Frog style?


This is everything you need to play WHFRP 2nd edition. There are other sourcebooks, but the corebook covers everything you actually need.

This, on the other hand, is everything you need to play WHFRP 3rd edition:


Now, kids. Who can tell me what the fuck is wrong with this picture?
Okay, here's a short list (Hah) of 13 charm skeletons (and one full charm thanks to Kyeudo) that come to mind from the ideas presented so far in this thread. Obviously they're not in any sort of order and contain no solid rules text as of yet for the most part.

Hopping Treefrog Style

Kiss of the Frog Prince

Hallucination based attack, external penalty to attack for foe struck?

Frog Mounts Toad Maneuver

A successful Clinch allows the user to cling to the targets back instead of starting a clinch.

This gives him a bonus to DV and allows him to redirect missed attacks at his "host"

Leopard Frog Swims in Grass Sea Atemi

Allows the user upon a successful dodge to take a jump action in any direction they wish.

For an extra cost the user may make a stealth action with an X dice bonus upon landing.

Ripples on Pond Surface Awareness

New name for a JB increaser? should there be room or reason for one in the style.

Rain of Deadly Frogs

An attack supplemented with this charm causes both the attacker and user to rebound in opposite directions

across the battlefield, when the user lands he may reflexively pay the charms cost again and make another

attack. He may repeat this a number of times equal to his permanent essence. (Extra action charm?)

Bull Frog Bark

An attack with te Sonic Keyword (or whatever SVN style uses). Opponents must roll valor or spend willpower

to attack until the users next action

Bromeliad Clearing Bound

Doubles jumping distances for scene and allows jumping as a move action

Frog Laughs at Monkey Concentration

Allows the user to end his turn on a wall or ceiling until his next action

Hopping Treefrog Form

Allows the use of "Bromeliad Clearing Bound" and "Frog Laughs at Monkey Concentration" as innate abilities.

Also provides a DDV bonus equal to the users essence as long as he has moved in his last action.

Additionally the user make leaps even if treading water

Frog Tongue Lash

Type: Simple (Speed 6, DV -1)

Duration: Until released

The Martial Artist makes a clinch attack against any opponent and entangles them in sticky Essence. The Martial

artist makes a clinch attack, which can be made unarmed or with a form weapon. If the attack hits, the opponent

suffers all the normal effects of being clinched. The Martial Artist can not crush the target for damage, but can

perform any other grappling action on the affected target as a reflexive action once per action. The Martial

Artist retains his DVs and can continue to attack other targets, but must either maintain contact with the victim

or keep hold of the weapon in contact with the victim for as long as he wishes to maintain this Charm.

The Martial Artist can only use this Charm on a single target at a time.

Frog Catches Fly

supplements one martial arts action to be unexpected.

Poison Arrow Style

The user secretes an essence based poison from his skin, supplementing his unarmed attacks (even dripping and

coating form weapons) and clinches.

Toad Dodges Lightning

Allows the user to dodge an unexpected attack (sorry, couldn't resist)
Hope this project didn't die.

I have to say that I don't like the idea of the frog-croak Charm, the frog-mating Charm, or the Rain of Deadly Frogs Charm. Of the three, the last is the least objectionable to me.

Suggestion: Since this is a mobility-based Style, we should include a Charm specifically for jumping past an opponent and delivering an attack in the same action, sort of like Ebon Lightning Prana, but without the brokeness.
I'm hoping it's not dead too, I've been a little busy with work/relatives/friends/Jade Empire over the holidays and haven't had much time to sit down with mah books at home.

Thanks for the input though, we were 3(ish) charms too big so that cuts it back down to 10 (which is what your average style has anyway).
To make form based on a creature, one must study the creature in combat:

sorry, chums, there's clinching involved. just high speed, acrobatic clinching. now THAT's Exalted.

I propose an alteration to the clinch charm, instead of using them as cover, how about being able to propell the clinched target at things whilst riding it? smashing into walls and other combatants?

and what game mechanics cover eating your opponent whole?

frog eats chipmunk concentration

(that last one's just there as a joke)

so the form can't all be about mobility and dodging if you're basing it on the frog.

maybe tomorrow i'll sit down and work out the mechanics for the charms i've suggested in the thread. do some research on the other animal styles, etc.

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