Looking for Friends/Writing-Partners/RP-Partners


now i know how joan of arc felt
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Hello! It's Lunar. I keep leaving and coming back to RPN (IRL distractions because of my job) but I wanna start getting back into the groove and interacting more! At this point, I'm into most types of RPs and have many cool stories just floating around in my head that I'd like to write out with ya'll.

Also would like to talk and make friends that'll help quell the good ol' existential dread

i'm always down to chat! i'm quite new as well and finding my ways about. if you want a new friend, i offer to be tribute. 😊
Hey, man! I'd love to be your buddy and RP with you. I've found that military people bring an enriching perspective to any games, freeform or dice-moderated.

Don't worry. I won't hold the fact you're Army against you. *cough*semperfi*cough*

art by

Wᴀʀʀᴇɴ Bᴜʀɴs


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Hi there! It's very nice to meet you! I'm Warren <3

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