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Shiloh took a deep breath and exhaled as he stood outside his bedroom window. The sky was still dark and the birds had yet to awaken and begin their morning song. His window was often used whenever he left at this hour as to not disturb his mother while she slept. For her bedroom was just off the hall from the front door and she was a very light sleeper.

Shiloh glanced around at his dark surrounds before setting off, his hands shoved into his jackets pockets. His mind turned over the pressing issue plaguing his thoughts as he cut across their yard and through the neighbors and onto the dimly lit sidewalk. He only and a couple blocks to figure out exactly how he was going to tell Lithia.

The crisp air of early morning had little affect over the young man as he stood in the backyard of his best friend. His jacket did its job of protecting him from the bite of cold air, not that he needed it. Shiloh was a natural furnace, rarely ever cold.

His breath came out in a wispy cloud of smoke as his picked up a small pebble from the outlining bed of rocks surrounding the house. He rolled the hard material between his fingers as he backed up and locked eyes on Lithia's window. With a quick motion he threw the pebble at the glass. A small
tink reaching his ears.
Lithia had been sitting at her desk, leaned over a notebook and drawing. She smiled a little when she heard the noise, putting the book down and running to her window, opening it and leaning out of it. She grins widely when she sees him, tilting her head, bright blue braids falling off her shoulders as she leans out a bit, looking at him.

She smiles, "I'll be right down~" she pulls out of the window, running to dress herself, still tugging on her shoes as she ran out the door. She grinned as she reached him, stumbling a bit and grabbing onto his arm to steady herself. She fixed her shoe andnlooked at him, "You okay?"

((agh I can't focussss))
Shiloh felt the corners of his mouth curve upwards, unable to help but smile at the girl. His hands were quick to her shoulders as he helped her still while she put on her shoe. His dark green eyes were full of warmth as he gazed upon her, at least until his smile fell and he turned his face away from Lithia. Clouds covering the forest of his eyes.

His body stiffened as he remembered the reason for his visit. "Lith..." Shiloh sighed. One callused hand rubbing against his jaw, over his mouth. "I... I have something-..." Shiloh looked back down at her. His expression was apologetic while his eyes set upon Lithia longingly. "I'm moving..."
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Everything about Lithia's expression seemed to just crumble. Her smiling, happy expression shattering as she stared up at him, opening her mouth but not seeming able to speak for a long time. She looked now as if touching her would cause her to fall apart...crumble to dust and blow away in the wind.

She finally let out a weak whimper, "What?" her little voice cracks when she speaks, it too slowly breaking with the rest of her. Her eyes slowly filled with tears, but they didn't quite fall as she waited for him to speak again, hoping to God that she heard him wrong.
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Shiloh felt his heart contract in his chest. He hated seeing Lithia cry, especially when it was his doing. His first instinct was to gather her in his arms, though he was wary to do so for he didn't want to upset her more. Shiloh instead gathered Lithia's face in his hands and lower his so they were eye level.

"Hey... Don't cry." Shiloh's voice was barely louder then a whisper. His brows pulled together in guilt. "It's just a few towns over... It's not like I'm moving across the country..We'll still see each other."
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Lithia tried to focus on his words but all she seemed to be able to think about was him leaving. She was already full out panicking, her tears spilling over, her whole body just shaking now.

She started to choke, but she was obviously trying everything she could to calm down. She stared at him as he grabbed her face, eyes unfocused. She took a deep breath, whispering, "........but I need you"

Her voice sounded completely broken now, shaking as she turned her face away a little.
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Shiloh wrapped his arms around her, pulling Lithia close. One hand rested on the back on her head, stroking her hair soothingly. His chin rested atop of her vibrant blue hair.

He desperately wanted to ask her to come with him, but he couldn't just ask her to up and leave her family. Plus her parents were financially secure, where as he still needed to get his shit together. Sure he'd managed to get an apartment from saving up his paycheck from the local dinner, but he'd have to get a new job and there was no guarantee his income would be able to support two people.

"I know.... I know.." The only thing Shiloh could think to do was just hold her and try to convince both of them it was gonna work.
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Lithia pressed her face into his chest shakily, slowly whispering, ".....youre supposed to stay with me..." she winces, "Why do you have...have to leave?"

She didn't know what to say or do it seemed. She was now just....holding onto him as tightly as she could...as if he would be ripped away from her at any minute.
"Because Lith.. I can't live with my mother forever. As much as I hate leaving either of you I can't stay in this place..." Shiloh glanced up at her window, the sun was slowly beginning to rise lighting up the world as it did so. "Trust me I've been trying to put this off, but last night my mother called the cops on her latest stand and well let's just say that things weren't going very well when they showed up. Anyway they let me off with a warning.. So I'm taking that as my cue to go."
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