From Malfeas with Love


Malevolent Entertainer
You look around at what remains of the swarm of demons that attacked you and your Circle.

The forest, the abandoned temple itself are teeming with every possible freak spawn of Malfeas.

Just like you, your Circlemates are still shimmering in the golden light of their anima, slowly fading out, cleaning weapons, finishing survivors, stitching wounds.

Is this all that the Golden Faction could muster?

You barely know them... You barely know yourself, your powers, and yet...

Those demons slowed you down already.

Where the hell is Romeo?

And most importantly, where did he hide the Eye of Authochthon?

This light-hearted Exalted 2.5 game revolves around the adventures of a Circle of young Solars as they chase after the Eye of Autochthon, following and reconstructing the clues that the Solar Exalt Romeo left after hiding it.

Of course, every possible other Celestial faction in Creation is after the Eye...

The story is divided into Episodes, each of which will require the characters to put together the pieces of a puzzle to proceed to the next Episode.

Expect more comedy than drama and general silliness.

It is a game of investigation, travel and guile, so spread a lot your abilities.

Social situations and information gathering will be paramount,

You will often have to operate without attracting attention, so be ready to hide or justify whatever strange feature or item you may posses.

You will never stay very long in the same place and be often on your own.

You will have to defend yourself: there WILL be combat and some opponents will be undefeatable, stat accordingly.

This is a bit of an experiment for me, so I don't know how it will go, for now I promise the first Episode, but we may as well fill a few Seasons...

I have already the two players I need, but I can fit more; all strictly Solars, a Perfect Circle is not required but try not to overlap too much.

Players that stop posting without even a goodbye need NOT apply (and I know who they are).

Base chargen for InkMonkeys/2.5, no Flaws allowed.

Don't fret too much over any backstory, that will be built/revealed during the game.

Woo me describing a couple of stunts or cool short scenes where your character is the shining protagonist.

You will get 1xp for 1-dice stunt, 2xp for 2-dice stunts and 4xp for 3-dice stunts.

At the end of every Scene, the group will get *about* 1xp per 8 IC posts.
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Hey, I'm here!

My character is a complete douchebag, ready to rumble!

Here is his character sheet<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Tyler_pdf.8c37dc7145a62d667e07d895272cb251" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Tyler_pdf.8c37dc7145a62d667e07d895272cb251" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Tyler.pdf
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Loki_83]Hey said:


  • jackson-jax teller-sunglasses.jpg
    jackson-jax teller-sunglasses.jpg
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Ooh - sounds like fun. I have a charming merchant-prince Eclipse Caste called Gilded Jackal that would definitely fit in with a game of investigation, travel and guile (especially that last one ;) ). I created him as a sort of practice exercise (I'm a total Exalted newbie, I'm afraid, so any comments are welcome, even if they're stuff like "Why did you choose that Charm, it's useless!").

I'll upload a partial character sheet now, but until I know where we'll be starting off, I'd like to hold off choosing specialities and stuff like that until I know where the game starts, etc. It'd be a bit rubbish to start off with Socialise (Whitewall) if we start off in Chiaroscuro, for instance.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/GildedJackal_pdf.7cdbd045584aedb2b4725d50d25fa38f" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24074" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/GildedJackal_pdf.7cdbd045584aedb2b4725d50d25fa38f" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • GildedJackal.pdf
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Also, it'd be easier for me if we used text sheets rather than attachments, if you need a template you can use this (I'm no fan of tabbed sheets, but whatever! )















●○○○○ Strength

●○○○○ Dexterity

●○○○○ Stamina

●○○○○ Charisma

●○○○○ Manipulation

●○○○○ Appearance

●○○○○ Perception

●○○○○ Intelligence

●○○○○ Wits


○○○○○ Archery

○○○○○ Martial Arts

○○○○○ Melee

○○○○○ Thrown

○○○○○ War

○○○○○ Integrity

○○○○○ Performance

○○○○○ Presence

○○○○○ Resistance

○○○○○ Survival ●○○ Internet Forums

○○○○○ Craft

○○○○○ Investigation

○○○○○ Lore

○○○○○ Medicine

○○○○○ Occult

○○○○○ Athletics

○○○○○ Awareness

○○○○○ Dodge

○○○○○ Larceny

○○○○○ Stealth

○○○○○ Burocracy

○○○○○ Linguistics

○○○○○ Ride

○○○○○ Sail

○○○○○ Socialize


●○○○○ Compassion

●○○○○ Convinction

●○○○○ Temperance

●○○○○ Valor

●●●●● ○○○○○ Willpower

●●○○○ ○○○○○ Essence

I'll reformat my character sheet, then. Watch this space. Or if not this space, a very similar space.

Gilded Jackal frowned, slipping the last of his knives into place in one of his many pockets. He patted his silken robe, inspecting it for any bulges or creases that might reveal his little arsenal. None - it had been worth paying an extra shekel or two to get the very best tailor. It almost always was.

"You're sure you'll be able to handle the qat caravan negotiations while I'm gone?"

Filial Sapphire sighed. "I may be a mere mortal, but I think I can deal with three greedy drug-peddlers." Jackal gave her a brief sideways glance. He often wondered whether his majordomo really knew his secret, or whether she just made comments about 'mere mortals' to prick his inflated sense of self-worth.

"Watch out for Jezden," Jackal said. "He's a cunning, jade-grubbing little--"

"I know."

"I may be gone for some time."

"I know."

"I'd prefer it if all my stuff is still here when I get back."

Sapphire shot him an irritated look. "Do you trust me or not?" Jackal grinned.

"More than I trust anyone else in Creation."

"That much, huh?" Sapphire said, dryly.

Their conversation was interrupted by a scurrying flunky. "Master! Master! Cannos Jedzen is..." A tall, elegant man with finely-waxed moustachios swept into the room, one of his two immense bodyguards knocking the servant aside. "...demanding an audience," the servant said weakly, from the floor.

"I understand that you will not be attending the qat caravan negoitiations in person," the merchant snapped. Jackal tried not to let the wince show on his handsome face, and mostly succeeded.

"What a well-informed man you are," he said smoothly. "However, my esteemed representative, Filial Sapphire..."

"Not acceptable." Is that it? Jackal thought. 'Oh, if it's not acceptable to your excellency, why certainly I'll change my plans to save Creation from an invading demon army. Would you like me to polish the dire lance you seem to have wedged up your fundiment as well?'

"Filial Sapphire is my most trusted lieutenant."
A very careful observer might have seen a flicker of gold play over Jackal's brow for a moment, forming a brief image of a small circle within a larger ring. "She will negotiate in my stead."

Cannos Jadezen hesitated. "I have been instructed by my business partners..." he began. Jackal sighed. So, it was to be the hard way. Casually, he put his hand into one of his inner pockets. Cannos Jedzen droned on. Jackal let his eyes lose their focus, and suddenly he was looking diretly down at the merchant's bald spot. Perfect.

"Little Master?"
Jackal called. Cannos stopped in mid-drone, startled by this non sequitur. Jackal's hand flicked out, sending a glittering blade spinning through the air. The two bodyguards stepped forward, raising steel-sheathed arms to deflect the spinning knife, but it whirled high overhead in a shining arc. Cannos sneered.

"You--" He stopped, the knife a cold sliver of steel hanging suspended before his eyes, barely a hair's breadth from his bulbous nose. "What-- but-- how--" he sputtered. Jackal grinned.

"Thank you, Little Master." The white-furred monkey flourished the knife, uncurled its tail and dropped from its rafter. It slid the knife across the floor, back to Jackal, who stopped it with one boot. A bodyguard took a step towards Jackal's familiar, which scurried nimbly away. "You see, Master Cannos, I am a busy man, but I have many servants. If even a monkey is smart enough to deal with you, you should find negotiation with Filial Sapphire quite challenging enough without involving me as well." And with that, he swept out of the room with Little Master trailing behind him, leaving Cannos Jedzen staring, speechless and pink-cheeked with impotent fury. The last thing he heard the merchant say as he turned to leave was,

"We shall none of us speak of this again." Jackal grinned.
Hmmmm when are you starting it up xarhv? I would loooove to toss in a twilight, but I won't have a good stable schedule again until after this weekend.
This game is approved and set to Awaiting Players. When you are ready to proceed to the ST forum, you can @ tag me or one of the other Admins for approval.

Captain Hesperus
I'll be offline over the weekend, so that works out fine for me too. At some point soon I'll reformat my character sheet and add in some details - if we're in the East, Jackal could have his base of operations in Greyfalls or Nathir, or maybe Nexus (further away from the Far East, but a more powerful city... :question:).
@Iron Penguin: Remember that this will be a game of travel, you won't be able to make much direct use of whatever base of operations you choose.

You can also decide where your base is during the game, as long as it does not break the consistency with something else you did or said, there is no problem with me.

Just like in a TV series, at the beginning the characters will be rather anonymous, and their background will surface (ie, we make it up) as the story unravels.
@Iron Penguin : Don't rely too much on your base of operations, you guys will always be on the move.

But you don't have to establish where your base is now.

Like any TV series, we don't know much of the characters at the beginning, but their backgrounds is revealed (ie, we make it up) as the story unravels.

As long as everything we add is consistent with what happened until that point, there is no problem.

@Feantari: Cool. Show me what you can do with her. ;-)
Name: The Hand

Concept: arrogant gunslinger zenith

Motivation: to absolve Creation

Caste: Zenith

Anima: The most brilliant light, with Heaven's pealing.



Chewer Jones sat on his favourite stool in his favourite bar slowly sipping beer, glancing at the girls, and chewing raw carrots, as he always did.

Everyone stood away, because he was a dangerous man. Even the bartender simply left two jugs of beer next him, careful to stay as far as possible from him.

Then, with a loud noise, the rotten wooden door fell down in a dust cloud.

As the dust settled, everyone in the bar gazed at the figure that was slowly appearing.

Leather winklepicker with spurs on their back, flaired red pants, a pair of firewands holstered behind the lower back, crossed red suspenders on his bare chest. Then, a cowboy hat that let some wisps of dark hair be shown.

Jones hated to be annoyed. He thrusted out his glass and began yelling against the figure, when his sentence stopped as he met the figure's gaze.

- Chewer Jones - the voice of the man was calm and firm - you are accused of 27 crimes against decency and law.

You are a danger in this country.

Jones never apologized for anything, but the Man's words where just overpowering.

He fell on his knees and beg pardon for the sins of his life.

- I can see you are true - he closed his eyes and took a breath - I absolve you.

His right hand slowly moves toward his back as to pick up something.

From out of nowhere, a huge shiny dual-barrel rifle come out, suddenly pointed against Jones.

As the bar was blown up from the Unconquered Sun Light, he just walked away, with a cigarette in his mouth and the Sun drawing the shadow of his hat on his face.


????? Strength

????? Dexterity

????? Stamina

????? Charisma

????? Manipulation

????? Appearance

????? Perception

????? Intelligence

????? Wits


????? Firearms Spec: FSC ??

????? Martial Arts

????? Melee

????? Thrown

????? War

????? Integrity Spec: Dodge ??

????? Performance

????? Presence

????? Resistance

????? Survival

????? Craft

????? Investigation

????? Lore

????? Medicine

????? Occult

????? Athletics

????? Awareness

????? Dodge

????? Larceny

????? Stealth

????? Burocracy

????? Linguistics

????? Ride

????? Sail

????? Socialize


????? Compassion

????? Convinction

????? Temperance

????? Valor

????? ????? Willpower

????? ????? Essence


????? Artifact: Fiery Solar Cannon

????? Manse

????? Manse: Sphere of Perfect Balance


Integrity II

- Invincile Ego Shield (1m, use MDV as DDV)

Presence II

-Worshipful Lackey Acquisition (12m, 1wp, si tira car + pre - MDV. Se ha successo unnatural mental influence e diventa schiavo)

Lightning Hands Reload (-, reflexivly recharge 1 weapon each round)

-Elsewhere Draw Mastery (1m, exile a firearm)

-Flawless Quick Draw Concentration (-, at JB reflexivly draw a firearm, add accuracy (max 4). At first shot, if the target has not received a tick, +3)

Heaven's Eye Markmanship (3m, +150 yard, +50 for every tick aiming)

Mastery of Small Manners (1m, ..)

Shadow Over Water (1m, refresh DV)


DDV: 5

MDV: 10


Accuracy: +3 (12)

Speed: 5

Damage: 18L or 9L

Range: 300

Attune: 8

each shot cost 2 motes or 1 motes but deal half damage.


5 for bgs

7 for essence

5 for wp

1 for abilities.
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Mmmh sounds very nice. I would like to play a Twilight, but I can make an Eclipse sorcerer as well.
@ The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard : I'll be offline for a couple of days, I'll lay out everything as soon as I am back. =D

@Everyone else: I don't really care about a perfect circle, and I am not doing first come first served, so feel free to post your ideas regardless of what others did.
Name: Tyler

Concept: Hell’s Angel

Motivation: Bring down the Empire

Caste: Night

Anima: 8 Ball



Tyler looked down on his father’s grave for the last time.

He was a good man, a retired soldier of the empire.

All he had in return was misery and a land so arid that the only arable things were stones.

But he never denied his choices, he believed in a better future.

When Tyler turned out to be a Solar, the empire put 4 men on his trails.

They tracked down his house, and believing he was in it, they burned it to the ground.

His dad was sleeping, he didn’t make it out.

The worst thing is that Tyler couldn’t even remember where he was shaking off his hangover.

It took him almost 3 months to track down the 4 men. One by one.

And he made them suffer.

“Things will change, I promise…I’m changed”.

He kissed his own hand and caressed the cold stone of his father’s grave.

Then he turned his shoulders to the remains of his house, never looking back.

He climbed on the saddle of his swift rider, all he had left, but also all he needed.

On the back of his jacket, a skull was grinning. Above it, only one word “REAPER”

“Time to go.”

So his journey began, one hand on the throttle, the other on the brake.


●●●●○ Strength

●●●●● Dexterity

●●●○○ Stamina

●○○○○ Charisma

●○○○○ Manipulation

●●●●● Appearance

●●○○○ Perception

●●○○○ Intelligence

●●●●● Wits


○○○○○ Archery

●●●●● Martial Arts Spec: Unarmed ●●●

○○○○○ Melee

○○○○○ Thrown

○○○○○ War

○○○○○ Integrity

○○○○○ Performance

●●●●● Presence Spec : Intimidation ●●

●●○○○ Resistance

○○○○○ Survival

●●●●○ Craft

●○○○○ Investigation

●●○○○ Lore

○○○○○ Medicine

●○○○○ Occult

●●●●○ Athletics

●●●●● Awareness

●●●●● Dodge When Unarmed: ●●●

○○○○○ Larceny

●●○○○ Stealth

○○○○○ Burocracy

○○○○○ Linguistics

●●●●● Ride Swift Rider: ●●●

○○○○○ Sail

○○○○○ Socialize


●●○○○ Compassion

●●○○○ Convinction

●○○○○ Temperance

●●●●○ Valor

●●●●● ●●●○○ Willpower

●●●○○ ○○○○○ Essence


●●●○○ Artifact: Swift Rider

●●○○○ Artifact: Heartstone Bracer

●○○○○ Artifact: Breastplate

●○○○○ Manse: Gem of Calm Heart


Ox Body Technique x2

Surprise Anticipation Method (1m)

Shadow over water (1m)

Seven Shadow Evasion (6m)

Fist of Iron Technique (1m)

Sledgehammer Fist (3m)

Dragon coil Technique (3m)

solar Hero Form (6m)

Hammer on Iron Technique (3m, 1 wp)


DDV: 8

MDV: 9
Name: Gilded Jackal

Concept: Charming merchant-prince

Motivation: Create a capitalist utopia with him in charge

Caste: Eclipse

Flaw: Overindulgence (Temperance)

Anima: A shimmering white-gold jackal bounds around him, rising into the air


+ Filial Sapphire (his majordomo)

+ Little Master (his monkey familiar)

+ His mercantile empire

+ The people of the Threshold

+ His newfound Circle-mates

- The Imperial Legions

- Drunkenness

- Slavery


Gilded Jackal is a rich mechant prince who made his money trading with both Realm and Guild. He is a man who loves the finer things in life - fine wine, fine food, fine clothes, fine art - but he rose from humble beginnings, abandoned on the streets by his alcoholic mother, so he knows that he needs to exercise self-control to avoid becoming decadent and soft. He makes his way in the world through a mixture of charm, money and deceit. He is almost always seen with his black-faced white monkey, Little Master, perched on his shoulder. As a powerful and wealthy man, he had contacts and influence through the many trade networks of the Threshold, particularly within the Guild.

Since his Exaltation, which he has so far managed to keep a secret from everyone, he has begun to realise that he has a duty to do something with his new powers, and he feels a responsibility to protect the people of the Threshold and free them from the Realm's grasp. Of course, being the man he is, he sees building an empire of jade and silver that covers the whole Threshold as the best way to do this.


●○○○○ Strength

●●●●● Dexterity

●●○○○ Stamina

●●●●○ Charisma

●●●●○ Manipulation

●●●○○ Appearance

●●●●○ Perception

●●○○○ Intelligence

●●●○○ Wits


○○○○○ Archery

○○○○○ Martial Arts

●○○○○ Melee

●●●●○ Thrown (1 bp) (●○○ Knives)

○○○○○ War

○○○○○ Integrity

○○○○○ Performance

●●●○○ Presence

●○○○○ Resistance

○○○○○ Survival

○○○○○ Craft

○○○○○ Investigation

●○○○○ Lore

○○○○○ Medicine

○○○○○ Occult

○○○○○ Athletics

●●○○○ Awareness

●●●●○ Dodge (1 bp)

●●○○○ Larceny

○○○○○ Stealth

●●●○○ Bureaucracy (●●○ Commerce)

●●●○○ Linguistics (Riverspeak, Forest-tongue, Low Realm, High Realm)

●●○○○ Ride

●○○○○ Sail

●●●●○ Socialize (1 bp) (●○○ With merchants)


●●●○○ Compassion

●●○○○ Convinction

●●●○○ Temperance

●○○○○ Valor

●●●●● ●○○○○ Willpower (1 bp)

●●●○○ ○○○○○ Essence (7 bp)

Personal essence:
15 / 15

Peripheral essence: 30 / 33 (3m attuned)


2nd Dodge Excellency

2nd Socialise Excellency

Infinite Socialise Mastery

Frugal Merchant Method

Insightful Buyer Technique

Mastery of Small Manners

Shadow Over Water

Seven Shadow Evasion (flaw of Compassion)

Wild Revelry Approach

Ox-Body Technique


●●Resources (As well as his property and trade goods, he carries money hidden around his person at all times, including jade, scrip, silver and letters of credit) (2 bp)

●●●○○ Familiar (Little Master, a very intelligent monkey)

●●○○○ Artifacts (see below) (1 bp)

●●○○○ Contacts (Guild and Realm traders) (2 bp)

●●○○○ Influence (the Guild) (2 bp)


Exceptional throwing knives (concealed in many pockets)

Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (artifact ●, 1m attuned)

Orichalcum chain shirt (concealed under clothing) (artifact ●, 2m attuned)


0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

In [ ]


Dodge DV: 6

Join Battle: 5

Soak (B/L/A) : 7/8/7

Hardness (B/L) : 3/3

Attacks (Speed/Acc/Dmg/Rate/Range)

Knife (melee) : 4 / 8 / 3L / 3 / -

Knife (thrown) : 4 / 11 / 3L / 3 / 25 yds

Dodge MDV: 4

Join Debate: 5
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