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Futuristic Frontier 8 | A Space Anthology


ᴏɴʟʏ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀꜱ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ.
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FRONTIER| A Space Anthology


Premise: This will be an anthology RP set in a connected universe. This RP is very story driven with the plot being written out by episodes. A collection of episodes will be a season. Each season will follow a self-contained plot that takes place in the same universe as the other seasons. Meaning, characters we play in one season will be replaced with new characters in the next season and we'll be dealing with new settings and conflicts. The majority of the episodes will be episodic in nature, meaning the plot of each episode won't necessarily tie into each other but the season, as a whole, with follow an overarching storyline. Each participant will "direct" at least one episode: meaning the participant will create the plot of the episode and the others will follow along with their characters. Furthermore, each season will be linked to a music genre with each episode having a song of that genre associated with it. For example: we may have a season with a musical focus on jazz and each episode with have an jazz song listed as "Song of the Episode". It's just another way to add a unique spin to the distinguish each season. Each season can be radically different from each other and I may even allow each participant to create a season if the demand is apparent.


Brief History of the RP's Universe: In the year 2268, a brilliant group of physicists and astronomers consisting of the best minds from around the world built a device that could harness and synthesize dark energy into a visible form. It was a discovery that fundamentally changed the world. Through extensive study along with years of trial and error, the scientists realized that the potential of dark energy as a power source is astronomical—virtually limitless. With this new power source driving technological evolution, modern technology advanced thousands of times faster than it did in the last few centuries. By 2350, spacecrafts with the ability to warp travel, thanks to their complex dark energy engines, started to appear; these ships could zip entirely across the Milky Way galaxy from one end to the other in as little as ten years' time. The age of intergalactic space exploration had arrived. Then, with the creation of Acclimaters—machines that can induce small changes in a person's physiology which will allow them to adapt to new environments—humankind could now live beyond the reaches of Earth. The remaining superpowers of Earth broke out in war for claims of territory on the new moons and habitable planets. The "Union War" ended after two decades of fighting and led to the creation of a single massive government representing all mankind: the Interterran Union of a Common Earth or IU.


Miscellaneous: Technology has advanced to the point of intergalactic travel. Terra forming proved way too slow to create new homes for humans and so Acclimaters were created. Acclimaters in combination with terra forming technology has allowed humans to adopt new moons and planets as homes at a fraction of the time it would take terra forming alone. Guns still use bullets but are now powered by electromagnetic field generators. Basically mini-railguns. The Multi-Objective Vocational Armament, or MOVA, is a device worn on the user's arm similar to a gauntlet. Some of its basic features include: a personal computer accessed via a floating screen display, a miniaturized, dark energy-powered motor, two miniature grappling hooks attached to incredibly dense and durable strings that can be fired via a variety of controls, and a compartment containing millions of nanobots that can form into small solid objects of nearly any kind such as a screwdriver or a knife. And beyond that, special software can be added to the MOVA for added features. The uses of the MOVA are essentially up to you to decide; just keep in mind that your character can only have one MOVA unit. Alien life forms of higher sentience comparable to humans have yet to be found. Androids virtually identical to humans are a thing. Due to the story-driven nature of the RP, I'm only accepting a small number of people per season. Posting expectations: adaptable but usually leaning towards casual to high casual. Cursing, violence and gore, sexuality, substances, and other adult themes are permitted to an appropriate degree. Think cable TV.
Honestly thought this RP was dead but it seems we have enough takers. I'll try to get the topic up soon.
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So you're taking a risk, and saying "Lookie here! You, yes YOU, can be the GM for a specific part of the rp. It's in space, and it's a tv show. Here you go!"

I mean, if I ever gotten the reins of a tv show in space, it would be pretty grim. And bloody.

Sounds fun, let's explore the insides of another's head?

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