From Malfeas with Love

Indeed, we are using 2.5 errata'd chargen.

But right now I don't care to much about crunching numbers.

Also, I lied, we might start in a small town of the East after all.
karregan42 said:
@Iron Penguin: I'm pretty shure we are using ink nonkeys. If so, you should have 4 free specialties points....
Hope I'm right or I need to change my sheet xD
Yup - I used them :) 2 in Bureaucracy (Commerce), 1 in Thrown (knives) and 1 in Socialise (With merchants)
@Captain Hesperus : Posted in the ST forum. =)

Hope I have done everything right. =D

@Loki_83 and @Karregan are in 'cause it's personal.

@Iron Penguin is in 'cause he wrote an awesome scene.

You guys feel free to add your charsheets (in the "Cast" subforum) as soon as the admins create the forum.

@All the others: I'll start the IC thread on Monday (Oz timezone).

Even if you can't submit your draft by then, don't worry because I can add you at a later time.

I might still have 4 players then.

Dunno guys.

The intro was botched badly, and the rest of the game didn't really work the way I hoped.

I fear the concept was good only in my head.
I'd be down for a retry or to pick up where you left off or anything really. I thought the concept looked awesome and from what I've read so far the game was kinda neat.
Sorry guys, I don't feel inspired the slightest to continue.

Should I start another game, you'll definitely get a spot. =)
Name: Blaze Zaphyr


Blaze is cold hearted teen who dares for adventure in the darkest of places and the worst of times. He never met his parents as they dissipated when he was born.


●●●○○ Strength

●●●●○ Dexterity

●●●○○ Stamina

●○○○○ Charisma

●●●●○ Manipulation

●●●●○ Appearance

●●○○○ Perception

●●●●○ Intelligence

●●○○○ Wits


●●●●● Archery

●●○○○ Martial Arts

●○○○○ Melee

●●●●○ Thrown

●●○○○ War

●●○○○ Integrity

●●●●○ Performance

●○○○○ Presence

●●●○○ Resistance

●●●●○ Survival

●●●●○ Athletics

●●●●● Awareness

●●●●○ Dodge

●●●○○ Larceny

●●●○○ Stealth

How's that?
dragonborn99 said:
Name: Blaze Zaphyr

Blaze is cold hearted teen who dares for adventure in the darkest of places and the worst of times. He never met his parents as they dissipated when he was born.


●●●○○ Strength

●●●●○ Dexterity

●●●○○ Stamina

●○○○○ Charisma

●●●●○ Manipulation

●●●●○ Appearance

●●○○○ Perception

●●●●○ Intelligence

●●○○○ Wits


●●●●● Archery

●●○○○ Martial Arts

●○○○○ Melee

●●●●○ Thrown

●●○○○ War

●●○○○ Integrity

●●●●○ Performance

●○○○○ Presence

●●●○○ Resistance

●●●●○ Survival

●●●●○ Athletics

●●●●● Awareness

●●●●○ Dodge

●●●○○ Larceny

●●●○○ Stealth

How's that?
This game is not currently recruiting at the moment, infact its a game that has been archived and doesn't exist any more. We just haven't had a chance to go through and start updating the "Our Roleplays" section.

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