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Graded [Frontier] Blood and Title

Scene 2b: Delta vs Dominus Coldclaw
Scene 2b: A Liberation By Any Means

The Slave Compound stood ominously on the flat grassy plane, a mere five miles from the border of the See. It was a stark contrast to the natural beauty of the terrain, a symbol of oppression and brutality against the backdrop of nature's splendor. Encircled by a thick wooden palisade, the walls had been strengthened with mounds of compacted earth to deter any potential threats.

Inside the walls, the compound was meticulously organized. Three barracks, all identically built with thick wooden beams and a roof of heavy thatch, stood in a neat row. Opposite the barracks, the slave pens dominated the compound's eastern wing. These wooden enclosures were reinforced with thick metal chains and locks, making escape virtually impossible for the unfortunate souls trapped inside.

A bit away from the heart of the compound, an opulent plantation-style house stood. The house, unlike the rest of the compound, showcased an air of grandeur, with expansive balconies and finely crafted wooden columns. This was the dwelling of Dominus Coldclaw.

Coldclaw was currently in her quarters, her Moon-blessed Katana leaning against a luxurious chair upholstered in deep velvet. The weapon's shimmering glow cast eerie reflections across the room. The luminescent aura of her skin seemed to drink in that light, making her stand out, a beacon in her own dark world. Her two construct companions, repurposed trophies from the Crimson Talon, stood vigilant by her side. Made of metal and magic, their presence was a constant reminder of her strength and reach.

Ten guards, loyal foot soldiers of the Empire, patrolled the compound. A pair was always stationed at the sole palisade gate. Another four patrolled around the interior on a random schedule. Another two patrolled around the slave pens themselves. The other pair were not visible and must be in one of the buildings. Their footsteps on the compacted earth were rhythmic, almost hypnotic. They kept a watchful eye on the slaves, ensuring no rebellions or escape attempts.

Just outside the compound, hidden amongst the tall grasses, Delta ( Uasal Uasal ) watched. The assassin's keen eyes surveyed the layout, trying to spot any vulnerabilities. The stakes were high, and every little detail mattered. Dominus Coldclaw, with her acute senses, was no ordinary adversary, and infiltrating her stronghold would be no mean feat.

Delta's sharp instincts caught a faint rustle from the northern edge of the compound. Servants and support staff were seen attending to their chores, seemingly oblivious to the dark secrets their place of employment held. They went about their tasks, unaware that their routines were being closely observed by someone with a deadly mission.

The sun began to dip on the horizon, and the shadow of the Slave Compound grew longer. A game of deception, stealth, and intrigue was about to begin. With every heartbeat, the moment of reckoning drew closer.

  1. Advantage Used: Comprehensive understanding of enemy patterns, valuable for planning the ambush (treat relevant out of combat abilities as 1 grade higher).
    1. You should now have the rough understanding of the enemy patterns within the compound and can use them when stunting in this scene.
  2. Advantage Used: Knowledge of traps that can be avoided or used against enemies (either remove environmental penalty or apply "trap" during one attack).
    1. You detect several scattered pit traps around the palisade gates; however, it's a path easy enough to navigate from the outside in. It's likely intended more so to prevent slave escapes and/or calvary attacks or siege approaches towards the gate.
  3. Advantage Used: Selection of strategic locations for offense, defense, and maneuverability.
    1. You've spotted two solid defensive locations at 100 and 200 yards respectively of the Slave Compound that appear to be locations that the Poachers use as supply/staging locations and could help grant +1 defense if used.
    2. You can make effective use of the pit traps and such in front of the palisade gates for a maneuverability bonus of +1 near it.

Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Infamous (Ryke), Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Intermediate Variant, Apprentice Assassin

As one of the roaming guard's rhythmic footsteps drew close to Delta's chosen spot, she acted swiftly and decisively. Her fingers moved with a practiced grace as she set up a concealed trap on the well-worn path. The mechanics of the device were designed for lethal efficiency, a silent and deadly solution to eliminate her target without leaving any room for escape. [Widow's Lament]

With the trap in place, Delta retreated back into the tall grass, her senses keen and her anticipation building. The guard's silhouette grew larger as he approached, his steps confident and unaware of the impending danger.

were the guard's foot to press down on the trigger of Delta's trap, there would be a brief, barely audible click. Then in an instant, a number of interwebbed wires, sharper and thinner than any blade, would be released. It was a trap meant specifically to kill, to bring an abrupt end to the guard's life.

A web of wire that would cut through the air with deadly precision, slicing into the guard's throat like a silent executioner's blade. There would be no cry for help, no struggle. For an assassin, there was no glory in dragging out kills. No honor in a battle hard fought. No prestige or code that demanded a frontal assault in a fair and just manner. There was only kill or be killed.

Delta's concealed satisfaction remained hidden beneath her professional facade. The guard's fate would be sealed in the blink of an eye, the trap executing its intended purpose with cold efficiency. Now all she had to do was wait. Were the trap successful, she'd be in a much better position to carry out her mission.

Actions: 2/3
  1. Specialized Fighting Style [Deaths Embrace] [Razor Wire] F - 'Widow's Lament' - Trap, Penetrating, Hotshot, Targeted - Setting up a trap with her Razor Wire anyone or thing unfortunate enough to trigger it will very quickly come to know seething pain or even death - F Grade - 2 Actions- 0 Post Cooldown. Item (1) + Stat (2) + Ability (1) + Targeted = 8 effectivness. Damage x2 if F grade opponent via hot shot.​

Attempted Bonus:
[Surprise Attack] for direct damage

Advantages/Disadvantages to consider:
  1. Advantage gained- Comprehensive understanding of enemy patterns, valuable for planning the ambush (treat relevant out of combat abilities as 1 grade higher).
  2. Advantage gained- Knowledge of traps that can be avoided or used against enemies (either remove environmental penalty or apply "trap" during one attack).
  3. Advantage gained- Selection of strategic locations for offense, defense, and maneuverability, strengthening the team's battle plan (grant +1 to any "team-up" action where Sasha is involved).
  4. Disadvantage gained- A painful injury that may hinder her performance in the battle (-1 hp).
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Yukan Koyake
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Uasal Uasal Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer
Even with stakes as high as these, with such an ambitious plan which he had gotten himself into, now two who had been given permission to claim his life if he didn't meet his end of the deal, from Zephyr who he had told he would off himself rather than flee the battle and let her take his last breathe, and now this most interesting monster which Yukan decided to work with..as long as the criteria was met. Thankfully for his own sake Yukan did believe in the death penalty, so seeing three particularly heinous criminals getting sacrificed and fed to Skarn wasn't so out there with what The Kingdom of Rotia might have practiced to those deemed unworthy of a humane killing..An eye for an eye as they said, those who relished in inflicting such suffering to others, it was only natural that met a bitter end. This was what Yukan rationalized to himself, so as not to acquire an abuser title they really did need to be some sort of criminal..he knew that other monsters probably weren't going to make the cut for what Skarn considered acceptable payment.

They were awfully close now. He felt reaffirmed knowing that not only Zephyr but he felt a sense of loyalty from everyone else even if albeit conditional with the modified plan moving forward. The group they were going to strike first which were going to be compromised by Zephyr's masterful illusion was the marauders..ideally they'd be able to capture some if Yukan had it his way, but the success of the mission was first and foremost. The enemies he could practically smell them now with his Enhanced Sense of Smell F as they were baited..hook line and sinker. Since Yukan was more of a close ranged combatant he would choose to hide himself in a blindspot in the ravine , probably forestry by forestry or if his present allies were capable of it, additional concealment magic to help the main attack force out. He also knew that due to his advantage of reach he'd be able to strike double the normal distance he had during training, and that his opponents would need to expend more energy to properly reach him if they were also melee (in the form of expending an additional move action on their part) Yukan's thought was that from a distance he could come in and assist his allies where needed by ganging up on enemies once the ambush started. but he could tell that they needed to wait just a bit longer until the marauders were really off guard, ideally upset and confused..

This style of fighting..was unfamiliar to him..but he did realize that it would become helpful in his grander plans to come..which would require more deception and stealth, the way that the fae fought..was so different than the way that the beasts in Kuridan proudly displayed themselves in battle..it was much more formal..yes this would be the field experience he needed to thrive, setting his sights on the marauders who looked like they were melee users too, those who he could impale from a distance with his Yari from another angle while his allies engaged..finding himself tensing up..it was nearly time for him to make his presence known from the forestry.

Yukan's Advantages to consider during Mission:
Insight into the the slaver Dominus Coldclaw and the pair of metallic constructs she uses.
A strengthened bond with Zephyr, who is now unlikely to abandon Yukan.

Skarn, The Earth-Tunneling Drake as an ally in the upcoming battle. However, Skarn is a monster and requires at least three people to be sacrificed in a detailed ritual they can be prisoners, slaves, or whomever but they must be sentients in decent health whose struggling he can enjoy as he buries them alive and devours their terror stricken corpses. Otherwise, he'll come for Yukan if the deal isn't held up

A consolidated and adapted plan (+1 teamwork bonus), with full alignment and commitment from all involved parties (everyone's onboard).
Indicus could guess at Yukan's target by now and he decided he would lead the deception on the Crimson Talon if all went well they would lead the Talons into the side of the marauder lines. It would be a large scale version of the attacks from the night before. Small groups to lead the talons on and constantly harass them with a larger group to apply constant pressure on the talons as they fought a constant fighting retreat hopefully drawing enough away form their fort that it would convince the Marauders of an attack.

Indicus made sure he was generous with the money and warned the somewhat weary orcs that this would be dangerous but if they won they would have all the loot they wanted and that an organized military like the Crimson Talon were sure to have plenty of money to go around.

Advantage gained: A potent mixture that can create chaos and confusion (can be used to cause penalties if ingested).
Disadvantage gained: Injury from toxic plants, potentially affecting his physical abilities (-1 effectiveness to physical abilities).

Advantage gained: Striking fear and confusion into the enemy's ranks (-1 morale when doing team-up actions).
Disadvantage gained: Loss of trust and loyalty among the remaining orcs, one orc lost (-1 effectiveness during combat).

Advantage gained: Successful sabotage of the enemy's food supply and acquisition of funds to pay the orcs (-1 to all team-up actions; gain Wealth F during this adventure).
Disadvantage gained: Twisted ankle, reducing mobility (loose move action unless using move ability).
Scene 2b: A Liberation By Any Means
Re: Delta Uasal Uasal

As the guard ambled closer to the trap, a sudden commotion interrupted the tense atmosphere. From the direction of the plantation house, the faint sound of shattering glass reached Delta's ears. The guard, hearing the same, paused abruptly in his tracks. He was now mere inches away from the trap, his foot hovering perilously over the device's hidden trigger.

For a heartbeat, the entire compound seemed to stand still. Delta’s eyes flitted between the guard and the source of the commotion. What had caused that disturbance? Was it another agent? Or was it a simple, mundane accident? Each possibility had its own set of ramifications.

The guard, jolted out of his routine by the unexpected sound, drew his weapon, his eyes darting around suspiciously. He glanced down at the path ahead, perhaps having felt the faintest disturbance beneath his boot. If he were to notice the trap now, Delta's element of surprise would be compromised.

A screeching call of some night bird in the distance temporarily drew the guard's attention. He squinted in the bird's direction, his stance still defensive but visibly relaxing. After what felt like an eternity, he shook his head and decided against investigating the shattered glass. Instead, he took a step back, choosing a different path, avoiding the deadly Widow's Lament laid out for him.

The guard, perhaps sensing some lingering unease, barked out an order, summoning two more guards from a nearby post. Their conversation was brief and terse, but their collective presence meant Delta would need to be even more cautious in her approach.

The trio of guards stopped briefly in a small clearing between buildings, the dim twilight cast a faint glow on their faces. Their armor clinked softly with every movement, and they exchanged wary glances, the atmosphere heavy with unease.

“Don’t like this, Casius,” grumbled the oldest of the three, a man with a gray-flecked beard and deep-set eyes. “Something’s off tonight. Did you hear that glass? And what about the stories of them rebels hiding near the border?”

Casius, a younger guard with a sharper jawline and fierce eyes, replied, “Legends and superstitions, Gaius. The perimeter’s never been breached. The tales you hear are just that – tales. Still, we can't be too careful. We'll split up. Cover more ground.”

The third, a woman named Lucia, with a thin scar running from her cheek to her chin, chimed in, “There aren’t enough of us for patrols larger than twos. The rest are sleeping. We need them fresh for their shift.”

Casius nodded in agreement. “You’re right. Gaius, you and Lucia head east. I’ll take the west. We’ll meet at the plantation house. And remember – keep sharp. Whatever caused that noise might still be lurking.”

Gaius gave a stiff nod. “Eyes open, ears sharp.” He and Lucia turned, their armor blending seamlessly with dawn's shadows, and began their patrol eastward.

Casius, confident in his abilities, headed in the opposite direction, the weight of responsibility pressing on him.

Minutes passed, each second heavy with tension. The occasional rustle of the wind or a distant animal cry the only interruptions to the stifling silence. Then, just as the sounds of the night seemed to return to their usual rhythm, a muffled cry pierced the air.

Casius, from his position, couldn’t see the source, but he instantly knew something was amiss. He quickened his pace.

Gaius and Lucia, only a short distance apart, had stumbled right into Delta's Widow’s Lament. Instead of the quick, silent kill the trap was designed for, the tangled, interwebbed wires caught both of them. Gaius’s arm was bound to Lucia’s leg, and they struggled fiercely, trying desperately to free themselves. The thin, sharp wires bit into their skin, drawing blood and creating a horrifying tableau of desperation and fear.

Their muffled cries and frantic movements threatened to alert the rest of the guards in the compound. Delta, observing from her concealed position, faced a crucial decision – intervene and risk exposure, or remain hidden and hope they would eventually succumb to the trap's cruel design. The unexpected complication meant she had to think fast. The night was far from over, and the mission was just beginning to unfold.
Scene 2a: Two Birds with One Illusion
Scene 2a: Two Birds with One Illusion
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Five miles away from Delta and the [Slave Compound], the ambush on the poachers was underway. Separated by about a mile or anywhere from ten minutes to moments depending on moment abilities, the two groups were focused on two entirely different prizes. At the border of the lush forests of the See and the flat grasslands and hills of the Empire, a covert group moved with quiet purpose. Led by the experienced Halfling guide Thistle Bramblefoot, their goal was to ambush two bands of vicious poachers—the frenzied Wildfang Marauders and the ruthless Crimson Talons with one illusion...maybe two...

The location was a rocky ravine, perfect for springing a trap. While Thistle and the scouts prepared, the powerful illusionist Zephyr set her snare—conjuring a scene of Crimson Talons capturing young elf hunters, irresistible bait for the bloodthirsty Marauders.

Led by the massive and maniacal Chieftain Gralk, the chaotic poachers took the bait. Despite hints of suspicion from the cunning Fargrim and mystical Tara, bloodlust overwhelmed caution. They were already on edge from last nights raid, paranoid that perhaps the Crimson Talon had staged last nights raid upon them. They charged headlong into the illusion, their wild natures turned against them.

Meanwhile, the Crimson Talons meticulously inspected their network of traps near the See border. Disaster struck when a merchant caravan blundered into a hidden pit trap. With the merchants stranded and panicking, the Talons' arrival seemed imminent. Fortunately, Thimble had staged a few scouts to keep an eye on the Crimson Talon and they were able to communicate through one of Thimble's abilities.

This presented a dire challenge. The heroes had to not only deceive the frenzied Marauders, but also divert the Crimson Talons from their routine long enough to bring them round into the fray. It would take perfect timing and audacity.

The illusion was set, the trap laid. Two groups of poachers, two paths converging. The game was afoot, and the heroes had to play their cards correctly. The wild power of the Marauders versus the tactical cunning of the Talons. May the best tacticians win this dance of deception. The innocent waited anxiously for their fate to be decided.

Thimble, from his vantage point, could see the trapped merchant caravan and the rapidly approaching Crimson Talons. The merchants' shouts and the cries of the trapped animals pierced the relative silence of the morning. As Thimble considered his options, Zephyr approached with a gleam in her eyes.

"We need to divert them," Thimble whispered urgently.

Zephyr smirked. "Why just divert when you can confound? Leading those Talons around by the nose seems like a delightful way to spend the morning."

Thimble grinned back, "I was thinking of using an animal call to lure them away. The Golden-Horned Boar, perhaps?"

Before Zephyr could respond, Indicus and his four orc minions emerged from the undergrowth, remnants of the previous night's raid on the Crimson Talons.

Indicus could guess at Yukan's target by now and he decided he would lead the deception on the Crimson Talon if all went well they would lead the Talons into the side of the marauder lines. It would be a large scale version of the attacks from the night before. Small groups to lead the talons on and constantly harass them with a larger group to apply constant pressure on the talons as they fought a constant fighting retreat hopefully drawing enough away that it would convince the Marauders of an attack.

Zephyr eagerly explained, "A merry chase. We're thinking of leading the Talons astray with the illusion of a Golden-Horned Boar. Care to join the fun?"

Indicus did as a diversion, then an ambush was actually the plans he had.

Thimble interjected, "Zephyr and I can handle the diversion. You and your orcs should flank the Talons, forcing them towards the Wildfang Marauders. I'll head back to the ambush site and ensure the Marauders take the bait."

Thimble handed Zephyr the wooden whistle he had intended to use. With her magical prowess, she didn't just mimic the sound of the boar but brought it to life with an almost eerie realism. The cry echoed through the forest, drawing the immediate attention of the Crimson Talons.

As the Talons adjusted their course to investigate the intriguing sound, Zephyr's illusionary magic conjured faint rustlings and shadowy forms in the underbrush, making the imaginary boar seem all the more real.

Indicus and his orcs were already readied, taking positions to flank the Talons once they were deep enough into the illusion's trap.

Thimble, trusting the group to handle the diversion, darted away, heading back to oversee the Marauder's ambush.

The games had begun in earnest, with both parties playing their part in the grand dance of deception and strategy in the dense forest of the See.

As the Marauders charged forward, the ambushers used the element of surprise to its fullest extent. The clash was swift, brutal, and deadly. The surprised round was devastating for the Marauders.

Yukan found himself at a pivotal choice. On one hand, Dara Swiftblade's rapid movement and swift strikes were a real threat, but the unhinged pyromaniac, Gorak the Firestarter, with his firebombs posed an immediate danger to the entire group. The choice was critical: neutralize the fast and lethal scout or stop the fire that could burn them all.

Grukk "Thunderfist" Bloodaxe lunged with all his strength at Bryna the Berserker. The tall and muscular woman barely had a chance to raise her battle-axe before Grukk's warhammer crushed her in a single devastating blow.

Yara "Whispersong" Shadowclaw darted from the shadows, her twin blades slicing through the air to find their mark on Lysa Shadowveil. The rogue's flair for the dramatic couldn't save her from Yara's swift and deadly attack. Lysa fell, her shadowy tactics rendered ineffective against Yara's precision.

Thimble, with his sharp senses and quick reflexes, was quick to spot Tara Wildsong's mystical aura. Recognizing the potential threat she posed, he leaped onto her, delivering a fatal stab before she could call upon her animal spirits for aid.

Skarn, The Earth-Tunneling Drake, burrowed rapidly beneath the ground before emerging right underneath Varnak Ironfist. The sheer force of the eruption sent the armored Marauder into the air. By the time he landed, life had left his body, his massive hammer lying useless beside him.

From the ridge, the scout archers rained arrows down upon the Marauders. Fargrim One-Eye, already skeptical of the illusion and moving with caution, was struck by several arrows, severely wounding him. Krell the Ravager, laughing maniacally, was an easy target, and he too was struck by a barrage of arrows that left him seriously injured. The youngest, Mara the Whisperer, was taken by surprise, an arrow piercing her side, wounding her but not fatally.

The immediate and devastating surprise attack left the Marauders in chaos. Several of their key members lay lifeless on the ground. Those that survived were wounded and disoriented, trying to make sense of the ambush. They had been caught off-guard, and the battlefield was littered with evidence of the ambushers' strategic prowess.

Wildfang Marauders' Status:
  • Chieftain Gralk Bloodfang:
    • Status: Alive.
    • Intent: Engage. His hunger for chaos and battle would drive him to retaliate even in the face of apparent defeat.
  • Bryna the Berserker:
    • Status: Died by Grukk
    • Intent: N/A.
  • Fargrim One-Eye:
    • Status: Wounded.
    • Intent: Flee. The combination of his skepticism about the illusion and the severe injuries from the arrows would push him towards self-preservation.
  • Tara Wildsong:
    • Status: Died by Thimble
    • Intent: N/A.
  • Krell the Ravager:
    • Status: Wounded.
    • Intent: Engage. His madness would prevent him from recognizing the reality of the situation, driving him into the fray with reckless abandon.
  • Dara Swiftblade:
    • Status: Alive.
    • Intent: Engage. As the crew's scout and infiltrator, she would likely try to fight her way out, using her agility to avoid further damage.
  • Gorak the Firestarter:
    • Status: Alive.
    • Intent: Engage. Driven by his desire for destruction, he'd continue to use his firebombs to retaliate.
  • Varnak Ironfist:
    • Status: Died by Skarn, The Earth-Tunneling Drake
    • Intent: N/A.
  • Lysa Shadowveil:
    • Status: Died by Yara
    • Intent: N/A.
  • Mara the Whisperer:
    • Status: Wounded.
    • Intent: Flee. Being the youngest and now wounded, she would prioritize escaping the deadly ambush.

Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Infamous (Ryke), Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Intermediate Variant, Apprentice Assassin

Delta's heart raced as she watched the unexpected turn of events unfold before her. Gaius and Lucia had unknowingly stumbled into her Widow's Lament trap, their desperate struggles inadvertently amplifying the potential for discovery. The muffled cries of pain and panic could easily draw attention from any nearby guards, putting her carefully crafted plan at risk.

As the dilemma weighed heavily on her mind, her instincts took over. With a silent resolve, Delta made her choice. Gaius and Lucia's fate was sealed. Her mission was paramount, and she couldn't afford to jeopardize everything for the sake of a few guards. Especially not with another quickly approaching. No, her attention had to be on the one who could still move and seek out help.

Gritting her teeth, she turned her attention toward the approaching guard, Casius. His silhouette grew larger as he moved closer, his footsteps echoing softly in the night. Delta's fingers deftly moved to her side, where a razor-sharp wire was coiled and ready for use. Her breath steadied as she waited for the perfect moment.

Just as Casius drew within striking range (30ft), Delta moved. With a swift and calculated motion, the wire looped through the air like a deadly serpent, closing the distance between them in an instant. The element of surprise could very well have been still on her side, and the wire found its mark with chilling accuracy. Hopefully, it would be enough, she couldn't afford a drawn-out battle, not with her injury and those already caught in her web crying in pain. [Severance]

Actions: 3/3
  1. Specialized Fighting Style [Deaths Embrace] [Razor Wire] F - 'Widow's Lament' - Trap, Penetrating, Hotshot, Targeted - Setting up a trap with her Razor Wire anyone or thing unfortunate enough to trigger it will very quickly come to know seething pain or even death - F Grade - 2 Actions- 0 Post Cooldown. Item (1) + Stat (2) + Ability (1) + Targeted = 8 effectivness. Damage x2 if F grade opponent via hot shot.
  2. Specialized Fighting Style [Deaths Embrace] [Razor Wire] E - 'Severance' - Sixth Sense F (Vital/weak-point sense), Flexible, Penetrating, Hotshot, Targeted - Manipulating her Razor Wire Delta is able to twist and turn it using minute finger movements thus making for an unpredictable and fluid attack pattern - E Grade - 1 Actions- 1 Post Cooldown. Item (2) + Stat (2) + Ability (2) - 1 from overgearing + Targeted = 10 effectiveness. Damage x2 if E grade opponent via hot shot.

Attempted Bonus:
[Surprise Attack] for direct damage

Advantages/Disadvantages to consider:
  1. Advantage gained- Comprehensive understanding of enemy patterns, valuable for planning the ambush (treat relevant out of combat abilities as 1 grade higher).
  2. Advantage gained- Knowledge of traps that can be avoided or used against enemies (either remove environmental penalty or apply "trap" during one attack).
  3. Advantage gained- Selection of strategic locations for offense, defense, and maneuverability, strengthening the team's battle plan (grant +1 to any "team-up" action where Sasha is involved).
  4. Disadvantage gained- A painful injury that may hinder her performance in the battle (-1 hp).


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Indicus found himself leading a rather large group of orcs and when Thimble told him to heard the Talons into the Wildfang Marauders Indicus was more than happy to agree and the orcs he lead seemed to like the idea as well it was better than pretending to run from a foe in their eyes. With the generous payment most were quite happy to go with the plan with a relatively smaller group still simmering about the loss the other night while under Indicus' leadership.

Indicus had to control his own bloodlust as his anticipation for the attack built up. Fortunately for him and the orcs who were similarly excited for a foe to test themselves against the wait was not long. The moment the Talons had strayed too far from their fortifications Indicus ordered the attack and with a roar the orcs emerged from both sides behind and to the sides of the Talons cutting off any retreat.

The Talons disciplined as they were responded quickly to the ambush working to keep the attacking orcs from breaking into their ranks. Indicus knowing he was not as mobile on the ground flew up with a beat of his wings and nipped at the heels of the Talons helping any orcs having trouble with their foes by flying over and with [Fire breath F] he would attack a soldier disrupting their group rhythm for a moment before flying away before any retaliation could come letting the orcs keep up the pressure. All the while he kept an eye out for anyone trying to run back to inform the rest of the Talons at their fortification. Indicus knew he was not in top form but he didn't need to be he was able to easily play support until his natural healing was able to get him back into shape.


Indicus flys
Indicus uses fire breath to disrupt the Talon's attack rhythm and support the orcs
Indicus keeps an eye out for any scouts or messengers
Yukan Koyake
"Common" "<Beastial>"​
Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Uasal Uasal

Yukan felt his heart racing when the blows started to be exchanged, it looked like their side had severely damaged the Marauder's group, and no doubt their moral was going to start falling quickly when they realized just how many of them had been wounded or killed from the get go. A steely glint of conviction and resolve filled his eyes even with faced with this battlefield. He had faith that all participants on their side would do their part, even the monsters, after all an Empire victory would mean a purging and burning of this land, their homeland, if there was anything that could get the Fae to take a proactive stance it was when The See itself had been threatened by outsiders. They would not allow their land to be taken or destroyed so easily, not by any means, but many of them had no qualms about destroying Empire for the evil they had committed. Yukan felt justified in his actions here today, the allies of the Empire were accessories to the surpression of Non human races, so he would find the most vile and let Skarn have his fun...

Seeing Indicus move in with the orcs was satisfying, with how effective they were being as well, however there were dangerous developments taking place even if it looked the tide of the ambush was currently in their favor..firstly it was far too early to call, Yukan knew that much, and there were some disturbing developments taking place. Yukan noticed the dangerous swift one, who he did not know the name of, Dara Swiftblade. She was very very swift and could possibly kill some of them on the way out..but Yukan knew that they also had a many swift fae hopefully with the accurate core, or magical means to slow her down and ensnare her. While Yukan was concerned about her in his own right, there was also the fire magic user which frankly right now was a more pressing matter with the fire user. Yukan had to make his mind up and fast, with determination he would first call out to allies nearby Leveraging [Triad Allied Leader] and To Arms! ability "Keep an eye out for that fast Marauder, She's likely going to try for agile and deadly strikes! I'm Moving in!" Yukan then started moving forward as swiftly as he could toward Gorak, hopefully his B grade speed and Fast E would count for something.. even if they could over hear him it wouldn't be clear who he was targeting, if anything maybe the Swiftblade person would falsely think he was going for her at first.

When Yukan would get within at least 8 FT of distance between him and Gorak he'd exclaim, this time in Beastial rather than common with an animalistic predatory look in his eyes, "<Falling Spear Style!, Transcendent Transpierce!>" while he aggressively thrust his spear toward Gorak's chest, attempting to impale him with his spear.

1. Attempt to use ability To Arms and leverage Triad Allied Leader title to relevant nearby allies.
2. Move in on Gorak as quickly as possible to get within striking range.
3. Attempt to strike Gorak with Transcendent Transpierce.
[Specialize] Fighting Style [Falling Spear] Transcendent Transpierce - Reach F, Penetrating D, D Grade Ability - 2 round cooldown.
Yukan attempts to stab his foe with a great penetrating force ignoring up to three grades of opponent's defensively used item.
Ability Cooldowns:
Scene 2b: A Liberation By Any Means
Scene 2b: A Liberation By Any Means (round2)
Re: Delta Uasal Uasal

As the wire tightened around Casius' neck, a startled gasp escaped him, quickly cut off by the choking grip. Delta's Sixth Sense had pinpointed his vital areas precisely, and the penetrating power of 'Severance' was evident as it sliced through armor and flesh, making the element of surprise work in her favor.

Casius' lifeblood flowed onto the cobbled streets below. His hands reached up to clutch the wire, a futile gesture as the lethal grip of 'Severance' refused to relent. In a matter of moments, his body went limp, the light fading from his eyes. The streets of the city bore witness to Delta's lethal proficiency, and the unfortunate guards were a testament to her determination.

With Gaius and Lucia still ensnared in the agony of 'Widow's Lament' and Casius swiftly dispatched with 'Severance', there was a moment to assess the situation. Her immediate threats had been dealt with, but the risk of discovery had not fully diminished. Indeed, now there were three bodies and the trap itself to consider. The slave compound was large, and she knew there would be other guards, possibly more skilled and cunning than these. Plus, if the ambushes went really bad or good some of the poachers might end up back at the compound sooner rather than later.

Beyond the immediate perimeter of the courtyard, the estate's main mansion stood tall and imposing. The building, bathed in soft lantern light, held Delta's primary target – the ruthless Dominus Coldclaw who'd earned the wrath of the Shadow Guild.

A soft gurgling noise pulled Delta back to the present. Gaius and Lucia were nearing the end of their painful struggle. It wouldn't be long before someone would notice their absence or the sudden silence of their usual patrol route or the bodies themselves. Plus dawn was approaching, with each minute it grew lighter out.

At present she was aware of three new variables emerging within the Slave Compound, beyond the patrol of the guards.

**1. The Gate Monster:**
Near the main gate, Delta could hear a low growl followed by a scraping noise. Peering from her hiding spot, she could see a Siltshade Crawler emerging from the shadows. These creatures, though not overly large, were known to be territorial and extremely aggressive when provoked. The Siltshade Crawler had sharp talons, and its mouth oozed a venomous saliva that could paralyze its prey. If Delta approached this route, she would need to either avoid the creature or swiftly eliminate it. The advantage? The guards near the gate would likely be distracted by the presence of the monster, possibly giving Delta a more straightforward passage into the estate. But, would it be worth the potential risk of tangling with such a creature?

**2. Slaves' Plight:**
Muffled cries of pain reached Delta's ears as she stealthily approached the area where the slaves were kept. It was a heartbreaking sight: a guard, known to Delta by reputation as Brutus the Savage, was venting his anger on two chained slaves who seemed to have drawn his ire for some minor transgression. The slaves, frail and with clear signs of abuse, were defenseless against the brutal blows. Delta knew that intervening might expose her, but she also realized that if she could rescue or assist the slaves, she might gain valuable allies within the estate, possibly even informants who could aid her in locating her primary target. But was the potential exposure worth the potential gain?

**3. The Construct's Message:**
A metallic clanking echoed in the night as one of Dominus Coldclaw's infamous constructs exited the manor. These mechanical monstrosities were known for their relentless pursuit and strength. As it clunked down the steps, its voice, mechanical and devoid of emotion, relayed: "Protocol X9: Secure perimeter. Retrieve Item Alpha." Delta knew that the constructs were highly resistant to most attacks and incredibly alert to any intrusion. However, if she could find out what "Item Alpha" was, it might give her a unique advantage over her enemies or even a bargaining chip. Tracking the construct might also present an opportunity to enter the manor undetected in its wake. But how could she handle such a formidable foe if it detected her?

Each route presented its challenges and opportunities. Or should could make her own way. Delta's training had prepared her for complex decisions like this, but the weight of her choices loomed heavily on her. The next step could mean success or catastrophic failure.
Scene 2a: Two Birds with One Illusion. (round 2)
Scene 2a: Two Birds with One Illusion (round2)
Re: Indicus ( Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer ) with 4x orc minions and 5x scout minions vs the Crimson Talons.

The dense forest of the See provided the perfect ambience for Zephyr's illusion of The Golden-Horned Boar, the cry echoing through the trees with an alluring call. Her intention was to simply lure the Crimson Talons into the trap, but she hadn’t anticipated the repercussions of her impeccable mimicry.

As Indicus and his war band of orcs began their ambush, a loud and very *real* snorting could be heard. From the underbrush, an actual Golden-Horned Boar, much larger than an average boar with its luminous, shimmering horns, charged towards the sound of its potential mate. It seemed Zephyr's illusion had been too convincing, attracting not only the Crimson Talons but also this wild beast.

The genuine Golden-Horned Boar, with its massive size and speed, disrupted the formation of the orcs as it bulldozed its way through them. Some were trampled and others thrown aside, disoriented by the unexpected creature. One of the Crimson Talon scouts, seeing an opportunity, quickly notched an arrow and took aim at the Golden-Horned Boar, hoping to bring it down as a trophy. However, his arrow missed the mark, hitting one of the orcs instead.

However, the sudden appearance of the real Golden-Horned Boar threw the Crimson Talons into confusion. Their focus diverted from Indicus and his orcs, providing them with a slight tactical advantage. Some orcs, capitalizing on the confusion, teamed up and managed to subdue two of the Crimson Talons, taking them as hostages which could prove valuable later. Several of the scouts fired arrows into the poachers from cover, spread around in random places. Zephyr masked the attacks and made it seem like friendly fire.

As the chaos unfolded, the Crimson Talons shouted amongst themselves.

"By the gods! What in blazes is that beast doing here?" cried out a Crimson Talon warrior, ducking as the boar narrowly missed him.

"It's a sign! The Golden-Horned Boar protects us!" a younger Talon exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

"Protects us? That thing is going to be the death of us if we don't deal with it!" retorted another, drawing his sword and preparing to face the beast.

"Focus on the orcs! The beast is just a distraction!" shouted the Crimson Talon's sergeant, trying to rally his troops.

All around, the forest resonated with the sounds of battle - clashing weapons, the guttural shouts of orcs, the disciplined commands of the Crimson Talons, and the enraged snorts of the Golden-Horned Boar. Indicus, soaring above the fray, could only watch as the scenario he hadn't planned for played out below, all the while readying himself to intervene if the need arose.

Amidst the chaos of the melee, Legionarius Septimus Voss tried to regain control over his troops, shouting orders over the din of battle. "Form up! Circle formation! Do not let the orcs breach our ranks!"

Livia Cassia and her rangers, drawing their bows in unison, loosed volleys of arrows at the oncoming orcs. Each arrow was meticulously aimed, taking down orcs one after another, yet they were also aware of Indicus in the sky, anticipating any fiery strikes.

Gaius Varro, quick on his feet despite the suddenness of the attack, signaled his trappers to lay down quick-setting snares, turning parts of the battlefield into a dangerous terrain for the orcs.

Titus Servius, spearheading his unit, clashed directly with the orcs, their heavy armor taking and delivering blows. His voice rang out clear and commanding, "Keep your shields up! Do not falter!"

Yet, as the Crimson Talons were doing their best to reestablish order, Indicus’ strategy of disruption was proving effective. Every time they tried to form up, a swooping dive or a fiery breath would scatter their ranks, forcing them to readjust.

A loud roar of frustration came from Voss, "Rangers! Focus on that dratted dragon! Soldiers, protect the rangers! Trappers, lay down more snares! We must reclaim our formation!"

Livia, trying to maintain her unit's focus, called out, "Aim for the wings! Slow him down!" Her rangers loosed a synchronized volley, aiming precisely for Indicus.

But it wasn't just Indicus causing the disturbance. The sudden intrusion of the Golden-Horned Boar added another layer of chaos. The beast, still looking for its mate, rampaged across the field, disrupting traps, and providing an unintended yet welcome distraction for Indicus and his orcs.

Amidst the bedlam, a young soldier from Titus's unit cried out, "Legionarius! We must retreat and reform! We cannot regain our footing here!"

Yet, Voss, ever the cold-hearted tactician, shouted back, "We hold our ground! The moment we turn our backs, they'll tear us apart!"

Despite their strengths, the Crimson Talons' reliance on strict formations and tactics was proving to be their Achilles heel. In a conventional battle, their discipline would be an unmatched strength. But against the chaos sown by Indicus, the Golden-Horned Boar, and the orcs, their lack of adaptability was becoming painfully apparent. Still in terms of numbers they held the advantage and surprise was coming to an end.

The scene was already chaotic, but it was about to become outright pandemonium.

With Indicus and his orc band pushing from one side and the unexpected appearance of the Golden-Horned Boar barreling through their ranks, the Crimson Talons were on their back foot. Legionarius Septimus Voss shouted orders, trying to rally his men and re-establish their formation. "Rangers, target that beast! Soldiers, protect the flanks!"

Livia Cassia, the keen-eyed leader of the rangers, quickly notched an arrow, taking aim at the monstrous boar. But just as she was about to release, an eerie sensation washed over her. It wasn't a sound, at least not one she could hear with her ears, but she felt it deep in her bones. A low, rumbling vibration seemed to emanate from the boar, unsettling her focus. The other rangers too felt this infrasound, causing their aim to falter, a bead of sweat forming on their brows. A sensation of dread, of an unknown and unseen danger, pervaded their senses.

Gaius Varro, the Trapper Champion, recognized the effect immediately. "It's trying to scare us!" he shouted over the din. "Stay focused!"

But Zephyr saw her opportunity and seized it. Drawing upon her arcane energy, she began to channel her power towards the Golden-Horned Boar. Just as it let out a mighty roar, Zephyr's magic amplified the sound tenfold. The roar reverberated across the battlefield, deafening in its intensity. The Crimson Talons were staggered, many clutching their ears in pain. The amplified roar was more than just loud—it was a symphony of primal power and wild rage that shook the very core of every soldier on the field.

Titus Servius and his unit tried to close ranks, shielding themselves from the rampaging boar, but with their senses rattled and their formation broken, the boar's charge tore through them with devastating ease. Men were thrown aside, armor dented and buckled under the beast's immense strength.

Zephyr couldn't help but let out a triumphant laugh, witnessing the destruction she had aided. From her vantage point, she could see the confusion in the ranks of the Crimson Talons. Their renowned discipline was fragmenting under the unexpected onslaught.

Meanwhile, one of the Crimson Talon soldiers shouted in desperation, "We need to regroup! Fall back to higher ground!" Another cried out, "Where did this beast come from?"

Legionarius Septimus Voss, ever the strategist, realized the precarious situation they were in. "Retreat! Signal the retreat!" he bellowed, hoping to pull his forces out before more damage was done.

Amidst the chaos, the Golden-Horned Boar seemed to relish the havoc it was causing, its eyes wild with fury and excitement, unaware that it was merely a pawn in a grander game.

OOC: Indicus needs to dodge or deal with 3 arrows team up attack for 7 Effectiveness. Meanwhile the four orcs don't like they will last many more rounds. The scouts fire from cover but they are spread out and their arrows aren't intended to focus fire but rather spread confusion. Of course the Golden Tusk Boar is causing havoc, this one Boar seems particularly brutal. However the other problem now is that it looks like the Crimson Talons are retreating back towards the Slave Compound! Uh oh!!
Scene 2a: Two Birds with One Illusion (round2)
Scene 2a: Two Birds with One Illusion (round2)
Re: Yukan ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece ) with Thimble and scouts, plus the Monsters Grokk, Yara, and Skarn. VS the remaining Wildfang Marauders.

Meanwhile in the gully where the original ambush had been planned against the Wildfang Marauders had been attacked...

When Yukan would get within at least 8 FT of distance between him and Gorak he exclaimed in Beastial with an animalistic predatory look in his eyes, "<Falling Spear Style!, Transcendent Transpierce!>" while he aggressively thrust his spear toward Gorak's chest, impaling Gorak with his spear. Gorak was caught completely unaware caught up in the illusion and the bloodlust these poachers were known for. Surprised, Yukan's attack skewered Gorak whole.

The scene was alight with both the heat of the flames and the fury of battle. Gralk Bloodfang, a mass of sinew and muscle, bellowed a war cry that could have rivaled the mightiest of beasts. Charging forward with bloodlust in his eyes, he engaged Grokk and Yara. Each swing of his axe sent sparks flying, and every time his blade tasted orcish blood, his wounds seemed to fade, healing before their very eyes. Grokk managed to parry one of Gralk's heavy strikes but took a nasty cut to his shoulder in the process, while Yara found herself hard-pressed to dodge the relentless onslaught.

Amid the melee, Krell the Ravager, madness in his eyes, lunged at Yukan. Yukan had just managed to drive his spear into Gorak, the weapon piercing through with deadly precision, thanks to his Transcendent Transpierce technique. But Krell, unhinged by pain and rage, charged at Yukan, trying to use his own weight and momentum to tackle the Tanuki.

As the battlefield became a blur of motion, Fargrim One-Eye, already wounded, tried to make his escape. But just as he thought he might have a chance, the ground beneath him gave way. Skarn, The Earth-Tunneling Drake, erupted from below like a force of nature. Its massive maw snapped shut around the fleeing Marauder, pulling him under the earth in a horrifying spectacle.

Dara Swiftblade, living up to her name, was a blur on the battlefield. Using her Conceal ability, she faded into the shadows, her swift movements making her almost ghost-like as she rushed back towards the Slave Compound. Her intent was clear – to reach safety and potentially bring reinforcements. Thimble and his unit of scouts, keen-eyed and swift, tried to harass her, but Dara’s agility made her a challenging target.

Mara the Whisperer, though wounded, summoned her latent power in desperation. Ghostly apparitions began to rise from the ground – the spirits of the slaves who had perished at the hands of the Marauders. These spectral forms moaned in anguish, reaching out with ethereal hands to clutch at the living. Among these restless spirits, the fallen Wildfangs made their appearance, their faces twisted in a mix of anger and sorrow. Their presence added an otherworldly element to the battle, making it not just a clash of steel and magic but also a war between the living and the dead.

Amid the chaos, the Wildfang Marauders that remained fought with the desperation of cornered animals, proving that even in the face of overwhelming odds, they were not to be trifled with.

The battlefield became a surreal vision of the living combating the dead, the line between life and death blurred by the vengeful spirits seeking restitution.

Thimble and his scouts were not prepared for this. As they were assailed by the forlorn spirits of slaves, their reactions ranged from terror to anger. A scout yelled, "We did not doom you! The Empire is our mutual foe!" Yet, their cries fell on deaf ears, the ghosts' anger and pain unable to distinguish friend from foe. The spirits' rage was misplaced, but their suffering was undeniable. Thimble shouted, "Get into a tight formation! Back to back! We need to find a way to dispel these spirits without causing more harm!" Thimble and his scouts tried to maintain cohesion, their unity offering some protection against the relentless assault of the slave spirits. Their morale was shaken, but their determination remained, as they searched desperately for a way to end the spectral onslaught.

Grokk and Yara, already engaged with the ferocious Gralk Bloodfang, found themselves in an even direr situation as the ghosts of the Wildfang Marauders joined the assault. Their physical prowess was unmatched, but against ethereal foes, their strength was rendered almost useless. They attempted to swat and strike at the spirits, but each touch drained their vitality further, leaving them increasingly vulnerable to Gralk's relentless strikes.

One by one, the mighty orcs fell. With each fatal touch from a ghost, a spirit would dissipate, having exacted its vengeance. But the cost was immense, Grokk and Yara lying lifeless on the ground, their life forces drained.

With the orcs' demise, the situation was rapidly turning against Yukan and company!

Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Infamous (Ryke), Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Intermediate Variant, Apprentice Assassin

Delta, shrouded in darkness and still clutching the razor-sharp wires that had ended Casius's life, quickly assessed the emerging variables within the Slave Compound. The knowledge that one of Dominus Coldclaw's formidable constructs was on the move had shifted the balance of power within the estate. With one of them away, her target was indeed far weaker than originally thought.

As she heard the clanking footsteps of the construct heading away from the manor, she realized that this was a rare opportunity. The constructs, while imposing, were known for their singular focus on their assigned tasks. If she could follow the construct discreetly and uncover the nature of "Item Alpha," it might provide her with a significant advantage in her mission.

Delta's thoughts remained coldly calculating. The situation with Gaius and Lucia, the cries of pain from the abused slaves, were variables she needed to exploit. Not out of empathy, but as strategic tools. Concealing the trio of fallen guards in the dense brush near her position, Delta moved stealthily towards the slave camp.

The slaves, chained and beaten, were huddled together in squalid conditions. Delta's gaze flickered over them, her heart untouched by their plight. They were not her concern. Her concern was the chaos she could sow in their midst, using their suffering as a smokescreen to further her mission.

Approaching the scene with utmost caution, she surveyed the situation. Brutus the Savage, the sadistic guard responsible for the slaves' torment, was still engrossed in his cruel work. His attention was consumed by the suffering he inflicted, leaving him, in Delta's mind, vulnerable to an assassin's touch.

With a swift and silent approach, Delta closed the distance between herself and Brutus. Her razor-sharp wires, concealed in her gloved hands, were ready for action. Her training had honed her skills to perfection, and she moved like a ghost, her every step practically soundless on the cobbled ground.

Delta's presence in the shadows was both a blessing and a curse. To the slaves, she was an unexpected savior, a flicker of hope in their bleak existence. To her enemies, she remained an unseen specter, a harbinger of their inevitable demise.

Brutus the Savage was no stranger to Delta, his reputation preceded him and his moniker was well-earned. Though he was no citizen of Ryke, the assassin's guild had taken notice of his talents in torture. Delta though, well she had never really cared for the man, he wasn't like her. Not like her 'siblings'. Brutus was an outsider, he was untrained and sloppy. Though it was not her place to pass judgment on those the guild found interest in, he was yet to become a member and as such. Well, he had no such protections afforded to him. Not only that but Delta thought he'd make for quite the distraction at that.

Moving through the camp, Delta moved toward the man's workstation and once again prepared a nasty little surprise. [Widow's Lament].

Securing the trap near the leg of the station, Delta aimed to deal as much damage as she could to the man's legs, hoping to sever them if at all possible. Brutus didn't need to die, he simply needed to cause a stir and what better way to encourage such than with a method he so loved himself. Torture. If Delta had gotten her angles right the wires would either cause an insuferable amount of pain or sever his legs outright. Both would accomplish her objective of causing a scene, but the latter would likely result in a slow and painful bleed out. A happy little accident and a bonus in her eyes.

With her trap secured, all Delta needed to do now was wait. Hopefully, the smell of blood and cries would draw not only the guards but also the beast away from the main gate. Perhaps even luring her target out of hiding at that. Well, it all depended on her trap detonating, to begin with. For now, she waited in the shadows near the main gate walls, out of sight and hopefully out of mind.

Actions: 1/3
  1. Specialized Fighting Style [Deaths Embrace] [Razor Wire] F - 'Widow's Lament' - Sixth Sense F - Vital/weak-point sense (Weak/Vital points glow in Delta's vision), Trap, Penetrating, Hotshot, Targeted - Setting up a trap with her Razor Wire anyone or thing unfortunate enough to trigger it will very quickly come to know seething pain or even death - F Grade - 2 Actions- 0 Post Cooldown. Item (2) + Stat (3) + Ability (1) + Targeted = 12 effectivness. Damage x2 if F grade opponent via hot shot.

Attempted Bonus:
[Surprise Attack] for direct damage

Advantages/Disadvantages to consider:
  1. Advantage gained- Comprehensive understanding of enemy patterns, valuable for planning the ambush (treat relevant out of combat abilities as 1 grade higher).
  2. Advantage gained- Knowledge of traps that can be avoided or used against enemies (either remove environmental penalty or apply "trap" during one attack).
  3. Advantage gained- Selection of strategic locations for offense, defense, and maneuverability, strengthening the team's battle plan (grant +1 to any "team-up" action where Sasha is involved).
  4. Disadvantage gained- A painful injury that may hinder her performance in the battle (-1 hp).
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Scene 2b: A Liberation By Any Means (round2)
Re: Delta ( Uasal Uasal )

The moments following Delta's installation of the trap were fraught with tension.

The Siltshade Crawler, burdened by her parasitic young, was an odd sight that the slave compound had grown used to, albeit grudgingly. The slaves watched her in horror, for they knew the kind of burden she brought. However, the scent emanating from the broken and tired bodies of the slaves was a beacon to the Siltshade Crawler, drawing her nearer with every step.

The gate guards, used to this occasional intrusion, raced after the Crawler. Their eyes were so focused on their target that they didn't notice the trap that Delta had laid out.

Brutus's Danger Sense was pinging like a mad bell inside his skull, and he stepped back instinctively, eyes darting left and right. Just as he was about to shout a warning, the Siltshade Crawler made an unexpected leap. It cleared Delta's trap with surprising agility, but the pursuing guards were not so fortunate. The razor-sharp wires snagged them, causing immediate and excruciating pain as it entangled around their limbs. One guard's leg was deeply lacerated, blood spraying in all directions, while the other guard was trapped, wires digging deep into his flesh.

The commotion caused an immediate reaction within the compound. Slaves cried out, some in horror and others in a glimmer of hope. The cries and the smell of fresh blood only intensified the frenzy in the Siltshade Crawler, who, seeing a weakened slave nearby, lunged to plant her parasitic young.

Brutus, his every instinct yelling at him, lunged forward with a roar. He tried to grapple the Siltshade Crawler, to drive it away from the slaves, but his distraction with Delta's trap had left him at a disadvantage. The Crawler hissed and fought back, determined to deposit her young.

The entire compound was in chaos. The cries of the trapped guards mingled with the shouts and hisses of the confrontation between Brutus and the Siltshade Crawler. Slaves tried to flee or hide, fearing the Crawler's attention would turn to them next.

Meanwhile, from her hiding spot near the main gate walls, Delta could see the unfolding scene. Her trap had caused more of a commotion than she had anticipated, but she knew she had to stay focused on her main objective. Waiting for her target, she prepared herself, knowing that in the midst of the chaos, opportunities would arise.

Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Infamous (Ryke), Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Intermediate Variant, Apprentice Assassin

The compound was plunged into utter chaos, with the Siltshade Crawler's rampage and Brutus's desperate struggle consuming the attention of guards and slaves alike. The slave compound, once a place of oppressive routine, had transformed into a scene of turmoil and disorder.

Delta, her senses honed to perfection, seized the opportunity presented by the commotion. The main gate, previously guarded, now stood unattended. Her decision was swift—she would slip through the unguarded gate and infiltrate Coldclaw's estate. The chaos would serve as her camouflage, the perfect backdrop for her stealthy advance.
With the agility of a shadow, Delta moved swiftly toward the main gate. Her movements were calculated and precise, her training guiding her every step. She used the pandemonium as cover, ensuring that her presence went unnoticed amidst the frenzy that had engulfed the compound.

As she reached the gate, the heavy wooden doors loomed before her. They creaked slightly, their hinges worn and neglected. With a delicate touch, Delta pushed the gate open just wide enough to slip through. Her heart remained as cold as ice, her determination unwavering as she entered Coldclaw's estate.
Inside the estate, the chaos of the compound was replaced by an eerie stillness. The opulence of the surroundings struck a stark contrast to the turmoil outside. Delta knew that she was now within striking distance of her target, Dominus Coldclaw.

She moved cautiously, her every step calculated to avoid detection. Her senses remained on high alert, attuned to any sign of Coldclaw's presence or the presence of any guards who might patrol the estate.

The mansion, a grand and imposing structure, stood as her ultimate destination. Its ornate façade hinted at the opulence within, but Delta knew that it was also a fortress of secrets and danger.

As she approached the mansion, she couldn't help but reflect on the chaos she had left behind in the compound. The Siltshade Crawler's rampage, the entangled guards, and the cries of the slaves—all were testament to her ability to sow discord and distraction. These skills would serve her well as she closed in on Coldclaw. The mansion's entrance beckoned its grandeur an invitation to confront her target. Delta knew that the final confrontation was imminent, and she steeled herself for the inevitable clash. The night was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.

1693869823463.jpegIn the grand chamber of the mansion, bathed in soft lantern light, Delta stood as a lone sentinel. Her presence exuded an air of deadly resolve, and her keen senses remained finely attuned to every sound and movement. She knew that Dominus Coldclaw, with her Moon-blessed Katana and uncanny awareness, was no ordinary adversary.

As the moments passed, Delta's anticipation grew. She was well aware that her presence in the mansion had likely been detected by Coldclaw given her vampiric traits and senses. The second and remaining construct, an imposing and formidable guardian, was no doubt on its way, its mechanical senses seeking out the intruder who dared to challenge its mistress.

Delta had chosen this confrontation. She had chosen to confront Coldclaw on her own terms, within the heart of the mansion where the balance of power could shift in her favor. She knew that the element of surprise was no longer on her side, that she was still injured, yet still she stood firm.

With her razor-sharp wires concealed within her attire and her training as an assassin, Delta was ready for the impending clash. Her heart remained as cold as steel, her resolve unshaken. This was the moment of reckoning, the culmination of her first real and years of grueling training.

In the stillness of the mansion's grand chamber, Delta awaited the second construct's approach, every fiber of her being focused on the deadly confrontation that loomed on the horizon. The night was far from over, and the outcome remained uncertain, but Delta was a force to be reckoned with, and this would be the perfect opportunity to see just how well her new body and evolution faired in combat.

"Well then. Shall we get started?"
Scene 2b: A Liberation By Any Means (round2)
Re: Delta ( Uasal Uasal )

The mansion's opulence seemed to only deepen the more Delta explored, revealing more about its owner than she had anticipated. Every artifact, every art piece appeared to be curated with a precise aesthetic in mind - power and dominance. Some depicted battles, others were portraits of what Delta could only assume were previous leaders of the estate, their eyes cold and unyielding, looking down upon the viewer with a clear message - submission.

The grand hall was particularly impressive, with a sprawling staircase at one end, spiraling up to the second floor. The balustrades were made of polished marble, while the steps themselves were cushioned with another of those plush rugs, this one in deep crimson, offsetting the cold white of the stone. At intervals along the staircase stood statues, each eerily lifelike, capturing moments of torment, defeat, or raw emotion. Delta wondered if these were a testament to Coldclaw's conquests or perhaps a more sinister representation of her personal tastes.

From somewhere above, up on the second floor came the hissing steam and clacking of the construct, it was the unexpected and gruesome sounds from the distance that truly dominated the sounds of the plantation. Her trained ears discerned the direction of the sound - a door to the left side of the grand hall. It was slightly ajar, revealing a dimly lit corridor beyond. The walls of this passage were less ornate, the luxury giving way to utility. They were damp and lined with torches that exuded a faint, eerie blue flame. A passage that went down and deeper.

She approached cautiously, her every sense on high alert. Each step, each heartbeat seemed to echo in tandem with the grotesque sounds that grew louder. It was coming from a chamber at the end of the corridor. The room was considerably colder, and the stench of iron - unmistakably, blood - was nearly overpowering. A large stone table stood in the center, upon which lay the carcass of an unidentifiable creature, its entrails spilled out in a grotesque display.

Standing over it was a figure draped in a dark robe, their back to Delta. This wasn't Coldclaw, but someone else, someone deeply engrossed in the ritualistic act before them. The figure hummed a soft, haunting tune as they worked, every now and then reaching for a tool from the tray next to the table. With each incision, each cut they made, the figure would pause, savoring the sensation, then let out a sigh of pure ecstasy.

Delta crouched in the shadows, watching this morbid spectacle, trying to decide her next move. This individual, whoever they were, was deeply engrossed in their work, presenting both an opportunity and a potential risk. Whatever Coldclaw was involved in, it was clear it went beyond mere power and wealth. This was something far darker.

In her reconnaissance, she came across what seemed like Coldclaw’s study.

The second construct was pacing within the study, looking out the window of it.

Papers strewn haphazardly across a mahogany desk, an open safe with its contents spilled out, suggesting a hurried exit or perhaps a surprise visit. A half-eaten meal sat on a side table, still steaming slightly. This was fresh. Dominus had been here not long ago.

The aroma of the food was peculiar, and she could just glimpse the table, she realized why. Among the dishes was the unmistakable carcass of a Siltshade Crawler. Its body was mostly consumed, save for a few fragments of its carapace and the distinctive remnants of its parasitic young.

It was clear now. While the compound was in chaos due to the crawler's unexpected intrusion, Dominus Coldclaw had captured the creature, bringing it inside to feast upon it.

Coldclaw wasn't just cunning but opportunistic, seizing even the most chaotic moments to satisfy her exotic tastes.

On the desk, looked to be something hastily written but hard to make out from outside the room. Something the second construct occasionally glanced at and hissed steam before looking back out the window.
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Yukan Koyake
"Common" "<Beastial>"​
Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer
It didn’t take Yukan long to see how now both sides were suffering heavy losses all thanks to the one who could raise ghosts to their bidding, as they were killing Orcs quickly. Thankfully they were not lingering because Yukan wasn’t exactly sure who among them had multidimensional abilities to be able to hit foes like that. He also didn’t have the personal means to purify the area of them. What he did know was that the remainder needed to consolidate and kill the rest of their foes quickly. They didn’t have time to waste under conditions like these. It wasn’t like he had a ton of opportunity to do too much himself with the fact he was being assaulted at the moment.

All he could do was try to stand strong and survive while giving off more orders if necessary.

First and foremost Yukan had to deal with Krell the Ravager who was quite literally charging right at him, so when Krell was just about to get into striking range Yukan used Fast F + Acrobatics F for a dodge ability, moving 7 ft away from Krell toward his left, before using Reach + Penetrating E to counter attack diagonally with a less powerful variation of his prior attack since his D grade abilities were still on cooldown. A glint of determination was in his eyes, after he had presumably killed his first, his heart was racing and his killing instinct was in full effect, eyes dilated, attempting to impale Krell, before pulling back once again and then following up with another basic Reach F attack ability.

Since he was out of moves that round after his dodge and two counter attacks, he spoke up as a [Triad Allied Leader] to anyone in hearing range. “We’ve come this far, we need to decisively end this now! The spirits will surely vanish if we finish off the remaining living!” It would have helped if Yukan knew exactly whose magic had caused this, since he didn't exactly have a detailed understanding of who could do what here, as far as the whisper's abilities were concerned.

Yukan proclaimed, having no idea if this was true or not, but any motivation at this point was needed just to get them to reconsolidate, hold their resolve and kill the rest of these criminals. At the very least he hoped if they killed the originator whatever magic would cease that had brought them back. It looked like Yukan’s hopes of using some of them for the ritual for Skarn was looking bleak, but when all was said and done he was sure the See would have no problem providing him with some criminals to use.

Yukan was really just doing what he could at this point. He still wasn't strong enough with his fighting style to deal serious damage to large groups of enemies, only able to make strategic picks like he was doing now. He'd need to become much stronger when he actualized his plan, he realized this pretty quickly. Then there were others who had been on the move, Yukan wasn't even sure just how many they had killed, or how many had gotten away to reconsolidate. However that was a later objective, until the current mess was sorted.

1. Use Fast F + Acrobatics F to dodge Krell's attempt to tackle by moving 7 ft away to the left.
2. Counter attack using Reach + Penetrating E to counter attack to attempt to impale (Reach up to 10 ft, Penetrating E ignores 2 grades of defensive items)
3. Attack again using Reach F as a standalone ability to strike up to 10 ft, to hit Krell again.
Indicus was not a fool he knew he would be targeted sooner or later so when the leader of the archers shouted and his danger sense went off Indicus's powerful wings beat the air one final time edging closer to the archers before his wings snapped shut and using the momentum he streaked through the air directly towards the rangers. He knew he might not get all the way to his foes but the archers posed a threat to his aerial mobility so they had to go. Indicus lowered his head and crossed his arms over his chest while using his danger sense to avoid the worst of the arrows.

As Indicus flew through the air he saw that Yukan's group was in a bad way and in a moment Indicus shouted to his orcs "Go to Yukan your brothers need your help with the Marauders!" Indicus could only hope he was heard.

This part of the fight was a minor successes they did good damage though their attempt to cause the Marauders and Talons to fight was a bust. But Indicus wanted to leave one last parting gift before the Talons left.

When Indicus neared the ground he grappled a nearby soldier using his agility to nimbly land although his ankle was still being a pain it did not matter as his claws searched for and slipped between gaps in the anonymous soldier's armor. RIght now Indicus had one goal and thankfully the Talons were still on the back foot so he could slip in and around them to get to the archers as long as he was close. This was his final gift to his foes, he would attempt to cripple their ranged archers in this group so if Yukan and the others wanted to attack the Talons later it would be that much easier.

Indicus looked towards the ranger's leader with a smile and cruel glimmer in his eyes. He would teach these soldiers to fear him.


Indicus defends against the arrows and uses Reflexive dodge to further minimise damage while free falling towards the rangers
Indicus tells the orcs to go to Yukan and assist there
Indicus lands on/ attacks a soldier near where he lands.
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Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Infamous (Ryke), Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Intermediate Variant, Apprentice Assassin

The grandeur of Coldclaw's mansion, with its opulent artifacts and art pieces, was a testament to her thirst for power and dominance. Every carefully chosen decoration seemed to convey a message of submission, and Delta couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease as she explored further. The portraits of previous estate leaders, their cold, unyielding eyes, and the vivid depictions of battles only deepened the sense of foreboding.

The grand hall, with its imposing staircase and lifelike statues, was a spectacle in itself. The plush crimson rug contrasted with the cold, white marble, and the statues captured moments of torment and defeat, leaving Delta to wonder about their significance in Coldclaw's twisted world.

Amidst the grandeur, the hissing steam and clacking of the second construct drew her attention. It emanated from a slightly ajar door to the left of the grand hall on the second story, leading to a dimly lit corridor. The utilitarian design and eerie blue flames of the torches indicated a shift from opulence to functionality. Delta's instincts guided her deeper into this passage.

As she continued her reconnaissance, she stumbled upon what appeared to be Coldclaw's study. The room told a tale of hasty departure or a sudden intrusion, with papers strewn across a mahogany desk and an open safe revealing its contents. The remnants of a half-eaten meal, still steaming, hinted that Coldclaw had been present not long ago.

A peculiar aroma wafted from the food on the table, and as Delta peered closer, she made a startling discovery. Among the dishes lay the carcass of a Siltshade Crawler, mostly consumed, with fragments of its carapace and the remnants of its parasitic young. Coldclaw had captured the creature and brought it inside to feast on during the chaos in the compound.

The realization struck Delta like a thunderbolt—Coldclaw was not only cunning but opportunistic, willing to seize even the most chaotic moments to satisfy her exotic tastes. It was a chilling insight into the mind of her adversary.

On the desk, Delta spotted something hastily written, its contents challenging to decipher from her current vantage point. The second construct, pacing within the study, occasionally glanced at the document before hissing steam and returning its gaze to the outside world. It was evident that whatever was on that desk held significance, possibly connected to the unfolding events within the compound.

Delta knew she had to obtain that document, to unearth the secrets it might hold. It could be a clue, a weakness, or a vital piece of information that would aid her in her mission to eliminate Dominus Coldclaw. With her razor-sharp wires at the ready, she decided it best to, like her target, make the most of any opportunity provided. And right now, one of her guards was alone. A formidable foe that, if left unattended to could prove a future roadblock. That and the note on the desk was practically begging to be read.

With calculated precision, Delta burst into the study, her razor wire flashing through the dimly lit room. Her intent was clear – to strike out at the second construct and land a deadly blow before it could react. The Mythril wire, as sharp as a blade and guided by Delta's expert hand, sliced through the air with deadly speed. It found its mark, wrapping around the construct's mechanical form and digging into its exposed joints and mechanisms. [Severance]

Actions: 3/3
  1. Specialized Fighting Style [Deaths Embrace] [Razor Wire] F - 'Severance' - Sixth Sense F (Vital/weak-point sense), Flexible, Penetrating, Hotshot, Targeted - Manipulating her Razor Wire Delta is able to twist and turn it using minute finger movements thus making for an unpredictable and fluid attack pattern - E Grade - 2 Actions- 1 Post Cooldown. Item (2) + Stat (3) + Ability (2) + Targeted = 14 effectivness. Damage x2 if E-grade opponent via hot shot.
  2. Movement

Attempted Bonus:
[Surprise Attack] for direct damage

Advantages/Disadvantages to consider:
  1. Advantage gained- Comprehensive understanding of enemy patterns, valuable for planning the ambush (treat relevant out of combat abilities as 1 grade higher).
  2. Advantage gained- Knowledge of traps that can be avoided or used against enemies (either remove environmental penalty or apply "trap" during one attack).
  3. Advantage gained- Selection of strategic locations for offense, defense, and maneuverability, strengthening the team's battle plan (grant +1 to any "team-up" action where Sasha is involved).
  4. Disadvantage gained- A painful injury that may hinder her performance in the battle (-1 hp).
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Scene 2b: A Liberation By Any Means (round3)
Re: Delta ( Uasal Uasal )

The construct jolted as the wire dug into its joints, its mechanical movements becoming erratic as it tried to free itself from Delta's grasp. The sudden intrusion and subsequent attack had caught it off guard, and for a moment, it seemed as though Delta had the upper hand.

However, the construct was far from defeated. With a burst of steam and a whirring of gears, it fought back with surprising strength, trying to wrench itself free from the razor wire that was slicing into its frame. It lunged at Delta, its mechanical arms swinging with deadly force.

Delta deftly dodged the attack, using her agility and training to evade the construct's blows while keeping the tension on the wire. The construct was damaged, but it was still a formidable opponent. She needed to incapacitate the construct and get to that document before reinforcements arrived or before she was discovered by someone else in the mansion.

With a surge of strength, Delta yanked on the wire, pulling the construct off balance and causing it to stumble. The attack succeeded, and the construct let out a final hiss of steam before collapsing to the ground, its mechanical form rendered inoperative by Delta's skilled assault. With a sigh of relief, she quickly moved to the desk and grabbed the document.

On the desk, a hastily written note caught her eye. "Command Update: Protocol Omega 13. Bring Item Alpha to the Undercellar before sun's zenith. Ensure no disturbances." The Undercellar was a common thing a deeper place than a normal cellar and sometimes giving access to hidden depths, where clandestine deals and dark rituals often took place.
Scene 2a: Indicus vs the Crimson Talons (round 3)
Scene 2a: Indicus vs the Crimson Talons (round 3)
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

Meanwhile arrows rained upon Indicus before he was able to dive at the archers. Indicus learned a cruel lesson about magic, moving let alone flying made focusing insanely difficult. It was hard to manipulate the magics for defense while he flew. Indicus could sense the threat from the moment the leader of the archers shouted through his [Reflexive Dodge F] ability. His danger sense tingled up his scales. Though he was soaring through the air, the Dragonkin warrior’s instincts screamed a warning. A few of the arrows were deflected with some fits and starts of magic, but mostly it was his innate speed and precision combined with his scales that soaked most of the attacks. Still like the great dragon Smaug, an arrow found a hole in his scales and pierced deep (+1 dmg).

With a powerful beat of his wings, Indicus propelled himself closer to the rangers, folding his wings back to streamline his body as he shot toward them like a living missile. He knew he might not reach them entirely, but eliminating the archers was critical to maintain his aerial advantage. Lowering his head and crossing his arms over his chest, he used his danger sense to deftly evade the most lethal arrows, though some still grazed him, causing minor wounds.

From his vantage point in the sky, Indicus spotted Yukan and his group struggling against ghosts and whatever remained of the Wildfang Marauders. With urgency in his voice, he shouted to his orc companions, "Go to Yukan, your brothers need your help with the Marauders!" He could only hope his voice carried over the din of battle.

As he neared the ground, he grabbed an archer poacher, using his agility to land nimbly, despite the pain in his ankle and from the arrows. His claws found the gaps in the soldier's armor with practiced ease, ending the archer's life swiftly. With the Talons still reeling from the unexpected onslaught, Indicus seized the opportunity to weave through their ranks, intent on crippling their archers. This would be his parting gift, making it easier for Yukan and the others to attack later if they chose to.

Hearing Indicus command and tasting Yukan's trouble on the wind, Zephyr soared through the air, the Golden-Horned Boar Alpha racing below her, drawn by the illusion she had created of a female Golden-Horned Boar. Despite the chaos, the Crimson Talons were slowly regaining some semblance of cohesion, rallying around their leaders' commands. The orcs, now disengaged from the main fight, were moving toward Yukan, but their pace was hampered by injuries sustained during the raid. The battle was far from over.

The departure of most of those harassing the Crimson Talon's helped to stabilize their morale, which was still in disarray but they were a fairly well trained group. Legionarius Septimus Voss, an experienced and cold-hearted strategist with a military background, roared commands to shore up their defenses and reform a shield wall as they continued their retreat to the Slave Outpost (where Delta was).

The scene on the battlefield was slowly changing. The sudden departure of the orc band and the rampaging Golden-Horned Boar Alpha had given the Crimson Talons a slight breather, allowing them to regain their composure. Under the stern and commanding voice of Legionarius Septimus Voss, they were quickly reorganizing. The legionarius, with his stern features and piercing gaze, barked out orders that cut through the air like a knife, "Form up! Shield wall! We retreat to the Slave Outpost!"

As the Talons started forming up, Indicus, despite the injuries he had sustained, continued his assault on the archers, determined to leave a lasting impact. His claws danced with deadly precision, each strike finding its mark, causing panic and disarray among the ranged fighters.

In the distance, the orcs, moving with a limping gait, made their way towards Yukan and his group, who were engaged in a fierce struggle with the remnants of the Wildfang Marauders and the spectral apparitions.

Above them, Zephyr, feeling a renewed sense of urgency, flew with purpose, the winds howling around her as she led the Golden-Horned Boar Alpha away with her illusion. She was aware of the battle's ever-changing tide and knew that Yukan needed her help.

With the Talons retreating and their formations slowly reforming, the battlefield was a mix of chaos and order. Despite the sudden and brutal assault, the discipline and training of the Crimson Talons were becoming evident as they started to regain control of the situation.

As the poachers retreated towards the Slave Outpost, they were unaware of the unfolding events within its walls, where Delta, hidden in the shadows, was on her own mission to eliminate Dominus Coldclaw and retrieve the vital document. The fate of many hung in the balance as the battle raged on, each side fighting with everything they had.

OOC: HP is 1/3 afaik. You started the adventure with your Light Natural Armor F (1) + Speed D (3) to make HP3. Also your Reflexive Dodge would add an F-grade ability skill for a total defense of 5 as far as I can figure. If you buy the Focus F skill, you can use magic while moving.

Also while the Crimson Talons were in a rout, now that the Golden-Tusk Boar and the Orcs are leaving, they will likely have a very strong and well defended retreat back to the Slave Fort (e.g. where Delta is). Continued attacking will risk the entire force focusing on you potentially at least.
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Scene 2a: Two Birds with One Illusion (round2)
Re: Yukan ( TheTimePiece TheTimePiece ) with Thimble and scouts, plus the Monsters Skarn. VS the remaining Wildfang Marauders. Plus Zephyr and the Alpha Golden-Tusk Boar.

Meanwhile in the gully where the original ambush had been planned against the Wildfang Marauders had been attacked...

As the spectral onslaught continued, Yukan, his eyes filled with determination, skillfully dodged Krell the Ravager's charge using his Fast F + Acrobatics F abilities, moving swiftly to the left before counter-attacking with a less powerful variation of his prior attack, due to his D grade abilities being on cooldown. His heart raced as his killing instinct took over, his eyes dilated as he aimed to impale Krell with his spear, before pulling back and following up with another basic Reach F attack. Still, it was obvious to Yukan that Krell was much stronger than him; however, Krell had used up an ace earlier when taking out Grokk and Yara. They were battling back and forth and whose ever big move came off cooldown first might break the new stalemate.

With his moves for the round expended, Yukan, recognizing the leadership role he had taken on as a [Triad Allied Leader], shouted to anyone within hearing range. “We’ve come this far, we need to decisively end this now! The spirits will surely vanish if we finish off the remaining living!”

Yukan's proclamation was more a hopeful rallying cry than a statement of fact. However iin this dire situation, any motivation to reconsolidate, hold their resolve, and eliminate the remaining criminals was necessary. And it worked. Thimble and the remaining scouts reformed and continued to try and make their way away from and perhaps try to hurt the specters of poached slaves.

Suddenly, a new element was introduced to the chaotic scene. Zephyr, soaring through the air, arrived at the gully with the Golden-Horned Boar Alpha in tow. The Alpha, deceived by the illusion of a female created by Zephyr, charged into the fray with ferocious intensity. Like a puppeteer pulling strings, Zephyr aimed the boar towards the surge of poached slave specters.

As the Golden-Horned Boar Alpha rampaged through the battlefield, it collided with some of the spectral apparitions, causing them to dissipate upon contact. This unexpected development brought a glimmer of hope to the beleaguered forces fighting against the ghosts. It seemed that the physical force of the Alpha, despite its illusory origin, was capable of affecting the ethereal forms of the spirits. Thimble and the scouts, with the pressure on them relieved, pulled back and took aim at Whisper, raining down arrow after arrow.

However, it seemed that for some reason the swirling specters swarmed the Golden-Tusk Boar in a howling ecstasy, the Alpha demonstrated its extraordinary power by managing to hold its own against the onslaught. The situation had become incredibly precarious, with the Whisper losing control of the specters and the Alpha embroiled in a desperate struggle for survival.

Zephyr, meanwhile, found herself torn between two conflicting desires as she swept towards Yukan. On one hand, there was the dark urge to inhale Yukan's last breath should he falter and fail. On the other, a growing fondness for the Tanuki's heroic efforts stirred within her. She craved the taste of heroic will as he spoke in the heat of battle.

As the battle raged on, the scene was an amalgamation of physical and ethereal warfare, with spirits, both vengeful and sorrowful, clashing with the living. Amid the chaos, Mara the Whisperer, already wounded, tapped into her latent power with sheer desperation. The air around her quivered as ghostly apparitions began to rise from the ground. The wails of anguish from the spirits of the enslaved who had perished at the hands of the Marauders filled the air, adding a chilling layer to the cacophony of battle. These spectral forms, with faces twisted in a mix of anger and sorrow, reached out with ethereal hands to clutch at the living, adding an otherworldly element to the clash of steel and magic.

While Mara attempted to regain control of the specters, she was unaware that the ground beneath her was stirring. Skarn, the Earth-Tunneling Drake, was about to make its move. A creature as grand and intimidating as a dragon, but without wings, Skarn had scales of deep earthen brown and eyes that glimmered with shrewd intelligence. Sleek and muscular, its body was built for burrowing through the ground with powerful claws that could tear through rock and soil with ease. Possessing an uncanny awareness of its surroundings and an enigmatic connection to the earth, Skarn was a force to be reckoned with.

As Mara focused on her incantations, the ground beneath her suddenly gave way. With a mighty roar that echoed through the battlefield, Skarn erupted from the earth, its massive maw gaping wide. Before Mara could react, the Earth Drake's jaws snapped shut around her, pulling her into the ground in a horrifying spectacle. Mara's screams were muffled as Skarn devoured her from below, effectively putting an end to her dark incantations.

With Mara's demise, the control she exerted over the specters waned, leaving them disoriented and directionless. As Skarn burrowed back into the earth, leaving behind a trail of disturbed soil, the battlefield became slightly less chaotic. With the Whisperer gone, the spectral forms began to dissipate, their vengeful energy spent, and their connection to the physical realm severed.

As the spirits faded away, the remaining combatants, both friend and foe, took a moment to assess the situation. The tide of the battle had shifted once again, and the end was finally in sight.
Indicus looked at his handy work with a bloody smile before he focused his effort on flying back to Yukan's side he could confidently say he did what he could to make the Crimson Talons bleed. With the pause in the fighting with the Marauders, Indicus assessed the area were the arrow hit and with his survival experience determined it missed any organs but at the moment he could not afford to take the arrow out lest he make the wound worse.

OOC: 1: Retreat (fly) back to Yukan's position
2: check arrow wound
Yukan Koyake
Mentions: gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

The situation had been looking quite bleak only moments ago between the spectral dealing so much damage and the shaking morale on their side of the field during the chaos. Frankly Yukan wasn't sure what they were going to do other than try to kill the one who had summoned them since he knew very well the majority of them probably didn't have what was needed to harm the ethereal beings like spirits. But finally and thankfully the boar came barreling through dealing with some of them, apparently it was able to make the even the ethereal go back to where they belonged. Yukan almost let out an audible sigh of relief. Then there was Mara who he saw briefly in the distance get finished off by Skarn, which helped solidify making these spirits less of a threat without someone to properly control them.

After all of the ones which Skarn had taken out, and thanks to their enemies seemingly not being well suited for fighting a being who could travel under the earth so effectively, Yukan felt more justified in making that deal with the monster. If horrible people needed to die to assure that many innocent slaves and others would be freed, then Yukan was willing to accept that.

Yukan assessed the field state before him after his clashes. Despite his best efforts, his two lower rank abilities had not managed to quell Krell the Ravager, who had taken a significant beating at that point. Yukan knew that Krell wouldn't be able to go on forever even in that berserker like state he had shown not so long ago with the injuries he'd taken now.

Yukan never took his Yari away from facing Krell however, and kept his focus on him since they were still technically just at a momentary stand still as they assessed each other. This could be risky, but Yukan was someone who sometimes was willing to take a gamble, after all that much had been clear with his plan today, this had all been risky so far, but hopefully the payoff would be worth it should he come out of there alive.

Despite his intense focus on the remaining foes, he did see that Indicus had made his way back near him, which also gave him a bit of relief, giving him a slight nod of acknowledgment before Yukan decided to speak up, Using common once again, this time facing his remaining foes who were in range.

"You there May I have your name? My name is Yukan Koyake of the Koyake Clan." He'd speak aloud with clarity making eye contact with Krell, using his ability Ashigaru Assurance F for the follow up part.

"While I may disagree with the current path you've chosen, it is an undeniable fact that you show no fear in the heat of battle, willing to give it your all to vanquish your foes. For this I must admit that you are brave, You remind me of my friend here and his resolve to bring his opponents down..with a striking resolve, even when pelted with arrows, struck by me, but even now injured, you stand here, outnumbered, ready to try again to strike me down now where I stand with your all just as you had before. This is admirable."

"So I ask you marauder, why not live another day to see another battle? You can see what the Empire has done for and your kinsmen thus far, Why not join alongside me as a foreigner fighter for the Fae See? Your skills would be most useful and it would give you a chance to let the Empire know how you really feel about their indifference to your plights. In joining us you would be able to fight a many foes and feel the thrill of battle many times to come."

"As for the rest of you left, I would highly suggest you hear my words, and consider them carefully."

It felt worth a try to Yukan, whether or not Krell was receptive was one thing, but Krell struck him as someone who didn't really care who he was fighting as long as he got to personally devastate them with the bloodlust it seemed he possessed from a surface level look. Depending on how this interaction went they'd need to finish them off and move on to the next part of their objective as quickly as possible, perhaps getting some healing done here and there and seeing just how badly they'd be hit in this battle with loses.

Yukan hoped that if anything this conversation at least bought some time for his allies to move to a more advantageous position to finish them off if need be if his words were not received well.

1. Use ability Ashigaru's Assurance F to try to convince Krell or anyone else who might be swayed to switch sides to the Fae See.
Ashigaru's Assurance- Persuasion F, Leadership F, Law F, Republic of Kuridan Etiquette F- Post cooldown 0
Yukan attempts to appeal to logic, reason and possibly target's desire in order to try to sway their actions and or opinions.

Native, Orphan, Martial Artist, Razor Wire Apprentice, Infamous (Ryke), Attentive Student, Ryken Adventurer F, Intermediate Variant, Apprentice Assassin

The room fell silent as the construct collapsed to the ground, its mechanical limbs splayed out like a defeated beast. Delta's breaths came in measured, controlled intervals as she assessed the situation. The hasty confrontation had been won, but she knew there was no time for complacency.

The document, now firmly in her grasp, held a cryptic message that hinted at the urgency of Coldclaw's actions. "Command Update: Protocol Omega 13. Bring Item Alpha to the Undercellar before sun's zenith. Ensure no disturbances." The reference to "Item Alpha" remained a mystery, but the mention of the Undercellar piqued Delta's curiosity.

The Undercellar was not a term to be taken lightly. It suggested a place of hidden depths, a subterranean chamber where clandestine dealings and dark rituals often took place. It was a shadowy underbelly within Coldclaw's mansion, where secrets were guarded and sinister plans were set in motion.

The urgency of the command implied that Coldclaw had something of great importance stored in the Undercellar, and she intended to move it before sunrise. Delta knew that this was an opportunity she couldn't afford to miss. Whatever "Item Alpha" was, it could be a key to unraveling Coldclaw's operations and demise.

With the document securely in her possession, Delta left the study, her senses alert to any signs of approaching danger. The day was growing brighter, and the mansion held its secrets close, but Delta was determined to uncover them and confront Dominus Coldclaw.

She navigated the dimly lit corridor, her movements stealthy and purposeful. The path led deeper into the mansion, toward the enigmatic Undercellar where her next steps would take her. The confrontation with Coldclaw drew closer with each passing moment, and Delta's resolve remained unshaken. The morning was far from over, and Coldclaw awaited her reckoning though she knew it not.

As she descended the stone staircase that led to the Undercellar, Delta's senses sharpened. The atmosphere grew colder, and the oppressive aura of the place seemed to weigh on her shoulders. Torches lined the stone walls, casting eerie, flickering shadows that danced like phantoms.

The Undercellar was a maze of winding passages and cryptic alcoves, each one shrouded in darkness. Delta moved cautiously, her footsteps barely making a sound on the cold stone floor. Her training had prepared her for moments like this – when she ventured into the heart of darkness to uncover the truth.

The distant sound of echoing footsteps reached her ears, and Delta froze. Someone else was in the Undercellar, moving with purpose. Peering closer Delta spotted a woman deeply engrossed in a ritualistic act. The figure hummed a soft, haunting tune as they worked, every now and then reaching for a tool from the tray next to the table. With each incision, each cut they made, the figure would pause, savoring the sensation, then let out a sigh of pure ecstasy.

Delta couldn't quite make out who it was that stood before her but taking no chances she merged with the shadows once more while attempting to bypass the woman. [Shadows Embrace F]

Actions: 1/3
  1. Shadows Embrace F - Concealment F, Stealth F - Delta uses her training as an assassin to blend into her surroundings. F Grade - 1 Action - 0 Post Cooldown​

Attempted Bonus:

Advantages/Disadvantages to consider:
  1. Advantage gained- Comprehensive understanding of enemy patterns, valuable for planning the ambush (treat relevant out of combat abilities as 1 grade higher).
  2. Advantage gained- Knowledge of traps that can be avoided or used against enemies (either remove environmental penalty or apply "trap" during one attack).
  3. Advantage gained- Selection of strategic locations for offense, defense, and maneuverability, strengthening the team's battle plan (grant +1 to any "team-up" action where Sasha is involved).
  4. Disadvantage gained- A painful injury that may hinder her performance in the battle (-1 hp).

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