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Fandom Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria


underwater gem
Hello? H-hello? Well, chances are, if you're hearing this, you've made a very bad career choice!

Whenever we start the RP, its 3 PM on a Friday afternoon.

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"Ow! Yikes!" Chica cried out as she snapped her head around, staring at the toddler painfully. Despite her staring at him, he still continued to pull her tail roughly.

"Sorry, pal! You can't touch the animatronics! We get a bit scared somet-" She began the usual speech she gave out several times a day, but the child quickly became uninterested and rushed away. She sighed and began handing out plates of pizza to eager kids. Usually, her mind revolved around work. Satisfaction of the customers always came first, but today was groggy.

"Chica, do a dance!" A couple of small children ordered as they bounced on their feet. She began twirling in circles and giggling, occasionally making stupid faces at the amused toddlers. She dropped to her knees and waved her hands, letting out a fierce "ta-da!!" before returning to work.

As Chica piled up plates from the last party, she began mumbling to herself. "It's so weird, today just doesn't feel real. I'm usually so eager to dance, so why not today? Hm." She mumbled as she began rushing plates to the animatronics that were cleaning in the kitchen. As she walked by, she passed Foxy near the cove. Of course, no child dared to linger near him for his mangled appearance. "Hey! Hey Foxy! PST!" She whispered excitedly as she adjusted her grip on the stack of plates. "Foxyyy!!"
At the call from Chica, Foxy bit his lip and began to wring his hands nervously. The animatronic always interested Foxy, she made him feel as if he wasn't as disgusting as he looked, like he could be loved, despite his appearance. It was strange, to put it frankly, how the two became friends. Foxy shook his head and smiled playfully recalling the memory: It was one of the first days of the restaurants opening, and Foxy had no friends. He had always been the odd one out, never seeming to be able to connect to the other animatronics or children. It was a question that always lingered in Foxy's mind, "Why am I even here if no one likes me?" Thoughts of self-hatred loomed over him for a few weeks, resulting in the fox sawing off his right hand, leaving the wires hanging from the metal, ready to plummet his exposed arm into the kitchen sink. Chica had always been a server and handled the dishes, and by a stroke of fate, ran into Foxy at that moment. A shriek echoed from her petite form as she enveloped Foxy in a hug, drawing him away from the sink. From then on, Foxy had a hook and the two animatronics were very close.

Foxy stuck his head out from the Cove, smiling bashfully. "Oh, um, hey Chica. How's work and, uh, stuff?"
Chica instantly averted her eyes from his gaze, her face hinting embarrassment. This quick movement caused the plate at the top of the stack to slip and shatter on the floor.

"Oh, darn it! Not again!" She whined quietly, attempting to balance her plates in one hand and sweep with the other. "Oh, w-well, it's work, I guess!" She responded, her voice laced with distress. "Oh, jeez. Foxy, I'd hate to ask for help but these plates are really heavy, can you bring them to the kitchen for me?"

The sound of Freddy on stage increased her anxiety. "Everyone, let's call for Chica. 1, 2, 3! Ohhhh Chiiiicaaaaaa~!"

"I could really use your help." She pleaded, quickly switching her gaze from Foxy, to the shards of glass, to the hallway that lead backstage.
Foxy's chest swelled at the opportunity to show his "man hood" for Chica. Stalking down from Pirate Cove, he took the plates from Chica, avoiding the shards on the floor.

God these are heavy. Foxy thought to himself, although he didn't allow himself to physically she his thoughts.

Shrugging slightly he stated to the beautiful animatronic in front of him, "Hey, no problem, I-I guess." Foxy scowled inwardly at the faltering of his voice. "Good luck out there, um, only a couple hours left."

On that note, Foxy quickly spun of his heel and rushed to the kitchen, hoping to get back to the protection of the Cove quickly.
Chica grinned and quickly swept at the plate with her tail, cradling the glass and dashing off.

"This isn't too smart." She muttered, feeling the glass slowly digging in to her. By the time she passed a trash can, she had a few wounds on her inner arms. Foxy was good with repairs, so she'd talk to him about it after her show time.

"Hey kids!" She yelled as she pounced on stage, grinning widely as the kids cheered. She began dancing with the children off stage and singing in harmony with Freddy, trying her hardest to conceal her wounds. She began handing out slices of pizza as she sung, her smile slowly dropping. Exhaustion plagued her, and she informed Freddy that she was taking a break as she dragged herself towards Pirates Cove.
Sighing contently to himself, Foxy settled into Pirate's Cove waiting for his friend to return. "I love her." the remark easily rolled from his punctured lips. Foxy's jagged teeth had a habit of ending up poked into his bottom lip, an action used to calm his nerves most of the time.

Anyway, Foxy couldn't see how the love could possibly be requited in a non-platonic way, so he could never disclose the information to Chica. Not yet, anyway.

Sighing again, the fox poked his head out between the curtain, seeing if his friend was den with pleasing the vast amount of children the restaurant was filled with. Lucky for him, Chica was slowly approaching. A look of concern etched itself onto Foxy's face as he swathe matted and red inner parts of Chica's arm. Slowly, he exited the Cove and met her half way.

"Chica?" he asked, grabbing her left arm gingerly, trying not to injure the tender skin even more, "What happened to you?"
Chica fluttered her eyes and slowly dropped to her knees, leaning against the wall of the cove. "Nuthin." She yawned, curling up and extending her arm for Foxy to investigate. "Ran with glass, got a bit nasty. Can you fix it?" She asked, curling in to a tighter ball on the floor. As he held her arm, she began talking like nothing had even happened. "Freddy said that someone spilled water on Bonnie and that he's been acting funky. I meant to stop by and see if he was okay, but I never did. I guess I can always do it later. But, that means I have to work kitchen and the show stage and the dining area. I don't know how I'm going to do it." She mumbled to her friend. Her dress slowly shifted upwards as she wiggled uncomfortably, revealing more and more of her underwear as time moved on.
Foxy's lip reentered into the hold of his teeth as the sight of Chica became overwhelmingly arousing. Was she doing it on purpose? She had to be, right? His thoughts ran circles around in his mind until nothing made sense anymore, he knew he had to say something before things got too awkward.

"Well!" Foxy cried, abruptly standing, "I can patch you right up, Chica! I think I have some extra thread in the Cove? And, um, well, I guess maybe you could take a nap? You do look pretty tired." A blush fell to Foxy's cheeks as e took in Chica's form yet again, letting his eyes slowly rake up her body.

Jesus Christ. He thought, shaking his head, trying to rid his mind of impurities.
Chica rose to her feet slowly and slipped the curtains to the cove back, entering without hesitation. She plopped to the ground again and curled up, not noticing her dress hiking up again. Her arm throbbed as she held it out again, using her spare hand to yawn. "Freddy also said that tomorrow, someone requested you for a party. Isn't that cool? It's been a while since you've been requested for a party. I'll be serving, so it should be fun, right?" She said, trying to lighten the mood. She couldn't help but place her hand over her mouth as she yawned again. "I think Freddy might like me. He invited me to come to his room after hours to plan on tricking the night guard, but he seemed like he had impure intentions, if you know what I mean."
Foxy's eyes iced over at Chica's words. Freddy likes Chica? My Chica?! No, I forbid it. Play it cool, Foxy. Play it cool. The thoughts rushed around earning an exasperated sigh from the male.

Ignoring Chica's comment on the party, Foxy skipped to what was important, "Freddy, huh? Liking you? Th-that's pretty cool, Chica, what do you think about him?" the words that fell from his mouth raised a nervous octave towards the end. Luckily, Foxy was facing away from Chica in order to find the spare needle and thread, so the blush sprawled across his face was masked.
Chica sat up and stretched, clicking her tongue a little as she did so. "Well, I like him. Not like that, but he's always been really nice to me and doesn't yell at me when I show up late. Bonnie yells. A lot." She approached him and hugged him from behind. "You seem a little upset, though. You're all hot, n'stuff. Are you sick?" She asked, squishing her face in to his back as she spoke. "Are you still mad at Freddy?" Last week, Freddy had pushed her off stage in a fit of rage and snapped her beak. Foxy was able to fix it, but was less than pleased about it. "It was totally an accident, yknow."
Foxy tensed up even more at the close proximity of the two animatronics. "Chica, he pushed you off a stage. Things like that aren't accidents!" he cried, his voice dripping with venom. "And, well, what are you gonna do, meet up with him even though he has 'impure intentions'?" Finally finding the needle and thread, Foxy turned and faced Chica. "Alright, let's get you fixed."
Chica pouted and backed away from him, staring at the ground as she prodded at her wounds. "Well, people deserve the benefit of the doub, Foxy. He's totally fine. I think you're overreacting." She told him, trying to act tough. It was difficult to act tough when she was a foot shorter than him. As he worked on her arm, she continued to ramble. "Even if his intentions might be impure, I can tell him no or something. You never know."
Foxy scoffed at the Chica's defending of the bear. "He pushed you off of the stage. It took two hours to fix your beak, Chica. He obviously has no self control, maybe he won't take 'no' for an answer!" he cringed at how tough he was being on Chica and a sigh followed. "I'm sorry, it's just, thinkig about what he could do to you, I just.. I can't handle it, okay?"
Chica blushed, tapping her feet together anxiously. "I-I mean, thank you for the consideration. But I think I can handle it." She told him quietly. Suddenly aware of how close they were, she jerked backwards while trying to keep her arm still. "I know he gets mad, but you can't blame him. It must be stressful being him. I just wish I got as many breaks as he did." She said dreamily. She rarely got a break. "Hey, can you hurry up? Freddy said he wanted me to close and were closing in about 10 minutes. Sorry if that seemed rude or anything." All of a sudden, she felt really bad for Foxy.
Foxy looked up, startled, from Chica's sudden movements as he pulled the final thread through her arm.

"Sorry, I'm done." he stated with a defeated expression on his face, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. Foxy had really come out of his shell today, arguing his point with Chica, and all. However, he could feel himself becoming a recluse.

Backing away from the bird, Foxy cleared his throat before speaking again, "I'll... I'll, um, see you a-around. Have fun," he couldn't meet Chica's gaze.

Hoping to end the awkward situation he was now in, Foxy turned the other way, trying to make it seem as if he was busy with something other than thinking of what Freddy was going to do to his beloved.

His hands will be all over her! the voice in Foxy's head cried out tauntingly. She'll never love you, only Freddy! You're not good enough, and you never will be!

Exasperated, Foxy ran his hands through his matted hair, trying to distract himself from the awful words of his own mind.
Chica grinned, too naïve to see that he was upset. "Thanks! You're too great." She told him, poking him in the arm as she rushed off. She stopped at the main office, collected the keys to the building, and began scanning around the restaurant for any unlocked doors. After 15 minutes of cleaning, locking, and turning off lights, she finally felt satisfied with her work. Just as she was about to head back to her room, she was interrupted by a large animatronic, who blocked her path.

"F-Freddy, is that you?" She asked, squinting in the dark carefully. She could make out a vague silhouette, but nothing sharp enough for her to definitely say it was her bear companion. It was shaped somethjng similar to a cat. The animatronic let out a low growl before quickly grabbing her wrist and dragging her along. Its movements didn't seem as fluid as the rest of the animatronics, they seemed very choppy.

"H-Hey! What are you doing? Let me go! This isn't funny! Hey! Help!"

The phone guys voice began to echo through the quiet building. "Hello? H-Hello? Well, as always, congrats on making it one more night, sport! Must be rewarding. Y'know, morally.... Anyway, the manager wanted me to let you know that they're trying out this new weird animatronic tonight. No details, they said, also mentioned something about it being no threat but a bit hostile towards others. Be sure to avoid that thing, okay? From the pictures I've seen, looks nasty. Eugh. Anyway, check those cameras and if you see him near the other animatronics, just make a little note of any damage he does. Alright, good night."
I hate everyone. Foxy thought, pouting on a stool he had propped up behind the curtains of his hideout. Because of Chica's actions, Foxy was ready for a night of wallowing in self pity. I mean, the only person that had ever been able to bring joy into the fox's miserable life was deserting him to spend time with an over-hyped bear. Why is Freddy the mascot of the restaurant, anyway? I'm just as great as him! Foxy thought, crossing his arms, but the taunting voice was coming back...

Hahaha! No you're not! You can't even entertain a child for five minutes without it running away. You're disgusting and mangled, no one will ever want or love you. Jus give up already. No one cares, not even Chica. You're a slave to false hope.

Foxy let a low growl emanate from deep in his throat as the thoughts continued to repeat over and over. He didn't understand why these words had to torment him, why he loathed himself so much. Nights like these Foxy could only think about his love for Chica, however he was starting to second guess himself. Why should he love Chica when she's just going to run off to Freddy, someone that literally shoved her off a stage.

A loud scream entered Foxy's thoughts, disrupting the chaos in his mind. Quickly standing to attention, he cocked and eyebrow and tilted his head. That sounded like Chica...
Jadewoof said:
Chica rose to her feet slowly and slipped the curtains to the cove back, entering without hesitation. She plopped to the ground again and curled up, not noticing her dress hiking up again. Her arm throbbed as she held it out again, using her spare hand to yawn. "Freddy also said that tomorrow, someone requested you for a party. Isn't that cool? It's been a while since you've been requested for a party. I'll be serving, so it should be fun, right?" She said, trying to lighten the mood. She couldn't help but place her hand over her mouth as she yawned again. "I think Freddy might like me. He invited me to come to his room after hours to plan on tricking the night guard, but he seemed like he had impure intentions, if you know what I mean."
(Hey can I join?)

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