• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern From Dusk Till Dawn : The Dossiers



living paradox

  • faf592e10b8ace601cd672471cad1a42.gif

    Thank you for wanting to take part in From Dusk Till Dawn! This page is where everyone can post an outline containing basic information for your character. Please feel free to customize your character sheet as you see fit! Coding is always more than welcome, but is not essential or a requirement. Just an aesthetic, lol. As the outline below is rather simple, feel free to add as much information to it as you wish.

    Please stick to written descriptions or realistic type faceclaims. Characters already reserved and highlighted in the interest check are the essentials. Any more submissions will need to be considered NPCs or, even better, one of the four antagonists. Again, just let me know prior to posting what your idea is.

    Please note that any submission made will be given a deadline of three days to finish. Reservations made for any character role will also be given four days to post (so, if I'm doing my math right, you would potentially have a week to post your character. we will start without you if your character is not fully finished by then) Please don't hesitate to reach out to me via DM if you have questions, require a time extension, or need any help. Thank youuuuuuuuuuu!


    - Basics

    Full Name:
    True Age:
    Origin of Birth:
    Higher Purpose:
    Special Ability:

    02 - Visage
    Face claim:

    03 - In-Depth Character Details
    Fun Facts:

    04 - Relationships & Backstory

  • 04
    full name
    Augustus Constantine Chappelle
    origin of birth
    July 6, 1508 in Lecce, Italy
    Hybrid - Vampire (Ekon)/Witch
    enfant aux ténèbres
    higher purpose.
    Once enjoying solitude, August finds himself back in the middle of the war he started.

    The Resistance.

    August acts on a set of good, rational morals and abides by human law; he isn't one to act rashly on humans.

    special ability.
    On top of his affinity for magic & the Old Blood ability of metamorphosis, Augustus wields Solar Caeleste which allows Augustus to manipulate pure celestial light—an incredibly powerful and radiant form of energy typically harmful to any dark-natured creature. This power is both a defense mechanism and a weapon of attack.
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robin stark


#lydia graham

♡coded by uxie♡


𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓼 𝓘 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓘'𝓭 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓻𝓸𝓽

01 - Basics
Full Name:
Robin Stark
Age: 24
Gender: Female (she/her)
Origin of Birth: June 21st, 2000, Scotland
Species: Human (Hunter)
Higher Purpose:
Special Ability:


02 - Visage
Weight: 142 lbs.
Hair: Naturally pale platinum blonde, diligently dyed black
Eyes: Green
Body: Fit but slim; perhaps slightly a little too thin
Modifications: Scars, scars, and more scars.
Description: [WIP]
Face claim: Lydia Graham


03 - In-Depth Character Details

Robin is a storm of bitter anger and resentment, with a personality hardened by years of pain and betrayal. She carries an almost palpable hostility toward authority, anyone who dares to tell her what to do or attempts to control her life, though she always backs down in the end--she doesn't have much of a choice. Rules, orders, and expectations are first met with defiance, and she’s not afraid to lash out with biting sarcasm or outright aggression before following through on what she's told. Robin’s sharp tongue and abrasive attitude make her a difficult person to be around, as she never holds back from saying exactly what’s on her mind, regardless of the consequences. Her words often cut deep, pushing people away before they can get too close.

Yet, beneath her tough, rebellious exterior, there’s a fragile core—emotional scars that run just as deep as the physical ones. She’s like a hurt dog, defensive and wary, always ready to snap before someone else can hurt her first. Robin’s bitterness is a shield, protecting a heart that’s been broken too many times, but it doesn’t always work. The emotional wounds fester, making her volatile and prone to pushing herself into dangerous, self-destructive behavior.

Her recklessness borders on suicidal at times, as if she’s constantly daring the world to finish what it started. She throws herself into fights without regard for her own safety, drinks to numb the pain, and treats her body with the same carelessness that life has treated her. It’s as if she believes she’s already lost the battle, so why not go down swinging? Despite all her fury and defiance, there’s a haunting sadness beneath it all, a sense that Robin is fighting a war not just against the world but against herself.

Likes: cigarettes, booze, switchblades, soft flannels, punk music, painkillers, caffeine, street food, stray cats, vintage vinyls, denim, dark humor

Dislikes: physical contact, strong perfumes, skirts & dresses, eye contact, authority, bright lights, holidays, hospitals, camping

Hobbies: thrifting, listening to music, photography, drawing on herself with pen, substance use, generally being self-destructive

Fears: [WIP]

Fun Facts:
Has shit eyesight; typically wears contacts, but has glasses.
- Bisexual, but between her personality, life as a hunter, and the walls she's built around herself, she's never been in a serious relationship.


04 - Relationships & Backstory

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Full Name: Caoilfhoinn Roth (Ang: Keelin Roth)
True Age: 289
Gender: Female
Origin of Birth: May 8th 1739, Friday 8:10 in the AM
Species: Vampire (Ashagi)
Diet: Human (Blood/Flesh)
Higher Purpose: Drawn forth from a purposefully reclusive life, she seeks freedom from Council expectations and a return to the past.
Affiliation: Both the Council and Resistance contacts
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Special Ability: Technological Shade- Caoilfhoinn is unable to be seen, recorded, detailed, examined, observed, registered or any sort of technological device. Anchored to the past by willpower, she is anathema to modern technology. Caoilfhoinn even being around modern technology will cause glitches, errors, and even total technologic collapse.

Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 118lbs
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Bright cherry red
Body: Inverted Triangle
Modifications: A nigh omnipresent set of pronounced fangs, with the rest of her teeth equally as carnivorous
Face claim: Cintia Dicker

WhyNot Models » CINTIA DICKER » Portfolio
cintia dicker Archives · Richard Verry, writer

Fun Facts:

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Milly Byrtha
The Resistance
Neutral Good
Hazel Hair + Eyes
Coffee, Bad TV Shows, Popcorn, Snow, Stuffed Animals, Trinkets, Riddles, Magic, Books, Conspiracy Theories, Routine, Organization, Cleanliness

Action Movies, Horror, Fantasy Novels, Thunder, Blood, Stand-up Comedy

Who needs hobbies when you’re so busy? Other than the large collection of trinkets that lay around her space, she does not do much other than research.

Nail biting, Muttering to herself, Pacing, Finger Tapping, Scrunching face, Clicking her tongue

Losing someone again, Being betrayed, Being the cause of someone’s pain, Getting too close to someone

Fun Facts:
  • She likes to watch shitty TV. Usually only at night, or in the background as she’s working.
  • She knows multiple languages, though anything other than english is strictly book-learned. Her pronunciation is usually off, and she doesn’t know a lot of slang other than what might be on a TV show.
  • Enchantment spells on the mind make her extremely uncomfortable to use or see, sometimes, she wonders if Wanda had used that magic on her at one point. She’s very doubtful, however.
  • She once went on a huge bender where she only ate peanut butter crackers. She has not had peanut butter in ten years since.
  • Awful singing voice.

Higher Purpose: Haunted by her past, she seeks only distraction, knowledge, and freedom to find that knowledge.

Specialization: Milly’s main focus is Dinivation, it is what she excels at. However, she dabbles in all types of magic, Evocation a good second on her list, followed by the rest. The only magic she has not touched is Necromancy, and any form of dark magic.

Weight: 132lbs

Hair: Long, slightly wavy hair. Naturally a brown, but she often dyes it other natural colors such as red, blonde, and sometimes black. When hard at work, her hair will always be tied up in a ponytail.

Body: Slim

Modifications: Unused ear piercings that have failed to close, and a small tattoo of a hyacinthe on her wrist, in memory of her lost friend.

Face claim: Haley Bennett

Complex as she is, Milly is often described in a few descriptive words. Rude, weird, odd, sometimes bitch by her more sensitive cohorts. Still, Milly remains resolved on who she is, even if that is lost to herself in some ways.

On the outsite Milly is uninterested, nose always in a book, moth always talking about her next achievement or next spell. She has no time for anyone else unless they have what she needs, and does not care to apologize to those offended by it. She’s blunt and honest, and sarcastic to a fault. She can change the subject in a flash, and would much rather talk to you about a random song for hours until you go away. To many, she is simply not worth the effort to make friends with.

On the inside, Milly is a heap of anxiety. Her past haunts her every waking moment. Fear that she might lose someone or be betrayed again keeps her away from those who want to know her. Fear that she may end up just like her former mentor keeps her locked up in her room and away from certain magics. She’s all too self-aware, knows that her paranoia is excessive, she spends her nights convincing herself of this, that many have it worse than she does. Yet still, she cannot escape the bubble she’s trapped herself in.

She would never admit if she was close to someone, the realization might make her run and hide. Instead they are important to her research, important to her goals. Her loyalty and friendship shows in her actions and excuses, and despite the nonchalant manner she puts on, she truly does care about the well-being of other people. She might turn her nose up at a desperate request, complain and say she’s too busy, but she always ends up helping.

That being said, her interest has always lied solely with the supernatural. Humans have never been something she bothered with. The mortal world and the people within it are the last place she would go to for help. For what value do they have compared to someone with super strength?


Wanda Elohart - Milly’s first and last mentor, the one person she felt truly understood her. Her idolization of her left her blind, and the day she was betrayed by her has marked her soul ever since. Milly refuses to think of her name, to speak of it. So instead she haunts her in every other way possible.

Anan Celick - Milly’s best friend, she was her touch of normalcy in her always-running brain. When she ran herself into the ground, Anan was always there to pick her up. The loss of her included the loss of all of Milly’s self-preservation. She does not need friends, not anymore.

June Byrtha - Milly’s mother, though they were close when Milly was younger, they slowly grew about as her focused changed. After Milly’s betrayal, her communication with June ceased, she hasn’t properly spoken to her mother in 20 years.

Milly was born with infinite potential, as told by everyone around her. She was gifted with intelligence, and was a natural with magic. Her future was set out for her the moment she showed potential, and she wasn’t complaining.

Milly adored magic, adored all of the good that could come with it, and could see it’s untapped potential. She wanted to know more, learn more, discover more. The moment she was able, Milly enrolled into the school of Divination and discovered a world she dreamed of. She made friends, acted in her passion, and found a mentor in one Wanda Elohart, whose origins were a mystery to everyone who knew her.

Milly grew close to Wanda very quickly, the woman understood her passion and saw her potential clearer than anyone else. She, too, wanted to search the boundaries of magic, and so with the help of Milly, she did.

Time passed, and people began to go missing. It started with humans, people Milly never bothered to care about, and then turned to her fellow classmates. Panic arose, and when Milly’s dear friend Annan went missing as well, she put her investigative skills to the test.

It didn’t take long for Milly to discover the culprit, as it was the very person she was closest to. Her mentor had began to dabble into dark magic in attempt to push the boundaries. Unwilling to take the drawbacks of her own spells, she used her own company instead. Lost in her own emotions, Milly ended up killing Wanda, a scar that’s remained on her heart ever since.

She didn’t regret killing her, but her memory of that day stained her from that moment onwards. She became a shell of herself, walls up too high for anyone to look over. No more friends, no more mentors, no more family, just herself, Milly, all alone.

Her passion still nailed deep, Milly continued her research, staying far away from dark magic and the like and using her own methods. She joined a minor coven for the resources and connections, and now spends her days with her noses in books and practicing her magic. Her goals are knowledge, and nothing more. What moves her now is the council, her need to be free of their rules and restrictions. Once she’s stripped witches of their chains, maybe her hunger for magic can come to an end.

I'd kinda like it if you call me. 'Cause I'm so over being lonely.
© pasta

Lucius Charlemagne

# Vishanti

# Michael C. Hall

♡coded by uxie♡


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