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Fantasy From Slasher Victim to Hero- A Slasher to Isekai RP


Harbinger of War, Chaos, Death And Toast
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
Yandere Killer is happy that her chainsaw is still with her as she continues her quest to find Senpai in this strange new world

  • The ground creaked as you cowered in your hiding place- listening to heavy footsteps pace around the room. You hear some objects clatter to the ground as the man searched for any sign of you. He had already killed your friends- what the hell had gone wrong. It had been a normal party in your normal town of Creeps-Burrow The name should have tipped you off when you moved there a month ago. You have no friends here- and you swear someone has been watching you for the last few weeks. There have been rumors that some serial killer who disappeared a few years back has returned- that one crazy gas station hermit always screaming about the "Great Evil's Return." People in school have been off to you- but you where finally invited to a Party at the Popular Girls Beach house.

    Now, everyone is dead. The skinny dippers drowned in the hot tub, the stoner crushed by a geology collection, the movie nerd bludgeoned by a lightsaber replica- and you are the last one. You glance over the boxes- noticing that the psycho was gone. You take a deep breath and run for the car. The Jock had been sent to try and fix it, and even though you had watched the killer throw him off the roof, the keys where in his pocket. You stumble past one body before you finally reach the car- The moron had actually fixed it- you feel a stab of guilt as you think of his bloody death- starting the engine as you laugh- a mad laugh, more from relief- you actually made it? then you feel a stab of pain.

    The masked man pulled his butcher knife from your side- having risen from the backseat, waiting for you. Who the hell... Is this guy? And Ow. You don't scream, you kick him and jump out the window, staggering away from him. Your breath becomes shallow as blood continues to pour from the wound- if you could just get a bit further- the road.
    You desperately hobble to the road as you hear steady footsteps. The Killer follows- relaxed, holding the knife in his hand as you reach the road. It was isolated enough and late enough, that no one was there. you scream in pure anger as you watch for any headlights- before turning to see the Killer, right behind you. he grabs you with a strong hand, lifting you face-to-face er face to mask. You stare into the dark pits in his eyes as he stares, cocking his head before burying the blade in your chest; again and again. Your hand fumbles in your pocket- before finding it.

    "I'm glad your... Stench covers up the scent of gasoline- Fuckface."

    You quickly thrust the cigarette lighter into his chest- his overalls coated in gasoline from when you had first fought him. He stumbles back and drops you as fire spreads across his body- staying silent as he falls to his knees, quivering for a moment before collapsing- dead. You get to your feet, letting out a ragged laugh holding your wound as you see headlights approach. You had done it- finally escaped this nightmare. You watch the beacon of light approach- the Truck getting closer- -not stopping. You can barely cry out before the truck hits you.

    "That was so boring- even worse than the last one; did the killer need to wait so long to kill?"

    "It was my turn to choose- and your just afraid of horror movies. We can move to another side of the world for something else- and the final girl actually did well, in fact I think I liked this cast. Maybe we can send them to another place."

    "Fine- do your weeb shit- It's not like I have to spend hours making sure their life essence can align with the next worlds mana."
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I'm interested. As for Archtypes I'd likely go for either the Skeptic, Nerd or Token.

As for abilities, would basing them off the Slasher that killed them be a option? Has a idea for a Jason type was all.
I'm interested. As for Archtypes I'd likely go for either the Skeptic, Nerd or Token.

As for abilities, would basing them off the Slasher that killed them be a option? Has a idea for a Jason type was all.
oh killer is either a Jason/michael meyers type. I was originally thinking all of them died when dealing with the same slasher, but I think we could have some come from other killings
Would be interesting if one came back as the Slasher themselves then. PTSD from a party member.

When I read it I got impression of several different Archtype of Slashers but that's good too.
Would be interesting if one came back as the Slasher themselves then. PTSD from a party member.

When I read it I got impression of several different Archtype of Slashers but that's good too.
oh the slashers could have followed if they died
Would be interesting if one came back as the Slasher themselves then. PTSD from a party member.

When I read it I got impression of several different Archtype of Slashers but that's good too.
oh I meant we could have different horror movie themed characters- would make interactions interesting.
That's what I meant. A Chuckie, A Freddy, A Jason, A Ghost, A Witch etc
Hmm, this seems rather interesting. The premise alone is something that interests me and, well, couldn’t help but point out that image of the Legion from Dead by Daylight! Certainly got some ideas for a Reluctant Hero or an Skeptic having just blowing themself up / setting themself aflame after killing a “The Thing” style monster while being attacked by them (could relate to shapeshifter esque powers or being able to transform limbs into weapons?). Nonetheless, suppose there is room for this skeleton to throw his hat into the ring?
I'm thinking once the CS is done I can add a separate page for villains/scenarios that each of you can choose if you wish
I made the CS- will make a Slasher tab later in case someone wants to have the fun roles
Will there be an OOC? Just curious considering I do have a couple of questions when it comes to the character sheet but don’t want to clog up the interest chat too much
Will there be an OOC? Just curious considering I do have a couple of questions when it comes to the character sheet but don’t want to clog up the interest chat too much
I was going to just use this ooc
Gonna add a lore page for the fantasy world soon
RPN Stopped giving updates, just seen the recent posts
I was going to just use this ooc
Right, much rather prefer there be an ooc but suppose this would be sufficient enough. Now, I was thinking of making an Ash Williams (from the Evil Dead series) inspired character but I got a few questions to ask.

1. In terms of stats, is there any visible difference other than ‘larger number means better’ when it comes to allocating stat points? Like, what is the reference being used? 10 is average human, 20 is athletic or experience, 30 is peak human, etc?

2. Was going to plan on using mechanical esque skills for the creation of prosthetics and weapons for said character, would a better fitting skill be Arcane or Intelligence? Or would it also tie in with the ability as well?

3. Are any items brought alongside the victim when they die and isekai’d into the next world? Or if there are any limitations to such
Right, much rather prefer there be an ooc but suppose this would be sufficient enough. Now, I was thinking of making an Ash Williams (from the Evil Dead series) inspired character but I got a few questions to ask.

1. In terms of stats, is there any visible difference other than ‘larger number means better’ when it comes to allocating stat points? Like, what is the reference being used? 10 is average human, 20 is athletic or experience, 30 is peak human, etc?

2. Was going to plan on using mechanical esque skills for the creation of prosthetics and weapons for said character, would a better fitting skill be Arcane or Intelligence? Or would it also tie in with the ability as well?

3. Are any items brought alongside the victim when they die and isekai’d into the next world? Or if there are any limitations to such
10 is average human, I'd say 50 would be strongest humans- though over time you will get more stat points from quests and combat.

I would say Intelegence unless you wanted to create magic prosthetics- though it might be harder unless you find dwarves or other industrialized towns

And you get any weapon you had on your person pre-death. I would have to review stuff you want but I can allow a gun with limited ammo or a knife and stuff
10 is average human, I'd say 50 would be strongest humans- though over time you will get more stat points from quests and combat.

I would say Intelegence unless you wanted to create magic prosthetics- though it might be harder unless you find dwarves or other industrialized towns

And you get any weapon you had on your person pre-death. I would have to review stuff you want but I can allow a gun with limited ammo or a knife and stuff
Gotcha! Just wanted to confirm really.

Hmm, gotcha. Another question in regards to abilities, I’d assume it’s something that we would state what the character have or would it be something you would think up in turn? A mixture of both with us saying what sort of idea we would want to go with in terms of the ability?

And alright then. Probably would just keep it to a hatchet and a good ole fashioned double barrel shotgun (with a few shells on the side of course) in terms of weaponry that my lad would have.
Gotcha! Just wanted to confirm really.

Hmm, gotcha. Another question in regards to abilities, I’d assume it’s something that we would state what the character have or would it be something you would think up in turn? A mixture of both with us saying what sort of idea we would want to go with in terms of the ability?

And alright then. Probably would just keep it to a hatchet and a good ole fashioned double barrel shotgun (with a few shells on the side of course) in terms of weaponry that my lad would have.
you would suggest something and I try and make it balanced and worth the kill .

if you want that many weapons- maybe have one bullet on the shotgun and the hatchet is a bit dull- some towns would have gunsmiths or blacksmiths, maybe the first attack will have one marksman. Most won't have many objects so I'm trying to keep it balanced.

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