pointless liar that wasn't helpful in the slightest. The minotaur couldn't even decipher why she held herself in such noble regard, they just seemed like an overly spoiled child that needed to be humbled.

Glaring and twitching an eyebrow when Saoirse continued to openly treat her as some idiot domestic animal, she huffed and looked down at them.
"Oh shut up, you useless rabbit. If you weren't babysat by a rich family your whole life, everyone knows you'd be dead in the burrow you'd have actually grown up in. I could navigate this entire desert and back by myself, meanwhile you couldn't even find a way to escape an awkward interaction with your even more boring mother. Now stop calling me a cow for no reason, you wouldn't be this cocky if someone had enough of your BS. Talk back once you actually prove useful on your training word, otherwise keep your nonsense to yourself" Lei-Cao answered back in retort, feeling rather sick of putting up with the rabbit at this point for having to be stuck with every pointless place she went to and every derogatory term they felt an unnecessary need to speak aloud. Choosing to ignore the rabbit any further, she went onto the carriage alongside Ryuuji and Desmond. She already wanted to forget about her considering all the black-magic nonsense she was totally forced to say on their last trip.

Sitting to herself and leaning forward with her cheek rested on one hand, propped up with her elbow resting on her knee, she didn't pay much attention to all the chatter going on in the carriage she was stuck in. The lizard thing talked an awkward lot, Ryuuji was only talking as much as he did considering there wasn't a master rabbit for him to be around and silently begged to be stepped all over. That man had too much of an obsession with seeing Saoirse as some sort of deity superbeing.

"I could be anywhere else right now... " Lei-Cao sighed softly and muttered under her breath, looking to the side hoping things would move along faster so things could be over with. Why did every single day have to be such a painfully miserable experience at this point?​

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]

It has been some time since Diego came to this world, it was around a week or two since then at least he thinks it was that long ago. After all his mind was preoccupied with a different issue right now rather than counting the days since his arrival, around five days ago he was caught by a few people and made their merchandise, honestly, he did not think slavery was a thing in this world at first but now he knew better though he did have to give them gratification as his time as a slave so far was actually nicer than his time as a D-Class personnel, well maybe except the dietary and hygienic things were far worse here, but at least he wasn't thrown in front of various monsters for experiments so that's a win in his book.

And seeing as they view him as merchandise rather than an expendable thing he chooses to abuse this fact a few times by annoying the hell out of the group.
"Are we there yet? I thought you were gonna sell me and not make me die in some desert cause of your ineptitude to lead."
Said Diego loudly so they could hear, several of the slavers grumbled and began to speak curses at Diego... Well he thought of them as curses anyway as he did not understand that language but the tone was similar enough for him to understand it.

During his travel through the desert with those slavers, he befriended a few of his fellow 'merchandise' slaves. Learning some of the common sense of this world from them and other necessary things that one living in this world needs to know. Though his best friend from all of that was the teenage-looking kid that was chained up on a link in front of him, one way or another the pig bastard that caught Diego caught him as well, though in the case of the kid, it was far more personal from what It seemed.
"So kid, you gonna tell me your name, or why the piggsy caught ya'?" Diego asked his bestie in a whispered voice so other slaves and obviously slavers had a tough time hearing it.
"I'm not a kid dammit, I'm forty, I'm just part Fae ok, I age slower. And what do you need my name or the pigsy reason for eh?" His friend replied partially annoyed at the fact he still keeps calling him a kid, tugging a bit at the chains and manacles that were put on him without much use.
"Oh you know killing some boredom. As well as more stuff to annoy pigsy about. Besides it's me always shielding you from their whips ain't it. So you might as well give me the pleasure of knowing this much." Diego replied while tugging at his own chain pulling Leon closer to him, finally, all the years of training with the SCP foundation plus whatever the being who isekaied him here gave him were used for something decent.

"Fine dammit. Name's Leon, as for pigsy's reason, I was a gigolo, slept with his daughter, his wife, and mother from his wife and his side of the family. He got mad about it, especially when he found all five of us in one bed. You should have seen his face, it looked like he was gonna explode any second." Leon angrily replied while standing up and trying to clean himself off all the sand that got everywhere on him and clung to his skin.
"Oh, Oh. And I thought Pigsy looking like a pig or and orc lookalike he would be decent in that regard but seeing as you had to step in... I think god gave him the cruelest handicap." Diego laughed a bit at Leon's answer and somewhat at his own joke as well, quite loudly at that. The other slaves did not react but weirdly enough neither did the slavers.
"Don't you find it strange?" Asked Leon looking firstly at Diego and then at the rest of the people and 'merchandise' not long ago everyone was walking through this darned desert but now they all stopped.
"What's strange here? Pigsy often stops whenever he wants to anyway." Diego shrugged it off, as it was quite normal for that guy to order a stop at totally random moments, especially when his poor toupe tried flying away from his head.
"The fact that pigsy didn't grab his whip and isn't whipping us." Leon said trying to find the reason for their more than usual unexpected stop, he even climbed up Diego to the discomfort of the slave in front of his link of chain.
"Dunno maybe he found some other entertainment. Anyways what do your elven eagle eyes see Leon." Diego cracked a small inside joke to himself really, since he doubted any other person in this group was isekaied, but any crack at Lord of the Rings jokes were his forte even back in his MTF unit.
"Speaking of his entertainment I think I see some group in the distance." Replied Leon before promptly jumping off Diego's shoulders onto the sand.

All skills, abilities, and titles are free to use outside of combat, so long as it makes sense narratively. Any combat/obstacles will trigger cooldowns and mechanical limitations. I will be able to post every Monday; Outside of combat there isn't going to be a posting order as long as there isn't excessive double posting. If your posts requires more information on the setting/landscape than you have, by all means, contact me and I will gladly be of help!

The arid desert around them distorted from the overbearing sun; Morning turned to day as the heat continued to climb. Blue tinged sigils were wrapped around each cart in wrought iron grooves; Absorbing the heat they were exposed to in order to keep the carts and their passengers cooler. Roost had dipped his weathered features into this pool of dry hysterical heat many times, yet it never got easier. Reputation was a hard thing to earn out here, and had such a narrow scope of usefulness, that he had chosen his career the moment he started transporting lives across the desert styx. The world outside this place was almost foreign to him now so perhaps he had been a bit too blunt with his client, though it seemed she was also very well mannered.
Ah, What’s ‘er name, Lei-Cao? I definitely have transported a slave that big before, most slavers don’t like their property being bigger than they are” Roost said with a laugh, gallows humor from his war days shone through. “The cart she is in has my hot head so im sure they will get along just fine, she knows how to speak the language of violence. Training and opportunity are both available in spades around here, i’ve no doubt they are going to be put through the wringer. I won’t stop you from claiming any fools out here on their own, but the chance of getting attacked ourselves is greater. If your father is a man of as high renown as you imply then those contacts would be worthwhile in your line of trade. The Dervishes can house Refractadons you see, which are as close as you get to living dinosaurs here, aside from the suarians, but they are a different breed all together I'd say. Refractadons absorb heat and release it from their glassy backs; This mixed with the winds of a Dervish creates a hurricane of hell i've ever seen once in my...ehhh...thirteen years? Enough for me to now trek detours around any and every potential dervish we come across. My Erinaceus friend, Throckmorton, can detect any temperature and wind disturbances around us using his quills. " He revealed a sigil on his hand, one that would alert him if Throckmorton used the sigil on his hand. An immediate connection tool that made them good at what they did.

Roost Rock contemplated the many folks he met in his line of work, and tried to see if any of them had a contact related to a Haregon with the surname Desrosiers. There were two names that came to mind, and there was a part of him that wanted to charge her for each. Information was not free in his line of work, but he had a feeling she was a contact he wanted to stay on the good side of. It seemed much easier that way. “We have around eight days until we reach Shalzahaad, that’s of course including the dungeon crawl our gnollish benefactor set up, but I can give you two names that might interest you. Luster and Huck, they deal in a few illicit trades in Shalzahaad, primarily auctioning aggregates…er their term for slaves, out for clients beyond the territories of the western empire.

Roost took a drag of his cigarette, blowing the smoke over his other shoulder so as not to bother Saoirse with the acrid smell. “Me? Well the easy answer is the treasure out here is worth its weight in gold pieces and beats the hell out of a some peasant job, but the real answer is just as you say, my reputation. There are few out here willing to securely work as Charon of the sands, and the only ones I’ve known. Died.” He quirked his only eyebrow as she asked about a peculiar method of slave obedience, she was very ambitious, though he couldn’t blame her, sputtered a laugh that sounded more like grunts. “I can’t help but respect your style, though you should know contracts can come in many forms. What you seek is known as a Golden Brand of Debt. A powerful enchantment that has been completely integrated into Shalzahaad’s spider web of laws and drawn out forums. It is what gives The Debtor’s Court their stranglehold over the city…perhaps there are ways one can get a clean brand, they are ehh…belt buckle sized tablets of gold, similar to spell scrolls in functionality.” He explained, making a roughly four inch wide and three inch tall rectangle with his index fingers and thumbs. Gold shimmering off them and creating an image similar to flattened gold bar.
Melia’s memory came back to her in a pinch as she recalled the pale skinned femme fatale from their previous excursions. She always seemed pleasant, albeit unnerving in her curious idiosyncrasies. Her interest in Ryuuji hadn’t changed and they even started to speak on a deal over it. She was always fascinated with how Mistress Saoirse worked. Jastira pulled out of her momentary selfishness, cooling off the mistress instead, she supposed it was her cross to bear.
Despite our indentured servitude…have you thought about simply asking him out?” Jastira would input, Melia cocked a brow in return
Do you think Miss Scylla would be so boar-headed about it?
"Perhaps one of those gold brands Mr. Roost mentioned would suffice" 1722289426634.png

Dodger couldn’t help but laugh, finding Desmond charming as he was quite well spoken. She pulled out a canteen, beginning to drain it’s contents before she passed it off to Ryuuji. “Aslan huh? Never been there myself, but I’ve heard it’s got some spunky magic practitioners there” She said with a wave of her hand, Throckmorton listening meticulously as he wrote down notes in a small notebook of his. Desmond’s questions causing him to perk up and take over where Dodger left off.
1722289461697.pngRight, she was not entirely accurate with her saurian themed jest earlier, but there are Saurians that indeed live within the desert, though Shalzahaad has outright barred them from entry into the city limits. It’s a terrible shame since they are beastkin just like us” He said, resonating with Desmond on that level, though it too, wasn’t entirely accurate. “A pack exists, of Saurians who have survived out here in the wastes, but I don’t think they are as friendly as you are friend. They have acclimated to the harshness of The Blind Desert, and have in turn, become a mirror of its ferocity. The Ar'ghreev” Throckmorton rubbed a claw over an eye as he scratched for a moment, wondering if Desmond had any feelings toward that. It couldn’t be easy to hear.
The two would then start to feel the relief of Ryuuji’s ability, a collective sigh of relief felt from the both of them. Dodger waving a hand in front of her face “That feels great, too bad I can’t just put that down my shirt for the whole trip.” She grinned at his bow, her eyes shimmering as he seemed to be a charmer too, though he didn’t seem conscious of it. Perhaps it was that master of his? She didn’t care much for the slave trade, it seemed like far too much hassle to own people. She preferred to fuck ‘em, fight ‘em, or leave ‘em. It seemed much simpler that way.

He gets the right idea, gotta be sound of mind, body, and spirit out here. I hate to see folks die on Roost’s watch, it really messes with him. The Fae showed me worse so i’m just there for him and this ball of scrote hairs” She said brazenly, laughing as she gave Throck a pat on the head. He groaned and shooed her hand away “Well that’s why we keep a brute like you around Dodger, who else would scare off the beasties with their breath?” He retorted with a snort.

Dodger cooed at the curious question from Ryuuji, he was perceptive, and handsome? She smiled at him warmly and leaned an elbow off the cart “Correct, Lune Elf in the flesh, but I haven’t been to The Shade in…years.” She said, her smile widening as he mentioned her striking features. “Oh? Are they? I haven’t been too kind to my features so I doubt that’s true. The desert doesn’t care about how manicured your body is, but im glad you do~” She said, though she couldn’t help but be smitten by his earnest behavior. She pointed a thumb at Lei “I like her style too, a real shit talker after my own heart, but aren’t you worried your slaver master will…cut your tongue out or something? Ill only step in if she tries to run away or something, that'd make Roost's Company look bad"

Madeline did not know what gods to thank for this conjecture of good fortune, but she could only hope it didn’t end as she had experienced much from this new world of hers in such a short time. The desert they were around was dangerous, and beautiful; it reminded her of Koralia. A shark woman whom she had grown affection for, a fiery love that threatened to reduce her to romantic ash. Ninelle had opened her eyes to what was possible when it came to love; if a dense magician and a fae can make it work. Why couldn’t she?
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We have a couple hours or so before we hit out first checkpoint; I wanted to use that time to get to know eachother better, I have this 99 balloon trick that you are gonna love! Maybe we can even have a tea party!~” She said eagerly, giggling as she rifled through her rucksack and pulled out a variety of nonsense that bounced against Koralia’s nose. A rubber duck squeaking and hitting the floor “Mr. Cheese & Quackers!” The two vanishing within the covered wagon; A light sandstorm blistering over the caravan and obscuring much between each cart.

The trip had already lasted nearly two hours, and the heat did not alter, shift, or decrease in the slightest. Roost’s demeanor going even more rigid than his straightened back posture would imply; His good eye emitting a phosphorus yellow glow as he inspected the clearing ahead of them. “Something doesn’t feel right-” The wood elf said gruffly “I think we might have some unsavory guests, we’re likely a mark for bandits or other slavers I’m afraid.” Roost said, looking at Saoirse “How do you want to handle this?

Diego found himself in a situation he was handling to the best of his ability; Handsome Hickory or in Diego's case 'Pigsy', snatched him up a week earlier. The process of being Isekai'd not always kind as it was never guaranteed you'd land somewhere safe. What the porkly slaver hadn't expected was him to be so brash, catching on that they sold them to Shalzahaad, and needed them alive, and (mostly) unharmed. He was usually a brazen asshold who gave them shit for any minor inconvenience on their trek through the desert, but he had been distracted this morning. Their camp overlooking a shallow ravine, where a caravan was making it's through. Hickory and four of his gang scouting this out with a spyglass.
"Boyz, luks liek we'ze got ourzelvez mor merch; Let's get 'em good, sellin big tomarraw" Handsome Hickory snarled, pointing a stubby finger at the caravan. They had done this smash and grab tactic twice since Diego had been here. They used paralytic drugs to subdue their targets without killing them. Hickory the antithesis of a fair fight as he pulled out a switchblade comb and brushed back his greasy yellow hair. The gang started to gear up, loading poison tipped darks and lurk their ways to the edges of the ravines, laying out fully and biding their time until they were close enough.

Leon looked at Diego, scratching his head "We should just stay out of it right? Their gonna be focused on a new find, and we get a break from whips and beatings" He wasn't particularly confident they could get out of their predicament easily, let alone survive out in the desert without supplies.


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Saoirse Desrosiers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Garbage. Garbage. | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong

Saoirse had fully ignored the cow's responses, but she'd mentally started making some plans for their next training session already. Some fun ideas were already forming in her mind. Ones that wouldn't even force her to work out in this heat.

Looking back into the cart, she frowned at Scylla. “Abusive?” She asked, not pleased. “All I recall is being merciful despite the many times you were disrespectful.” She replied, clearly annoyed already. That only got worse by Scylla's added demands. “You should be glad I'm not making you pay for starting to make such requests. Felling my ears?!? A stricter noble might've had your hands cut off for proposing something so preposterous.”

It was too hot to get angry, but Scylla was surely working on it. “You're not getting anywhere near my hair.” She warned the witch, not trusting that offer in the slightest. However, when she spotted Scylla resting her head on Melia, she clicked her tongue. “You know, using someone's property without their permission could be considered a form of theft, right?” She warned the witch. “You're really testing the limits of my patience already.” This was going to be a long trip, wasn't it? “You look different from last time though. What happened?” She asked, at least somewhat interest in the changes.

It turned out that Roost was highly talkative indeed. At least it helped keep her mind off of the heat. “It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it.” She'd reply to his remark of the Cow being bigger. Then again, most were far bigger than her. “I see. I just hope she won't be of too much trouble.” She replied next, worrying the cow might otherwise make this trip a lot more troublesome and possibly expensive.

“Getting attacked ourselves? I'd hate to see battle in this heat, but I do believe we're well enough equipped to deal with it.” She stated, gesturing to her own weapons, showing a willingness to help out herself if it turned out to be needed. She wasn't the type of noble that stood by and watch her property get damaged. She'd help out where she could as much as needed.

“Dinosaurs..? The big lizard-like beasts?” She asked, double-checking if she was imagining the right creatures. She'd rarely heard of them. “Huh... if they absorb heat, I wonder if they could be tamed to cool the air and make this desert more bearable for travelling.” Taming living AC's sounded useful. Sadly enough she was not aware that Ryuuji already managed to become one. Otherwise she'd have commanded him to stay within Control Environment range of her for the entire trip the moment they arrived at the first grain of desert sand.

“Wait, so what exactly is a Dervish then? Is that also a creature or just a natural phenomenon?” She was trying to get her terminology straight here. “This heat really isn't helping. How can you think straight in it? Do you just get used to it?” She asked, wondering if he felt as lazy and sluggish from it as she did.

“A dungeon crawl?” She clicked her tongue. She hadn't signed up for that one. “It better be good training.” Otherwise she might file an official complaint. “Is there any particular reason to go 'crawl' in this dungeon she's found?”

As for the names, they sounded worth remembering. Luster and Huck. That said, for someone as [Lawful] as she was, it did sound like they were smugglers, which was some rather grey territory. She might have to proceed carefully in that regard, as to not associate with criminals more than needed. She'd rather remaining an outstanding and lawful citizen, after all.

Upon hearing about his own reputation, she had some doubts. “How much worth is this Charon title if all the other ones you've known died?” That sounded rather odd, as it'd suggest they gave it away to the most incompetent fools that failed to even stay alive. “Though I must admit, your reputation is what made me find you, so you've got that going well enough.” He did seem like one of the few who should be able to get them to where they wanted. “Which reminds me, does the town have a portal? That should make the return trip out of here and any return trips to the city a lot easier.”

She raised an eyebrow at the mention of a Golden Brand of Debt. “Debt suggests a way to pay things off. I'm not too much into renting.” She stated, as the biggest issue of renting was that you'd have slaves simply working towards their freedom, rather than towards flourishing. “For my goals, owning them fully, with only some marginal room for earning freedom under highly specific circumstances, is vital.” She'd only consider letting someone go if they truly flourished and if her work with them was done. Or if they were so hopeless she'd have no other choice than to sell them off to a butcher or something, yet her pride would make that scenario extraordinarily unlikely. “I'm assuming they also have these brands blessed by the god of Law?” She stated, as she was a relatively devout worshipper due to how often she invoked Miralis's name for her contracts.

Glad to see Jastira come to her senses, she enjoyed some artificial breeze. That said, the words confused her a bit, making her wonder if her slaves were affected by the heat as much as she was. “He's been working hard for me, so I would consider his opinion. Though in the end, it's not really his call to make.” She stated, not really deeming it necessary to involve Ryuuji in whether he'd date Scylla or not. She would, at best, check if he had any particularly strong feelings on it later. Should he be vehemently against it, she'd probably grant him an exception and allow him to forfeit a date. Or should be highly in favour, she might allow Scylla more favourable terms. She had to reward his good behaviour a bit, after all. Yet that was all for later.

After a few more hours of sweating and puffing in the heat, Roost called out. “If we can't avoid them, I say we face them sooner, rather than later. There's no use getting more worn out than needed first. If we're sure their criminals and their deaths would be lawful, let's hit them quickly and hard to get this over with.” There was one thing she debated. “How much do we have for spare resources? If we can afford it, it might be worth seeing if we spare some of them or spare their cargo and make some profit by selling them.” She was already thinking business. “That is, of course, if we'd be able to do so without too much risk to ourselves. I've got a great healer with me, but I'd rather avoid risk of death to my slaves, as I'm sure you would with your employees.” On that note. “Seems like it might pay off to play dumb. I'll act like I'll try to talk to them. You get the jump on them the moment they let down their guard thinking we're naïve fools. I'll hop to safety.” She'd look at Melia, the warrior woman being intended to be that safety and therefore being assumed to stay near enough to be her shield when needed.

Assuming Roost would agree with such tactics, she'd get out and wave over to the piggy and his men. “Greetings, fellow travellers! Are you also looking to cross these seas of sand? Perhaps we can share information about our routes and the latest perils we've encountered to ease our journeys?!” She called out to them. That should do the trick.
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Garbage. Garbage.

Armes New Kingdom - Suikoden V

Koralia listened intently to Mad Maw, who sat boldly on her lap. Seems like the shyness who had been present on the gnoll was slowly disappearing, as she got used to the shark. What an unlikely turn of events: first meeting at a Fair in Ryke, then meeting again in the Grand Duchy. It looked like that old saying: 'Fortune favors the bold' was true, and the mercenary was finally reaping the rewards for it.

A rumbling chuckle would leave the shark’s throat, hearing the squeaking of the rubber duck as it fell upon the floor of the wagon. “A couple of hours, huh? I have an idea…” Those words left her mouth with a hint of mischievousness behind them, eyes locked against the gnoll’s as they narrowed with deliberate slowness.

“Ya like tricks, right?” Koralia asked, her eyes picking up the light sandstorm which now served as an impromptu curtain between the covered wagon they were in. “Ya show me yours and I show ya mine. Gotta a nice sword disappearin’ act which will drive ya crazy.” A knowing laughter followed, the shark disappearing into the covered along with the gnoll.

"Aslan is magic capital of world, yez!" chirped Desmond with a grin at Dodger's remark, "Desmond recently passed Magic Summoning class with HONORS! Desmond thought he would failed, but much surprised to see Desmond pass so goody! Potential is great it seemz!"

Desmond seemed confused at Throckmorton's statement, as his head cocked sideways. Barred from civilization? What could they have possibly done to deserve that treatment? The hedgehog lamented at that statement, echoing the little raptor's sentiment that they are indeed fellow beastkin. Supposedly this "pack" weren't as friendly as Desmond was told, with these "Ar'ghreev" folk bracing harsh conditions requiring harsher and more savage measures. The raptor frowned slightly upon hearing this, but nonetheless was still fascinated about this strange group.

That's when an idea sprouted; hinted with a gleeful smirk. "Surely saurian groupie can't be too bad, yez?" he wondered curiously as he tapped his chin. He then proceeded to initiate several exaggerated gestures to convey his idea, "But maybe Desmond can be fellow saurian ambassador? Yez, yez; a fellow representative of us rare folk! We willz show the citizens how misunderstood they are; how goody they are like rest of beastfolk~ Ar'gheevies wouldn't hurt one of their own, would'z they? And if they hurt friends, they shall be witness to Desmond'z wrath!" He finished by puffing out his feathers and giving a rousing screech; his arms stretched out and teeth bared with a raspy hiss to demonstrate his "wrathfulness". He couldn't help but giggle a bit afterwards.

Hearing Saoirse's comment about dinosaurs would immediately revolve the raptor's attention towards her, even if she was in the front carriage. "Not all saurians big!" the raptor called out as a means to correct her, "Desmond is Deinonychian! Raptor! We'z smol! Various species also smaller too!" In regards to her comment on taming them, Desmond wasn't quite sure what she meant by "tame". Befriend perhaps, but tame assumes all are savages to begin with. Which isn't true in the slightest! That being said, the raptor couldn't help but give out a piece of trivia. "Some saurians are adapted to hot heat! Some have BEEG sails! Like Spinosaurians! Long snooted carnis with tall spines! Said to regulate temperature Desmond hears! Fierce warriors! Big claws! Also great fishers!"

Listening to Roost Rock debriefing of the situation, Desmond would take everything he heard into account; especially the dungeon crawl mentioned by these "gnollish benefactors". This was one of the things that initially interested the raptor bard, given his initial experience in the medium. With how fruitful his last venture had been, perhaps he might be able to find even more goodies for himself within. A new weapon? Another spellbook? Maybe a useful trinket or some artifact to be used in a pinch? The raptor had no idea; yet his mind ran with a vast assortment of possibilities.

However, later on in their trip, they'd find trouble on the horizon. Desmond's head perked up as he eyed the situation, seeing a glow in the far distance, utilizing [Perception F] to figure out what they could possibly be dealing with. "Troublez?" the raptor asked curiously. Roost Rock claimed they could be bandits or slavers and asked the others how to go about it. This would be pretty bad if it was the case; seeing how they weren't quite as well-armed as they could be. Saoirse recommended their course of action; negotiations first, attack if all else fails. Desmond seemed to agree, nodding his head rapidly.

"Desmond heals too." he added, "But Desmond have few tricks up sleeve! Ready for battle if Desmond musts!" Truthfully, Desmond wasn't much of a fighter... but he was sneaky like. Perhaps there are ways he can help in that department too, if it comes to battle or deception...
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Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao just opted to rather ignore most of the conversation going on within the carriage, finding that she wasn't really here to make any sorts of pointless friends and that she wanted it over as fast as possible. Sighing as she overheard Dodger talking about her and her style, the minotaur gave unamused side-eye to them wondering why people were being so talkative with complete strangers. Did they have nothing better going on?

"A master is one who is superior to me. That rat hasn't taught me a single thing or proven any worth, I could flatten and end that tiny rodent if I really wanted to. That thing's just dead weight with an ego twenty times bigger than themselves, I can only assume the only reason they left home is that not even their family wanted them. Not a surprise, the only one who could apparently appreciate them are lowlife washups like bootlicker here who have been tricked into believing that she's of any benefit" Lei-Cao answered, gesturing to Ryuuji as a so-called bootlicker as she rolled her eyes and looked elsewhere.

"In the end, I serve nobody but chaos, and chaos knows that her binds couldn't hold me forever. It's only a matter of time before the rabbit loses their prize, it's not like they've proven to be of any benefit to my improvement anyway" she uttered.​

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Hopefully it's good entertainment for him. A break is good, anyway help me drag the anchor over here. I can't stand seeing her being in such a sorry state." Said Diego after sighing, new possible slaves for the chain gang, honestly he wished those people could escape or beat Pigsy over here, any slaver should be better than Pigsy at least to Diego.
"Sure just give me a second, someone from that group is approaching us." Replied Leon, shortly as he gave a closer look to the approaching figure, he even strained what few brain cells remained in his head from the heat of the desert.

"What is a Harengon doing here? They aren't known to travel anywhere near this climate, and overall dangers since most don't meet the cut above..."
Said Leon loud enough for Pigsy to hear. He then thought for a bit or two before figuring out from what little he knew who possibly that could be, saying it out loud again.
"Only one name comes to my mind that could have any hold around Shalzahaad... Desrosiers. A noble family that deals in our kind of merchandise... Freaking fantastic, we are stuck between an anvil and a hammer."
Those words possibly only made Pigsy more interested in the new 'merchandise', but Leon did not care about it, he only looked at Diego for a bit before asking.
"And again why are you taking care of this scrap?"
To which Diego replied almost immediately, with a small amount of venom carried in his words.
"I said I feel sorry for it, would you want to be dragged across the desert by your feet? Even if this thing is just scrap now I can't leave it like that."

Together they dragged the construct closer to them, propping its head against some rock nearby. Diego then took out a torn-off sleeve he used as a rag mwet it with what little spare water he had in his hidden canteen, and began cleaning it. First cleaning its face from the sand that clung to it, then moving lower, slowly cleaning off the sand and other debris that clung to it. Before feeling something far more unnatural near the area where one's ribs should end. It felt soft, far softer than the surrounding area, so out of curiosity Diego pressed down on it feeling a bit of resistance he pressed down a bit harder, and then something clicked and a part of the construct's torso opened up.
Something within it shone brightly for a bit before it dimmed, thankfully the others in the chain gang and Pigsys squad were looking the other way, the only one looking this way was Leon.
Diego moved the piece of cloth that was thrown onto the construct to at least partially cover it and opened the hatch further, revealing writing on its side, and a golden core inside of it connected by various machinery, though some parts of it were familiar to Diego because of his years spent as a mechanic and tinkering with the SCP foundations gear when he was allowed. Sadly one thing that he could not do was read the writing, whatever transported him to this world was smart enough to make him understand the common language here and allow him to speak it but not making him able to read or write in it was a major oversight. Wanting to know what was written there he slightly pulled at the chain so Leon would come closer to him.

"Can you read it Leon, just keep it quiet." Diego asked his friend Leon, to which he complied, which soon after ended up with them bickering between eachother.
"Might be a tad hard to do, since it seems to be written in a dialect but... But I can give you a rough translation, a proper one would take too long. It says ' Bring forth her light with noble blood.' or something like that, I'm not exactly sure about the last two words though, so I just gave you the closest one I know to what is written here."
"Thanks, buddy."
"Yeah yeah, You owe me one."
"You do remember we can't owe anything we are slaves."
"You know what I mean dammit."
The both of them chuckled silently at their own bickering before Leon moved back a bit from Diego so he could try and work his magic with the construct. At first glance it was just a few bolts here and there which were loosened probably after being dragged along the ground for so long so he wrapped the cloth around his hand, gripped the bolt tightly, and began to manually screw them in.
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]"

Garbage. Garbage. Femboy Femboy

Ryuuji looked back at the Lune elf with a pleasant enough, albeit soft smile. He would accept the canteen, taking a drink, in his past life he wouldn’t have imagined sharing something like this but as a slave in this sort of world he knew to be more resourceful would be beneficial, as he had some.
He felt a bit more self aware when Dodger praised what he was doing with his magic, causing perhaps an ever so faint bit of pink to appear on his face. Upon hearing that, he realized that he could probably be even more impressive with it if he so desired, with another gesture, He would cancel his current ability, before he would amp up his magic output.

Ryuuji would then do another gesture and go into a more powerful version of his last ability. I Can't Believe I Have Better AC In Another World! Magic C Componentless Magic C, Magic Area of Effect D, Spell Duration F, Control Environment F - Grade C, 3 post cooldown.
Ryuuji attempts to magically adjust the feeling of the surrounding environment to make it more pleasant and or less hazardous to those in a 1000 ft radial around him for up to one hour in RP time before needing to cast it again.
His goal was to cover all of those in the procession.
“ I’m pleased to hear you think so, I imagine this should make us all feel a bit better.” Ryuuji spoke simply.
He listened to the beast discourse nodding every now and again. It was good to see that the group seemed coherent so far based on what he was hearing potential cohesion beyond his main group… perhaps they’d survive this trip.

He was glad to hear that his words were well received by Dodger. Noticing the smile, he would only continue to reciprocate his. “I certainly do, It’s difficult not to mention beauty.” He was somewhat surprised to hear she was taking well to the minotaur given her poor attitude, but that was fine with Ryuuji, even if Lei Cao still had yet to prove herself at this point.

“As you can see Lei-Cao is certainly not worried about any repercussions given how she decides to express herself time and time again. While I do not agree with her assessment of our mistress, she knows full well what lies in wait should she push the..boundaries set before her.” He spoke a bit more ominously toward the latter part, deciding he wasn’t going to entertain what Lei-Cao was spewing.

Then they were…stopping. It seemed his thoughts about them surviving might have come too early if trouble was already meeting them. While he generally preferred means which avoided violence, he too knew he had the ability to inflict pain if they had too.

1.Cancel first ability. (E 1 post cooldown)
2. Use second to envelop the procession to help everyone better deal with the heat.
I Can't Believe I Have Better AC In Another World! Magic C Componentless Magic C, Magic Area of Effect D, Spell Duration F, Control Environment F - Grade C, 3 post cooldown.
Ryuuji attempts to magically adjust the feeling of the surrounding environment to make it more pleasant and or less hazardous to those in a 1000 ft radial around him for up to one hour in RP time before needing to cast it again.

Scylla was a bit flustered at this point, here she was with her head on the armored Melias lap and Ryuuji but a few rows ahead speaking in his usual delicate, syrupy, sugar voice. The witch would sigh, but quickly came to her wits when Saoirse brought up Melia being her property. "Hm, yeah, I suppose you're right." She replied before slowly sitting up yet keeping out of Ryuujis sight.

It was here Jastira would chime in with a bold suggestion. "No, absolutely not i-" then was interrupted by Melia, to which she nodded in her favor to the elf. "Well then, that just about answers your question hm?" Her tone like that of a highschool teacher that put a student in its place. "Your refusal was certainly expected.." her attention going towards the slave owner bunny lady, "..but please, don't be distasteful with your words, it was but a jest." The witch would delicately draw aside the delicate dark blonde strands from her face and behind her ear. Her crimson eyes, deep yet strangely seductive as they connected with Saoirses. "Different?" The witch repeated as she tilted her head ever so innocently and curiously like that of a feline, she pondered whether to be outrageous, or secretivr. "I suppose if you must know, I have fused my soul that of a demon.." she began, "..If you were to rip my heart out you would see half of it corrupted by demonic magic, and the other quite normal and human." She'd then seductively lick her lips. "There's much more to me that I am inclined to leave out in presence of the current company." A sinister giggle, then a clearing of her voice.

"So, where we're we?" She asked out loud, "Oh yes, Ryuuji. He's a dear. And uhm.." suddenly the cooling spell would touch her skin. "..hm.." she hummed out loud in disappointment. "..there goes my bargaining power, I suppose. Perhaps it's for the best I don't have the upper hand. I might just indulge in a demonic pact." A frown drew upon her face.

"Well, I suppose that's settled.." a shallow sigh escaped her delicate mouth, "..Well then, what is this place we're going? It appears to be a place of violence, deceit and dare I say, perdition. What sort of sinful acts could partake here, I wonder?"
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All skills, abilities, and titles are free to use outside of combat, so long as it makes sense narratively. Any combat/obstacles will trigger cooldowns and mechanical limitations. I will be able to post every Monday; Outside of combat there isn't going to be a posting order as long as there isn't excessive double posting. If your posts requires more information on the setting/landscape than you have, by all means, contact me and I will gladly be of help!


Handsome Hickory practically salivated over the new crop that had entered into their territory; it was full of all sorts of prizes. His scouts alerted him of at least eight across the caravan, though they couldn’t be sure how many were within the wagons themselves. He had been doing this long enough that he didn’t leave much room for error, preferring to think these things over. It’d only hurt his coin purse if merchandise died because he was careless. He didn’t want a repeat of the baltherauth barbecue.

The varied pot bellied cousins and sons in his gang hooting and hollering with excitement; snorts en masse rumbling the air. The Handsome Gang is a family of slave traders, dastardly and vicious. Handsome Hamhock the father of four children that put a stranglehold on the desert regions around here. Hickory was among the youngest, and in his humble opinion, the smartest.

Themz bunny faulk ar smartin’ wise; Aint’s no way ones out her’uh fer nothing. Smart me, see?” Hickory drumming his thick skull with enfattened pig finger, beaming with slobbering lips.

Derosh eh? Themz slavers too? Sounds famler but ehz, if theyz shalz folk. Theyz might got moneyz, and flesh” An unfortunate descriptor for them, synonyms with slave. He scratched his tusks with a yellowed nail in contemplation. He then snapped thrice, roving his index finger in the air, making wide circles. Diego and Leon had watched him long enough to know that this was a signal for an ambush.

This gave Diego the window he needed to drag and prop up the construct; one that he had seen being drug at the back since he arrived. That pang of empathy did not go unreciprocated; the hatch that opened where her ‘abs’ would be emitted a faint ember. It almost looked like a pilot light, nearly snuffed out. It wasn’t intentional, but Diego had propped her up at an angle that caused direct sunlight to catch the core within. The esoteric phrase being revealed as the core started to brighten, incrementally.

Bring forth her light with noble blood.

It meant nothing to them in the moment, but Diego had other priorities. The screws in her right arm joint so loose her arm was nearly coming off. It also gave him time to admire that through the grime and piss stains, she was made out of incredible material. A blackened material that glinted with an emerald green sheen.


Roost’s talkative attitude had switched the moment he sniffed danger on the air; his eyebrow furrowing into a cemented grimace, nodding and agreeing with his employer’s methods. There were hardly any out here who braved such dangers selflessly, so she was right to assume they would have to fight. “You delegate so well, you even intuit my talents.” He said, a chuckle breaking through his professional visage. There was nothing further to discuss as an agreement on the plan was made, though he turned to Scylla. “I won’t presume your talents nor your skill, feel free to assist Ms. Desrosiers with delegation, me with espionage, or keeping the carriages safe.” She struck him as another passionately independent creature like Saoirse, and so he would choose not to worry about her. She didn’t seem like she needed it, he instead pulled on a necklace he had kept hidden. A small star shape at the end of a silver whistle; He blew on it though no noise was heard. He would then outstretch his arms and fall backwards; vanishing into the sands like they were ocean water.


I'm with you my lady” Melia responded as they descended from the carriage; Jastira followed Saoirse on her other side. She would leave the fighting to Melia, and solely focus on her own speechcraft, mildly worried it’d all go to hell in a handbasket, and that’d be terribly boring for her.


Saoirse would see four pig-like humanoids, including among them, Handsome Hickory. A much portlier fellow adorned in gaudy patched together pieces of gilded armor, leathers, and even nondescript bones. The closer she got, the more obvious the height discrepancy. A husky creature that was well over six feet while his leaner cousins who were only five feet or so. The canyon wasn’t long, but made for a precarious position if a fight were to break out.

Aye, we’z go this’a’way; info?” Hickory couldn’t think of a better way to stall for his gang, scratching his double chin with a heavyset hand. “Saurz are about up in the north’en reegs, meanz az hell, goodz eat’n” His language a broken dialect somewhere between common and bestial, able to infer after some mental gymnastics that he is referring to ‘Saurians’ and their territory farther north. This also revealed that’s where the gang might have been traveling from.
He laughed with a squealing snort, his cousins joining in as one of them offered her saurian on a stick. A smell that was sickeningly savory as it wafted through the air “Small friend, eatz?” The smaller Suscrofan asked Saoirse.

Dodger watched Ryuuji weave his magic and cast a stronger version of his spell; The slaves she came across were often vagrants or work horses, but the stock this rabbit had rolled in were all gods damned strong. She could pick that up at a glance. It actually made things easier since many hands made little ass kicking.


Beauty? I don’t actually get that alot. Thanks-Your magic is pretty” She replied, feeling her face momentarily flush. It wasn’t often she was at a loss for words. She nodded with understanding at Lei’s situation, figuring that’d be the case given her attitude. “I get that, I too like talking out of both sides of my neck. The only difference is that I don’t get beat for it, now i'll do the beating if I have to” Dodger making a not so subtle threat as she beamed down the minotaur before she looked back toward Ryuuji.

“Now Dodger, lets not-” Throck tried, but she continued regardless
“As long as she don’t try and run or run her mouth about Roost, I don’t give a damn.”
Their conversation came to a stall as the caravan was halted; They were only a third of the way through a wide mouthed canyon. The most perceptive among them able to see a group of pig like humanoids making their way down a crevasse, meeting with Saoirse who was flanked by Melia and Jastira. Dodger stood up, rigid, with a white knuckled grip on the greatsword strapped to her back. Roost’s whistle a frequency they used as ‘sound flares’; Throckmorton seemed to also understand from her body language as he curled into a ball. His quills started to vibrate as he activated one of his sensory abilities.

“Looks like we might get some action before the first checkpoint, Roost is on the move, and im gonna follow. Throck will stay here, whoever else wants to follow, feel free. Please don’t try and run, I'm not good at holding back so you might die.” She said, blowing a kiss at Ryuuji with a mischievous giggle before leaping off the cart, landing atop her unsheathed greatsword as it illuminated with moonlight. Dodger hovered atop it, balancing with ease.

“The moon can be generous, even during the day” She breathed, with something akin to reverence. A phantom of devotion.

“I sense seven entities outside the cart, excluding Miss Desrosiers, Roost, and Dodger. Four are currently ahead of our caravan while there are three that are surrounding us…oh dear! One has appeared to enter the most rear carriage. That’s where Miss Mawson, and miss Ironjaw were situated.” he chatted nervously, looking toward Desmond “Ambassador sounds like an excellent idea new friend, let us try and survive long enough to make use of it” He said with a chuckle; his quills acting almost like diodes as electricity discharged between them and gathered a slow storm of power. Roost’s crew were self sufficient and willing to assist.

“Juzt needz good sneakz” Whispered a conniving pig man as he crawled through the dusty trail their mark had kicked up. He thought he was going to die of exposure, he had been hiding at the base of the canyon for nearly half a day. He had picked the perfect time to strike, crawling through the thick fabric of the wagon. He wielded a paralytic stained blade, and only needed to nick his prey for them to become manageable. It was how the weak fought, to even the odds.

“I wondered why the lovely scent of bacon had filled my nosties” Mad Maw cackled, voice of scratchy omniminity, loomed from the cramped dark. The crook squealed with momentary fear before brandishing his blade toward the voice, unknowingly wielding it against Koralia. “Whatz? Intelz not mention sharkz, or gnollz…” He sputtered, swallowing his fear and lunging an [E Paralytic Attack] at her, knowing he was dead either way.


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Saoirse Desrosiers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Garbage. Garbage. | Scylla RavenSong RavenSong | Lei-Cao Femboy Femboy

Saoirse was surprised when the temperature seemed to drop. “Is it me, or did the heat just get a whole lot less suffocation?” She asked, unaware that Ryuuji had been able to expand his ability's area of effect. Mostly due to being unaware that he'd been able to do that to begin with. As nice at it was, he might have some explaining to do later if he wanted to receive his praise for it.

She looked at Scylla, raising an eyebrow. Considering Ryuuji wasn't in the same cart, the witch was likely staring at the cart behind them without reason. Perhaps a heat-stroke? “Distasteful? I believe I should cast that word right back at you.” This Human really lacked a few levels of common sense. “Demonic? As in monster? If that is the case, perhaps I'll have Melia confirm your statement. You might not wish to brag about being part demon so openly. Even the Fae and Human varieties tend to have some sketchy and nasty tendencies to them.”

It seemed like she'd done a good enough job at making friends with Roots. Good. That'd likely help them out a lot long-term. Or perhaps already, as the man seemed rather motivated to aid them with their current troubles.

As for the pigs, one reminded her of an American President, they didn't make the best impression. The one speaking had a dialect that irked her. “<Should we continue this in Beastial?>” She'd ask. Hoping that would make it better to understand. “<Noble species like ours shouldn't reduce ourselves to speaking unnecessary common, after all, right?>” She was a tad surprised by how relaxed the pig seemed to be. Unless her eyes deceived her, she could see some folk in chains in the distance. “<I take it you're a trader?>” She asked, gesturing at them. “<Got anything interest for sale, by chance?>”

As for the information.... “<Saurians, I see.>” She stated, honestly not sure how good or bad that was. As for the food. “<No thanks, the heat here has totally ruined my appetite for anything that isn't ice. It makes me wish I brought a slave that knows ice magic. I'm assuming you haven't gotten one of those on sale?>” She asked, as it seemed surprisingly easy to buy time. Perhaps they were doing the same. Either way, she trusted Roost and the rest of the group to out-beat them. She'd just have to keep stalling, which was easy so long as they were both playing the same game. She just needed something to keep his attention so he might not notice...

Luckily enough, she had someone great at catching attention. “<The only neat thing I found lately was a decent piece of steak.>” She'd tell the pig folk. “<Lei-Cao! Get over here, you might have an opportunity to show off!!!>” She called out. Without context, that might sound a lot less harmful than it might be for this bacon. Part one of the plan was to have the minotaur be loud and obnoxious enough to keep distracting these four. Part two was to stick her onto them and give her some pointers on how to battle along the way. Perhaps if she gave the cow some actual training along the way, rather than punishments alone, she might better get through to her. This would be great practice through trial-by-fire.

Whilst the cow would hopefully come do her part, Saoirse kept stalling. “By the way, isn't it awfully wasteful to transport your slaves like that? I'd assume a fair few of them would just die along the way whilst the remainder would be so damaged that you wouldn't be able to fetch a decent price for them. Or are you just using them for food?” She asked, regarding the slave chain.
Garbage. Garbage. TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Lei-Cao's brain felt like it was being grinded down into dust listening to everything being said. She wasn't too concerned or deterred by the threats being sent her way by the little pale lady. Lightly shaking her head, she hoped her time here wouldn't drag on too long.
"Real frightening, I'm real scared" Lei-Cao briefly answered a deadpan, bored tone having not thought anything of the woman and that thry had been speaking bigger than they should have. They really couldn't understand why it felt like every god damn woman they came across had the hots for Ryuuji.

"I swear, it was barely no time at all since you were last trying to get it on in the bedroom with a  deer Ryu. A  deer. Seriously man, you gotta stop talking to people or put a paper bag over your head or somethin'. The moment Saoirse starts catching feelings for you too, the world is already doomed and done over, nothing in society is clearly functioning. I don't even see what anyone's seeing in you, unless every girl is just that desperate to have some bottom-barrel basic nice guy to give them a smile and an agreeing answer. Either you or the people you meet have a problem, and it's not healthy for someone. At least use that power for something, like I dunno bring the different countries and kingdoms who have disagreements on race to peace or something. Not just, talking up women and then never seeing them again. You know, it's like you know nothing about women but it's just conveniently working out for you, maybe that's a curse or a blessing you don't know about or something" Lei-Cao blankly rambled to the direction of Ryuuji over the matter of how much feminine attention and appreciation he seems to receive for no real reason. It was starting to get oddly questionable at this point considering he didn't appear to even be trying much at all in the slightest. Hearing a certain rabbit's irritating voice call for her presence she sighed and moved to go and see what it was before turning to Ryuuji one more moment.

"No, like seriously, you should probably go get that checked out. By... someone. That's not normal, you don't want to start any fights between girls on accident because of that kinda thing. It happens" Lei-Cao added again before actually going to see what Saoirse even wanted.

Sighing and approaching Saoirse, she had no clue who these random pigfolk were. At this point, she thought she was done with pigfolk in her life but she supposed that was simply shortlived. Looking down at the little rabbit, she clutched and brought along her oversized heavy mace since she didn't know who or what for showing off was being mentioned.
"<I don't 'show off' little rabbit, I am the one-hundred percent true champion. You know, LEI-CAO, CHAMPION OF CHAOS, DESTROYER OF ALL WHO OPPOSES, I don't show off for no reason but people deserve to know who I am. I applaud you for actually getting the name right, I guess old rabbits can learn new tricks... however old you are. How long do rabbits like you live, exactly? Are you gonna die of old age way before me or something? Anyway, what did you even want, I don't want to waste my time longer than I have to in this sickening wasteland>" Lei-Cao spoke, announcing herself and self-proclaimed titles really aloud in yelling tone as she turned her attention to the strangers.

"<Who are you, even?>" Lei-Cao blatantly asked them in a slight annoyance with some [Intimidation], they were making this trip take pointlessly longer after all.

1. Intimidation (F)
Ryuuji Kamimura
Interactions: Garbage. Garbage. Femboy Femboy
Ryuuji would nod with a soft smile once more, “Ah thank you kindly for the compliment. I try my best.” Being receptive to Dodger’s nice words. Not only that she tried her best to get Lei-Cao to chill some even if albeit Ryuuji wasn’t feeling confident it’d work, Lei-Cao tended to be pretty difficult so far, he hoped that if she got a chance to get some combat training that showed results her attitude might improve some.

Ryuuji would look back at Lei-Cao and was almost tempted to sigh, but instead of showing he was annoyed he instead replied with a somewhat surprised sounding, albeit still unaware Seduction F, Lei-Cao’s way. The very thing she had been mentioning.

“Oh you really think so? I guess that’s a compliment in a way, I imagine you must know a lot about that sort of thing, as you probably get similar attention, people like their strong and brave champion warriors after all right?”

The words sort of just leaving him with a gentle smile. Of course in this case it wasn’t exactly out of just kindness, there was probably some [Opportunist] title at work there, regardless, Lei-Cao was in such a bad mood it seemed he reckoned it couldn’t hurt to stroke her ego some, either she’d be more annoyed or it’d be better, It didn’t matter all too much either way, plus he wouldn’t be giving her the satisfaction of seeing him react all too much to what she said just.

Unfortunately from the information that was being disclosed to him they were going to have trouble. As much as he wouldn’t mind just staying back and not doing much of anything and let others handle the danger, he was aware that Saoirse could be in possible danger as well as others who could end up being strategic partners so it’d be bad if they got hurt in this possible conflict.

“Very well then, I can’t just stay here and twiddle my thumbs.” He replied with a smile upon hearing Dodger’s words, he’d get off the cart as well. He’d then reassert,

“While I might not look it, I have my own ways of inflicting damage should there be a need for it.”

With that Ryuuji was ready to follow into combat if need be, knowing that in helping to eliminate threats if need be he’d be able to protect Saoirse better. For now he kept the cooling magic going, but if need be he was also ready to disable that, hopefully there wouldn't be anything he'd have to fight that would require his current highest level of magic...
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Garbage. Garbage.

Koralia’s chest rose and fallen with each heavy breathing. Her body was drenched in sweat, clothes clinging firmly against her form, further accentuating her sculpted physique and bulging musculature. The shark woman appeared to be catching her breath, after experiencing first-hand all sorts of tricks that Mad Maw could do, showing some of her own in return.

With an arm draped around the gnoll’s shoulders, Koralia held her close to her ample chest. Meanwhile, her other arm had procured another waterskin to drink from it. “Ya sure is full of surprises.” The rumbling voice carried undeniable satisfaction with it, the mercenary’s muzzle would nuzzle against the magician’s endearingly.

Finally, she would bring the water container to her wide lips, letting the liquid spill into her open mouth. It was refreshing as the droplets fell on her spaded tongue, which had become a bit dry from the heat, wetting and hydrating it once more. And, after a few gulps of the liquid, her tongue would slide across her lips, catching a bit of water that was spilling from her mouth.

“Phew! Ya really did great bringin’ all this water. Had no idea how hot this would be.” Letting out a sigh of satisfaction, she would bring the waterskin to Mad Maw, offering it to her. “Ya should drink it too, wouldn’t want ya passin’ out or sumthin’.” The offer was made in a somewhat brash manner, the best way the shark knew how to do it. Yet, that was the best way she knew how to show care.

However, the wagon would suddenly come to a stop, Koralia being unaware of anything that was happening outside of it. An arched brow appeared on her face, wondering if they had reached the mentioned checkpoint. Has she really lost the track of time that much? But soon enough, all her doubts would be answered.

With some piggy trying to ruffle his way into the wagon that both her and Mad Maw were in. Koralia chuckled at her mate’s comment about the smell of bacon, before retreating her strong arm from around her shoulder. “I don’t remember ya being invited.” She growled, flashing her serrated teeth with a wide smile.

And, from a moment to the next, her whole stance shifted. Muscles tensing, an annoyed growl leaving the confines of her throat. Like a predator, seeing a creature who had entered its domain and trying to challenge her rightful rule over it, even if unknowingly.

Without a second thought, her Serrated Zweihänder was already being held in her hand, firmly grasping its handle with both hands. Coiling her arms and tensing her muscles, the accumulated muscular tension would shoot out, as she extended both of them towards the pig man. With it, Koralia would defer a counter-lunge aimed directly against his chest, trying to impale the creature using his own velocity and weight against him.

1 - Attack the incoming pig man with - Strength A (6) + WPN B (5) + Fighting Style E (2) = 13 Base Effectiveness

E - 0/1

Diego Argento
Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: Garbage. Garbage. , Elvario Elvario Saoirse Desrosiers

"Listen up all my fellows. It is time to whistle our chains away." Spoke up Diego to the other slaves in a whistling low tone, hoping that the Pigsy crew did not hear him.
With the cooperation of every slave in the chain gang, even the armless and deaf Old Joe took part in the breakout somehow, don't even question it for your sanity's sake.
Diego's strength, combined with all the other chain gang slave's strength plus Old Joe's dragon born's claws which were sawing at the weakest link of the chain.

Having the chain that tied them all together cut off leaving them only in their individual chains made it possible for several interesting things to happen.
Leon looked at Diego, Diego at the other slaves, then back the other way, the plan was simple Diego stays with the construct behind, and Leon who knows the surrounding area better than the other slaves will try to lead the others out of there.

The other slaves gathered up together slowly, as Diego loosely closed the hatch on the construct's torso, it would probably open on its landing considering he didn't close it properly. He then grabbed its hand while crossing his own and started spinning quickly in place while holding it finally releasing it as the slavers started to notice, with the construct's lifeless and honestly heavy body flying right at Pigsy. Diego then began to sprint into the nearest slaver from Pigsy's crew, attempting a shoulder charge with the intent to use him as a fat meat shield while yelling from the top of his lungs.
"I said, sprinkle ya bloody blood on the glowy thingy between the ribs. Ya, bunny! It should activate it, or at least make its gear turn."
He closed the distance with his soon-to-be bacon shield, throwing his chain up and over the pig's head to strangle him and wield him like some shield while landing his shoulder on his back, or that would be the result of his actions, but they were still in motion. So the result was undecided.

As the rabbit slave owner appeared to vent at Scylla all the witch could do was simply roll her eyes as she observed and admitted her own hands and finger nails. She didn't really seem like she was listening, but the occasional snappiness of the rabbits voice made her blink here and there. Yet about being a monster, "I have no reason to justify myself to you miss Desrosiers, you asked, and I answered. Whether or not you find my answer to your question as a brag is completely up to you." Then a nod before crossing her arms and looking away indignantly.

"Yet, seeing as you appear to own a very, delicate and cute little mage, I'll see to accommodate you in whatever endeavors you might have on this.." Scylla shrugged, "..whatever this expedition is about for you. Perhaps we could come to an agreement about Ryuuji I am- huh?" The interruption had come from the elven Roost who addressed her, "I.. beg your pardon?" She said in surprise as no danger was obvious, until the pig folk suddenly appeared to make their way. Delegation, Espionage, keep the carts safe? Those piggies look harmless to me. She thought as her crimson eyes scanned the hog folk. She'd slowly come out of the cart, but really out of the shade that kept her fair skin, well, fair.

She clearly wasn't dressed for the occasion, her silk and leather vestments weren't exactly to most cooling of garments but her [Control Environment] skill kept things as comfortable as it could. It would be enough.

Deciding not to interfere with whatever languages we're being engaged she would leave most of the talking to Miss Desrosiers. Until the witch would pick up on exactly what she was doing, and, deciding to do her best for Roost would do her part in the distracting. She'd slowly come up behind the rabbit slave owner, discreetly with a bit of [Seduction E] in her step. Nothing too obviously distracting so as to draw just the right amount of glances yet keep up any conversation. Surely, pig men were in fact pigs.

Without another move her mysterious eyes fell upon one of the younger pig folk next to their leader. She looked at him up and down as she bit her bottom lip then when he looked at her winked and puckered her lips in a non audible kiss. She'd then quickly return to her usual serious demeanor when Miss Desrosiers would likely glare at her, just for being human and annoying as she usually did, but maybe not this time?

"Excuse my interruption, ahem.. sir." My name is Scylla Bancroft and i have worked up an appetite. You see I've been traveling and I'm hungry. Would you happen to have something.. palatable?" She'd look at the leader for a moment, but any attempt to connect gazed was met with her looking away shyly. "I'm.. quite sure very strong warriors like yourselves would certainly have something for little ol' me? Right?" Her voice as silky as her dress.

Peaking out from his cart, Desmond's amber eyes glared at the big, blonde-haired, Pork-Pie of a swinefolk meet up with the rest of the caravan. While Dodger made her way towards the front where Saiorse and the others, Throckmorton would stay behind and begin charging something mighty electric-like with his sharp quills. The static electricity emitting from him would cause Desmond's feathers to puff out slightly, especially those closest to the hedgehog folk. The raptor gave a nervous cackle as he stepped back, eying his chances in either staying or going with Dodger. "D-Desmond shall get a closey looky..." he whispered to Morton. Reluctantly, he took his chances and scuttled out towards the others, leaping towards the front carriage while making himself look small and out of sight.

He was nervous... and judging by the others he'd seem right to be so.

Upon hearing Hickory's broken dialect mention "saurz" up the road, Desmond would immediately perk up in recognition. Those must be the saurians Morton was talking about earlier! According to them they were "mean as hell" and "good eatin"... wait. Did they mean they were "tasty"?! Shortly after did he catch the smell of something mighty cooked. And upon perking his head from the side of the carriage, he'd see one of those pigs wielding what must've been a COOKED SAURIAN on a STICK.

The raptor began to feel sickeningly distressed as his stomach churned upside down, throwing up a bit in his mouth. Long have saurians in his homeworld forbid eating one another; especially regarding the carnivorous variety. While their ancient 'savage' ancestors have been known to commit such predatory behavior, modern civilized saurians have traded "dino-meat" for "zaur-meats" and other domesticated fauna that they farmed for prime meat. And that was established eons ago...

Desmond had never encountered such 'cannibalism' in his life. To witness this cursed act right in front of him was mortifying. Not to mention the highest offense for any saurian kind. Clearly these hogs lived up to their reputation; eating practically anything their sus hands could grab, skin, and cook alive. And no doubt they could easily cook poor DESMOND up if they so pleased! Such barbarians! Such savages! Desmond wanted to flee, yet also couldn't help but desire his inner primal rage wanting sink his sickled-claws into their hammed-hides. How'd they like him eating their bacon?!

So concentrated was Desmond on the discussion before him, he wouldn't notice the hogfolk crawling behind them and sneaking into the carriage where Koralia and Mad Maw were in! However, his nose with [Heightened Smell F] thought he smelled 'bacon' coming from nearby as well as hearing what he thought was rustling coming from within the carriage. Yet Desmond wouldn't be much the wiser to these antics...

For now, he continued to wait... until the time was right.
All skills, abilities, and titles are free to use outside of combat, so long as it makes sense narratively. Any combat/obstacles will trigger cooldowns and mechanical limitations. I will be able to post every Monday; Outside of combat there isn't going to be a posting order as long as there isn't excessive double posting. If your posts requires more information on the setting/landscape than you have, by all means, contact me and I will gladly be of help!

Hickory curled a slavernous grin across his jowls; She was a delicious little morsel; terrible images of future prospects dancing across his glassy stare. “Well then by all means Miss Desrosiers, common leaves a sour taste in my mouth anyways.” He said, a southern drawl became more clear in bestial as he scratched a pig knuckle against his pomade hair. “Trader of flesh, illegal goods, anything that puts coin in my pocket you see. I do have flesh for sale, but unless it’s a hell of a good price, The Scales are a hard market to beat missy” Hickory always told a grain of truth amidst the mountain of lies he pushed on his clients, or in this case, new merch.

Lei Cao brought his attention to the lumbering mass of bovine; one of the larger specimens he had seen. She could be worth an entire gold bar or even more. Melia felt the uneasy tension slowly developing in the air, though she could no longer understand her mistress. It was clear by the formation of his crew, that they were expecting something. Her sword arm slouched against the hilt of her blade, but tensed and ready to flash steel at a moment’s notice.

Hickory laughed as Lei shouted and boasted; this slaver handled her merch in a strange way. It made him a little nervous. Why did it seem like they were so chummy with eachother? It was clear from the dynamic that he only stood in front of one free individual amongst this crowd of meat. Why then, did he feel this way? The intimidating aura caused his posse to tense up and aim their rifles, but he held up a four fingered hand. “She is showing the good lads, ease off. Thing could keep a town full for two years” He said, inspecting her like a dog. His [Character Grade D] withstanding the vitriol exuded.

The sound of loosened rocks accompanied a high pitched whistle of air; something was sailing through the air rapidly. Saoirse was capable of reacting faster than Hickory as a body collided with him and sent both of them cratering into the earthen floor. An updraft of dust and heat pelting Lei, Sao, Melia, and Jastira with debris. The rest of the handsome gang rearming their rifles; a firing squad of paralytic darts being aimed at the entire group. Paralytic darts being fired at the squad, knowing Hickory would kill them if they wasted good product.

Melia wasted no time as she threw herself in front of Saoirse; holding up her shield as the darts plinked off her armor, save for one that grazed her cheek, causing a rare swear to escape her lips. A flare of anger burning in her ruddy gaze, taking a beat at the one who offered food earlier, he was the closest to her master. The warrior unsheathing her sword mid sprint and cleaving; impaling her enemy. A squeal of bloody murder dying off as he slumped to the floor; still impaled by the blade Saoirse had so graciously gifted her.

–[ Handsome Gang Group attack-E Grade Paralytic Rifle: Effectiveness- 6 (2 +4 Team Up Bonus)]

Diego’s plan had caused his fellow slaves to hesitate, worry, and fret. Hickory was merciless when it came to runaways, often breaking their legs only to pay for them to be healed when they reached into town, but the strange circumstance of Roost’s Caravan was enough of a wildcard that they were more than willing to help; even Armless Joe, gods bless him. The plan was set, and once the chain had broken. Leon and Diego split up, the former taking the other slaves farther up the canyon, away from ensuing battles. Diego’s plan was rushed, but he dug in deep enough to send the heavy machinery over the cliff; soaring onto its target with a craterous shake that loosed several pieces of red mesa, tumbling loosely to the ground.

His instructions were as clear as they could be, and with that, he charged at the three that had been stationed to overlook the chain gang. Paralytic darts being loosed on the meat shield Diego had secured, and before the nearest gang member could reload; Diego was on him with a chain in place of a garrote, tightening against the pig’s throat. The other three didn’t want to risk shooting their friend, so they charged him to try and help get Diego off. A precarious situation that, for the time being, Diego had the upper hand over them. It was a stroke of good fortune that he saw a woman fly in on a sword, over the cliffside.

Hey! I like your guts kid, let’s see about getting you out of this bind” She shouted. The white haired lune sliding off her blade, taking it’s handle on the way downward. It’s glossy sheen vibrating with imbued power as she landed on one of the pig gangers; slamming the weight and the edge of the blade into his head. The blade ignited in white hot flame; a reflection of the moon shone on it’s radiant surface.

How many times do we have to keep running into you pig faced bastards, did Hogwash not get the message?” She shouted, though her enemy was too on fire to hear any of it.

One of the pigs with their rifle still aimed, looked at Scylla as she beckoned his boss. He was getting mixed messages as his boss was just toppled onto, in a crater with that damn machine they had hauled. He watched one of his own get slain, but there was something almost enchanting about the porcelain woman. It wasn’t even her looks, but those ruby jewels of her eyes caused him to freeze. Scylla unknowingly became a perfect distraction as a hand broke through the surface of the red mesa behind this enraptured pig; wrapping around his neck and slamming him against the wall. It was Roost Rock, his body slowly emerging out of the stone; the pig subdued in a tight headlock as he looked at Scylla. Things were breaking bad, and he needed everyone at their best.

If you're hungry and got some…unholy appetites, I could use some help with this pile of horse shite” Roost growled, getting his heel around the right foot of his enemy and sending him into the ground with a hard trip. Scylla could immediately catch the scent of blood, flaring her prenatural senses. There was also a hint of hatred, radiating from the scarred elf himself. Roost face possessed far more lines than she had seen before; a sedated rage awakened when he saw the state of their slaves. His recon being cut short as he saw that foolhardy slave toss the other off the cliff. “You seem to enjoy treating others like trash, you are in good company now, to your grave misfortunes” He said, harsh like the desert he lived and breathed.

The sound of the crash had an unexpected effect; the first set of equestradons were frightened and started to barrel through the canyon. Desmond lost his cover in this moment, but also found his moment as two pigs had been crawling underneath the carriages. Squeals heard as they were immediately exposed to the saurian only feet away. He could see strange ephemeral magic radiating off amulets they wore, as they quickly stood up; brandishing paralytic daggers as they switched to engagement. "Boss’ orders, we don’t capture Saurians, only kill and eat”
Ryuuji and Throckmorton were in the cart behind and saw as the carriage started to speed away, revealing ambushers that were intent on fighting Desmond. Morton looked back and gasped as he saw the seen “We have to do something” He told Ryuuji “I have to be careful otherwise I might hit our friends, but my lightning quartet can do some damage” He said; his quills roiling with energy as he stood on the edge of the cart; pulling a flintlock pistol from her belt and aiming at one of the bastards trying to harm his friend.

-[Handsome Gang Duel Attack- E Grade Paralytic Dagger: Effectiveness- 4 (2 +2 Team Up Bonus)]

The pig assassin who tried to stab Koralia was impaled by the counter attack, a vicious and efficient attack without an ounce of strength wasted. The last breath escaping before he even went limp. “Wow Koralia! I didn’t know you were that strong!” Mad Maw said in awe, revealing herself from behind the warrior; distracted by cuddling the sharkly lady’s tail. “It seems our caravan may be in a bind, should we go out and help? Might be fun! I haven’t gotten a chance to really test what i’ve been practicing! I also think I would like to ingratiate myself with the heragon we sorta let run things. I personally don’t care as long as we get more excuses to know eachother! That’s the whole point of this romantic retreat, even if nobody else knows it’s that yet” She said, cackling behind her hands.

You killed my partner, mongrel and Chum, the lot of you!” Another pig gang member broke through the covered part of the wagon, revealing the hot open air of the desert around them. This one was wielding a rifle, and stood on the back frame, aimed at the one who killed his friend. Madeline’s demeanor changed in an instant, her fur bristling as her wand flourished in her hand. A whistle followed a purple glyph that appeared around the pig; distorted magic tinged with purple illuminating his entire body, and nearly the whole wagon. She was still new to this power, but adrenaline forced her hand since she didn’t have time to determine if that shot would have been lethal.

You disgust me, die” A level of ferocity in her voice she had never shown, nor even knew was within herself. A protectiveness over Koralia she didn’t know she possessed, until she saw her enemy recoil into the cart and, unfortunately, blast it into pieces. Her chaotic streak was not always a boon, though she did save Koralai from an attack so her reckless mind considered it more than worth. A bestial satisfaction streaking across her face as she saw the pathetic whelp shatter against the ground; his body ruptured; pulverized into the ground.

[30ft/15ft AoE/5 Targets] - Magic D, Gravity F, Range F, Targets F, Spell Duration F, AoE F - MM whips her wand forward and with an eerie whistle, creates a well of gravity that fires from her wand; smashing the ground to pieces. This well continues to pulverize the area with waves of force that spiral with purple tinted distortion. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

CD: 0/2

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