[From Heaven to Hell] Chapter 1, Scene 3: Tilt


Maelstrom Engineer
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A thick forest.

Rays of light play through leaves above.

200 soldiers have camped off the road.

Sounds surround them.

Crackling cook fires, neighing horses, scraping steel and stone.

Sakuya, Suzume, you both have approached from the south.

Deus, you're across the road on the opposite side.

None of you have been noticed.

All of you can see torn black banners flying.

Those you can make out have a stylized skull on them.

Despite the bustle, the camp is calm.


Five soldiers drag a girl into the road.

She struggles.

Her hands are bound behind her back.

They toss her down.

Her dress rips.

Blood wells around her face.

She begins to weep.

The soldiers laugh.

One pulls a sword. He speaks to her.

"Useless now. Got any other talents? Or do I gut you?"

He puts the blade to her throat and waits.

What do you three do?<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/101_5743.JPG.b488fa2d83b7a8ace3bb35194f0e7f2e.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/101_5743.JPG.b488fa2d83b7a8ace3bb35194f0e7f2e.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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There were far more than any of Naesala's predictions had suggested. A small army, rather than a single band of bandits. More than she could keep Suzume safe while fighting. Possibly more than Deus, if he were in fact here, could take alone. Perhaps even more than she could take in this form - Sakuya was keenly aware that she had little knowledge of this body's limits, nor had she yet once drawn her blade and familiarized herself with her newly-dulled abilities. It would be a thousand times wiser to bide her time, to find Deus and simply leave these mortal swine to their own devices. One innocent death here or there would be a small price to pay for a better world. Her convictions, her self control; all reason screamed at her to focus on her mission, to find Deus and keep Suzume safe if possible.

"Flee while you yet may."

A quiet word to Suzume, and Sakuya rose, her hand already on the hilt of her blade as she strode from the shadows of the forest into the light of the day, the air around her beginning to come to life in barely-visible shimmers of malachite light, her chest molten and heavy within her as she struggled to keep herself in check. Where once she might have been able to channel absolute objectivity, the golden spark of Courage mingled with Law into a need for justice that she could not - nay, would not - control.

She did need to learn this body better after all, the part of her that remained perfectly logical helpfully provided, and no one would miss a few bandits. Assuming that was all they were. Just because she was about to do something stupid didn't mean that she needed to be stupid about it, Sakuya thought wryly, as her gaze overlayed the ethereal to the material. If there were essence users among them, she wanted to know immediately.

When she spoke, her words were hard as diamond, a projection of raw will and unmitigated force that radiated askance and demanded respect. "Unhand her."
So, Grim. Why exactly are we coming here?

[i've told you several times Deus, you need to be sure and know you're surroundings at all times. My memory does not serve well over how land masses would've changed for these years]

But still, couldn't there-

Deus stopped mid conversation observing what was unfolding. The last several weeks, Grimoire had asked him to map out the area or specifically, the new last masses and towns that may have arisen within the years Grimoire was dormant in the book. For a better understanding of what the world was, Grimoire needed to be sure Deus' claims were true. That the world was now overrun with the Terrestial Exalted. The more they traveled, the more apparent it was that the children of the sun far and few between.

Shortly though, Deus came across a rather interesting scene. Five brutes, no strong than probably your average mortal, seeming having their way with young lady.

Interesting. Shall we check it out?

[Why would you want to cause to a spectacle? There is no need to meddle in the affairs of the mortal realm. Besides, there has to be a sizeable amount. Like ants, where you find a few the nest is nothing more than a short distance away.]

We can gather information from these brutes anyway, we don't necessarily have to fight.

[And how do you propose we do that?]

I'll make it easy, follow me.

[As if I had a choice]
The disgust brimming from what might happen.

Swiftly, Deus moved over to the five or rather seven now because of interference from another. "What seems to be the problem here, folks?" Deus asked coyly, nodding at Sakuya, and turning his attention to the women they held tied. He smirked a little, slowly opening his cloak to reveal his jade daiklave, a means of intimidation if necessary. "I don't think she likes being tied up, how about easing up, yeah?"

He switched his angle and stares between the brutes and Sakuya.

And I wonder who she is.

[You'll be the death of us soon, meddling.]

You only live once, anyway.

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The word echoed deeply within her as she glared at the five from behind the cover of leaves, eyes following them intensely in study, all pretense of airheadedness leaving her features. Disgusting. Was it human nature, that so many of those who claimed to be part of a civilized world sought to abuse the smallest sliver of power to make those they deemed beneath them suffer? Her lips drew back in an almost feral snarl, anger raging rampant through her. How could she claim to bring about a revolution if she turned away here, when the very problem that lay at the core of dynast society was staring back at her, reflected in these lowly bandits? Her essence sang to her, demanded that she acted.

Suzume's eyes widened as Sakuya rose, her words piercing through the veil of anger that enshrouded her. Flee? The reality of her situation came crashing down around her, her unbridled rage cooling; words of protest died in her breath before she could stop the goddess' righteous charge, staring at her back as she stepped out. She stared down at her hands; calloused and worn from the maid's work and banditry, yet ultimately too weak for what had to be done. However, as long as this form wasn't seen, she could always retreat to the safety of this shape after the battle was done, with none the wiser. She sighed, hoping her impression of Sakuya was right; if she had misjudged, she'd have the entire order following her every step. And yet...one more glance at the woman on the ground told her it would all be worth it. She smirked. Perhaps she was full moon, after all.

She stepped back deeper into the shadows of the forest, taking hold of her essence, willing the change to begin. The young lunar breathed in, channeling the power through her body as she felt it melt away and reform anew, wrapped in its embrace, bones and limbs realigning themselves as she fell forward on her hands, her limbs changing into hooves. Moonsilver and fur spread equally over her, taking on the familiar shape of her tattoos, and she exhaled, an easy sense of lightness setting into her steps as the last traces of essence vanished, leaving behind a vague afterglow...and a tattooed gazelle where a human maid had once stood. Being Marianne wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but...she could never truly say that shape was her own.

She turned towards the soldiers, her eyes fiery with passion. Let the others speak with words. She'd carve the message into their trampled remains. Her muscles tensed like tightly wound springs, and she lowered her head, horns at the ready. With no cry or warning, she leapt out of the forest, an amber blur rushing in a burst of speed towards the one that held the woman captive.
A blur from the forest.

An animal? A monster?


Suzume, you crush the soldier underfoot.

Snapping bones are punctuated by crunching armor.

The blade at the woman's throat falls limp.

It harmlessly rests over her neck.

Proving they're not "bandits", every soldier who can draws a weapon.

It's a thunderous sound of scraping steel.

And then silence.

No one seems sure what's next.

What do you all do?

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