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Realistic or Modern from cleats to country roads || dallas x reece

from cleats to country roads.


even the darkness has arms


walking to the diner.



Home. Reece Spencer was finally home. Sure, he'd just impulsively bought a fixer upper that needed more work than he had originally thought, even before he had boarded the flight back, and his new job at his old high school wouldn't start until September, but he was home. His knee still bothered him even four years on, but to him, it was just a reminder of how quickly his life had been turned upside down. Would he have gone on to play for his home team in the pros? Would he still be with Mia? Would she still have left him if things had panned out for him? She seemed to be happy now, posing with her basketball player boyfriend all over social media. Clearly she had a type. God, he needed to just forget about her. But he kept replaying that moment, over, and over, and over again until it made him physically ill.

They had been together for two years when Reece had informed her that he'd be returning home. She had encouraged him to keep chasing his football dreams. But they both knew that Reece would never be able to play at the same level he had been prior to the injury. One play had changed the trajectory of his life. Mia wanted him to be that perfect athlete - she was the perfect cheerleader, after all - and maybe he had been that guy before the Colorado game, but after the injury...there was no way for him to get back to who he was before.

Reece didn't blame his O-line for not protecting him. He didn't blame the opposing player for sacking him and causing the injury, either. But he blamed himself for letting it happen, even though he couldn't have expected the ACL tear in the moment. How was he to know? It wasn't anyone's fault but his own. And he hated thinking that way, but he couldn't help it. If he hadn't hesitated just a second longer than he had...he'd still be playing. He could have been the next great quarterback in the league.

But that's not how life had turned out for him. And he couldn't keep dwelling on the past, even though he wanted to.

Reece unlocked his front door, wheeling his suitcase into the bare-bones house. He had gotten the keys from the realtor at the airport. She was a real good sport about it. There was no furniture inside yet. Of course there wasn't - he had to rip out the wall separating the kitchen from the living room to make it seem like a larger space than it actually was. But at least the appliances were included in the final cost.

Other projects included repainting the entire house, putting new shingles on his roof, and cleaning the gutters. All in all, it would cost quite a bit of money to get his new house in a good living condition. But since he had gotten such a good deal on his three bed, two bath brick house, he wouldn't have many problems with financing. But right now, he needed something to eat. His stomach seemed to agree with him, growling loudly. Reece didn't have his old rust bucket of a pickup truck with him yet - but his parents were keeping it safe at their house for the time being. The local diner was in walking distance from his house - so, after locking up, he headed in the direction of Charley's Diner. What he needed right now was a greasy cheeseburger and a chocolate shake.


from cleats to country roads.


please please please.


at the diner.



unnamed waitress.

Dallas couldn't believe that she had moved to this small town, months before her job would start, but at the same time, she didn't have a lot of choice in the matter. She was looking for a fresh start and Harbour Heights presented itself on a silver platter. So she took it. But damn. She still hadn't found a place to live and was bartending to make money until the fall. She hated working the weekends because Dallas herself liked to party but she also wanted to move out of the motel ASAP.

With no kitchen, Dallas had to resort to eating out for all meals unless she was with one of her friends. She ate at Bethie's place more than anything.

But when Bethie was busy or Dal didn't want to bother her - she went to Charley's diner. And today was one of those days. She had been coming here so much that she had a usual seat which as a booth in the corner. Most of the workers knew her and her order. Dallas was a creature of habit and everytime she went to Charley's she got a sweet tea, cheeseburger, fries, and a vanilla shake. She would also dip her fries in the vanilla shake which sometimes got her interesting looks from other patrons.

Dallas walked into the diner and headed to her booth. The waitress asked if she would have her usual and Dallas just smirked,
"Oh you know it."
She then handed her back the menu, not even having opened it.


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