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Finished Freshen Up [The See of Chearon - Tea Party]

The Man with the Long Shadow

Mentions: | Irihi Irihi | TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Elvario Elvario |

Mephisto kicked his legs back and forth as he hovered in midair, prone and unbothered. He cast a snarky glare at Iri as she closed out her little gripe about her unfortunate demise during one of their games. He laughed with his full chest as he remembered, turning over onto his back and clutching his stomach in the ultimate gesture of sarcastic glee. He scowled at her and twirled his finger around in the air in a taunting motion.

"Oh you! You never did have a great sense of humor, did you Iri? Don't you remember: when you told me that you didn't want to be chopped up into little pieces and incinerated down to ash and bone... I only did so ironically~! It would only have been funny if you survived, you silly little twerp~"

He booped her on her intangible nose with the very digit he extended earlier, turning around and ascending invisible steps and clapping his hands. Zarathiel snarled at the very existence of the Patron, who paid him no mind in return despite their very apparent and dangerous power gap.

It was the equivalent of a wolf standing idly next to a grizzly bear - and yet, Mephisto played along well.

"Attention to all current combatants of this crude cavalcade of carnal sin and curmudgeonly carnage: Zarathiel is a good friend of mine,"

The table Mephisto orbited around was smashed into oblivion in response, yet the Patron didn't so much as flinch.

"And I would like to turn your bloodthirsty gazes towards the chains holding our ghoulishly beautiful Irihi hostage. Aren't they vulnerable? Aren't they just so wonderfully tantalizing to hit with all your might? Granted, I'm not entirely sure if she would be sucked into the void that awaits us all - but hey! That's just showbiz,"

He tossed another particularly ghastly smirk at Iri, chuckling just under his breath. He'd tap his staff with his claws, altering her speech patterns to be much more gravely - almost like she had smoked an entire carton of cigarettes every day for her entire life... along with all the other lives she's led.

Zarathiel, Hell’s Captor

The demon was a powerful entity rooted in more planes than mortals could comprehend. His was a monstrous presence that had survived celestial war and untold revolutions of the spheres. Aeons were but a trifling moment to Zarathiel. The weakness and pain of the flesh was as ephemeral as a soap bubble. Hell’s captor had educated hundreds of thousands of souls in the ways of pain.

However, he did not particularly appreciate the rainbow tattoo on his face, nor the shellacking he was getting from dozens of shillelaghs, warhammer, and chainsword. Roaring his frustration, Zarathiel engaged all of his elephantine tentacles in defending himself from the rain of blows.

He was not having much luck, and the indelible tattoo was headed for triple digits as Almeida caught him a tremendous blow with Valerius, that actually knocked the left tentacle aside, allowing a squadron of leaping leprechauns to lay about the demon’s head and shoulders with their blackthorn clubs.

Zjorn skipped off the impossibly tough hide of the rightmost tentacle--anchoring Zarathiel in reality--and cut into the floorboards of the pub, instead. With a crackling crash, the floor gave way, a large chunk of it falling into the smoking abyss.

The two bone chains pulled taunt as the demon released his grip on reality, sinking back into the hellish fissure. Now the slight elfwitch was the only thing anchoring Zarathiel in this realm. It seemed she would shortly be dragged with him into the chaotic plane.

Cloverleaf Craftsmen Local 112
Seeing their pint pinata about to make his escape, one of the leprechauns cried out to his brethren. {“Craic! Lads! Don’ let tha wee beastie get away! Lend me a hand naow!!”} He left off beating Zarathiel and dashed over to Irihi, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back from the abyss. About half of the Local 112 joined him, forming a chain of leprechauns behind Irihi, engaged in a tug-of-war against the inexorable weight of Hell’s Captor.

The other half of the Cloverleaf Craftsmen gathered around the edge of the fissure, trying to beat a few more pints out of Zarathiel before he fell back into the depths of hell. {“Have a care, me buckos! Someone take note o’ the counter afore tae beastie falls!”} one cried.

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf​
Equipped Titles: Tiny (0.2m), Fae,
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario

Glim had returned shortly after the resurrected Rory. Taking in the confusion of the Leprechaun storm, the bound elfwitch, and the hammer-and-tonguestongs constructs, she decided to flit over to Irihi.

As distasteful as she found the necromancer, Glim did not want to see her comrade cursed to hellfire and damnation. {“Private! What can I do? How do we free you?!”} She asked.

{{“I’m afraid…”}} Irihi started to reply to Glim, only to pause at the rusty-gravel-truck-on-a-potholed-road tenor of her voice. She scowled at the grinning Mephisto.

{{“Ha. Ha. Hilarious as always.”}} She said to the patron, without the slightest trace of humor. {{“Remember when I was talking about smelly garbage laying around being smelly? That was a metaphor. I was actually talking about you.”}} she said, before turning her attention to the leprechain forming behind her.

{{“Ugh. Get your grubby mitts off me, you drunken little monsters.”}} She protested before her attention returned to Glim.

{{“Dearheart, do you mind telling your fae friends that it is hopeless?”}} Irihi asked. {{“These chains are unbreakable. My captor is indefatigable. My fate is inexorable; I would prefer not to face it covered in greasy handprints, thank you very much.”}} She wriggled the fingers of her shackled hand--though her arm was pulled taunt by the chains drawing her down to hell--at the fissure. {{“Mephisto knows this, he is just ****ing with you.”}} Irihi sighed as she was dragged along, despite the efforts of the Local 112. {{“I’m afraid this is goodbye, Corporal.”}} Irihi said.

She turned toward Almeida and called to the hammering construct. {{“Dearheart, not that I don’t appreciate the poundings you give, but you should save your strength.”}} Irihi’s irascible tone moderated and the severe cant of her features softened as she caught Almeida’s gaze. {{“I should have liked to know you better,”}} she sighed, {{“Dearheart, but I’m glad for the time that we shared, nonetheless.”}} Irihi’s lips twitched into a rueful smile; an expression that had seldom graced her countenance in these millenia of tribulation. {{“This was… fun.”}}. Irihi nodded toward Yunaesa. {{“Thank you, both.”}} The smile faded as the elfwitch’s expression became genuinely wistful. {{“Your efforts were appreciated, dearhearts.”}}

As the wellspring of Irihi’s ire ran dry, so did her power to resist Hell’s Captor. She had enjoyed her brief resurrection and said her goodbyes. Mingling with the two constructs might have poisoned her reactor of malice that powered the fury with which she burned her way through the lands, but--even as she was dragged toward the abyss--Irihi could not help the thought that came, unbidden, to her mind, and caused her lips to twitch up
ward once again.

Worth it.


From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

“[I'm not sure why there's so many either, but it's a lot more lively at least!]” She'd speak on the leprechauns. “[Whoo! Let's go!]” She'd reply after Yuna.

Once more, the new arrival spoke in a language she couldn't figure out in the slightest. It seems he was addressing her. “[I got no clue what you're saying buddy.]” She'd reply, annoyed at his language and the fact he was talking mid-combat.

It seemed they weren't going to get Irihi back any time soon at this rate. “[Tssk.]” She grumbled, as she watched the leprechauns try to pull back Irihi. “[They're talking about countering something? I don't know! Yuna, try cut the chains with Zjorn, I'll push her back!]”

Did Almeida say push? That she did. And she meant it. She didn't understand a lot of Irihi's words, due to how old her Sylvan was, but she did get one bit. “{Oh no, you're not going anywhere! I hate sad endings just as much as I hate sappy stories!}” She smirked. “{If you like it rough, I'll get rough. Don't cry if you break some ribs though...}”

Pulling, like the leprechauns were doing, wasn't her thing. Pushing, however, she could do. “[That chain's going to be tighter than Irihi than ever when I'm moving in. That should be the ideal time to try cut it!]” She called out to Yuna, as she'd hold Valerius and prepare. “[Here we go buddy~]”

She'd run up to Irihi from opposite of the demon she was being pulled towards. Then she'd sway Valerius to cause a lot of momentum to build up... which she used to crash herself straight into Irihi with. The combined speed, strength, Athletics F and weight of the weapon should be enough to really tug on that chain. If not outright push it free again.

Swaying one leg across the chain, she'd continue to try push Irihi back, although it meant that some other privates were now stuck on the chain, that was a sacrifice worth making to try free Irihi. If they'd pull her in, they'd probably pull Almeida in first. Which should hopefully not happen with Yuna cutting the chain. Either that or things were about to get hot again. Just the far less fun variety.

“[Just hand her over already! We resurrected her fair and square!]” She argued to the demon trying to pull Irihi away.
Irihi Irihi Elvario Elvario Mephisto Mephisto

Yunaesa giggled some, "[Hah you can say that again! It is a lot more lively! I just wish they'd put in some work on this mean guy!]"

"[I don't know either!]"
She'd announce after hearing Almeida address the guy figuring that would get the point across.

"[Alright! I don't know about the countering stuff but Zjorn and me know how to cut stuff and are on it!]" Yunaesa exclaimed back, as she got ready to get to work trying to saw the chain with Zjorn, the chains on her saw blade moving around at a rapid rate.

She'd nod, with a look of determination on her face. "[Alright let's wait for the right moment Zjorn!]" She'd raise the chainsaw above her head.

Regardless of what happens with Almeida crashing and trying to get Irihi free, when the chain looked the most taut to Yunaesa she'd throw in a full force

Slash!- [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

Attack, using the momentum from Almeida's actions, instead of letting up, Yunaesa pressed onward using as many additional basic attacks as she was permitted to go into sustained pressure on the chain.

"[Give her back now!]"
Yunaesa Actions:

1. Try to Cut chain at optimal taut time with Slash ability.
2. Sustained damage from basic attack
3. Sustained damage from basic attack.

Irihi was truly touched to see how adamant Almeida and Yunaesa were about saving her. She was also mooshed up against the former’s rather formidable assets. It was a little unbecoming, but--when it came to Almeida, Irihi did not so much mind losing her poise. What she did mind was Almeida being dragged down with her. The necromancer’s tack and trade was in desecration of the flesh. Her life had been forged by pain and torment. There was no depravity Almy Zarathiel could inflict upon her worse than what had already been done.

The same was not true of her new friends. Irihi knew, from experience, that her fondness for this pair could become a weapon with which Hell’s Captor could actually wound her. Oh, those injuries would scab over with the scar tissue of fury, certainly, but Irihi had so little soul remaining, she did not know how much more diamond dust could be chipped from her coal-black heart, nor did she want to find out. So she tried, unsuccessfully to push Almeida away.

{{“It’s impossible dearh--”}} Irihi started to protest as Zjorn ground away at the unbreakable bone links of her chain.

Then one of the unbreakable links parted with a snap like a gunshot.

{{“Wait--what the ****?!!”}} Irihi momentarily lost composure, wrapping her arms and legs around Almeida as the world tilted crazily underfoot. She was still caught fast by a single chain, but--impossibly--one of her bindings had been shorn by Zjorn.

The leprechain went sprawling, though they maintained their grip on Irihi.

Zarathiel, Hell’s Captor
The chains were not chains--the image of a chain was simply the best a mortal brain could reconcile the evil eldritch magic binding Irihi to Hell’s Captor. With one of the twin spell chains broken, the local plane reality warped and distorted. Gehenna itself began to be dragged off its axis by the misaligned forces of darkness, and a furious roaring, towering flames, and fountains of sparks (some decidedly rainbow-hued) gushed from the fissure to hell as Zarathiel wrapped all seven of his tentacles around the remaining spell chain and began rapidly ascending it, screeching out his shock and rage.


Zarathiel didn’t speak in the true sense of the word. Instead, the monstrous demon’s raging warnings rang as a mental storm in the heads of all present--much like Glim’s telepathy--in all the arcane languages of Gehenna.

Too bad Analogue wasn’t one of them.


From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

“[I think they're trying?]” Almeida tried defend the leprechauns. They did seem to be doing stuff all over the place.

“[Crank it like a chainsaw!]” Almeida gave Yuna some words of encouragement.

“[MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! BEHOLD THE MIGHTY ZJORN AND YUNA!!! WELL DONE!!!]” She called out aloud and triumphantly when seeing Yuna cut through the chains with Zjorn.

Feeling Irihi wrap around her, she was a tad confused. “{Wait up a bit more before we continue, I think there's one left.}” She'd tell the necromancer.

“[The hell is he doing?]” She asked upon seeing Zarathiel do all sorts of sparks and rainbows like some sort of fireworks fountain being set ablaze in the middle of the building. Talk about being a fire hazard.

That said, she could see the tentacles all wrapped around the chains all of a sudden. “%Valerius and I will smash off those tentacles, make sure to try cut through the second chain after!%” She'd tell Yuna in analogue.

She had no clue what the demon entity was shouting, but she didn't mind it all that much either. “{Sorry Dearheart, I gotta turn around for a bit.}” Almeida said, as she followed-up on her words. Not wanting to get Irihi dragged further, but also needing to face the Demon, she turned around and shoved her ass up against Irihi to provide some counter-force and push her back whilst she got Valerius ready to swing.

Pushing into Irihi with all the force her ass legs could muster, she simultaneously loosened up her shoulders to swing down Valerius. “%On three! One, two, three!%” She counted down, then swinging Valerius down on the tentacle-wrapped chain with a mighty [Full-On-Hammering E] to get rid of all those tentacles. Hoping that Yuna would be able to follow-up by cutting the next chain afterwards.

Full-On-Hammering E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Deflect E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E – The full force of Valerius' wrath.- Grade E – 3 actions – 1 post Cooldown.

Irihi Irihi Elvario Elvario

"[Oh course they're trying! I appreciate it, I just wish it'd hurt the bad more!]"

Yunaesa did crank it like a chainsaw quite literally. Albeit a much more powerful than normal chainsaw based on the material used, which probably had some magical elements supercharging it but still.

Yunaesa grinned at hearing Almeida and seeing the chain cut. "[Yeah that's right! Bet you didn't think Zjorn would be able to do it you mean demon! That's what you get for messing with us, your stuff gets broken! Just like your face and guts are about be if you don't give up Irihi and get out of here!]"

Yunaesa also noticed Zarathiel doing a bunch of strange colorful things. "[No clue but It'd be kinda pretty if it wasn't coming from such a jerk!]"

She nodded, "%You got it Almy!%" clicking back to Almeida in Analog. Hopefully this covert plan in Analog would catch the demon looking guy off guard.

Yunaesa upon seeing the opening with the chain should there be one promptly came up and started using Zjorn once again, revving him up before she brought the blade down full force on the chain in the best spot she could, presumably after Almeida made progress on clearing tentacles away.

She'd go in for yet another Slash! Attack. The energy coming off of Zjorn's blade with sparks.

Slash!- [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

She'd commit again with as many sustained follow up basic attacks as she'd be allowed, a look of determination on her face Come on..Come on Zjorn you did it once! Do it again!

Yunaesa would think to herself.

While she was attacking she'd follow up with a defiant "[Shout all you want! It won't save you from me and Zjorn Not when you mess with our friends!]"

for good effect. She'd also subconsciously present her left hand with her middle finger positioned upright vertically after the attack, directed at Zarathel.

Yunaesa actions:
1. Yunaesa attacks chain with:
Slash!- [Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.
2 & 3; Yunaesa uses remaining basic attack actions to deal sustained damage to try to cut chain once again using as much force as she can muster.
Last edited:
Zarathiel, Hell’s Captor
The demon, not quite at the fissure, felt the rainbow hit counter on its forehead hit triple digits with Almeida’s tremendous hammer blow. Roaring with anger, it pulled back its foremost tentacles, just as Zjorn sawed through the last link of the spellcraft binding Zarathiel to Irihi. The angry roar became a fading screech of frustration as the fell being fell back into the fell pit of fallen felons.

Cloverleaf Craftsmen Local 112
The local leprechaun union gave a cheer with their president leaping atop the bar and raising his shillelagh. {“HUZZAH!! Grand! Grand! A hunnert free pints Lads! Be sure ta share with the ladies present!”} He swept off his sparkly green top hat and bowed to the quartet of necromancer, constructs, and fairy.

Pried from Almeida and completely perplexed by the ability of her two mortal friends with benefits to destroy the untouchable magic of Gehenna, Irihi wavered on her feet now that she was unbound. She placed a hand on Almeida’s shoulder to steady herself. {{“That… how…?”}} The elfwitch was a practiced hand at consuming demons and wreaking havoc in the chaotic realm, but such endeavors were never so simple or easy. She raised her free hand to examine the bone shackle there. The chain of forbidden spellcraft had dissolved away to nothing, but her bindings remained.

A fashion statement, I suppose. Irihi shrugged to herself and then spoke to Glim, giving delayed answer to the fairy’s question. {{“If you could, corporal, be a dear and seal that portal to hell?”}} She requested. {{“My talent lies in casting spells, not breaking them.”}}

Irihi did not think that she was yet completely quit of Hell’s Captor. More likely her reckoning was just delayed. Still, when is that not the case for one such as I? {{“Well then, dearhearts.”}} Irihi began, but then found herself at something of a loss for words. No one had rescued the elfwitch from anything since… well, ever.

Gratitude was a new emotion for Irihi, and she was not quite sure what to do with it or how to express it. She supposed she ought to, however.

In the most inappropriate way possible, of course.

Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf
Equipped Titles: Tiny (0.2m), Fae,
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario

{%”I… I can try.%}” The fairy answered Irihi. She flitted cautiously over to the rift in reality, sensing the warping of the leylines that allowed the portal between planes to remain open.

The magic was not so different from that which she used to teleport from place to place within this plane of existence, and the fairy set to weaving the rift together. After a few moments, the portal was sealed. A few scorched floorboards and a lingering smell of brimstone was the only evidence that Hell’s Captor had ever darkened Rory’s doorstep.

Corporal Glimmerleaf made a dusting-off motion with her hands, shedding a few sparkles as she turned in midair. {%“Well, that’s that, I suppose. I must say, this his has been the strangest da--Oh!! Jesus wept, private!! Can you three PLEASE do that somewhere more private!!?”%}


From: Almeida
Mentions: Irihi Irihi | Yuna TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> | {Sylvan}

When they did it, Almeida cheered. “[WHOOO!!! HELL YEAH, GET BACK TO... HELL, YEAH!!!]” She smiled, big-time. “[High five!]” She'd hold her hand up for Yuna. “[Weapon tap!]” She'd hold Valerius up for Zjorn. “[Between the four of us, and I guess those leprechauns in this case, not even the demons of hell stand a chance!]”

Smiling, she turned to the Leprechuans. “{We'll take all the Soy Sauce..? Soya..?}” “[What was that stuff you had again, Yuna? I want to order it as well now?]”

When Irihi asked her how, she'd tilt her head. “{Because we're all strong and awesome, of course!}” She'd reply without a shred of doubt in her mind. “{Are those gonna stay?}” She asked, pointing at the remaining bindings.

“{You're welcome!}” She replied, as it seemed like Irihi was stuck on how to say 'thank you' for a bit. It happened to the best of them, of course.

“{You can do it! And thanks for helping out earlier Glim!}” She thanked the fairy. “{You're totally awesome as well, worthy of keeping up with Yuna, Valerius, Zjorn and I!}” She'd praise the fairy for her aid, as she'd been the one to bring the team back together.

“%Are bonding rituals not a public thing?%” She asked. If so, they'd surely been doing it a wrong. “{Can we get our so-you first?}” She asked, as she didn't really mind what Irihi was doing, but she did want a drink. A fight like that was a good way to get thirsty... and no, not just in Irihi's manner.

“{Once we're done with that, I can try to for a triathlon!}” She felt like she'd seen enough exercise like bonding ritual stuff to know how to get in three... Oh, she had a brilliant idea. “{Oh, I think we could even do a heptathlon!}” She was counting in her mind and mumbling. “{Yeah... there... there... then there... then like that... then like that... then I do that... and then finally that.}” There were definitely seven bonding exercises she could think of to make it an entire heptathlon. At least. It seemed the fight hadn't exactly worn her out all that much. Other than wanting a drink, she was good to get in even more physical exercise.

“[Hey Yuna, do you think what Irihi's doing counts as post-battle stretches and exercises? I don't want to get a muscle-ache again. Perhaps we should combine them as otherwise the booze and battle combination may cause us to cramp up later. I hate it when my flesh-based muscles do that. The metal parts are a lot better in that regard, cause the most they do is creak and rust a little.]” She'd nod to herself, feeling pretty clever.

Irihi Irihi Elvario Elvario


Zjorn proceeded to tap with Valerius.

"[Right on, I didn't know that Leppard-cauns could be so small and effective!]" She'd also say a word differently.

"[Heck yes, let's get some Soju!]" She'd look between Almeida and the fae guys who were pretty cool now to Yunaesa for sticking it out after one of their own had gotten offed and then came back.

Yunaesa was in pretty high spirits at this point.

She thought whatever was going on was pretty cool should she be able to see the portal sealing, even if she wasn't really sure how any of it worked.

"%Hey that's a cool trick Corporal, I don't know much about magic but if it means that big bad won't come back great job!%"

"%Oh they aren't? I Just thought you could do them where ever and with whoever you liked to be honest.%" She'd add on the topic of rituals.

She was then in thought about Soju, and how they were going to have it and celebrate, but it wasn't long before Almeida had another question.

"[Oh yeah! You could count it as post battle stretching and exercises, I don't wanna get cramped either cause the muscles parts on me can get that way too! I dunno, I like to put a coating on my metal parts to help them not rust, so that's one less issue I usually have..but that's besides the point, yeah I think stretching, drinking and baths, personally are a great way to help you feeling good after fighting and working hard!]" She announced enthusiastically.

It seemed that Yunaesa was pretty pleased and ready to go with the celebratory flow, and if any would be demons would come back she'd be more than happy to show them the power that Zjorn really possessed. But for now she was ready to chill out and have some fun, before her next excursion.
Freshen Up [The See of Chearon - Tea Party]
1. **Narrators Involved**
- List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.

2. **Narrator Standing**
- Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.
IRIHI: Character - Characters

3. **Summary of the Roleplay**
- Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.

Summary of Events and Actions:

After the Battle of M’lrnya, the constructs Yunaesa (Yuna) and Almeida (Almy) carried the remains of their compatriots, Corporal Iona Glimmerleaf (Glim), and Private Irihi Spokelse to a fabled healing bath house. They successfully revived the departed warriors and caused something of a stir in the bath house, enthusiastically celebrating their allies’ return to the world of the living.

A pair of demons interrupted the festivities. Leprechauns exploded, banshees pitched fits, and a storm of shamrocks and rainbow glitter ensued. Events concluded with one of the demons being banished back to hell and celebratory drinks and
not fit for print
all around.

4. **Goal Achievement**
- Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.
Success - Irihi and Glim were resurrected and kept alive-ish.

5. **Criminal Acts Perpetrated**
- List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.
Kinda depends on the local laws regarding smut.

6. **Lore to Establish**
- Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including:
- Brief descriptions for lore moderators.
- Links to the posts where the lore was established.
- Nation of origin associated with the lore.

Nothing consequential.

7. **Partial Participants**
- Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.

Mephisto - Character - Characters Mephisto Mephisto made a cameo in a pair of posts.

8. **Partial Participant Invaders**
- Note if any partial participants were invaders.
- Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.


9. **Full-Time Participants**
- List all full-time participants, including:
- Character names.
- RPer names.
- Links to their character sheets.

Almeida - Character - Characters
Elvario Elvario

Almy was the main driver behind bringing Irihi back to life and engaging in post-battle coi--celebratory bonding rituals.

Yunaesa - Character - Characters TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Yuna revived Glim and kept her company, until joining in the fu--festivities, much to the stoic fairy’s dismay.

10. **Characters with Point Boosters**
- Identify any characters who used point boosters, including:
- Links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient).


11. **Recommended Titles**
- Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.
Hoo. Lots of ideas, none of them decent.

12. **Assets/Titles Roleplayed For**
- List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.

13. **Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles**
- Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.
Irihi - [Wanted by The Eastern Empire]

14. **Hunters' Involvement**
- Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.
One of Irihi’s pursuers made an appearance.

15. **Special Skills or Assets**
- List characters possessing:
- Buddy skills.
- Masterwork skills.
- Complex assets.
Almeida has (downtime activities)

16. **Transactions Performed**
- Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as:
- Weapon exchanges.
- Asset transfers.

17. **Rules Utilized**
- Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay:
- No rules.
- Some rules.
- Advanced in-house (IH) rules.
No rules.

18. **Character Sheet Oddities**
- Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases.
- Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.

19. **Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates**
- Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay.
- Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.

Irihi and Glim were un-unalived. The filters in some of the hot springs need changing. Lots and lots and lots of bleach needs to be liberally applied pretty much everywhere, though it probably won’t be.

20. **Narrator Bonuses**
- Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to players based on their performance.
Elvario Elvario deserves a bonus for their (uncomfortably)creative use of allegory
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece deserves a bonus for consistently reacting to every posted action.

21. **Additional Notes**
- Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.

Nothing Further

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