Fresh Blood (Naga x Heidi Jinx)


"After eight months of harsh training and learning, I congratulate Heidi Jinx as a new member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Your job is to now monitor America and spy on suspicious citizens. Until Dan can get back to Syria, he will be your partner. Keep in mind, if Dan has a different plan then what the FBI trained you, feel free to voice your opinion. The CIA teaches differently. Now, dismissed and Godspeed." the deputy director of the FBI said to Dan and Heidi.

The two intelligence officers walked out and went to the lobby, where they sat down to discuss a few things.

"Very good job Heidi. I knew you would get this job. You are FBI material, and deserve it. Well anyway, how did you fare in the training. I'm eager to know." Dan asked Heidi. It seemed like a new day for Dan. He had never taught anyone, so this was his chance for a good place to start.

She will be an amazing agent, Dan thought. Little did he know that later Heidi's skills would be put to the test.
Heidi grinned at her new partner. The brand-spanking-new badge felt right in her pocket, and she felt like she could take on the world.

"Oh, my time in Quantico wasn't too bad." she started. "I got decent marks in everything, and I was exceptional in marksmanship. I'm sure between what I've learned and what you have to teach me, I'll do great."

"So where do we go from here? I say we go celebrate."
"Good idea." Dan replied. "I'm not much of a drinker, so I wonder where... oh! Let's go to Starbucks. I like coffee." he smiled. The officer stood up from his seat and walked towards the door and opening it, allowing Heidi to exit.


10:58 a.m.

Langley, Virginia

Langley Hospital

Mohamed stood up in the helicopter. It was his chance to strike fear into the American's hearts. He loaded up a standard issue K5 1 megaton bomb in his backpack. The bomb was shrunk, so he could transport it. Sliding down a rope onto the hospital roof, Mohamed surveyed the area and planted the bomb. It was set for 30 seconds.

"Time to die, Americans." the terrorist laughed as he flew away on the helicopter. Half a minute later, the bomb exploded, creating a massive fireball that engulfed teh hospital and everyone in it, except for a few survivors.
Coffee shops have always been the cliche meeting spots of spies and criminals alike, because their dim lighting and their design that facilitated intimate conversation. As they sat over their lattes, Heidi reflexively looked around for wandering ears before asking Dan, "So what exactly does the CIA have for you in Syria?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the buzzing of his vibrating cell phone against the wooden table.

"That looks important." she said. "You probably should get that."
Dan sipped his coffee. He always loved Starbucks. It brought people together, made people happy.

"Well, Heidi. I was put in Syria to gather intelligence-" Dan stopped when he heard the soft buzz of his phone. He picked it up and heard panic from a lady.

"Please help us Dan! Some terrorist destroyed the hospital and killed most of the patients. Now they are sending reinforcements to kill the rest of us! Please- AGHH" the call ended with a cut of transmission.

"Heidi... you up for your first mission? Some terrorist attacked the Langley hospital and are sending reinforcements to kill everyone. Let's go!" Dan quickly said before popping up from his seat and rushing to the CIA car.
The adrenaline was already pumping in her veins as she slid into the passenger's seat of Dan's agency car. She had been young when 9/11 had happened, but she still held the memories of the fear and confusion that the people around her had felt, as well as how it had shaken the nation's confidence. These people have to be stopped...we can't regress back to that time.

She tapped a crimson nail against the small monitor on his dashboard. "Can we get a briefing on these guys? Have they made any threats, demands? I don't think this was just a random event, and I don't want to go in there without any intel."
She's doing better than I thought, Dan told himself while smiling. His short good mood turned to serious when he heard Heidi's question. The officer's hands moved across the dashboard and found his answer.

"His name is Mohamed. 23 years old, nationality is Pakistani, and his message was 'America needs to pay'. Apparently that is it. The CIA didn't get anything else on him. Dammit we are practically blind. Well let's just get there." Dan finished his talk and pulled out his Smith and Wesson 50. cal handgun. Then he hit the gas and began to drive to the hospital.


Somewhere on a roof, Mohamed's right hand man, Barr, pointed an RPG at the CIA car. Barr loaded a missile and pulled the trigger, sending the rocket towards Dan and Heidi. It impacted, sending the two government agents and their car flying away, but they were still alive.

"Hahahaha. Mohamed, they won't be coming back." Barr said through his ear-piece as he walked off. 
(Sorry! I'm in the middle of moving, so my posts might be slow for today and I'll be away tomorrow. Don't worry though -- I'm watching the thread, so I won't miss any posts when I come back.)

"Of course." Heidi groaned, irritated by the lack of information. Nevertheless, she prepared herself, pushing the magazine in the butt of her Glock 26 with an audible click. It would be her first time using it in the field, and she tried to get used to the feeling of it in the palm of her hand.

The still on fire hospital came into view, and Heidi took deep breaths to mentally prepare herself. Despite the fact they were in the car with the windows closed, the gritty smoke was seeping in, making her eyes water.

"You ready?" she asked her partner, hand on the door.

She never got a response. The next time she opened her eyes, she was on the ground, underneath twisted metal.

"Ughh." she groaned, managing to summon some strength to at least wiggle herself free. Her body was in intense pain, but from what she could tell nothing was broken. After a few excruciating moments she pulled herself up and into a seated position.

"Dan?" she called out, looking around for her partner.
Dan awoke after a few minutes, and twisted his body around. The pain was insane, but the officer got up. He surveyed his surroundings. They were at the hospital, and the lady from earlier was right. It was gone, completely razed. Then Dan heard the soft voice of his partner.

"Heidi, I'm coming towards you." he said. Dan began limping towards Heidi. Out of nowhere, bullets clanged against the metal of the black car, and the CIA officer dove across to the other side. He landed on the side Heidi was behind, and backed up against the wall. Dan then popped up and fired a precision shot with his handgun, catching one of the terrorists in the face and killing him. There had to be at least twenty.

"Hey. There is about a brigade-sized terrorist group out there, and they all have AK-47s. We can't take them alone without the S.W.A.T or something, so I suggest getting out of here as soon as possible." Dan told Heidi as he peeked above and fired another shot, this time missing by three inches.
Heidi was immeasurably glad to see her partner heading towards her, and by her quick assessment, he was relatively unhurt. The happy mood was cut short by the deafening sound of rounds impaling themselves into what was left of their car.

"There is about a brigade-sized terrorist group out there, and they all have AK-47s. We can't take them alone without the S.W.A.T or something, so I suggest getting out of here as soon as possible."

"I agree." Heidi replied, this time peeking out herself and squeezing off a few shots at the assailants. "Got any ideas of how?"
Dan fired off another shot, this time it was blind. The officer thought for a little, and then took in his surroundings. There was a crane moving some storage crates over the terrorists. It gave Dan an idea but all of sudden there was a scream and Dan stood up. A terrorist stabbed down at the agent and Dan caught the man's hand. Dan flipped the man over the car and bashed him onto the ground, stunning him. Then finally Dan snapped the terrorist's neck.

After a few seconds of regaining his focus, Dan turned to Heidi. He hope this plan would work, as it was the only way out.

"Alright Heidi. This may sound crazy, but do you see the crane holding the crate up there? If I shot the wire, it would crash down and block the terrorists from getting to us." Dan explained as he looked up at the crate. He shot, and the bullet pierced the steel coiled wire and the crate dropped, blocking the terrorists from getting to the two agents.

"Now is our chance, GO!" Dan told Heidi as they began to run across to another part of the street. Suddenly out of nowhere, a military helicopter exploded in a blinding flash of light, and it crashed into another building. Dan realized the terrible truth and opened his mouth to tell Heidi.

"Heidi... this isn't an act to strike fear in our hearts. These terrorists are invading the country!"
Heidi watched as her partner shot down the crate, which distracted the assailants enough for them to scurry across the street to safer venues. As she stopped to finally catch her breath, there was a blinding flash of light, accompanied by a deafening explosion.

She saw that Dan was trying to tell her something, but the explosion had masked the sound.

"What?" she repeated, pressing herself against a building and covering her ears as another aircraft disintegrated midair.

"The terrorists are invading the country!" he repeated.

Heidi was about to respond but instead cried out as a piece of debris struck her in the shoulder. The pain was white hot, but she knew she had to ignore it for now.

"This is too much for us to handle!" Heidi exclaimed, favoring her right shoulder. "We've got to get out of here completely!"
Daniel looked at Heidi and wondered what to do. She was right, this was too much to handle. At least for intelligence officers. They had to get out of here, but how?

Think Daniel, think! If your father was in the situation... what would he do?, thought Daniel. It seemed as if they were doomed. Then the CIA officer spun around fired his gun, which connected into a terrorist's face.

"I'm not sure we will be able to get out of here," Daniel said to Heidi. However, almost on Que, a helicopter circled through the city and began to fire on the terrorists. Once the flying vehicle cleared a path for itself, Daniel heard a voice. It was a British accent, most likely from London.

"Oi! You! Get on the helicopter, we're taking you to Washington D.C., it is the only place that hasn't been attacked other than Alaska and Texas! Get on!" the British female exclaimed. Daniel jumped onto the helicopter and extended his hand out to Heidi, and pulled her up.

"We're in!" Daniel told the pilot. The pilot nodded and they took off.
Heidi settled herself into the leather seat of the helicopter, thankful to be able to catch her breath. The confusion on the ground was a stark contrast to the calming humming of the motor. Slipping on the headset

she said to the two others, "DC should only be a few minutes by chopper, no?"

Dan didn't answer her, apparently lost in his thoughts or in shock. She touched his shoulder gently.

"You alright?"
Dan looked at Heidi, who was focused. Maybe they did have hope. Something wasn't right here, not at all. There is absolutely no way the Taliban could have infiltrated America. The country had doubled its defense.

"I'm okay, just, trying to piece it together. It doesn't make any sense. DC should be coming up soon." Dan said.

The British lady turned to both of the agents. "The moment we heard about the attacks, we came directly to help. Anything for an ally." she said. Dan smiled.
"I'm glad we're not alone." Heidi said to the British woman.

She saw the tall white peak of the Washington Monument come into view, and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her shoulder still hurt, her hair was singed, and both of them were covered in a gritty film of soot and fine dust.

"We look like hell." she remarked to Dan, chuckling. "I hope we're not going to have to see anyone important."

The chopper dipped slightly to the left, and when she looked out the window, her jaw almost hit the floor.

"Uh, Dan? Why are we about to land on the White House's front lawn?"
Dan felt gravity go up as they descended. The lawn was lush and green, as usual. Then Dan saw Heidi's concern. She was asking why they were landing, and Dan wanted to know to. Maybe the air base was destroyed and they couldn't land there- he realized what was happening.

"TAKE OFF! They planted mines here-" before Dan could finish his sentence, a circular disc shot up around the chopper and exploded, tearing off the tail, blades, and sending the vehicle flying.

When Dan came to, everything was ablaze around him. However this time he wasn't damaged, and got up to see that they were near the Capital Building.
Heidi called out weakly to her partner.


He came over to her, helping her to her feet. She noticed they were near the Captial Building.

"Let's go inside." she suggested on a whim. "Too much confusion out here. We need to make a plan."
Dan looked at the capital building and then looked back at Heidi.

"I agree. I need to check something first." he said. Then he walked over and squeezed through the broken helicopter. The British woman and the two pilots were dead.

"They're dead. Let's go." Dan told Heidi. Then he took off towards the capital building. All of a sudden there was a blinding flash of light, and a helicopter crashed into the Capital. After the crash, Congressman and Senators were rushing out in panic.

"That isn't safe either. What do we do?" Dan asked Heidi.

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