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Fantasy Fresh Crimson...Players' Page

@Riuma I'm using the dates from my calendar and a different web site. It may not be the most precise but it's likely the easiest since anyone can just glance at their calendar and know when the full moon is. It's probable that I'll be flexible with the 24 hr time period, though.

Your calculations are assuming that vampires mature at the same rate as humans. You say that at 25 years of age he would be the equivalent of a 5 year old, but you're forgetting that he has experience in those 25 years. Also, the point is kind of supposed to be that you are young and about to set off on your own. This is merely the beginning of your journey and it's highly unlikely you will play all 300 years of a vampire's lifespan in this little quest rpg. At this point think "college student" if you wish. They're setting off on their own, have to learn their way around the world, and are starting to explore their own abilities as well as gain things for themselves.  

Thank you for voting. Now go vote in the presidential elections!!! (which is, coincidentally, taking place on my birthday... but you didn't need to know that.) 
@Riuma I'm using the dates from my calendar and a different web site. It may not be the most precise but it's likely the easiest since anyone can just glance at their calendar and know when the full moon is. It's probable that I'll be flexible with the 24 hr time period, though.

Not all calendars say the same thing. Also, who even uses physical calendars these days? Phone apps and the internet are rendering them useless.

Your calculations are assuming that vampires mature at the same rate as humans. You say that at 25 years of age he would be the equivalent of a 5 year old, but you're forgetting that he has experience in those 25 years. Also, the point is kind of supposed to be that you are young and about to set off on your own. This is merely the beginning of your journey and it's highly unlikely you will play all 300 years of a vampire's lifespan in this little quest rpg. At this point think "college student" if you wish. They're setting off on their own, have to learn their way around the world, and are starting to explore their own abilities as well as gain things for themselves.  

College student when they've experienced 8.3% of their life? That's ridiculous. Humans go to college at 18, when they've been through 25% of their life. 25% of 300 is 75. The average age of a graduate student is 33, which is 46% of their life. 46% of 300 is 138.

The vampire should be between the ages of 75 and 138.

Keep in mind, ages between 75 and 138 are still really young for a vampire. I very much doubt that education for vampires would be so short when they live for 300 years. Imagine how much more they could learn. 
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Not all calendars say the same thing. Also, who even uses physical calendars these days? Phone apps and the internet are rendering them useless.

Well, excuse me for using a physical calendar. My phone recently died and is irreversibly damaged (the store couldn't fix it and neither could the tech people). So sorry for being antiquated. But I'm sticking to what I said in the first post. Besides, does it really matter? It's just so we can have a set time to hold events. Since we are all supposed to have watched this page, I'm sure finding the dates above and posting on that date wouldn't be too difficult. I expect you are all intelligent people here. Surely that's not too much expectation...?

College student when they've experienced 8.3% of their life? That's ridiculous. Humans go to college at 18, when they've been through 25% of their life. 25% of 300 is 75. The average age of a graduate student is 33, which is 46% of their life. 46% of 300 is 138. The vampire should be between the ages of 75 and 138.

Keep in mind, ages between 75 and 138 are still really young for a vampire. I very much doubt that education for vampires would be so short when they live for 300 years. Imagine how much more they could learn. 

Vamps also have a lot more time to accrue knowledge after they go out on their own. Real life experience counts more than books. You can't get fighting and killing experience within that time because it's forbidden to kill another vampire (and have your own human bloodsources) until you're legally independent of parents. If you think this is so ridiculous, then why join in the first place? I'm touching on the fact of college being a time in life where people, young people, separate from their family and begin to make decisions. You still aren't giving me an argument that rings true. I understand the math, but you do realize there is a chance they will die before reaching 300, due to competition, humans etc. I also didn't want to start the rp when a third of your life is already past and you didn't have much of a say in the matter. 25 years is a good time to start because you have the basics down and your sire cannot control every aspect of your life anymore. At 25 you are physically mature for the most part and it's time to begin to fend for yourself. Your parents cannot provide enough food for that long for so many children. Also, vampires in this case are solitary and don't come together except to raise a family, so it's not like they need/want their children to remain with them forever. They're more like pushing the fledglings out to learn how to fly. Sure, they are still linked with their kinspeople and may live close to them. And if their rights/property/etc. are violated the family will stand behind them.  

It's also not up for debate. It's been done that way according to tradition for hundreds of years before the beginning of this story... and the last thing I'm going to do is change it because you think it's unreasonable. Life is more than math. Vampires age differently and you can't expect them to follow human growth stages. These are all things you should know already.  
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Well, excuse me for using a physical calendar. My phone recently died and is irreversibly damaged (the store couldn't fix it and neither could the tech people). So sorry for being antiquated. But I'm sticking to what I said in the first post. Besides, does it really matter? It's just so we can have a set time to hold events. Since we are all supposed to have watched this page, I'm sure finding the dates above and posting on that date wouldn't be too difficult. I expect you are all intelligent people here. Surely that's not too much expectation...?

That wasn't an insult, I was just surprised. 

I like being realistic, is all.

Vamps also have a lot more time to accrue knowledge after they go out on their own. Real life experience counts more than books. You can't get fighting and killing experience within that time because it's forbidden to kill another vampire (and have your own human bloodsources) until you're legally independent of parents. If you think this is so ridiculous, then why join in the first place? I'm touching on the fact of college being a time in life where people, young people, separate from their family and begin to make decisions. You still aren't giving me an argument that rings true. I understand the math, but you do realize there is a chance they will die before reaching 300, due to competition, humans etc. I also didn't want to start the rp when a third of your life is already past and you didn't have much of a say in the matter. 25 years is a good time to start because you have the basics down and your sire cannot control every aspect of your life anymore. It's also not up for debate. It's been done that way according to tradition for hundreds of years before the beginning of this story... and the last thing I'm going to do is change it because you think it's unreasonable. Life is more than math. Vampires age differently and you can't expect them to follow human growth stages. These are all things you should know already.  

There are things experience can teach that books can't, and books can teach that experience can't. Books can't teach a blind person what colors look like, but experiencing those colors (seeing them) can. Experience can't teach someone the laws of physics, but books can.

In the vampire community, I'd assume that 75 would be the age a vampire would be legally independent of their parents.

Also, what do you mean "It's been done that way according to tradition for hundreds of years before the beginning of this story..."? Just because it's been that way in other books, doesn't mean that you have to do that.

Also, you forget: The dates that I've been highlighting, like the age of independence from your parents, are based on math for humans.
That wasn't an insult, I was just surprised. 

I like being realistic, is all.

Calendars are real. End of conversation. XP

There are things experience can teach that books can't, and books can teach that experience can't. Books can't teach a blind person what colors look like, but experiencing those colors (seeing them) can. Experience can't teach someone the laws of physics, but books can.

In the vampire community, I'd assume that 75 would be the age a vampire would be legally independent of their parents.

Also, what do you mean "It's been done that way according to tradition for hundreds of years before the beginning of this story..."? Just because it's been that way in other books, doesn't mean that you have to do that.

Also, you forget: The dates that I've been highlighting, like the age of independence from your parents, are based on math for humans.

I know. 

Great. I don't care what your assumptions are. This is my story. I'M the author. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated and heard.

I am not drawing from other books. This is just backstory (which you're not really supposed to know yet but I digress.) That's the age that purebloods are let free to fend for themselves. They've trained within their family. Probably seen a hunt or two. Understand how Society works. Has spent time with their family. They could have been schooled for15-20 years by now.

Let me ask you: would YOU like to have your parents rule your life for 75 years? The majority would say no. Although perhaps you'd like that...? I've already said too much, I'll let you find out more during the story if you wish to continue.  

No, I never forgot. I'm saying that they are not humans. Thus the math doesn't correlate one to one. Understand what I'm saying? 

@everyone Does anyone else have a problem with the age or dates of the full moon?
Calendars are real. End of conversation. XP

You misunderstood. "I like being realistic" was a response to you asking if it mattered.

I am not drawing from other books. This is just backstory (which you're not really supposed to know yet but I digress.) That's the age that purebloods are let free to fend for themselves. They've trained within their family. Probably seen a hunt or two. Understand how Society works. Has spent time with their family. They could have been schooled for15-20 years by now.

Using something in-story as an argument during a debate about changing the story is not that great of an argument, if you know what I mean.

Let me ask you: would YOU like to have your parents rule your life for 75 years? The majority would say no. Although perhaps you'd like that...? I've already said too much, I'll let you find out more during the story if you wish to continue.  

It's the equivalent of them ruling my life for 18 years. 75 is nothing compared to 300.

No, I never forgot. I'm saying that they are not humans. Thus the math doesn't correlate one to one. Understand what I'm saying? 

I understand. You're right, it's your decision, I just feel that 25 is a little too young for a vampire to be leaving their parents already.

1. Vampiric patriarchy is more stringent than human parent-child relations. 

2. What that 15-20 year education was supposed to do is get their impulses, abilities, and powers under control. Since they've achieved this feat they can move on ... or are you suggesting it would take a lot longer...? Sometimes they do get out of control but the family will take care of their liberated descendants for as long as needed, sometimes their entire life except when they die of course. And parents will also continue to teach and mentor their young until they are stable by themselves (maybe 20-50 more years?) 

3. Another reason why the college allusion isn't complete is because they will be in the same area, just free to roam about more and more liable for their own actions. But in this case, you're going to leave Society so they will cut off all relations to you. Essentially you'll not be acknowledged as an actual vampire anymore.

4. Numbers are numbers are numbers. It doesn't really matter as long as they do leave. I also just felt weird saying that they had to live for 50+ years under direct parental care. That's too much. 
2. What that 15-20 year education was supposed to do is get their impulses, abilities, and powers under control. Since they've achieved this feat they can move on ... or are you suggesting it would take a lot longer...? Sometimes they do get out of control but the family will take care of their liberated descendants for as long as needed, sometimes their entire life except when they die of course. And parents will also continue to teach and mentor their young until they are stable by themselves (maybe 20-50 more years?) 

Well there's also necessary skills that we learn in school, like math and reading. Grade school, college, and graduate school still doesn't teach us everything, and vampires have to learn their powers too. And imagine how much more someone could learn if they could live 300 years.

3. Another reason why the college allusion isn't complete is because they will be in the same area, just free to roam about more and more liable for their own actions. But in this case, you're going to leave Society so they will cut off all relations to you. Essentially you'll not be acknowledged as an actual vampire anymore.

How does being in the same area justify short college time? 

4. Numbers are numbers are numbers. It doesn't really matter as long as they do leave. I also just felt weird saying that they had to live for 50+ years under direct parental care. That's too much. 

You seem like you're only able to compare things to human time.

Vampires live for 3 centuries. 75 years is nothing compared to 3 centuries, and is the equivalent of spending 18 years with your parents as a human. That's 225 years not under parental care, which is 75% of your life. 75% of our life is 53 years. 71 - 53 is 18. 

Leaving your parents at 25 years old as a vampire is equivalent to leaving your parents at 5 years old as a human, considering that they are both 8.3% of your life.
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Well there's also necessary skills that we learn in school, like math and reading. Grade school, college, and graduate school still doesn't teach us everything, and vampires have to learn their powers too. And imagine how much more someone could learn if they could live 300 years.

Yes, they're given the basics I presume of class subjects we may have in school... just from the vampire's point of view. OK: They don't stop learning after they leave. In fact, that's when they begin learning more hands on, applicable things as well as broadening their scope in whatever interests they have. I'm guessing that once they are independent that they would be given access to older, more delicate, and more important documents than when they were just being drilled in BASICS. 

How does being in the same area justify short college time? 

Many people leave their families to go get an education. In this case, we have them staying around their parents within easy access of their 300 odd years of knowledge. Make sense to you?

You are simply re-stating what you have said so many times before. I understand the math. I get that. What you aren't getting is that just because a fraction of a total time they live doesn't mean they learn much slower or anything. You seem to not be able to understand that they can learn just as humans do and given the same amount of time they will learn approximately the same amount of material as humans. Thus, at the end of their lives (given a natural death) they will be much wiser, more knowledgeable, and more experienced than any human. Capiche? 
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Hit list: (PLEASE POST)

Choice 1: You see the sentient human species had a lot to offer. Co-existence would be mutually beneficial.

Choice 2: Follow after the figure risking your father’s wrath, using Shadow Concealment to your advantage. Time to put that power to use in the prologue.
Choice 1: Seeing the effects of the Vampire’s Way, you wish to begin your own community from scratch, as it suits you. 

Choice 2: Follow after the figure risking your father’s wrath, using Shadow Concealment to your advantage.
The next poll is open! Please vote in this poll as it has the most choices so far: 2 write-ins and 2 choices. If you still have not voted, you will be removed if you don't vote now.

Thank you :)  
Write-in 1: Dark brown, looks almost black.

Write-in 2: Short and shiny blood red hair.

Choice 1: As normal.

Choice 2: Open the box.
Write-In 1:  Dark brown, looks almost black.

Write-In 2: Short and shiny blood red hair.

Seconding Riuma's write-ins for this.

Choice 1: As normal.

Choice 2: Open the box. Mystery box options are always fun.
I third Riuma's write-ins.

Choice 1: As extraordinary. Gotta get MC some bonus points with the vampire ladies.

Choice 2: Open the box. Might as well steal Daddy's secrets if the other guy didn't.
I've just finished posting the end of Thief In The Day. The next chapter will come shortly. Thanks for those who are participating.
I've just finished posting the end of Thief In The Day. The next chapter will come shortly. Thanks for those who are participating.

Meanwhile I've been thinking how vampires can be considered nonliving/experiencing 'un-life'.

The requirements of life are:

1. Must be composed of cells.
2. Levels of organization (ex. Tissue, organ, organ system). 
3. Use of energy.
4. Response to environment. 
5. Growth.
6. Reproduction. 
7. Adaptation to environment.

Vampires must be lacking one of them to be nonliving.

So what do vampires already have?:

1. Must be composed of cells. We know for sure vampires have similar anatomy to us, and there is much to suggest they have cells. "Your Clan has migrated over to the New World in pursuit of their standard prey, seeking new territory, and wanting to establish the power of their families."  While this is vague, it implies they eat similar things to us, and they would need blood for a reason.

2. Levels of organization (ex. Tissue, organ, organ system). What happens to the blood when vampires consume it? Again, they need it for a reason.

3. Use of energy. They definitely use energy, considering they eat food.

4. Response to environment. This sounds like #7.

5. Growth. The idea of vampires aging has been mentioned before, but this does not mean they biologically age. I find this hard to believe, however, considering that vampires can reproduce (see below). 

6. Reproduction. The main character has parents, which suggests that vampires do indeed reproduce, unless a parent is something different. Can vampires turn humans? I would find this hard to believe considering the cultural divide; if vampires were predators of humans, you'd think they'd live close.

7. Adaptation to environment. We have proof from the story vampires adapt to the environment. "Through the ages, the Vampire clans have evolved so sunlight merely burns the skin after a couple hours, but can be countered by wearing layered dark clothing, though your eyes are still vulnerable to direct light." This is adapting to the environment. A sense of pain also suggests #1 and #2.
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Meanwhile I've been thinking how vampires can be considered nonliving/experiencing 'un-life'.

The requirements of life are:

1. Must be composed of cells.
2. Levels of organization (ex. Tissue, organ, organ system). 
3. Use of energy.
4. Response to environment. 
5. Growth.
6. Reproduction. 
7. Adaptation to environment.

Vampires must be lacking one of them to be nonliving.

So what do vampires already have?:

1. Must be composed of cells. We know for sure vampires have similar anatomy to us, and there is much to suggest they have cells. "Your Clan has migrated over to the New World in pursuit of their standard prey, seeking new territory, and wanting to establish the power of their families."  While this is vague, it implies they eat similar things to us, and they would need blood for a reason.

2. Levels of organization (ex. Tissue, organ, organ system). What happens to the blood when vampires consume it? Again, they need it for a reason.

3. Use of energy. They definitely use energy, considering they eat food.

4. Response to environment. This sounds like #7.

5. Growth. The idea of vampires aging has been mentioned before, but this does not mean they biologically age. I find this hard to believe, however, considering that vampires can reproduce (see below). 

6. Reproduction. The main character has parents, which suggests that vampires do indeed reproduce, unless a parent is something different. Can vampires turn humans? I would find this hard to believe considering the cultural divide; if vampires were predators of humans, you'd think they'd live close.

7. Adaptation to environment. We have proof from the story vampires adapt to the environment. "Through the ages, the Vampire clans have evolved so sunlight merely burns the skin after a couple hours, but can be countered by wearing layered dark clothing, though your eyes are still vulnerable to direct light." This is adapting to the environment.

Those are good thoughts. Glad to see deeper thinking taking place. I have a reason the term "unlife" is used. NOTE: I did not use the term "undead," which is used more for zombies. *laugh* I guess you'll find out later... hehe. More lore to come...
Choice 1: Feel your stomach drop in disgust at the notion of feeding on a newly born child.

Write-in 1: Ask to be left alone to feed (maybe use some independence argument) and when they are gone, take the kid and leave.
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